Read Advertising LuttfHt Store News Always A ppears in the Argus Millsbori W it h W l i ich I . it VOLUME 41 S ta te C a p ito l N e w s L e tte r Il Y A INDU E (,' K 'lire e ( 'u n d u la te s foi City Budget Shows Small Levy Boost Governor in Hot Rae«' fo r V otes In cr ea se d V a lu a tio n C a u se s D e c r e a s e o f .1 M ill in s C A II .'M I)l. < »Minting th e |M»lltl« al .»i me inula lx mg put out by th e M -veiul ( a t n p u ig n liediu putrU T » hi an e ffo r t to I n flu e n c e th e w a v ­ T a x e s fo r 1935 'o , is : Good Printing I ■ 11 iil» b o r o In d e p e n d e n t f ornim i» The Argus Gives Q u a lity Service at Fair Prices JIILkSKOKO, OREGON, TJILKSDAY, OCTOBER IX, 1934 > Safety campaign Seeks Observance of Road Signals Failure to observe signs and sig­ nals. the traffic law violation u n ­ der empliusU during the current two -week period of tlu- statewide •'Let's Quit Killing” drive Is a major of ac< identz. solely be­ cause ol negligence on the p art ol motorists, according to traffic a u ­ thorities City, county and staU police, tlie Oregon Btate Motor a Noclatlon. I* T A and other groups are sponsoring the campaign The motor Lst wiio fails to »low down when warned by a “curve” or “crossroad” sign Is usually court­ ing trouble, declare John Bcakey. state- highway dep artm en t truffle cnglm-er, who has supervised pin/ Ing of markers along O re g o n h ig h ­ way--» Roadside warnings are placed after a thorough study of the haz­ ards involved B> .«key pointed out and the motorists who fails to h e e l their warning may find h m- sclf sitting on a rock picking the windshield out of hi» face Oregon . road *de warnings u n ­ identified in five general classifica- tlon.-. by their shajx-s. Square Mgns. .such a.Y "Men W orking.” “Scliool Zone and “Cross Road, m , „ “Cau ion.” D iamond-shaped sigi ,n meat ".Slow.” These Include *‘Curv< and •R-Curve,” “Narrow Bridge D o sc G ravel.” and other lndicj !>IU i of conditions requiring r< d speed All octagon signs a lop signs, used u t ln t rsectlons Uh main highway» or through is. ihulroad < rossirg warnings ound. and direction luid re- siri l<»n sign*, such a . “No Park- in and "Drinking W ater Ahead.' iuar ar Registration for County/ Shows Loss R e p u b lic a n s S in c e L ose S tr e n g th P rim a r ies W h ile D e m o c r a ts G a in ' Have a Hobby? Show it H ere ! i . ' | ■ 1 j I I i ' I I • I j you have a hobby? If you will want to participate In the Hillslxiro hobby show to be held a t the Hillsboro union high school November 3 under the auspices of tlie Rotary club. Ribbons will be awarded tlie winners. Doors will be opi-n U) the public at 8 pm . Classifications are stamps. coins, miscellaneous and sp* - clals with divisions as fol- lows: Seniors for high school students; juniors for Junior high pupils, and beginners for grade school students up to junior high. A dinner f o r Rotarians. their wives and th e exhibi- tors w’ill be served by tlie domestic science class. Com- mittee include» C. T Rizh- ardson. T. G Bronleewe and W. Verne McKinney. NO. 36 Bank Plans Corn Show on Saturday F ifth A nnual County Farmers Turn Down Plan Hog Adjustm ent County signers of hog contracts turned down the Idea of a corn- hog aduxtm ent program for 1935 by a two to one vote and the prin­ ciple of one adjustm ent program for both grains and livestock by a five to one vote th is week. The Martin Cites Value "New Deal” Tieup 4 - H E v en t proa ml D e m o c r a tic C a n d id a te T e lls programs, Is believed to have been to be H e ld in L ob by o f the cause of opposition in the coun­ I-ocal G rou p o f C o n ta cts ty, according to William P. Cyras, C o m m er cia l N a tio n a l w ith A d m in istr a tio n county agent. Meeting for the purpose of bal- i lotlng on two questions sent o u t ; by the agricultural adjustm ei ering voter» the fulxM'iiai• rial eon m inistration were held In three te t. a t this .stage, les» th an three parts of the county this week with ■ week* before election. can la- Mild a total of 86 contract signers vot­ M a jo r ' to have develop'd into a real horse City M a n a g e r R ep orta S ta tu s P re cin ct S t r e n g t h M a n y E n tra n ts A n tic ip a te d ing, | about 30 per cent of the total. C o n g r essm a n O ffe r s S e lf as rat e with the three leader» coining ; The questions subm itted were: First P a r tisa n s L isted H e r e fo r P o p u la r C o n test o f M u n ic ip a l C o n d itio n s down the home stretch In a neck- C itize n , N ot P a r tisa n 1 —Do you favor an adjustm ent pro­ and-nevk finish gram dealing with com and hogs | While there 1» a lot of talk to la- in 1935? Second—Do you favor a Continued Increase In th e relative , F ifth annual Commercial Ni heard tut to the gains made by the T h at the future exacting demands I-roi»» •d Hillsboro levy for 1935 strength of lh<' democratic p art, al bank corn show, a count! ty 4-H contract per farm dajustm ent pro­ of Oregon on the federal govern­ .M-vci iU candidate» any unprejudiced wa.s set ut $27.450. an Increase of gram dealing with grains and live­ in Wa ihlngton county Is evidenced club event which has in sed in analysis of the situation must take approximately $:»<><> over that of ment for flood control, work relief, by registration figures for tlie gen­ popularity and interest each year, stock to become effective In 193«? irrigation and public building pro­ cognizance of th e fact th a t these 1934, as a result of estimate* pre- eral election released this week by Ballot on the first question in jects mas« it necessary th a t the claim» come from Un- partisans of pared Tuesday evening by the city Edward C. Luce, county clerk. Both th e various camps and th at the budget of the local bank, according to L. E. the co inty showed -8 farmer.'. In state keep In close contact with the committee. However, the m ajor camps, .‘ how losses from the Francis, assi '.ant county ;ent. favor of such a program and 58 present national adm inistration was g reat inaatt of voter». whom- bullot» tax w ill !»• decreased from 10 ft mill» peak of 1932, due to further dis- Prizes totalin $60 and rib b o n , will opposed. The second question found t Jie declaration of Congrt -sman will decide the «sue, are yet to a , pi 4 mills due to an increiue of qualification of voters but the dem- approximately $40.000 over l a s t be awarded to winner;, of the 11 persons favorable and 72 op- Charles H. M artin, democratic can- be heard from. '« rats have gained approximately pi of It tug by the strategy which year in tlu- assessed valuation on event which was started in 19 j >' posed. Vote a t th e three county d ija te tor governor, Monday a t the four per cent since the primaries by the Commercial National bank, meetings were as follows: Forest ifx:ai f j^unlAT of commerce. He brou d d abeut the eleventh liour property within the city limits while the Republicans have lost one P ro p o sed T a x to b e $ 5 7 ,4 0 0 ; swing” t<> Dunne in the primary Total of 61 county 4-H club Grove Monday: First, no 20. yes jx.uited out th a t he emoyed the Estimated expenditures for lx»th and a half per cent In the sa w ' members enrolled for the pro ject 10: •second, no 27, yes 3 Hillsboro, confidence of the president con- campaign and resulted in his i-,< m- g< neral o|x*ratlons and obligations S a m e a s P a st T w o Y e a r s period. this year but several fileds were r ;esday. F irst, no 29, yes 10, sec- gre.ssmen and officials and was In lllatlon the republicans have been for the coining year were set at due to unfavorable weather °nd. no 32. yes 7. Sherwood. Wed- a position to gain recognition for concentrating upon a "beat Zim ­ $30.500, of which $19.572 will lx* set Dotal county registration a t the conditions and the number of ex- nesday: First, no 9, yes 8: second, the state. time jx»ll bunt from outstanding 4-H club .in u trict — —. in ... the .... «Ute . . to . f a w . . der the Roosevelt lor two years, years, according ^ y th e _tank .b n ^ tu d ^ q j r e s t i o ^ ^ ^ c o r d l n g j o X , ¿ before X e M artin election in 1932. Republican regis­ M artin suffered a »lump from hl» sulting from the fact th a t antici­ lor the the past past two according ^ » P g t u u r e h a w s o v d m wui«. each e ai.i year y.a- « ...........—- £ ^ n s S im T o i incomes from wholesale trations total 10.455 this year, a ■o the district budget prepared last an d distributed to members enter- Cyrus, who declared th a t the com - high popularly of th e early cam pated a '- Public hearing for di« usslon mg the project for the coming year, belt states werA signifying their i n X t o e r »164,000,- lots of 19', per cent from 1932. ■ paign now in .si th at the tide haa vehicle licrw eb were not included investments under * . Frizes Listed ? re! ? n s 2 ^ while tlie democratic total am ounts of th e budget estim a te s h a s been due to litigation over ordinances kcduled November 6 at the union First prize in the contest con- »HI ¿'aveJltU e' effect o n /th e final netting in toward the general Zim ­ similar to th a t In HilUboro. Re­ Have you entered tlie "Ix t's Quit to 4895 a loss of 4 ', per cent from high school auditorium . of a scholarship to the annu- decision, he thinks. >^ ^ p e r l T S u w t d w a T o b u X d merman, except for an (xcaslonal ceipts were set up a.» $3050, leaving Killing" Jingle contest? Seven cash 1932 R egistrations prior to the E stim ated expenditures listed in al 4-H club sum mer school a t Cor- If a new adjustm ent program to ^ X T t l i o « ^ ? t o e eftorts o r 3^ ^ rand »in shot a t both of th e regular the balance to lx- raised by tax a­ prizes are offered for the beat four- primary election this year were fsuty nominee», continues to p ad ­ tion a ’ $27.4.50. for the present school '»Ills and »5 to cover the trans- proposed, it will call for benefit ^tor C h a ria s L McNarv and hlm- line verses expressing traffic w arn­ 10 644 lor Republicans and 4726 for the .r budget total »72.900 and estim ated portation cost Second prize is «10. paym enu on both com and hogs r X L lo S n . ' dle his own canoe with an occa­ ings in a humorous vein, sim ilar Democrats Millage Iteduced O ther Groups Stable receipts a t »15.500. leaving a bal- th ird prize $5. fourth to tw elfth »'ith paym ents lower on hogs a n d , u-cvrauig w marvin. sional helpful shove from such to Uie time-worn "Here lies t h e W lk'i fund levy Tlu- 1934 gc:nerni "New Deal" Supported jContinued on page 12.colama l l otlwr well known ' progressives ' iu . R egistrations of minor parties re- ante to be raised by special school prizes »3 and tw e,fth prize $1. Rib- IB ft mills on a valuation of $1.- body of William Jay: he died T h at he was irrevocably tied tip Sain Brown and Willis M;dionc\ m aintaining his right of way E n ­ mauied approx.inateiy the sam e as district tax of »57 400. Both expense b°hs signifying the en tran ts piac- 633.54:1 81 raising »28 953 47. U < •- to the "New Deal" was M artin's Unbl;ui«xl political opinion Is tries should be mailed to this p a ­ for the prim ary election. Relative and income items show a very mg In the scoring of the exhibits city cording to Greorge McGee. declaration. He held th a t th e “New pretty well agreed th a t Just at this per or to tlie Oregon S tate Motor strengths are as follows: Progres- slight increase over those for l a s t , wU1 als° be awarded. D. C. Smith. Deal’’ was the greatest issue before Juncture the three candidate?, will manager. Tlie proposed 1935 levy association a t Portland. The con­ Mvc 6 Prohibition 36. Socialist 49 year. assistant agronom ist a t the state Is 1C 4 mill» on u valuation of the people today, th at state policies run a very close race In tla- out- college, will serve as Judge. and miscellaneous 365. test closes October 31. u. Indebtedness of the district has must follow those of the national state counties with victory going (1.673,783 81 to raise »27 450. Club members entering th e con­ ITe-election registration was light r(xluced from »210.000 th e pre- New Items in tlie budget In­ government and th a t the state to tlie candidate who can come out test will be guests of the bank a t a thls year, according to Luce. He should, therefore, sit close to the to ^ th e luncheon glven by lhe auxU- of M ultnomah county with a p lu r­ clude sinking funds of »1000 and also stated tlia t a num ber of re- »500 for the city park and city hall federal adm inistration. These re- ality So evenly ruatcJicd are tlie bonds, respectively, and a »500 publican voters liad changed their j)ucj,,e[ Bonded indebtedness was iary of the Hillsboro Grange. O ther three principal contender* for Uie . guests will include seed dealers of R e p u b lic a n s to M e et L o c a lly marks were made by the candi registrations to democratic reduced »6500, the total for this fund for anticipated d a u in answ er to adverse criticism gubernatorial m antle tliat the de- Helative strength ol the t w o * Seing ,133.£o i T compared X ~ ^ e s neiau v e su fo r S essio n O c to b e r 2 9 9 0 lhat fae had taJked much cialon hinge» largely on Uie breaks SERA work in tlie city. es in the various pre- Wlth J140 000 the previous year. oi the banlt representatives of the Members of the committee which -------- "New Deal" in his campaign. th a t can be expected to develop cbicts are as follows with Republl- W a r r a n te d I n d e b te d n e s s h a s b e e n Ore8°n S tate college faculty and .a n registrations first and demo- , ’ »70.000 to »42.050, fis^ a • ™ staff — members. , . , „ ™ In the final days of the cam paign conferrrd with the council in pre- ~ - extension — - , "New Deal ” has placed hu- cratic .second North Aloha 222. ducUon o( »27960 1 ' ' The com show has grown in 1m- ' i man rights tUx>v* “ litah r«8h ts. has Senator Brown s mystery speech paring the budget were J W ," 7 ' , portance each year so th a t at pres- to ¡ ^ n g e m e r ^ com- placed above th e dollar lx no longer a mystery Wliatever Bailey, C harles Walker, J H O ar- J u ry A w a r d s D a m a g e s in 94. Southeast Aloha 225.170, South- duction of . * (27950. ucfctsw coA.ii jc a i ao viiav <*$■ p»co- — el«- may have been deduced from Wt, Ix-stcr Ireland. R. W Well and west Aloha 149 , 80: Banks 215, 134: w e ent time the seed from th e 4-H Pleted last nJ gh£ , by th e central the country out ®t Various bugeted expense items are A u to A c c id e n t C a se Brown's broadcast lie made 11 quite lb*. J. O Robb. Full details oi the North Beaverton 240. 97; South *® follows: general control »2555, corn fields j ^ a ready m arket com m ute a t the Tigard meeting a t- condition of collapse to the edge Clear th a t lie is tail supporting the city budget arc printed on another -------- Beaverton 300, 160; Blooming 163. »uPe’’*Jslon »1800. teaching *18,815, among the seed dealers and com tended by approxim ately 200 per- , of a great prosperity, M artin stated republican candidate. Except to P*ufc of tills Issue of tlie Argus Sentence of two term s of three 40, Buxton 119 86; la? ‘ P ow ers of th e state. Total of 36 He R elaxed th a t It had been his flay Dunne and his legislative rec- l*ubllc hearing on the, b u d g t is years each In the stab- jienitentiary Cedar Mill 275, 127; Cherry Orove ln ce . ,n d . _r2 pairs I 85?' aux.11,iSf; clubbers enrolled in the con- and county officers -TX>ke a t Tigard good fortune to work under this 8 to run 4 concurrently meted «'V out i 4 75. Connell 176. « 38; N orth Cor- age'‘cles »14.<00. fixetl charges lhe flrst while —— the pres- *nd are expected for the program governm ent 18 m onths and to help oed. liowrver, the G ervais form er set ‘ * for “ the “ evening of ‘ November ‘ lA.» »IS»» C»1»V 1*4 I t llll) were »»44V iUVIAAi •». » 67; » • . _— aa a»»», -I H .4 sagvV - L, - »1300. — a» 11____ a——. _ year j 1 <«• _____ . ew _ , avveava* v-w« PgrvtQI A lltlau CUfMI artH __a — ___ m___ -a_ r - - — I-«-- . did not endorse either of the o t h e r Thai _______ ________ ___ . . . . . „ S Blakeway. alia» Jack _____ __________________ Uw city weathered the ___ de- u, . Henry nelius ___ 128. , 73; South Cornelius ___ 170. _ and det>t 8erv" ent enrollm ent is 61. Twenty-eight ne£S in the formulation and enactment T h a t Oregon must pay as it goes of the pobeies of the administra­ exhibitors entered the first show c.uidldatew and both M artin ami prrxslon with flying colors was oison of Morehead Minn.. Fndav «5. Dilley' 124. 45: N ortheast For- 4<* »28.080. was the declaration of Joe E. Dunne, tion. Zlm m eniuui find a deal of en- the opinion of McGee In his report w(,rn j1P pjel,d guilty in the circuit 3(1 w e r e bills in congress and discussed the elected, would go into office u n ­ Edgar Rehse. E. L. Johnson and per» generally Interpret Uw speech refinancing of several Improved uwar(1,.(1 A lbertKFuells Tuesday action of the last legislature. He promised. He further declared th a t M. H. Stevenson. School board ax a raae of "«xu grapes" and In- properties atul paying to the city d £ u o r t ^ t c o ,« ^ T r ______ also predicted th a t the next con- ,M* wish to be govermx J members are William C C hristen- alst tluU It will react to D unnes »(¡900 principal and »1412 Interest. Vagrancy charges against A rthur 8ress would P““ somF ot ° ld : “ Was “eeessary to K° toto oKlce benefit, an Uie theory, doubtle». much of which was delinquent. L i t ^ g L i s t Henry and Fred Ulin. r ______ sen, chairm an, T. P. Goodin. H. E. (Continued on p w e 12. coin m a 1> Sherm an Mill company went in- Thompson. F. L Brown. John W Ramsey of Hillsboro were dismissed agF pension. Uiat In a political campaign _____ ____ of ________ ______ ■ Privilege n-bon.Ung wa.s ex- Young Fuchs sought ......... »25.000 . . . . . . gen- ... hands of receivers Tuesday K am na, and L. C. Lomax, clerk. Tuesday in th e local justice of peace O ther speakers included Mr. Say- ‘‘".‘.’i.M ' " . i . ' , . K’Ddrtl to other delinquent proper- Pral damages and »230 special rtnm- court xhile Jay W ard and Clarence ,or; representing Earl Snell. ran d l- Wlllis Molioney. mayor of Klam- n es llot subject to Home Owners ages for injuries Incurred in an os a result of a suit filed by Ed Dwyer. transients held on the same date for secretary of state; J. W. uUi Falls, also took to t i e air ixxui corporation loans with tlie re- auto accident M arch ’5 **1934 on ^I°yFr Ahd H erbert Camberg, mill during th e past week In a political 8U|, tjlnl many taxes and delin ' tl “ W i ' st S i J • P - a Ifi ' hi-J ’ ° n employes, on behalf of "n charge, received sentences of 20 Hughes of Forest Grove and J. O. 80 ™ out of broodcaal which can be lnter|ire4e ,..r« sn n tw .. a .n /' t^'c »'orkers employed by the days In the county jail. The men Johnson of Metzger, candidates for near Roamers' Rest Another dam- mill. The company Is facing the were arrested Sunday in connec- state representative; H. D. K erk- only os an endorsem ent of Uie n ie city now has »10.000 of re- tion with the alleged th eft of con- “J?11- commissioner; and Fred Sew- Zlmniennaui candidacy Mahoney bonded properties, which bonds will court brought by Mrs Eugenie H d‘u l«r r of insolvency because of Hilhi band has m ade considerable a poiitical p,. M(ld tll<. nuirk(, and applied S the U l m e r r ? X s -------------- NRA price-fixing, the complaint al- densed milk from the C arnation e11' coroner. R. F ran k Peters of propounded . • . | . " ■ "" * ”" — ' - — a 44« lie» 4»9'4»4*4r»4 44 1« L llilll 1C. «/I44 47X7» 4X1 »n Regional conference of th e Red growth over last year. Members condensery. Hillsboro, a candidate for circuit platform tore.*rartoKtate« flu’ em „ Sadie• Brisbme. Vesta “ --- ^ u --------- e m c e --------- T f toe «x £g dOh" Eldrid«F ' rom bon " " day a t th e Portland hotel, begin­ .. _ „ . . j, , . . evitable consequence of the fixing E lanage trombone, Tedd> tooi- tries from his cabin in a^ ° sP°^e- ernor take a stand. Inasm uch ns « « n ± R y H r « r r »nd enforoenuuit of said minimtuS £,a, r ,dner' O®«lon Bailey. Kanina Molly Leach. Eva O rtm an anz( G ardner. Gordon BaUey. Norman J r * ------------ ... j Rally planned at Beaverton Tues- ning a t 9 30 a. m. Fourteen coun­ tile progressive candidate is tlie Jam es Ton clrruit court M*® Hughes tlu- Sherm an mill, temporarily re- Foelker. melophone; Albert will speak on the luncheon pro- of Hills- Johannsen. Jr., . . . find . . . n lot of helpful | house n*'r here r n 111 t 8 n p. alleges th at she injured in —“— — --------- Fred O ---- * Bob » gram, ,’T'im his Hie txvrvi/» Lw'iriir "Today's •’TYkHn v’ft. m 1 easures will •’ in. Saturday, ™“ '‘™a.v. ac- ac- alleges m at sue was was injured in a straining it from selling under toe Grossen. baritone; rant. u a n ,pri here on a forgery topic being T ----- hree braved £.luU!enge the c U « . " u O u ther inform ation m 11»' official jiamph- < . ? r^?1llK Io a'liiounccnicnt by II R collision at Beaverton March 18 minim um code. As a result, some Grant., saxophones; A rthur K raus ...a. ,'tm ent ' Ls now in tail a t Ever- o imAc \ wiiinH . i ' young iTo" . children ----- rxf « «-naiienge to to m e n Red e a . vrues. i HpsfrnvnH thn Lwmo . . . ie . . be lets which are now being mailed I’l,ldll*.v of Cedar Mill, league presl- of this year. Jurors drawn for the »30.000 worth of lumber at NRA ***?. h o ,'L John Person. Francis w ash on a oettv larceny ? am es * l‘ch t’xzin°me ? speakers a t the conference will trial Include John W Price. Vesta prices or »23.000 In actual saleable Waiker. Howard Davis, Jack Cur- , ’ ‘ word received r o T '1 ®aker a t Cedar Mills eaH> Douglas Moore, head of Roll-Call out by the state departm ent. Tlie dent A debate on Uie 20-mlll tax Kamna, Julia Berggren. Fred Rood, m arket values ls tied up a t the JX. dronis. The band, directed by ° ~ Wednesday morning to re s c i- t h e , of paejf,,. Branch; A. L. Schof- only trouble is tluit the pamphlet baby- all er inaJiager of the llm ltatton am endm ent by g o o d Molly Leach, Andrew Bishop. Scott mill, according to the plaintiffs. Lynn Sherm an, will play a t many nere i-ocai au u io n u es expect t0 10 k _ k .. of the family. Practically .111 . Pacific Branch, . presents tlie claims of ull the major extradite th e m an. of the belongings of the family o f , o{ Mayor Car- Total indebtedness of the com- of th e football and basketball games candidates and both sides of the speakers and a general discussion Wolfe, Roy E. Hlerly. John Voelker, six were destroyed a n d there was throe measures to appear o n the of all measures on the ballot will Eva O rtm an. Robert K Wilson and panv am ounts to approximately tlds ye ar- no insurance on the house or fu rn - I ' Edna M. Davis. »18.000. of which about »12.000 is P erm anent program committee November bullot »0 th a t moat vot­ be on the program. ishings. The fire is belived to have Recognizing th a t t h e luture An Invitation is extended to all Verdict of not guilty was re- due in wages accrued during th e ",aa appointed by the student coun- ers after digesting Its exintents will been started by mice under a stair- strength of the Red Cross depends aneriuxm by toe past s slx m onths, the complaint cil last wet'k to Plan programs for lie os much a t sea as they were real property owners, w hether they tunlPd to a large degree upon the con- .K It. Between .......................... .. ) ve th e city or country lo be circuit court jury Impaneled to hear stated. I t also contended th a t all general assemblies. The committee before rending 435.OtK» VI uie company could «««»<•» 01 Neil « en ruenaiuson. World problems m ust be solved f * » » I n g machine, stove, dining creditors of toe consists of Richardson, vice- nnd ,ak' ‘ p art ln the dis- die trial of Louis B. Holt of Hills- c. a n d 45II.IKKJ 1 copies of tlie p am p h le t1 ? reRi be paid ln full from the assets if president, senior class; George Rice, through toe co-operation of all. de- a few chairs were saved 1 ‘toservices as well as greater 1 <'.'i.i 1 1 . 4, _ _ will be mailt il out depending upon 1 ,,ss|,,|is ...--------- - ---- K eith Potter Dastor of but a11 other contents of the house. Pu»uc participation in its acuvi- toe lumber ls marketed in an o r - 1 vice-president. Junior class; the new registrations which a r e the^* _ C entral Mettwdixt c h X h o delu d in g »60 ln wages and t h e ' iles' the conference has provided derly m anner nnd not throw n onto ----------- Husch. vice-president, sophomore t he C entral of now being compiled. ------ ........ ........ Portland m “ Methodist S ¿ church f o r e the °f the family were burned. >°r ™ J « ™ ' or ion 0.1 the market m forced soles as a re­ class; Peggy Ross, vice-president. freshm an class; Miss Elsie May Hillsboro R otary club Thursday. county Red Gross chapter, p lscusKio„„ ^ ¡ n a,, qv exDer sult of various employes filing la­ T entatlve budgets subm itted 1<> Cimino, faculty advisor. 1 He through Miss Rose Cave, disaster " U. by exper‘ bor liens on the lumber. He said said that. that. W W ashington’« ashington's advire advice committee the board of control by the state's chairm an, took immedi- 'enced, capable leaders. to avoid entangling alliances was An injunction restraining further eleven Institutions, covering needs W. F. Norman, president of the lawsuits w ithout court consent was all right in his day. but th a t now ate steps to assist t h e family lor the next biennium, total (4.435,- Vasily improved Hilhi grid eleven fake reverse from the Si'VCIl“ ViXTei granted and W. C. Christensen of we are living under entirely d if­ and to provide clothing. The house County Red Cross chapter, and 281 or nearly »1.800.000 more th an was owned by Mrs. R. B. Day of others from th e county will attend ferent conditions. the (2.648,854 approved by th e 1933 lilt Ils .Stride here Friday afternoon line after the locals had smashed jlinsU?«,“ m id ' Axel Ei'iekslni.‘‘"isiier i the meeting. h-glslitiure for to e cu rren t biennium. I “° Wn ° * 5 2 '""> '” ■» « « x is foreman, were If there Is international busi- Beaverton route 1. Approximately »925.01X1 of the ln- j *!’’ ,{ ¿7* 1™ « 5 named receivers by the court. E. J. Films explaining the federal h o u s -' f” *8’ m ust be international crease Is lu coonted for by new 1 ?1 „ro -^n sn n ,Hilhl oPcned ,h e second half Sherm an, president and managing lng adm inistration plan will be accord ng to Rev. Po ter. buildings to ncconmiiHlate Increased . * .. ■ ,io,l widix>l,inle i s l i d " llh n Paasln8 attack When this olflcer of toe company, gave Ills shown at three public meetings in " h o held th a t steps should be tak- populations. Inclusion of salaries [ '„„¡'„¡W ,,11,,/v ' fa i*ed to cllck ior. “ •s‘',>r<’. the lo- consent to the appointm ent of the —............... Hillsboro November 5, according to en to build Instrum ents for the a sparkling running attack that cals resorted to the old S tatue of receivers, and wages a t th e base rale mid • lilted , j I11 scores MWrs in 1 wxird received this morning by V. preservation of peace. American, i n ' play nnd Holscher raced soaring commodity costs which ore I while .. a ..._i........ i..»___ stopped .i,„ > I w - G ardner, committee chairm an. his opinion, has a splendid oppor­ vicious defense the Liocny 18 yards for an o th er touehdow •• , reflected I n Increased operating visitors’ offensive cold. Tomorrow Ho)scher Pictures showing the financial plan tunity to be a leader in the hew aC()rC(1 ngaln ft f,.w nun COLLEGE NEWS SERVICE— refinancing although land bank cost account for th e rem ainder of i („ m,. ............................. ................. . ...... -t- shown a c.u t the .... chamber of roatl to peace. Rev. C harles M. _ ______ * will be Hie billiget Increase n, . ... /» A U utos inter ll>lcr from the etglit-ynrd eight-yard line A? . utes College News Service— F urther loans were once approved, while commerce luncheon, builders and Rced was the chairm an. I with the The stole hospital for the insane M‘«Jnv •'<• “ stilimi after tlie lixals had advanced the progress in farm refinancing and numerous other cases are in more •est Grove 12 to baU from (Jm, Ncwber_ 2], in In rf. )1, t)nn a t Salem has presented a budget ‘ ‘ t o r ‘ s t Glove .a w ball froin th<1 Newberg| debt-adjustm ent was registered dur- difficult situations. A special com- Installation of the W ashington afternoon, and a special program W a ln u t G r o w e r s to M eet calling for a total of »1.548,050 or 1 ll,sl *'1I<' « o r e from the S ^ ’S e ? ' J T t o e league; eludes $100,000 for a new fire- entire defense for Jam es Say and S W Melhuisli — total for Oregon since May 1933 rnent of farm credit agencies and proof dining ixxim and hospital. Hilhi turned on toe lient with a 12-yard D e m o c r a tic C en tr a l UP U) 5 688 low* ior H 5,193,000. .serVicea down to the present Farm ________________________________ .. HUht line 'scored nine touchdowns treasurer o i’T h i^ r tla .t o The 1935-3(1 budget of the E astern j vengeance in the second and third H illsb o r o M en S ta rt C o m m itte e to M e et f ® ’^ “ of “ lrmn'stratlun **‘h OiTK<>n state hospital a t Pendleton i quarters with a razzle-dazzle a t- during th e day, two resulting from j o| in Ebbinirt r of T illam ook ev- B u sin e ss in N o v e lt ie . Wahingtxm rotm ty democratic S U u ? ! S i T c ^ t totaling $460.356 makes no p ro v l-' tacJc to add 37 points to th e 13 intercepted passes, six through the state president. R A. Allison and I. Sherm an ^ '', ,r a ' a ^ r " ' ^ 1 A ^ to d l! and ln numerous other caae»- a R. M Knox, county agent of Curry sion for new buildings although already scored. Shortly after t h e iuie and one on a pass. Hillii made have started a business in wood J“ *™ at tlu » to k s R- N. A. hall good share being handled by the county, discussed county programs .Superintendent McNary has pointed second period opened, the Blue 15 first downs to none for the vts- N«'lson H u rt in A u to novelties, known as "Wild Wood to Plan f<’r closing days of the TOUnty farm -debt adjustm ent com- jn farm credjt service and educa- out the need of a receiving ward Jackets m arched 26 yards down itors. Newberg’s atta c k advanced , tl * mittees. tjon, an(j j m . Person president al Ids Institution and addition»' 'h e Held. Cook, lllllil's eluslv ball only as far ns th eir own 30-ynrd C rash | hi» M orn in g Noveltles." At present, they are do- c^b?*>a}gn A Persons hi sym pathy accommodations for lintlcnts. ennler. making the score from the Hue during the game nnd Ils long- Vernon NeLson of Hillsboro was lng tlie work a t their homes, but , , ¡ V 1 e PI'’’s<’h t adm inistration are The council gave particular con- of the Oregon Association of Na- The Institution lor feeble minded one-yard line. Newberg then made est gain of the day was a three- «’’Is morning when Ills ear except to get an up-tow n location lnvit®d to attend. _ sideration to the num ber of cases tional Farm Loan associations ex- lia s a budget totaling »559.600 three futile drives Into the line yard pass from Brian to Rickert ln sk‘<>o*‘(l ln loose gravel on the Or- so°n. r . n J U . » « I n .R a J (w hich rem ain unsettled, according plained the functions, operations wlilch includes (50.000 lor a n ew 1 Hillii took poasesslon of the bull the first quarter. enco road and turned over. Nelson, Only native woods are used ln l la a ie s in v u e a to to the secretory. These fall In sever- and problems of the farm loon girls’ dorm itory nnd $8(XX) for n J on tlie Newberg 43-yard stripe Cook developed into an elusive " h o was treated by Dr. A. O. Plt- the m anufacture of their products. C ed a r M ill F a rm U n io n al classifications, including more bodies which handle the farm »uix'rlntendent'B cottage. »>’<1 promptly romped down the bnll currier with plenty of sfieed man, suffered a deep gash nt tlie such ns maple, yew. maple burl, Cedar Mill local of the Farm ers’ th a n a thousand Involving farm s mortgage loans made through the IXitli of tlie tubcrcukxds hospitals ,lr,d for another score. Cook mnk- and drive during the game, con- base of his ntxse and other cuts and others They are specializing in Union will hold an open meeting on which loans have already been fetlxral land banks. are asking for new buildings. The j mg the last 11 yards on a fake re- slstently carrying th e ball for s u b - ' iUld bruises. Reports here Indicate buttons and buckles f o r ladles' a t the Cedar Mill grange hall at 8 approved and will be largely ad- e M E hrhardt, president of the Salem hospital has a budget to tal- J verse. Cook scored his third touch- stontlal gains. Holscher turned in tliat he turn ed out to pass a dresses, bracelets, lamps, candle- p m. October 30. C andidates for justed and closed. Several hundred Federal Land bonk of «pokane, re- lng *189,937 which includes tn o d - |down 07 Ulc day J,lst before the a heads-up performance, intercept- j pedestrian, skidded ln the gravel sticks, window trim m ing equipment, the various offices are Invited to j other cases have failed, a t least j ported on the progress being made (C«ntinu«d<>n i»»,« i<. column () half ended, slashing over on a. ttiondnunf on i»M(c 12.column l ) and turned over. brackets and many other articles. attend. tem porarily, in adjustm ent and I (Continued on r .» . a, columns) ^27,450 to he Asked Minor Parties Stable Prizes Offered Here State Needs Stressed Hilhi School L evy Stable Political Rally Planned Here Transient Gets Hen Sentence Trie Arrested in Milk Theft Court Names Mill Receiver Red Cross to Hold Session Band Organized by Hilhi G roup Tax Leaguers M eeting Set Children Save Baby from r lames Monday Minister Speaks to Rotary G roup Hilhi to Clash at McMinnville; Locals Trounce Newberg Friday ' IZxlxlk Wniton G roup lO IllStall v.liaiitCr H ousing Plan Filins H ere November 5 Farm Debt Adjustment Program Makes Good Progress in Oregon