P a g i’ E ight and Ml I'rcd Ama- her .1 I -'USUI Ot Mis \\ uhi lapidlv Ileal ni : i oiuplcllon It e e t h e p iir ir viren ol Hillsboro Mis J Kegel's oi Frankfort is lis atixl a slim I ili .I alice tuulit lA'iv. eolie rleil by the i,> Mis Mary inniger visile Mason Hill si Ina»! hon e making an exiendixl visit with li i i ordii ihn it E Russell lit Yamhill B i l l ) . l a y imint li parents Mi and Mis c H i i , s h ­ Mi and Ml Heniv Menivi o teniin r liitoled M72 70 at-arm s. Ladies Auxiliary c: Mr aiul Mis Dant visited am and children Poiiland |s ui .'•iimlav at the W to a repoli tili are M is Coral Bicderm.ui. D a lli., m o llili. Mi 1 im ua with the Mr and Mrs E G Tuelle and lie m ii home dell!. Mis Alice Young, in -t ' c over thè week-end son Donald ot t unit ui visited Mr Paul lint ion s and family ol l'U ­ court. president. Marjorie lilcnkinslicp l sulle . Mr..locai v wisid were Sumlay visltoix at tile to P la y B e a v e rto n ■o. .: Mi I B C \X i sou and I. tiu.lv lie liiid l imi Miai al I't'sbv fe ria n Argus élus a n d M is M in n ie S v h u l m c n c h tX C h u rc h Clarence Gnnyo home Mis C hiisluia Igeili tober 3 F rid a y A fte rn o o n Mix. Madelin Shattuck has la tii treasurer Mis E B Nedry. chap­ M ission F e stiv a l Me..d.linea W tili kenlih'ixa, Il dliVUi . lioin Hillsluiiii to Ini school Improve Budding lain; Mrs L. J. Miller, historian. J Churehley l> 1 Huilivan. Mary here dally, on Mrs Alice Patiulcv has had i.onte Hllll Ilf i t i l e In (By Mn F'nxl VV I f r d l Mis Bert Hagen sergeant-at-arm s, «B y C u rtin T ic ra rd ) improvements done to the building Glhiiier. llertle Johnson. George her faintly HANKS With and Rcsc Wagner, musician Re­ an impressive in which Mrs Williams has her HARRISON D. HUGGINS BE I ll.iS Y - CEDAR M i t t A Me 111 celi and I li Gnu attended Iiuesi G lsn n iiei . mollici l.x T IG A R D — A rejuvenated Tigard freshm ents and dancing finished candlelight service officers of the cent t x t tottery store. i.toup ot m ends surprised Mr anil tin birthday dinner given in lanini IXuilaml loi medical atteuttnu football team was on the Held in M. D. the evening n w n tly organized Epworth league Mis C h a ia s Bov on their tw entieth >'t Ute contest with McMinnville F ri­ Banka high football ta a n «aa Ula Muller Wednesday ui 1'igard Man President were installed at church services defeated by the Amity team F ri­ wedding anmvcisaiv Munday eve­ her Mrs. home ill Hillsboro. day afternoon at Tigard and be­ I i l . I Gl. m is i : ANI» I IIRO M ti iteli lla /rl School Mrrllng L M Eru ksoti ot Tigard was Sunday lught, as follows Marie day alternoon on the Banks Held ning Those present were Mr and Mis Emma Mura Is V Is t i I l l g came unbeatable in the first lialf A meeting will Is- held a t tlie S i’Ll IAI,1ST of the cootMt emerging with ihe elected president ot the W ashing­ Kieben, president; l’atrtcta Jensen, Banks high will play the Beaver­ Mis Albeit Saindon and Mr and friends in Salem Hits week it lieti Ha.'.ct siiusil on F'lldav eve Mr. and Mis Jam es Ilia ker Miss mug, i X tols i I J. at 8 o'clock, for score 13 to 0 >i the Tigers' favor A ton countv Ovid Fellow convention firs: vice-president; Ext Maxwell, ton team here Friday itom onow i M i s Herman Gll.-we ot Hubei Mi . held nt Hillsboro September 28 UI.AMM F'lTIHl Jam es Waller Mr and Mis N p Maly Hecker. amt Mr and M i s tlie purpose of discussing tlie ile passing attack tliat had McMinn­ O ther officers selected " e tc Julius fourth vice-president; Hazel Wol­ afternoon. secretary. T h e treasurer. Mrs John Junor alivi two daugh­ Johnson. Mr. and Mrs John Zttz- M ailin Home and lutnllv. all nt •-tialiilitv ami |Mxsibllll y id t h e ville dizzy was accountable for the Christensen. Scholls, vice-president, f o r d Mw«m I Gtx’rge Thompson. was ill and two Tigard scores, Goldhaminer. of G arden Home and Mr. and man. Mi and Mis John Muerer, Portland. were dinner guests S u n ­ eieetton ol a ptavslied on flu- school < m u n ir li | * | N a llu n « ! l U n k urtis Tigard. Tigard, secretary. could not be present. O ther offi­ ters Ann«i Mrs H Gillis and son ol Sellwoixi Mr and Mrs i'leve Gwens. Mi. day ai the home of Mi ami Mr- grounds, amt otliei business of hn- Tigard quarter, put Hie ball into C and C C Bannister. Hillsboro, cers will be elected later were Sunday guests ot Mrs Kellu and Mis Glenn C an Mi and Mi ■ S A Becker receivers' hands practically every treasurer. Cliarles Poole. Eugene I’lfcMM» (sirtanee relative to the m limit All Il'Kir« Ladies' Aid of the Banks church A rthur Schulz. Mr and Mis Janie. Hartwick Itraulvnrw time for substantial gains Sims lili' Reeilville football team de­ (axiviviis. |mtroivs and parents ale • •<» I.’ (Hfl.« 2w;i Mr and Mrs Gluts Polke of Bux­ Bpaiks o| Portland HUI Carr Carl feated the Rivseilale team Snudai urged to lie piesi'til I JU I» and Smith were outstanding as re ­ grand m aster of Oregon, was pres­ met October 3 in the league rvx'm I«» Û B ceivers. Steele. Tigard center, was ent and paid an official visit to ot the church. FX’llowing devotional ton have movixl to the U. W. U usen. Jeanette Schulz. lax,la W l i ­ with a Mille of 7-8 The HeedvUle tilt' convention. He gave ail in ter­ exercises a quilt was tied out. Five ArmeiWrout farm east of Hanks ters lorell Bov. Miss lXlIX'lhy llov line up was Kielii Hlckculonm i . the m ainstay of the defense be­ esting Argus eliksslfliil ails get isvuilG. talk on the work planned and visitors from the FY'rest Grove M which they have rented. Mr mui and the guests ol honor. Mr mnl B ■ Finch; Fred McGee Robert ing in practically all plays. McMinnville woke up in the sec­ explained a number of questions E Ladies' Aid were present. Two Mi's Arntentrout have moved back •Airs C h a ia s lkiv Five hundred was George rente!. Monroe MvMavhlll. N otice of H e a rin g on N o n -H ig h S ch o o l D istric t B u d g et William Morand. grand secretary new members were welcomed into to th eir home In Banks. played High scores were received Louis GieenwaJd. Vicini Neiilz. ond half and started a series of was among those present at the the aid Banks ladies accepted an Nod«*«* la h r rutty y i en (ha< • by Charles Boy and Mrs N P Jim Saunders, quarterback, i'ole- llu d tfe t C o m in K le e o f (h i Banks grade school Is planning 1 line plunges tliat Tigard could not convention. Montezuma Non III« . h.a I h l a l r i c l o f W a a h ii.g l..., I ■duly lodge No invitation to visit tlx fYirest Grove a Columbus day program for Fri- S (a (e o f O re g o •n. n , • a ( l n a d n a «»f «aid < mid low by Gletui C rrrls o n . halfback, lxm George. Iialf- he a n m te eu stop and reached the goal line a 50 turned the meeting over ld g ii (h e gftih d a y ..f S e p le n ih e r. i>tet>airwl >11 e a d m a le In d e la ll o f (h a to con­ aid. 7 and Mrs. John Muerer. day afternoon couple of mlnmes after the half vention officers with Art McOoti- t back, and Hud Isa.ii'son. fullback. • •f m .M iry |>rG|H««s| (.< he ■ «pended hv «aid N> h H ig h Mrh«a>i IH a t r le t fo r a ll i>al>le le c e lp la o f a id N .-n l l l Mh h. had a strong line, but was weak Different lodges were asked to ex­ B erts parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Isla K nepper of Banks route 2. practice last week awalil liie Rosedale players were P la lr tc t fr .u n a ll aourcaa fo r th e ach< •I y e a r I V I 4-.15 T h e H o a rd o f aaid », ,, l l i u h S c h o o l D ia l 11, I has fiv r U th e '.‘ « th day o f (» .tid ie r , a t (hi in the backfield. The importance of plain or demonstrate certain parts Orindle. Ix'tt end. la'i'oy Jack, lett tackle. h o u r o f I I d |. „ Priscilla Mewing Sewing club met with .Mrs C W. Moore and three sons who were m arried Thursday In tTiscnia ( Ih e C .H in ly ( \ a i r t room In llllla lto r o Oregoti, aa Ih e (In ti the game is seen in th e fact th at of work in Odd Fellowship. The nd p lac a • ( Wf,h IXui McIntosh; left guard. Joe • aatd G. Foege F’tx'ge hut last Wednesday were given a charivari at Mrs. G e a tlm a le a d u tiaaoal W ith (h a | l . « n l G< ■■ M N> h i H ig h |» „ ,r Beaverton and Forest Grove had next meeting of the convention will spent the week-end In Vernonia Hillsboro the home of Mr. ami Mrs Frank) Cedar Mill school grotui u .... i , . Stanton; right end. Hernant All­ a t w h ic h tim e a n il |>la r any a m | a ll paraoiia liih rta a (m | w i ll l>« h«ar«| f.»r -»r a S al scouts on tlie game. Coach Smith be held at Tigard sometime m with her husband, who is with a Genzer usion. iiglil tackle. Woodrow Weav­ ■aid (a « levy, (•a rl (h a r a o f IT ia l aald « a (tm a (« a a n d a K a r h w l <>r(glna | Thursday night Saturday tug unproved Nine men iu r work- 1 survey crew there. turned Sm ith from end to fullback March. er, right guard Edward Setnlkei. lim ale >lnxH« a re on f l l a In (h a . ' f f l . a *»f (h a C '*a in(y H«h««d N tip a r h i(a n .la n t B ev ening a reception was held a t I I l l g ‘ Tigard grade school is putting on Mr and Mrs. A. B. McFarlane with wonderful resuits. Final score a re (h e re open |o (h e inaca* i | g || »■( » Il pa*«>>ua |n (« r« a (a *| (h a r a ln . a n d (h a aamu ew itrr K enneth Wells: left balt- file home of tlie brides parents, assemblies Wednesday afternoon, '.'blled Sunday afternoon in New­ was 13 to 9. o. Youn ung visited Ills son In Fort-1 Homer Churehley , right half- by • p a r t har««>f Mr. and Mrs. E Knepper. approx- land which are attracting the attention berg. Oe I'tooer 3. Hear of Plan fcKCKimi j bock. John Santoro; quarterback , „ , unately one hundred guests be: of parents. The school orchestra ring H B. Dauchy is in the Guymon present, t *» h . hand a( h a g l'tid n « «»f lh a y * a r f.»r w h ic h th ia b u d g e t ia m a d * N Tigard people heard how the will soon make its appearance u n ­ A large bonfire burniti tuiil ■ Mrs Cleve _ Owens, mg i. Mr. - — _ _ Wil- I Joe Berger lullb.uk Melvin Jack A niv 'u n ia r w e lire d fr o m o th e r a<>ur>aa Townsend old-age revolving pension der the leadership o f Maurice hospital in FYvrest Grove. He was near the house furnushed light Non The friends of Monroe MrMuvIilll T o ta l r w e ic ta and . V 't 15“.1 ““1 '. Jack d 'lc m a n and Miss taken there October 3. Mr. Dauchy fund would lift the country out of Adams. Extra seats have been ad d ­ warmth for outdoor games A fea- Miiry Snyder returned from a deer gave a party in hts honor at his KMl'kNhlTVKfcH has been ill for several weeks depression a t a meeting in th e T i­ ed to several rooms to take care of I u it ion ture of the evening was a nux-k hunting trip nt Eastern Oregon lust luinie Saturday evening Tluvse pres­ Mrs. Harry W hite and grand- wedding • 1« ‘ rra n a |H » r(a ( Ion gard G range hall after grange increased attendance Miss Claire daughter. ent were Vivian and B ert Finch ceremony performed by a , Betty I ’vwtage and a (a (lo n e r y session Wednesday evening R White of Lake Placid. N Y.. g av e' spent Sunday w hite. of Portland group of children The evening was Wilma Scott. Helen Becker lx.n Mrs Lillie Gwens spent u week 1ft ( with Mrs W hite's P r in t in g Brown of M onmouth lectured on a talk to the eighth grade on the sister, spent In games and music and re- visituig her daughter M r s Ba nics. and Robert George. Will and Flora K ip e n a e a o f e le c tio n i p u b lic a tio n ai ■•■■(age» the pension system and explained winter Olympic and winter sports. White Mrs. W. T. Sellers Mrs. fresluijents were served Frost, M argaret und lo u ts Green- 1'» « M a n y of Portland last week.' T r a v e l e*|»eneee o f Ixaard m em her« -vruana utst week. also called on Mrs. M. A. how it would work according to awiitd. Marlon Lewis. C harles Isaac­ C le r ic a l e tp a n a e (« u p p llaa . leg a l «erv lce , e«c I beautiful gifts were received by Miss Mayme Hardy, well known Dodds while in Banks If I th e inform ation receives f r o m A M. Commons of Cloverdale son. Howard mil Hazel Churehley In te r e a t on w a r r a n te Mr Mrs. ° eiUer Genzer U n They to Tigard high school students and Rev. and Mrs E. T ilton . of I.ÏU0 0 ^ r Yam- o f ‘\ X t and ^ . i . the u ° n ^ are « at 1 M - T l e staying n ^ n s ’ with his itaiughter. is now E m e rg e n c y Mrs. Bertie Johnson went to Townsend headquarters Those w ho’ teachers. left October 3 for New hill w ? ft.<46 ' ?leve Owens. T**( T \ 4 ) J : un . H wood November 2 at the grange w orlds fair. They and then son K eith left Thursday for C ald­ Leede i»r«l t.a n g e r . F n drove east about the head and in the side and lla lle y , Ila F Illa n d e r M Grange luill last Saturday H ahnow n am her« council conference. Although a stopping at Niagara Falls and dnv - Mr». F ndav received a had cut in well. Idaho, to visit relatives for J. Churehley. C I) C hunhley. tx ia rd o f educ night A large crowd attended. N ext|G eore McHreeu, 1> T Sullivan und "Booster night program was not a few weeks. ing up into Canada and Quebec and the foot. B ernard Vtuideroahden Saturday night there will be an Bertie put on in the local hall, officers Nova John-son uttended the joint ScotM. M i« Claire White of driver of the car. tla fn li^ Mrs. e t u i Sandy of V ernonia old time dance and can! party are planning one for the near fu- dinner given for Florence was a luncheon guest Friday of W Oregon^wiU,- U w ^ ^ P > t Farmers' Union met at the C’edar birthday -K « ,rs attended the K in- Yoe and Mrs. L K Golt by M i n Mr. and Mrs w T. Sellers. In the Hire, me Mill Grange hall October 2 h’ it* ti.a b 5 * * ^ vs vis.1- accident happened a s they were afternoon she aJivtided M others’ .Marv Olinger nt her home TuexU> ton program Mr. and Mrs, Jam es Sparks of . . . E. Lewis home for m aking a tu rn at the intersection Mr and .Mrs D L Sullivan ut club. Lvlc Thoou.; is now home w".\. several weeks. Portland visited Mr and Mr- t«‘nded the stoc k, show in Portlmirt of th e Barnes and Cornell road. his parents a lte r a six m onths' so­ Kill Bear Cliarl«. Bov Tuesday evening Sundiiv. Loren Bailey of Metzger is the Clyde and Ida Hopkins spent the journ with the CCC camps. Ervin Mead and Lewis Kelly of inventor of a device for driving week-end in Salem. Moxie Hop- Nets Johnson and Herman Schind­ \ Suiuiav u ill be rally duy Washington county C hristian En- through tiara m aterial under kins spent tlie week-end In Port- Bald M ountain drov e through Banks ler attended the C E. Pre-conven­ at the ehureh Promotion deavorers rallied at Gaston Friday pipe od Sunday evening with a bear in the tion rally at GastOn last Friday exercises Kecxlville roads. Bailey is superintendent of land. and other features of evening for the last time before the Metzger water district and lias back of their truck They killed evening The county c E rally will interest will Mrs. Flora Munford and son K en­ murk the Sunday county convention. Devotional serv­ devoted considerable time to find­ neth of Monmouth spent the week­ the bear Sunday morning oil H art's tx at the Beaverton Christian .school hour During the afternoon On« R u g ' f s Sil v e rw u rc C e rt ¡fíente w ith 20 g n n it ices were in charge of Rev. Wil­ ing some way to d nve water pipe end creek. at their home here. ehurch October 19 to 21. Inclusive. fleers and m«*mlx*rs of the ehureh liam F. Radem acher of Tigard. under roads. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Delauney Bethany c E so fa r lias 21 regis­ of Mrs Will W alker visited several bui e ith e r Indien o r g e n tle m e n . will make a complete visitation of Eleven members from Tigard a t­ days last week in Portland with her and Mr. an d Mrs. Austin Marr trations to tills convention Hugs the Reed vt He ommumty Special tended the railv visited in Portland Sunday a fte r­ daughter. Mrs. John Heltzel, and Gulley. C E field secretary of m rs M c C lain <’ F rally day at 7 o'c i Miss Robertson Bride noon. Oregon, will be tlx main speaker At tlie Ö o'clock service ’ orship servie«- Mrs. C. C. McClain. 49 former family and at the home of her At a quiet ceremony at Salem Mr. and Mrs Herman LeMay at th e convention. brother. A rthur Schlegel, and fam ­ s.icriunent of the Lord's Supper Saturday evening. September 29. resident of Hillsboro, was knled The Betluiny C. E enjoyed ily Mr Walker went to Portland and Mary M arr of P ortland were be* observed. Miss Doris Robertson of Tigard, Thursday when she fell 60 feet Saturday C o n fe c tio n e ry — Bowling. A II e y g Japanese party in the ehureh base- and tlie two returned to Banks visitors Sunday m daughter of Mrs. C. E. Robertson from a high trestle near the Crown their Those from Banks who attended ment on wexlnesday i home Sunday. ‘veiling. Jap - of Fiores: Grove, was m arried to Willamette Paper company Lewis Whi le f ndb M a s o n H i l l are C< >urtcoir Tr» 4t«\l and L. L Crawford and Henry Atlee the reception at the K nepper home anese game's were p la y ,... Rawleigh Mur.kers. son of Mr. and and Clark camp r.ear Seaside. F u ­ were Mr. and Mrs Cliris Rteben Bethany Presbyterian chun rh held »rdlally Invited Mrs. Ross Munkers of Hillsboro neral services were conducted S at­ attended the democratic central and daughter Mane Mr. and Mr.-. . He leu Kuv committee meeting in Cornelius Its annual .Mission Festival l a s t Be­ Rev. Grover Brotchel of Presby­ urday in Portland. Mrs. McClain Fridav evening. Next meeting will Fred Wolford and Hazel. Vernon Sunday. The speakers uere 1 i»v A I n ag.Ell staving at the Citarle 1 .’<»0 'la in Street terian manse performed the cere­ was formerly Mrs. F. P. McKay be •r<» O re g o n and Juanita, and L H. Wolford. in Banks. Carrick of T ualatin Plains 1 Vesby - Wood home a-v4.st mg h« r mot hei mony. They are making their home and lived m Hillsboro about 10 years Mrs. Cochran of Luurel is stav­ tcrian church; Stanley O>ri nils of Mrs W. «id U h Hghtlv improve* Cass Wilson spent the week in U. Serve O M M IIV .m l U 1 I \ Il \ Il |> I s |t | | in Tigard. ago. Her husband is employed as Be Ulan y Baptl with her daughter. Mrs. ing with Mrs. Ellen West, who is chure i. who from lier recent i llne&s. Install Jointly foreman a t the paper company Portland not able to do her work anymore just acce )led t Coffev. a rd fam fly. pa. to ate of i Mr and M Joint installation of officers of camp. Mrs. McClain had been in Erin Mrs John Mills of M.iuniu.i * ■ C h Ml; S AliC Lane spent the week- G Ba ‘hurch. Jean were Argonne post. American Legion, of poor health and it is th ought tl id h¡ and Re H n confined to her C H (toll vo lióme ends Port land. i ä n Sherwood and Tigard and ladies' she fainted before falling. two months. Dr .Mr a rd M e . B Mr id M rs H Pon mbf rlain and bed 1 >r the Auxiliary was held at the S her­ rs. profe. Odg< Ur. Di educa- Siine if Ml Wls.. are g ai et han v Will Job tison a t wood grade school gym September MKS EMMA J. ROBI11 die. a a ill it Pai Bapt Mr Is S lO T l- C har church 11« ! . brother. on hl. 28 with appn 15 uns Fu neral M rs alk coni« Pt ly. They to witnciss the1 ceremt ma i 1. Roble of Tigard ig. H» Octò a returned missien- in 1 he: Mt er 3. officers Jack E, Porti an d Wedm •om 1 ndi; i. Servie s begin at Li­ part men liman □f F ire a to n e T ire», T ube Doiiz- a n d A c c e sso rie s ; same D R IV E IN Mr M L. S P A R K P J 'G S T E S T E D F R E E Hazel • paret until Ti Hunt for I» Wilson. Earl Wilson. Clell Carstet and Geofge ( <>S| U S T K K K SEKVK E Kessler left Thursda for a week's W h ite H oi in d S eed W h e a t. J e n k in s C lu b S eed F irst anti hunt.ng tr.p near Prineville During e lin c S tre e ts P h o n e 1263 th eir absence Mrs. Vem Pnckett W h e a t. R in k Seed \ \ h e a t, R e c le a n e d G re y W in te r i n y V iv ia n H u - Ie .n ) C O S L E T T ’S and the children are staying with B A R -B -Q W o ve m a n o a s Floyd L'cdike is celling the it>...' c i a l t y o f d ry elo O a ts, R e c le a n e d F a ll R L y ye, e, C h e a t S e e d , R ye G ra ss, ng d a in ty Mrs. George Moss. his house this week. C lan n c' fro c k a n d (ho m del ¡cato fa b ric H u n g a r ia n V etch . C om m on V etch , an d a il C lovers. Mrs Thompson was absent from ot trim m in g Updike is papering his horne ré;» is s a f e school last week on account of ill­ in o u r haut M ot le r a te c h a ry week. O u r f a ll S eed S to ck ia c o m p le te , B uy y o u r S eed ness. w r Hudson finished iiucc^i-« r e q u ire m e n ts fro m Im p e ria l «»veral visitors from the Hills­ • _rj *i' 1“ - * • ’ e—«a week. W E ( ALL A N D DELIV ER boro K. N. A. '.vige Wc','7 present a t Mr. and Mrs. Ross Updike are the R N. A. lodge in Banks T h u rs­ living in Portland Mrs Upd.ke i> B e tte r Q u a lity — B e tte r P ric e s days They were Mesdames Qualls. under doctor’s treatm ent since hi r Ennis Frost, Coslett Lormor and appendicitis operation. Workman. W A N T E D G R A IN S — C L O V E R SEED Mrs. Cass Wilson. Mrs. George FLOYD GREEN . Moss and Miss Lena Taylor ac- services for Flovd Green. W e h a v e a la rg e s h ip p in g o u tle t f o r y o u r O ats, • ccmpanicd Mrs. Tom Qualls to 17. Funeral form er HilLsboro resident who Hillsboro October 3 to atten d R. died T hursday afternoon a t Hood B a rle y , C lo v e r S eed . See us b e fo re y o u sell. __ N A lodge. T e le p h o n e 47 H illoboroj O re g o n River, were conducted Sunday a f t­ Mrs William Douglas of Forest a t the Donelson Ac Sewell Grove and Mrs Mabel Johnson of ernoon chapel here with Rev. Jam es of­ Bake: visited Mrs. Stella Kelly a t ficiating. Interm ent was a t the Fir the N Berdan home October 3. Fir Creek sewing club m et Oc­ Lawn cemetery. Millers of Quality Feeds Phone 01 South Second youth was born May 9. 1917 tet- r 3 with Mrs. Ray Parmley in a t The With Hi,' advent of Ihe 1934 Fall Political Cum|ialgii the Pa., and attended sehool Y O U ’L L B E S U R P R I S E D Banks They quilted a quilt for her. here Tioga. two years ago. He had been Argus takes this means ol making public it, advertising »»llclr« The hostess served dinner a t noon 111 with pneumonia and appendi­ A t R e su lts fro m U sing covering enmiKilgu publicity. for the group Those present were citis about two weeks before his Mesdames George Wilcox. Fred death He ia survived bv his n - This statem ent Is made for the Inform ation and guutani »* Wilcox. George White. George Mc­ er. Mrs. Susie D. Brooks of St. of candidates, tlx lr friends supporters and other i-epresenta- Graw Alice Parmley. Charles Ship- Helens; father. J A Green of tlves In their dealings with H» Argus. A Kidney and Liver Tonic and Intestinal ( leaner ley and Miss Ann Schneider. Rev. Hillsboro; his two sisters Mrs. Myrtle The ('nfailing Remedy for Laziness ar.d Mrs. E. Tilton were also pres­ Hutchinson of Pumpkin Ridge and Camixdgn advertising will be charged a t the regular tra n s i­ ent for the dinner. and a Ilrou^y. Tired, Sleepy Feeling. Mrs Muriel Peterson of Skamo- en t rale and there will Ire no ;.|s'eiul |wihIleal rate a t a higher I t ta k e « ( h r place «»f ( a lo m e l w ith o u t a n y Mr and Mrs. Em m ett Shipley kawa Wash., and five brothers, rent H e (io n nt h a b it o r d ir t w h ile (« k in g I t figure All such advertising will marked "polilleal adver­ and children of Vernonia visited In Archie G reen of Kalamazoo Mich p o a itlv r ly w i ll not m a ke you « Ir k , t r i p e or tising." Banks Sunday. Ray Green of St. Johns. Lloyd n a u a e a le you in th e « li< h te « t w a y lik e C a lo ­ Mr. and Mrs Carl Shipley and reen of Skamokawa, Wash ; and m e l P ill« a n d m o«t a ll th e v aH o u a k in d « of No free publicity will be promised in connection with dis­ two daughters of Hillsboro visited G liq u id liv e r m e d irin e « . T h e re a re v e ry fe w Clyde and Coral G reen of St. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shipley S u n ­ Helens. play advertising. Advertising published as reading m atter will pe o p le in th l« w o rld today w ho feel no w e ll lie charged for a t the regular rate of 10 re n ts per line, light day th a t a fe w doae« o f th ia m e d id n e w ould n o t m a k e th e m fe e l a irrrn t de al b e tte r and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Banks and face or 20 cents per line black face, and will be marked ”od- g iv e th e m a n e w |e n *e on life . son of Newberg spent th e week­ vertlsement," as Is required by the WE DEAL IN REAL ESTATE — ixrslal laws und regula­ It m a ke « th e eye« b r ig h t, c le a r« up th e end In and near Banks visiting tions. r o m p le x lo n . q u ic k e n « Ih e «en«e« a n d 1« a Writ- relatives. m o«t w o n d e r fu l to n ic and a p p e tir e r . M a k e« F ir e a n d A u to m o b ile Im iu r a n r e Mr. an d Mrs. A. C. Wahl of C O U N D b u sin e ss ju d g m e n t you fe e l lik e a new pernon. All political advertising or printing must be paid for In M a k e L o a n » a n d I m u « S u r e ty Bond« Banks and Dr and Mrs. G. O. F iv e nr aix do«e« w ill fix you ao y o u r advance, unless th e nuidldate has previously made special is g u id e d by th e fa c ts w o rk w i ll n o t tir e you one p a r t lr le a n d you Gibson. Mrs. S. Gibson and daugh­ K U R A T L I & W IS M E R credit arrangem ents satisfactory to the Argus T here will lx r a n do y o u r w o rk w ith te n tim e « th e eaae. d ra w n fro m th e w ell o f e x ­ ter Mary Evelyn of Forest Grove H IL L S B O R O . O R E G O N no exceptions to th is rule. I t w ill w ork th re e to fo u r ira llo n a o f b ile fr o m th e »y«tcm th a t 1« n« b la r k attended the wedding of Samuel T e le p h o n e 1391 1236 Second S t. aa a n y in k you e v e r «aw rn m e ou t o f a n y In k b o ttle . p e rie n c e . A n d it is in in ­ Saunders and Miss G arnet Larkins The Argus reserves Ihe right to determ ine Lhe activities te r p r e tin g su c h fa c ts o b ­ of , Individual . . . nuidldate. which shall lx regarded ns news ln- ta in e d th ro u g h a h o st o f a c ­ 8 u i« u m C ity . in I.. D e e |'t ? ,| P o r tla n d , O r e ., H e r. 12. 1931. far r .*« c»h' r or M c I fo rd I wa mi ra id e , hut 0 reading columns, any paid that. I h a ve e v e r tr ie d b efore. no m uch b e tte r now . I h a ve t< m atter wliicli in designed <>r tend* I" aid. injure, or defeat any le v e ra i about it and th e y th in k Y ou m a y r e f e r a n y o n e to m e in 7m .'li - ± „ Or P,,’l" ' , o l ° r ' ’W h l/n tlo n . or measure befor This Assoeiatlon Is proud of the loyalty of old rriUHt he jrood Ih e w ay I look. re g a r d to y o u r to n ic . lh. pi o p li. mile'.', It Is staled therein th a t It. Is a i k i k I udver Y o u r« tr u ly . patron:;. Over 75',; ol our "n-w ' business comes from tls. ment the name ol ihe ehulrinan or set retory or Ihe name M A N L E Y K K I Z A N D I N E . M R S W . I I L A M K E P T . "old" customers. of the other officers of the political or oilier organization In- We gladly refer you to anyone who Is now an In­ sertlng the same, or the name of some voter who is respon- vestor or ever lias Invested in this institution. sihle therefor, with Ills residence and Ihe slreet and num ber (T h is C o u p o n W o rth 41c | Why not Join these satisfied Investors? thereof, If any. appear In such advertisem ent In th e nature of a Signature. No isa-son shall pay the owner, editor, pub- Earnings mailed to you sem i-annually. Tills Coupon, If presented n t once together with only Usher or agent ol any newspaper or or other other periodical to Indure Eighty-fonr ( ents In cash. Is good for a One Dollar and IN'VF. 1 TODAY! Tw enty-five-eent Bottle of Old Cherokee TONIC, and IN ­ TESTINAL < I.EANSI If. Ju st add to drinking walx r 2 or 3 le , s h II . !,in d '"l h ' ,wi" ’r ' »Tutor, publisher or a 'lit hall II,.epi h ,,.,v m e o l A l l y | X r . . „ n who ...hall Viólale tim es a day. ü’X .n 'lJd pnu'U ee’’ ' P’« - '<’*• «* After using a hottie strictly according to printed direc­ 1 tions on It, If you do not think II Is worth w hat you paid R E L IA B L E SAFE lor it, you can bring hack the empty bottle and we will All andidatc . will cheerfully refund Ihe IJghty-four Cents. It will work 3 to ___ J -tng out these policies. I«' on exactly the same basis in rarry - h r *|xricnrc lias proven are fair 4 gallons of bile from your system Just as black as any Ink and equitable to all candidates and th e newspaper. you ever saw, th a t Is poison to your liver and kidneys. THIS COUPON GOOD I'OII A SHORT TIME ONLY A T Bethany Folk Given Surprise W E P A Y DIVIDENDS What You Spend! c. c. C L E M ’S PI A CE C osleH $ apcr Service Station Rcedville FALL f Seeds - Grain TRUST YOUR REST PARTY Hayward Coslett Super Service Station DRESS TO US A Political Advertising Policy HOME LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS IMPERIAL FEED & GRAIN CO. V? O ld C h e r o k e e T o n ic THE W IS D O M of FACTS LOYALTY 4% Commercial National Bank Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n J ¡W I’l.KSON, Manager Hillsboro, Oregon Savings A Loan l>ldg. PA L M D R U G ST O R E IIIL L H IIO K O . ÎT iU s h n n ^ è A r g u n OREGON 1^