THE Page Six Kinton Grange Plans Election Ladies’ Aid Sponsoring Benefit Dinner Soon son's parents, Mr and Mrs, W arren Wilson. Thursday S H Ponwrot returned home Oc­ tober J from a hunting trip to the southeastern part of the state. G ran ge to Meet Pomona Orange will meet with Oale Orange. ____ FVtrest On've. October ___________ 24. in all day session. All grangers a invited tBy Mr*. EL L. Cox) KINTON— K inton G range met Saturday in all day session, with pot-lurk dinner at noon. Third and fourth degrees were given a new member during th e business session, this making 41 members m all. Lecturer. Alice Fluke had prepared an interesting program for lecture hour consisting of songs and ques­ tion box and a vaudeville act by Mrs H. H. S tannard, Mrs. F. J. Sewell and Mrs. Ada Qualls of Hillsboro, who were guests. Officers will be elected Nevember 3. W. L. VanHorn lias been em ­ ployed at Bonneville dam duruig the past couple of weeks or so. and expects to be there for awhile. He was home for the week-end Following have been guests of Mr .a and .... Mrs , „ Robert Pomeroy -a- Mr «nrt dur- M rs mg the past * * * • “ L and Mrs. F rank Mills oi Yamhill. Mr and Timber G roup H as Election U ia n Br,de ° ‘ rlarvey Wil»on at Vancouver Hillsboro Firemen Called to Aloha iB» M i« Julia A. Moe.«) (Ft- H C. SI»» fit ALOHA H JbOPO fir» depart - metit was called early Monday morning to extinguish a chlmnev „ at Hl t the n e Huber m in e r s store -o r e fire Mrs H ittle -ntsell of Hood River U v ^ itu ^ 7 o r a few d J i , a t th i P1' Mias Hilda Ashford and O lenn visiting at the home of an old schoolmate of at Oceanside. and Thomas of Portland. Grange Frank C. Fluke was in Portland fall Aloha during last week where lie was em- . term of . done ployed fixing up the W ashington furnish county booth a t tlie international orcnistra wm iurnisn stock-how at N orth Portland Home Burns p i . n n iiin e r Tlle Claypoole home on t h e n a n » in n e r F am ungton rood was burned to Most of the ground last week The paint Ladies Aid society w o e .fie ptesxm on tht> t jle A next rrx m 5“ \ 5 h ' Wright " " ’ T i, home P*xt at t ie meeting lhu.sda> a .K r r .’on door was ta d iy scorched and fire- llo i i? . , ‘ b .ra «, i P,en a hard fight in saving the -. '¿i . , . __, . „ , - — „ _, chicken “ d .,. .'¡Y1' ' , K„rv e] Mr?, Edward Drexler of G arri- other gcud things o_ ta t._ r a son. N D . m other of Mrs. J. Peters cafeteria style from 6 to 8 p. m. of Aloha and Mrs O Fiddler of rtl itid c l z x f u'? \frg ar_ O ctober ..c home m M: rs H IL L S B O R O TIM BER—County officers of the P arent-T eachers' association met with members of th e Timber P T. •' 1,1x1 Sunset ladies to re-orgon- __ ___ ______ _ U* 4 pa: parent-teacher adult educa tion Mrs. Allen Knight of ------ c club “ lb H' rest Clrovr. ‘■'ounty president of th e P T_ A conducted the meet- Mrs. Edwin Hallom spent past week visiting with her mother in Portland _____ . week-end in Portland visiting friends, and J. R. Wtills and Percy McCampbell. Miss Dorothy Dean, daughter of Mre a. H H. TUlotson T tllotson of of Timber Timber, M rs B lUld Harvey — Wilson of Oales Creek were m arried October S a t Van- iv m n .m --.i. couver Wash., w with Mr tum and -w.s. Mrs TUlotson and Everett Dean of Van- couver Barracks acting os witnesses They returned home . Saturday _______ with v. ... os' / their . eve- i___ hing * « brmguig them A R G U S, Schmeltzer, selections from Riley s poems by Mrs. John Sehmeltser, a group of original poems by Mrs George Allison, and a comic skit presented by the Misses Helen and Mart Sehm eltser Senator Burke extolled the good work done by the grange In the United States and gave some ad- vlce xvMr» regarding the coming state election In Judging Contest Chehalem Mountain 4-H club judging team, consisting of Helen tier. Jam es Alltsor and R ay- Schm eltrer mond Hornerbrook. with th eir lead- er John Schmeltzer, went to the International Livestock allow In Portland Monday for th e purpose- of crop Judging Mountain Home Ladles Aid met with Mra George Baker ^T hursday afternoon Plans were made for the H IL L S B O R O . Program Saturday at Pleasant View Mr Ib'igtlohl wan on a hunting trip and Mr lMltage canva.Mil t h e netgtitHirlaaMt for signers to t l i e Townsend old age petudon |H‘tttton Frank O en/er has purchu.*a»d a new Ford Mr and Mts Chit.» Bov re of Portland »pent the week-end at the V C Struob ttome Frank O< n/ser luus u crew of men at work I tiling hi» tliree silt*» S elfrid ge Annouiu e«» C onlrat RADIO j ÎITI î ^SERVICE ■“ " ilT U S OFPAIR YOUR S£T îi^ k fS Mt. Home C. E. Selects Officers Enjoy a i\^ew M O N TA G Circulator Heater N o w you can have Comfort, Beauty... Economy Your Old Heater is DOWN PAYMENT • F o r a lim ite d tim e we are m aking th is special o ffe r so th a t every home in this te rrito ry can have economical heating com fort th is w in te r and fo? m any years to come. -Skf« The new M ontag C irculator H eater models ir e a odtrn in design. Finished in walnut-grained porcelain enamel, they add to the appearance of any room. B uilt to give m any years of satisfacto ry service— designed to econom i­ cally burn the fuel m ost satisfactory in this territo ry . Freedom from Household D rudgery! A M ontag C irculator H eater will assist you in cutting down the tasks of housework. P roperly fueled, it w ili fu rn ish w arm th in your home fo r a much longer time than o rd in ary heaters. T h ere w ill be no need for boxes of fuel sittin g in your living room to create d irt and dust. T here ■will be less sw eeping— less dusting. T h ere is a M ontag C irculator H eater model for every h o rse— a type, a size, a style fo r every requirement^ M odels fo r burning wood and coal, or for wood exclu­ sively. SEE OUR DISPLAY! I,ESTER IR ELA N D & CO. Hillsboro, Oregon ACT N O W ; Take A dvantage of Present Low Prices! »-.O - USED C A R S 2-1932 1929 1928 1927 1929 1926 V-8 Ford Coupes Model A Ford Sedan Model A Ford Sedan Chevrolet Coupe Essex Coupe, rumble seat Dodge 1 Sedan RIGHT PRICES and EASY TERMS! DODGE le**» itto nev. C om plete • D om inant NEWS COVERAGE This newspaper alone is privileged to publish the Sunday reports of the world's •eadingpressservices; maintains the larg­ est s ta ff of reporters o f any Oregon news­ paper; and receivos N orthw est news from z50 correspondents. or will you be PROTECTED? M an y a m an hag lost t h< business be spent ye ars in p la n n in g and g ro w in g to ­ w a rd by ¡in a c c id e n ta l fir« w h ic h sw ep t e v e r y th in g a w a y ! You can be p ro tected fo r it fe w cents a d a y — and it pays to seek p ro te c tio n now ra th e r th a n w a it fo r tra g e d y to teach th e lesson o f its im p o rta n c e . Exclusive Press Services Associated Press Sunday W ire N orth American Newspaper A llhnco Chicago Tribune Leased W ire CHAS. L. WALKER NEW Order front your local Oregonian dealer: LEE 1115 Ja ckson St. C LA R K I ’ honc 1(152 BEAUTY SHOPS and StlKGF.DN A. 0. PITMAN, M. D. General Beauty Work PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Permanent« and all kind« of beauty work. X.Roy and Phralo-Thoropr Oommorilal National Hank Bldg. Telephone 1.1H1X Ralrony Illllabnrn Pharmary Sanitary Beauty Shop All Kind« of llaanty Work PERMANENTS Of«co «211 Tolvphnnao Rooblonea 7»tZ DR. I). E. WILEY, M. D. Phynlrlan and Surfeon Wells ItiilMIng a specialty Telephone 1471 WKIL’H APARTMENTS Mnbel Hchendel TKLRPHONEfl Office 2(182 Reeldenre IflRl DENTISTS GARBAGE CDLLKCTIDN DR. RALPH DRESSER Dentist Garbage Collection AND CANS Commercial Building D. P. CORRIERI Telephone 144 Evening«. Rundny by Appointment ■■ ■ ■ —- Telephone 232S RUBBER STAMPS S ee our 1004 Main St. PHYSICIAN EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP INSURANCE N ow is th e tim e you will he n eed in g a M anure Spreader. im proved lin e of M eC orm lek-D eering Spreaders. llill.s lio ro , O reg on HILLSBORO BUSINESS ANL) PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A M cC orm irk -D eerin g grain drill 1» a w u ra n ee of g ettin g th e bent poaxihle yirld th a t Mill and m oisture lo m litio n s will perm it. For each in d ivid u al req u irem en t th ere Is a size and ty p e M iC orm iek -D eerin g drill, q u a lity built, and so rarefu lly designed th a t it does good work under all eo n d ltlo n s. M ef'orm lek-D eerin g drills are known by the servlee th e y give. T h o u sa n d s upon th o u sa n d s of satisfied users, who know th e valu e of a stu rd y eom p aet, and co n v en ien t grain drill, vouch for Me- , C orm iek -D eerin g a s th e drill th a t sta rts th e seed right. S ln ee the first M eC orm lek -D eerin g grain drill w as plared on the m ark et, Im provem ents and refin em e n ts have been m ade until tod ay the lin e is recognized by farm ers in all parts of th e world a s a standard o f q u ality. E veryth in g h u m a n ly possible h as been done to m ake M c­ C o rm ick -D eerin g drills a s near m eeh an leally p erfect a s possible. No op p o rtu n ity hi im prove th eir d esign and con stru ction h as been over look ed — truly, M eC orm lek-D eering drills are b u ilt right. Ask us to sh ow th e se drills to you. RATES The price o f the d a ily Oregonian, w ith o u t Sunday, has been reduced to 45c per m o n th , by carrier. The price o f the Sun­ day and d a ily Oregonian is now 85c per m o n th , delivered by carrier. (For derailed rates sec e d ito ria l page I Seed Well Today . . . for Tomorrow’s Crop Phone 271 r«>und Every form of protection Fire, occupying th e house at the Metzler i ed a surprise party and bridal S i." Juii'i'«"»¿'I s’, hid’," ¡ " U,u. S.rt,i* automobile, casualty, liability, hop farm . shower at the home of Mr and B 5 £ f o i u u i Fidelity, Surety and Life. Clarence Nelson, who h as been Mrs. J. B Thornton in Portland boi of Ud»» Tahiti« !• '«old on • mon.r- employed in the apple harvest a t Saturday evening. The affair was Wck ruaraot.« of ••ii.faction t , P hon e 1732 1164 3rd HL I l il labaro Pharm acy Hood River, returned home Octo­ in honor of Mrs Miller's niece Miss M arjory Thornton who will ber 3 M ountain Home school children soon be m arried to Ted Norcross. were given eye and ear teats last Mrs. M argaret Oa^e of Victoria. lay they, with i B C., Is the e guest guest of Mr. and Mrs. week, and on Thursday th eir teacher. Miss Hodson went! J. C Sm ith. Mrs. Gage ls here to to the Schmeltzer home t o b e ! attend m arriage of her niece,, weighed. Most of the children are - Jean Smith, Saturday evening, somewhat underweight. T A. Cary h as rented his home Mrs Arena Courtney ls staying and farm to a family from Cedar with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Mill. Mr. C ary In company with Davis, in the P arro tt M ountain dis- j his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. trict. | and Mrs. Raymond Heard, will Scholls Grange began th eir s o - ' leave th e end of the week for J u n e - 1 | clal season on October 3. by having I tion City. Cal., to make his home, a pot luck supper a t th e hall. Sup- - -- — per was followed by a musical and ! u you address klnd- Ilterary program, a talk bv Sen- ( ly not,ify the Argus direct and at ator W. E. Burke and dancing. once ' ~ ® Those present were either grang- — —— ers or ex-grangers. These social . meetings are scheduled for t h e 1 YOUNGS first Wednesday evening of each m onth throughout the fall a n d w inter months. Attendance ls b y ! invitation. "Thoughtful, Sympathetic Features of the program included I Service" numbers by the 8cholls orchestra, I H illsboro a brief sketch of th e life of Jam es P hon e 972 Whitcomb Riley read by Mrs. H arry ■ Beauty, plus Economy! lo t Douglass Radio Service Have a Clean-Up z;z your home this year! R e p u b lic a n C a n d id a te CU*«AN>HP work bring done Next meeting. .»on a u r g lc iP T tO M cX’tober 17. w ill t«< at the home <»t IUY NIW ,< M ia S alali VunKleek. w hin a comfort will lx* made for the roun- tv loan c I om ’I Mr and Mrs Charles VanKleck LPÎQ" and Mr and Mrs Clay Dorland spent several days visiting relatives near Florence Fallowing were Sunday guests at the William F Campbell lumie I ir and Mrs J W C ook ot Row- burg. Mr and Mrs Wellhngton Cook and iainlly of IX>rtlaml. and Srlfritlge llron. I’h on r SIX 111,11 Miw Marvin Cook of I’orl- r i l l K O DI % I I ICS land Morris FerrLs left Friday for De- !r' ,lt lo enter the CCC training camp. Mr unci .Mrs l McUrnUtic and M \n u Marie, wlto hav<* been at the H Mt’i.'4*ntuu* honu*. ret u rn - d eluded Mr and Mrs J A Magnu- Many - from here have attended winter, ig lb her nr>t \isit to o re - Wlth a hearty charivari on their ------• of M ountain Home O tto Muir. the annual international stock show gon and she thinks the scenery and return. The young couple will make nuson Manuel Mtunuaon Mrs m P ortland- c, I i n X " o f g^ w m t 'l ^ g r a m ^ th elr h ° me TUnber » T ? S a m " X all of Mrs. Delia St. Pierre and Mrs " David and Robert Lindsay of Gresham The G resham folk came aua. ............. fr-gwxTsnkT ts»ntrwxr«f n-hpn «¿h-» iuiu xwwrv ui irrrsniun. tu e io ik Cttiiw E th el M cCormick of Hillsboro were 1 V i ? ™ 1 she left, visited Mr and Mrs. John bv wav of Newberg that they might if r. Lilly TC I Bteriy Tîor’i- »rhiirs- on I T lD rx . X- j . .. rx___. T I visit • J anotlter . .. .... as... . . , Á.XÍ- guests of Mrs. Thurs-1 4 Richmond last Friday David Lind- sister. Mrs. ■xnxi.i day afternoon Mrs _O H Peters*» ^ S e d ® ^ formerly with the Snider Shank nk. who was injured about two and Mrs. Albert Scott of Which W.11 ‘t X h ^ B7 Se ® " " 1; * • “ NewberanUS° n road were also guests. Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska. Snider C arlton was a busi- wrecked in Newberg. o ,r rL 7 0 ^ 4 South Dakota. I I* sn id er of Carlton Du October 2 for an indefinite S. H. Pomerov. Mrs. Madge Pom- ghe expects to be gone at least ness visitor In Tim ber Saturday, Sunday _ evenmg callers j i t J he rlu .% went b> lM,at ,uld , M„., eroy and her tliree daughters were months. She was th e recipi- — . . ---- . MUes Davies of ” Vancouver. Wash.. Schmeltzer h o m e included Mrs. . . . j . j . slight earthquakes tlie day m in c f c of Mrs Xfr«; P n m p m v s c n brother r n r r'.»>r ent guests Pomeroy Qf . several . gifts from the visited here Sunday. He was form - Cora Metzentine. Henry Metzentine arriviai according to letters and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks, daughters of Union Veterans, of erl-v employed a t the Timber Mer- and Miss Ellen Zwtener of Hlteon ceived from them . in Portland Saturday which she is a past president, a t candle store. and Tigard. Guests at the Clayton Whitmore Mrs. Ethel McConnick a rd daugh- the meeting Monday. Mrs. A. G. Pearson was a b u si-1 Land of P lenty Ixiine Sunday and Monday were ters and son of H.Hsboro visited Nine Boy Scouts from the local ness visitor in Hillsboro last Mon- Fannv S n id er entertained xlr “«d ^lrs J iu * Savage ot Wam- Saturday with her m other. Mrs. troop enjoyed a two-day outing In day and Wednesday. __ som eold frteiids and form er neigh- >' -did her sister Bonita Morgan. Lilly M Bteriy. Miss G race Me- -heir cabin near Sherm an s mill. o John C. Haskins was injured at “ id retemis lo rm tr neign c h ,,lull,,ni cenU .r last Cormtck. who is attending state Rev. Ralph Wtsecarver of Hills- last w e e k w h e n the ^ / ^ “ Sere Mr Kansas, ^ id M ^ Herbert Reynolds of New ber, w as Mr. an d Mrs was _________ in Aloha _________ Thursday call- »kviiiw oroke, wrapping liieii _____ norm al a t Monmouth. Wis down boro ___ ____ » ttuvr-t at the W. I Jont aome around him. Two ribs were broken Eran ces- '} 1i s, g u id 'd . a school Saturday for the week-end. Mrs. Bierly ac- mg on several of his friends, night and Sunday. teacher, and Mr. Gaston. T he K a n ­ companied them to Hillsboro on Grace Ford and her father, T. and one rib penetrated his lung sas folk were v e r y Mr and Mrs. A rthur Hill and favorably their return to spend the week-end. G. Ford spent the week-end in He was taken to tlie St. Vincent's impressed with the western Ben Thull left Saturday morning coun- hospital in Portland. Mrs. Vernon Leachman and son Portland visiting relatives, for a Tlnw week's trip W. W McDonald spent p art " f t *eneral- and X will l X ui Eastern Ore- of Portland spent a few days last While on his way home to Cor- Mrs eek v ix itin v fr ie n d s in h ilk and valleys in particular. While K^n. n it > w ill look over some farm s week with her mother Mrs Louise vallis from Brewster. Wash . Leon- °f J*51 w ->■>•» •—~ .B h mm im initv thev in th e community they visited the near Mitche l wit ith the idea of VanKleek. ard Swanson visited his sister. Mrs. Roseburg and Eugene. d son G eorge SchmelUer prune drier, never hav- buying, buying, if if they they I find w hat they B arker^am Some of th e young folk in the Edward R- _______ son George o f 'P o r t E la n Barker d __ h i _ v e and ou rrtL sed lnK su c h a UlH1* beforv T . . h . c . . > want, and U“ ‘M’ ,n,Ullt . _ Johnson. , ___ ____ _ " h e ...» will ‘ a also hunt ’ deer hi communitv went to G arden Home W e s r e i S i ^ m i n i n " h a " * s t a r t e d fo u n d P1™ 1*' drw '' fdled wllh U'f. Ochocho national forest Friday evening to charivari Mr. Thursday evening was turned over n new• e w 'w aln u t« 'T h ey '¿ckedTate ever- Mr and Mrs Frank HUI and w a l n u t i T h ey e v n jM ick d ed te te e e v w e r- M r a n d Hillsboro M rs and Mrs. Dan Blackburn When they 'i ^ '- h i s w n m u n llv thi" at ltw Miller inton- the Hill home Mrs K . i t J . , s. Following were Sunday guests of very interesting program. There Barker were the builders of the ‘" n „ ^ T ed p e ^ - 1)1 N °« h « -staying here . o„d x<~ August H. W nailm ann were also many visitors present mid- X r V a t . d dried c o r n e l s d u n n g .th e aixamce of her molrier Mr. and Mrs. Dallmanr Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weibel and from ^ Forest e T ^ Grove a v e rto n I ^ s i i i m ^ W^sh . trii! “ M r s ^ s t ^ u n t h e r entertained son Car! and daughter M ane of Sheridan. Miss Gladys Dallm ann of C. Jake here fSr rh -e ^ k rT h ^ T he CCC cam p a t Westunber 8 P»‘rt»-‘,,1‘,'t move to this w tth_, dbm er Suntlay for Mrs Viola Portland and Mr. and Mrs Reetz. MUs Mary Reetz m at tlie moved his family to Beaverton. 8a ''e a club dance a t the Timber «canty. Faix. Alvin Ri-etz family of Corvallis and street, hall last Thursday night. A good A - number from here are em- The house on B l a n t o n _____, _ . . . Mr and Mrs. Joe E g o and Miss ployed pickmg walnuts in the nu- formerly owned by th e Harrv Ed- crowd attended and It is hoped 1 _ Ia I J _ 1 Peroince Ego of Mountain Hom e merous orchards in Scholl kins family, has been rented to W th a t good crowds will continue. A 1 lU it n i tu u tc Covers were laid for 15 Mr and Mrs. George Snider were Erickson, who will occupy It Oc- verV good orchestra has been organ- Mrs. Ira G McCormick visited called to Cloverdale by the illness tober 15. tzed from the cam p musicians and Mrs Claud Stevens at. Newberg of h er brother G rant Dawson, who ------------- ------------ furnishes the dance music. Monday (By Mi»* J ran Smith) resides there. Mrs Fred West of T r e o l n w n Miss M argaret McCampbell of Mr and Mrs. Joe F in igu n and Portland, their daughter, was at * r e g i o w n x«ei» r c e s u u s . Portland, a former resident of HAZEI.DALE Clean-Up D ay’ daughter and son and A ngus Baker the Snider home while they were in A r g u s A d v e r t i s i n g Timber, was a visitor here last was held a t Haaeldale Monday, of l*ortland were Week-end guests away. W. H. Treglown of Hillsboro had week. school being dismissed th a t day on 1 a - the i-inlgan home Miss M ableanna Gembella spent mighty fine results from an adver- Mrs. Ben T. H art and sister, account of teachers' institute The l T Ftnigiui and daughter Miss last week with her uncle and tism ent in th e Argus. H ie advertis- Mis M argaret Fink, attended the men of the district cleaned up and W anda visited Mr and Mrs 6s. -u aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Aldred Rich- ment read: Chester W hite sow stock show this week. While they graded the school grounds and put Hagg at Reedvllle Saturday after- ards. of near Dosch Station. with litter for sale cheap." He called » ere In Portland they were guests the wood Into tlie basement. The noon and were entertained -it the j ----- ..------------------------------ « » j and »«— Mrs j , p Nelson. 1--------------- j ------ a ------- Mrs. Gladys Aten was quite ill up the day after the paper was out »». of Mr. women --------- served ■ dinner t noon. Carl Wohlschlegel home ut Scholls a t her home on Pleasant Valley to say th a t th e ad sold the pigs Mrs W. A Jones and M rs W Sunday road last week, but is very much the same day of publication. P Brooks were joint hostesses at Mr and Mrs. Mike McKern and Improved. ------------------------- a miscellaneous shower Friday af- children of Fernwood. Pierce G ugtn Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Wilson and Mr. and M rs Charles L. Walker tem oon a t the home of the former. of Pendleton and Miss Ann O rn- daughter of Banks visited Mr. W il-, spent Sunday a t Salem. compltmenting Miss Jean Smith, du(f of (Sirtl.-uid visited a t the Ruf- whose m arriage to Paul O C onnor us O rnduff home Sunday Miss MOUNTAIN HOME — Mountain will take place a t her home S at- O rnduft spent Saturday night at Home C hristian Endeavor society urday evening Many beautiful gifts tlie home of her jxirents Mr and elected officers a t the John Schm elt- were received by Miss Smith Guests M rs Peter Ornduff. zer home Friday evening New of- included Mesdames Dan Newsham Mr and Mrs Don M cInnis and fleers are Helen Schmeltzer, pres- of Hillsboro. R. B Day and Beecher fam ily of Reedvllle Frank I’a ln t- ldent; Ray Aeblscher. vlce-presi- Doughty of Beaverton, Tom Miller, e r and j a Thromson of Portland dent: Mildred Nelson, secretary: Raymond Heard. A rthur MilLs, C W arren Forsyth, treasurer; Lily P Syverson. Mary McHenry J C , j • • Nelson, chorister and Ellen Marie Smith. Max Berger and Sabina O r a r i d n i a g A d l'IC P Jaquith, organist Plans were a ls o , W hithead. Misses Mary O ranl of , made for a conundrum banquet to 1 Aloha and Evelyn Day of Beaver- " l i t ’Kt I be given a t the Evangelical parson- j ton. Thank« to tho p m iit.m urstnz or hi« age October 26. A rrangem ents are Fred Strickland who is employed 1J ’J',rU“«- •< W»rUh«ni»ton in charge of the president and vice- a t O tter Rock, spent the week-end president. Business meetings of this a t his home here E iaam otb .r r -." m « n d ii S d X i h kh M organization are scheduled for the Tom Miller, Jacob Kemmer and now ft»«« credit for h l. nco««ry 1« th . fd»» first Friday evening of each m onth Harry Fluke of Kinton are deer Tr-atmant, b.»«d on » r.mou» «tom»ch .po- and the November meeting will be hunting this week in Eastern Ore- rtnliM-» tri»ie-«cUon pr«.>o lias been unable to walk since fell last April 13 walk —,ge since he pip. ‘Hid * ■ broke ins h Harvey of Blaine. ' lrs John Jl’ht Wash Mrs loin H ui\e\ ol J1**' luigham. Wash m id d a u g h tei Mr.- Henry Casli. ot Mount Vernon in ru l'd on the mountain Saturday for a two weeks visit at tlie Jerome Buzon arxt M. M Harvey homes Mr and Mrs. D A O l i o and family visited lier parents, Mr and Mrs R. O. Kumrow. at Portlaiul Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Sam O tto and son w ere guesus S u n d a y of M r O tto .s , », , .... ^Lsltr’ Mrb M ar> “ a Is ut Hllls’ txiTO tx'ro .rh e Misst,s H<,va ind Epoljj Bal . “ “i ' “ i“ ? 11. D. GEORGE T. McGRATH BUY YOUR Wa«bln«tnn Comity Agenda« RUBBER STAMPS INHIJRANCR HKRVICB Hhtlle Rank llullglng Phon« 2211 Illllahoro P«r Information ohnot IMroetory or II i from HILU3BORO ARGUS Advortlaora roll Tho Argoa — 2141