C Vage Four iiildee Mrs (' l< 1 >eh liman, Mi.i (lOttheb and Mia .laeolx«on E C. MKINNK\ Associate Editor •fe rn h e r—< )re*r'n ¿ t a i* E d i­ t o r in i A»*>'ci«t!. n and N a ­ tio n a l E d ito ria l Aaaoeiation O F F IC IA L NEW SPAPER E ira t A u d ite d Paper. I.a tv - «»t A u a ite d W e e k ly C irc u la ­ tio n in O regon OF W A S H IN G T O N COI NTY ¡Subscription Kat,«« S tr ic tly Cash in Advance Per r a - r ...... ............ >1.50 U S. O u trid e O r w v n S ix m outh« F o re ig n C o u n trie s — .SB |2.0 0 > 50 T he H iE sbo ro A rg u s s.*.-unies no fin a n c ia l r e a p o n *ib ilitjr fo r error» published in ita columns». b u t in caeee w h ere ih w paper la at fa u lt w ill re p r in t th a t p a rt o f an ad v e rtis e m e n t in w h ic h the ty p o g ra p h ic a l m ie ta k e occurs. I J A n Independent N ew spaper, W hoee Services and P olicies are Raaed on the P r in c ip le o f th e Golden K u l< — " A n d as ye w o uld th a t men ahould do to you. «io ye alao to th e m lik e ­ w is e . " - M a tth e w 7 tl2 . Stand Dangerous R. Frank Voters, candidate for judge Winners ot free trip io stale I .dl||(x prohibit .strike-. I'heic Wa.-hingron. I> C U> iivsuuu* law having been born anil reared on a dairy Herd and ttie MrKen Pass T heir 'allls. «ho spent ill,- week-end «11!; uevej was a .settlement of a .sitik- Hub« . at io« it;ctowit ii ntyerslIy farm near Hillsboro. Seventeen years of b*. .e i'.er - in-taw . G iV irr Spencer of their parent« here. other means than arbitration by Ashland. iceompunied them home M rs w j. Stum pf iNalda Cha.se> two t-ontending tuetloiu« alter the his 2 1 years' law practice in Oregon have and remained uni it Mondui night. left Friday evening for tier home hi deulm ent w.is done and both |>ai ties I f«*gg f )aiiy Again been in W ashington county. I liei reported splendid w eather nt o ik lm . Cal . after a two weeks ami the public were the lu-ei*. Due to the great amount of legal work C rater I ake and no snow. "» it «itti lier parents. Mr aiai Kna. 1 a law providing lor the Wins I ir s i i lonors Mrs Mabel B atelielar oi Portland Mis A I Clia-e apmuntment b> tin« governor ot that develops in this county it is entirely l< ,intimimi from i > hw «< 11 three arbitrators tor hie Make a, Mrs. •' If Newcomb of College logical that the circuit ju d g e should be ast of tile week of Place. Wash a rm e d Wednesday every business ot every description lh’au tv / a purebietl Jersey with from this section as a benefit to litigants Mr and Mrs. W it Fuller .»J’d lo take »mt a license to do business r a « r c k s visit w ith M i. F 1, a rnatixl of 7.*»3 |>ouiuLs of milk relatives and friends. Mr» and iiNtutrc e\«'i v labor organt/.i • and a saving to the state. The bulk of oilier Batchclai, who formerly rm dixt Mitchell .kl<.d hen Mrs Newcomb tormerly lion to do likewise Provide lor the and at 2 ¡touhds of hutterfat Total of 39 herds, luehtdlug 1HJ7 the court business for this district is in heiv. i> proprietor of a restaurant ,, ,, submi'ssit-n of all disputes Ih'lween cows, were te«UM during I h Northeast Alberta street in lM rt- . Kaxs Hal‘ returned Satur kiuen and employer to tin* court this county, due to its closeness to P ort­ , on month, according to J P ioluviui, land. land and its much g reater population. t(*ster Of this nuinlwr H i were * •* - No true, conscientious citizen would Now no law is worth the paj>er div. Average milk piaiductton was it is written on without a ¡»cnalty 670 pounds and butterfut produe- Mrs c E Wells, honors were , make a mistake by voting for R. Frank of «on m the aimes bv Mrs Frank M i- Edttui Morgan amt Eithe, party wtlii lu»n Including ill \ cows was 26 9 ................ ...... not comnlytng Plyti, Peters for circuit judge. B arr and Mrs If R Emmott. Good ‘‘ “ ‘Shters Cieo amt Mildred ot (be arbitrators slum Id U»S4’ ios«* his It i*>unds t ’ow.. producing 40 |x»unds Cheer committee for file m onth • •’' ,rft.»n«l «ere visitors Smut.n at cense ()r ,„„rc t>f butU-rfi»t hilnled lt»J. The very fact that Zimm erm an advo­ «ill I«- Mrs John G ardner and crnoon at tile M, Kmnev home I e u '" 4 , > w J l" h , 1 ’j ' ' 1 “ 11 » “ ' l e r «‘ I W , « s l l . m i l . « H I , ,t cates the repeal of the Oregon criminal Mrs. John K am ra J r Mr and Mrs s j n««tieii ami f.S worn Hs I. e i' !’ m ''V , h*’r*' ••»*'• J*»“ 1’’' ' •“ A new year is starting for tin I Octi I Mrs II D M arlette. John M ar- cllll(tr''n of near Orenco « re Mur »tumid Is «eeur. ll syndicalism law. our only p r o te c tio n ' . » ui< nt.s l ltttlun during tlie mollili Fifteen lette. Mr .uni Mrs John W illiam s1 i1 “ ' dK'sl-s »1 Mr and Mrs p w against the forces that would overthrow cham ber ot commerce with a new group J r and Miss E dith Peed of Ped- H“ ‘ 111 1'"rtland Whut would Is- til.- eon-.e.iu.-nei's “ '“l «rade H.'Lsfeln row« interests mid the United States government and its in­ of officers. The new officers «ire men of .««««.«. field. S u D who liaVe ooen been \isuing visiting W.iu-Kee-Na Camp »». iu - is «« .\a vam p n Fire r e groun . If the tiu.Mile.ss , .................. ... 1 lal*.r w,,r'' lidded to the Indimi M'liool Mrs M arlette s daughter. Mrs. P made' a txwt trip .Saturday on the ' 1 ' U oi Uld a!l '^’n »‘«‘d a t c hemawa during Hie month stitutions. is plenty of reason why he ability and should provide good leader­ A Anderson, and family for sever- -v . I a t as the mouth ot the “ t a fair ii«al and ealtle having been purchaso«! should not be entrusted with the governor­ ship for the civic group, which has been ul at weeks, left Saturday morning for 'W illam ette river. tu V r-OWAHI) s c 'l l l ’l MEK- from the drouth area of Houth h o m * ' »»Fill. . — . c,___ L - .... , . IV i t I ) a k n f I ’ hlt»,» r-akota ,1 ' Tluve cows W were detected ship of this state. Zimm erm an is trying in a trem endous factor in the life of the lK>me William Smith, who has been m Lus Iktardi'is and .-.old for I mm I while Mrs. H K Lucas of Bend Is a Jones luvspital for some tune « some of his talks to indicate his sympathy community for many vears. Dunin« Support • rucO <>o has been to reverse the process by weeks. She is accompanied by Mrs. l*s 'id lin g at the Dun by all means those favoring and support­ which The the aim Erdniar. ot the dairym en of Wiu.li Gleen I - I imi I country sank deeper and deeper in the Jess Hixson of Marshalltown. Iowa, borne ingtoii county We owe to liiiu a Two or mon* eords ing Roosevelt should vote for General bog of depression. After the stock market crash >1 75 debt of gratitude Mrs. R. W. Cox was a guest last Charles L. Walker was ill w Sawed. 50c more M artin, a he-man. late in 1929. prices fell, men were throw n out of week It »ill I** a m atter of greut Intel of her daughter. Mrs Carlos Ilu for several days this wivk £ tlwse who heW, th e,r J0bs <* o to S S S ii: mm “ ' Oregon has a rare opportunity of se­ £ £ e.*t to nii- to ascertain »Iw tlier <>i K«*K1ng> and in.*»hie. dry* were cut. A low selling price m eant a low wage Cox visited there Sunday and tier not tiius debt of gratitude is paid ld-lneh < 'orti curing for governor a high type of citizen hence ttie attem pt imder the NRA to make possible m other returned home » tti her. V- ounty Men Win at the election this fall. I know a or mom conia «LIS and a man th a t m ade an excellent record the txxvsting of wages through the fixing of prices liuit a m ajority of ttie dairymen Mrs. Lora Stockton of Grant.*, ot W ashington county. Oregon are KxcWient kitchen wood ttie b,v>l in congress in behalf of his state and his at a level th at would support the wages. R.vss is a guest of her Mster-m-law. Land Show Prizes supporting Siivator Dunne Win buy you cun find. took place in the lumber industry serves Mrs L T MePheeters Mrs Stock- country. He is a true patriot, who would as an W hat should not live business nu n of tti s example. Huge stocks of lumber were on hand ton was formerly in the millinery I>ry sub and Work (C o n tin u e ,! fro m p » k « 11 fill the governor’s chair with dignity, hon­ when tiie depression broke, and th e only way of business in Hillsboro. county, whose sales have been In- F H. Jossv. Portland route 2 fil N crexMxi as a result of th e Increased He rm an Rehse or and credit to this state. moving them was by rapid decline in price. To Miss Amretto Darne Muss B ar- on ladino clover «issi m», ond pi t><* of milk. give their support F i lo n e b * X i;> . p ia m i IXJJ Oregon needs a fearless executive and continue production and sell a t cut prices it was bara Cady, both of Beaverton, and nxi clover d; It Norm.uidii. s . natof Dtuim for the lumber companies to slash wages. W arren Barnes of Cornelius were Forest Grove, first on Iuduui s-'iuitor Dunne is entitled to tla* not a politician. We believe that General necessary Fred In consequence employes were getting barely enough luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. prunes of \\ astuugton county to M artin fills the prescription. tlurd >in l t .(lhl Elwert Slierwood support for food, and cheap food a t th at, a little bootleg, B W Barnes Monday. uui prunes and second a greater extent iluin any other 2 I »ully Tripit hi l*tirtImiti llillalinro Alilo I ' i < h ,.|. i B>>iid(‘il timi liu m irj '., se rt lug ii.giv. rl»n, Mull i. IIIII s I ioih . <'u n ir li, I «»rest < *!»»%«, Hillsboro Phone Kunt Hide I • » minai pun PI ion« I'Ast m u at NIGHT Wlien live mighty mu.- >|, man*U ills right Motiiei knows bent Hlie treats Hi Howling Hlglme.vi to F l i t MILK a lelepli.. . • all wilt start courteous el,« i w o r k delivery N g I’E A « u n it glu«. of i Grove Milk Iwfore gotn. t o bed 1» a safe means of as­ suring sound, reatful »lisp grove : O rd e r Today! P hone 4 R X I GRADE M IL K FIR G R O V F DAIRY Mrs. Willette Tells How She Lost 30 Pounds In 3 Months perhaps, and gas for th eir cars if they had to drive Lieutenant-Com m ander and Mrs. >>■ dat prunes; Leo Elwert. Sher- county m tile state He lias de­ to and from work For the rest of w hat they had Harry Harding left last week for «,*Hi first on date primes; E W livered the gvM*is for us Bremerton, after a visit with Mrs \ v , . . o , , r , ( Forest Grove, first on bv ’ e'mdwlaie ‘wh1' 1 b’’ n,Ul''11 to have they went in debt, and w hat they could do Forest Grove H arding's father. T S. W eatlierred t .uiaiuaie.s who pronikM* m > iim *- without rem ained unbought. DuChilli filberts; and D A. Thorn tiilng and other relatives. ftw nothing C F RoHIN- , . ,r The NRA sought to remedy th is by fixing the burg. fMrest Grove first or. Bar­ SON Cornelius, m ute 2. Mr and Mrs. Les Kroft. Mrs celona Actions of Willis Mahoney, defeated price of lumber at an amount sufficient for pay- filberts. Erm a Sadler, and Mr and Mrs R. candidate for governor in the dem ocratic ment of a living wage, it sought, too. to end the R Barnes and family of Portland -’ 1'eat R it G, G. Bacon. Bacon Beaverton < oneerntag ii>r W alnai Code No Mure H eadache slender fem inine rurvea take l u i l f prim aries or of his vunnorter, ' establishing production quotas, • e r e Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. r,,me 3. seco n d o n F e .ie ru tio n * G' a1” 1«'1'¡«mxl believe-, tliat tin* p i u n a r i e s . or oi ms supporter*, seem some- beCause the m aintaining of a fairly high price level > level tens|»KMtful of K ru a h rn No More Rnckache J. K. Webber. »heat; George Findley Portland Wltuiut ro<'*‘ “ »at has las n adopted F alu in a glass of lu»t wafer first m flat presumptive. Some of his rubid fol- would obviously be difficult if not impossible in the No More Dizzy Spells Mrs Adam Erdm an of near Hills- ¿ ° “<<* first on Marquis wheat and ,t>u,,k , tiling rverv morning K rteulirn 1» lowers stormed M artin headquarters and iace ot overproduction. The logic back of price boro returned home Sunday from fix* safe healthy way to reduie ° ‘i l«»rd red spring wheat. Mi..uld i„* gr ul.si “ a a sum m ers visit with her da ugh- Fred Plieth, Sherw..od. first on ,< >rdi, u r n > o mini- . i , ‘ T .“ 1 ...V Mrs A rthur Wlllelte of E'emdale. approved by physicians u Jm ,,».*« asked th a t his platform be adopted for iixul* *'s? BOund- .. ter. Mrs W alter Zetzman of Klam- Jenkins wtieat and second ‘.............- '*■' »allty. so th at the con- M id "Just started my till only a few rents and lasts V the general election. Mahoney was clear- code ¿ s f t u ^ 8 requirement m the lumber 1«. j • ,, . ' „ ----- - »»».•» violent dissension, and despite its a th Falls. ' ’ ' club wheat " HobeM^PU-ih* " " ‘ff llr b,‘>'1,W Jar of Krusetien First I want lo trll at live Palm IHug store aiui HUF Ij defeated Hl May and an attem pt to approval bv a m ajority of the directors of the West .Mr and Mrs. W E Ogitbee a t- on white d u b «lira* ‘ pud Hu-h . »viliuii <-ania»t‘ ‘'la'1““*’,' ’ ““ >OU V*.1 30 "* 1,1 3 ‘ b" r" I’liarma. v ..r anv drug .shove his platform off on to the sturdy c °^s t Lumberman's association, its elimination is tended the wedding in Portland Forest Orove bird >■ hi“rd nxi >’•*» »U h a w rta m »¡andard sUU want ra i ' w "'’‘““uJ.'A V'“! Ul” *”rld A‘h General Martin is going too far. The nOt U Sunday of their niece. Miss R uth spnng Wheat. O k rT R ttc h e l F o r t i u a t t, w ro,«. for tlu l ro«“ >n H X ^ M ^ T w v r '’ Klam ath Falls mayor is quite the oppor- either a . - T X d e ro ^ y " X M ? ^ e s ^ S U**»- ' ’ h °l ^ 0 ^ t,J“ » .I T 7 ‘ower ' ' “ 7 ' " “ U’ headaches. Ijoekaelies. * ■ . u • . , j , - - . ------- arc unable to buy lumber a t th e established land. soring wheat »„ h Elwert T' H’4V l’“*’ Ai,mn Kroner <»ut of dizzy spells, heartburn but don't tunist, being a resident of the state only prices, or are not interested in buying it. High Mr. and Mrs Ervin B urkhalter Sherwood second on ’ white husltK-».. they are surely «,„ ttie any more I have 3 friends lakmg » m u t right track. It will cost me over it and it's helping them "boo two years and trying to run things A pric68 of commodities th a t rem ain unsold do no one anb Mrs Mae McLaughlin of south wheat V ^ ^ U e r »u.bs to Newberg the last o, the week. *¡1 w L C t s t £ h e tit^ ¿ h .^ rv“ ' - i - " a - student « . ^ . - 0 5f — 2- < --------- T " in a i^ -d Donelson. Kve\e r ' e o * n ve." d ? ,lr*U sweepstake» a n d 1 consumer law- ........ ..... ... k _ '■*»“< ‘te and h»?k m anes pointed out that Mahoney in an wages Will have to be cut if lumber mills are per- Miss Mildred AT ALL DRUGClSTS . Corvallis, spent the Ion p„rR.. lnu*? .C U Ml" ' Ì Ì T 1' , buL ‘’’J? ^ e n o u g h old and unattractive if you want advertisem ent had said th a t he never nutted to set their own prices. Will they set them a t O. S you to poas<*Ms a lienltliv figure with ■If. nw urru D A IL Y D O « t»v»t O om It ' week-end her parents. Mr ton. Forest Grove, first on seed- f»* “ »e present E. B urkhalter voted against compensation for veterans. too !ow? There should a t least be some safeguard and Mrs E. L. Donelson lings; and Leo Elwert. SherwoU5 c‘rcle^ duJI Harvey R Wilson of B ank, and v , .. . ■ . ------ sow>««eu prices, reduced wages, diminished Walnuts E Mundorf. Cornelius, never had the opportunity through never buying power, duller business. Price fu in g or no Dorotb>' E. Dean of Timber were second. Franquette»; Leo Elwert Thirty Years Ago having been a m em ber of congress. This as Pnce iuun« th® depression wui be with us as long w ^hn%e »ni. business lags and men fail to receive an adeq u ati C° “ Ver' Wa5h the laM of U,e » " k* 1 Mrs . . . . th lrd ' ^ q u e t t e « . ■ ----- Argus. September 29. 1904 Feddr paper also made a query as to where Ma­ wage.—Vernonia Eagle. Herman George Ooelze and Elsie I C . D Minton. Forest Orove. fourth. Carstens. So resident of county Fern Edgett. both of Cornelius. I Fvanquette«. nva./:y years, died here Septem ber honey was during the great w ar inasmuch __ _____________ were granted a m arriage license la s t1 Petite Prunes: Fred Elwert. 8 h er- *'“» l,»e fatlier of Mrs. Km- as he was of age. A nother real horse sale at Interstate Horse & Cow week at South Bend. Wash. wood, first; Leo Elwert. Slierwood "»“ McKinney of the Argus Thomas Hoy of S an Diego. CaJ . Mcond; Hubert Elwert. Sherwood r»w7 ’n ^ n « HD C? ,7Pb£11' Vetrr»n oi M arket. Union Ave. and Columbia Blvd, Portland, Ore ia making a three weeks' visit with llUrd 1 ‘J” *1 8 navies, died here Septem ber 25. his m other and sister. Mrs. Jam es Italian Prunes: Hubert Elwert Pour highest In voting for trip to The president made a great speech Sunday Hoy and Mrs. Anna Kirk. Slierwood, fourth. night. Not Just because the pronouncem ents in it Francis Robb and Bruce Chaim- Barley E F. McCornack. Hills- 1 231M''’"M re^fT iu d e Boscow G recar, 1820; M anager Will Henry of the Dairy Co- n»6®! ’ dth the ideas th a t are entertained by this ers have leased the Hanley broth- boro route 4. first, miscellaneous Susie Mi Kmnev. 1722 and iiiira . 1 Lust sale n B 'til s i l r i 'i w Selling car of horses and operative has urged the dairym en to con- scrlbe ;l rather perhaps because of the class of ers' farm near GaMon and took barley w aggener. 1182 mules, weights 1200 to J KOG ||m.t three-yeur-olds to tinue to give their support ?o the" ¿reg°on "’^ S ^ i s ^ T t 1 different e ta ,, of possession October 1. Onions Floyd Bierly, Beaverton _ O iunty S uperintendent Case re- smooth-mouth«. Many well-m atched learns and single m i lk la u r s v s n ™ • J l . * 1 “e Prei>laent is talking to a different class of Mr. and Mrs Sherm an Hyre route 3. first; Floyd Bierly third Ports shortage of teachers milk law even though many promises th a t American citizens th an have ever before had a were guests last Thursday of their g r „ v u n i. \ J Mr and Mrs Thomas Tucker h " rses> f o r f l ,r m o r heavy draft work. the board has made to milk producers chamP‘on tn W ashington They constitute about 83 daughter. Mrs. William Gillcnwater. both r.i 0 ,1 1 ? ^ .^ _ “ _ __Ul , , , Kay celebrate fiftieth wedding an n iv ir: y— v per cent of the people of th is nation. U. S govern- and family at Yamhill. ■ ,h» «« , d 2 rouU 3 -¿ik Hvln* ----- Horses sold on 3-day trial. If not as represented, to be have not ■ been . kept. . - — The milk » law has —ZZ^ZZV the Shady Brix>k community, won O UA V4 2 3 14 ry ‘1 1 « I - U Fifteen Years Ago ment statistics gathered under the Coolidge ad- Mrs. John Connell returned Thurs- first In their 4-H club livestock r.-turned in same condition as when bought and monev done more to relieve the dairy farm er of m inistration showed th a t more t h i n 85" 'j£ r ' cent da'y f r o ^ 'i i extended Vv ^ u w ilh “iKT dcmons'tratKm'’ 2t' “ o ClU». Iiy’’stiKlc A7 'i i Septem ber” » ."¡91» Cor- w ill be refunded h e of American citizens were _____ and are ________ poor; have ____ lean, daughter Mrs. W. E Slater, at tpi-natlomi iiv»-,1 Pacl^lc I n ' ?*,r2i H erbert Miller, who s»rved In sorry plight than any other f a c t o r . __ - . Dnl~ AH,. r«„i u tem m anonal »». Tues- A. ___ _ atlonal llV»‘St LX»n?M ? x > n ^ £ ’ U can be accomplished under such a plan T!’fre wh? 1Uce 10 saX and whisper Alex Beila and Bob w îü l.^ É th a t the president is championing lawlessness and family of P ortland were week-end than under the old hit-or-miss conditions. violence and breaking down the morale in asking guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MrCulJock. won second Poultry W W Boscow. L. A I,»nv »• r Judging team from Stiady Brrxik Moore and a . C Shute ’ for a fuller life for those who have sat on the th in L^ntz. Mr and Mrs. L. J. Rushlow spent consisting of R uth McDougall, Ira i Auxiliary to American ix-glon or- C ly d e W . W o o d A Bros., A u c tio n e e r» seats not just those in need, but those who do not week-end a t Newport with their and Frances Hherer. won ganjzed Officers arc Mr» C W have a11 of ^»e every day comforts of life. True thc If newspapers do not always agree there daughter. Mrs. Felix O’Donnell “ »Ird. O ther winnings In 4-H club Hollins, president; Mrs E C Me-' has grown up a small crew ot self seekers family. competition In the livestock and K |nney. vice-president. Mr». J H witn some kinds of politicians it often and worthless individuals, who are capitalizing on and Miss Rosemary 8nyder of Salem cropK division were os fololwn: « ‘Lrett‘ 8,'rr,‘tary. and Mr».' W results in a cry of “subsidized” or “con- th€ Prfcsent situation to perpetuate their worthless- spent th e week-end at the home of Dairy C attle Frances Detrlr k Ma,lon treiv.iirer. Executive com- ¿ " v d S r " 18' Mr and ° C Rork C rP,k' third on cow; M a ^ n | tro lle d ” press. With mighty few excen- centage nes!' but of the d0 vast not arm constitute Perceptible per- K n n o n n o w ill -.el,. „1... Y r* , x c e p y of good American men tions one will n ta rlj always find news- and women who toil and worn- natiem.iv dav after _ . - Heynderlckx, Cornelius route j Presumptive tuschen Salts Our Yesterdays A U C TIO N SALE riesiaen t iVlakGb Lricat opeech Tuesday, October 16, at 1:15 p. m. Henry Advises Interstate Horse & Cow Market, Owners T oo La tc to Classify r i * ' ' V ¡1 X' L I. . . . . . . liepori.« oi trie I amnill-W ashington County Herd Improvement association should prove interesting to farm ers in this section. Several W ashington county herds are m aking rem arkable records. Such work should prove a good investment. ui uic moment, political partisanship will few days' hunting in Eastern Ore- o cavenon route third; , 1 •>»«>> i.m lr.,|„ f,,r cow , h o r.c , a i iy lh ln , can u -c a lu rc h color the view of many of those who know th a t the 1 gon. Elmer Bierly. Beaverton route 3. I 'r rrill.o. ann tl, c o n .lc ii.c r « In president speaks the tru th and will make them take Circle two of tlie M. E. Ladies' Ivan Bierly, Beaverton route ca re fo r o l.l |,.«.,,|c. »If, | „ I sides against their own interests, but even th a t will Aid will meet next Thursday at seventh; Irving Chase, Hillsboro W 1» l » l t . l . nn.n i h ((««fpreneps M rx N W fade before the power of public opinion which senses the home of Mrs. Thom as Connell. rout«' ninth; Marvin Heynderlckx. < h llr o lt , lr.lM Mupl«« H lroef. n o itth nenwa S. I*, tra c k . 3 4 tf th a t the time is drawing near for a "fuller life" for Mrs. Anna Schulm erich is «pend- " 'Lth every citizen who works and builds and is the ¡ng th e week with her daughter, Com 100-ear open class Elmer ' WAN3K> W n ln » t m c .ii., I»«v hiyhcMt 1— price. e.,r>ir fir n (. P e r- sinews of the nation.—The Sheridan Sun. I fe r tio u lin k Miss Helen Zwlmpfer of Santa Barbara. Cal., Is visiting relatives and friends a t North Plains. Mr. and Mrs. F Abendroth were Sunday guests of Mr and M r .J Vigorous opposition to th e proposed constitu­ Morris Booth in Portland. tional am endm 20 i Mr. — and — Mrs. Fred Cornelius were . ent to lim it Oregon tax levies -- to — — »«,•< The Grange Objects Oregon people should rem em ber th a t G eneral Alartin promises uthe application of the New Deal principles to Oregon by an adm inistration friendly to and co-oper­ ating with President Roosevelt,” if elected governor. Hillsboro has lowest tax levy ratio in th e entire state. This is due to good m anagem ent and adm inistration. T h i s city in recent years has been fortunate in having successful and capable business men serve in governm ental capacities. L et’s all be Am ericans and work in the in te rest of all the people and our own g re a t United States. Make partisanship give way to patriotism . H illsboro is a good tra d in g center. The m erchants and clerks are your neighbors and friends. Money spent here helps them and eventually helps you. ™mmi^* ^ 0 ™ ^ ^ grange. * eXeCUtiVe ~ Mr M'" Will Cornelius In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Morley and Mr and Mrs. Claude Morley were Salem visitors Sunday. Mrs. Jam es Reynolds of Yamhill j ls a &uest Hits week of Mrs Flor- ence Heynolds. Miss Elizabeth O tt and Ted Del»« rnade h l«h scores a t "500 at the Grange officials have analyzed the measure. They have found what is behind the honeyed words th a t imply a reduction of the tax load. Analysts of th e m easure shows th a t not only will it elim inate the state system of higher education, close schools in many ru ral districts and curtail fundam ental services in cities and towns below all standards of efficiency, but it will sh ift the burden of taxation from the corporation and the big in ­ come property owners to owners of small farm s and homes. By reducing the assessm ent ratio to 50 per cent proponents of the measure shift th e tax burden from the utility companies to the owner of the small I Furnished home, choice home and the small farm . The ratio fixed by the very nice home, j bill lets the owner of big urban income property location, j fireplace, garage, etc., r e a - ! "out" but the small property owner "in." The proposed measure will upset the Oregon tax ’ sonable. system, agreed by experts to be workable and adapted 2-ACRE HOME to needs and conditions of th e state. ________ - room house, garage, It has been seen _ as ____ merely _____ the initial move to force a sales tax upon th e people of Oregon by cut- fruit, a real sacrifice $500 ting revenue below a reasonable lim it for m alnte- cash Full oricc nance of lundam lundam ental services e n ro l. u n p ric e . lance of ental services. The measure bears a brand not placed there Insure with bv approval ot owners of small homes, and farmers, TUALATIN VALLEY ’»»''«on Journal. FOR RENT ___________ __ "The very conception of NRA follows the demo- F’olitical partisanship HH some times ' ratic procedure of our government itself Its theory evidenced would indicate m ore love of of 8':l ,-rc'8>»l»t‘°n follows the American method rath - . .. - ®r than any of the experim ents being tried in other p arty th an of country. nations.’’—President Roosevelt. INSURANCE AGENCY W. G. IDE 1314 Main Street Hillsboro. Oregon with 4-H CLUBS INSPIRE OREGON GIRLS AND BOYS This week members of Oregon'» 4-11 ( | uhs are exhibit­ ing their livestock and farm produel» at the Pacific Inter­ national Livestock Exposition in Portland. Nearly a million American boys and girls in other »tale» are learning about modern farming methods through the work of these clubs. For more than a half century The First National Bank of Portland has witnessed the improvement and develop­ m ent of Oregon farm lands. We note with pleasure the enthusiasm of this youngest generation of farmers and their zealous promotion of purebred livestock and improved farm ­ ing methods. These boys and girls will be the Oregon farm ­ ers of tomorrow and by their newly learned scientific methods will bring Oregon farm products to even higher standards. * HILLSBORO BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND "OlDetr NAFIONAl BANK WIST Of THl HOCKIir «»1 When Service must not fail The fire siren (hat sends a shiver down your spine calls for aclion from your water com­ pany. For part of every water company's service to its community is the furnishing of an adeq u ate supply of water in case of fire. This means a readily available and constant flow of water when fire threatens. OREGON-WASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY Richard E. Wiley, M anager