Hilhi vs. Newberg Friday m illi vs. Newberg Friday With W hich is Combined the Hillsboro Independent VO LUM E IIILI, OREGON. T ill RSli.W . O< TOKER 11. 1934 II Hagg Dairy Again Wins Top Honors S ta te C apitol N e w s L e tte r II Y A. I. I. I Nl* II S O I IncreuHi* in Oregon'« Budget Expected for Biennium. R e e d v ille • S AI.KM . ,.in 'Die «tale budget now In ,.i prepauiuion toy II, in . Hanzen, budget director, will p ro ­ vide tor m aterial increase» in up- pro|ululluii» tor »tat«* activities ov­ er til***- made by tlie 1933 legisla­ ture Ju s t bow much thin U h iiiim - will am ount to has not yet been determined, but II will probably be a . much aa »2,000.000. iii-rordlng «" pre.M'nt Indication». Needn tor operating and m ainte­ nance expense» ol »tub* inaUtutlona alone will lie incrisiMsI from »300.- 000 to »500.000 over the approxi­ mately »1,500,000 appropriated lor the current biennium For one tlun« tliere lias been a m aterial in- creiuic in tlie population of moat of Uie Institutions and foudhtuffs. clothing and other supplies have Increased In price at least 35 |s-i cent over tlie price« prevailing two years atto. j Salaries of Mate official» and em ­ ploye» a re is-ing included in the budget at Uie basic ra te Unless D a ir y m e n Nosier Leader Land Show E x h ib ito r s H ave T o ta l $391 I n t e r n a t io n a l E v e n t M o n th Sweepstakes Taken Grove Herds Place 4 -H C o u n ty R « n k s W e l l in H e r d Im p r o v e m e n t G r o u p W in in P re m iu m s a t P a c if ic H ig h P r o d u c in g C o w f o r S eco nd County / Men Win Prizes C lu b M e m b e r s R e c e iv e H o n o rs on E x h ib its Text» ^ c a m p a ig n ( j roup Announces ' ^ m competition l it r e In * the lx«ly >f W illiam J a y , If«- >jie<| friaintainiritf hi« riirhi of way. > H h was n ifh t, riieht, aa he «pe«l along . But he ju»t aa «lead aa if he’d l>een Age has dulled the effectiveness of this Jingle about Mr. Jay and his untimely end. and a new verse is needed, according to sponsors of Qulf K street and highway safety cam- paign. Thl» group, In co-operation with the Argus, are offering seven cash prize» for tlie best four-line humorous "pomes’’ along sim ilar lines in a contest closing October 31. All readers of this newspaper are eligible to compete Entries are to be .-j-nt to the Argus or to tlie Oregon State Motor a.ssoctation at Portland, where Judging will take place Entrant« may subm it as many jingles as they wish, but only one prize will be awarded to any contestant. Prizes will be di­ vided as follows »3 for first place, »2 for second, five third prizes of »1 each Best entries received each week will be published. The Let's Quit Killing'' drive entered Its third two-wtek period Sunday, October 7. with education­ al and enforcement activities cen­ tered on failure to observe signs and signals, one of the m ajor causes of accidents. Tills phase of the campaign is directed toward closer observance o f roadside warning signs such as ''curve'' and "cross­ road stricter olrservance of "stop signs, and more general use and observance of arm signals for turn-1 lng and stopping. NO. 34 publjc Held Responsible Fire Losses Vote Slated for County on Hog Plan N in e ty -n in e P e rc e n t o f F ire s C o n s o lid a tio n a n d F u t u r e o f D e c la r e d P r e v e n ta b le by P r o g r a m U p f o r B a llo t by JL E x - C h ie f H o ld e n Local Ratio F ir e m e n G u e s ts Nosier Heads Teacher Body Cham ber T h r e e M e e tin g s P la n n e d f o r o f C o m m e rc e on M o n d a y Dangers Tax L im it Cited Thieves Loot Fuel Pum ps Fine Art Prints to be Displayed Housing Plan Filins to be Shown Locally Portland Finn Low Bidder Post Office Farmers Will Receive Checks Soon; Fight Brings Increase Brushing Project Approved by SERA Republican Rally Tigard Wednesday City Projects Urged by SERA Officials Lumber Company Enjoined bv Court S ig n e rs Agreement Out Soon Hilhi to Meet Newberg Here Cheating Fire Stressed Here C o n tra c t Cited T h at 99 per cent of the fires In Total ol 56 prizes, amounting to W ashington county during the past »39 1 50 In premium», were won this five years were preventable was week by Washington county exhib­ the declaration of Lee Holden, re ­ itors at the lam d Products «how of tired Portland fire chief Monday at the l*aclflc International Livestock the local chamber of commerce in exponltlon in Portland, according th e opening event of "Fire Preven­ to William I- Cyrus, county agent tion Week. He urged the public to Sweepstakes honors were taken by think fire prevention 365 days a the M artin-W arrens bulb farm on year, not Just during the seven days I tali < reek, by e . F M e O o ra a c k ot when the m atter was publicized. Hillsboro route 4 on barley and by Fire loss in Hillsboro last year R M Scott of Sherwood route 1 amounted to »13.21 per capita while on outs. This made the sixth con­ second consecutive m outh for herds the loss in McMinnville during the secutive oats sweepstake» won by between 20 a n d 49 eowa and O f f ic e r » fo r C o u n ty G ro u p s same period was but 43 cents per Scott. tw een 12 to 20 cow .. rcs|jectlvely. capita. Chief Holden declared C are­ Prizes won were 23 firsts, 18 ”H<'ii Ten ' produced #13 pound» E le c te d a t In s titu te lessness of the public and failure to Uie legislature re-enact.-, th e pay- seconds, tliree thirds, one fourth of milk In 25 duys and 80 02 pounds eliminate fire hazards are respon­ cut measure thia wilt mean an in ­ of bultcrfut. while the second high and one fifth. Prize winners and sible for this condition, not the fire crease of at least another »600,000 C II Nosier, superintendent ol placing» were us follows: ruling cow was "Hell.” a seven- departm ent. in appropriation». Aw ards Listed year old grade Guernsey owned by Hillsboro grude scliools, was elected Fire Conditions Scored Failure of tile last legislature to the Medowvule I-arm ut Newberg, president ol the Washington Coun­ IMtatoes Rowell Bros . Hillsboro Unsatisfactory fire prevention • provide foi any new buUdlnga at with a record of 144« poiuids of ty Teachers' association Monday route 2. first on commercial ut- conditions which Hillsboro citizens .stale Institutions lias Increased tla- milk and 72 3 pouiuls of butterfat at the annual teachers' institute ahdins: Rowell B ros, first on certi­ perm it to exist result in increases n o ils in Umt line to tla- point The previous mouth. ''Im leh Seven,” at Hillsboro union high school. Ap­ fied Katulidtns: S. T. Walters. in fire insurance rates, according to where It cannot easily be Ignored abui owiwd by tla- Hagg dairy, was proximately 300 instructors and vis­ Portland route 2, second certified the former Portland chief He by Uie forthcoming wsslon. Fl-tl- first with a production of 1323 itors attended the program which Kutuhdins. and second on com­ pointed out th at Hillsboro was r a t ­ males of building need» filed wiUi pounds of milk and 70.1 |>ounds of featured talks by Oregon educa­ mercial K atahdm s, George Findley. ed In the seventh class by insurance tla- board of control by Institution butterfat tional authorities und Dean Collins Portland route 2. first on com­ companies because the water sys­ heads call for tla- expenditure of mercial Netted Gems and fourth of the Oregon Journal. Drove H erds Win tem was inadequate for tire fight­ more U ian »800.000 Otla-r ofllcers of tin- county o r­ on certified Netted Gems; and ing. Co-operation with the fire High herd in the class for 20 to ganization included Merle Davis of Robert W arrens. Forest Orove, sec­ With Ua- federal governm ent in ­ H ills b o r o T ie s R a in ie r T e a m m arshal in fire prevention work sisting on state co-operation in tlie 40 rows was owned by Mrs. Wil­ Beaverton, vice-president; E. E ond on commercial Burbanks. and elimination of confusion a t the G rains E. F. McComack, Hills­ support of unemployed II will u J mi liams ut Forest Orovc. T his herd Arant of Forest Drove, secretary, 7 to 7 on L o c a l G r id ir o n scene of fires were urged by Hold­ Is- up to tlie next legislature In of 21 purebred Jerseys produced an und Mrs. Blanche Bride of Hills­ boro route 4. first and sweepstakes en. make M»me provision for tinunclng average of 774 jiounds of milk and boro, treasurer. Delegates to tlie on H annchcn barley; Robert M c -( Common fire hazards th a t so 4161 puunds of butterfat during Long 30-yard pass from Hulscher tht» progixun which 1» being ,n*'1 Uie month. In the class for 12 to Oregon Htate Teachers' association Com ack Hillsboro second on H an- exist in homes and which meeting were Mrs Marguerite Doolv- chen barley; R O. Bacon. Beaver­ to Grogan, followed by a 50-yard often at Uie present tune through Uie could be easily eliminated were expedient of selling certificate« of 20 cows, the herd of 19 purebred er of Mountaindale, Thomas Fow - ton route 3. fifth on white spring run for touchdown by the elusive pointed out by William M. H a rt­ Jerseys ut tlie Robertson Dairy at ler of 'Flgurd. Miss Faith Burke ol outs; R M Scott. Sherwood route Hilhi wingman, gave Hulsa-jro a Indebted n r» . Forest Drove produced iui average B eaverton. Miss Tennessee W eather- 1. Bret and sweepstakes on white 7 to 7 • - • • • -.day afternoon ford of th e Portland office of the Northwest Mutual Fire association. Oregon eatate» contribute an a v ­ of 522 pou ids of milk and 3132 red of Hillsboro and Lee Burnuni spring oats; W T. Putnam . Hills­ with tlie Rainier eleven led by a He distributed charts showing the of Aloha-Huber A lternates are B boro route 5. first on red dent c o n i; brilliant trip le -th re a t fu llb a c k . hazards graphically and asked erage ot more tiuui $500.000 U> the pounds of butterfat Fairview .’ Urms at Troutdale with M Goodman of Hillsboro, Miss Elmer Blerly, Beaverton route 1, Jesse. This Friday afternoon the H ipport of aUitr government U trough members of the audience to check inheritance taxes which have itg- a herd of #- cows of mixed breeds, Manne Sundy of Buxton. Nels An­ second on 100 ears yellow dent local high school squad whl ofeii their homes tn accordance with the gregated $7.35O.32«7U hl Uie piust which averaged 763 pounds ol milk derson ol Sliei wood, Miss llila C or­ com ; Ivan Blerly, Beaverton route the leageu gridiron season ¿¿arnst chart. 14 years. A report Just complied by aial 38.6 pounds of b u tterfat was nelius ol North Plulns and R ay­ 1. third on 100 ears yellow d e n t1 Newberg on the home field. Members of the local fire de­ B tutr IVeaMirer Holman shows tluit first In the class for more Uian 40 mond Haas ol Gaston Fading back almost to his own com. Miscellaneous Harvey H u g g. goal line late in tire In s t ha-f partm ent were guests of the cham ­ hi the bumn year ol 1020 in h erit­ cows D It. Dickies herd of eight Officers lor the W ashington C oun­ of commerce and Charles Doug- ance tax collections to ta led $1.(XM).- purebn-d and grade jerseys at New­ ty Elementary P rin cip als associa­ Hillsboro, second on pink heaa*. Hdlschcr, Hilhi lullback. nurled a ber tC vntinu«4 on I f . euiiuan (Continual on l-»tre 4. column S| long pass to Grogan, wlio took the 311 «9 and Uie year following ex­ berg was first In th e division lor tion were also elect«! during tlie c e lle d $970 In spitd* of depreciated less than 12 cows with ah average session w ith It J H aas ol G aston ball at midfield, eluded two itaune: record of 739 pounds of milk and as president George ltav of Gales » va tacklers and raced the reins.nm g 37.95 jmunds ol butterfat. 50 y ards to score Hilhi'» lone touch­ Creek was named vice-president and Mrs Allen T upper ol Curium hud Miss Friuices Post of Ttgard. sec­ most estates. Inheritance tax col­ down. The Blue and White warriors had Just stopped a vicious K...mcr lection* during the ¡»a-1 three years the high three-yeor-old. ' Lassie.'' retary - treasurer a purebred Jersey with a record Principal speakers on tlie p ro ­ luive averaged $491 (MM) it year. scoring drive on tlie one-yard line • • • of 991 pounds of mtlk and 66 5 gram included Dr F. W Purr of and taken possession of the ball A total of 10.196 tourist autom o­ pounds of butterfat. Medowvule Oregon S tate college, ltobcn J. on the 16-yard stripe, setting the Farm liart the high two-year-old. Inspection of business houses by stage for tlie touchdown play. A biles visited Oregon during Septem ­ Maaske of the state departm ent ol Opposition to th e "lim itation of I page 4. nilumn 7) (Cunt in ber compared to only 8405 f o r education. Thomas G entle of Mon­ uniformed members ot the local pass from Holscher t o Samsel taxes on taxable property constitu­ mouth und Drun Collins of tiie fire deportm ent today, special mo­ gained three yards on the first tional am endm ent" as dangerous, September. 1933 • • • Oregon Journal. G entle took tlie tion picture show featuring fire play, another fell incomplete, und particularly to our school, was ex- Gon.iiik-nible surprise wus c x- place of E. F Carleton, h i rctary prevention films Friday for school on the next attem pt Hoiather con­ presesd by Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, pressed here when it was revealed of the Oregon S tale Teachers' as­ children and a street dance S a tu r­ nected with Grogan for the score. speaking before the Hillsboro P a r­ this week tliat orders Issued by sociation, wlio had been expected day evening will be the closing Hillsboro converted the try lor ent-Teacher association at the union events of the Hillsboro observance point and led a t the half 7 to 0. Utilities Commissioner Thomas last to appear on tlie program high school Tuesday night. Music was fu rn ish e d by the Hilhi of "Fire Prevention Week ' Results December and January striking ut Property should be relieved of R ainier unleashed a fierce attack of the program so far this week at the sta rt of the second half to much of its taxation load, but not band. holding company fees and big sal­ Two gasoline pump« in the coun­ aries paid to utility officials were have been highly satisfactory, ac­ drive deep into Hilhi territory a t such a price as the ruination of ty were lU-d during tla- week-end cording to tlie committee In cliarge twice, only to lose possession of our school system, she declared. not being enforced The orders in question disallowed according u> reports to the .sher­ Events for the week opened Mon­ the ball on an uncompleted pass Schools. Mrs Patterson said, would budgeted Items covering approxi­ iff's office A pump a t Iti-edville. day with members of tlie city fire li.to the end zone and agaui by be the most seriously injured of operated by Mary Olinger, was departm ents as guests a t the cham ­ missing a first down by inches all the various governm ental sub­ mately »230,000 In holding company fees and more tluui »78000 in sal­ broken into Friday night and iui ber of commerce luncheon. Fire On the third attem pt. Rainier divisions under the lim itation pro­ undetermined quantity of gasoline Reproductions of works of artists aries. At tlie tim e tin- orders were prevention talks were given by Wil­ would not be denied. Jesse slashing posal. Every high school would be taken Sunday evening 30 gallons of many generations will be on issued they were given wide pub­ liam M H artford of I\»rtland and (Continued on page 10, column 4) eliminated and various other gov­ of fuel were taken from a pump display a t the Ju n io r high school licity and tla- commissioner was owned by Valley Roberts at Aloha Retired Chief Lee Holden of Aloha, ernm ental services such as police Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday generally credited with a w orth­ formerly of Portland. Fire fighting and fire protection ham pered and while service U> Ute rate payers Three io-gnllon milk cans were at u small cliarge. Proceeds will apparatus was parked at the cor­ crippled. lx1 used to buy pictures for the ner of Main and Tltlrd streets dur­ and stockholders of Oregon utlll- token u t th e same time. Mrs. Hayes Bickford opposed the Richard Her adm inistration Members of the state relief com­ Citizens from Tlgnrd. Garden Home. of the plan In this state by some the Oregon th is Ac Electric com ­ commodities. Metzger. Tualatin. Sherwood nnd i mittee visited the county Tuesday representatives ol the corn-hog m - c - pany. • • • The am ount to be received under 1 K ill. Middleton are urged by those fnj to discuss present and future re ­ lief programs with the county com­ charge to attend this rally. Only two counties have failed to the curn-hog plan Is more than Corn-hog benefit paym ents nu- mittee. Members of the visiting pay the third Installm ent of the twin- us much its would have been thorlzz'd for Oregon now total »859 - lau n ch in g of municipal projects group included E. R. Goudy. state 1934 slate taxes. They are D e­ due Oregon farmers under the 365 ol which tw o-flltlis is payable adm inistrator; Judge V P. Moses, schutes and Jefferson, o n the other original state production figure as­ a t once. Under the original quota in Hillsboro while the SERA pro­ state chairm an; Mrs. W. W. G ab­ hand three counties Clackamas. signed by the bureau of crop esti­ they would have been less than gram Is still In effect was urged riel of Portland. Judd Greenmail Gilliam and Jackson have already mates, though It Is still below the half th a t sum. Baker and Union Tuesday evening a t the local plan­ ol Vernonia; and Ivon White, field paid their fourth Installm ent which figure conaldercd Just by many are th e first Oregon counties to ning commission by C. E. Stewart An order tem porarily restraining adm inistrator. Is not due for another t h r e e county allotm ent committees and receive the first paym ent checks. of the planning depart nient of the the Sherm an Mill company of above T hirteen county boys left Hills­ the state college extension service. months. Final 1933 w heat paym ents are Portland SERA office nnd Mr. M ountaindale from sale of lumber boro Wednesday f o r Vancouver • • • The final base prixluetlon figure e I o i l , i l l ' l l I I I $113 I H u ll i l l I Ini. .-.Ilile White, member of the staff of under prices fixed by the NRA Barrack». This number of boys Governor Meier disagrees w i t h allowed Oregon Is 229.163 hogs for while the first 1934 w heat payment, lumber rode was Issued in P o rt­ S tate T reasurer llolm an In his es­ the total of all contracts. This fig ­ to lx- distributed lnimedlah-ly after Major R. F Hessey, consultant for land Wednesday by Federal Judge constituted the county's quota tn the Pacifie northwest regional plan­ the present enlistment. tim ate of the needs for financing ure compares with 198.250 total the former. Is estim ated a t »1,829,- ning board. They intim ated that if McNary. October 19 at 10 a. in was Ila. slate’s unemployment relief contract, base given In the first 427, making a total distribution for cities did not co-operate with th e ' set as the date on which a h e a r­ B a rn e s P ig e o n W in s program. T h at was to have been estim ate of 142,250 for the entire the next m onth or so of more than ing relative to a perm anent Injunc­ expected. In fact the governor has slali- Including those hogs not u n ­ three million dollar» in tills stale. program, they might be left out of tion will be held. 8 0 - M il e R a c e S u n d a y the program. not agreed with the treasurer for der contract. On the other hand "Sky Pilot," a carrier pigeon The mill has an annual average City planning was discussed nt Meanwhile county eom -hog com­ something like two years now. H ol­ It fulls more than 20,000 hogs short prixluetlon of 18.000,000 feet and owned by W arren Baines a t Corne­ man told Ills colleagues on the of the 250,000 which the exlenslon m ittees have completed arrange­ the meeting and explanatory draw ­ employs approximately 132 em ­ lia :, won the weekly race of the ings shown. m ents for Inking the referendum . hoard of control th a t the stale's officials considered the absolute Oregon Racing Pigeon club last ployes ~ share of unemployment relief could minimum which could Justly be among contract signers on the twin In the bill of complaint filed by Sunday from The Dalles to P o rt­ questions of continuing some corn- Man llrnps Bead lie financed by Ila- sale of only assigned as Oregon's quota. Federal District Attorney Carl Don- land, nn a ir distance of 89 miles. hog plan for 1935 and of working $500,000 worth of certificates of In- W alter Domic, 67, nn Itinerant, W hile th e summer-long effort, of out n single contract for all grains dropis'd dead a t Tlgnrd Wednes­ augh It Is alleged th a t the mill lias The bird made an average of 1082.- dcbtelness. The governor countered of orders on hand which 55 yards per minute In the race with the statz-ment th a t It would I he funner leaders and extension and llvcshH-k shirting lu 1936. Voles day. His body was found by R A. a It number Intends to fill In violation of the and has an average of 816 59 yards be necessary Io sell only $250.000 service n-presentutlves to obtain a will be taken In one or two nieet- Raycroft. newspaper district m an­ per minute for three races. lumber code. Just quota for Oregon was not e n - , iC iin lln iin l on (>»,.« I ll, riihinm 21 ager. (Continued on png« Ki.rolumn 1) Coiirtrwy Seligmati K tu d l< > David H agg At Hons, Iteedvllle dairym en. hs»k to p honors in th e C II Nosier, M jpcrintendrnt Hills- boro «rude achuolM. elected p resi­ September tests ol th e Y am hill- d e n t WiuthlnKUm C ounty T e a c h ­ W ashington C ounty H erd Im p ro v e­ er»* mutoclation. m en t assis-latlon for th e second consecutive m onth. "Hell T e n ,” a fo u r-y ea r old grade Jersey, ranking [list 111 b u tte r la l production. O th e r county dairy herds ow ned by Mrs T hom as W illiam s anil Mi-, ( ' I-. R obert so n At Hon. both ot 1-vresl Orove, ulso placed first for t h e C. of C. Speaker T h is A r e a N e x t W e e k (By Wm. F. Cyrus, County Agent} Hog contract signers of W ashing­ ton county will have an opportun­ ity next week to express their wish­ Congressman Charles H. M artin, democratic candidate for gover­ es regarding the continuance of nor, who will speak Monday noon some kind of an adjustm ent pro­ a t the local cham ber of com­ gram in 1935. Meetings, for the purpose of balloting on the two merce. questions sent out by the agricul­ tural adjustm ent ndmui:>tration, will be held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday a t Forest Grove Hills­ boro and Sherwood respectively. Specifically, the two questions are as follows: First—Do you favor an adjustm ent program dealing with com and hags in 1935? Sec­ M i l l e r A c q u it t e d on D r u n k ond—Do you favor a one contract per farm adjustm ent program deal­ ing with grain« and livestock to be­ D r iv in g C h a r g e T u e s d a y come effective tn 1936? Contracts Expire Soon Ten indictm ents against nine per­ The adjustm ent adm inistration sons, one of which was kept secret, a t a definite vote be cast on were reported Monday by t h e asks th two questions. The existing county grand jury. Members of the i these com -hog contracts, about which jury will convene again November there has.been more or less contro­ 8. versy, expire November 30 of thia Lloyd Beard of Banks was I n - : year and the referendum is being dieted on two charges of th reaten ­ token a t this tim e with the idea ing the commission of a felony and of determining w hether or not the two counts of assault and battery, f producers w ant sonw kind of a Henry S. Blakeway. alias Jack O l­ control program contlued for a n ­ son of Morehead. Minn., was held other year. on two counts of burglary not tn Contract signers should bear In a dwelling arising from the a l­ mind th a t the first question relates leged entry recently of th e Hills- j only to the principle of production boro Concrete Brick & Tile com­ adjustm ent and does not involve pany office here and the home of a n expression of opinion concerning Mrs Peter Acherman of Banks any specific program. In any p ro ­ route 2. gram dealing with com and hogs Norman E. Redmond and Harris in 1935. the benefit paym ents would Irving, both of Portland, were in ­ not be the sam e as they were in dicted on charges of soliciting busi­ 1934. In all probability, a 1935 pro­ ness on account of claims for p e r - ! gram would probably follow th e sonal injuries, while Fred a n d general plan of th e 1934 program Marion N orthrup and Hollis Fleenor. and would include benefit payments all of Shady Brook, were indicted on both com and hogs but would on a larceny charge. The last in ­ probably mean increased benefits dictm ent reported was a g a i n s t tor com reduction and sm aller ben- Richard Reed of Hillsboro on an el it» for bog reduction. assault and battery charge. The second question comes abesrt L. J. Miller of Portland was ac­ from the frequent suggestion th a t quitted Tuesday afternoon by a cir­ a program be developed which will cuit court Jury indictm ent c h a rg -' bring all grains under one con­ ing the driving of an automobile tract and would Involve those six while intoxicated. Tlie- trial opened grain crops designated as "basic ’ Monday morning and went to the in the agricultural adjustm ent act. jury shortly after noon Tuesday. These a re wheat, barley, rye, corn, Jurors draw n for th e Miller trial grain sorghums, and flax. Such a included Andrew Brandaw, Julia one contract per farm program Berggren. Molly Leach, Fred Rood. would be financed by processing Andrew Bishop. Eva Orim an. Frank taxes on grains and livestock and Pulver, John W. Haynes, Vesta m ight or might not include the d i­ Kamna. George C. Connolly. Robert rect control of livestock. T here ** not time to develope th is kind of K. Wilson and John Voelker. Immediately after the comple­ program for presentation to pro­ ducers this fall, but it is suggested tion of the Miller case, th e trial of Louis B. Holt of Hillsboro on a th a t such a program be presented non-support indictm ent got under for 1936 and after. The meetings for Washington way. Jurors drawn for the case were George Dick. K enneth R. Wil­ county signers will be held at 8 p. cox. Clem H. Eslinger. C lara T at- j in. Monday at the Forest Grove (Continued on page 10, column 2» lock. John R. Hargrave. William E Masters. G ertie Meek. Scott W olfe.; Edna M. Davis. Meta S. VanKough- nut. Roy E. Bierly and John I. Eggiman. Number of new jurors were drawn Tuesday to augm ent the present panel They were Scott Wolfe. Thomas W Shuck. Clem Eslinger. j General details of the dairy dis­ John R Hargrave. W. B. Fuller ease control program sponsored by and K enneth R Wilcox of Hills­ the federal government will be dis boro; Mrs. Clara Tatlock of Beav­ cussed in W ashington county next erton route 1; John I Eggiman of week during a series of dairy m eet­ Beaverton: Meta S. VanKoughnut ings. Discussions will Include the and Albert F. Potwin of Forest disease problem Itself, blood test Grove; Carl Klinge of G aston; as a means of determ ining reactors Hugh E. Moore of Roy and Gertie and their elimination, and details of Meek of Cornelius route 2. the plan of control as outlined by Mistrial was ordered in th e ap­ the bureau of anim al industry. peal of Add B utterworth against Schedule of meetings is as fol­ the award of th e S tate Industrial lows: October 18, Shadyside hall a t Accident commission Monday in Gaston; October 19, Moore's hall a t the circuit court and the case com­ Roy; October 22, community hall promised later in the day. Jurors had at Laurel; October 23, school a t been selected and the trial started West Union; and October 24. city w h en ttto defense attorneys ob­ hall a t Sherwood. All meetings are jected to reference by th. consel called for 8 p. m. for the plaintiff to a compromise | Blood samples in the county will offered by the State Industrial Ac- ! be taken by Dr. Elwtn Coon of cldent commission. Members of the FOrest Grove and Dr. R. J. Nicol of Jury seated to hear the case were i Hillsboro. T he plan calls for te st­ John Voelker. Roy E. Bierly. Rob­ ing without cost for those dairym en e rt K. Wilson. Molly Leach, Eva who sign a contract. These con­ Ortm an, Sadie Bnsblne, Vesta tracts will be available a t the first Kamna. Andrew Bishop. Julia Berg- ; meeting a t Gaston. After th a t tim e G ra n d Ju ry Indicts Ten Dairy Disease Meets Slated (Continued on page 10, column 8) (Continued on page 10, column 2) Have You a Hobby? Rotarians to Sponsor Show November 3 W hat's your hobby? A hobby tionary, th at person also will be show with prizes in three different welcomed by th e Judge« to help classes will be held In the basement in tlie show. Philatelists, numisml- of the Hillsboro union high school November 3 under the auspices of tists, entomologists and geologists the Rotary club. All students with are also welcome. hobbles in the Hillsboro schools "Have you ever h ad a hobby? are urgently requested to partici­ W hat did you collect? The more pate. A dinner for Rotarians, their wives and tlie exhibitors will be foolish It sounds, tlie more scientif- served by t h e domestic science ! ie it has become. An odontologist classes under Miss Lillie Homedew is one th a t collects teeth. Miss and expenses will be defrayed by Kay Brown of Southern California the Rotarians. A speaker of prom ­ inence will be secured. Doors Will lias over 35.000 teeth in her col* ! lection and turned down on offer be open to the public a t 8 p. m. Clasiificatlons an- stamps, coins, of $5000 for It. “There Is no way th a t a parent miscellaneous and specials w ith di­ visions as follows: Seniors for high or adult can become so easily ac­ school student»; Juniors for Junior quainted with a child or younger high pupils, and beginners f o r lierscn than through the hobby grade school students up to junior th a t the young person enjoys. If high schtxil. Ribbons will be given vour youngster collects bottle top- th e winners and a grand prize will or chewing gum wrappers, don't be awarded. Committee In charge make fun of him. get busy nnd help includes C. T. Richardson. T. G. him. nnd see horn much fun you Bronleewc and W. Verne McKin­ can get out of It. ney. "King George of England Is one "Odontologists nnd mlchologlsts of the most renowned collectors In are invit«l to Hillsboro h o b b y the world. President Roosevelt Is show." declared Mr. Richardson In also a collector of renown. Two speaking of the .show. "If any per­ other members of the cabinet are son can tell what those names also collectors. Three of tlu-in are (Continuili on poso 10, column 8) mean, w ithout looking for a dlc-