Thursday, October 4, 1931 T H E H IL L S B O R O A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O . U K E G O N Page Seven I Hthrribi', MM«-, A rth u r Jewow 9467 72, A r- M ichael Am ato, < P h ilip Hahnlm e, 97. <'»(hen ne M orris, fS Mrs .Mary K • hur Je*a» 829 26 . A rth u r J»»««, 86 71; M r* laal>el Ileal. 9 Aloi* lleim rohr 95. L i I Rute» f f! , »h n ,4h«rrn«n M ill < o m par./, In r , |1 2 47, < alab < heney Henne«i. 9 lS , W illiam H a w ­ R»* hat. nur»e county hospital, 969 69 Powell, 915 M arth a E I ’ope. 8H». M « ilarvwy Jew.-- |4 k 5 .4 4 . H arvey J«***«. ley Hell, 92'). bantel Itiahop, 914, Amy Mr« Johnstone, nurse county hospital, M ary Rinkaton, »H Mrs C J Ki4iln*<>n, 99- 6k Harvey Jeaa«. 99 24 . Portland L Brow n, 97 . < harle* I. Brow n, 97 . 92'. 01 . D r G F' V ia, ctnjnty phy>«i< tan. G-meva Radii n e t « , »10. ('la rene«« + + -I- (isM.eral Elec tric ( •■ . 97 5/). Fred b a n te r, tb tr a ( am pt/eil, |7 M yra F. C arlile, 6 7 . I. .¡. 4. .{. . F^lw C Luce, county clerk 9150. W (barer*. •F »5 M arth a Hama, 9t3 M im 92b 94 Andrew < hri«ttanaen, 916 74; Thomas H Caaey. 912. M ary A < lark, Mr Z R H ia tt, deputy county clerk. »90.- I ( « u t inue«I >>n page 8, column 2) I I I O I G I I S IM P L E A M ) V E R Y E A S IL Y F A S H IO N E D , N E W P R E S E N I A I IO N S A B E l.s-a'ei Howe. 9i*>74 A Le Hager. 911 14, 97 . ( Ai.f.»r I»... ( exp, county clerk, »54. J F. Carpenter. School E n ro llm e n t at 4 4 ; F olia. 911.14, W Da via. 9 * 1 7 . John Jarriea A John »on. |7 , Francis A lva <-»>unty aa*eaaor, 9150. Helen Steinke, M lW riohi, 911 16. H F' I'rice, 95 5M . Jonas. 95 , F.ila M Ladd. 87 . Juatin let'uty county aaeaor, 9100 , Viola Sund- C. S y v e rio n i M ove Alfrwxl Nelnoii. 92 79 , J F. Haaeltlne 4k G r if fith M orris, »5 H enry W M hrm ann. berg. copying ndla ad index, county a.« < o . 944.45, A W Davia Supply Co., 86 . John E m m ett Parson*. 86 . Margaret. -eesor. 9*1 , Maud W HoscAI.K Oim m unlty dub (aea-rge I, Hend'-U ka, 992 M . Heal Hip« E verett L Parson, I'. Lo to»- I^K.r.a Rob­ 9149,6'*. H a rry C o , N Bonham, » 7 , Lizzie M *y C lark. 97. Hchmidt, -'ounty s h e r if f* exp. Mkc . M in ­ W urka, 9* 14. Hriatoi Weal Indira waa given by W .1 951 .-5 . i ady Motor Co. 91 95 , H iik b o ro Elizabeth Do . ( ’<• 97.74 . W F.. Hurtia haii Burn». 25c , Kchoene, 97 . Elisabeth H arruu/n, »’< Fil*ner, tax deputy, 899.60 . C A Cun 1 M e w lu r n e n Fraser. Jeldercka and Feenaughty M achinery Co., 924. Pam «'» Rollward New ’ oo F ir e ».me. »; Hes*. treasurer of W aahrigton county ' Hiul reading.« were given by Mr«. *<• .-r ( 91 94 . How ard < 'a,per < orp . M arcellu* E lU w o rth f a r m s n I * . Alice fa r. county fa r exp, »413 W alter E j I ' Ixrggeri» A • --nt ra« f»»rb M achinery M al/elle Thorne. I . . Dori f iru - fia U - J. lllrdaell, M alian llagg anil Hutchnson, clerk d istrict attorney, 8l'»0. , < - 944k 5-4 . A ir ftadurtion Sale« Co.. 8 7 . Algernon Newton Ja.fzfce* »5 Jer.- C'harle O Roe. czajnty h<«pital axp, 8 1 3 - Filward Jiuiaeii of I ti««l v 11 le Holla I - -J Hard« Steel Co., 915 24 , Portland nie Tho rn U m , 87 f harle* Loy«i Rr/ger*. Webber, Amy (balfrev. Mra John ✓ lioD A Mfg < - ,9 22 4'), Pure Iro n C u l- 86 . L e v in a Ellen Lytk»- 97 M atthew Widow«' Pennlon* i 'o p i e y . M i and M iH a ro ld Hliap • ert A M fg t o . 92.52 . Hen H a rt. 9 - , H e nry P a rk in , 9». Am elia A I'a rk ir. << Augusta H o ff ner, 915. Cora M abie er. and Mia Al Jekli-ri ka A group John IS--.- 114 94. J ( Mocker. <16.. A rth u r Je*»e Friedley 97. Ada Nei- Bel!. 415. Eb/rence Butcher, 915 M ary .4 , A Wa», 916 74 . L. M ieke, 914.- of M'hiail children nang a «'lection i H i 71. F.Imer l.owe, 9* 9 7 ; I,. ¡A/rrutx. 97. M arion F M -M ille n . »7. Rz^ert S W al­ E B atchelar, »10. Edith M arie Br«*triith f u ll e r , day night llazeldule achiMil liui, an 91-', F.Uie M I>*lge , »15; M a ry Maude l-.i.l- Inc relief Ida Volk. 95; 8 H A n n ie F.bza Jor«~*. Juatu* Tillm an enrollment of forty loin tin« year , V afig. relief. 95 . S A Nedrow, re- N e ff, 9 7 . A n na S’ owaaaeh, »5 E lia - Dixs<*>, 9 * . FJmrna DePrex, 915; Ixrttie Blanche F./ell »23, M y rtle Fmsley. 9‘2 * . ilie r e aie tw enty-tw o In Hie prl j lief I ’- K u ra tli A W lamer, court hou»« A b ernathy, 97 ; M argaret Hager. ».'. i e ip I ,7 ..5, county ja il exp 114 94, county Stephen T ig lm an Black, »7 . ( anfield F. M ary B Foley. 912, L o t t * B Fnx 925, nuiry loom. Which U n h i d e , t h e I. pital exp 95, total 976.49, D»»y »^»rge M o rtim u r El»ie N 'Jde Hu*on, »35 , Alth»-a Harm on, twenty two Ln tile upper grade ••-ui.iy howpital exp 91.26, to ta l Robinson,9 7 . I rederick W ib iam Madat ' / . 91 ". A m elia Iaacaon. 922, Steoa Kearn, 92 ". M a ttie K ing, 915 . Catherine M a r ­ rixint from fourth to eighth g n u le . 1. • .7 Sarah F, H um p hrey*, re lie f, 9 -, 9».. Jam e* H H u ’chiaon, 95 M ary H< Do. Anita Sab«- and Jimmy Newton are I ■ - I > r . ,r ■■ r «•.-•* , J . -a ’ Il 95 H a ttie f« f arpenter, »7 Ita- hei F. shall. 915, I.a u ra L M u rra y, 925 K e ep In to u ch A < blent < omrrii«*ion, relief exp 91 57, M cN abb, 910. W illiam F ra n k lin Sm ith, r.a M eredith. 122, Mabel C M il­ tin- only (wo beginner» 'Hirer new — , w it h th e w o r ld ler. 915. Cora El-tie Moe, »27; Floren .- I latin river flood control project exp 96 . David Richard, 95, A n n ie M aria pupil» a ie enrolled from another w h en r o llin g a lo n g the h igh w ay J N ew ton, 929, M a rg u e ritte Pater-mn, I. - total 9 )2 .6 6 , John Field*, relief, N e ff, 8-5, Jam e* M urro w , 87. district, K athleen Gilmore in th e 412; A».r.a J Pavey, | . F rM »-» R a n ­ o r cam ped b eyon d c iv iliz a tio n — 47, Valley W ater Co., relief Ivan K Jamea I I Davis, county recorder, dolph. 429, Bernie«; Rychln k. 930; H ilda second, Tommy Ollmore In the beside some trout stream. The Ford . Kir g, 91 60; U nion O il Co. o f C a lif., Jam e* H D a n » , county recorder, 92. third anil Furl Ollmore In thenixtli »uuri'y xberiff'» exp 839, county ja il O phelia Wiaroer. deputy county rec/ rder, S Rydrnan. 915, Addye M Shaffer, 815. Radio is designed to fit compactly Kay Cary la spending thin week exp 92 2 h . total 941.2k; J* L L aF o lIette, 973 , O phelia Wixrner, deputy county re­ M in n ie Fi Sharp, 923, M ary L Sm ith, under the dash and over the steer­ 922. Jennie Y Shepherd. 920; Jodie c o jiity hospital exp 929.HO, county ja il corder, at hln home Hi< la employed ut 92 . Valerie U'nderw>*rd. deputy Mrs ing colum n—out o f the way o f fees exp »22.k", total »52.6 Nabe. relief, J5 . W illia m Lam ore. re­ N FJ Stangel. »e< retary. circu it judge. O lg a Geneva W all, »25; Bertha K Dailey. 81.6. Susan M ille r, 810; Ruth Beatrice lief. 96. C F, B ryan, relief, 85; F ra n k »73 . N A Jones were gueatf. Sunday of E Stangel, ae*-re oner 8135, Jam e* Lew i», county Jack 1‘ow'ers suffered a painful Relief ard. old age pension exp. »5 M ra E tta that will (uka you, advan tageou sly, through commissioner. <135. Gladys McLeod, FASHION H l'ItFA F Della Bertha A rm strong, 810, W illiam Injury to hla right luuid laid week Haynes, r/mee, 95; A n na Custard, With this coupon, which I clipped from the lie spent several iluy» ut a Portland 98 , M rs J F Cooke, 8155; M r* Jamea dog* 930. Conrad Algeaheim er. sheep houae exp. elevator operator, 834.69 . Carson. be In, we eau su ggest nothing batter than the pert hoNpItal. but Ls retnirtnl m uch Im- Ilo . M r* F ran k C la rk , 88; killed by dld are employed at the Star can ­ 910. Frank T Blakeslee, 96. Sarah Bo- Address .............................. ....................................................... and 44 — and may lie m ade In printed wool or silk nery ln Portland and are making land. 9 lo . Hsdwig Anderson, 9a . Alonso ilielr la>mc tliere crepe. Slxo 3 8 calls for four yards of 39-lneh Abner Clyde. 9- . M ary E Christensen, City .............................................................................................. 910; Henry Halleck Cox. 96 Jacob Mrs Alvin Maliy of Tigard 1» mail rlul plus ** yard contras! tor the collar and C o rrell. 9“ . W illia m E. Dunamoor. 8k; ixiidln g tile week with her par j.ibi | Barclay Davia. 87; Sam antha laabelle Stale ........................................................................................... cuts Mr mul Mrs J T Heard, Drake. 9 *. M arg aret D u ff, 98; S L I'attern 267 7a presents an adorable frock, while Mr Maliy Is on a hunting E lliott. 9?; Nancy J Freem an. »5 . A d a- which requires bul a short tim e with the needle lo tiip In Kaatrrn On-gon Write your uin ii and address plainly, giving num ­ laska D F rakes. 9 5 . M arth a C larin d a fashion. Of fine blue gingham , with pearl buttons, ber and »ire of patterns you want. Enclose 15 cents (.ra y 912. W illia m J Gulden. » 5 . Jame« Mr. and Mr» Lyle Taylor of l'ortland were week-end guests of this distin ctive dress run be had In sizes 34 (o 48. m com for each number, and mail your order to C< horn Gibbs. 9k; John Fredrickson. 87; J V H a ll, 97.5o ; M arg aret Jane H a ll. Mr and Mrs William Hell 81s« 38 needs 3 ’8 yards of 3S-lnrb m aterial, or Hillsboro Argus Fa-shion Bureau, 103 Park Ave . New I 7 ‘. Henry Gehrke. 97 ; A n n a H o ff ­ Mr and Mr. John lliompbon mann. 95; Beds F'redieka Johanson. 85; 4 ’< yards If long sleeves aro desired York, N. V. _____ had as guests Huiwlav Mr and Mr» J han Peter Johanson, 95; C a rl W ilhelm Alfred Miller and family of Oregon Hickey. 910; John Schm idt. |i* k 7 . Georye Schm idt, tike. l.inde, 97. Gideon C o u n ty C o u rt c ity land Mr anil Mrs G allop anil A t i t v i i ' i l l l - v r - i n » - - i t J . * Rauch. 9 1 5 1 . J * Rauch, k k c . H. F- 11 Lan.hert, »10; N a tha n Job K ir k . 88; tlielr duiatliter of Alolm Ladvala. 812. C ina Eatella Reyr.«-i»b 91" 47 Robert K lin g e r, 961.« W illiam G«*»rge Schnell, 1 » . Thomaa Robert K lin g er. k*c . Lloyd Dailey Kell> 912 V e r b o o r t M o n d a y ( L A I M s A l.L O W E D FO B M O N T H <»F V4 9» . C harle* P M e rre ll, 85; 967 5k, W N H a th o rn . 992.81; C arl < M.. i-et. ( aught ltr«| ILtndrd S F IT F -M IIF K . 1914 Mary- Jane <21* 6k , F. Ensley. 131 66 . Rol>ert Fulton M cLean, 95 J urgenten. It wa.% a hot Munday morning and II Gua lt«-i< how. 1237 70 . l ia r - J (h a rle a Alec M a rr*. 97; Ensley, 922 7 0 . Jam « W alters, M c L m n . 9 K Aiuuutl church Ixi/.mr will be vey K J«aar. and thr a i Mile nee rt'stleM ao 1». ' (Ford A I I '. > I r . ■ s ' H S p re itie r, 94 k . W illia m Heal». 94.- Joseph Potter. »6; Am anda Jane Perkin», mxm and a full nftemcxm's pro­ lady wait plainly hrurd Co , 92.75 A llia -( Lalniera M fy t < Lau ra Alice P h illip *. 87 ; Am anda R. K U nger. 813.- 8k e b . n. 81193 "I flavor mine with nutmeg " Ex gram ha.« been planned A chicken 9'Jl v5 . State In d u s tria l Accident con.- 7k. E. It K N lin i i I m- .• P i • 94 . B e n ja­ AUTHORIZED SALES ANO SERVICI E. K linner, bsc g e r. 819.' dinner will be served, beginning ut iniaaittn, 9453 M . K u ra tli A W iam ar I* - m in Rzmencran». 9 k . A n na Leonora Rot- H. E. Suabauer. I I i 8u»bauer. 9114 1 »•7. D«»y G ray. 91 67 Ki»y H acker 921.- 9113.61. U. G. erm und. 97. M ichael Reecea. 9 7 . Rose J If you have nomeUUng to .sell and 5 p in. I » . Evening will be filled with nil 61 . State In d iM trla i Accnlent «■«»nirnla- Gardner kkc ; Han Ra»mu»aen. 9117 92; Richey 910. A lbert M iznar. »5; James are in a hurry to »ell it. let Uw* ■ i«»n. 91<>2 6" llillahoro Lun>l>er t < R. L . Cham ber- P Rhea. 97; John E Reed. »7.50. James < laMifled advertising departm ent of type» <>f entertainm ent for young •632 .12. Fresl Danger. 92 *4. At drew Han» KaBinuaaen. kkc C ham These p la y by p la y b roadcasts d ire c t fro m th e tw o b a ll p a rk s w ill berlain. kkc ; H enry Reynold» 912 60; Herbert D elm ar lain. 8108.88; R. L. the Hillsboro Argus prove its uhiluy and old Ounce music will hi- do- ('h rie llan aen , 91 4 3 4 . Ko> M iller. 9! 4 34. Ja. k Haa». 879 «1 . R W W illiam ». 94k - Shackelford, 97 . U ria h S Scott. »5 ; H a r ­ nated bv tile Nightingale orcliestra com e o v e r th e C o lu m b ia and N . B. C. n e tw o rk s . us a ape«*dy iuwl efficient » a l e » L e tte r Rowe. 914 34 . Richard liotxn. kl vey Edwin Stubb*. »7.50 ; Enim a A delia kkc . Joe Rauch IL W W illiam » and V an s dance bund till midnight. 9 1 1 V . I* V6 F u ll«. 91 4 34 . Abe H a k er. 97.50 ; E lizabeth S tu rm , 99; medium. B row n. Ski. 45; F. L . Stubbs, L. T h e y a re sponsored by th e F o rd M o to r C o m p an y. 914 3 4 . ( la u d T h o rn ton . 9!4 4. John Brow n. »9 56 . I>< n , M ichael Sturm . 89; Joseph P Shirley. 85; SintntiHte. 914 U . M a ’ V r ln a k 9 1 4 *1 . Verbourt Local Meets 924 49; C harle* Rodgers, »11.95;! Eva G eraldine Sear», 87 ; H enry Thomas 99 A4 Vrrlxxirl local Farmer»' Union John Covlc, 914 14 . F ranclu V a ’ I >>m, S tew art. 99 56 Edw ard Ztgner. | Shorb. 8k . Jennie Brow n V a n H o rn , 95 ; 914 34. A M evert. 9. 17. Union O il < <• f John Thomas V a n H o rn . 95; James H . . . S H I will hold a social m eeting at tile of C a ltf . 9175 OH , H II Reyn..Id*. 91. • »10; Samuel T W e s tfa ll. 85; D rie r. 9*.* 56 . t hru» Tch an tr. 1 W ilaon, <” O F hall W ednesday evening 6* . II. II Reynold*. 91.75; I t. « - i • I 17 . Al JH Berger. 91 4 97 . John B e. uf eight o'ciix k Member« and their f •. I. I. M a c In ty re . 9 2 * 2 " I 1 I? F Vandehey. 92 3 9 . C. W y l-I 832 43 . frien • are cordially Invited to a t­ M ac In ty re . 9» 7.'». H I Rtevei - 9l - 1er. 92 John 952.3k; A. W a h -| I I I ........... . 91.79 1 •' ■ K» - , • ’ • ner. tend. C J F.lfortl. 94.79. J- C. 82' 9U I* . Tony Kem per. $1 . Harve> Rucker. I i f i : I Mieke. 91195. S M y rr-. 112 3* lla r v r y Myer >1 75. Men* hey H Stahley. 84.7k; F. 31 I M CANYON CITY A cn lf-d eliom - Stanley Heal, i l l . ’.*“ Stanley Meal. 9 1 - Y..UI v et II G H ill. 85 9 7 ; F . Ben- lhg trml made on I lie Oliver broth­ . 5 . T F Crocker. 96 6 1 . T F C na ker, D avb. 817 92 W Salic. ers ranch fill.« .«firing by the use 9 1 7 5 . t harlevs Potts, | I 2 6k , ('harlea 94 7k H | i W'iawell. 89 56 . A I ’ott- I ’ott«. 91 75; SherwtNal Roberta, 9» r a il. 92 39. A H Hansen, |9.k7 . Arnold of a dehorning piude appears very 1“ Robarta, 91 7!». M O M il- Hutchi»<»n. 926 5 * ; J D. Stevens. 92 5.- successful, according l o a recent won. . Sherw5, Jan ie* Sim int- ii 91. - 09 A R Robin». .1 H B erger. 8117.26. Dan 9- 4« county agent by Herman Oliver 6 k . Janie« S intin lon, 91 7 5 . F‘r«M H u nt- bark 9k9.5P. George Fisher, 84.- B urkhalter Approximately 400 head of calves ley. 914 y t . Lloyd D ailey. 92 "5 . Lloyd 99 H aro ld Petteraon 82 39 . H a rry Davi- were treated and not a «Ingle case D ailey. 9 1 7 6 . H F Reynold*. 92" V C H ►on, 93 5> . L F W ilke*. 926 45; Vernon 91.76. John Herb, 96 4 “ 7 94 77; Louis Lom ax, 82 Roeebra ugh of "sore-heud” luis developed, a c ­ A F 8 Reynold*, Heard. 92k 6S , Jim O l eary. 92’.* • 49 E dw in F. Wilke--. 819 9 W ard cording to Mr. Oliver. k7 . John Flora. 92‘J H7 . F.. ( ’. Knepper. Balgemann. 82310.71 ; West Coast Tele- |2V k7 . F ay Mead. 92'.’ k7 ( arl Flora. phone Weat Coast 81k.95 comp ny, •2 3y , Geonre Fi»her. 964 k7 . II M Sea- Telephone iT ig a rd » . I2.k5 . L . FI C«» bold. 92 3t* ( F lnkley. »16 46. H a rry W ilke». Alanka Jun k Co 86 . 83.90 Henry Jim Davison, 95.37. R H u m s . 9*3 56 83 50; Y a m h ill county. Schleaaer, (•ribbon, 931.Ok. I ('. Reilly. 923 91 Oregon. 8362.86; Leupold. Volpel A Co., John Ehler. 819.76 A F E llio tt. 8 1 0 - 919 25; Hill»hor«i F r o l Co., Inc., 82 9" ; 76 . Lealle Gaanway 89.57. F rank I.« we. F M Allen. 849 9" H Gribbon. 823.90 ; »21 52 . W N H a th o rn . 833 17. W N. 1 Van«wae. M A llen. 874.85; G. E. Fred Danger, 924 4 H a th o rn . 91.76 820 9 4 . Andrew 8134.73; Fred Danzer. Andrew Christiansen. 914 34 . K«»y M iller, Christiansen. 814.34; Lea te r K«>we. 8 1 4 - 89.56. Lester Rowe. 917.03, Alw Hager. 34 Abe H ager. 814 34 Richard Hobin. 814 34 . Charles M ulb-y. 84.7k, Richard 814 34 . A M agert. 814 3 4 . Mat V rlica k. llo b m . 81 4 34. D W F ultz. 814 34; Claud 114 34; John Simmons, 814.34; Claud AUTOMATIC OVEN HEAT Fhornton, 4 1 i 14 John Sim m om f l i » Th«»rnt«-n. 914 34; Fred Hen»«»n. 81 4 3 4 ., M at V rlic a k , 917.03. John Covic. 8 1 1 - D. W CONTROL K u lt«. 91 4 34 W . Davia. 814 14; 95 F.Imer Beeler. 914 34 . Freni Henaon, A M ill». 85.9k, K. M ills. 85 23 . A rth u r Now, improved automatic temperature 87.17. Chrmtenson M achine W orks. 810.- M ill». 9kl.7h . K enneth M ill». 871.63; control. Maintains any specified oven 75. J W Barney. 8 5 . Fred Dsnzer, Andy Schleaaer. 841.62; Fred Stam m . temperature without a momeot s attention. 824.43. A ndrew C hristiansen, 80.56, L e t­ 825.09. Jack W eim er. 819.12; F C. Bell. ter Howe. 914.34 Abe H ager, 914 34 819.12; Jamea Valley. 819 12; E a rl Fish­ 4 COOKING UNITS Richnrtl littbtn, 914 3 4 . W . Davia. 8 1 4 - er 815.93; A rt gehraeder. 819 12; L. 3 4 . Mat V rlic a k . 817.(»3; Claud Th.-rn- Burk 816.73. C. S chilling 84.7k. Don Four modern, fast cooking units. Notice h»n. 814 34 . I>. W . Fultz. 814 34 Fret! Brent. 82 39, F. S tricklan d. 92.39 Mac- roomy, smooth table top surface . . . white Henson, 814 34; John 81mmons, 811.- Kenaie M .-tor Co.. 866.02; F E. Hagg. stainless porcelain enamel. 9 5 . J «dm ('«»vie. 811 9 5 . A. M egerl. 8 l " - 8100.32; E. L. Rosa, 8k6.1k; Lentz Auto 7 6 . George II<4»m, 82.39; John Herb. F a rt*. Sahnow Bros. Garage, 815.2k. 824.95; A. 8. H eard, 94.7k. Jim O 'Learjr, 816 25; Service Garage. 863 H4 ; Corw in Heavily insulated, pebbled blue porcelain 84.7k, J«»hn F lora. 84.7k; F. ( ’ Knepp­ H a rd w are. 16 4«»; F. J. Saundera. 866.- er. 84.7k Fay Meat!. 84 7k . I.. I. Mac­ I 67 ; F. J Saunders, k k c ; A rt Shepherd, enamel oven. 16-in. wide, 14-in. high, In ty re . 9119 k»»; V e rn Roaebiaiigh, 92.- 94146 and 18-io. deep. W illia m Vandee««evering. 853 43; 99 . Louia Lom ax. 92 99; J. W Barney. H L Suabauer. 8100.1k ; H. L. Suabauer, 8199 6 9 . W A. Top per. 890. W A. T op­ -k r W J Stanaell. 139.42; Don Butt». per, 925 . I,. I.. M a tiln ty re . 823.96 . H e r­ 836.44 H. B«vker. 8107.73 J«»e C o rrieri. Lika having another floor plug in your man llolxnngel. 844.90. II. R C hantler, 18107.73; C. E Dow ner. 854.92; C. J. kitchen. Use the Table To p surface of the 8132.23. N M ann. 891.60. F. Ho lt. 863.- i Hinee, kkc; C. J Hines. 870.49; E. D. range to percolate coffee, use a griddle, etc. 3 3 . John Weat. 859.75; B. I. R affety. I I.u»by. 86k 27 ; O. A. McLeod. 86k.99; 83 5k . L. M etzentlne. 84.7k. J F. M it- (> A McLetal, kkc; A. Fate. 867 63; H. sel, 8121.k0. O tt Johnaton. 873.29; ( harlea Schindler. 8107.73; C. Cook, 8102.73; AliRtii). 864.53; John M itxel J r . 84.7k ; K u rt Liebnow , 8 99 .k5. K u rt Liebnow, (Tayde B a um gartn er, 837.94 ; E. Beckett, kkc. Th«»mas Rxwwl, 887.77; R. Meacham. 823.9»». J It. T o m p k in *. 811.12, Thom s* 8105 2 3 . V e rl Sale**. 8105 23; Gua Reichow. Connell. 8k . M ary W oodward, 965; E. 8795.38; Gua Reich«»w, 820.79; Bailey’» A G r iffith , 94; Roland M eyer*. 837 04; Service *tatl«»n, 83.39; Lester Ire lan d & George R«»eevaer, 833.77 ; George It«*«»- S Wc m.ikc this offer for a vear, kkc; Joe C ron in, 836.16. Joe Co., 86 42; H illsbo ro Concrete Brick A lim ited tim e only. A ct im m e­ C ron in, kkc; Lee Brow n, 836.16. Lee T ile Co., 8193.80; Oregon - W ashington d iately. Enjoy K r a i com fort H row n, kkc. J. F . Beat. 836.16; J F. Service Co., 81.40; E. L . R o m . 8304.57 ; a n d e c o n o m ic a l heating in Beat, kkc; Clayton W hitm ore, 831.66. Clayton W hitm ore, 60c; A«le Kutchmun, A rch ie Jeaae, 8491.04; A rc h ie Jeaae. 8121.- your home this winter. 824.49; Ade Rutschm an, 60c; George 6 6 . Adolph Schm idt. 834.96; Adolph Hazeldale Club Open House Ne»l- Channing brocks for Everyday Wear 9)0 This Genuine RADIO in s ta lle d your c ar tor 9* * In only $44-5?