Page Six THE R E A P IN G T H E Laurel W om an Given S urp rise H IL L S B O R O A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON T h tin ttlH y , O ctober 4, iï».t i lours Of course 1 can’t Bui Just Ttwy » riv m tlie aanir lagit, w nun self with vulgarity! 1 »uppose ■ame. you know how much I a» tlielr ik pendents wer» eomerc your language and your conduct F a ll G r e e t s T h i s 1 the love you. and Unti I m wishing all t(feaili«i«u .m p.«» i are the result of your polit leal a s­ Ihr aim- tillin: (Hat toil ale wish ______________ sociations You should never have daw. too allowed yourself a gentleman. by Illg , and counting tlie J u n ip e r bulli at letut to b». draw n Into MIII.L w o o l ) Wlth a heal I fill ol love them. ANNK Kdtfliw» und liuddv wood He gut up 1mddenly und stood X Alter the Invitation I*» ► »«’ New Given I foot with his lim its on tlie buck of hls Yoik extended by Mi • G«»l«l Two or inoi'r cortlx ehair. facing them »i ?» nbut'K Anne lay uwuke nil night. Hu wed MR* more , eiiliiug a "Look here." he said abruptly, a l­ excitement, und 1 tiembiuig most violently. "I've had a long w lu'ii they t ___ actually «»n their MUylng* iMid tivdito. dry 0« drive and I'm tired. I'm gouig to wu\ the\ nil till«» put their heud.« 16 Inch Cord bed But I'll tell you tills much, together and mode out a lU»t of her 5 or uuuv m nU ........... and then we won't discuss th e sub­ house I m »Id nevktb ject again. I'll continue my usual Excellent kitehen «rosal, tile ber ( subscription to this household Just •Oil. Mi ikddcnburg. I ll never buy you can find. as long as you're decent to Anne | be able to buy nil tlu*l with thiee j Not a second longer It may not be Dry Slab and Block hundred «U»hni> you know th u t’n I very aristocrat le to bargain, bin nil 1 have left Ye*, you vlll. 1 notice th a t none of th e rest of H e rm a n Relise my tern. y*»u'l| see An I’m gohi to y ou seem io want to work, and 1 .si>cuk to collie ol uiv pi/iievs.s frenlM Phone JJ83X Itos pitone JOtiJ don't believe you w ant to go qiout you «‘in in il « Uertn p . m m hungry You better think it over." i i «». v ». lie 11 send you up a n ue little 1'here was no hint of this battle, j lunch by express, one IlortMl. veil however, or of his own victory. I talk to liun apout de decor lit loiu* I wlien lie wrote Anne. lor de eliutch n e a r e s t darling sw eetheart 'Hie vlalt h> New York wiu one I h r r * , ( « • p i l t u w u r » ( • " 'a r k ; it began." of rapture from beginning to the n » u » ra . f h n i l j | i » | i u f t in d i ‘ "I can't find any nam e lovely end ot Hie live day* that U hvl«*«! »railon «11(1 elhrr »loit» enough and loving enough to tgll Anne hud never been In a hotel be » ib r«|rr» d F you now 1 feel about you. fore had nevei .«•en an elevator, a I « h » i» e r "1 miss you so terrible th a t I'm a* Itili» menu cord, a Lx’ll t»ov or twin I h ‘«I n , doing everything 1 can to shorten n I w had never rnUl«*u m a aubway. |o u r separation. 1 ve found a little or attended a play hi a theatre. h o it*! f t « « home for us. It's very sm all—just Stic mad«* m ental not« « *»( e v ery - up h»»pe M .m y a living room, bedroom, bathroom dung, gleaning tivah bda «>1 kn«»w- u ittlrr d « ui » u flrr r r t and kitchen, but we could manage ledgr from each ii*‘W exnertence a « f (<> u » d r e l i e f tn that for tins winter, couldn't we? How much this tu p waa «loing to it a i s i n i» s i a n I . k r h File funuture's rath e r u w fu l—mis­ l>re|>urc her for the .«ull more w«»n vr tir Iprd olii r K VV hV n o t) na ? sion oak ui the livuig room and a » < »M A I I » I derhd one to W.udungton with brass bed. and so on. but 1 don't Hlgg»' lllll«g«iru l*harm a<* | Neal! lie was not going to tU»«l her mind if you don't. I I I'lr t, ignorunt. ufter all. «»f all the lilc- "I've been to a stationer's, und etl«» «»I life which he knew, ua alu asked him to send you some sam ­ luut feared ples of wedding uivttutious. I —- Till* tloldenburga had lo*t a daugh­ PT th Annual thought perhaps it would be easier ter. Karhel, wlio would luive been for me lo attend to th a t th an you Just Anne s age if ahe had lived Write me which you like best, und Mis Ooldcnburg finally confided a list of your friends whom you this to Anne, her beady < ves brim INTERNATIONA! want to invite, and III have the nung. her plump luutda twitching, cards addressed and sent out from and Anne in turn «x»nftd ! here. Neal when after a thtve week*' ab- LIVESTOCK "Do you think you can manage a ' atMice lu* iflurned to West Ham- [ church wedding? And is there a atcad. and at«**l amazed at all thut EXPOSITIOH church parlor or something of the luul lx*eii accomplished while lie sort in which we eoud have a re-I waa gone ception afterw ards? Of course my "So they’re doing ull thia for me 1 ---------------------- --------- — —— — family ¡uid some of my friends will F eaturing the high, turtle- in her memory! Juat tlilnk of It'* J* / ^ / ' ld stunnevl but acquiescent— want to come up. and I realize how T believe they're doing It iMirtly ■uid then insisted tn announcing th e little room there is in your house? . necked sw eater Influence, thta striped Jumper, w o r n with tn Iwr memory, but largel.v because engagement in the Wallacetown But do just us you think best. I've tliey love and adore you. Tlie Jew Bugle Haying thus burned all his asked Rov to be my best man. 1 straig h t sk irt of rust colored Isli race appreciates qualities like ' bridges behind him, he departed to think th a t's only fair, considering boucle, Is one of Film Actress youra. But anyway. 1 sinin'l forget tell his father and m other of his th a t he introduced us My brother Gall Patrick's selections for fall. Perhaps I can do them a good turn i impending plunge Into m atrim ony. Arthur would like to assist In the Topping tho ensemble Is a high- some day *' He had adroitly contrived to avoid m arriage ceremony, and I should crowned felt fedora with Jaunty Neal would you mind very much much discussion of the Conrads to have hiln- if th a t would be quill trim m ing do you auppoik* it w«>ukl be im * wtth Anne He knew, all too well, agreeable to your own m inister and PORTLAND, OREGON sible !*acfung fi>r me to keep on teaching 1>ow bitterly they were bound to Aiid of course I want oppose the m atch, but he hoped as Oeorg« H ildreth to be one of U te should give me a present It was after w ere m arried ’ 1 dott't ner O c to b e r 6 to 1 3 far 35 I*»«*1»1»*- ’«> k « P «Us k n iw - “she«- , awfully kind of her. how my family la going to get I f thewt In On« -11 a<,ei wnd«r or « along wit lumi what li n earning. ilvm M” ' ^ ° ilrad. cam e.« - J ."'“ "f.?’0“ ..!.?. ha-VV ^ Ur...rl_n? cluwen the »ample for ................................ H U R R IC A N E '2'"' M r». E. C. M u llo y Observe» H e r 7 7 th B irth d a y |H» Mr*. F. I- Brown) LAUREL—Mrs. E C Mulloy was pleasantly surprised Friday a fte r­ noon when a num ber of ladies' of the community went to her home to help celebrate her seventy-sev­ enth birthday anniversary. Mrs. Mulloy has lived here since her marriage In 1886 She lias always been active and attended her house­ hold duties until the past few weeks but she is now greatly im ­ proved in health and hope’s to re ­ sume them soon. Those present a t the party were Mesd&mes Amelia Campbell. A. Naderer, S. Davis. J. H. Haase. J H Felton. F. Schmidt. A. Rutschm an, John Crawford. E. Hogrefe, Rollui Mey- ers, Jolm Will. L. F Davta W I Stevens. D Buedefeldt, J. W Mul­ loy, W H. McNay. R Whittle. W N. H atlioni. Lee Brown. A Watkins. F. L Brown. Miss Thelma Mulloy and the honor guest. Viola Stoller President Viola Stoller « as elected presi­ dent of the newly organised 4-H sewing club, which met at the W L Stevens home Saturday. Evelyn Schum acher »as elected vice-pres­ ident and Gloria Best secretary- treasurer. Miss Irene Steven» is leader. They cliose the name "Laurel Lights" for th eir club. There are 17 members and regular meetings will be held each week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Savage of Portland were Saturday and S un­ day guests at the home of his uncle. Cally Whitmore, and family. O ther Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lee and children of Cherry Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Boge of P ortland and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Whitmore and sm all daugh­ venison dinner Wednesdav evening u s s t „nri j . . ter. tered Mountain Home school, mak- Mr. and Jaem cke ers/ield“ C a Mrs r r o " t ~ ls, n i tered Mr. and Mrs. H erm an o au n cse ersiieia. ta i., visited Mr, and Mr> mg a total of i n n u n il s rh»»r.> w v i- Re\ £ j» . ^ Ä ^ r of Hillsboro were Sunday y after- D. L. Sullivan thU week. noon and evening guests of her Marion of B attle Ground. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wash., visited friends here S u n d a v ' it, " a i'„ut growers tn this district Schmidt. Mrs F. King of Portland visited la ' e begun w harvest th eir crop, Captain Mrs. Andrew John- Mr». Churchley Ivas ------------- been a slight C a p ta in and ___ ___ — _____ - ____ — - Thursday _______.. afternoon. ___. , Although - there — ---- son of Portland and their daugh- Helen Becker and Hazel C hurch- ?rosi here, tomatoes and melons ter, Mrs. Alice Muzzy, and daugh- le>' attended the tea given in honor “ a ^_e n£ t been killed. The Rev. W E. Simpson will de- ter recently of Tillamook were S un- oi the new pledges to the Gammas liver a sermon Sunday morning at day visitors at the Jo h n Crawford the M ountain Home church ’’ ” home. The Jolmsons are former d > -.• « Mrs Perov Hamilton and bahv residents of this community. Mrs. D ta V 'C rtO n «—lllD daughter H^len ^ e n e cam l home Muzzy will make h er home with her parents this winter and care from the Mewher.. ... . for her m other, w-ho is in ill health, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coolidge BEAVERTON—G arden club met Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coolidge and at the home of Mrs Agnes McLean . , -- .............. ............ Alden Rosevear spent S aturday and September 25 to discuss plans for went to th eir own home Callers "7," „ 7 " " ----- 7 “ "w elrom .n. '.m ', ,h'.‘. ,',"7" 1 . ‘" ’" “J. “ Sunday a t Bav Ocean. the club and garden problems The at the Hamilton home Sunday a ft- u f u d K “ IS? th06e, wlJ ° wvre Gn dv »«‘«»mlng jo u into the never has Ix-en a wedding Hi the Mr and Mrs. EmU Trachsel and club is undertaking a beatttifving em oon included Mr a n d ' Mrs n o t Her illLsbaI1ds standards were u t _ >a u. . lll,lc cHurcli here, but wish. we Mr. ra n children of Eimontca were Sundav project. unaeruuun* a O u tliv in g ^ n o o n ^ M r . ^ a n d Mro. „ h uke her own, hls of I wish I could kiss you tonight, have ours there. If you visitors at the Jacoo Schmidt home. K enneth Denney. T. B. Denney 1 of ChehaJem Center i?li-im p w tance quite equaled hers, »ml °,ur 'nlllLs,*'r - would be pleas- Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stevens, and Fred Sipe of G arden Home P r Hamilton hoc m .o. .a ,t hou8h ’ >»ke herself, he depended b2... _S_r?6e£ ^ h -. —.‘J " L to haVc •vo“ r b o th e r A rthur Irene and Elbert Stevens visited returned S aturday from a hunting d l H ^ 'i ^ s built an ad - largely on the past to establish his ¡£1 >">>u in my arms. B ut I will take part In the ceremony. ^ h e r £ id ¿ n c T t r i p l e ML S h L u C al. 5iX tn"g v ‘r V ? ad n? er S ' u S l ^ f v ^ i m ^ i Jmv 1 Uluik tla' *«» Stevens, and family of Portland Two deer were killed u Mr and Mrs. Earner Scholan niade much headway in his profes- no tliat I lovt jo u * h h all my wonderful. I love mission furniture have an option on Sundav afternoon George Stevens W. E. G arnett continued his talk u °Ptlon the lower and slon an architect. Thev had very h‘ ait and *>ul- and t,la t I am and bra-Ss the "Tabernacle" a t the McMmn no rt*lern Portion of what is known little money, but they tried to k e e p /? n n tin g the days th a t m ust go by w h a t do you think? Mr and has been quite ill for sometime, on te c l a i ¿ S tS & y ■ o S? i8S ' M r M/ S appearances In a way th a t w»S >'°u a« “ my wife Mrs oGlcknbmg" Iwve fnvttkt me The local folks also called on Mr. Bible _ ___ ____ *- ■ charge - ■ devotional - Scholan have been working for almost uncanny. T heir eldest son. NEAL. . . . York . . wltli them ! Mr Gold­ to New and Mrs. Roy Fields at th eir new nett - had of - the Dr. and Mrs. Perrill here at the Arthur, an unm arried clergyman. Anne wrote back location in Portland. period. enburg takes a trip every year at F em ll country home for the post and their widowed daughter H ar- "Dearest Neal The J. H. Haase joined his brother- Celebrates Birthday riet. lived w ith ' in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Miss C athryn VanKleek celebrated several weeks. C hapm an school with Miss Mari Neal B>' pooling Charles WhitselJ. of P ortland S un- her th irteen th birthday anniversary ln U'*3 way, their day on a two-weeks tour of Cali- with a dinner and th eatre party Sclimeltzer as teacher has _ a total . " pupils with three beginners fu rth er th an it ____ ___ ____ _ forma. Mrs. Emiiie Hogrefe is stay- September 26. Covers were laid for of • 12 have done H arriet had very . . pro- mg with Mrs. Haase during Mr. six. .. , . a t the Waldorf Astoria luitcl New Haase's anse-tc ” _ . . nnunced views, all N eals decision ' our m o th ers letter came, too, York city I think well be eon., a Plan Homecoming ^ y F e ^ fv has gone to Sauvte's Beaverton G ^ T w m h L l d home- g i ^ a T h L i ’ '‘th° Ut ,l?ls/ harml S e i z e d u,,olp A’','k 1 Island, where he will be em piojed com ing a t th e next m eeting O ctober h u sb a n d h a d com m itted suicide by 1?}.?. llr.vKre?^ ? rit n d 7 U s tru e Next to » ••tting en iged on the place where he wa* when he 13. • (Continued from page 5) a- sixth story window lo Y(>u. it's tlk* most wonderful »O WHY SUFFER? O e' R h I PACIFIC . A H orse show RODEO root fahibit« ot pwr« b '« d hoottoeb. Dog*. Fowltry. Rot Stock. W ild . la n d Ffodvctt, M anw faitw'od P'odwcfN, 4 M Clwbond Smith Hwgh»«Vocation«! ( 4 ^ Planning Project ...........- ........ . ..... . dollars a year If lie added thU burden of A nnes to his own strait- they »ere going to be a good deal v aIld lllfl nwth(.r have t»,...,, aw . 1 “ ke t ™' rl“ g best. I was very fully kind much surprised th a t your m other - j wish I could write letters like _____________________ _________ __ _____________ r e a ^ 't i > . ^ l o ^ a ^ l i S . course I can't have much. But I'd ‘ En,»r vniversitv rath er spend it on my trousseau „ ed ’ * 1 g Bai ‘' « a Mt3i een' 1 T °f " ' There was a mom ent ° f ominou-s ' Valker a“ d , Maurice M anning left . We“ . th at s .settled then. N o w - horrified silence. Then a sunul- S m - S n ? V° U 10 8° fOr ° U‘’ ta^ ^ pJ$c‘a mation u “ lv®f81ty of Oregon. nonejm oon? "M arried! To whom?" J 6 -H?der "Anywhere with you." "A girl named Anne Chamberlain ^ Ir<' wC' "What would >“ a ' little place d StUdy iOr C' the , v. you say to W ash- s h e !ives H^ sU‘ad . „ . called „ . •» Oh Neal, how did you guess! ^*5" son are jo u really telling w ^ - e n d ^ h i ^ s S t C e ^ t r ^ ^ - t m ^ I ''eu ,1?Tged and " us th is in earnest?" b iS n ^ Seattle transacting Well, so have I. So th a t's set- I certainly am. .u . tled- t<3° And We w o n t stin t on , The Conrads exchanged terrified D aughters of th e Union Veterans th at trip either. We'll have a good glances. n ^ ? i ^ red. a eom* ? me' 1 don'« believe I've told you— ...'.'P icn I must ask you to explain munity hall Saturday “¿ght. r m tremendously interested in jjol- yourself." are being re-shingled .'T I h no e kj owner Ir«.2Ud ¿ el l iUcs- Even more v VIUU th an 1 iff in »«An. law. Alii I'm Neal's *■* worst hardly YL’j'p «■ 5 _ , f • v enemy • • •• * j v could '-lulu »mi via » Hillsboro is ^ t 1 weelc for California where Mrs. a member of the city council in accuse him of a lack of eloquenc e Mrs. Ella T urner of Erickson will visit her sister Mr Hinsboro now. Perhaps some day I on any them e or on any occasion. having the work done. Llovd Dailev t TiO 'l l make an extended car. go further." And this time he outdid himself and Ade Rutschm an are camping “ E'c^Perkins returned homo Neal! I'm sure you can.” Jh? I7Sult5i— however, were even rock auarrv above = j ° Ferkins returned home "Anyone can be President, you worse th an he feared. a t Batem an . d pre. if u h o re ®unday. from the S t Vincents ho«- know, he said teasingly. "And you expect us—your father th e 'j5. ? } 1 eninlovedles creek' where pital. where she has been recuper- You could." I a“ d I. your brother and sister—to Mrs H a ^ k Dailey of Portland fTOm “ aPPendi« tU “ Pera- "Well perhaps I can be mayor 8° W? th e wedding to receive But we ll have a look a t the White this—th is—person." spent Sunday with her parents, _____________ __ House anyhow. Maybe it won't ap- "My fiancee. Very soon my wife.! Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Rutschman. peal to you. and th a t would settle Of course." Earl Baker. Lee Brown and Mrs. it." he laughed. Then, changing the "Perhaps you were thinking of Flora Baker went to Redmond subject abrujjtly, "Another thing bringing her here to live." Saturday, where Mrs. Baker will we m ustn't economize on Is your "I wouldn't be so cruel to her." visit her daughter. Mrs. Theodore ring." He had scored. His mother at- Wells, while the boys and Mr. Wells iBy M^>«l B. Allison) "Honestly. I don’t need an en- tem pted to draw blood in her turn. spend a week hunting in the MOUNTAIN HOME — C hehalem gagement rmg. I shouldn t mind a "Have you thought what the Othoco National forest. Potato o club its last bit—" withdrawal of your contribution to I r Mountain ^ r “ meeting i '^ . 'y held e ’S r.M me hold hold your your the iam family expenses is is goir going to I Cecil and Charlie Schmidt visited h o m 7 of Mr . n d r^ o rio . u I\ •Nonsense. on!* n“ , ^ Let t me ny expenses Sunday at the Ed Hobere home in ^Jr ' a n c * C harles hand a while, so I can measure mean to us in our old age? Portland nooerg nome in Haynes Friday evening. P lans for your finger." "H arriet and A rthur aren’t very Eh Kingston and family moved Ä ’ S r-v Ä i_ ' n b rle fZ —o -—- — moveo «»m Ä u u id ’i u »i •» * m » v woo ?ye v»v*» - wouldn t h u rt either of last week from Scholls to tne J u I il J JV o d l!? ^ ecem^e r . a t er th an his first B ut in th e course them to get out and hustle a little, Christensen h S ^ e on the o il ta d a ‘““ 8 talk with hls as.:I've ..had to do." Campbell plate K atherine King- ProsPectlve parents-in-law , whom "Neal! do not degrade u s - a n d ston entered the Laurel school Mon- ^ to make fu rth ^ ? a r o l S e n « * ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- day. She is in the eighth grade. fd for the banquet. Financial report showed th a t th is club now has around 111 in the treasury, most of which was won a t th e county , ... fair in Hillsboro this fall. Gladys Trachsel, daughter of Mr. Rally Day program a t M ountain and Mrs C. F Trachsel, under- Home church will be October 14 went an operation for acute appen- Mrs. H arry Sehm eltzer Is in charge dicitis a t the Good Sam aritan hos- of the program. Sunday school at If you’re suddenly invited to a function th at pital Thursday. en as usual. m akes it im perative th a t you look well dressed, Mr. and Mrs. W M. Snipes. Mrs. Mountain Home C hristian En- Mary Olinger, Miss Florence Yeo deavor society will hold a business be sure th a t you have your suits in good order. and Mrs. L. R. Golt visited friends and social meeting a t the home of We call and deliver. Phone 47. Va“ c?uver Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sehmeltzer F rl- Reedvllle team tied the Rosedale day evening team in a football game Sunday. The car of Mr. an d Mrs. J. A WE CALL AND DELIVER The score was 0-0. Bill Churchley Magnuson in which they were driv- refereed. :n(? along F irst street In Newberg M tendance was present a t Friday afternoon, was struck by the C hristian Endeavor meeting another car and turned over twice, Sunday. Mrs. S A. Becker led the resting at last upside down. N either meeting. Mr. nor Mrs. Magnuson were ser- Mr .aJld . rs. C A. Parsons and iously injured, but Mr Magnuson's son of Seattle spent a few days sister, who was with them , had last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. T. several bones broken. Driver of the Telephone 47 Hillsboro, Oregon Im lay and family. Mr and Mrs. offending car carried no insurance. A. Browlee entertained the visitors Mr and Mrs William Boulin re- and th e C. T. Imlay family with a ' turned to th eir home here last LIFE DESERVES AN E V E R ­ LASTING MONUMENT" Oskaloosa. Iowa, and Mrs. Anne Anne Chamberlain of Hillsboro are guests a t the John Crawford home. The elder Mrs. Hixson is a sister to Mrs. and Mr. Craw- M Chamberlain a . ford Mrs. Boy of Hillsboro is at tne home of her daughter. Mrs. John M r ^ L j ° M ? s . L av M ^ eu X V eld t and s n a il sor who recemlv came R om ’ ^ i t t i ° D a k o t a , T iave ^rented the Mrs Lizzie Rice farm and are moving there this week. and F. L S u B ^ aron son Mr. of E i l a Mrs. n d were y g u and es“ at the Josend Cronin home Carl Coolidge of Klickitat, Wash., visited his m other, Mrs. M argaret Coolidge, Sunday. Roof store The south side roofs of the store Jam es Miller has been appointed Junior assistant scoutm aster of the local Bov Scout group G rade' school children «Aiii h- i/v vaccinated smallpox 30 D iptheria for toxoid w.U given. * tli4* I’csiz of his storv all the generations of pos- u riiy ihe MenMMla) 11 a taMOO in respect, devotion and honor To them. It Ls tlie teacher of life'» ideals, its achievement», and Its examples The memorial u the one |>erpetiial history or life. Without It. a life's record often ixisscn e n ­ tirely, for tlie unmarked grave too soon becomes the unknown, un- vlsited one. T O “ D u ir ’ w a lls c a n g e t y o u d o w n By "dull Mill»" we mean wall» that bore you. Even if tltcy ic frexh and new tbcy'rc n<»t worth putting up with — it'» too easy to change boring backgrounds into stimulating wet tinge A can or two ot paint will do it at little coxt. I et in give you a few idea» out ot our practical experience. SATIN EGGSHELL FINISH I'or loiotfttl hilihftti, bte^hQit room», bathroomt — éll room! u h rtt uaihablt ualh art tit ttrablt. Its gay, decorative color» won't fade or smear and ifssoft finish wa»he»ea»ily. $3.30 $ 1 .0 0 —— (. Il I <>\ "f>al around" with me I now th a t he let's Al B u m h at [the Service Garage take all the |re ponaUMUty of aervtclng our •oa automobile. Tell your Ila,I atxiut it and maybe we • an all go flsh- I i“8. 2 4 th Pacific International to be H eld O ctober 6-13 r W ith a combined Horse Show and Rodeo again heading the program of entertainm ent— the 24th Pacific International Livestock Exposition to be held in Portland, O ctober 6 to 13, promises to lie another outstanding educational and entertaining event. r There will lie nineteen com plete shows in one, in­ cluding exhibits of dairy and beef cattle, sheep, hogs, horses, poultry and pet stock, dogs, land products, dairy products, fish and game, 4-11 Club work, wool and mohair, industrial products and flowers. «Î The Horse Show and Rodeo, alw ays a spectacular program of entertainm ent, will include famous riders and fam ous horses — some from (he sm art show rings, others fresh from the open range, ready to provide plenty of action. ‘ May we suggest th a t you make every effort to be present at this y e a r’s Pacific International. Take the family along and give them this treat, too. Re­ m em ber this bank is alw ays interested in the encour­ agem ent of enterprise which will be profitable to the community. •o©,,, Commercial N ational Bank "The laim eat Independent Bank In W ashington County." Hillsboro, Oregon Enter Thi» Ea»y, Amusing Contest. Here's a contest (hat's really /« „ /W h a t did V it key sav to At/„„/>? Y o u 'll enjoy think­ ing up a clever answer. And what do you get for if, besides the fun? Yuu get a marvtlouf »lifiorlunity to u in a colorful Congoleum Gold Seal Rug — youroun thoict of rilo r and pattern — in our ¡lore contest! O u t prizes are genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs— the favorite floor-covering i>f m illions o f women be­ cause o f their beauty and labor-saving quality. Water-proof, you know — so no scrubbing. Clean with just a mop! 1st Prize— a 9 s 12 fo o t (io n g o lc u m ^ 5 6 G o ld Seal R ug. 2nd Prize— a 6 x 9 fo o t C o n g o le u m Gold Seal Rug. i r d Prize— a 3 x 6 ft. Congoleum Gold Seal Rug. Remember, these prize rugs are the fam ous n a tio n a lly advertised C ongoleum Rugs, backed with the Gold Seal guarantee. In case of ties, duplicate prizes w illb e given. gis We will enter in the National Mickey Mouse C ontest ihe "Mickey Mouse Answer" wlii< h wins First Prize in our Store Contest. This gives you an oppor­ tunity lo win one of the five new Ford V H's offered as ( , rand National Prizes! C o m e in f o r on O ffic ia l E n try B la n k F re e a t o u r s to re . C o n te s t ends S E L F R ID G E BROS. Ram-Hueter Paint Dealers 1138 Third St. LÄ P hone 2 1 X