Page Twelve THE Veteran Dies Couple Honored on Anniversary MIL L SB I) RO Melon-Tomato Blanks H ere M ountaindale P eop le G ive T w o Surprise P arties A R G U S, Many Convicted H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Local Office Looted Sunday ,^ ± ^ 3 Thursdny, October 4, W ashington County Unit Farmers* U nion to M eet Wusliuigton county unit. Farm - ers' Union, meet In conjunction with the Middleton local at Slier- wood Tuesday evening. (j. Howcrs DUnt'U SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD s 2 MORE DAYS WEIL’S 21st ANNIVERSARY Sale Ends Saturday Night A L L W O O L YAR N V nl In 50c. O -1 Odd lot M lV School 'K crchirfa I ' . i l i c t colored. Bound edges SALE PU R SES ( hid lot to - | Zk dose out Houar Slipper* .*4ml in fa n ts ' sloes. Spec. Z IP P E R PURSES A ml ladies' hand bags 44c W O O LE N SOCKS F or men. T w \ o rn mon- o fu days. S p ecia l 21c A tfr ip a d p>qu« dr«»»— a |ack«t « n ie m b l« o f co tton coo t of in«ap«n»tvo t * « « d — tk«»o th r«« cot- tum «» moke the id e a l ic h o o lg c in g w a rd ro b e . M ik« them fo r your young d a u g h te r . . . M c C a ll give» a helping h jn d w ith if» easily fo llo w ed p o tte rn i, while our fa b ric » a r e to m o d e ttly p riced , the to ta l om ount of a ll th ree w on't worry your b u d g e t plan». mmb V ceob ° e spen 5 er alltni VjnQUerS pace Rainier Team Friday r 54-IN C H W OOLENS On sale F rid a y and S a tu r­ day, only $4 Y ard J G R IF F IT H I ICS Housing Plan Group TO CALIFORNIA if ,o n ( h p v rn ln t ,, ! n e v ro le t ’275 ‘295 131-inch .......... 1000 r-u « , l . ‘ J " f C h e v r o le t 157-inch ......... 1930 F ord, 157-inch, dual, com pletely overhauled 1926 s- ’345 125 Reo F ew USED CARS 1929 Essex Sedan Reconditioned 1930 C hevrolet Roadster 1929 Nash C a b rio le t Southern Ifecific License William Paul Herb of Banks route 1 and Alfreda DeVlaeminck of Cornelius route 1, October 3. Used Trucks U S E D T R Y THE TR AIN When you go to California, try the train! Dig changes have taken place on our rails. Pullman charges are a third less than last year. Rail fares are touching bottom at 2( a mile and less. Complete meals in our dining cars cost as little as 80<. For de­ tails, see your local agent or write J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon. Marriage CARS B O U G H T and SOLD 1929 Ford C oupe C h evrolet Sedan Ford T ouring Ford R oadster F ou r-w h eel T railer T w o -w h eel T railer F or those o f our customers w ho want the best to be had in the line o f sa n ita ry p ro­ tection, we in v a ria b ly recommend 19c A g e n c y W illys 77 Come in fo r a dem onstration. CARS PAINTED G as - Oil - A ccesso ries Ask us fo r the cur you w ant, VV e may be able to get i t 1 fo r you, and at the r ig h t Cars W ashed and Polishes! price. Hillsboro MotorCo. Used Car Exchange Washington County Agents 3rd and W ash. 6 boxes for $1.00 M A IN STREET M A IN 81 P hone 441 O lds and C hevrolet A g e n c y for N ash and H udson and T errap lan e 2nd and W ash. P h on e 2641 Lucky P u rch ase! 50 W om en’s W IN T E R C O ATS SW AG G ER SUITS T a ilo re d and fu r trim m ed Value-, to $4 0 9 5 #22.5)» Ready w rapped in our cornet departm ent. M EN ’S SOCKS F or w ork o r dress. 3 pair 21c Leather Faced C A N V A S GLOVES F or Men RUBBER P A N T S For baby, ''pee. 2 pair 21c 21c H I-TO P BOOTS Boys’ leather. $ 4 .98 E xtra special X Prompt Service . . . HRA T his store w ill be open nights and a p a rt o f Sundays. S p ecia ls for O ctober 5 and 6 CODE M armalade C offee Red & W h ite O range Red & W h ite 1-lb. jar 20c M ayonnaise Red & W h ite ’275 ‘295 ’245 ‘1 ‘1 Powers Grocery Don P arson. Oscar C. Miller. For est Grove, an d Elmer Lee Miller Portland. 79c PE Q U O T SHEETS 81x99. F’rid a y and S aturday 21 Sp ecia l Pedestrian Code to be Stressed J SW E A T SH IR TS HIRTS "B la c k B e a r", heavy w h ite , fleeced A R T IS T S ' SM HOC OCKS o r smock blouses. louse J ust .98 in $13 E. A. s r » » « . — - « » s a s a c ~ .2 N. „ . d . . playing tackle on offense and guard P led ge» to F raternities Mrs. Spencer is survived by her on defense. Howell is also making husband, one brother. Loren Palm a- A num ber from W ashington coun­ R eal E state and teer of Kansas, and a sister Mrs. ty have pledged to fraternities at a good showing for the position. Insurance F G. Mitchell of Hillsboro. R ainier is a dark horse th is year Oregon S tate college. They are as lacking a real test of strength so follows: Alpha Tau Omega—Eldon Can finance your insurance pre­ far this season. The squad is MRS LAURA ANN MILLER J. Bailey, Forest Grove; Lloyd An- mium* on a monthly baois. coached by Ralph Twitchell, for­ FOREST GROVE— Mrs. L aura derson. Beaverton. K appa Delta (Continued fro m r ’»?« 1) P h on e 171 mer Oregon State halfback and fic don’t oscillate "like a Ann Miller, 74, of this city died a t Rho—Don S hattuck and Earl Prick- 1152 2nd St. end. and he has turned out con- m achine shuttle"—proceed slow, Jones hospital in Hlllsboro ett. Hillsboro. Sigma Phi Epsilon— sistently -strong teams at Rainier. ly and steadily ahead so motorists Reed Pendall, Forest Grove. erre ^ m ? ’ ay >0U ™ d ay ’ a t ^ F o r a * Grove S - ' 8 fi r-ivo «.nnciSo, .« . . taking company chapel with Rev 6. Give consideration the fact v O L. vu«vw C urtis viiiviavin^, officiating. Interm ent --------- — to — —’ M P prcn n M om oc pedestrians are perm itted to was in Arcade cemetery. * ■** * v iM J I I i i HI walk on both sidewalks a n d Mrs. Miller was born in Missouri streets, while th e m otorist is re- January 7, 1860. and was m arried quired to rem ain between curb Jan u ary 7. 1880. to Harmon Miller, , - limits. »'ho died several years ago. De- frTO> wore f ) 7 Always walk on th e left side ceased is survived by the following H i l l s b o i r Slml‘a r 40 th0SC Lambert Heesacker of F o r e s t Grove route i was appointed for a two-year term on the Washing- ton County Dog Control board Monday. He will fill the vacancy on the board left by the resigna- tion of Antone H Evers, also of Forest Grove route 1. M r. Pint jar 23c C offee 1-lb. pkg Pineapple F ancy Sliced Red & W h ite 21/gs. 2 for 45c Peaches Y ello w C ling Red & W h ite Red & W hite 1-lb. G lass jar 29c 2«/si». 33c 2 for 39c r* Red & whit« G rap e r r u ih ,„ r 31c M any o th e r items specially priced fo r F rid a y and S aturday. These price« good Oct. 5 and 6 only. B , 111, Mt* «1 II 1'M Mr and Mrs Bert Meyer ,,,, i Mias Mlltlre.l anil te i.l Hteiii Mrs Amo«. Ileiulet mmi attend«., i lu.fl motored 1.1 Sal. Ill Friday and family reunkui In I*ntini ul Hun j also visile»! Mi and Mis Clyde ihn Ds-.I.v near la k e 1 .¡«Ill'll o n their Mis H I. Doatlc ami duuglil n return Imine H allana visitisi relatives |.1(|[ Mi and Mrs Steward of Yaki­ hunt several days roeently ma Wash visited Mr and Mis Aunts Heinin son ami Mr and Mi limitela Nuirradal Heil Meyer Maturdav Jena Buyer, Je«« Mnydrr Jr. und Baby 1'Maine Van'I'eaael of near Harold S tark, all of Hcholls n llxmldule Is spending a lew weeks turned recently from a hunting al the linin’ of her aunt. Mrs «> trip hi the vicinity of Burns Tin y J. lolleison. and family und re ­ I were gun«’ a week and returned cuperating trom u M'riou» Illness i » h li three deer. Miss Mildred and Feiil Htelnllolf vLsIliat Miss Irma Helm a t Laurel | , | V(>1<(.K h UIT M i and Mis Harry Moore of lln v a li Ferdinand lini IMrtlund visited Thursday with Mi B arbara Hrasch Registration Ends Here on Saturday A „ Argus Editor Named for Editorial Post Heesacker Appointed and | Ludwig Nitchnian T ll LI C Till Fnd^V pavem€nt » h en a car passes Meeting of the committees U 'vou planned in Hillsboro in the near y future, although the date has not Fees Reported been definitely set. Person stated. Fees totaling $373.30 were col- Representatives from the Portland office will be. in attendance to ex- ---- ui atvcuuance to ex- ,Pmh«.v w,. . T~. ° *' L ® ep- ?’ plain the federal housing adminis- ¿2™, 5y clerk' accord' tration program. lng w a report to the county court, Tliat SERA workers might be employed to conduct a canvass of the county in connection with the educational campaign was th e opin­ ion expresed by the county chair­ man. Mr Don’t Allow Your Rcxit Vegetables to breeze or Wither! National Farm Loan assiX’iatlons. pony vs E J Hiekox. M O. O al- lin' next day near Reedville s p ^ U ^ w k ° 1“aYn thei Bradford ^ " “b K ^ r s ^ S i d n i ^ ’ and WiUmm Wednesday during the breath. C. W w hite. J. T Ja m es E Cahill of Golilcndale. T F ra u d - Wash, was arrested Tuesday at Fowles home B raaiora q{ Hlllsboro a sister Oregon Agricultural Advisory conn- sen. Mrs A. H Berg. C. L . Brown. Fowles home Beaverton 011 a drunken driving Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Cynthia G erm an of Portland cil program a t the Pacific In ter- S. M Feazle. Peter Vergecr. J. K. charge. national Livestock exposition. His Plinkington. J A. Crabtree, E. F. Otto Voges were Mrs. Voges' p ar- ------------------------- Leonard J. Severeld of Beaverton subject will be "Oregon National Dallieim and R. D Walker ents. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Biers- C .- . was arrested Friday on a drunken dorff of Schefflin. Carl Voges. Dr r r O O r d lll tO ¿ ItF t NS Farm Loan Associations — Number, Probate orders were Issued hi the driving charge. He was involved 111 C. T. Sm ith of Hillsboro and Emil ” . Functions. Operations and Prob- estates of Theodore Newstad. Flora automobile accident in Hillsboro and Louis Weight of West Union. P r P V P n tlO fl f i t b i r c lems." Tlie meeting will be open C. Hilller. Julia A H atch Taylor, an Mr. and Mrs. B R. G unther « .» tiitiu ii 1 l i t to all county farm debt adjustm ent John Führer. Eva VanDomelon. Al- Friday afternoon. R E. Davks of Portland was a r ­ of Portland visited Sunday a t the ( C o n tin u e d fro m m e committeemen a n d s e c r e ta rie s , bert S. Sholes. Adolph R ahn. Wil­ by suite state police on a lx)cl Hollenbeck home. street «m “ «•’’“ cated moved into, th e Harold R eynolds be inspected Thursday by uniform - interested. K.^M. Bergen, Fred CJ. Btrucken. A num ber oi blanketa ahoes # . , . , - — inspected Thursday bv uniform Alfred Davies and Columbus C. elarionet and other articles found house, which was previously occu- firemen Whitmore. A Ä was issued for Ä P e te " 0 ^ 1 ’ ^ ^ ‘k w ë « ' claimed pied by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van- special motion picture reels feat- by Mrs Peter Aelierman of S h er­ » S r N H. Toates' brother. R. H. i * 0 Pre'X "n ,Oi i ' 1” T” , . - , son. man Mill Tuesday. The woman Warren, and family visited a t the .s h.0U? a t matinee came into the sheriff's office to re ­ Toates home Sunday and also at T^r'.ciav afternoon. This part of th e ' port the th eft of the articles and the R E Fox home in Portland. program was provided through co- Ludwig Nitchman, 75. of Phillips. identified lier property. Mrs. H. F. H ansen of Portland is operation of the th eater m anage- a resident of W ashington county visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. E. m ent and local insurance agents, for 45 years, died ln the Emanuel G ardner. The final feature of the observance hospital in Portland Tuesday after Registration books will be closed i u h i i "w n i events will probably be a free street an Ulness of 10 davs. Funeral ser- — -— f x in ^ lL a n r iK e r n e r h K ee'm ^have dan editor and night and two days, but returned to houses have been asked to have Phillips G erm an Reform church Applications for absent voters' n’an'drest Hills ThurMtay night A d in ­ n make is te Un A and a few pennies, was rocovewd ner followed the tournam ent 'G ur cause has been greatly ated Credit Service vs. Lee R. C ar- Report of the kidnaping of an stengtheiuxi by an opinion from penter. default judgm ent, c o s t eight-year-old girl in the Ha/eldale W ashington Street b etw een 1st and 2nd H illsb o lUkteniau Quarry lt<*ntr<| Oregon's Attorney - G eneral V a n bill: Roberts Motor company vs. O. district »¡us brought t o Sheriff Bateman quarry waa rented by Winkle in which lie states tliat a T Angel et al. confirm ation; S E. P L A N T A T S C H O I.I3 , OREGON "o latio n of the Melon and Tb- Sorenson et ux vs. George H. Un- Connell Monday. A local youth was the county 1'uesduy to the Con O ur M otto “ Ei'H’ndly Service . . . F a ir Prices" niato agreem ent is a violation of derwixxl et UX dism issal' Ulrich iu’r,’st,,‘1 t *'e following day for the sollduted Timber e«>mp«uiy. The aW uction mid turned over to Jure-, contract will run until about April the state agricultural adjustm ent Huber vs Herirv VanAllnien nile authorities. The sm all girl was I of next yeai mid rails for 6000 a c t- alxi dealers m aking violations fault and judgm ent; Mary M Adams picked up by the youth h i the a ft- V:ll'ds of rock, are subject to revokation of license. Belva L. Adams, default, de- ernoon as she returni\i from school, '------------------------ Ll^ '* K '.ratli et al vs W R. taken some distance from houi t la p p e t ux. d ee n c . Erwin I . Wills and forced to remove h er cloth *■ CNOI1 IO « jl J t i l K ys G ladys M Wills, decree. May Ing. according to the report He did IS a .« vs Frank Lemke, default I J t ' l í i r i ’ A c r ( i i n t i n l «a’c n v . and t „ ^ Uteet Ä Clay Free '* » ' ‘V L 1 J " I’erscn of Hillsboro, presi- missal ordc ■rs were Issóed In ease» "Queen Anne’s Dice’’ MOUNTAINDALE Mr and Mrs. Delbert FMwle.s »ere pleasantly su r­ prised Saturday evening when friends called to help them cele­ brate their tw en ty -n fth wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in playing cards, games and danc­ ing. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dillon and daughters Bernice and Verna Mr and Mrs. William Everett and son Billy and Dennis Hall all of Hillsboro: Mi and Mrs Jam es M athiesen and Nick and Margaret. Mr and Mrs Earl Hollenbeck Helen Hollenbeck. Sydney Connolly and Mr and Mrs Fowles and Muriel, Leonard and o ie n powers, prominent local World Rooert.. . war veteran, dies following long M ountamdale extension for the ... electric lights has been started. Tile luie lias been surveyed and the iv * i electric light poles have been dis- tributed. Earl Hollenbeck is get­ IT \Y"«-l 1 I . . ting the poles for the line. i l C r C Vv l l l l X lO n o r S Mr. and Mrs. R. Wallworth and M rs Sedourg of Rockaway visited at the Sam "Raffety home Sunday. { ’ ’¡ i e ' ' i ’ss«X'iat«'d Mrs Wallworth remained for a few S u T Powers in Ouy davs' visit Marx Lou Toates, who is ill at , t ht> business and at one ... N hospital, is improving. t r a f was m anager of the store at the Jones hospnaj, Is im p im m - N inth and Baseline. He was m ar- Celebrate Birthdav Ninth and Baseline. He was m ar- Friends called S unday' to help ried to Miss Ethel Troutm an of Mrs. L H Peters celebrate her North Plains in Forest Grove birthdav. Those present »ere Mr. March 16. 1921. and they had made and Mrs. E. Gergess of Nebraska, then- home In Hillsboro ever since Mr and Mrs. Fred W att and lam í- iXeept for m e winters in California ly. Mr and Mrs. Harley* Cruse and gQmetjnie on a homestead near family, and Mr. and Mrs. »rank. M adras ^ t a ^ a í í í ^ n a í í v \ i 7 a n d Mrs' M»*- Po» ers was active hi Hills- I n S c h a ffe r Joe Schaffer and boro post, American Legion, from ^ i i l ^ ^ í d Mr and M rl L. H the beginning of the orgiuusatton Peters and Leila. and served the p o s ta s an officer Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs at different times He was also John Willis were Mr. and Mrs Hel- active hi af fairs of the community greaen and f.unily. Mrs. Sdwards u.r,u recent vc.irs and daughter of Portland, and Mrs. Dece*vsed is survived by the wi- Frank Reynolds and Frank Mast. dOft. and two 5^,^ Glen J r 12. and Bend , ENEFITS of incalculable value to purchasers o f p rin tin g are now possible because o f the G raphic A ils Industries Code under w hich the A rgus operates its business It now makes o b lig a to ry on a ll prin te rs and publishers, the adoption o f trade policies. Advantages of Buying at Home! and practices long recognized as desirable, but w hich u n c o n tro lla b le co m petitive forces have heretofore rendered inactive. T here can he no m isrepresentation, no se llin g o f p rin tin g below cost o f m anufacture. «Misrepresentation has cost m any o f the m erchants in to w ij a p re tty penny when they have gone elsewhere Io buy th e ir p rin tin g . But now the out-of-tow n p rin te r is co n tro lle d in his business practices under the Code, and because o f the re strictio n s th a t make him deal fa ir ly the A rgus has a ll the advantage over him , fo r it knows best how to serve home business w ith com m ercial p rin tin g and newspaper advertising. Ifillsbonij^r g us Wllh Which I. CnmhlRwl Th« Hill.horo Ind.p.ndm l