THE Page Ten Banks Eleven Plays Friday G ribner Brothers P re p a re for Fern Business (B y M r*. F«6 W o lf o r d , cox and Bernard Sellrn. Friday evening Mr and Mrs Charles Sel­ lers were visitors a t the W. T Sellers home. Mr and Mrs. O Oaaheim of Bay City visited their daughter Sylvia from Saturday until Monday. Mr and Mrs. Ben Bateman and daughter lone visited their daugh­ ter. Mrs Frank Heisler, and family on G ales Creek Sunday. Amos Sellers is visiting at the Leo Irvine home in Portland Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O C. Jackson were Mr and Mrs J. n H. . v Crocker and son of Moun- taindalc. Mr Mrs w Q, Walker spent 8undav in Vernonia viaiung „ u h ^jrs gjlis McGraw and chlldren an d Mr and Mrs. Frank Hartwick and daughter. M others’ Club will meet Friday w lth M rs Charles Shipley. All members are urged to be present a special program is being pre- H IL L S B O R O MAC ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O . By Munch “ D ear” Teacher ThurNiIay, O ctober OREGON < u < s o h 'T o n y / i e > fv x \,u v my toy MOOSA. AVÖNCsTO S C A R E T v t t NÎ.VJ CACHER I, lib'll Georgv Zeigler and son and ,laugh- Hulkin' the occasion being h e r week visiting Mr latngea mother. Mrs Joe Illudi ter Miburn and Vivian and Velma blilhda, and Nadvne Wohlschlegel went to, Mr and Mrs I, F Kb,It visited Mrs J im ' Hush »|>ent SuiHtav and Hubburd Sunday as guests ol Mis friends In Sandy Saturday Monday visit11 ig relative« in Cania S . P H uffm an and Mrs John m ,... I ' n ' d a H a - . i i i u - . w i i wlio hi, Wash riw l'lrr sisters ol Mrs Meyers and , , „„proving Jeanne Hlvurd was an overnight Mr. Zeigler. (m o r. Is h.-liiiiiu Waller Klott left Saturday on guest of Verna Itowton at Hills lib tiie "urn” work on (he William *¡"’ b '•u; 'k, nl>n> h. bound loi born Thill sdny and Friday w Ne elidiseli,, ander larm a t laikeview Nl'" Vmk lily . ItullM-ri Hvdmaii Is under the "I'll bet I l i a ! driver ahead Is an Hay Fgo. Lauren Haynes, ira li old iw luad teacher of mine and Hodson McCormick attended cure of a pliystetan In Portland. a eharlvarl at Gibbs Mondav night Ml and Mrs E <’ tau g e of W hat make« you think an? ' on Mr and Mrs Hav Spain, who Portit,nd spent several days last "Hhe won't let me |> umi " Ex had Just returned from a three weeks’ honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs, Emil Tauseher of, Portland spent Uiursduy and F ri­ day of their vacation last week at the home of her parents. Mr. and! Mrs. Granville Everest. J E. and Pornum Blazer a r e , le t us gel II ready now I Wa are offering a complete nutter building a new barn. tune up Including cleaning and adjusting curburator cleaning, Bill Carmichael of Tennessee left cleaning and adjusting spark plugn amt Ignition and pmnta Wind Sunday tor Portland alter more, th an a week’s visit at the W illiam 1 shield wiper serviced. radlalor and engine cleiuuxl. and all liuar c o i l licet lolls lns|p BANKS—FvXUball game between Banks lugii high ana and Amity, Amity. which w w u, » « announced for last Friday in Banks, will be played Friday on the Banks field. The Banks football squad sponsored a dance at the Manning ■naf, Saturday evening. Sixteen dollars was cleared. The W ikapi-Nahon Camp Fire Girls are gtvurg a b a s k e t -s o c ia l i l l the R N. A hall Friday evening, October 5. A program will be given consisting Qi 2. community sing ana spelling 'match. <• B Hall. Mrs Tom Qualls, Bernard Gibson of Friend. Neo, [and Mrs Cass Wilson attended a who Is in a CCC camp near Rose- 500.. n u, Hillsboro Friday burg, visited last week with his a[ hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Fred cousui. Mrs. C C W ahi. and fam - j^mns. ily in Banks and with relatives in o D preezen returned home Forest Grove. September 26 from the Emanuel Bluebird club met Septem ber -6 hospital m Portland, where he uti- with Miss Ethel Smith. Each little Derwent a m ajor operation. He is I.. S. ( Totting Ptionr Iy ki% « n O do » iiu.krt r.witn>iur U m n <»« m«h s. h.M i greenery business. A crew began of Banks, was operated on S atu r­ ,r w. pliant tssdh and Hu- ever |» iw la r ■' •' • i ...,i Mondav to pick ferns near Sweet day night in Hillsboro for appendi­ 2! lush pond »» lor . the r children. -1'1 »n the* ‘",h ...........- by «will N«»n llivh K> h«a>| "> |)i» d trl< -a d „ f th . Home ' They expect to ship out citis. ... .i t ( h r ri,> nl y r « r Let liiiiiiitf J m ir l * l l i IW.14, and r n d ln g Jun«» l.'t b , several carloads this fall. Glen Moss is working in a cheese com m unity. tt'&s murrU'd to M I nn ! • and m i C*ti »'»’ in ,»f th e pn4>abla ra«*«4|>la C «aid N o n H ig h Ki*h> < I W. T Sellers. N. J G n ffen and factory at Philom ath Roy Moss S&roh Kowela of Woodburn Sep- t fr.-n , a il - i . r . r r ih » . l -i >r«r iu.i< iim ii.atd «»f »aid N.-m Mr and Mrs. Henry Atlee attended spem • the week-end there with •r - '^ '^ 7 tem ber 15 His m other, Mrs linoy 1 - • i»iain.t ha» rued th» u h d»> «.r <».t.4.. i at th» h.-ur <«f i in >» m the harvest festival at K ansas City Q]en aud his father. George Moss. Y O U IU ’ . . I l C C O m iM I ll e d b v M i s s , *1 *’ 1 "> 11 Htll»l<«Tv tire» an th » tim e and p la c « a t w h ic h CSlWH-* - Friday night. Mrs. Moss and son Ralph drove - - e a tin ia ir» m a y h» «It»« u» n l w ith th » l h « r d o f »aid N«w »-lll*fh Hrh«ad D la trU 't. Jiuuuta Johnson, who ' lULN Jiwt »aid George M Aitken of G arden over Sunday and brought Roy home at w h ich tin t» a n ,I place a ny and a ll | ‘*r»<>na int»r«»t»«l w ill I,» h e ard f o r o r a « a h t« l w ith her sister. Mrs. George Gould returiuHl from u visit with her «aid ta x Im >. ,-r a n y p a rt t h c i d f That «ahi «wtlmatcw a n d a tta c h e d «W talnal r« Home was a Saturday evening yIr ;Uid Mrs. Elmer Hopkms ol trip to Vernonia Sunday, where Mrs J Will of Laurel substi­ mother in Birmingham. A la. and th u n te t h w t a a te oil (t ie in th e u ff t, • o f th » t'« a m ty Kchiad M u p » rtn l» n d » n t and guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Atlee. Tillamook spent Tuesdav night with Mr. G lenn has an apiary. th e In a p rc tle n o f a ll pvraon« In te r« » !» ,I th e re in , a n d th e a atne a re tuted at t i l l ' M ountain Top school Prank K Johnston and Art Ball of are thr» Later in the evening he spoke at ylr and Mrs. Shipley M argaret Cappoen visited a t tnad» a par h»rm>i Mondav (or Mrs. Mike McCann ot the l4tbor Temple 111 I\»rtland were > y «•»•<••• Buxton. Thev had been picking hops at the Laurel Ridge scliool Friday after- It U H T T » Aloha Monday. vksiting tiretids in Scholls, who was ill There tins Mr and Mrs. E. C. Wilson and \-u ' yard near Forest Grove While noon, i. t a rh ,H» ha n.l a t h«vt nu » f th » y r a r f,»r » h i , h t h l hioltfet la m a d» been u great deal of Illness here Geore H enderson a n d H enry Lxiwry family and Mrs. Minnie Schium er- m Banks they a-so '.site d Mrs. Charles Haynes. W. C. Edy. Bill A t t f i t n t a rr.-,’h « l i r - o th e r «ourve» (B y M r» . B ir d sp en t th e week-eiul fishing ’on the t he past week. T o ta l n v r ip t a ieh visited Sunday a t the F. G. H opkins father. F rank Eberl} Rewahlt. Donald Edy. and Scott Tillamook river CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN First F \ l ’ F N h I T t ’ ltF B Toelle home a t Linnton. Rev and Mrs. Hindriek and baby Haynes left Monday morning on a Mr. and Mis. Victor Schmidt and Callers nt the M att King home m eeting for this aeMon of the Tullitm Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rmck ano of Forest Grove wore Wednesday hunting trip in E astern Oregon, sons and Mr. and Mrs. George Trait«p<»rtal h h » children visited Saturday a t tne cajiers at the Cliff Thompson Mr. ajid Mrs H. P. Strickler rep- Pleasant View Community club will Gould of Portland spent Suiiiliiv Sunday uere J K Clary and iam - l'o atatf» and ■ ta lio itn Ira Langton home in Portland. home resented Sherwood G range a t the be In the form of a 7 o'clock pot with the women's parents. Mr. and llv, Ntrs. George Fluh anti Mrs. l ’ r ln tin v Donnelly and son of Portlund. Brandon Hall, son of Mrs C- . j Mrs. Cass Wilson was the hostess booster program at K m ton S atur- tuck supper, followed by social in ­ Mrs E. P. Smith. l<\pnii,«M ,.f »hw t ton „1 r Mr and Mis N Hill anti Mrs. tercourse a t the school house Oc- Hall, is attending the University tQ tjle prldge club Thursday Mrs. day night, I r a x r i «*x p rit «ci o f h Hodson McCormick and Lauren Brown went to Scuppooac and St. of Mississippi this y ^ r . having q b Halj won flrsl and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ? Aebiscber and tober 13. *p r h itrr« w t ! u Moore second. rn e d from Port Donnie Versteeg and Willie Rod- Haynes visited the G. C. While Helens Sunday. transferred there from O. S C. L son kJ«....j Danny have ..tu return K ntrru en c Mrs Hukla Kydman entertained Mrs. W. L. Moore visited relatives aj r ;Uld ^¡r> Charles Shipley Orford and will make th eir home gers are new first grade pupils at home at Cherry Grove Sunday. tp« i » ii< | ltu r « » Buck Heaven district received a country with three deer. Elmer T, Cold I ’ . KM» n in n a i l, e ,t Cold storage Co. Portland Friday evening and met P iffe r r . .. . A l i .n .u !.. I« i"«*l hy ta« Mr. Mr and Mrs. Cliff Thompson and r ] \ T j k « . . < . I second new pupil last week when Whitmore mid Kay and Frankie Next iiiMir to cannery Telephom- i Illy II >. I». > 1 Plat Johnnv Wahl of Banks and G er­ four i iuidren and George K ess-ir L^ilOltOl I s tW S I L e t t e r Shernuui Murray. 5. entered school Shook remained and went furthei 3051. r s»,,i i>»r. I V I 4 Dat»»| tht« 2 M h day 32-3 trude Chalm ers of Forest Grove, Sr. attended the L utheran Mission 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius O tt ac- A M J a i l .--I . I - I . n . . J a n n a » back m the Blue M ountultu to iHMird who are students at th e Salem feast in Forest Grove Sunday. . ' , fln„ compamed his aunt. Mrs. Mary ,o-u * ,.!n. aii,.f 0 it Kn • i r t a t y . ti ,h u r ,h . It J p e l p la n , h» haa I mh Wahl family and Mrs. G ibson 01 M r a n d M rs CaSiS W ilson. Mr. d a u g h te r M rs A. L B urkett. Ix>- Portland. Mr and Mrs. Oscar Hagg n ir tiilir r a » f bu d tfrt . I»» Forest Grove took the two chil- Mrs Coffey an a baby drove to The sta te ’s emergency fund, or- iore stArtlng ior hvr home at H er- mid daughter of Rcedville mid Mi F r r .l L a n g r r , F r a n k K >. H a r r y F* F .lla n ,|» r tt A Mahno«». hoard »f «Iti, uti»n and Mrs. Tom Shuck and son ot dren back to school. th e beaches Saturdav morning, re- iginally $150.000 is now down to iord Texas. Mrs. Mary O tt made Mr. and Mrs. Jack M itchell of m am m g Sunday evening. The $32.500. The emergency board last t walnut crop on the hlnigan lily . S t a 'r of O retfo n , th a t a S. h.«U Mev f a ald d ta trlc * » III Ire Mrs. Hattie Davison h»l,| a t Pu id K i l l S. hUy <>f O r t.4 .» r ------------- _ of Forest . „ Grove ‘ . . . « Wolford and son Vernon th . . . wavwarri girls to of Pasadena. Cal., mid Mrs. Sam farm Tuesday a t ? "u o'rh w h in ih » a n d 2 Ir5. ^ °fo n ^ v and Mr M rs Eh G rm d;e were for clmm^ coveruig tiie th ird quar- H ulit of Hillsboro visited Mrs. Mre. Ann G rn d u ff of P o rtlan d a fte rn o o n o r th e pur»H»» o f .h a c a a in a th e h i . la r t h th « I and to vote . 11 t h r |>r • i» < « ltl,a t of le v y in g a d t a t r h t ta « visited Mrs M. A. Dodds M onday S unday visitors at th e F ra n k G en- ;° r }££ a S i r , ^ J v »nonwert F ran k Humphrey s niece. Mrs. E. C. visited her parents. .Mr. mid Mrs hi ix.F.r afternoon. Mrs. D anson rem ained 2jex home on G reen M ountain. t t r oi 1W’*- deficiency appro d Thursday. Guests at Peter Ornduff, Friday, L a u re a te .! K r .e lp t « until Tuesday evening B a se l Wolford spent th e week- * « 8 » transportation division was th(, woidrehlegel home Friday in - F ra n k and L oren Hill acoom - H a la n ., on h and at t^*uin nln u "t a«h,«d y r a r Ith ir U M o n d ay In June» f « h i, I, Auxiliarv to Meet end w.,h Marv Sandv at Vernonia, in addition to the »10.000 approved cluded ^tr and j,jls Fav Hulit and pained bv Delmar and Leland Lam- a hu.lg rt • nt:,.I.- f t ' l f r ..,„ «. h.a.l fu n d f I • • I •• : f , T„ huvi Legion auxiliary of Banks wnl Born to Mr. and Mrs Bud Erp for this same activity a t the pre- w n vertion and Mrs. Siim Hulit of bert of G aston returned Saturday »<1. S: 2 t> o . fr .e n e le m e n ta ry school fu n d fA.&frO *4 T o ta l eatlm at«a( pt». meet at the R. N. A. hall W ednes-, September 25. a girl The little girl vious m eeting of the emergency Hillsboro. from a week's hunting trip in the ."4M 14 day night at 8 o clock. das been named Maybeth. board two m onths ago. Twenty- Win Prizes Oclioco country. They brought home Flallm a lra f F. tp r n d lt u r a a Mrs. N. C. Nielson is keeping Mr Oscar LeLauney one employes released from th e de- Mrs E. C. Wohlschlegel received three deer, s e l l VI. C O M KOI. S u p « rln t» tt4 » n t house for Moxie. Ida an a Clyde moved Saturday to Sherm an s mill, paxtment a t th a t time following two first prizes in the a rt exhibit Mr and Mrs. Allan H Comber I L » t <» od (*l» rk t .\O (M Hopkins where Oscar has employment. to secure a »30 000 appro- a t the F arm ers Product fair at of Portland and Leonard Dykstra ('«»,ti|>itla,»ry « Itic a ilo n an ,I rrn« u« fro ta) Lyle Wolford spent T hursday Sunday Rally Day 7 . , ' . ^ ..pre™ , Newberg Friday and Saturday. Two of Longview visited at the Ira G F.lertlona a m i ptibli. ity fto » rta « t»f tf»ri»ral r«mtr«*l Benson park on the Columbia river te r’s study. A program is being pre- IN .s I I t l ' C r i O N .N'nrervi-i..», ers. ' Portland and A1 Espenel and fam - 1 I 'r l n r i p a i * to a site n ear Newport. pared for next Sunday. Rev Tilton Now the nurserymen w ant a W alnut picking on the J o h n ' ily of Troutdale were entertained Your intentions might T'dal ex I'm«». aup«er VI•!,•,» Eli Hopkms. Harold Bundy and ex£ends an invitation to every one code of their own. Max G ahlhar. O B ryan place started __________ ______ with - ......... a dinner a t D. A. O tto tonic September I N N T K I’t T IO N l r a r l u , i K. be good when y ,, u Alma Kepner of Portland and M ar- atten d church next Sunday e 'e - code dictator, has called a m eet- _>6 but was discontinued until the Sunday I »arFi»ra 14.114 (M shall Nelson of Eugene c e re week- mng. He will have a story* for the mg of the industry for Salem on blighter n uts th a t had fallen could Mr. and Mrs. Sam O tto and baby smack into a car rattier S u h n titu t* t.w«.h»ra Sun utt end guests at the Hopkins home in cm idren if thev are present. Be- October 9 when a code now being be disposed of and a rain had son Sainuue were all ill with flu N i,|,|,||» a t r h a lk , p a p er. »*<* ) .15« Ou than hit a man— but T r itlx a tk « |»n»e ,-f tra t-k ln « »n.Corvallis and attended th e foot- stead of 8. control ^ b o a v e n j n e m o e r s M r. and Mr& R c . Wohlschlfgel aild Mrs. M. M . Harvey and Will I ( H I It A I IO N O l I I \N 'l the ignition, and she’ll J a n ito r « a n d o th e r em ploy»« r e ie u IO eroyrej ---- - {amJy atM!nded a reunlon of Harvey were guests at trie Way: ball game between Mr M rs, G ... w McGraw vis- 2 .100.00 . „ O S „ C. and _______ F » t r a ja n ito r « go up in flam e! T hat's V .« IN! the University of San Francisco. lted September 26 with friends at _. . , , _the H ulit fam ily at th e Sain Hull» hom e m Newberg S u n ,la y I J m tlto r« * atipplle« 250.00 Charles Sellers was hauling L,!anc. The coat of living Is on th e in- home a t Hillsboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs M. M. Harvey are when fire insurance is F*u«4 7OO 00 primes last week for George Wil- Only slight damage was done in crease. Prices quoted for supplies ^jrs p M cInnis and Mrs. L spending this week In Hillsboro a L lffh t and p o * » r , w a te r I (« ini no im portant. T h a t’s when this vicinity last week by the frost, to state institutions are m u c h l . Murray and children visited the guests of Dr. Pat!: y and family O th e r »«p»n«» t,f n|»»mtl<>n 200 00 Cold storage boxes for re n t — Cucumber vines and squash vines higher th an they were six m onths Charles Brownhill tamily at For- and Mr and Mrs. Stephen M irk, it can save you loss T o ta l e tp e iK e ,.f ,,p » ra tli« t Terminal Ice & Cold Storage Co were nipped, but potatoes, tomatoes. ago. Some m eats are 25 to 50 per est Grove Sunday. M M M I N \N < I A N D Itl I \IU S Mr and Mrs. Ann s Morgan and and protect you. In­ Next door to cannery. Telephone beans and other things R e p a ir a n d rr|>la<-»m«-u » ,»f m a in t r n a n ,» am i repair« ium policies now! farm. A l \ I I IA R Y A tiF.N 't IK S year ago. Dry goods are also more evening, Mrs Lena Meyers and son and L ib r a r y I mm A« expensive, some lines showing an Mrs. F E. Hoffman spent Mon- lo o 00 S up p ilea a m i o th e r v«|renMre 50 Agent l »tal »«p»im » ,.f a u x ilia r y air« n rl»a Study of salaries paid to state LAUREL RIDGE — Bob Maslov, F I X F I ) ( IIA K G F kS Every form of protection Fire, is now under way. The I n * ii ra m • who has lived in th e district sev- employes . . automobile, casualty, liability, T o ta l f i l e d rh a rg e s eral years, has traded his farm for work is being done by J. T Pas- Fidelity. Surety and Life. C A P I T A L tiC T I .A Y S a service station a t 82nd and Mill quill, P ortland accountant, and a N e w fu r n it u r e a n d e q u ip m e n t streets in Portland. He plans to corps of assistants for the commit- , Phone 1732 1164 3rd St. T o ta l c a p ita l m itla y « move about October 8. tee recently appointed by Governor D E B T s f . r v ic f ; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aebischer. who ^ e ie r to standardize state salaries, In le r a a t ,»n w arrants T o ta l debt a e rv lre were m arried a t The Dalles last — eovemor has asked th a t the 7.V» 00 I M I.R t.F N t Y t o & l y e 30 o M t e n & S S rffi T ^ t ^ e ir’ ^ o m * 1 .5 0 " "0 R l < A P I T . ’ I A T IO N One Roger's Silverware C ertificate with 20 games T o ta l r a ti n a tr d a *p *n a » a fo r th e y e a r young people Tuesday night. October 15 so th a t Lh^ ^ rn' 35. .106 A j bowled— either ladies or gentlem en. Total e a ttin a ta d te r e lp t * . nut I n r l u d l n * p ru |» ,« « | ta « Mr and Mrs. W alter Führer and mendations can be incorporated in 17.04« I 4 lla la « m ount to Ire raiaed by d is tr ic t ta g family attended th e harvest festival th e budget which is now in the 10.26 L N D F .IIT F .D N F .N S a t th e Meridian Reformed church making for th e inform ation of the A m o u n t ,»f w a r r a n t indeLtexIne on w a r r a n ta laaued a n ,I e n - at Wilsonville Sunday. 1935 legislative session. doraed " n u t p a id f,»r w a n t <>f fu n d « '' » .1 6 0 00 A m o u n t o f o th e r indebtedness Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner of . . . 206 24 Confectionery — Bowling Alleys T o ta l lridehtff«|»«*,' West Linn visited Mr and Mrs. S. Drunks continue to drive their 0 446 21 N u m m a r r <»f R s llm a fa d F :« p e n d lla r» a S. S team s over the week-end. automobiles on the public high- , l’"r Oon, Jun» lb. I*si. i„ J,.,,, ,, "Where Ladies are Courteously T reated and Jessie Hibschm lan an is spending a wayg o{ Oregon. F orty-nine of them s'pph« ***^ :w tw3 days w with er m Mrs. Cordially Invited." ehe'*n n n h er m other, olner’ M rs' were arrested, mnvir.teH convicted and and had had M .iia m n n r , . „ . I r r p n lr . ¡jS im , Jake Weber. Mr. and Mrs. G ilbert DePue of tneir licen se revoked during Aug- 1760 Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon MlMrllunr.«.. Pendleton who were recently m ar- ust, records of th e state departm ent ried. have been visiting his mother, show. Only four of the convictions J.»«« m We Serve OLYMPIA and WEINHARDT’S BEER Mrs Dale Semple, th is week. were in P ortland courts, where Itti, 306 rti) |>Hte,| th is 2nd d ay o f <»« t,4»er. IU34 Merle Jones of Forest Grove. Mr. drunken drivers seem to fare bet- S lK „ ..l II 11 O t o lr ir l , l , r k . W P , , h , , rm . n . Davidson and Mrs. B aum gardner ter th an they do in other sections A p p ro v e d by I iiduet c o m m itte e o„ () r t ,,|,e r 2. I1b')4 ? O n n ln « - . S ~ r r t « r y . I l u . l . r , , it,w I I |. M . r K . n . i » C h a ir m a n . of Portland were Sunday callers 0, t he state. Ilu ilire t ( o m m ltte e . at the S. S. Stearns tom e. ______________ __ Mrs H. P. Strickler and W. C. — . . , "Any substance used medi­ Edy attended th e first fall m eet- ^ e r V I C C S K e g U l a t * cinally or as a chemical ing of the Home Economics’ club O ingredient." of Sherw fod Grange with Mrs. Julia _ . , n iT fz x ia Glen Wednesday Mrs. S Hendrie The drugs we use are Buffington of Denver, Colo., was PA RviTUfiTON Rev P u tn a m of CEDAR SHINGLES pure, and worthy of be­ present with her sister. Mrs Jerome . . ^ ¿ " ^ ; oONc h% v/ . ^ t n a m r w (All grades) Boger. Mrs^, BuffingUin gave an in- heW church Sunday m orn- ing used in the most te.esting report of sim ilar work In ¡n^ wil[ conduct mom ing ser- BEAUTY HHOP8 COMPOSITION SHINGLES I’lIVNHTAN and NIIKUKON delicate compound. Ask C Home? Haynes returned from th e ^ces through^the m onth of Octo- (Johns-M an ville) your physician. Veterans' hospital Tuesday after- % at „ day for thc EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. O. PITMAN, M. D. '" S U - S Í j S S " W & - THE I D E A E T I M E General Beauty Work P H Y S IC IA N and S U R G E O N to give your roof a coat of tag the University of Oregon a t ls Ladie.s' club m et at X -R « » a n d P h » . l . T h a r a p » P e rn a n en ta a n d a ll kln d e o f Bright Colored Stain. -Trne Harold Aebischer h as been the h" me of Mrs w T P ^ n a m Jr. b e a u ty w o rk . C o m m a r r la l N a tio n a l H a n k H id a n f t t o - i " ? Two ¿ “ er Í L m to ü l* e r ? í u ; r ‘ a I Ls p l a n n e d IT P A Y S T e le p h o n e 1 3H IX Talophonaa Mr and Mrs. John Strickler and th« Phone 266 B a lco n y llllla h o r e P h a r m a r y BUY APPLE BOXES HERE Mildred and Dick spent Saturday A “" c a í* have R eturned home Of«M 8281 R a alda ne a 7»tZ afternoon visiting Mrs. G race Jacli Mre. Is your Car Ready for Winter Driving? Aloha Grangers Planning Festival II IE IEXACO STATION Ammi from O. Ilrpul Pleasant View to Hold First Meet Laurel Ridge Man Trades His Farm CHAS. L. WALKER W E PAY DIVIDENDS on What You Spend! CLEM S PLA CE DRUG rtl ram i 1 ng IUII S H IN G L E NOW HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PRO EESSIO N A L DIR EC TO RY The Palm Drug Store d Mr‘\iiid Mr W alter Führer and MmilVNdHde K gsE Mt Nellie Rogers Saturday eve " ‘D in W erre and daughter Lona a. .mpamed Ray G lenn on a truck _________________ _____________ ■ Ç oslelt S uper S ervice S tation G A S O L IN E S Richfield - General - Shell - Union - Gilmore Hi-Pressure Greasing Free C rankcase Service - Automotive Repairs Firestone Tire», Tube» and Accessorie» DRIVE IN — SPARK PLUGS TESTED FREE H w ^ ^ ' D a ' l b y ’^w ho ” s ’o n ” the G enerel^Petroleum toS t. th e T. E. Jon h¡<. parenW a short vts. *?' * h " ¡ n h^ atc í M “ R>rtIand from „ offm an of n ear Portland visited Farm ington friends and were guests of Mr. and : Mrs. Edgar Rehse Sunday. I.oses Fingers Jack Power lost two fingers from | his right hand while feeding the ensilage cu tter Thursday. 1 Mr. B arrett and son of Seattle, ' Wash., were Sunday visitors of hl.-, uncle, Fred Clark. | Mrs W. T Putnam Jr. attended Ladles’ Aid of th e T rinity L u th er­ an church a t the home of her sis­ ter. Mrs. G ordon Sahnow, Septem ­ ber 26. Coslctt Super Service Station Some Uncles Are "How did you find your u n c le ! John?" “Oh. In apple-pie order." "How’s th a t? " “C rusty!’’ COSI.ETT’8 TRUCK SERVICE If you have something to sell and First and Baseline Streets Phone 1263 COSLETT’S BAR-B-Q are in a hurrv to sell It. let the | classified advertising d ep artm en t of the Hillsboro Argus prove its ability as a speedy and efficient s a l e s , medium. POOL-GARDNER LUMBER CO. BUILDING MATERIAL MERCHANTS 1011 Baseline Phone 2691 Sanitary Beauty Shop A ll K in d « of B eau ty W o rk PERMANENTS a DR. I). E. WILEY, M. I). Physician and Surgeon Wells lliilltllng » p e c la lty T e le p h o n e 1471 W E I L ’H A I ’ A B T M L N T H o rric a M a b e l H r hen del HENTIHTS LIVESTOCK GROW TH O rntlst Commercial Building T H e p lin n e E r a n ln g a , S u n il« » B. IMLAY ¿SONS, IN I T H O N I B IA V IN T O N RKCDVILLC 3740 • > IN S IIR A N C K S h u t« P h o n « 2211 lln n k AND CANS Telephone 2325 RUBBER stamps GEORGE T. McGRATH C o u n t» G arbage Collccfion D. P. COURIER I 14, h» A p p o in tm e n t INSURANCE W a n h ln s to n telephones R w ld e n a e M S I garbage collection DR. RALPH DRESSER is primarily dependent on the use of feeds th a t combine the elements of nutrition In correct­ ly-balanced proportions. O n i feeds for cattle and poultry are selected with this thought In mind and are offered vzlth our unqualified endorsement. Ever, wanted variety Is Included In our large stock. 2SH2 A « e n rl« o BUY YOUR RUBBER STAMPS H K H V IC K llu llilln t ll ll l . b o r o from HILLSBORO ARGUS P», Inform.Um. .S .,, Ill,>-,„r, w ,ta A4„ rtlMr. T||e