rgus I ire Prevention Week, Oct. 7-13 W ith Which is Combined the H d l s b w o Independent VO LUM E 11 H IL U S B O K O , O R E G O N . T H L K < I > A Y , S ta te C apitol N e w s L e tte r j Budget Cut in Non-High School Area Fed es trian Cod e to be S tressed in Safety Drive Program to Stress Fire Prevention While cnlorcem ent and c t^d m .illllv ai'.u i o.iilo: r.» tim a te a f o r C o m in g Y e a r local officers have Issued a ' C-odi M a y o r Sets A s id e C o m in g for pedestrians. If ohr.rrvcd It Is R e d u c e d $ 1 4 ,7 0 0 B e lo w W e e k f o r E lim in a t io n believed tile code will aid In redue log tlie state's mounting accident P re v io u s T a x L e v y o f F ir e H a z a r d s toll Approximately Ml per cent of laxtei.telana - - accident fatalities are pedestrian», OCTOBER 4, First Football dam e Friday 3:15 1934 Lity Has Lowest la x Levy Ratio in Entire State Officials of Civic Group Go on Duty Glen Powers Buried Here With Honors Hillsboro had the lowest com para­ tive municipal tax ratio in the state for 1934. according to a re ­ R iv a l P o litic a l C a m p a port released recently by the O re­ gon league of Cltleu on the 27 M a k in g ('la in i.s As Oregon cities having more than 2500 population. Ufthsg an average to W h o Ix 'a d s . a • . ’•»•d valuation of .50 per cent m i. is • a. n of till actual properly value a. a M a c K e n z ie N e w P re s id e n t P r o m in e n t V e t e r a n W o r ld bwse for comparison, Hillsboro's C ham ber P > u -r. lax levy arno.m ui to 15« mills. c a m b e r , F a tte r s o n (7ALKM Ju st another m onth un- W a r D ie » T u e s d a y in til llu» voterà of Oregon will K” New berg wa.s next lowest with 15 6 V ic e -P r e s id e n t milLs. P o r t la n d H o s p ita l ^ t o the polk* to elect it n« w wet of officiala to udinliilhter Uie »Ululi« Simultaneous w itr the release of witr. '•i 'tu- a la la i*>»>t«d <>«it f o ll o w i n g M coee city M’ven ru b s contained in th e pedes- ' manager, received a n invitation L O C H l L S D O F i At Mils mom ent tlw* entire poliU- triana Code —--------- - from th • «. a^ue to speak on “Proo- ________ ® « al picture Is ahroudM in uncer­ tainty. ¡Htrtlculurly with rw pcct to t ..;» ;..,, 1 1 « * r 1 ^ ‘ v,*r crons street* h*-tween in- c . . lc m « of City M anagem ent” over u itio n a n d I n t e r e s t f o r ter«ection« S ch o o ls, C h a m b e r , T h e a t e r radio station KOAC November 28 F ;r e P r e v e n d n T c K u I m i mtlorlul pnxipecta, with pro- W a r r a n t s A ls o S la s h e d 2 Ho I>o not crass rn w i streets M cG ee accepted h e in v i k t in n « and nd rc r r e v e n l , on I o p ic of 2. street« in m fro n t |M>n<'nta of all three of the major ■McGee a c c e p te d t the Invitation F o r m e r C o m ra d e s C o n d u c t to C o -o p e r a te F ir e m e n of oncoming cars a t night, espe­ > au(luhtt<‘n clulmlng the udvuntagc will talk on recent activities in M o n d a y Luncheon M e e t cially if wearing dark cJotlM**» or for their favorite. G r a v e s id e S e rv ic e Hillsboro, such as park develop­ in ..... . < ... - . Hi«* w eather is rainy. ment rebonding special assessment» The slgnlfhunt M„i«K thing ««tut thut • ••• « on«« »«•<• .wn«....««»iib Khiiinated cxis'iidlturc.-. lor t h e « m nu-miwr >« ■ < and other matters. ... «k«.***.*»- iw aj a automobile u ’»7moore __ ___ __ ____ ____ nuuids out in tlw» aituatlon is tlm t non-high school d istrict tins year ,M.f« , . . . , . ,, , L ’,USH‘r for * H. L. .MacKenzie local ls>th Lite republicans and th e demo- have lw1 737.813, with the re- Secretary -------- were m ixirty nominees with as good a levy raised last year No funds are post, American Legion, with a a succcsful conclusion the *blt th at the levy was lowered to .^tructed to draw up a resolution P o »t a n d A u x i l i a r y to H n ld J**1 chance as either of the regulars for available In tlu- district treasury ut ver> beneficial program now 1 ln report. and send it to the treasury depart- firing squad from the H eadquarters el.xiion present, according to the bouid. outlined for tills week. I wish 1 'iat the system of occupation m ent in W ashington urging th a t In s t a lla t io n F r id a y company, 2nd Battalion, 162nd In ­ Capitalising on tills situation the but the total of approximately 917,- C o u n c il U r g e » U * e Local to Lax,‘ ’ effective the e new lo express our appreciation taxes elfective in Hillsboro was local labor be employed on th _____ u ¿ - 2 try ' Legionnaires acted as poll- Inaders of the republican cam p ,K>0 in outstanding w arrants is ex- largely responsible tor the low tax post office building. The resolution xiri,it„ c r. bearers, for tlie help and co-operation liave already started a well orgun- pectrd Io be retired by tax pay- W o r k e r » on P o M o ffic e rail,, in the city was the opinion also endorses Mohr Brothers as ” 'liam F Cyrus, county agricul- F irst to Volunteer th a t has, and will be given, Ized drive In an elfort to lierd the m enls for lhe third and fourth «he fire d ep artin 'r.t and fire expresesd b y McGee Rc-venues capable of handling such a job. W31S u n a n im o u s ly o len pow er, wh b o rn a i »-.trugglera Into then fold Joe quarters from this source provides the city Reports on Airport corlumul,der o f Hillsboro Beatrice Neb r Z c e m ^ o, ‘»¿i” m arshal In preparing a n d Hulun they say. Lx gaining ground Items Slashed Discussion of tile l>urk Improvr- * ith funds other than those raised George McGee, city m anager re- American Legon, last Friday wafi on f jirst to volunteer carrying on the Fire Preven­ rapldly while (lenerul M artin Is la rg e st nslucllotu noted In the blent and municipal swimming pool by taxation, he said ported on »he p r o g r ^ bei^g ' n X ^ ^ c o m m u X tion Week’ program from Slipping laully. in fact Is already proposed budget are in item s for projects recomna-nd.-d by »lie city October 7 to 13. Signed: a t the airport northeast of Hills- e ra n s ^ h a ll FrM av night B rtrt m WorW war’ ’ definitely out of I lie picture so th u t Uw emergency fund, tuition and In- planning commission occupied the if Zimmerman Is to lx- drfeule Mr powers •i .il i. only now beginning pi tight, “o xarifK K «*> o e m n n n » i».iiKiuiur tirnt in jum naw ««’ttm g »15. 125. printing 120 |25, expenflt swimming pool was given by George member« local fire depart- s P€*ial fxhool district a tax for Luncheon TTlWErii? meeting M Monday will £>r R « a j J . - Nl ^ J i i c o l is the retiring across to France leav]ng with New his Y company, ork^ 111 ‘1(-r way; Lhut, in tru th M artin * ^,(J- travel exjjeu.se McOee. city m anager. He stated nient and insurance firm«. Hillsboro elem entary schools will 2^ given over to observance of Fire commander . -.«ill tlw strooger of the twxipurty »- »-« mi . clench! expenses »10. th a t a lank 50 feet by 110 feet was Hillsboro firem en will be guests *1340 lower this year than last Pyeven«lon we®k, gay Rroeger. Kroeger Busch P atterson Ce? cember 1917. He was also a week. October 7 to 13. t)CT 2 12, * 1917 ,».|„IIWX . aixl the leader U, wlxxu non. interest w arrant »l.-ixi em structed at Salem recently with of the cham ber of commerce Mon- arcordln« to the 1934-35 budget ^ " 1 « will be guests at the m eet- U Morvan Mor2^ , ' wer., \ ' ' n am .x vlctün Id G. . Russ/ Russell the amm onia explosion ! u“ d '•"«■nancy fund »5645. the aid of SERA labor m aterials ‘lay noon ln the opening event of P ^ r e d Tuesday afternoon. Public n* j L iuil a t^ n d an ce was urged on a committee u in«. its faith and hope » ¡J"*- costing about »9327 a n d lab«» the fire prevention program W ll- nieeting to discuss the proposed es- sh° w appreciation of the work painting of the hall and a lulnna tne snip lay a t anchor s t.. lx headed ui Me nlx-r.-, of the board » h o pr. - »734« He also subm itted an estl- >i«ni M H artlord of the P ortland ,lmau-s «« vote on the levy uone 5?' thesr> volunteer fire fight- bie ne»- building in b^rbor of St. Nazaire, F rance. e governorship Pared the estim ates are A M m ate on Improving Shu« p a r k Northwest M utual Fire association wdl 66 h<>ld at 2 P October 29 ^ S, ^ ° er] t ral M artln wdl sP««ak Committee m charge of instaiLi Here he was ’-ran-'ierred to service II lutve tlu- picture ¿“""■-«•n o f Reedvllle, chairm an, ground.-, »«tU be the principal speaker C har- a t ,h e Davld Hill school. October 15. tion f {h . a j Lnstaiia-. wlth th e A E p fire departm ent i w X l ^ u x l T m ' iui'l -y B ux«.nS,,H a ^ ? F V h “ “ " “ * ‘*">«1 were reluc tan t to con- > s D o u ^ * . member of the local Estimated expenditures listed ln o Com m ittee. Named WeU. Morgan and MacK^nTe. • i” trem a‘" « 1 on publican*and drm - iuuk y. Buxton. IIarr> } Kliandcr. « » •» . __ ... .1-.. departm ent, will be meeting rh m r. the nrotvMMi hndff»t Standing committees as onnoim - ________ tkus w°rk for nearly two years. MY A L. L I N I) H K 0 K I ’ r 1 I inncrgcncy rund Low 11 , Legion Head »u-e Many Lvcnts Planned lhe rf*p°rt« r i n i V o lu n t e e r e d Cyrus Named Legion Head s <11 K. I llJCjlitlil eu I m First Stndicd Here Grade School Tax Lowered From uJl three < anipr c o m j>nnniaca of ih * w deVelopmenU witi in the week rulruht&nl tofttrrngUlBn tlie jMmttion of their respective ( andidate.n Joe Dunne, admittedly November 8 Tlie city will til«, up- tlie beat penwnal campaigner of ----- . - ......... of Orenco. Two meetings, one of the WiU- plication with the county aucasor , -- - — - ....... — • —• tlie three, will continue h u h an d ­ ____ and a free tick- Estimated .. . . Industrial—A rthur Reiling, chair- am ette River & Flood Control as- lnsPettion PUTjuses shaking, tour of tlxe . Wllhiin, Henry J Wehrung. ” • publlc-.sjjeakliiK ---- »-- ............................ .......... . .«»lit vv'iUUllK, w ill lor an extension ot mne citv bevond .0,1 c t a -Sx^lal m atinee a t the as f o ts are a n t‘S m an : George McGee. A1 Hoffman, «x-iation and the other the Oregon ,ncp November I when ire xi,- red Vkip“ » " H idav a f ie r n ^ n » ®"d h ^ od2I* T ,R aIphf- ^ f tCr' S W Melhulsh. Wil- B uU dea’ congress, were attended stale for another two »veka after prom inent Hillsboro business man which he »ill ooncrnlrute his el- died at his tarine In Portland Hun . d “ trlct 1,vl' a:, required (|)e » ^ « - O » - Ham Christenson. Jake Mohr. by McGee Saturday- in Salem. forts in M ultnom ah county M ar- day night and funeral services were ° W> " la " t h s idl peeled Ills coat, rolled up Ills sleeves noon Full schoo> school year of nine " m - onths Ide. J W. Barney K e p ilD llC a n S F l a n housing adm inistration campaign Pin- Prevention Week ap- hl w ten esS ty In Tveinng " t e U proI***'d by thp “ hool I Municipal relations—E. L. John- aiul started out on a real honest- Mr W ehrung was born ln Hills- 1 C ' e x » • >n W ashington county were appoint- to-gixxlness cajiiixugn in the ln- boro March 22. IWil. the son «•n of Proving beer license appluntions of Hillsboro band will plav o n ' the ^°ard thU year s h °rt»ee of funds (Continued on pare 4. column Tuesday by J. M Person of H e n ry * H Naught and Dol.ine. ........................'" { j, *«« year made con­ terest of law and order From the the late Mr. a n d Mrs. Henry __ Louie ____ ______ V —- it necessary to vVli p u n . fn- - Hillsboro, county c h a i r m a n . A Z lm nw raan cam p coin,- rumors Wehrung. Oregon pmu> -ei - H ic e w w.i. »«'-‘h lillg a license licen.w- to I s Louie la iu i, IX-Linc....................- 1X1 us ______' .is Blunting .................................................. duct local elem entary s school c h o o l hut elementary' but n r a • « meetings* to Jhi7h «n re,pi*bhca" county-wide educational drive is Ila- thnx- big "progreKslve” president <>l th e O r e g o n S l a t e la u , ” 1 “ ‘ -‘ ' ‘1 «oom and canceling the r-g-, « _ _ eight and a half rnontlis. 1 C aC nC F A lQ e o n n f Vg ca sta te and proposed by Person as soon as or- , ai.dalales ill U ie n s e n t prim ary board for a number of years and *H-ense held by Wolfe and Blair for ------------------, ___ ’ —- 5 ? dldates will be invited gamzation work is completed. Members of the budget advisory I.imixiign Holman inmvn and Ma- » as su|x-rinl,-ndenl of tlie tin-gen t,lr W990O th at (he\ had gen, I t J v C I comm inimittee ittee which conferred with W 7 a t a m a tin g of the ... honey an- about rcady to come exhibit at tfag M l-ouis W o rld s 0111 " f busm ess a n d ai>provlnt V wm a ______ n’Publlcan executive committee here Members of th e executive com- the school board in drafting the ' out publicly and unqualifiedly ln fair in 190« He was ln charge of Hammer as a member of the local vv <71. IN I. le t I 111 C M in Lhe chamber of commerce rooms " llttee, nam ed by Person in Hills- •upport of tlie progressive candl- the ngrteultiiral building In the ,lrr departm ent. Question ol reg- date In statem ents urging their Lewis A- Clark fair ln Portland In ulatlon of tlie skating rink proposed followers to enroll under the Zlm- 1905 and In 1909 went to S eattle ln thls cl*y by I. H Naught was merman banner. In charge of tlie Oregon building ,‘*‘f<‘rr<'d to the While there are only four weeks at the Alaska-Yukon Pacific ex- tamunillee The remaining of the campaign many position. granted a perm it things con happrii In th at ttm c j Mr. W ehrung was president for and st l*ubllc srn tlm rn t has not yet been several years of th e Hillsboro Na- "thcets. .-„«uini erv .lallwxl lUHl thousands of voters tlonal Ixuik. which was later con- M H Stevenson presided at the mental a n d seZ-noTiai m e e tin g will not make uy tlieir minds as to solldaled with the Commercial «»«ncil meeting In the absence of planned and officers will heelemXi in selecting teachers to be fra- ----- u. n . n u ;c iu cnairm an, derxnn M P r«Z v their choice until Uie final week National He later waa «omiected Mayor O. Phelps £ ,he W a-shingtorTcountv T e ^ h ployed under the educational relief S“ " 1 Lawrence. E Marsh. Georgia A ^ l ^ ' before the election PoMUcal lead- with the Northwestern National In ------ ers’ and Elem entary P nm -I ds hT 2 s program in Oregon this winter. Sm ith and J. O. Johnson; Hills- H a^ev“ S f ' ers recognl/Jiig thia situation can Portland. Surviving are his widow lo ss Suffered soclatlon Under tlie five-point educational boro—Jaclc Anderson, chairm an, L. eia r d Harvey Batch- be expected to make the moat of and two daughters. Mrs Layton Loss estim ated a t aoDroximatelv Speakers listed on the program relief program as announced this ? Kral»uen. Jam es Sewell, C h arles, p ,,b lir it v .u , the opportunity P"-sent« l In the Wisdom ’ —............ and Mrs Roy **• H. * U Nel- » io .( mxi Hl the bean «rep m uie *’r F- W P arr of O re -• *’vs- week by C. A. Howard, state super- Robinson. Paul Patterson and E. ca"lpalg" regon crucial four weekn Ju»t ahead. ._ u r « p t t Grove, for violations of traffic laws d u r­ . , C a r d R o o m a n d B u sin ess frles and J H Hullt, both of Beav- ing August Fifty-eight ol the a r ­ Roben J. Mnaske of the state de- club win B r°°(k C,t lf teachlng positions will be a t the ■“ «* of $1 SI per I*11- hour nour both b«1" for ac Loul'c l o t h e institute program. “ y, ‘ * » » I« - re.ief program w-ill be rotated so *»uil » I n OS... iMlJn-wttnent signers by ln th Ore- producers Hoping details of a Morning hours on the program head h e a d ^ o nr f^ i«v«,»r ¿udB*nB teams, 1« as of had been to Scott Wolfe aiul 7 n S g.« to lvarh reach the largest number nu i l X n d —t X to .1, te a ^ m s ’ BOn W" ‘ b<> contract <“ " ,'d uP°n eir ,,m a b * rs co, in developing ‘_____ J ' ? • ¿^hnson and G. H. Blair for a oeriod period nf of 10X1 Johnson in in Tigard Tigard and and contract. Any 1935 nnuznim program w^l wU1 b«1 ** given Blv<'« over to addresses bv nonirev f jv^stoek, six 8 a entries of needy tecahers oossiblp possible. five — years * i eommunity. men will a. appoint / 4 IM These _• A — — ■___ ' - Funeral W. H. Wehrung Held Housing Plan Groups Named 4) I VakllCl A 'T' IVlOOt’ ¿>enes or M eetings f 1 F kf 1 er W ork Plannpd County Team Enters Show Vote on Future Adjustment Plan A«iizprl /A NKCL1 Ol V>orn-I lop VI w WIUcn l e h ^ extension X l o n o oinciaii rn ?iak io ‘v * ’ Un<1*r t ’“ 0’ ,? 1 ,by an « ^ " n e e m e S t by « . ^ ‘’‘^ r states in the Pacific unable to read or w X . X a U o n a * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ihili,i.iii I lx- block o f »250w T— I(J (1I|I. woitli of three ix rtlf cates to lx- of Oregon S tate college took part Issued a t th a t tim e »ill be sold to " A AA ^(»ffleials'forew'e^'serlous‘d'l'f- . . . . " * HI be ‘he <*«*‘*on. Wett. n ? ° '“ ’ ty io n for .l}3^ lli“ ' A '™ 31., 3dul* «*uc«- finance tlx- state's share of ploymelit relief for Noven, Is expected th a t a sim ilar will lx- sold to finance 111, ber relief budget. W ith „ eral government waiving tlw conirlbutlon for September and profits from liquor sales scareit, ing . / the third quarter ..............— financing present , ” pir.M'iiv. _» 41 ....... «’»•«•J HI1.N ___ - Tuesday together October needs sale of tliese two »Such a condition they believe ft ♦W .yecent Lake conference. iy r r e Z 11*'™ ° i . «’«n o n stratio n teams .... w .u .i.v .» i™ ,» , ^ o « .,, g rearer experience, blocks of certificates aggregating would be disastrous to the corn and $5(111,1X10 now appears to lx- suffl- „n,.... f,,,,,,,., crotl „roducers and ! continue th e processing tax on ' ------------- from W ashington, . Idaho, Utah, - 11 . rx • a good game is anticipated The i xx . . ., cleiit I.,, tide the situation oyer un- llv,,s„ H k KroW(,r!i ,us wcll' * " d W out tlu- proceeds en- i M onla,w Wld Nevada. ............ .................. ........................ ..... tilt Hilhi is called for 3:15 h iv p ’m1 ” ' b Ä n Ä - - footballers til the legislature meets In Jan u ary Ucularly th e hog growers ln tlie “ T ? ' «row'*r» V x iu u s I u n i l L U Pour. H Judglng Uanw fronj th), B]oomin , • , ’ p,,rn,p„ . have e been de- ^ " ¿ ‘ d r Ion In » rapidly r n n id lv in offensive n f f e n .iv a work „ '„ .i a, . „.ft . .^2.^ ,a * halves, Hölscher to consider other ways and m eans rornbelt slates. Members of the W ashington u Two new 4’H sewln« '»'< » Have county which will compete ln the will meet ^ i » h . .i' vi,’oping for meeting the relief problem. gPt n definite ex- co*l" ty corn-hog allotm ent com- h ™ organized In tlie county re- yariotis contests are as follows: Bunnings h a H t a Cornel a since their baPti-«m of fire two 3; efr 1 , 1 and Torbet a t quarter How- * * * presslon of opinion from growers m*tte<’ «HU meet with sim ilar cently. according to word received! Livestock—Frances Detrick, Don I o'clock I t will be an oiien meetinv week-s aBo a t the hands of the ^,-y' when substitutions are neoes- William Elnzlg has returned from Ihemaelvcs, the AAA officials have 8roup« from other W illam ette vnl- Bt the county school superintend- ¿°®s.v and John Hansen Crops- and various countv candidates are P°*'erfuI Jefferson eleven ln P ort- ner and Jack ’ B arr ’c a iih iv " Till a trip Io eastern centers highly requerted th e stab- extension ser- * '/ «-«’unties Friday a t 1 p. m In of flee These clubs are a t Uie Helen Schmeltzer. Raymond H om l- invited to lx- present and an<1 The n ,n n in « attack, which the other backs' » t e a fU optimistic a U big to IIIIIIIIKC arrange io for r the UlKlIlg taking Ol of McMinnville to work out details of «*]«<« * ’hool under the direction of | brook and Jam es Allison. Poultry— their stand on different auestlores f3lled to cllfk « a i n ’ t the husky, Development of a r e ila h ie r . n t . r 1411 I I I I I O I ' H . over « prospect» I» « un 1 for 471 II 1K vices *»V«-ÏA H» „ ,,, development In w w each corn-hog “ " ■ « - « ™ n d « » . i a ' . . 1, '“ ™ , s ? s ; „ . Mcs r - ” i s k . r * * * wui 8" ™ • ? » ,„ x j « s “ * , ® « * " - flax the . Wiliam- a referendum by ct«- valley. Experiment« with flax ' county association on the following libre In tlie m anufacture of clg- question»: Afcx B' l"‘ , " d x " “ « ? . « ■ • Reedvllle Reports First come a severe case- of "fum w itus." 't h e \ 2 ’ iiHLKJ Wixo told, IA/IU, liavej IUIVI •• 1 J ll.M I I K ent 'lll PppH vill» I arette |«»|ZS., paP’T. s-.itir,*^ Elnzlg was L Do J»«»U you IMVUI favor «M an l 1M adjustm Reed ville school was the first In also received this week for four' proven highly satisfactory, opening1 program dealing with com and 11 sf 11001 «»a’ th county clubs. These »re; nre: Wilson iin tv R . J ^ i up a new outlet for th e Oregon hogs ln 1935? ,o e county to report 100 per h ""'’ “ w nine,; nson C o U” per cent cent — sewing club number t y B u d R et G r o u p C r e d it B u re a u O f f ic e s pnxliict. At the same time flax e x - ! 2. Do you favor a one-contract- membership In the Junior Re« i school m J100'. sewln K cl , lb "um ber nine, S ta r ts S tu d y T u e s d a y M o v e d to N e w B u ild in g a^ e ° n T « J^ffcT™ ™ 3" ‘ ix rt« have pronounc'd th e Oregon per-farm adjustm ent program deal- Cross, according «> i.rls, ,’arsoni , Tualatin View •“ '„ î ' Â I lax to » th a t |/1 produced In 'ng w ith Kllllll.'t grains «Mill and II livestock to ,,,, ' 1 ,TP°r t from school ..... bachelor sewing club nunt- IVA as «Va'» equal «A »rt 11111^1 »11. "»»•»» Bureau. transfer game Th% quartet has been alter- t e l ^ i U ^ r ‘ te n d lre t t e ^ s s i t e ......................... ............ .., f o f " ^ 31!? ” ° f, t*l o c °unty budget v .,s Credit in nureau. m e Inc., . wm will transfer iillier sections with Indications th n a t become effective in 1936? coll"t.V «'hool su h p « erin d m en i t's' P*‘r six, Mrs. Florence Kidder; oilier ..... • ’ —- ™ »« « mu ten * n u » Prtckett e/'lx/wwl school n cam p cookay club I the c o u n t a ^ « . ^ ^ Tuesday by its offices from the Tamiesie build- natlng a t the keystone posts and S X t S ^ t In a ! tl .. l a . - I'Fl/'lr/'ft n ... m from now» on si___ there _a.. will • be a s big It Is explained th a t . . If . . . the pro- ofilce- »Prtrtrtl... Teachers a . t . . the school ore num ber nine. Mrs. Cleo ¿ l i r e ‘s I £ a d v T i r v ^ v reL ," e,n^er’ of 1"B to the Commercial building on are expected to develop Into cred- ,^p?rience in t e t e l n ^ i m ih t h ™' demand for W illamette valley flax j «hirers vote favorably on the first Miss Oleva Berger, Mrs. Dola Bear and Hillsboro cooking club num - iw of i "15®]' or before the ten th of the "'»"U ' liable performers before the close1 £ ^ lard ? R ^ d n ^ n Z . twn tm (Contimi«! oil |»I!'Ill, column a> question, AAA officials will confer , and Melvin Vondermost ber 15. Mrs. R. c M u n ^ n ' X for ^ M '.re s for the_ office were pur- of the season. Schulm erich has crans C r e l e t t ^ d C w I iX ^ n » u - . sr* vs»c a ciw u ii, o v iiu im c r ic n mm showlmr particular n a rtic .lx r improve- imnrev». er3n.s.’ c o «lett and Cawrse, and Is chased from the G aaton S tate bank, been showing .ro wl 1 ?,At U Wo,,,(1 unfiWr IWO NcW CoiintV 4-H Cillbs Formed sej SSS ---- Hilhi '-’nUUerS Gridders tO to race Fare Kainter Rainier 111 FirSt Hoilie Game o i Sie, "r* tO Ta*k at SeSSlOn " f' s;?' S™ ( Continued on pa«* IS,colum n 1)