Thurmluy, Septem ber 27, 1934 TH E H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , O R EG O N Iliey also vlhlted Mrs. E. A. Rogers | of Vernonia Mury Lou Toates Is very til at the J one» ho.1, pi tai In Hillsboro. Sydney Connolly ran a saw tooth In his leg lust week wlnl® working ut P at M urphy's mill. Ml»s ItlKMia Toelle Is » pending a lew weeks in Portland with her sister, Mrs. G. C. Johnson, and lmnily. W H. H ahn, K enneth Keenon. I John Willis and Art Connelly went deer hunting in the Blue m oun­ tains. Mis M arla Jackson Is spending a lew weeks with her daughter, ; Mrs. W H. Hahn. Mrs. Joe Baker and Mrs, p’loyd Italfeiy and daughter Alma and ■ Arleta v. eie PTiduy afternoon vis­ itor» oi M rs. 1,. i> D erJiam . Page Five when I've never met you before?” "N-o-o.” “For I rn not If you'd rather, we won't say anything more about the ride until I've called on you sev­ eral times, and all th at This Is Thursday I could come twice be­ fore Sunday, anyway. Tomorrow evening a n d Saturday evening You're willing I should call, aren 't you?” to get acquainted with her. S h e 1 I don't believe he even tlkought of and Roy are such good friends." such a thing.” Roy's m other looked at her guest "You know darned well he did." for a mom ent with bewilderment? ! Well, then, It's all the more W hat was lie suggesting. T hat her A g a in precious child, the only companion credit to him because he didn’t do (Continued on page 7. column 1 1 of her declining years—Roy—and ! one of those Chamberlains! It was M i l . R o llin M o y e n N a m e d unthinkable! DEER SEASON S p o tlig h t "I'm trying to cut him out. I H e a d I D a k o ta F o lk M o ve Opens September 2« thought perhaps you wouldn't mind •Y-e-s.’’ nt Kleanborr Ammunition "The only trouble is, I can only But of course—" Used Rifle» Neal went Into his bedroom, shut 1 (B y Mra K I. B row n) stay here a few days. I ’m on my ExpoM ition vacation, but It's got to be a pretty tlie door carefully behind him, and i C O R W IN H A R D W A R E LAUKKU« Mr» Rollin MeyeiM wu.*» short one I'm a lawyer, y o u laughed. All is fair In love a n d ! rltx'Uxt pHtihUnt of the I .lull«. Agent know. In Hinsboro Roy'U tell you. war. He knew th a t he had won. ' Long'» Radio S« m UU club uL the Imino of Mi. Tube» Texted Free or your family, anything you’d like When he emerged, Mrs. G rlifln ac­ I. Uni.« hm.ui HepU nbei 1U costed him, and asked what he to know about me I'm doing pretty < Mher IR ’ W ly e l o te d o f (U e in m e well—quite well But this 1» the would like to take along for a Mrs Ralet|(h Whitman*. vice pies first vacation I ve ever taken, and lunch. She could make a veal loaf, SYNOPSIS »«tent. Mn« I« I*’ Huvin, w in-tary, I can't afford to leave my office and she was quite a hand a t an C H A I T C H I In ■ m,««l i t riisappoint- ,uul Mn». W L. HU’Venn. trcanurei Mr. Clare Phillips ol Portland through her inability, dua to th« txxj long now. I m ustn’t take any angel cake. H A R R IS O N D. H U G G IN S Tl»e club lieht two n|>e. 1J A. K een and Mrs D. G. inrt 1» a fair yield but quite u ] rang., at the 24th Annual Pacific Ifughoa vocational exhibits. opposition Jeering. Trying to get even with Ini of blight from more quarters than one me because I d said you were be­ 40 tons of hay; $300 per Pur the combined Horae show last week and are m aking their heart smote her. George would be Ml iu h ! Mm J II Pelton luwl International Livestock Exposition Neal broached the subject to his hind home a t Dilley I hurt, terribly hurt, by the mere the times.” In Porllund, October 6 to 13. and llodi'u a varied program of year cash. ■••Il H.KV were HMurcluy evenlii'i Two new pupils enrolled In Hay- knowledge th a t the Invitation had friend on the way home from the "Are you goln' ju st to get even Horan»« of vually Improve« apectaeular and th rillin g event« ■ d Mi unit Mu. J A,,,,, dance, and Roy objected to it with ward school this year, Marte Tim - been extended. If she accepted It with m e?” duiw of p'alrvule farm uud bu»lne»a condlllona Ex­ buy« b e n arhoduled with liberal merman in the first and th e Steg- he would be stricken. more vigor th an Neal would have I t would haVe been welcome tid ­ Move From Mlil lVr.l position official» predict th a t all The man boy In the seventh. "I could come for you right afte r, supposed him capable of displaying ings, she knew, if she had said Booth Dakota people, who arrived records for entrlea and attendance ■Mb award» for winners. Insure with tim ber breakfast.” Neal went on, "then 1 ..i?5 rd any subject. P'rttz Stegm an Is logging she was. B ut she was too honest. ! Kinleo will bo tbo final of all wes­ in UUa ixaiununity Inal week, were "You asked Anne Chamberlain off of tlie Jam es Penman land 1 we could stop In Wallacetown and "Partly—a little. B ust mostly be­ T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y will bo broken I bln yeur. Accord- tern »how« till« year a t which the Mr mul Mr» 1» Beiulrleldt mid The H ansen logging equipment pick up Mrs. G riffin and Roy. We to go up to the m ountains with cause I w ant to. I've never been ( .mull .'am, Mr iuid Mir. Ed Cud- Ing to II. C. McHenry, In charge grand champion cowboy will be was AGENCY you! Good Heavens, Neal, you don't to the mountains." moved to Buxton Monday could have lunch a t some hotel, more. Mr and Mr» K i m i I h i . L s . of IndiiHtrlal exhibit«, (be various e b o » e n . Only the beet of Ameri­ know anything about th e girl at tnornll We could go a long way In a daj'. "Are you goin' o il alone with this • Mt mid Mrs Everett Newell, A display» tbl« year will be the fin ca'» cowpunchera and buckarooa G A Gheen Is salesman for you’ve no idea. T hen I'd bring you all! She comes from one of the feller?” 1‘ llarbm and Gladys Matteson most worthless families i n t h e Included are dairy will be »een In action. Events Cheverolet under Elmer Ham ilton back In the evening.” "Of course not. M rs G riffin and Mr ma.* Mn. Main Davis n 'e the •nt abown. town." Roy are going, too.” ve . . a i " ° h . 1 can't. You have no Idea whole lairenta oi L 1*' l>avt» of tin» com­ product«, land product», wild life, will Include bronc riding, bull dog- “Well, she's come a long way, "Wal, you w ent outside a n ’ s e t ! W R Hudson W'ent to Salem much work there is for me to munity mul of Mr» l> lleudeleldt. flab and game, wool and m ohair, rin g , calf roping and «teer riding, 1314 Main Street then. You don't call her worthless, with him quite a spell, I noticed, i do at home And there's extra do Tlie eliter IXivla aiwt M l »» Mut- flower« and th e exhibit» from such with rash award« to taling 15000 Saturday to visit relatives. you?" Hillsboro, Oregon Did he kiss you?" Mr Sthclble of Portland called washmg to do this week." t..»on plun to return to Dakota concern» ns the Standard Oil com- for th e w inners. "No, I rath er like Anne." a t his farm home Sunday and vls- “Of course not. I think y o u 're, .dter a inudtlia visit but the other "We could go on Sunday." "Good! I like her very much; awfully vulgar and—and insulting. 1 i pany. K night Packing company. V eteran aren a directors will ited the Steginans. fitiulllen will lix’ute here On Sunday? I don't believe you and she's darned attractive." F ro stk lat Ice Cream and Columbia have charge of events, a»surlng a Two Surprised "You m ust have seen plenty of FOI IOMYELITIS understand our ways. We never go good-looking girls." faat-movliig program at both m at­ William Kieler unit J. II Mc- i Infantile Paralysis) anywhere on Sunday." I'luTMin were pleasantly surprised "I have. And plenty of bright in addition there will be nine- lneo and evening perform ances, (B y Oregon S u ite Board o l H e a lth ) "Well, couldn't yOU, for Once?" girls. And plenty of girls with lots lepcom ter I# When theti wive* en te.rn complelo »bows «(aged under Plenty ot action with accom pany- There are probably few parents "No—even If I thought it was ti'ilaliKxl with a card |»irty nt the tbo mam moth eloveu ucre Expo»! Ing th rills and «pills Is prom ised. of go to them . But I never saw In Oregon who have not exper- right I liavc to play the organ in one th a t combined all those quali­ Kieler lawnr to celebrate their lenced real anxiety over the recent church and teach my Sunday school ties so thoroughly in one and the hlrlhdnv anniversaries Three table» played | »ie» Mrs nerinun Herm an Whitmore ium I baby ed the football .»quad and hopes t o , outbreak of Infantile paralysis In class, and of card» wen* • played same person. I got her to tell me i California. Fortunately it can be Wouldn't somebody else do th a t a little about herself. She said her Mr» Flora Baker mid non Earl daughter and Mr and Mrs Raleigh make the team mul two daughters ........ Mrs Fannie Measlnaer of Oswego «'Ported th a t so la r as the state for you, Just once?” visited their »later nial aunt Mrs Whiunore fath er had had hard luck, and her “ a week-end guest of Oregon is concerned there has No one ever has. i iad w ith e,• and family ol lhi) m other wasn't strong." Mr an d Mrs. Adolph Schmidt, was mi u tr practically been no increase of this • T hat's no sign no one ever "H ard luck! the kind of hard nm Septem ber lb ™ tuüi* Hi'l’ m « Ä m ^ Ä . , ______ __ -read dúease._ over _othe_L . norm al would? Y ou’ n u g h i’ asT luck th a t comes from never doing Mr. oial Mrs Wlllbun Joo« Jr •^fr M rs I Jew cy^M ercer^arc years. This display oi fortune to- She tried to shake herself free any hard work! As lor Anne's u| Hillsboro wen' Bunduy guests of 1 and Mi's G Egger ultendixl the • h u ' lt,I>K lr *P “ t Ukiah. They warq Oregon, however. Is no Justl- from the lure of his suggestion. m other being delicate—well, she her iiiotlwr. Mrs Flora Baker concert given by the Bw i « v.l« t,.i **'“ 1 b>' wuy ° r «’cbdli'ton and ftcatlon lor careless attitudes to- “I —George wouldn't like It a t weighs about three hundred and Mrs K C. Mulloy La a t Iter home era Hl Portland Sunday ttn iiig Visited relative« Mr. M ercers pur- ward it. Quite on the contrary, all if I did." fifty pounds, and she may have iigain tills week very much Im­ heart disease or kidney trouble. I proved In health nfte He lives on ■ should not be a t ail surprised. II nvx-lli ul alii In Hlllsbom Anne hadn't worked, her fingers ter Mrs W N Ilatlaw n to the bone and taughi school be­ boro L» caring for her sides these last two years, I don't IsniaehobL But he wants to be?” know how they'd have lived." T he hum of tractor,» Is heard I Some diseases come every - year; and Inuns are seen discing In itumv i t i n i Cl?f i# Ua , . Yes. I ’ve known him for y ears.; "And you think a girl w ith th at Held«. I, «Ik mg Uie most Of the ' ‘i ^ , , A* " ta ilo rs i ’ \ l n HofE perhaps Infantile paralysis is one He brought me here tonight." much spunk Isn’t worth knowing?" of these. The disease occurs usually "Three cheers for George!” said) Roy stared a t his friend with • z»z» w i earlier in C alifornia th a n It does Neal heartily. "I don’t believe you, growing astonishm ent Neal had not oersted to make plowing profitable Ml and Mrs John D hane of U1*?.r5 ? on„ ° r.,? ? . < - 'i eaUy_ to tn a n r him though, only been swiftly hit. He had been Acute anterior poliomyelitis Is do you?" Com ensilage 1» bring put Into Klnton .»pent the week-end with I h it hard. the scientific name for thus disease. No, but—" •■tlos on several farm s tile past two her atster. Mrs John Spetrlng. and I "I didn't say th a t she wasn't M O U N TA IN D A LE— About 500 The term Infantile paralysis is not "Then wouldn't It be real worth knowing. But — why, she weeks I family people attended ttir W B. Armen- correct because It Is not necessarily kindness, in the end. to let him doesn’t even know how to dress Mr and Mrs H erm an Whitmore Mr and Mrs Harry Cline luul trout sale Saturday a disease of children nor does find th a t out rig h t away?" "She knows th a t s h e doesn't and Cerll (h hmiilt attended a son Ray ol near Hillsboro were Mr HIMj Philip H ergert and "Perhaps, but—" know. And th a t being th e case. dinner ond cord |xirty m Portand Sunday guests at the George Tews faintiv were Saturday evening Vis- paralysis occur in every case. In order, however, th a t there wlU be -Do you know how many times she'll learn. Give h e r” time. She Sal urday evening at the home of home. jp,rs oj Mrs. Hergert s parents. Mr. Morning, noon and night—a steady, un­ Mr and Mrs Marlon Boge In lion- Gorrton Helneek of Portland Mrs John Ooenlaivdpr of For- no misunderstanding we shall con- you've said 'but' to me tonight?" can't be much over twenty.” tlnue to use the popular name, In- -No. but—” "She isn't quite th a t.” or of Mr Bate'« birtlwlay untuver- «pent tJi< week-end with his »la- Grove ‘ failing stream of water at the turn of a fantlle paralysis. They both laughed. I t seemed. "Then you ju st wait and see x» ry ter. Mrs Aile Rutschm an Mrs C arrie Hitchcock of Scholl« M is Roy Fields and »on Earl ,,iula At r7’ Uilantlle paralysis Is due to a somehow, very' easy for Anne to w hat she'll look like by th e time Mrs faucet. Yet the dem and varies with each l. visiting Mrs ltollin Meyers for 0U. 1 couldn} . ‘ T 00 ask her- But 1 know above .. .W ater consumption in the aver­ tlie Howard Rice home neur Hills- He remarked th a t tla-re was a vast school room has been re-palnted. e n n iS - / ubth k ° . ? 1U} J ° U V* on?L ! she~ ' r?fuse/ a g e community is greatest from 7:00 to boro between a n whool of M L. ^eir a .(» tn h , ?ht or r , , hose "Surely she wouldn t expect me ‘ . difference . . . . . . . .lit- u- . » . . I - . . -u .A /i u, .»Ir r and m m Mrs ra ts J J U. VanDomelen v n iU J O U lc ie n • ....b . ~ t h i» ? r lU e a s e o , . ™ b „ g. - hot