THE Page Four XTillshon^fAr g ns W ith W hich I* Combined the llillah o ro Independent Billab. m A ryue «stab. 1W4 Htllaboro Independent »»tab UTS M r K IN N B Y A M c K IN N F Y . Publisher. Published Thursday». Entered aa aeeond-claaa m atter In the IhMtoifioe at Hillsboru, Oregon New Way N et d e d The textile strike has been brought to a finish on appeal of President Roosevelt following the report of the mediation hoard Business and the country could go along with a great deal more confidence in the future if m achinery could be evolved that would insure employe and em ployer a fair ileal without resort to strikes. Isn’t it possible that an absolutely fair and neutral industrial court with power to act in industrial disputes could be evolved? In spite of the very partisan rem arks being m ade now about infringe­ ment of individual liberties such a law should be backed up with plenty of teeth. H IL L S B O R O ARG U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Social Netos of Local Folk and Their F riends T hursday, Septem ber 27, I'.t.'U T H E G R E A T A M E R IC A N H O M E FUNNY THING IK'W A COUPLE CF OÂVS O P Ä 'U C W MAlYi ME U.YAUZE 1WA1 I NEVEiC QiO A V 'lV t ClAlt nils' OU'> CL^N P V T u CE LCV M T TU l VE FlSH.VJlLL YA — A N P niit Pi S' A K t b , P lumb full o f E littei - lñutí ?. G o s n / ohlm l g e t ÍM CxCWG' TO A i Oregon Slate to Play 1'ougii Team OREGON STA TE C O L L EG E j C o o H ills, th>u( 26 O re g o n S l a b ctrllege footlNkll U-nni will piny Httn ' I'T h iic I m ' i ) u n l v o s i l y , m ir m U ie In st lio li-eo iifei e u , t r a m s (M t till« ' cixuit. h e i r FTUUiy HlUTIbXH l u t Hunting party of seven. Elmer Bailey. Elwood. Cecil and Ernest John.-un of Hillsboro, Prank lterg- 2 30 cii'IiK k .M«» .ien of North Plains, and Ed Proc­ m rs . k c . M c K in n ey W V E R N E M c K IN N K Y A lttio u g li O re g o n S t a i r d e fe a te d ter and Bob H arrison of Forest Associât« Editor E d itor S a il FriuieL sro la s t y e a r u t S u n Grove, returned Sunday evening 1 Francisco IJ to 7, th e w in n in g from a three-day liunt in the F in it Audited Paper. La nr* ■I ember—Oregon State Edi­ IMiintx w ere not sc o re d u n ti; U ip tk-hocho forest east of Prineville. eat Audited W eekly Circula­ to ria l Association and N a ­ I tuit III lo m ille.. Ot tlie p lay « I n n They got four deer In the party. tion in Oregon tion al E d itorial ÄMuviat ion .Mormuu E ia n k lm . All A m e r i i n n Word Itos been received tiere Unit ii a n g c l e it h a lf. tossi-it u long O F F IC IA L NEW SPAPER OF W A S H IN G T O N C O l'N T Y a baby girl was bom Friday in IMUUt to H al 1‘ao g li quarterbuck. Los Angeles to Mr and Mrs Wes z ■ or a totu l a t o » n E iu n k llii ru n Sah»cription Ratea S tric tly Cash in Advance Schulinench of Hillsboro Mis. ui k tin ' o|M'iilng kb k o ti of tin. __ Sl.&v U . S. Outside Oregon |i.(X> Per year Schulm enrh is in lx»s Angeles, .iiliir U6 y a r d s to r th e H ist to u c h - «M Foreign i c u n : ne» S f t l i month» wlule Wes playing baseball tor ■ l . 'W I l the C uxnuuiu team of the n a ­ The H illsboro Argus m u m « no fin a n c ia l nssponatbility fo r tional league. errors published In it* columna, but in cae«» where this paper 1» at fau lt w ill reprint that part id an advertiae uent in which Mr and Mrs V A Crow ot ILxxt the typographical m istake .xvura. lin e r \ sited Sunday and Monday Thirty Years Ago « n Mi and Mis A W Walker. A n Independent Newspaper, W h < w Service» and Policice Argus, Hrptemlx'r 22, hm| C.'om- L. J. Rushlow is doing a splendid Mr il mid Mrs .1 H B artlett tutd are Based on the Principle of the Golden R u lo "A nd a» ye ni retal Ixuik will open lor h i t : service in publishing advertisem ents in the daughter Bonnie and \l N. Bon- would that men should do to you. do ye also to them lik e ­ I S. Oeudx-r II with George S. hul wise.” M atthew 7:11. Argtis calling attention to the “ Let’s Quit luun of Seliolls were oLso Sunday oei leh ils e.Lsliler guests at Uie \\ olker liome. I'ounly exhllut at stale fulr Killing” cam paign sponsored by the Ore­ il.uss first A C Chulmers oi Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Munson a r ­ gon State Motor association ami other or­ rived outervllle was awarded several Thursday f r o m ria g sta lf, ganizations. Care and regard for the lives A rtz. «lu re tlxey have been tor .U l/e .s o i l Ills splendid Shorthorn ■eixl. The following editorial from the O re­ of others is being stressed. A recent cheek several in.uitlis, Mr. Munson Is After a drouth ot ..evifal ittonlh. buck to Fliig.-nuf soon, but gon City Enterprise has been printed by Mr. Rushlow as to how many ears going Since last Mav ram fell lightly Mrs Munson »ill rem ain for a kst night editorially elsewhere as expressing the came to a stop at Baseline street, a “stop ' while in Hillsboro C lu u ito p h e i l ' Y ales, promlnen sentim ent of th a t paper as well. We have street, revealed a shocking disregard of Charles Schmldlui mid son and cpublicun iMilltleian a n d fiumer pointed out these things time and time traffic regulations. Since this fact has father Amorroe Seluiudan. uldtim - tale IcgLslitUu. diol a t M.iniUne in the north end ol Uie comity, inlay Hcceusixl was formerly again. It w holeheartedly expresses our been pointed out hv Mr. Rushlow a check ers «ere in Hillsooro Saturday. Charles lUOlLstw’r ol HlMWldan Suu. sentim ent too, so read it carefully. Just by him on cars entering the highway said the lie» road up through B ux­ Mr i u u I Mrs T I hiiiiils Tucker of ton to Vernonia makes it scent like substitute the word Hillsboro or W ash­ shows improved conditions. llllaboro celebrate golden wixlding a different place. ■uudvenairy Srplenilx-r 17 ington county w here Oregon City occurs. J J Wismer, Ray Krueger of F iftren Year» Ago Lmnton mid Herm an Hamel w ent' A rgus. S<>pteiitlx'r 18. 11118 Mrs "Only th e other day we took occasion to refer, Uie latter part of Uie week Lucy Yitu-s, piom er and widow ol in a somewhat facetious vein, to th e unhappy prac­ Don't overlook the fact th at NRA is a hunluig ui the territory near Condon. They f I' Yales, reixesentallve In the tice of some of our citizens regarding th eir buying decided factor in helping to i m p r o v e returned Sunday with one deer due ( Hindu», died near Ranks Septem ­ habits. There are people who would say it ts none i l to Increasing snowstorms in east - I ber 11. of our business, and while th is may be true in a national economic conditions and those ern E nunott Brothers uixl T C. Oregon. general sense, the fact rem ains it is the business of who fly the Blue Eagle are doing their Reynolds buy old G range building Mr. and Mrs O. B. G ates of tile whole community and hence of every member of part in the efforts to bring about recov­ on Main sli-eei Hillsboro and their son-in-law mid it. Every dollar earned locally and spent elsewhere l.t Itoas Dterdorff of the l ‘iu ifu daughter. Mr. mid Mrs. Francis ery. Be sure th a t w here you trad e the Is probably a total toss. Hardest h it are the retail fleet lu re to visit motlu-r. Mi Wade of Portland, spent a few days business interests, but because men and women are store or business is displaying the Blue in Southern Oregon on a vacation. assist tn the ptiysieal exam ination mals witti two legs won't get the Knuna Illerdorff of students. IhlLstxiro club takes up questloi thoughtless or careless, or both, about buying at Eagle, which means fair wages, fair hours Tliey left here Thursday. best ot women folks, atiyinoie titan of air|s>rl fo r city home, th e effect Is far-reaching. This has been go­ Mrs Paul Patterson and her lit­ tlie four-footed ones do Dr Lewa Wilkes Ager of La- i By Venus L Builnelli and fair business pretiees. Benjam in t l llelneek. returned ing on for years a t Oregon City. We don't w ant to l ake Mi s John Campbell of Hixxl G nuide visited Wednesday witti her tle daughter Virginia attended a A surprise? For me? 1-and, pn. ».u- vetenui, of lonuel und lx>ru sermonize about it, but it is just as well to develop parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wilkes, party tn Portland Wednesday after­ wait'll I get my breath? As if It River When tier dog treed a lynx, Seluieider lelsyville married loyalty and to attem p t to inculcate in the minds of mid left Thursday for Corvallis to noon in honor of the second b irth ­ wasn't hard enough tn all tills heat lie culled it u «lav. and wouldn't S e p te m lx -r of III attend the meeting ot the Oregon day anniversary of little Peggy l e u to breathe w ithout havin' soinetitn' stay any longer, so Mrs Campbell, our people th a t th ere is one direct way to build up Robert Imbrle returns home from Action of the county court in retiring State Medical association. Benson. bein' without it gun. tied tier skirt a town and th a t is to make our purchases, so far von don't expect cornin' up to take around tlie trunk of tlie tree, and service in navy. Mr and Mrs Carlos Johnson and your breath away. as practicable, in th e city where our prim ary a f­ from the county relief committee is a Glenn Norton of Toledo spent the All tn roadlne.<« for tv arm istice mid daughters a id Mrs. Davis, of and Mrs. Cluirles M. Reed. Hlghwuy completed from here to chase price into th e channels of trade. Ju st think Muss Ja n ette Cady was hostess 1 to sliow off tier pewter fruit bowl at Everett Post of the G. A. H Portland, and Mr mid Mrs Will party I'm goln' to get up a party a minute, next time you require something, which Repeal of the state crim inal syndicalism law is Walker ot Banks were Sunday Monday evening for Uie sewing Tills Mrs Campbell didn't have to Beaverton city limits right i» .n .in I invite tier and llili Lt Ixmuld F l o n g liom e from club .Miss Bernieee Felton will be today or tomorrow. Money circulates where sought by th e Communist party The campaign will guests of Mrs. Rose P nckett. u .• a bullet to get tier prey but service lie was with arm y ol tx 'ei and 111 huve S panish steak aim was just as deadly. it is spent. Home buying means a thriving and be «aged openly by the International Labor Defense Lieutenant Com m ander and Mrs. special guest of Uie club 1 . an use them knives, and 1 Just looks like a step towards cupullon in Germany Has Ix-en hi Mrs. J. E Johnson fell Tuesday so league, a subsidiary of th e party th a t is planning Harry Harding arrived Friday from prosperous city. am t goln' to whisper a word about Claude Vundrl, the active J iv iee lin e Mexican troubl.- "One of the principal reasons assigned by those overthrow of the United S tates government by force. California tor a visit a t th e T. 8 illuming and injured her right side havin' ’’em till thev come, and when what Mi John Everett llulsinan and Cluu - French biologist, preillets Is going A toe on her right foot is also W eatherred home before th eir re ­ who wander off the reservation is th at local establish­ The crim inal syndicalism act specifies legal she seta down I It have 'em on the to lui[)|x*ii in ;l txkl sears or so. He toile H am rlm an m arried at Cor­ broken. m ents are unable to satisfy their requirem ents T hat means «hereby the American form of government tu rn to Bremerton. Wash. nelius Hepteinbrr 17. table just like w ed always been Miss Jan ette Cady attended on used to havin’ 'em—oh it ain't says women are going to rule tlie Mrs Emma Dierdorff was hostess Ralph I. Williams of Hillsboro sounds logical, but frequently breaks down under may be protected against those who choose to de­ world and tlie only men left will aiul Lydia Herr of C oinrlius m ar­ analysis. Many of our people do not even make an stroy it by bloody revolution Instead of bringing Thursday evening for a m iscellan­ Alpha Gumma Delta luncheon Wed­ steak knives? be a few carefully picked Olios Even nesday last week at the Sign of tlie eous shower for Miss Mildred Ric< Hm! You ain't foolln me are you. the plant and anim al world shows ried Repb mlxu 18 honest effort. They don't Investigate. They fail to about reforms by the ballot. T he law insists on the Rose In Portland. and Harold H arm s of N orth Plains, p a ’ Well now. bein' a man, 1 su p ­ Mrs Fred Everest severely In­ tilt.» tendency, und tlie so-called recognize th a t business men will usually meet a ballot instead of bullets as a means of changing who were m arried Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Long of S a ­ pose you'd want to be tn on an y ­ stronger sex is grow ing weaker and jured in l*urthux) when ear runs general demand If these sam e people lived at our government. thing new too, so I suppose It's a lem arrived Tuesday for a few over tier Mrs. W. M. M asterson left W ed­ weaker, while the female of the G rants Pass or Bend or Baker they would probably The Communists contend th a t it restricts their for a visit with her d au g h ­ days wiUi his parents, Mr. and Mrs. pair ot them big thick bath towels race is constantly Improving ptiys- ' accept the mercantile wares of their respective cities. rights. They insist th a t it is despotic and destroys nesday you been wantin'. Well. 1 guess Percy Long. ter. Mrs. O Swearingen of Irrigon, Ically und menially D arris B. Smith Enlists Most of th e smaller cities of Oregon are not favored liberty. and her sister. Mrs. Mary Slimous Miss Helena Molir of Portand Ixutti towels will be about h s handy Sometimes when pu gets in one j with large industrial payrolls such as this city en ­ The law was enacted to protect liberty—the a t Spokane. Wash. spent the week-end at the M*e- as anything, only I hope you got of Ills fits. I don't care how w on It in U. S. M arin e Corps joys, but because of their comparative isolation they liberty on which the American form of democratic Mr. and Mrs L. O. B ennett left K em ie home and witti o t h e r em with pink borders to m atch i..ip|x-ns , O a:rt. B Smith, son of Alva B the bath room curtains But hope have prospered and have become relatively self- governm ent was founded. I t was enacted so the Tuesday for Uielr home in Seattle, friends. I ’a says wtiat'll tliey do for slu-cp Smith, 1474 Baseline street has contained. but we even have with us those who government could protect itself against those who by Wash . after several m onths' stay Miss Coixstance Cochran, sister of you d o n t iilan on usin' them tor herders then? But I told him the enlisted in tlx- United Slut. • will spend a dollar in automobile expense to make bullets would "liquidate" opponents to Bolsheviza- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M n. J W Barney, went to M o n ­ everyday till they get the new »ore sheep 11 itll lx* females, and they'd been Marine corps at Portland a n d f if 'ill l l u h ’ Not bath towels.’ have sense enough to go where they a two-dollar purchase. T h at's fundam entally wrong. tton of the United States. C. Varner, and w ith his relauves mouth Sunday to enter the normal My land pa. you don't mean to »its m eant to. Instead of followin' transferred to tlie m arine corps m California. school there. ha », at S an Diego. Cal wliere he ' “While we are speaking of our own city, let's sav you went and bought ine th at some old buck off somewhere The law lays no restrain t on those who do not Mr and Mrs S. E Olsen spent »ill lx- stationed fix I lx* next llirre Mrs William M artin of S anta comb and brush set I been w antin' not forget Oregon, a m anufacturing state. The slogan intend to destroy the government by force. It lays But I guess It won't make any Sunday in P ortland w ith their son Barbara. Cal Is spending a few ' lamd I bei n hullin' for th a t so ayin I wanted It 1 commenced to er don't make much difference now, every-day conception of devotion to state th a t has abrogates no rights or liberties of any person not versary. Mr. and Mrs Maurice Cot u rn of think you was right dumb, but-well, »hut with motor trucks to lutul 'em tended to take advantage of the made California w hat it is. W ith nothing to sell contem plating violations against public peace and free edueaiionul courses offered to Mrs. Max LaLande of Nampa. if it ain 't any of them tilings, what Portland were guests Sunday of except sunshine, California has outstripped her order oy the commission of such crimes. In all m in o rs by enrollm ent m tin- Idaho, arrived Friday evening for tier parents. Mr and Mrs. J Ntco- in H ip world is It’ I declare, you around For Instance, up In Boise last marine corps institute northern neighbors, and the principal reason is an Law th a t insures liberty cannot be labeled as a visit with h er daughter, Mrs. ilemus. ! got me so excited I can't hardly week a trucking outfit moved more intensive devotion of h er population, manifested in violation of rights, except by those who desire free­ Howard Wells, and friends here. wait It must be something perfectly Mr and Mrs. H E Nt well ot than 100 head of stieep 21 miles in constant and steadfast loyalty to products of th a t dom to destroy liberty. ON OREGON FARMS Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reetz of Dayton P ortland were guests Tuesday eve­ grand Oh w ait' w ait' 1 got It' 33 liours. state to th e practical exclusion of others, so th a t It might be well to consider what liberty means were in HilLsboro Monday on busi­ ning of M r and Mrs J. W. Barney I It's one of them monogrammed Even the news of a plane erasti COKVAIJ.IH Hairy vetch proved California money goes north and south, east and in Soviet Russia, where th e Bolshevization process ness. They visited a t the home of purses the grw ery was givln' away Elmer Varner of Hood River w.u. with five pounds of coffee! Ioind, i.s unusual alien It is learned that to be one of the most successful west but rem ains in the golden state. Let us con­ has been completed under th e guise of theoretical Mr and Mrs. D. S R utherford. tlie owner Lawrence Holland of crops In south Benton i'ounly thus a guest of his parents. Mr und pa ! I guess I ought to have told you. sider our own potential advantages. Buy Oregon- Communism. Utah, was on u wool-buying year. «Uh 11 C llerron aixl Tom Mrs. T. W McDonald and chil­ Mrs H C. Varner, Wednesday. bid I already got one of them Ogden. made products and buy them in Oregon City."—Ore­ CarixMiter reporting yields running The dictatorship of t t e proletariat, selected by dren spent several days last week Miss M argaret Johnson left B un­ yesterday without sayin' anything ! ri|> gon City Enterprise. Seems like you ta n expect most about 300 pounds to the acre, n il s 2.000.000 Communist party members, rules with an with tier mother. Mrs B. E Mu­ day for Eugene, where site will a t­ to you. supposin' you'd be mad anything those days, but once In c rop Is extensively used m so u th ­ ling, a t W hale Cove. iron hand. The population of Russia is 160.000,000 tend the University of Oregon about me runnin' up the bill any a while you get fooled When Jerry western United Suites for green Mrs. Eric Hendrickson of Sewell persons. T h at vast population is a t the mercy of R J. Seearre and E J McAleor more before we sell the chickens, Johnson of C entralia spied some­ m anure purpoHes. and the price of th e organized and arm ed minority th a t rules through station returned to h er home the made a trip to Mosier Sunday but now th at you done tlie same thing lying 111 In., trout yard, lie seed a t present Is ulxiut 7 ‘ j cents iirst of the week after two weeks p a' Pa Spinks! Don't tell me thought it was a »Oman's purse, but the Red army. Mr and Mrs M att Engeldlnger tiling, a pound. Mr Herron believes It that ain 't it' The dictatorship perm its no criticism of its illness a t Jones hospital. a.s lie leaned liver to |>lek It lip. Il makes a much heller cash crop of Portland were visitors Sunday Good land, give me that packagel Mrs. Helen G ardner of Yakima, policies. Those who do criticize have the “liberty" Parted to »itlk away When lie re ­ General Hugh Johnson, who had the a t the H. R E nunott home. than wheal or other cereals unit Stand here havin' me guesstn' all covered from I I I '* sliix k lie euuglit It plans of facing a firing squad. Bolshevization, th e so- Wash., visited from Wednesday un­ to grow an acreage of It aguln K E Lytle <>t Bend is a guest trem endous task of organizing the NRA called Give It here! rule of the masses, conducts a reign of terror til Friday with her parents, Mr. of his m other and sister, Mrs C day and found lie had a turtle nine In­ next year I’a Spinks! Ain't you asham ed ches long and weighing two |X)unds I and getting business of the country under among the people by the OGPU, the secret police, and Mrs. R. C. Vaught. And me all worked up over a mys­ Reginald Reynolds, who Is em ­ E. Lytle and Miss Marlon. No«, pa. u h a t vou liangin round Plan to be Dls< ussetl codes, has resigned, effective O ctober 15. which has the power to kill without trial. W M. Sm ith, who undtiw ent an terious pa* kuge which a in 't got a tiere again for? Yes. I know. Its ployed a t Bonneville, spent the Details of tlx- H artaln plan a The International Labor Defense league, which tiling in it but a dozen glass nest operation at Jones hospital last G eneral Johnson has done an exceptional week-end with his m other, Mrs. almost time for supper. What of II? system of governm ent propotaxl bv eggs! repeal of the Oregon law against crim inal Florence Reynolds. week, is convalescing nicely. job as head of NRA, almost an impossible seeks No. I in not goln' to make corn C A Sarlaln of Oak Grove, »ill syndicalism, wants liberty—th e "liberty'' to create Ju st for tliat. I ain't goln' to bread! Mrs Preston Williams of T illa­ T h at's tint I think I II Just Miss Elsie McLeod and Jesse lx- dist'uawxl next T hursday evi 4 one, but he did it well. Courage and fight bloody revolution; the 'lib erty '' to set up an o r­ make tlie cornbread I promised you Watson of Forest Grove were S un­ mook is a guest of her parents. Mr lor supper. Corti's tix> heatin' an y ­ boll them eggs you had In that nlng at tlx« lllllslxiro G range tuvll exhibited by him in the time of national ganized minority with the rig h t to cruelly execute day package, and tliat ought to be sup­ guests ol Mrs. J. J. Wismer and Mrs F. T. Splcker. I'he public Is invited to attend. way. this hot weather, and then .too, Miss Nellie Felton of Dayton is I put a little sugar in mine which per enough for anybody. need was indeed inspiring. We hope th a t those who would exercise th e American right of mid son LawTence. freedom of speech; the liberty'' to kill for exer­ You'll w hat’ H ill Well. I don't visiting this week with her .sister. Out for Kook Football Mrs. H attie Hill Brownhill oi might uuike the editor of tlie Hous­ NRA and the light th a t it has brought busi­ cise of the rig h t of freedom of the press; th e "lib­ I klnda been w antin' to see McMinnville is visiting this week Miss Bemiece Felton. Dick Sutherland, wlxi starred fm ton Post bust a blood vessel If he know ness throughout the country may live on. erty" to divide the workers of th e nation into classes and th at show, but hated to ask you to Hillsboro high srlxx>| In hxithull Marv Caldwell spent tlie week­ next with her daughter, Mrs. finds it out. bemuse he said not end with her aunt, Mrs. K atherine long ago m his paper "Sugar tn take me after chore time U nder it fa ir and legitim ate business has pitted in w arfare against one another so th e Bolshe­ W. R. Manley. lias turned out for freshm an foot Oh. well, nil right. Guess I eould vik! can rule through division of strength; th e "lib­ Ixill at Oregon S tale George Is»5 cornbread of standard varieties Is Mrs. K enneth Patterson and son Nolan, a t Eugene. nothing to fear. erty" to destroy democracy, through which the peo­ of Eugene are spending the weeki Mr and M rs F. C. I.elthold of an abom ination In the sight of tlie bake It In the oil stove oven. Go Ion of Banks Is also out for Ihxik fill tlie tank while I get out th e football. ple can express th eir will and obtain th eir rights.— : a t the home of her father, John P ortland were guests of Mrs. O C Lord, a travesty on art. a corruption cornmeal and stuff of truth, an Insult to the palate, a Chase Sunday. Oregon Journal. Connell. lb moerats Meet Miss Florence Hanley of Leisy- cruel wrong to tlie stom ach, and Miss B ertha Solberger of P o rt­ Divorce Suit Filed The Oregonian says “ Competition is to tlie South. Ingratitude IxuiKx ratie ecnliid committee nu l land is spending a few days with vllle has entered Pacific university affront Wolf Mary C. Wolf vs. Ernest to tlie mule th a t raised the corn, a t Slierwixxl Friday night. the life of trade. And trade, you under­ M rs Ernest Zurcher northeast of as a freshm an. and an Insolent challenge to the Wolf Hillsboro. stand, has been pretty unsatisfactory since Democratic purty." Our classified columns may liave Club Meet» Mr. and Mrs. C arleton Hande Past Chiefs' Ask your attorney to send your Just what you are looking for - we began to stifle com petition.” They Mrs. C. E. Wells and Mrs. Emma I ‘Su£ a r in '/»rnbread m ight make Ira Withrow, m anager of th e Miami Corporation and children of Silverton were S u n ­ McKinney n be iw> hostesses fnr Read them will for t.hp the the I exa.s editor wild, but wild anl- legal advertising to the Argus. must have been looking a t other business Logging company a t G rand Ronde, one th e larger day guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Past Chiefs' club o f Phoenicia reports than we have since March, 1933, logging companies of the Pacific northwest, tells McDonald. M A C A nsw er T h a t One, R e d ! Munch Temple next T hursday night, O cto­ Mrs. J. H. Lund, who Is con­ ber 4, a t the home of Mrs, Wells. as we seem to have read som ething of of a meeting th e first of tlie week in Portland a t­ valescing a t Jones hospital from a by a group of logging concerns of the n o rth ­ better returns and increased retail sales. tended west. The meeting fas for th e purpose of discuss­ broken hip, will be able to go home U. OF O. ALUMNI It may not have been so good for the ing the code and voting on th e question of w hether Sunday. TO ATTEND BANQUET Mrs. Mary Vanderwal of Portland U. ot O. alum ni <»t Washington chiseler, we will admit. U nder the pres­ it should be retained or throw n out. Twenty-two visited Miss M arie Tamiesie and county are Joining other alum ni at ent set-up we have real competition — firm s were represented and quite a large num ber of other friends in Hillsboro T burs- the Masonic Temple in Portland men were present according to Mr. Withrow, who quality and service. Thursday evening. October 11, at states th a t the talk In th e corridors an d the con­ day. Dr J. O Robb Is attending O re- 6:30 o'clock for the annual Found- ference room prior to the meeting was rath e r loud, gon State Medical association a t f-rs' Day banquet commemorating angry and insistent about th e inequities an d in ­ Corvallis today. Friday and S atu r- the fifty-eighth birthday of the iquities of th e code and th a t it was high tim e th a t day. I university. Committee In charge A g reat fuss is being raised in Port­ such un-American and high-handed and unconsti­ George Maver left las) week for I consists of Mrs. Paul Patterson. S eattle w is h , where jt- will a t- chairm an; D r Ralph D r^ ser, Judge land about the safety islands at the west tutional action be ended. T his was th e talk In the lem pleton, F aul Patterson, Miss end of Burnside bridge. Some mighty meeting as well, as soon as It had been called to tend tlie University of Washington Elsie Anderson, all of Hillsboro. and it appeared on the surface th a t th e code Miss M argaret Tucker of Mt. V er­ Or. Amon J. W hite of Aloha. Miss careless and fast driving would have to order was doomed. But finally the vote was taken and non, Wash., Is a house guest this Hazel L. Paetsch of Banks. Edward be involved for anyone to strike one of eighteen of the tw enty-tw o firm s voted to keep the week at the L. C. Lomax home. M. W arren of Beaverton. Anson B those islands on such a wide street. Con­ code. Representatives of four firms had made all Miss Louise Fischer leit Monday Cornell, Mrs Bemiece Via Friday the noise. One of th e group Is now in court for for Corvallis, where she will attend and IXm W atrous of Forest Grove, sidering the thousands of cars th a t go of th eir allocation. Oregon state college. Paul G ran t of G arden Home, Allyn over the bridge daily the accidents have violation We suspicion th a t there is much noise made by Mrs J. W. Kelley spent several A. Rutherford of G aston, and B. G been few indeed. a few people today who do n o t represent the opinion days this week with her sister, Mrs. Laughlin of Sherwood Besides the alum ni, former s tu ­ of the majority, but m ake a great hue and cry as C. H. Bissell, in Seattle, Wash. parents and friends are in ­ in the above in stan t case. Sheridan Sun. Mr. and Mrs. N D. Myers of dents, vited to attend. Woodburn spent Sunday with her H erbert Hoover, the only living ex­ m other. Mrs. Della St. Pierre. Divorces G ranted president of the United States, is an O re­ Mr. and Mrs David Fdlger of H underup H. August H underup Cedar Mill were week-end guests of from Mary Hunderup. gon visitor and will today m ake an appeal Mrs. A nna Schulmerlch. for support of the community chest in "The real issue to be faced by the people of this Doss of Seattle, W ash, was / i i Portland. Hoover spent several years in country Is the paym ent of th e great debt being In­ a Fred week-end guest ol Mr. and Mrs. / O O / j O l C t ( ) L A C I S S l l A J Oregon as a boy and his old home state curred tlirough the policies of the so-called new E. J. Peterson. S E V E R A L h e a d o f gfxxl f a rm h o rse s deal.'' Congressman M ott said. "T h at Issue m ust Arvin Robb will return this week welcomes this fam ous citizen. or exchange for fresh cows.— be faced sometime and the people will soon find It to hts studies a t University ol O re­ F arm ers’ S a le s A: F e e d b a r n __ out."—News Item. gon, a t Eugene. LOST Across street Iroin W ash­ Do you recall where some of the "huge sum s” Mrs. R D. English is visiting this ington hotel, pair horn-rlm m ed went to th a t were appropriated during the last term week with Mrs. Bertlia Johnson at Let all get behind the plans for Fire of glasses. Reward.- I«eave a t Ar- congress’ One of tlie bills th a t carried virtually Mosier. 1242. 32p Prevention W eek observance here October a q uarter of a billion dollars, a sm all portion of Mis« Ann O'Neill of Monmouth WANTED to buy a w alnut “wliai- 7 to 13 and put it over in a way th a t the which went to soldier pay, went to raise salaries jx nt the week-end with Mrs. J. J. not.” Call 471Y. 32 good will continue on through the balance of congres-men. Mr. M ott voted for th a t expense Wismer. and w asn't scared a bit. Mr. and Mrs O Leben of B eth­ of th e year. There Is also another question th a t m ight be any were Hillsboro vLsItors S a tu r­ asked Mr. Mott. Which of th e “huge expenditures'' day. now being made would he curtail? Would he stop Daughters of Union Veterans will meet a t Veterans hall Monday Hilhi lost to Jefferson in P ortland by the work at Bonneville? Ls he against the spending night. of the PWA and CWA funds th a t, are coming into a large score, but they w ent down fig h t­ th c state? ........... _____ _ Dr. W. ... H. ........ Plercy, student a t O re- ing and th e gam e really w asn’t as bad It's good politics to say there's too much money KOn Medical school in I’Tirtland left spent and It's so uncompromising. -S h erid an Sun. | Tueslay for Corvallis, where he will as th e score indicated. as Onr Yesterdays A Good Job Our Sentiments, Too • á « ... L TT E ßoVs» btuia. enee What Other Editors Say ; Rule for Us by Reds Johnson Retires A Vote on the Code Where the Huge Sums Went MAKE YOUR AS YOU RE AD