Tliurmiuy, September 27, 1934 THE H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Three H elen hiki Mr. um l Mm llu riy liitinkin und _ th e soldiers' bonus fu liiiK ltz.i i w ent to Newport Hep ’ consiSiiera ^ 7 , Urm at l "iinnii S1.I011 Tliese paym ent« will •em la'i |(, .,n u h,.tt (u.hlii*! reduce t h e sta te 's o u t s t a n d i n g | t il|. Miss ll< Irn ra u g lil n large l.lng I I co<) bonded debt Ur »52.645,510 I .lillui R u n k ri-tiinuxl Hill III Iluy ' fn.iii n hunting trip tu E a s te r n 1 Ouòohne salir» in Oregon suffered Oregon w ith n put ty of friends (lly Mum |l>ir<>lh|i f'«M>kp) m anagei arid Mi . H arold B« hm ale a «!«•< id«*i slum p «luring August, re- i Juhli hugged II Ili-I-I jx/rt» to the » tate d e p a rtm e n t show ­ t ’OBN El.itJH C om m ittee were wai. ta k e n in to th e lodge Follow ­ Sub-District for L eagu e t^ , * •> "- New w gnlftcance ha.s been len t i i X & \ yv ^ y e a r UU i « r cen t i ^ W alnut pleklng sta rte d III this ap|MHnU(l lue.Mlay a t th e f l r b t ing tin* m eeting, Miss E rm a Wolfe ing a d«-< reaxe of «24 224 5 gallons j hm illlv th is week as (i/m pared with th e sales for to Ute ' W«- Do O ur P a rt • slogan of m eeting i,f the fall of flu Corneliu» was com plim ented w ith a oridal "Caniuxl sw eet com . green peas, -his ^ a r ^ U l p r i « ^ d lT p a y ^ ‘hU Formed; Lodge Plan* Ixiui.iiii Shirk. Jin- um l Hill Ja e k - Clvh Im provenwnt, club a t tin- city bow er Hhe received m any lovely August. 1933 Oaxollne sal«.*« for the NHA by tfie PVxxl a n d G rocery sn a p beiuw are expected to be en -n tire inshillatun, V " M,n mid ( 'lun-iiii- iau ig er w ent to hall with Mi tire installation. Alice ,‘vh Cornuu k a ju l useful gift» ’I lie re were ab o u t y«*ar to Auguxt 31 w ere 5,472,333.7 D istrib u to rs code In p a rth ipotion a a n t d least as p len tifu l a s la st year w ith th e P re sid e n t» campaiKn gallon» a h ea d of thnoe for 1933 Hedm ond Sunday on n luultuni po uU-nt pn-Mdmg Ml» M argaret 3b preu u SCIIOI4J& Mcholl» O ra n g e in««! trip a u aiiist u n w a rran te d price-raising th o u g h supplies m ay go from 11 Dixon, eoutkty h ealth nur»e, was D onald M undorf ha» em ploym ent Subscribe for tlx; Argus. ing und luHiHtouiliig will toe held a n d profiteering m foods under to 24 per c en t sm aller th a n supplies .»pe.iker <4 t h e aftern o o n . Mrs. In W asldngton. WiHlnrmtuy •• vci U iik with a pot 1 u < k p re te x t of d ro u g h t shortage, accord­ in yearn w hen consum ers had Oi*Hge Wilcox re ad a puper on M r a n d Mr«. Loyal M a n n of him : tn - 1« k a n d a i ” « I b I ing to Verm- C urry, ctiairm an of g re a te r p u rc h asin g power. “C om m unity Work F o rest d ro v e were guest» of Mr«. "4 C anned fruits, a s a whole, will ! p i<> k i toil following All foriiict uiiui MULL WOOD C om m ittee, apirolnted were Mrs M D M ann B unday evening. P-1* C ounty F o « j and gc grnngt* iiinnber» a n d friend* O rocery O kiiributors C*'xfi- Autfm r- probably be two p e r c en t greater Henry H« hrm an. M r. I jester Moo Mrs. Poffenbergrr Honored ------- --------- in - supply th a n -- last ----- year, , a n d only Behrings a n d Inside wood. iu r invited. 111, M r , M ry n r , I s2 . iN-rry, Mr* A lla rt D unning and Mrs W alter P offenberger w a s cent t less leas th a n tfu th e average , t>reen. 4-foot Ex! llnlcom a n d fiunlly u rr m ov­ "U txier th/- leadership of C. H two I p e r cen BUXTON Mr and M rs C hris Mrs A I, Block, way* a n d m ean». guest of honor a t a p a rty held in MAHON H IM . M r und Mrs for five years, Two o r m ore cords .......... »1.75 ing to the .*.ljorne Mrs Joseph th ' city fiall T uesday a fternoon. A Tolke expect to move p , th e Ar- Ja n n se n , cliairm an of tlx- N ational have iM'ciipied tin* Howard Imine tin 1 of m entroui place n e ar B anks soon. Sawed. 50c m ore F’cxxl a n d G rocery Distributors" "C anned pineapple a n d pears Mr* ('luule.s Johinton. were Kmegan. Mr« Jo h n Peabody and numb« 1 «4 ladle» atte n d ed . • - •“ prom ise to be m ore plen tifu l th a n Code A uthority, of W ashington R alph H a n n a n of P o rtla n d vis­ Mrs l4*»ter Mooberry. e n te rta in ­ all of bust u««k at the Jo h n B unday evening Mix» Bernice ited hi., m other, M rs W E Hill, Edgings a n d inside, dry. Mi and Mi ft. Moyd M urray re K'H th e average of th e p a st five years th e W ashington C ounty F '/x I Code m ent; Mrs H enry B ehinim i. Mrs home Mr M artin, C h arh ., and Felton. p n * id « n t of tile Jlillaboro turned lu t.x lay a fte r heveral tto O sborne and Mi. H enry using "Living a t O ur Best a» h e r vi .ib d h e r rnotlx-r, Mrs A K ostur sum er ag ain st speculative i«>od year and n o t m uch sm a lle r th a n E xcellent kitchen wood, th e beet Mi* I, Itin fro w return««! home .1 II B a rtle tt mul fam ily anti .V SeptemlM 1 17 from a trip into Jat'olx m uhien, education in home topi« Mauri« « I N a n of Hlllxboro in previous years." Mr and M r . Arley H u d sp eth of prices,” C urry asserted. buy you can find. N llouluuu w«i«' Hiualay gue .l at P ortland visited M rs Hudspeth"» “A lthough it Ls true th a t some W ashington, where »h<* vtalted ,s<-\- and school; M r I.» te r M ooberrt ang« "I N««d Tliee Every H our " nwitJa-r the /\ W W alker Inane In M IL ‘•ral M r. Mollie T allm a n last slu>rta«e m ay exiat in c erta in item s Dry Slab a n d Block ON OREGON FARMS dav* with friend« in Hmttli* and Mis. A L B risk pre»» mid illegali Elected Miss I inegan week boro. of diet, th ere Ls no question but Karl Hoblx . Mr* a b io th e r a t A m e rh an Lake publicity. Mi ALBANY O ne of th e m ost su c ­ Herman Rehae M ountain Hom e Hundnv »cl urn) und Sui. lay a lte rili/,n M iss B lanch* A mi.scellaneou.s show er w as given th a t th e re are am ple supplies U j Joseph I-in e ­ Mi* ('oxley ol P ortland i-jM-nt O tto Osliorne M, cessful general-purpose irrigation 1 Hiegan was elected th ird vl B eadle of W< dm A dunce was given by th e grange p a r t of foreslghted w holesalers a n d I Mrs W ood ha* o fui Dunning. Mrs. 11 1* ni v B ehrm un, ln-avi S aturday night.'oma. W a d i, .uni foim eily ol Hs-iaerejj rton. " 1 ualatln. 'Tigard. F orest r, taller». Tlie existence of fairly from I u r lllmssa tlmt »he Mm. M Busbau« 1 a n d Mr». R. Mrs Annie Cum m ings h a s been heavy stocks in th e han d s of w hole­ the« plan*, visited friend» h e re .Sat- Ls able to do mo»t of h« r hoiid - S« hultz. civic. Mi (» W ilcox. Mrs. G ro v e Corneliu., and G a rd e n H om e. I01.1I rig iu u W in. ill a t her hom e here the p a st two salers a n d re ta ile rs will tend to A L Block a n d Mr* M Cre< k- work Corneliu.-. owned by W B B arnes, I’ T iiylm . OUvi-i T uvlor and equalize th e price level and avert Br« • i u l lg MTVlC« i a t the <-hoid­ l»auin, lib r a r y . M r. M C n c k p u u m won Uie ,-eond ol pigeon race., Mrs O H Stowell was 111 w ith \\ 1 . Baney re tu rn e d from a »u< a n unreasonably high ¡x-ak la te r in Ell« . penn> hOUM* «HI Bunday n ig h t wi a t - and M «■ -iul d«-« 1 h u n t in E axU rn O h th e year." m arch, und Mr. !,«• tei M ooberry je iL'.ored by h ie O regon R acing tla- flu lam week. U nded bj t wenty Mabel Ith y m er and G lenn J o n c , I'll i-on club S eptem ber 16 from gou B aturday. R«v Ev H i t S|H n t Friday . calling and Mrs. A L Brock, prcjfrram. An em ergency m eeting of th e W lute Salm on. W ash , to P o r t­ of P o rtlan d sp e n t the w eek-end a t N ational Food Code A uthority was D istrict i ’ormrtl Mrs A I. B risk wa a fte rn o o n on Mi 4>n Hill fam ilies in Liu* Ln- land. a n an distan ce of 60 mile... tlx- Powell hom e here. hueteaa. Alxnit 75 atU uidcd tike E pw orth t« rest of th«- Bunday »chool. called in to session u-. Ja n ssen in C ornelius flew 95163 y ard s per A light fro st visited th is com - Hold Mis-,* in F'euH League m eeting a t th«' B« holix C hicago recently, w hen fear of Mason HUI B unday school will m inuo average speed hi two ra ce s m unlty M onday night. ( h u ich Buiulav w ltrn a »ub-dlstrict hol«l it |»»t hick d in n er a t the G e im a n L uliierun ih u rc h held tki« speculation becam e widespread, and 10. ol the l*ocUand divlxlon w:u o rg a n ­ •w luNillioigM* Im m ediately following th eir an n u al Mi ---ion FVaxt at th e ir Ja n asen » a s authorized to proffer Mi»» Wolfe Bride ised Jotrf'ph Btix*teher wax el«*ete«| th«1 hxTvh • , AU inn r« *t«xl purtl«*» ch u rch Hutxlay. Kev. W illiam Kehol- th e m echanism of th e N ational Miss E rm a W olfe a n d R obert pH-*id«*ut, Evelyn Hesse viee-prex- a i r Invited to a tte n d , bringing their e r of C orvallis was speaker. Kev Code A uthority to assist th e govern­ W estco tt ol G a sto n R t. 1 were idcnt. G race King* «(.on m *« ret ary and own «h.'j»« . ax well ax «;it- Plan* Gi-orge K x h le r I.-, local pastor. m ent In its effort* tow ard consum ­ Kev and M rs U G B eadles of iiLirrn-d a t th e L u th e ran ch u rch lle tb b n y d e r tre a su re r M r « O nu« foi tlu* («tilling fail a n d w inter will Ready to supply you with the e r protection. T he n a tio n a l code is I'ucomn Waal - - Cornehui F riday evening. Mrs. W estcott, a Miller. Ava How a id aiul Irm al be dUcu xed th e m achinery of in d u strial self- finest MEATS at the least cost. lix a l girl is a gnidiuitc ol F orest i l l y M r» , liu n n e il. Phene 1 7 U W , friends last week. l iaxk were tla* co m m itter in diarg,* M artin WiLson and family, who governm ent by 3.500 foexi whole­ G rove union h igh scliool JO HNSON—P upils of th e J o h n ­ salers Observe «tally Hay of Uve L mu apret lived last y«»ar in till* vicinity, vis­ a n d jobbers a n d 350,000 re ­ M oixlay Mrs. A L. Brock a t- son school have settled in to t lx Ready to advise you in purchasing Sunday rally dav will be ob- Mm. Jo h n »Schmrlt/« r e n te rta in it «xl 111« 1 Ml* Moiulay und also kink­ u le d th e executive Ixxud m e e t­ routine of school w ith th e th ird tailers. th ro u g h th e agency of 950 Ready to give real values. -erved as follows a t C ornelius M to «xl w ith a d in n e r Beptem lxu 13 in ed for .1 w inter location. local code a u th o ritie s a n d 49 sta te ing of th e W ashington C ounty week under th e lead ersh ip of M is a u th o rities. T he p resid en t welcomed K church Nine o ’clixk program honor of M r BchmelLerr'» b ir th ­ F’ed era tlo n of W om ens clubs n e a r W ilm ette Trtienbiich of B eaverton followed by p it lulling a t 10 a n d day. m eats Inspected by Dr. Nicol th e o ffer of co-operation w ith all Ixtve F'ousl a t 11. At 12.30 a pot W e.tinilxT a t tlx- honx- of Mrs. Roll now to ta ls 28. several of the federal agencies. Mr a n d Mrs Andrew W«llai and k a n d Dr. Alrnquist. pupils being beginners Among these lin k d in n er will lx- served. E pw orth C. O Rogers. . 11« 11..1: d imd a 1 \ in 1.1: abu of he food trad e m ust re ta in pub­ M rs E m m a S clunale Is a guest a re M arion Yoskere. Buddy Keims, lic T confidence, beugiu* ol th e M F." church wishes BaisUlui. K a n . a re vlxiting a t t h e , a n d to do so it to tluuik all those of th e com m u­ ol h e r dau g h ter, Mrs. Hubble J u d ­ Eugene O r "cniior, Buddy H udson m u st p ro tec t its m em bers ag ain st W eilar I kniu * nity »lx> co-operated In noiking son ol Itortland, for a slio rt tim e. and Alice Law rence Alba and M .1- u n fa ir a n d u n ju st charges. T he U len a n d D ale Lytaell w« n t to HOME CURED 'll, ll«lrl ( h u r . h l . - , I Mi-vs M ary C url of P o rtla n d was ba D om nin, who a tte n d e d a n o th e r th e fall supper a t tile city Fusil d ig H arbor, W ash , for a \ isit M on. ItKKDVH.LK Ki-.-ilvilk- grunum ir ¡1 guest of M r a n d Mrs. W. K school last year, are pupils in ,l,e trad e itself 1» determ in ed th a t any T hursday evening such a success. dav a tte m p ts a t p rofiteering shall be i|i<«.| upriii-(| Moiulay w ith un Cooxc over tile w eek-end. Jo h n so n school th is year. B h lh d a v O bserved E. d a n d Cecil H eaton sp en t rnrulliui-iii of «11 pupil.-. Mu-,-, O livia sh a rp ly curbed, from m otives of Leslie Brown of G ervais was a M r and Mrs. W A. B unnell Mr and Mrs. A rthur o p h o n ­ the week c u d a t tlie E w l .Shipley Iiii..-i- u n i I . 1, Uu. f u s t to th e th e H enry B eh rm an f a m h a d as ^ w o t ^ M T “ , a? L SUTlple w eek-end guest of frien d s here. ored Uieir d a u g h te r Doris on h e r « m« a t M tUizajuia fo u rth grail. s Ml . H urry Bcur th e eleventh b irthday a n n iv ersary witfi KiXx-rt C ochrane aixl Ja m es Van guests Moixlay M is. Ja k e L arch ^ c S n ^ S iC T s^ ’s h t m id ^ e S ? ^ « a n d two sons J a k e a n d W illiam. s.h?uW keeP in m ind H unter K illed fo u rth to tin- seventh m ul M.-lvm a d inner .Sunday evening. M r a n d Lorn le ft Sunday for M onm outh to 1 M M iller an<1 Mrs Lucy W olfe Viuwleriiii«.'. the .a-venth aiul e ig h th M rs H enry G e rrlsh a n d d u ld r e n com plete th e ir courses. M rs Larch ls em ployed in t.hc .:im. these im p o rta n t fa c ts about supplies OTZ^’MTZ^'C' of fru its a n d vegetables, based on M ilin w ent <4» Faft Friday to a t ­ grades. Miss C a th e rin e H an sen of S e a ttle lng room of th e sa n ita riu m at i n e fi-iiinvat/x _____ _ A L5 of Hillsboro » e re tlx- g u tsts e stim ates rtf of «Ko. th e h,iw»n„ bureau of a g ri­ ten d th e fu n e ra l of Blerr«* Bones. M r a n d M rs H urry B ear »pent Mr and M rs J D ehnonte took was a w eek-end guest of M iss| D alles c wlu> waa killed while «9«r h u nting a few duy.-i laut week a t C annon p a rt in th e evangelistic service» at B lanche F inegan. M r and Mrs. N. G. Jo h n so n have u ltu ra l econom ics of th e U nited Buriul wax a t Boleni B unday Mr Beach. Mr B ear c au g h t a S I 1» tlx- Hillsboro M E. ch u rch B u n ­ M r arxl M rs L. J. Corl of P o r t­ moved to M aplewood, w here Mrs S ta te s D e p artm en t of A griculture, and Mr» C url Reuck, F (1 «uid pound Sllverside salm on land visited Mr. a n d M rs W R. Jo h n so n is teaching. T hey re n te d Mr. C urry said, quoting from a day evening. G ra ce M iller a tte n d e d tfu- «ervlce 1.1 and Mrs. H I.iebc a n d d a u g h ­ th e ir farm to Bob H udson for two sta te m e n t by F rederick C. Howe, M any l.o m Convelías llave been Cooke Friday. .«lem ter of Puekuood sp en t th e w eek­ enjoying d te r h u n tin g th is season years T he H udsons will tu n th e C onsum ers C ounsel of th e A g ric u l-, tu ra i A d ju stm en t A dm inistration d r o n e r school sta rte d Septeniher end hen- visiting Mrs L tebe’s p a r ­ fa rm on sliare basis. M rs M L. C reekpaum . wlio h a s “1. T h ere are am ple supplies of I 17 w ith 21 enrolled T lir r r were 5 e n t, Mr and Mrs T. It Blude been ill a t h e r hom e, is able to be fresh fru its a n d vegetables, so th ere b e g in n « » MLwi la u r u Ahlxtrom of laidu-s' M issionary society m et about again. ls n o necessity to sh " It iwitinuel from pan» 11 INutliuid 1» leocla i 'n tu rsd a v a t tl»e hom e of Mi’s A n­ M r a n t. Mrs. C. L a th a n drove he canned v a n - from th e fresh to the ing reflected In a decrease In th e Mr iuid Mr* Dick T ay lo r have na fingiiuui. Mrs ( 'lirts tln a Kelly to Hood R iver S aturdav M arion P a t K ingston. Fit H atfield. H erb p a rtm e n ts of th e ReedvlUe ch u rch M r a n d Mrs F re d H eintz and new ru lin g perm its one sign on th e Lou W right five-year outp u t. yder, B ari D em m tn, H arold Herd. la id a diniw-r conference a t th e fam ily ol HilL-.boro tvuvq moved in ­ side of tux* building or th e w in * M r a n d Mrs. Ed Davis sp en t a “3. C anned vegetable supplies In Jo sep h w ill T ian H tretela-r a tte n d e d M anse in O rvnco lust T ursduy eve­ to th e old Hobbs place. do» of d rin k em porium s, b u t bans few days last week w ith th e ir son 1934-1935 a re expected to be nine t h e round-up a t PeiuUi-uui ning to outline p lan s for th e ch u rch M r and M rs Jo h n B urbank a n d th«- us«' of th e words ale." beer" C laud a n d fam ily a t T he D alles per c en t g re a te r th a n last vear. and Vtnr C overs » e re laid fo r tw enty. d a u g h te rs »p rn t .Saturday at B anks or » m e " Signs m u st not be m ore I O, <>. F. P lan Illg M eet Mr. and M rs M orrow and d a u g h - 13 per c e n t un d er th e five-vear A holla 1 O < > I-' usige a n . hold Mrs G eorge H olscher Is visit­ tlia n 30 inches h ig h n o r cover a n : te r a n d Miss B ishop o f P o rtla n d average. T h ree of th ese five years a -qx-clul iiws-ting iuid b anquet M eaning W hich? ing relatives In I’o rtliu id th is week. area .arg e r th a n 200 square Inches, sp en t Sunday w ith M r a n d M rs were years of h ig h consum ption, O ctober 17 Mr Brown of Kandy, "What rivals those tw o girls are Frank IXx.her M anager • ’ • Morrow. w hen consum ers could a ffo rd to a special d K r i r t deputy grand 111 (lies T hursday evening tlx- N eighbors Tlx- increasin g cost of living is Mr. a n d Mrs. R a lp h Buckley a n d buy m ore liberally. S upplies th is m uster, will be a gix-st. Rea. Phone 321Z "Yes. each tries to o u tstrip the of W ixxleraft m et I n B iu m m g s reflected in bids for supplies o p - son a n d M rs Allie Buckley sp en t year will be am ple T h ere is even Phone 651_____ 5 Deliveries Daily J o h n HehmelLcrr aiul d a u g h te r other." Fix h all F ra n k D ooher was installed as ened by th e board of control th is S u n d ay aftern o o n w ith M r a n d probability th a t plenty will be left »1-,-k All m eat and m eat products Mrs. W alter Burk n e a r L aurel, are su b sta n tia lly h ig h e r th a n th ey M aurice LaSalle visited H enry » e re six m o n th s ago V andehey T h u rsd a y a t W ilkesboro. Booster Night Set at Scholls Cornelius Club Committees Named; Local Pigeon Winner G rocers H it P rofiteering Buxton Fam ily Will M ove Soon Mason 1 fill Plans Pot I «.lick Dinner Johnson School Has N ew Pupils ecdville Sch(X)i 1 las 60 Enrolled MEATS E ldN lC S . k ____________1 4 c 17c COTTAGES Lb VEAL Capitol News Letter Thatcher Breast, lb. . . . 7c Shoulder, lb. . . . 1 0 c PORK ROAST u. 14c.„d 17c SALM ON HLi'or.whole" 12c DILL PICKLES Qutrt.......... 10c M UTTON Legs and Chops, lb.....................................IQ c Shoulders, lb............. ................................. 8c FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET S afeway S tores M A X IM U M Tlx- tre a su ry d e p a rtm e n t h a s fo r- warded a check for »2.597.701.57 to its N tu York re p re se n tativ e to apply on p rincipal a n d in te rest paym ent* d u e O ctober 1 on o u t- land in g bonds of th e highw ay com - l l r t t r r G et Some M ax-lm u.M I'aneake If you have som ething to sell a n d a re in a h u rry to sell It, let th e classified advertising d e p a rtm e n t of th e H illsboro Argus prove its ability a s a speedy a n d efficient s al e s m edium . V PRICES Friday & Sat, FLOUR u m >: SVRU I ge Pkg. 15c A Specia' Purchase Mi Exlrtmct'y Low fr ees StOCa l'p! - '. r * ' • ' ■ ! s 1 W h it e K in g Jar 55c an_ «Uc/Lz F e l* N ap h a Soap 3 bars ......... 20c T o ile t Tissue Gold Leaf. 3 r o lls ................ F ig B ars Offx* M uC 10c Beans « Washing Powder. Lg. pkg. F ir s t Q u a lity Choice M eats Quart .05 C offee Whole wheat or plain. 2 lbs. A . an d H . Soda PORK ROAST Highway. 6-box carton M IN C E D C LA M S E. A . B« *2 c«n .............. 23c 9c Young and Tender. Lb. flake* 28c Superior FLOUR »4 .75 Peor Brand. J. 49-lb. sack B A K E R G IR L »Safeway. 49-lb. sack 49-lb. sack Made by Crown Mills. K A M I T III n ’KK—M axim um . 2 lbs. .......................................... CORNKD IIKFF—Libby’s. 12 «w............. A rm our's, 12-ira. 2 for . CHKEHE—Brookfield. H -lb. pkg. COHN FLA K ES—Jersey. I'k g . . OATS—R egular or Quick. 9-lb. sack ........ COHN MKAIc— 9-lb. s a c k .............. .................. W HEAT FLAK ES—C arnation. L arge pkg. ......................................... Lb............................................................ 23c » J .5 9 '$<4 .69 1 Each .......................................... Just Out of Smoke. Lb. 2-lb. boxes Snow ­ Del M onte, c rushed o r tld bits. 8-oz. cans. z> P IC N IC S M U T T O N STEW L IV E R AIRWAY, lb. 21c 3 lbs. 60c NOB HILL, lb. 25c 2-lb. 49c 3-lb. 73c Pork or Beef. Lb. 5c lOc . .. 2.5c 10c 6c 39c 30c 2ic (iro eery Priées (i-ixxl l-'rl. Io Mon., Sept. 28, ( l e t I PEAS and TOMATOES No. 2 23c BACON BACK B is q u ie k 30c R aisins 4-lb. pkg...................................... 25c V in e g a r Gallon 15c Large pkg.................................... C hoice T hom pson Seedless. COf £gQ SHORTENING Rice Fancy Blue Rose. 4 lbs. . Med. Sise. 7c S a lt Leslie’s. 8-lb. bag ............ Tom atoes No. 2 J/^. 3 cans ................ U tah, solid pack. M ilk Mt, Vernon, tall. 4 can» ... H illsboro M ea t Co. 23c 19c 35c 23c 25c 49-lb. sack .............. See new spapers o r m agazines for se n sa tio n a l offer. X q OV O valtine 29c s1^ . . . 57c COLUMBIA BEST. 3 lbs. 73c. Pound 241/g-lb. sack ............................ $1.05 Shoulder Cut. Lb.................................... Small white or red. 5 lbs....... a G old M edal F lo u r No. 10 sack Flake White or White Cloud. 4 lbs M U TTO N ROAST T om ato Juice — Libby's o r Del Monte. 2 cans .......................... 15o Best Foods M ayonnaise Pint ........N t Quart ......... 29c Jell Well, 3 pkgs........................ 14c W hite King T oilet 8oap— 7 b ars .......................................... 29e DC 40 grain, p ure cider. Nice and Lean. Lb.................. 19c 14c Clean naphtha odor. 10 bars Pineapple TRE M O M E N T YOU B U Y 'IT C R A C K ER S 7c l-lb. pkg........................... G R O U N D TO YOUR ORDER M ATCHES oil ■ Send sales slip plu s 25c to B etty C rocker, M inneapolis. M inn., fo r a ttra c tiv e sa lad server. Pack Your Market Bag with These Jar lO-lb. $ Can S o fta silk Cake Flour _ ___P A C K 4 G E L u x T o ile t Soap Pint 5-lb. Can P a n ca k e F lo u r 28-oz. 15c H ershey’s pkg. W h e a tie s Pkg. 11c COCOA F lo u r « * “**1 $1.59 l-lb. , 12c Sperry s. Ju s t add m ilk or w ater—stir, ready. 47c $1.98 FREE DELIVERY Prices for Friday, Saturday and Monday, Sept. 28, 29, and Oct. 1