THE Page Two H IL L S BO KO Conduct Campaign between Beaverton and Commerce high Friday. Aloha Bakery Kelu. its from Ct'C R. L. Snyder, who lias been con­ fined to tiie CCC station hospital Opens Up Shop , discharged a t D irt Douglas. Utah, has been due to ill health and returned to his home Friday Elect Officers Leonard F arlow Starts Drug First civic league meeting of the seliool was Iv'ld Monday ¡»iieilioon Store; P. T. A. Meet* New officers were eiecftvd to fid I A KG U S . H IL L S BO K O . slackness overcome you You will find a friendly spirit at our church. We are endeavoring to present to this community a program, both musical tout spiritual That Cluast will be exalted above measure. Tills Sunday evening will be the scene of a beautiful illustrated s o n g service entitled "In the Cruas of Christ Is Glory tills will be p re ­ ceded bv a special musical program Do you like to delve deeply Into arranged bv the band. Sen vices to scientific pursuit*? If m ». your lea d ­ start at 7:30. Don't forget the ing chem ical is phosphorus. service* this Friday night Serial No. A No 16 Your personality a ttracts Free Method!*! Church from those leas dynamic and te r n - ; Sunday school, 0 45; preaching. peram ental who dote on vour vi­ It; evening services, class meeting. vacity and really worship you for 7 15, evangelistic services, 8 p m the ability to do things which n a ­ Subject Sunday morning us ' ll Any ture made Impossible for them Man Lack Wisdom Let Him Ask No 18 You are apt to use snap of chxl Wlu> Uiveth to AU Men Judgment in making a purchase liberally, and V poraidelh N o i Found in Jam es. 1. 8." em usuiieni anil annual church m eet­ A nalysis of Hand Proves In terestin g vacancies made by several members moving away They are June Weeks, (By H C. SirwrxO vice-president; Betty Sutton, secre­ ALOHA— T h e A l o h a Bakery tary and treasurer. Boyd Phipps, wluch has bet-n dosed tor a couple yell leader; Marjory Slovick. song of weeks, is now open again for leader. b usiness A large Neon sign displays Enrollment Gains iU new name. • The Vp and Up " 1 New families moving here from The R »’¡'.ierlaiii and V live middle west liave added sev­ Abbott families spent Sunday at eral new pupils to the enrollment Yachats. which Is now 18o Mr. and Mrs Jack Jarotxson .spent Opens Drug Store file week-end visiting points in Leonard Farlow has opened a W ashington new drug store in the H uium gton Mr. and M rs H arry Sidwell are bunding to be known as "The spending a few days a t the coast Alolia Phurmacy He is open ior Jerome T uttle suffered injuries business with a complete stock of to lus thum b m tiie football game drugs. Mr Farlow » ill move his I family h en ' as soon as a suitable | dw piling can be found. Home Economics club of the : Aloha G range met in the grange 1 lvall Wednesday for their quarterly Miss Mildred Halverson, con­ , pot luck dinner. A large number verted Jew. will begin a special of members and friends were pres­ revival cam paign Monday at 7:43 ent. Speakers tor the afternoon p m at the Foursquare church were Mrs. George Palm iter, state The first week of th e campaign l grange economics clvainnan. and will be evangelistic messages deal­ Mrs. W arren, who spoke on the I SERA work being done by the ing with the Jews, tlvelr mode of living and customs. Miss Halver­ “Good T hings to E at’’ women. son is a talented speaker and you The school is very proud of its FREE will enjoy hearing her messages. new flag pole, recently installed. each m 'I V ; cc DELIVERY The E. C McElroy family re ­ Spec:.»’. turned home last week from a committee a fter the meeting was PH O N E 771 vacation spent near Eugene, visit­ adjourned and regret it afterwards, as the old ing relatives and pickuig hops. . A large num ber of new books saying goes, the hottest fires cool P. F. A. lias First Meet off the quickest.' Specials for Fri. - Sat., to the school library are be­ F irst regular meet mg of the added Serial No. B ing catalogued and will be ready Sept. 28 and 29 Aloha-Huber P. T. A. was held No 14—You have a very good circulation October 1. September 18 in the school house for Fifth earned enough money understanding of other people. You with the new officers in charge. to buy a grade new ball and bat by sell­ ,i;c very amblttOU* and determiiu-vl There was a large attendance and ing ice cream bars. to succeed. You find it rath er hard a very interesting Drogram was en­ Miss Hilda Ashford, wlw has to sacrifice the luxuries of life. joyed. which Included two selec­ been very ill in the Good Sam ari­ No 17—You show self control and tions sung by Mrs. Landers, and tan hospital, returned home S u n ­ diplomaey You are verv consider­ a very Interesting and instructive day ate of oUier people You are In­ much improved Dalles. talk by Prof E. M. Belles Con­ clined to be too free with your 49-lb. sulting Phsychologist. Arrangements money. S tranje Coincidence have been made by th e P T. A. Sack Serial No. C A jury was being impaneled. to have a series of six lectures No. 15—You would always prefer You are a property owner." by Prof Belles to be given free to to persuade rather than to coerce "Yes. sir." th e public in the church audi­ others. Strangers not knowing your "M arried?" torium. Dates will be announced. type, would easily misjudge you. “Yes. sir. about five years." Refreshm ents were served by a Have you formed or expressed They might think tliat you were Cold storage boxes for rent.— an opinion?' high-hatting them, as you are very Not for about five years."—Ex particular about your appearance. Terminal Ice & Cold Storage Co. Small white. No. 18—Y'ou are artistically In­ Next door to cannery. Telephone Say you saw it in tlve Argus. clined courteous and peaceable; are 3051. 32-3 ambitious, but should not try to — + outdo yourself. $1.69 BEANS ■ lu u iie d to Mian J a n e F C u ip iu lii al Vancouver, W asli . Jam iaiy i, 18113 Ile Is «urvlved l»y III,. wUlovv a son. Clam i M iller oi Gleuwinxl i l l y M r« Itii-lia rU llu i> « « r l a (laughtcr. Min Ivlua ( lia n i ... GRCIIARDAI.B A 4-11 clllb meet Condoli, two Miniera, Mia Jose lug will be held a t 7 p m Friday at p ill ile Cole of Hioi m l.oke, lowa I'llg r im H ouse the scluMillmna)' All members are and Mi S Jenille Mut», of September Feast of St. Mich­ Iw there ingtiui. alut a b rotlier, D | | mu ael and All Angels llouar open all expi'cted to Visit In I tali lei <>t H iilin Indie, lowa • lay to receive gills for liarvest Bethany Baptist Church Sunday 11 a in serm on. "A Vital Q uestion U nansw ered by Rcy i A Legvr Fight p m a d d ress by Rev J K ra ft ot D 'r tla n d has beeii postponed. ¿5- Orchardale Club to Meet Friday ing witti basket dinner at noon with annual uuetlng at 3 30 p m W r welcome von to all services. ' The church with a family spirit. ' R 1. Putnam , pastor home Young people's open house in the afternoon to hear football broodeost Septem ber 30 Festival ot Harvest Home A thanksgiving for Hie sale return ot tlg> year's h a r­ vest 11 tciiUToiiouiy 26 l-l:»i At the 10 30 o'clock cliapcl service. Pastor Henry S Haller will spruk on "Bringing In (he Sheaves.' ami al tJie 7 30 evening service on Flowing With Milk and Honey Young IVople's meetings as an iioiuiccd Pilgrim Guild each T hins dav at '.' p ill Wolf Cutis Tuesday s Methodist Episcopal Church at 4 Service iircpuruiory to Hie C hurch school. 0 45. Muss Rose Holy Communion IX tobcr !> Cele- Cave, superintendent. divine wor­ brat Hi of Communion Uctobcr 7 ship. 11. ' rive He-Discovery of God E pw orth League 6 30. ev an ­ T ualatin P lains P resb y terian C hurch gelistic services. 7 30 We invite you Sunday seliool, 111: 15 a. in.; inorn- to join ius m thus service ol song .a-rvlce 11, sermon by Dr A and sermon. Here us a service with t m.; arra k Chri.,1 tan Endeavor meets earnestness and spirit You will ai 8 o'clock evening l e a d ­ find here a fellowship and a re ­ er. Wesley Sunday Buteitelder; t o p i c , ligions atm osphere th at is greatly Worthwhile Alms for the Y ear" needed today Join ius and you will profit by this meeting We specialize In quality Job p rin t­ ing Argus. pU R R Y’Ç ^G R O C E R Y ** FLOUR Thursday, September 27. I'.iai OKKOON Mr and Mi George Hunger are 111 U tah wlwre they are visiting lor alsmt two weeks liny are visiting Mrs H ungers parents, Mr and Mrs J Guvmon Plan Nhowvr A m iscellaneous sh o w er Ls being p lanned tor Mrs W illis llla tt iB er- th a la e m e rm a n i (oniw rly of Hay wal'd a n d will Is- held al tile home ot her aunt M is Ra h a r d Hunger, ai 2 30 p m Wedmvsitay Mr and Mrs J It H ayden lett SepU'inls'i 18 to s|s'iul a lew days with Mis Hayden's isirent.s, and Mi" T ilden al Blwi alan ( I k ill NCI VIII I I It l'G R F S T G ltlW F Funeral se rv ­ ices tor C larence Miller. 64 G len wissi resident who died T hursday at Salem , were c o m h a te d Bunday (rom tiie Forest G rove U ndertaking I'omiMiiv elui|S'l Intel nielli was al the G ales Creek ccm clctv Mi M il­ ler was l i n n Julv 27. 1870, at In rear of I’iggly Wiggly Store Lord's Day church school. 9 45 a m Promotion Day with .special program and presentation of certif­ icates A playlet is being pre.senuxi and directed by Mrs P utnam Rai iy Day October 14 Morning wor- slilp 11 Special music Sermon "The Holy Spirit and Ills Relation to a Christian." ch rtstu u i Endmv- or 6:30 p m. iNote the eluuige uf tin«" Junior. Interm ediate and, Young People Evening worship 7 3D Song service assisted by t h e 1 young people's choir Sermon: "Gamaliel s Wise Counsel " Monday, 7:45 p. m practical workers' class Tuesday 7 30 p n i . board meetiug. Every officer urgi-d to attend W ed­ nesday 7 30 p m . conference of all church school workers. Thursday 7 30 p m . Yoiuig People's Mission­ ary Circle Lord's Dav. October 7 Fri. - Sat. - M on. FLOUR Blue Hell. ll.irdwlieat, gouriuilred E 'l l , J. Bag D l i ' L uudls'ig ot Yam hill i.prut Thursday and Friday »U h I'ete P arson aia l family. E D ’S M A R K E T Christian Church Mr GROCERIES RED ROSE Au all purpose flour, llardwheal guaranteed PIC N IC S C O FFEE your order 1 lb. |»h< BEEF S te e r . P E A N U T BU TTER ï",ï.. GROUND Sugar cured. BEEF No Cereal. 22c Pound 19c TISSUE 10c Lb. 26c Hpougr FREE for wrapper». wrappers. 10c Lb. BA C O N 25c Z ee. C roll* R O A ST 18c JL ( ’up (> ( inht ( luui tuihM'd to 4»tLsf > Why ¡uty for a w o rth - (MUi (ln n iix l freah to QUALI I Y M EAT. S p ecia ls for Saturday, Sept. 29 S h an k lets. Lb. $-i .75 49-lb. bag W hite SO A P W onder 10 bar* KRUCHEKS’ HASH GROCERY Krrr Ih-Iivcry FREE DELIVERY 27c I’ll mir 2001 4 a........ 17c Serial No. D J u st th e Bread PRUNES fo r School Lunches 1934 crop. 3 a. No. 15—Your memory is excellent on some subjects and very poor on others. You have a touch of genius, but sometimes it shows itself hi ir­ ritability rath er than accom plish­ ment. No. 17—You are generous by n a ­ ture Sometimes you are too much so. as people wilt impose on your generosity. You are rath e r o u t­ spoken. which may sometime cause you to lose a good friend. The pure phosphorus type people are very frail with very small necks and the head appears to be large. 19c Corn Flakes Kellogg's or Post Toasties CHURCHES 3 pkg......... 25c SOAP S C H O E N ’S BREAD pL L'FFY . wholesome, good tasting, our bread keeps fresh in kiddies sandwiches, an d is easily digested A big rye, whole wheat, white, or raisin loaf—or sliced—all at fair prices. G et it today and every day! Liberty White. 19c 10 bars ... Christian Science Society Services are held every Sunday at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening services a t 8 o'clock: Sunday school at 11 a. m. Pupils up to the age of 30 years are welcomed Sunday's i topic. Reality.-' " German M. E. Church. Bethany On G ermantown road. Sunday school every Sunday. 10 a m.; O er- j man service. 11 a. m.. first a n d third Sundays; English service. 11 a. m.. second and fourth Sundays —E. Julius Tragllo, pastor. tt Our pastries will make those school lunches just right. PUMPKIN Red & White. PERFECTION BAKERY HERMAN SCHOEN Banks M. E. Church Sunday school every Sunday, 9:45 a. m.. Mrs. H. Jensen, superintend­ ent. Preaching services by Ellsworth Tilton, pastor, every Sunday eve­ ning. 8 o'clock. Ladles' Aid meets first and third Wednesdays a t 2 Prop WE BAKE ALL OUR OWN GOODS £2e 2i4.can'. 10c FL E SH D A IL Y Main Street Telephone 151 -+ F a ir w a y M a rk e t IN D E P E N D E N T L Y O W N E D A N D O PE R A T E D Free Delivery Phone 3251 Prices Effective September 28, 29, and October 1 I t ’s M A P L E S Y R U P T im e ! We Invite You to Try Our New 32% PURE V ER M O N T M APLE SY R U P ioc 15c TOILET TISSUE— 1000-sheet rolls. 4 f„, 15c 3 p'i. 19c STARCH—Calumet. Corn or Gloss. NAPTHA SOAP— Full pound bars. for ?r 28c 53c H alf G allon H O M IN Y — large 25c 22u X. 19c Van Camp’s. K R A U T — N ew York, fancy. VEGETABLE FEATURES WAX PAPER— 125-foot rolls. Each Potatoes FANCY RICE— Long grain. Cauliflowei 4C large New Carrots 3 bunches 5c Egg Plant E s r.T ... 4C lbs. LIGHT GLOBES—30 and 60 watt. Gen. Electric. Each SUNTEX J larg e The better bleach.» bottle* PEANUT BUTTER— Fresh and tasty. Pound BLACK PEPPER— Reg. 15c. 4-oz. can BISCUIT FLOUR—Reg. 35c. Makes 80 biscuits. Pkg. JELL WELL— quick, 1 Ç 1 1 Sugar O Golden C. 5 ,b.. 3 lbs. 59c. 25c Powdered, 3 lb*. 19c Lb. ... MILK—Armour’s or Mt. Vernon. dessert. BROWN 43c COFFEE—F airway blend. 19c 6 pk... 25c inexpensive 2 . tall » can* K. C. BAKING POWDER— 50c size. 29c. 25c size BU TTER — Grade A. Carlton or Forest Grove. Lb. 20c 23c 18c 30c Spinach Raisins Walla Walla, fancy A superior pack of quality spinach. Fancy. Seedless. 2 c ': x 25c 4L"., P m. tf Episcopal Church Lay service by S W Melhuish. and Sunday school a t 9:45. B aptist Church Beginning Monday 7:45 Septem ­ ber 30 and each night, lasting over to Sunday night following, you are asked to hear and challenge the speaker, whose statem ent appears here A. T Robinson, sometime Stew ardship Specialist of the Board of Missionary Co-operation of the N orthern B aptist Convention says: "Our present system of financing God s business in the earth is false, futile and w ithout w arrant In the Word of God The fact is God nev­ er designed th at his people should carry such a burden. He financed it Himself in a way th a t is simple, self-acting, self-adjusting, abund­ antly adequate to th e end of time and th a t costs no man a penny T h at statem ent is highly im portant if tru e Regular services next S un­ day. All Saints' Mission Sunday. Septem ber 30, lay service 1 1 by Mr V W. G ardner; Sunday school. 9:45 a m.; evensong led by Young People's Fellowship; ser­ mon by vicar, R. N. Wisecarver. Trinity Lutheran Church Services begin a t 10:30 a m.; Sunday school a t 9:45. Sermon subject. "Divided Opinion." Math 16, 13-17. M ount Olive L utheran, church of Forest Grove will cele­ brate its annual mission festival service in the Congregational church next Sunday a t 2 p. m. You are cordially welcomed to a t­ tend these services. S p ecia ls for F riday. Saturday and Congregational Church Morning worship a t 11. Rev. A. T. Dungan preaching on the theme of "Divine Guidance." Mr, Dungan will discuss the subject from tiie angle of the Oxford movement— relating It to the life of the indi­ vidual and the nation. Bible school meets a t 10 a m under the super­ intendency of Richard Wiley. Foursquare Church Now th a t the busy season Is coming to a close, we should get tiie habit of going to church. Choose a church in your community for worship. Let not the spirit of euu 22c WANT-ADS American brand. Gra­ ham or Soda Wafers. C rackers 2-lb. box NORTH STA R SA R D IN E S— ( Im ported ). W A X PA P E R — For lunches. Sc 1 2 5 -fo o i roll 17c lO c T all tin PORK & B E A N S— L adoga brand. Large 28-oz. tin 21c Royal Chief. 1 ¿-*ize i m M ilk G O LDEN KEY. C ase $2 .8 3 . CAN BULK D A TES— N ew crop. lO c ........................... G O LD EN G R A IN H EALTH CEREAL— 2 II» pkgs. 2 for 25c T all cans. be 2 lbs. Vo 4 -s iz e Tin lO c HERSHEY’S BAKING CHOCOLATE— >/2-lb. FREE Dogs, ducks, rabbits, elephants, horses. 15c Sponge will be mailed absolutely Free. ZEE 6 rolls 25c Sp erry’» PANCAKE FLOUR l-arge Pkg. 18c D el M onte GRAPEFRUIT No. 2 Tin PEARS No 1 nqp Swrrt PO TA TO ES 3 ib*. GRAPEFRUIT 25c 19c O R A N G ES Juicy. Each ............. f ZU SA L A D A ID — Durkee’a. Qt. P & G G iant Laundry Soap. 4 for CLOROX— Q uart SA N K A CO FFEE. Lb.................. Southern S tyle C oconut. 4-oz. tin G rapenut Flake*. 2 pkg*. P o st’* W h ole Bran. P kg. M A Y O N N A ISE (B u lk , P t. C orn B eef H a sh 25c D e l M o n te 25-ib. Bag “ 2 for S aturday O nly! Comfort Paper Corporation 343 Saruiome Street San Francisco, CaJif 23c oats VEGETABLE FEATURES O N IO N S W ith this p op u lar to ilet tissu e. Mall 6 ZEE trade m arks to: No Premium 18c Elcampo. T u n a F la k e s R ubber Sponge* Large I7c Large pkg. M 1 N C E I). C\R>AIION 10c M OTHER'S BR A N D . 2-lb. tin CITRUS W A SH IN G P O W D E R — Carnation OATS 7c Sandwich. Clam s 25c Tin T o m ato Soup Salm on Cocoa Pentecostal Tabernacle Prison Evangelist Bill King will be closing his series of meetings Sunday night His message has been appreciated by the many people who have heard him. His closing messages will be: T hurs­ day, "Nothing to Give;'' Friday, "The Holy S pirit;" Saturday, "Shut O ut;" Sunday m o r n ln g a tll, “Wiiat Have I Seen in Thy House;" S un­ day evening, "Some of God's T ro­ phies." M onday — Sep tem b er 28, 29, and O ctober 1 'EN, K 27c 17c 15C 4»c 14c 19c 10c 15c 23c The only Hash accepted by the American Medical Association. No. 2>/g Tin 23c D el M onte CORN No. 2 Tin. 2 for 25c