Page Twelve Timber Mill Ships Wood Slash ing W ith To Make Home Here W alter Scott of Lodi. C a l. arrived in Tim ber last week to make his home with his brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wright. Snider brothers shingle m i J 1. i which has been closed because of lack of logs, received a small ship­ m ent last week and started again Thursday. They will continue until this shipment is exhausted or a new supply Is received. During the pest week several 1 slashing fires nave made the ois- t trict around Timber heavy with I ■smoke, but due tc the heavy rains t of a few days ago, very little fires t are now in evidence. Mrs. Jessie Gray went to Port- . land Tuesday for a few weeks visit with h er daughter and family. W alter G iltner of Portland was v a business visitor in Timber last Thursday. o Westimber unit of the CCC gave -J a club dance a t Timber dance hall P Thursday night A good crowd a t- c tended and it was announced th a t a another dance would be given Octo­ ber 4 a t the same place. Word has been received here of v the birth of a daughter last week t, to Mr. and Mrs. John Root at Hood £ River Mr. Root was a former teacher in the Timber grade school ; el and Mrs. Root was th e form er Ella ; Cl Castle. Mr. Root is now teaching T in the Hood River school. This is ai their first daughter and second w child. The baby has been nam ed te Carolyn Marie. , \ 04». Improvements on eity and lo r n lots $1.894.775. improvements mi not deeded lands $16.470, m ach­ inery *342 86.«. mervluutdlse 331*.:»80 f m t n implements »174,915. hotel and office furniture, libraries »78,665. »76.675. horses »113.490. mules »4060. cattle $276.120. sheep »6565, gouts »1860. sa m e »974.« foxes »4245, poultry *22.135. mat bees »136.« Exemption« claimed by soldiers this year is far below the total tor 1933 A total of *89 810 has been allowed this year while »108.350 in exemptions were allowed last year Fires Cloud A rea H eavy Sm oke (Ry Mix* Ju lia A. More«) TIMBER — The logging company of Marquam and Keller a t Wheeler started to ship 24 cars of pulp wood dally Tuesday and the C. H W heel­ e r 1 surging company at Mavo lias started to ship approximately 20 carloads dally. This puts on three train crews, one a t Wlieelcr and two a t Timber One crew will work from Wlieelcr to Mavo and two from Timber. In addition to this crew, there will be three extra helpers at Timber, making a n a u d i­ tion of tw enty-four extra men and an extra round house force Pros­ pects are goed for the continuance of Hie logging business and heavy shipping lor tne test of tli*- winter unless tlie heavy snows force Uic etunps to dlcse down Two new loggers are beuig added t o liaul logs from II.e Carlton district to tlie Willamette river also Paul DeRenier and William Hall spent the week-end in Portland. Dean Keisel spent the week-end with his parents in Portland and returned with them Sunday They were guests of Mr. Kiesel's brother- in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. George McCustion. Mrs Ida Kilburg spent the week­ end in Portland visiting friends. C o m m a n d e r G a te » S |x * a k » O.S.C. MARKET MAN I ¿îllii Griddcrs 1 .ose Game to Jefferson t( ontmutsi from pa«* I » Carpenter, newly appointed on specialist in cooperative ing at O regon State college, ill come to O regon about No- ' 15 from Montana State col- fill the position left vacant resignation of George O. C arpenter was formerly agent in Tolk and Baker nullified üie Hillsboro attack and b&ttcred the local line on offensive. Grogan and Sainool. Hillu wmg- men. made brilliant showings d u r­ ing the game. smashing headlong into the Jefferson liVerterence and bringing down the nail earner. In :he backfield. Hoischer. Torbct .uni ?ook turned m outstanding per­ formances against overwhelming xlds. All in all. the inexperienced iitllu squad made a good show - T i n u?’ 1h , r ‘« l ."h VS “ 's l*w ’ *"■ s u n rOi" ' . . (Continued fro m p a re 11 ks per hog less local adm inistrative costs, this should return approxi- ln mately »40.750 to the contract s-' signers in W ashington county. 5 Hogs allowed in these contracts C are the final figures after tlie con­ 's tracts had all been reviewed by a the board headed by H L Collins rl of Colorado Ju st when the pay- e m ents will reach here is unknown, but »ill probably be in six or eight - weeks The entire am ount will not - be paid a t one time as the first ; paym ent will be »2 per head on ’ 75 per cent of the adjusted aver- • age production which would mean i a total paym ent of about »17.000 i sometime in the next two months l This will mean an average payment i per contract th e first tim e of some- '• where n ear »55. Later, two pa.y- i m ents of Si and something less «' th an »2 will be made. Proof of - compliance with the term s of the t contract will have to be subm itted before final payments are made. sergeant-at-arm s. 7A—Helen Cyrus, president; Anna Mary H artram pf vice-president: Raymond Eslinger, secretary 7 B -M arjorie Sigler pres­ ident; Billy Leider vice-president: Mary Wyatt, secretary, and Bud Heinz, sergeant-at-am is. 7B—Loretta Wright, president; Mary Ann G arthofner. vice-presi­ dent: Marion Rucker, secretary and David Wiley, sergeant-at-arm s. 8 A—Evelyn B r i o t. president; Louise Rossman, vice-president: Teddy G ardner, secretary, and Frank Vuylsteke. sergeant-at-arm s. 8A2—Norma Hammer, president; John Christenson, vice-president; Bill Grogan, secretary. Bud Knapp sergean t-at-arm s. 8B — Don Hammer, p re s id e n t; Charles Trauber. vice-president, and John Bascomb. secretary. T7ie 5A and 7A are having candy and hot dog sales during this week. The children of the grade schools have been enjoying th eir recesses better since the new playground apparatus has been set up. and we wish to thank those who made this possible. The tennis grounds at th e David Hili school are leveled off and will soon be ready for use Treble Clef club, organized by Miss Moore, met this week to elect officers. They are as follows; Louise Rossmar.. president; Dorothy Kuraitli, vice-president; Jean Ann Pasley. secretary; Alice Perie. 11- : branan; M arjorie Kidney, assistant our vummumty newspaper, winch has w eathered the storm abodl o,lr fnends. what they are doing ihetr v fftir nnd ‘r ‘un’P1“ : oi public improvements, social and civic affairs, and we don't have much time left for ego We know morreCmtteIre»atcd ““ “ through Uu-'i acquaintance, are more interested in our community newspaper and through it* periodic vuuts we are self-Improved. Uirough its a r c h s , ^ r™ e onPdowdne'^ e ‘« ¿ T X ^ 7eer^ p p roNv°eW ^ T bett'er i n s u r e ^ ' J S t t f f S - ^ {fve'.v There »re three new teachers in the grade school tb l» year. G eor­ gina Brown. W inabeth T.TcDCT*!! and cnau ys i w « j u . The 4B and 5A at the David Hill school elected the following officers: Harlen Weintz. president; Viola Bean, vice-president and Mary Ella Morrison, secretary. Diana Foelker dropped out of the 5A and has re-entered St Mary's Academy. M acK enzie to C o-operate W orld Series B roadcast World's series baseball games will be broadcast through the courtesy of the Ford Motor company, which paid »100,000 for the privilege. First broadcast will be a t 3 p m Wed­ nesday. eastern standard time Mac­ Kenzie Motor company, local deal­ er is arranging to co-operate lo-i cally. Values of Property in County Decrease C hevrolet Sedan C hevrolet Touring 1926 Ford R oadster 4-w h eel T railer 2 2-w h eel Trailers Laurel Co-op Meet» Laurel Dairy co-operative assocl ation will meet at Laurel hal Tuesday evening a t eight o clock WHAT DO REPAIRS COST? You never can tell! But when you buy a MARFAK chassi tlon Job you're getting the finest prevention against repai wear. Marfak protects agalnzt wear, It lasts twice as long, today and we'll prove It to you. Also It Is time now to ch grease in the transmission and differential to a w inter grea. In and let us flush out the old worn grease and refill with th grade of Thurban W inter Grease. Remember, we charge no flushing the gear cases. Towing Phone 1703 I,. 8. Campbell Across from O. Night Call 384 T h e O nly Station W ith C om plete Service Depot A g en cy for N ash and H udson and T erraplane 2nd and W ash. P hone 2641 CHW ROLETS — YOU K N O W US' Paym ent un Pust O ffice Site R eceived W edne»d«y Pavmcnt for tile site ctuuieii by tlie government for the local fedrnd building wu.t nxelvixl Wed- nisdav by Mis Until laingfrllow and Mis M artha Collina, tilda for c o iL stin c tlm i of th«* building ore tue always Hie fate of a to be snbinlttixl not later than who ought U> be lilt w October 9 bruliM «sight to Is« orsi where his bruins really are t.* Is«ost« I N o n - t lig h A r e n B u d g e t to lx P repared Friday • tuil s why we're Issetu merito of our Chevrolet rr|sd Ice W e clolni tliat ttiere.» i i. i < 'lu v ii.|e < s-i v ii ,• m i .. a m i » e re rrady to |U «>ve (ha by praetlcal demanatraUiui o o w n Clievrolrt No "hit or liiethovLx liere, bui 100' giuvranfrcd nervine a t rate Is-lle our efflclem'y. HillsboroMoforCtf. «V. Msn.«(rr Phone 441 »eigh t f o r Oregon 98c O 4 xi SCHOOL BA R G A IN S P e n c ils , u i t l i e rasers, dog. 9r 1 3 5 -s lie e l f il le r (ta p e r 10c ta b le t» , N o t,. Book». 40 s h e e t. F ille r P a p e r. q MiiisDoro from the county To­ day s meeting was ixistixmed to Tuesday because of t |le nine.».» of the county Judge Publication of the budget is planned for tlie first of November and the public meeting during the latter part of t h a t m onth Members of the advisory body are w J McCready o f ’ Forest Grove. Oscar Hagg of RecdvlUe and Batchelder 3C Special A n o th e r I.o< SALE CORSETS a j and llrasoleres. 1‘our choice. PHOENIX CUSTOM FIT TOP XI SHOE ro u sH > « Comfort sise 73x90 COTTON BA TTS A big ball and a big »avi Well's. Q _ Sperisi tf / PHOENIX SMART COLORS...SHEER C IFA R TEXTURE C om plete Stock Waterproof Rain Clothes Not l.ess Than 25% A hl< I mm I blanket. m I zt 7 0 x 90. JLetz O tf9C Back Prompt Service Men's Heavy Bib This store will | j 6 open night« and a p art of Sunday«. Sizes AJO 32 to 42 09 Boys’, 4 to 18 years .......... C H IF F O N S • This marvekms Phoenix chiffon ■to<-king has every thing —style, beauty, long wear. For smart econ­ omy, you can't beat it! Ask for No. 721. There's u service sheer, too. COTTON BLA N K ETS Warm plaid». PHOENIX "BUDGET PHOENIX DUO-HEEl W OOL BLA N K ETS J oat In—50 More M AIN STREET M AIN 81 PHOENIX AIL OVER TIPTTOE Men's and Boys' C O RDUROY S p ecials for S ep tem b er 28 and 28 Extra PANT <1 Q «PJLs«/ Special Beautiful New ALL W OOL SKIRTS Mixtures you'll like and sixes that fit. d»« QQ Speeial 4gX s«zO SALE SW EA TER S Pancake Flour Red & W hite V a n illa Extract Red & White 2-oz. B ottles Come in for a dem onstration. Used Car Exchange W E K NOW SALE SOCKS Prem ium Baking Baking Powder Chocolate Red & W hite Sweat Shirts and Cartoon Pull-Overs. For Women and Children. Speeial 49C SALE G ALO SH ES Made by "Ball Band" for Women a n d Children. All sixes and complete stoek to fit your O fir* «horn ........................ t /O x z A few odd s i x e s ..................79c Colum biaknit brush- ed all wool zipper SW EA TER S All .sizes N t ; west color«! M en’s All Rubber Cars W ashed and Polished THE TEXACO STA TIO N Hubseilbe for the Arguì Heavy H ain rotors and stripes. J PAIR Red & W hite Car W ashing and Vac Cleaning. Valve G rinding a Specialty In Our Shop. .1 ItnlM'i twin ' 2«. Men's Work and tires« A g e n c y W illys 77 CARS PAINTED • I nines u f He n I I W e ln o f H e|> le iu l« 'i 25 A M lin k e r» 1st ANNIVERSARY' SALE ENDS NEXT WEEK Men's Extra SALE OVERALLS fContfnued from page 11 value from $2.042.170 last year to $2.080,290 The Forest Grove dis­ trict Increased from $1.185 670 to $1.195,580. Hillsboro and Tigard union high school districts showed increases In valuation this year while Banks. Forest Grove and Gaston showed losses. The Hillsboro district gain­ ed $36,080 while Forest Grove dis­ BO U G H T and SOLD tric t lost $31.310 Comparative fig­ ures are as follows, 1931 first and 1933 next Banks $918 890, $921,430 Tigard $1.168.340, $1,161.890; Hills­ 1932 N ash Standard Eight 4-door Sedan boro $4,414400. $4.378,320; Forest Grove $4.848,460. $4.879,770; and La e 1929 Ford Coupe II. Here Non-high m I i i s i I district budget for the 1934 35 school year will be C om m ercial N ational drafted Friday night at tlie coun­ A dds S a fe D eposit Boxes tv school su|s-ruiteiident s office Conunerctal National bank Is add­ Member» of the non-high schl ing to the many changes ami im ­ bourd und live tepresenlullve citi­ provement.» made ni Hie past year seli» »111 prepare the colímate» Two hum lnxl-riity s a f e de|M«.it tx«xes arc bring added to serve Wlrber Willi IJr bunk patrons Ih ts »ill give them m II Wleber. formerly llkh) safe depotui boxes and the ' of Shell o il company In room is being remodeled will I«- agooeiated with trie 111 sale of farms, city Illrth» Insurance and surety Harz r and Mrs. Bars of jro. September boy get results. fcatern binding iC . Evelyn Patton. Marriage .1 Lnrence .« mul I n n e «I Heptetnber '21 It It Wolfe .-.Lite divisional man ager. »ill explain lln« Tow tisrnd a d . old age pension poqwised ait. at tin« new Grange ludi Monday evening at 8 p in No cliuige »111 be liuidr but a tree will offering »'III lx* taken to defray the ex­ penses * u 46 Powers Grocery J. L Searcy, deputy superintend­ ent of banks in charge of the Shute Savings bank liquidation, left W ednesday for Joseph to conduct .XV«U*I|| I I I . p lM ll.t u , .«Il I h r | i i . i ] n I t l , , , (I w ir k Pnys I o w iis r n d P e n s io n A c t t o be E xplained Winter W inter bowling season « il l get ' under way Monday evening a t the J Hillsboro alleys with four leagues of four teams each organized Eighty- men have signed up for the 24- week season and plans are now- under way to organize a ladles' 1 league. c American league will open th e I sea-on Monday night with the fol- 1 lowing schedule: Hillsboro Motor " Company vs. Home Laundry. Royal 0 Soda Works vs. Hillsboro Ice Works ° Tuesday evening will m ark the op­ ening of the City league schedule P with the following team s m atched: n Lester Ireland l«5;uids Chalmers Mrs Harold Hanns. Miss Wilma Batchelder ami Miss Valeria Bag- ley Jacx«h»on I. B iillu fav r n .lv Third Q uarter State la x 11 “ r>' kept posted with all movements ol vital im poitancc Keeps us interested i ll what is going on In- sp res a community spirit, makes us loyal citizens Like the L r i / ’i i " 16 U S the Junes that make the dollars." So it is " i.h the communities, when taken as a whole we make the nation Communities built up of good citizens, through coni- inuiuty tu'wspupers. are rerLainiv wnrih »«»«» k . Copenhauen Rambo Wen U lie k S taffo rd Mercer F ra te r Far ra n ce Mintnauifh . W W a s h in g to n C o u n ty 1,1111 ■ s' ' 1 (55» J rffrrs a n K e rrie Kill i ng» Guetafton LHK Mrs Flunk Chalmers leir Hill n u ll wedding l*ueadnv at their home Hit willi a reception k until 10 p in Kev- frleiut» and relative.» der felicitations a n d \ \ iii-m we are children our parents send us to school for an education I’erhaps we go through college, but when we have finished school, does not mean we have finished our edu.atton. for In tru th It is Just nicely begun We till read nowadays, it is an educated habit. What we read is hn- ix’rtant Our reading m atter should be ol a moral and edueu- tl. nal nature We will find ns broader snipe of subjects and ,<,emnS| | Wltl’ .i" " ’r“ ? " f '',’»r‘“'tcr building and self Improve­ ment, than those brought to us through the columns of our community newspaper It Is a school fur all. up-to-date In political, social and civic Information We look forward to t.s coming, as we do a friend Good books are good friends so ** o,lr con>,» 1“ >*t.v rn w.»(x»per w e pave roa.Ls for cars to ( r a id m Iliete is no better road for our minds to travel, than (he columns of our community newspaper Employment until the past few years, hke our community c r m m T w T v k n “ ‘ ‘T ' “ ;dl “ or g tan tid " i took them all as a m atter of course We thought I K N EE BOOTS I COCOANUT $1.98 ...................... $2.4» ¡ K 'a , ............. 6-oz. C ello, pkg, “Firestone" HOLEPROOF K N E E -H IG H r .M iU u t lu « II s C i os Pure Western lamb's fleece. Size 72x90 In one large pfeee. Well’s qq Spz-elal c i CaSta« Thli now wondor stocking recirhev lull Io the Lnoo , , . hai it« own 1 avlox orator knit-in . . . Ij cool, comfortablo, practical, volf »import­ ing, ond highly vtylod. Givov joy- ouv now Iroodom ond now g ra ta lor daytimo or ovoning. Fall «hade« arc arid all .size«. 8Q Q S p ecial O thers 98c 2-lb. 100% ALL W OOL BA T T S m« specially priced for Friday and <• price« good Sept. 28 - 29 only. ollhehneei- EX TR A SPEC IA L BRUSHED WOOL TWIN SWEATER SETS oat and Slipover Sw eater. ».SO v a lu e ......................... <1*4 n