Tliursday, Septem ber 27, 193 1 " C lassified A d v e rtis in g THE HUMMONH I h . ( Ir m li Court I.r I I I . H U I . o f O r » non, for W auhlnnton County. I* ( Malqulat, P la in tiff. I» H I L L S R O lt O H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Eleven H L'M M O N H In tha C ircu it Court of tha Htata of O r e gon, for W ashington County. 11 F. M ating, In«., a corporation, P la in - tiff. < laiMirird Culuniiw Clow a t 12 o iliiik Wednmduy Noon AR G U S, va. and part IgrMS as follow s: N o t lass than 'so lv in g the m arriag e contract now a r .H rw o Hundred and F .fiy Dollars (WW .OOi herauSore m trac t now and isting between th« p la in tiff ca-h. and tha balance in Installm ents w ith and tF*w defendant upon th« ground of in ia rm t or» the deferred psyrnanta, a t tha cruel and Inhum an treatm en t. This sum­ rate of six par cant par annum , secured mons is served upon you by publication aa provided by Jaw. thereof in the Hillsboro Argus, pursuant | Dated thia 80th day o f A ugust, 1934. t<* an order of the Honorable George K . V * ’* publication Sep»erni*er 6, Baglay, judge o f the above entitled Court ' made and entered on the 29th day of j / J L a i« of last publication October I August, 1934. Helvetia Sunshine Club Honors Bride I. Co and Jana hog C om . Ida w ife, Moner Brothers* the workl'iTfurr^ also all »•her persona o r pari lea un­ P ran k Wo| vartun and Mrs. P ran k W ol­ u , v o. „ ',lwst S'!'1“ 5"xllprs who came direct known claim ing any rig h t, title or In- verton, hia wifg, Thomaa W olverton ill y M r . John M Dayfrlann) ' from the Century of Protrres« at teruHt In the real property herein de­ and Mrs Thomas W olverton, hia w ife, aala or trade HH.VETIA - Mrs Hallie J anin Chicago scribed. Defendant». I .1."'» H .a H i,d baimi lb».. or alnnla. Ituy W illia m A C om and Mrs W illiam A To I. C om and Jana (Fog Cog, his ‘* n n,C hrL'rtenSen i. a member of Mr and Mrs Jack Anderson of j Del»,nan. G aribaldi Ava sutf C om , Ills Wife, |,in < OM and Mrs L in l° f f ,n it Publication August /IfA H L E H T IM L A Y . A d m ln b tr a U r Wife, also all other persona or parties hr»',, , h‘lveUa Sunshine club wa.i Portland were guests Suntkty of 1 •>», hia wife. M ary Drow n and MA I I n hum a am i gingia horai-H J W It A Im lay, a t­ unknown, claim ing any rig h t, title or honored a t their regular meeting their daughter, Mrs Elmer Batch- D row n, her husband. W illiam It H itt I w ith the W ill annexed M .'.-», m ila aoutliangi of Hillahor«» on Inleraat In *),«, r»»| property herein de­ torney for A d m in istra to r. 29-83 F irst Inaertlon. I»er word Ba September with a miAcehane _. t • itt »It.. k» . as w .n l la Notice is hereby given that tire under- State «»f Gregun. at the home of Mra P?te Y u n k « S i u ^ Ma“ n >J{.U schoolI house next 1 * «»ffice address above entitled court and answer tha com­ Thomas K. H itt. hia wife. E ra IJ. ■ Ighed. A d m in is 'ra to r w ith th« W ill an- Shute Savings Dank Dldg (N u aaralaa laaa than 86c) H, Ore- 27. plaint filed again», you hi the above en- < ATTI I l i l l and M o F ra I I H itt. h i. w ife. naxad of i|,. Estate of Em ery Alpheus Readers. par lina D»e ' • " “ ! ......- before ll.e 16th day of 24-32 • harlaa f. H ilt and Mrs. ( harlaa I A O H lsw art, under and l»y virtu e o f an or­ (N o aarvliMi laaa than M e ) > ■ for aa ona Jeraay, October h — DUIII» , i ■’ ly.'H. said dale being u fte r the l l i t l . his wife. A D H itt an.I Mrs A der of the t ./unty t ourt of W ashington .N O TIC E O E H A I.E OE L A N D S BV II«.I.le i*. . Jam ry heifer exp iration of four weeks fro ,,, O,a date frX h L'fo-i. made m -lr l,. Crv— k.n . s i the __ a n ­ owa wave. ( ’«mut Word« Kriiil Money *' M l 1, I . j i. H i l l and M m irunty, plans were for having Gregon, made «nd entere«! on m n lli II Laati, k of the first publication of thia summons, 1% L I 'A M I II A N J. E. H itt, his w ife, Frank Howa C ount Y«»ur P ro fita m il.« north Ju m io r high nd I the 20lh day The Zimmerman - for - Governor August, 1934, w ill re- hool nual bazaar in December Mrs. Otto 32-3 and I f you fa il so to appear, for want Notice is heret»y given by the M rs. Frank Dows, his w ife. Della Howe, wive b,.lx and o f the of < ottveyancea In W ashington ( »unty. P L. Patteraim , located in the Wells fine crops of com in the vicinity o F rank W->lve Several hunters took advantage of n and Mrs. F rank W ol- *»wa It .iy II N r - 1 , west Q u arte r < N W , of K w - cgon. building, HUiaboro. W ashington County, t iu s year. Late potatoes are looking the verton, hia wife, Thomas W olverton deer season and spent the hhudy )lro<>k T lii tio»i I wenty (20), Tow nship Tw o ummons 1* served upon you by Gregon. «»fftr fo r sale at p rivate sale to fine "**— •«------------ and M r* Thomaa W olverton, his w ife, I. ANNOI N! I MI NTS .T2tf N o rth I2N> Range Fou r W est (R 4 W ) uhllcalii n thereof in the H illsboro Argus, the highest bidder the follow ing describe«! W illia m A Cox i id Mr» W illia m A. «owa T J pros «•f 'io W illam ette M eridian. an order of tha Honorable al property belongii VA 1 1.1.S .lug and . leaned mil He to aid incompe­ C om , his Wife, Lin ( ,,» and Mra. L in ■ w hite l»l (*F .()ltG I. A. A L L IK G N , A d m in is tra to r tent person, said pr<»perty being l( Bagley, Judge «»f the above Hannotl. T h ird A v a , HiJIuhoio, situale toe < os, hia w ife. M ary Drow n and Ave . Hh th»- W ill unriexed of the F atate of titled court, made, rendered and an- W ashington County Drown, her husband. W illia m It. H it t III O |.l> lu a lo m r i" I am ta ipo raitly V\ 11 | of Oregon, Em aah fo r r I tei.-d on the 10th day of Hep turn her, 1931. e p artic u la rly dearribed as f.»|- attended and M r W lllian It l li t t . h i. w ife. F'. Pattem- Alpheus S te w a rt, Deceased. P. L. «loalng my »»» filin g and la the «urorue Jmi ng fra h Gai I who h said order p rw .rib e d that Hum- A d m in istra - low», to -w it M H itt and Mrs F M H itt, h i s f my t fire. Aa alni» I» »■•r I rii ona lllll.l.o n , mous herein he published in auid newapa- 28-32 w ife. Alex H itt and M r- Alex H itt, aa I havu my h huili Will B eginning at a point In the north- 2»i2l \ Kpm 82-1 per for four» Mnd copaacutivg his w ife. Tb o m a . |. H it t und Mr» I w ill hr glad to »hup again w«Mt q u a rte r o f the northwent quarter Eastern Oregon with two im e bucks. N O T H E TO < K E D IT G K S weeks, the dal.- of the firs t publication W A N T I I i V..OII heifer for al T h o r.,*, FL H itt, hia w ife. E ra IJ. maat my old ruat. ara J or Uran of Sec. 23 T 2 K o f Range I West Mr and Mrs. David Tschaboid. moa, naw I i i ■ h llu r.N .f being .September I I . 1934, M,„| Not!««- is hereby given th at the under­ hilled plow J H l lit t and Mrs F ra IJ H itt, his w ife . of the W illam e tte M eridian. W ash­ I I I.K T IM A N HimIo íio s u t Grove, only Mr and Mrs. Abe Youngen and Grim«*. 3». I he data of the last publication signed I,«» (wen appointed Executor of 3*-. m l lea weal II.- iverton being < baric G H itt anil Mrs. Charles G. ington County. Oregon, which said ■ Ik m il«* Cornu t< a g.HMl photograph- 1 W alker road Elaine Youngen attended die h a r­ 321» .' October 11. 1931. l l i t t , his wife. A II H itt and Mr«. A. the Li,-» W ill and Testam ent o f Ras­ lieginning point ia north 0 * 4, in the W h itak er W aln u t I'ackiu n p lan t. H r* springers f Flem ing . 90tJ7 H. west o f the W illam e tte M eridian, ru n ­ Jan in -Ann C hristensen, Saturday Splering. ried, .Myrtle Howe, unm arried, Fermna M a tte r of the Fatale of Rasmus Nelson. I'hone l« 2 o j. ll- b p ning thence from aa *. beginning point ( ì i n km Mt., Portland. 2 6 tf night when the couple were visitlni Mi ss H rnrletU Vanderzanden left N O T IC E TO ( K E D ITG K M Howe, unm arried. Haxel Johnson and Ge«.-a-..| ad m ittin g to probate the Last N. H9’ 54' east 167.25 Diet . thence l O A U Q U A I H E Il H I O il R A W L E lG H b at the Christensen home The grouD '",u,‘?day ior Monmouth, where she Johnson, her husband, and all W ill in.,| restam erit *»f Rasmus Nehfon, ru n n in g south 0 * 07' west 743 feet In the County Court of the State o f G re- FARMS ««-eased. \ am! th a t the undersigned. id her per»- was invited to stay and the evening Wi i attend Oregon Normal, o»bcr persons or parties claim ing an y GOOD HEALTH PRODUCTS more o r less to a point in the cen­ g«*n. for W ashington County F A KM f..r rig h t, title , intercat has duly q u alified aa 4126 .ash rreat and estate in o r 11 ?ry .. was spent in singing, dancing and Jr-hanna Oerickx, who Is a t- te r o f the county r«»«d No. 449 ; IP w ill pay you to call at 1463 W ash­ In the M i.tie r <»f the Estate of James J urn Executor. G H t<». or liens upon »he real property do- thence along the center of said coun­ visiting. A m idnight lunch wa> M3ldu* . k ^ u ty .school in Portland, Felton, lb < rased ington »treat at ftth. I.lcanaad deal­ Plains. Itldge ____ r __Now therefore, _________________ scribed in the com plaint. D efendants: xll persona h a v i n g ty road No. 449. south 67’ 4'»' w w t er Noth-« i . hereby given th at the under­ served. About 55 were present M r week-end visiting here. < 'orneitui In the Nam e <»f the State of O regon: ' J“ 1»»»” against said 142.33 feet to a p o in t; thence north estate are hereby signed has been duly appointed by the Jan in s parents, M r and Mrs E C i,H ar,\$y„ and Archie Jesse and EVERYBODY knowa that our Perfect 0 ‘ 07 eant 417 feet more or less to above entitled court aa the A d m lnistra- You and each o f you are hereby c«mi- notified ami required to present them Janin. and Mr and Mrs Rovai W alters Ieft Tuesday on a illu a W hite Diamonds are priced lower 2». m andrd nd required ItKAL ESTATE the place o f b«*ginning, containing >Pl»ear and w ith the proper voucher« to the under- triM of the F>tate of said deceased and answet thau jeweler« price im perfect Spaulding of Portland were guests ftuntlI1K »«ip through Eastern Ore- the com plaint file«! ainst y«»u **Kt»*“l ** his residence about tw o mil. 3 acres m ore or leax. has duly qualified as such. YOU stone» Audvraon'a Jew elry store 65 , I I - ....... — ------ _..w w aw w -aw N o rth ,-f Beaverton, W ashington County, the above entitled court and a t tlie Christensen home Saturday Said aale w ill he on the follow ing Now. therefore. all peraons having .»n or before the expiration of fo u r week» Gregor», or at the law office o Thoa Mr. and Mrs Ed Sm ith of P ort­ f Th«»«. H . term - : A t least one-third in cash and night. claims against sai several sh I»« estate are hereb <. LOST AM) FOUND priced right Phon« hoi, Oregon »»“ <»fie«| ami required to pre»«-nt the same. next follow ing the date of the firs t pub- Tongue Jr., in the Com m ercial Dl<»ck, in the balance to be paid w ith in tw o year» pl B ertha Solberger of Portland was land spent last week visiting rela­ lication ,-f tins .Summons, the date o f ( ‘ ’ Z " I Hillsboro, Gregon, w ith in ____ aix M nf Sept«*rnber. 1934, am! if you fa il to hcation . f thia notice, to -w it: W ith in A (J. J O H N S O N . G uardian of the per- I < IR T Y a, re farm for sale, 26 arrea cul- I I « ' . . M r A lw r « l - . l r r . , in t h . K h u t. so appear and answer »aid com plaint fo r Mr. and Mrs. A P Hay a n i tp«" ’ ha from September 20, 1934. »»on and e«tate o f G. L . Tout, ■Savin«. Ilank liu llilln « In llill.h n r '. tlr< - I tlvated. real brush p asture. living 10a W AN’I Kl>—- M4 m rlU n rou a J O H N S O N , Executor of the ''«nipetent per» on ; daughter Betty. Mr and Mrs. W. «--n, w ithin ala months from t h . d a t. want thereof, the p la in tif f w ill nppJy , Last W ill and water. small house and buildings. Testam ent of Rasmus N e l­ D a te of firs t publication September 2o" R to the court f«»r the relief prayed fo r in Gray, Eliza and Alien Gray hereof W AN I F D G*aaJ. clean, cotton raga. I rank W allace, Ht. 2, Hillsboro. Phone son. Derea e«l. Thue. H. Tongue J r .. A t- 1934 D a te of last pubiication October O f P o r t l a n d a n d IlillslMtro Argus 8! Dated this 13th day of September. 1934. ita said com plaint, k e w i t : 1 torney f>,r Executor. IS, 1934. LICENSED E.MBALMERS That p la in tiff have judgm ent and de­ GHA< F. E. I F I. I O N . A d m in is tra trix of I N T I I» A g«sa| work mule Alsu M . Davidson were guests a t the and said F.state. H a re Me A lear & P e te n . A t­ cree adjudging and decreeing that it is the W hue I .w h o m hens for sale or trade Mrs. Lizzie R itter home Sunday NO TH E GF R E A L E S T A T E H A LE 31. s T O M s IIEATEKS o w iier in fee simple of the follow ing torney« f«»r A d m in is tra trix 30-4 j I. G Fslmistoo, lit. 6 , near Grain t Mr. G ray entertained the group fcneral directors Notice i*> herH.y given th at the under- desrribed real property situate w ithin : . , I :. I i r M A J F l i t ' steel range in M' mm | with a selection of bagpipe music. W ashington County. Oregon, and more •igned W illiam F Crow e and Beulah V. N O T H E TO ( K E D IT G K S V\ M . M IS wanted I. J W hitaker W a l­ p a rtic u la rly bound«*! and described as Cr«»we husband and w ife, w ill »«11 on T in t G erm an Ev«n»ellcal L u th e rin H e I s OGC O t th e pipers in the nut Parking plant. R e*. Teleph<>ue Notice is hrreby given th at the under- folio seal«*! bids to the highest bidder _» sit : H I ICI I I S signed has lown ap|M>inted adrninistra- l*2»»J ______ 81'ftu 34. 1 10:30 t/cl«»ck A. M. on Saturday, the 1 acre Section 30 T2S R lW B eginning at a point on the South trig of the «ala f Ge»*rge Ja,-<4» Zieg- 2 * th day of Gct*J»er. 1934. at the o f­ W A N IF .D l'se»l fu n di «ire an«! «• o u k HP! I ZENDF.KG apples. 6» J '-e p h G albreath to C lara West, T ract* line o f W ashington Ktr«*et in the town your bo A nie north ler, d«*ceased, by fice of D o rr E. Kea»ey. No. 616 Stark in Section 21 T2S R lW , 15.17 acres. order mnde and en- K a* In your a t t i c i (im w city i of Hillsboro. Oregon, which itch Haxel ach.H.I Strex-t }• rtland. G reg-m , the follow ing 32p tered In the County ( ..„ rt «»f the Htat« W e have m any g o a l hargins In fu m i- itilC W point ia 33 00 feet South and 793.61 Joseph G albreath to D O. G albreath, A P F . Julre, fine «luallty, &<<<- gallon •f Oregon, for W ashington County, on described r«-a| estate situate, lyin g and tu re ('ostie in am i - re ua Ix fo re you feet Woat of the intersection of the being in the Counties of W ashington and p a rt ot Section 21 T2S R lW . Anton Gspelt, 3 miles north M -uutain- the 29»h day of August. 1934. am i that buy H n rn harh'e Dae I F u rn itu re , 1126 center line o f N o rth Range Street J. H. Carlson et ux to H ild a C. Rey­ • he tiaa l»een duly qualifi«*d to act as Y a m h ill, State of O regon, to -w it: «late. D ring «'»»ntainrr« 32|. S e nd HL, Phone 4tfi 31tf w ith the center line of W ashington •u«h ad m in is tratrix. nolds, 34.26 acres Section 19 T1S R 4W 1 W IN IF H apples, hand piiked Seconds. A ll that part of W apato L ake Street in said city , a n d running Now. therefore, all persons h a v i n g and L«»t 3 Section 30 T l S R 4W . I per »ark (I. D Bennet . W alker HubdiviniiMi according to the o ffic ia l thence South 2"3 29 feet to the line w is e WORK WANTED 12. claim« against «aid ««tate are hereby J. H. Riggs et ux t«» E. E. M ulier, I road. p lat thereof on f ile and o f record in dividing I^»t 64 and K as shown by 32p m.tifie.1 am i required to present them ashing, day w u t i l It p art Section 21 T 2 N R 3W . | the offices of the Recorders o f Con- the unrecorded plat of T«.ngue'a Ad­ W IN D I A L I, apples am i pears for sale, With the (»roper vouchers to the under- Mr F.thei Patte k i nd J. A. Scherzinger to The C la rk & veysne*-* of Y a m h ill County a n d dition to the C ity «»f Hillaboro. O r c 2-’»c l,u A ll varied«-« Dring contain- sign«*«! a d m in is tra trix at the law offica w »hing t«»n Ht Wilson Lum ber Co., 144.2 acres Section W ashington County. Oregon, lyin g gon ax prepared by W m . Neilson. » 4. HillslM.r :. Rich. m ile " t p I- 1'atterson in the W ells build« 2 T 3 N R4W . West of the drainage ditch at o r FZngineer; and running thence West orlhc ■ t Grenco Phone Su}*». 3 I i f Ing. Hillsboro. Grey-on. w ithin . . . m onth, H a rry M ille r et ux to W. G. Peterson, near the East G»undary lin e of said O il said line dividing »aid lota. 106.99 13. HATE or TRADE -M I m rlU nroua G R A P E H f , r sal. Joe H 34 fro m the date of the first publication of Heu« part of Joshua Welch claim 41 T2S R lW . 8ubdiviai<»n and metes and bounds feet to the W «*»t line of said L o t 54; W ith in six month» Ild lt.s F f,*r six <<>rds «•/ w«a»d or wash­ mile« northwesit of liillsL Phone this notice, to -w it: H a rry M ille r et ux to L . W . M orrow , tracts adjacent thereto, am ounting in thence N o rth 2<>S *9 feet to the S*»uth ing machine bee Horse sign 2 miles 13E I5. 3d-2 from H«*t»tenil»er 13. 1934. p art Lot 2 Sections 10 and 15 T I N R 4W . the aggregate to 820 acres, m ore o r lin e of W ashington Street . thence Dated at Hillsboro. Grev«»ii. on thia ea*»t of Dcsxverton oft Canyon m ad 32 GRAPFLH and jui*« at Chantier'« vin«*- M a ria n n e Joesy to Fred H Josay et les , together w ith a l l drainage F.ast along the South lin e of W ashing- ux. 46 acre* T I N R 2W . yard. Dring containers A I M dH 'I new 14 inch chill«*»! plow, for N o rth end Hec- 6th day of September, 1934 ditches, dikes, concrete control works, t<»n S treet, 106.99 feet to the place III.I.IF O A K E H . A d m in is tra trix o f the omi street young cow o r heifer J II Grimes. A. D. D ailey et ux to J. W. Dailey. 29tf *»f beginning, and l>eing known and tide gates, pumps, and appliances used n la,‘* ’/ r«st Grove p M. ROOM S ANI» A PARTM ENTS J. W . Connell (S h e riff) to Letha V. In «he M a tte r of the Fiatate f A braham estate in and ,, to , the real here- There aJI personal personal t .t io D h«*sGng s k rv e . 2 onw-axan saws. .---- property --- - - - ............. in hereby reserved » en »ti Hale, p a rt o f Section 31 T 3 N R 2W I'W G-r»s»m s p s rtin rn t and l-roont sp s rt- Drake. I >«*«•«*«*J lim bo», d ae rib ed . and th « l p l a i n t i f f , property on » i d p re m ie » except the mo • »«*■ Concannon. north F'lrst Letha V. H a le to Charles E. Stevens I ment for rent Mrs llorw ick K irk . N «. ice u hereby given that the under- I l i l , e u> real property b e quieted to r used in connection w ith Kt ty-m tle n<>rlh court houses 8tp said d ra m - et ux. 5 acres Section 31 T2S R lW . 9urp<»ee <.f storing nished. In return fo r board for man « la til® r i , t n . iiiU p , r t » £ Lot fen da n ta l»e ordered and directed to ex- same u n til such hay is « " '• » '•'‘ * 4 ^ « 7 I n «^ te r Gi’ S i> 2 ju d W rite ¡ 1 ». I A rgus, 3 ■tate of Oregon. f«*r W ashington c«»un m ilk yn«t W. J Head. Q ustsm s sta- «»cute and deliver to the - p la in tif f — a — deed M arch - ’ M,,1* boro ty. and that asid fin a l acc«»unt and re- i , ------ - — — than the 1st day —g of — t— I t l ] , A 1935 VdU, Josephine G allup to L . M . Mason et h»»» 3t»tf I P«»rt has l>een set fo r final rin g and ‘■onv*Y*n« t*» it the property hereinabove T e rm * of sale cash C e rtified check HOUSES ux. 49 acre« T lS R2W . settlem ent before said court — . the court »"d in lieu thereof th at the or cash fo r lu ''t of the hid to acconi- ► ► k .,« W ANT Rent Sm all furnish«*! house r«s*m thereof in - - - F. E. Rowell et al to L . C. Po tter et Hillsboro, Greg«,I. on ,|* c r w to b* »^ndered herein shall atand (»any all bids, the same to be returned al 1 acre K 15. C ARS AND TIRES M r. W aldron, Rt 1, |l**x HA. Iltlls - Monday, October 22. 1934. a t lo o'clock a* u ,uch <*•**. »nd fo r such other to a ll unsuccessful bid d en or on a ll re- F M w Section 10 T2S R 2W . horo ___________________ 32 p W a rn e r to V e ra l L . Brown, sow to farro w aut»n , als«» I <>»'!i truck »f said day •n d fu rth e r relief • • m ,y »p p ra r to the levied bid«. T id e in » u r .n ,v in the .m o u n t . .. - I . ... 7 Appear T itle insurance in the am ount part Lota 7 and 8 Block 2 Thorne'» Ad- Date k', ««I hay llir r h . south roixlrnser , I itid first publish«*! September ( <»urt to i>e equitable in the prem »f the successful bid w ill he furnished dition. Hillsbonx FARM LOANS 1934 Date o f last publication Oct*»- Thia summons »lie. urei road I2 p «2. •erved upon you by by the owner. Balance of the purcha»» B arclay a Henderson to C h ristin e Hen- F A R M m<>i»ey to loan The F'aderal Land publication 'hereof p u n u a n t to an order price payable on delivery o f dec) and deriT.n "p jk“ of“ F ' w - l l ' e i - ' n " ? " 1 I ( li t K A L E 193»> I.sK slle sedan ..rig tn al ¡n .Ih e ebo v. e n t l t M p o , , „ .l o n o f . . i d p r e m i.« . The ow ner ” L MAUDE M T A Y L O R , A d m in ia tra trix bank no» has am ple fund« in bond« to paint, merhantt aily ilka new Consider j .2 ! 6,h. . d*Z of. ? » b; h V . i - . i u y 7 i o , L ..w “ i .^dh" i ' V . 1 & V D ‘IO n ' loan to farm er« at 4 ^ % . O ver ll.(MH).- of the E state ..f Abraham Drake, De- trade to r liv a a tx k *»r tracto r. K. E. I ad- lam ber, 1»3«. by the H onorable Donald T. of u l e M It Burnt», residence a ml 900 has l»««en loan ■] to W ashington censed d- - T his itle and m the dition. Forest Grove Grove. • — ...w-... » «nú bu , /, • » . . ...— ; . *• . * complete n m i t n i r anq e dition F .twsr.ts Rt 8. Hillsboro Phone 3 (F 4 firm», Hillaboro, county farm ers by the bank W rite call fo r particulars. W ashington C«»un- ■•»tf J 31-5 et ux. part Lot 1 Block 8 Tucker'«« 4 • . .. published In Hillsboro, Oregon, and o f —----- — __________________ _ t ra tr ix **f (he Festste of Stew art'a Addition, Hillsboro. 1 n ,\ ' ^ e r a l circulation in W ashington Coun- N O T IC E O F A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S S A L E to M arg a r y aret am a . 4 w i n f r e s h e r ^ i r T O c ’o t ^ r * o t h p r « G U e r n S ^ y d a i r y c o w s ' * s** » w fresh, D«*-eased. by an order made and entered E. J. Booa et ux to M A. SA LE OF R E A L PROPERTY in the <\»unty C'ourt o f the State of ty. Oregon, the firs t publication thereof Bachmeyer. 80 acre« Section 36 T IN - j V { £ .V n ? ,ln ear»y »inter. Some of these cows h e m , on the 6th day o f Seplem lw r. 1M 4. N odc. ¡, h. rrt,y th>[ K )W , .......... . V» ox-piemoer, i m «, Oregon, to r W ashington ('o u n ty K l'M M G N K . . . ""d ,h * d "” ,,f ,h ' >»’ * publication there­ I'HF.D auto part», aerond hand f a r m 25th C r.c e £ Felton to E m m . Berg et vir. lhey are sold. y' klforma'tlOn will be given as In the C ircuit Court of the State of G re ­ m achinery, atock tra ile r« , for rent or gon. f«*r W ashington County. sal« ItftU B M M kl St 9tf D Shaw. P la in tiff. 2 f’n Vkin« Plows' 2 dra« harrows, disc va. ei G. F Shaw, Defendant and jack, 'some d r^ T -g iu ^ ' ™ To G r. F" otiBw. Shaw, (mriiiiani. tiefrn d an t. ’ ,>_ - , . - w ith the proper voucher cans, a lot small tools. Court o f the S tate of Oregon, fo r W ash- K"K:e to the under tttillll fu r M ie 4 -foot and 16-inrh Sonie household goods In the Nam e of the State of Oregon, signed A d m in is tra trix C IT A T IO N ington County, in the M a tte r o f the her residence W J Stunkard. «»ne blin k *«**( C ar- you are hereby required to appear in the Ervin L ip pert et ux to George L ip - l 124 Jackson Street, Hillsboro, O re- In the County C o u rt of the State of O re- ^ t e t e o f B artholom ew L . Sc heck la. de- P*rt el ux. 33.63 acre« Sect ion 6 T I N i nxlhm <•« «»denser 82p above entitled court and answer the com- gon or at the L a w O ffic e o f Thoa H eased, on the 28th day of August. A. D. R3W gon. fo r W ashington County. lO V K - fu o t «fry oak w«aid. >6.60; sawed plain t fll«*| against you in the above Tongue J r . in the ^ ^ e ^ e r k ^ i î ^ o r ^ u ÿ w " <* S ír í’ * Cr^ ‘ * .. - . . ... T 7 ' .............. *,,w C ity o f Hillaboro, In th r M a tte r o f the l - I . t e o f j . m r . 1934. w ill fn»m and a fte r the la t day of Roee J. Richey et v ir to W ashington before «lelivery |1 Phone t ’»33. 29tf rn tlt ««I a .atis«* «»n must *»r before the lat day W ashington County. Oregon, w ith in six October. 1934. sell at p rivate sale to County Farm er» Slater. Deceased. Union O il Co., p art I I. H A I t r i t A M I F . d istributor ( a m a ­ “J Oelober. 1934 said date l»eing a fte r months from the date o f this notice lo­ To the U n know n Heirs of James Slater. the highest bidder fo r cash in hand, a ll Sections 25, 30. 31 and 36 T I N R and tion FuaU . «»f F*»r«at Grove. Leave f the expiration of four weeks from the w it W ithin six months from D»*eased. and to all other persons in ­ the rig h t, t itle and interest which the 3 Septem- 2025 date of the first publication «»f this Hum- her 27, 1934 orders 1249 First Ht. or Phon ____ • • ‘d Bartholom ew L . Scheckla had at the Casper R. W arm uth et ux to Fred terested in said estate 24tf ona, and if you fa il so to nppe fo r slab or m ill run. to r I \ \ M . t ’O R M IC K In the N am e of the S tate o f Oregon, ! ‘ ,nc " f h’!' d required to appear in Hawvd any length before delivery the County , ,he follow ing deocribed real property t*Y ct al. Lot 7 and b Block 19 N o rth 6M 1 »he sum of flAd.lK), together w ith interest m m is tra trix . aide Mock w.swl T ru m a n B«»yd, 32-6 Court of the State of Oregon, fo r W ash- l i . '" ^ . and being situ ate in the County o f Plains and E L , of Lot 3 Block 25 N o rth 14tf ther«R»n from the '25th day of August. — — — N in th Ht. Phone H illaboro 2 >3 1 •unty. ashington. State of v Oregon, and m ore Plain.*. ngton t . in m the m e court room there- .......;— /r o c u . ai «-Mis I class wood fo r aale F ir. *»ak and I t f , L _■< »be rate o f 7*. per annum , and >f in H illslx uro. W ashington County. O re- P arO cularly described as follows. t o w i t N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T M ae L. Fisher to Jacob O eflin g er et K .r l l . U m .l i I'h o n . Illll.b .ir.1 * " ''b o r .urn of « l.o o o « tto rn e y . 5th day of October. 1934, at . P^BST T R A C T : Commencing aah. on the ux. Lots 3 and 9 Block A Steel's A d­ -------------------------------- on the 42tf fees and fo r his costa and disbursements In the County Court of the S tate o f O re ­ the hour o f 10 o'clock A . M .. o f »aid dition. Beaverton. hast line of the S«>lomon Richardson Il (»7. gon, for W ashington County herein incurred This Summons is serv«*l day then and there to show cause, if Henil «nil w ife l>. L. C. in Section 11. C h ristian Aebischer et ux to Harold G w rg e L (IlE N E L «nd fuel ml upon you by publication ther«*»f in the In the M utter of the E state o f E lis a ­ xny Tow nship 2 South of Range 1 Went Aebischer there he. why an order should not acre» Section 26 ricks, fuel «dl dealer. F o rw t Grove beth Herat, Decease*!. Hillsboro Argus, pursuant to an O rder of of 'h e W illa m e tte M erid ia n at a point T2S K2W be made and entered in said cause au­ 8 tf I’h'ina 843J. Notice is hercliy given, that the u n ­ th r Honorable G«*»rge H Dagley, Judge of E. M 15 chains N o rth of the Southeast W'hit w orth t o C atherine I. Executrix of the Estate of thorising. licensing, em pow ering and d i­ th r ai»ove entitled C«»urt of t h e state dersign«*! corner of .a id Section 11, runninir Sm ith. L o t* 1 and 2 Block 22 Beaver- her recting the ad m in is trato r of the above xx/_. __ ■■ ■ w ith ... the . .. r of Gregon. fo r W ashington C o u n t y. Elizabeth B e n t. fhe highest bidder, al! line o f said Section 11, 43% chain» to George J. Scheerling to Lubelle Scheer- l o l l HALF« l»-2(» Case tra cto r, plowed • lay of August. 1934. which said O rder pr«s the State of Oregon, fo r W aahingt J'4 m ile, we.« oi B ank, on the Dan Baker «arm on a stake fro m w hich point the land ling . Lot 50 TuaJatin V a lley Homes. !«*•■ than 5»» acre*, value Il2(»d , IH- hall he published ( ''u” ¡y- *»«1 «bat Munday, the 29th day uf the real property belonging to said crllied that Hun above to he described b eg ins; thence J. W . Connell (S h e r iff) to Thekla .•state which ia deacrihed as follows, to- inch disc never been used. 1175. sled, in said newspaper fo r four successive and of October, 34, the hour of ten w lt : N o rth 16.21 2 5 chains to a »take ■ W eiland. 36 acres Section 25 T I N R2W . ff.ii A ll fo r |H0®, thr«»e-fourths cash clock a. n f said day the County msecuttve weeks, the date of the firs t thence West 11.42*-, chains to a The N o rth H a lf o f the Southeast Franc«« C. Freem an et ux to Maggie puhlieatioii thereof being August 30th. J " ,,r« ’A’.",,n .«n «b* Court House in H ills- c A **cy<’r ' TI k t «!.___________ stake; thence South 16.212 3 chains Doughty, Lot 12 Block E Steel's A d d i­ Q uarter of Section 29. Tow nship 2 1934, iind the date «»f the last puhlieatioii . ’" r j’' Waahingt«»n County, Gregon. ha» Sale to start a t 10 o'clock a. m. tion . Beaverton. N orth. Range 4 West of the W illa m ­ to a stake; thence East 11 42Vy chains hrrn appointed . . the tim e and | . l . , e ther«*.f hemg Septemher 27th, 1934. 23. SIIKFP—GOATS Parallel w ith the South line o f said Glenn S. Ehle et ux to H a rv ey G ette M eridian, W ashington C«»unty, objectio n, to . . i d K A R E . M e A L E A K A P E T E R 8 . A tto r- for the hearing of Oregon. W A N T E D 2» head brush goats, Ang«»ras. Section 11 to the point o f beginning, Bostwick et ux. Lots 16. 17. 18. 19 Block The following personal property: fin a l account and the .e ttlrm e n t there.,f neys fo r P la in tiff. R«*dilent Attorneys, Containing 19.06 acres. Witness Honorable Donald T T . Tem - W’eet Portland Heights. Dat • of * first — - publication September 27 «heap Argus 1229 -32p Octo’^ ' h i S v e 'r X S nl«*7 n ( the 7 ‘Tu x Donald State of Oregon Post O ffic e Address : SF.C ON D T R A C T : B eginning at a ............. . ....................................- « ' - ' . h ih ; ,,,l,X i ' ’í f ,h .'.id b,;” ; tn'.,f K wí ' T hr‘; K a tri Koski to John Peura et ux, 10 IOG GF NDF.HG m ilk goat for sale cheap Shute Havings Bank Dldg., Hillsboro. 1934 P«»int 13.33 1 /3 chains West of the acres Sections 26 and 27 T 2S R lW . D Davidson, ('«»rneliua. 32|» Or««gon 28-32 193!. N. E. corner o f Section 14 T 2 S R , ' 7 ' t et / i X a r n e s s ^ I t T ' e a c h ^ - , ^ h ^ °f Charles O liver C h urchill ux to A. ' h M YRTLE DAVEY. E x ecu trix o f the 31st day of Augunt. 1934. IT IIlt T Y Iw«*d of goats fo r aale. Charle* 1 W o t the W . M .; thence South J. Bruch. Lota 16. 17 and E D W . C. L U C E . Estate «»f Elisabeth Berst. Deceased. I ’. L. Duyck. Banka, near Hoy. 32p N O T IC E O F F IN A L .S E T T L E M E N T 29.84 chains; thence West 13.33 1 3 < 8 *0 .County Clerk. John A. Ranes et ux _ to ______ Patterson. A ttorney fo r Executrix. 32-6 Jea^'e m 1 milk cooler. 1 set harness and collar«! * > ______ ' M i l . ( 'l l goats fo r sale, large, heavy in llk- chains to a s ta k e ; thence N o rth 29.84 M inton. 34.47 acres Section 1 T I N R5W . , •’« By Z. R. H ia tt. Deputy. 10- In the County Court of the State of O re­ inch frs. Alpine and Nubian Hherwin chains to the cen ter of road on Sec­ gon. for Washington County. NOTH I o r u n m i l i s S \ I i drlll ( Hoosier) Hhoales. m ile no rth of Tobias 32 tion lin e between Section 11 and 12; ____ N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T Ill the M a tte r of the Fiatate o f Adolph ---- , ----- -™ .. Oliver By virtu e o f M ortgage foreclonure ex- plow thence East 13.33 1 /3 chains to the Kahn, Deceased. eeution issued by t he " c irc u it? C o urt \ * f ,n the County Court of the State of Ore- garden seed drill and cultivator, 1 Iron place of beginning, containing 39.79 24. POULTRY c i r t ^ rrai n 32*hSli' hlrDTO m lnt Wa* ° n ' 1 raCk' 1 Notice is hereby given that the under­ the State o f Oregon, for the County of gon. fo r W ashington County. acres. In the M a tte r of the Fatate o f John Bids m ay be subm itted to the under- arrier. l 32-lnch harpoon, mower and rake 4 10-rallmi mow « j L A Y IN G W hite Leghorn pullets. 9<>c sign«*! A d m inistrator of the aix ve named W ashington in S u it No. 10213. T h e Fed- «»state has fil«*| in t b« ahove entitle«l «*ral Land Bank o f Spokane, a corpora- I F üh rer, Deceased. lM,KnS ! Bt hi" res i tie nee tw o miles south d ° U b le tr W S each Mrs K. H o fer, Helvetia. Phone N ,. ,l .- e U herciiy Klv ,„ ih . t the T ia .r d ." c Z u n t? O ^ n Court mnd cause his final account and re- tion, p la in tiff, va. James F. Hay«»«, also N o rth Plains 18F16 32p ‘'Thoughtful. Sym pathetic 5. ' " .’ I ™ 1:’!’ ‘ »“ ,*»••"'• n«me.l ‘>r left fo r the u n .le n lc n c d w ith Th.w ' l»ort RM such, am i the Court has fixed the known an J. F. Hayes, and M adie E. W A N T E D P o ultry of all kinds. W rite. la t day of October, 1934, at the hour of Hay««, husband anti w ife Paul A Service" Ric«» ba.* filed in the above e n title ! H . Tonitue J r „ at h i. l . w office in the Lunch a t Noon—Bring Your Cups. ' W ill call o r b rin g F rid ay, Saturday or Id o'. lot k A. M of »aid day. and ' •* the *n d (>|»al FI Rice, husband and * w ife - I r»«...« ( ° ” rt — . «’•use his fin a l account anti re- C om m ercial Block, in the C ity o f H ill.- Phone 972 Hillsboro , m u s ^ ^ V / o f 8 ^ Monday before noon. Portland prices, buy in g “ ^ ' T h ° Se c r e d lt , Court — .............................. r«a>m of the - - above .............. entit »ntitlml Court Della D ento n; Ida E. M c K n ig h t, L . C porl n" •»«’ b. and the Court bn* fix«*! the boro, W u h in irto n County. Oregon. i it Barden, Comellwe 4 i t f ' in Hillaboro, Oregon, aa the tim e and M cC afferty and Jane Doe M c C a ffe rty , I ,Rt ‘iny “ f O<’<“ ber, 1934. at th. the hour of Said sale w ill be made subject to con- t place for healing objection« to Haiti fin a l whose true name ix M y rtle R. M cC afferty* ’P w ch>ck A. M o f amid day. D U D L E Y Hanson stra in l <»f the above en entit titled Court State of Oregon, fo r W ashington County 4 ^ months old and up. at reasonable , Bank of Hillaboro, Oregon, a corpora­ in Hillsboro. Oregon, as the tim Pf* •• • Sire« all pedigreed fro m 25n to i '"'j] ’’ ’ w«c, — e " and _J Dated thia SOth day o f August. A. 1) objections to ___ said _____ fin a l , 1984. Dat«*l thii 30th .lay ot August. 1934. tio n ; J. M Person and Jane D«»e Per- place fo r bearing , '«27-egg daniM. Paul Dudley. Aloha. I II NR 1 K A H N , A dm inistrator ot the •<>»». whose tru e name is Elsie N ye Per- '“'**o,it>t. and fo r the fin a l settlem ent of ALBERT 8C H E C K L A . - Mull Route* 1, Beaverton. 30-3 --------------- A d m in istra to r J. VI. HUGHES, aYuetioneer nl <|«*cea <«l Hare. M cA lear *‘»n, husband and w ife ; and W ashington 1 sa’‘< ,V4Uite. estate De Bonis Non w ith the w ill annexed of M. R. JOHNSON, Clerk Our 12-lnch mixed Inside and Dated this 30th day o f A u g io t. 1934. the F.state of Bartholom ew I,. Scheckla A Peters, * Adm inlstrn County N ational Farm Loan Association. Attorneys fo slab wood at $4.00 per cord, less W ALTER F'U HR FIR . A d m in is tra to r of ibveased. Tho». H. Tongue J r.. A ttorney t**r. 28-32 « u corporation, defendant*, therein pen«L H are. Mc- fo r A d m in istra to r. 1 (Ut HALF. I 100-lb. Jersey R««l aho ing and to me directed, I shall, on Sat­ the rotate of said deceased. 28-32 25c for cash on delivery. Is the Peters. Attorneys fo r Adm inis- 47 oM«-h Phone llillal>i»ro 1 (IF 4 . urday. the 13th day of October, 1934, a t A lear best value In fuel we know of N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 28-32 ten o'clock in the forenoon thereof, at ! f a t o r . "•«iiiire at W«««t U nion store tl f N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T Prompt delivery assured. In the County Court o f the S late of O re­ the front door **f the W ashington County In the County Court o f the State of O re- •’ IX w«*wka old (liga fo r aale W J. gon. for WaNbington County. Hillsboro, O regon, sell at N O T IC E O E A D M IN IS T R A T O R S S A L E Daniel, m ile northw est of Jacktown In the M a tte r of the l-.Mlnte of Clement Court house, gon, fo r W ashington County. No. 3619 public auction fo r cash, all rig h t, title In the M a tte r o f the Estate o f H erm an rhiw l gl R \s 1. 111 111 I « - . i and intercut had and p<»sseased by said kx-«>|i| pig*. con form ity w ith the provisions o f Sec- hour o f 10 o'clock A. M . of said day. itnl m e purebred bolt« of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, and Bn.wn Hwlaa hull calf situated in W ashington ('o u n ty, O re ­ the ('o u r t r«*om of the above entitled H a rry lia n tion 11-017, Oregon Code, __ _ the w under- 1 ,e. Lourt r*»«»m of the m * ve entitled gon Kt 2, Portland. Phone Hillaboro Conn in Hillsboro. Oregon, as the tim e •dgned ad m in is trato r w ith the w ill an- ( ourt in Hillsboro, Oregon, ns the tim e J. W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing- ncxed o f the estate of A nna H oier, de- I*i’*‘*<* L»r hearing objections to »2 and place for bearing objection» to said fin a l «-count, am fi.r Un- finni actlli-inent '<»n Coiinly. O i - ckhii Edw ard k . I ’ la a n k l. w ill on nnd a fti-r Ihp Sth day of »«••'"'"'t. and for ihe P im l acltly- t-. -i— . nn. at . the .. ... - B. - ’ im - - rnent o f snitl estate. ne of P la in tiff's A tto ---------- rn ey*. 80-4 a i « October, 1934, «»ffice o f - J. of said estate. 26. HOUKIN Dated this 20th day o f September. 1934. Dat«*l this 13th day of September, 1934. ____________ »ale of firs, publication Heptember 13. , I»»y and 8«»ns, Needville, O regon, o ffe r for R O B E R T W K T Z I.E K . A iln iin ia tra tn r n f E. L. G il l T N. A d m in istra trix of the 1934 Date of last publication October 11. gn|e R( privn(e Hn,e (he follow ing de­ n n n rrtv u i.iilb . .. . * t. HORSES for sale Bee sign, ’ y-m ile we«t Estate of said De«-eas«*|. liare. Me A lear 1931. » scribed real property situated in W ashing­ the F>tate of said Deceased. Hare. K«**lvl||e ami m ile south. 32-3 A A lear A Peters, A ttorneys for A dm inis Peters, Attorneys f o r A d m in istra­ ton County. O regon, to -w it: 'D U I I horse fo r sale. A rth u r C hirk. trix . tra to r. N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 39-4 Beginning at a poat on the West l!’ I Box 77, Ilan k . In the County Court of the S tate of O re ­ line *»f A. J. M uster’s D«»natl«»n Claim gon. foi W ashington County. I I \M i ' imk I work liorHea fo r sale, one SUMM ONS In Section Fourteen (1 4 ). T«»wnsbip N O T IC E TO < K E D IT O K S In the M atter o f the Estate of M arg aret • t l.i.ih, or trade fo r aheep or r a llie O ne (1 ) South o f Range T w o (2) In the C ircu it C o urt of the S late Notice Is hereby given that l»y virtue W etsler, D«*’eas«*l. b< rumn lly re . New ton atatlon. 32-3 W ed ot the W illa m e tte M eridian, g«»n, fo r Wn*hingt(»n C«»unty. f nil order made and en tern l on the N«»ti«-e Is hereby given, th a t the under- tw en ty-th ree (23) chain* and fif ty M ay Lem ke, P la in tiff, I lb bor e for cow. hay. or what fdh «lay of .September, 1931. I«y the Coun- idgm*! A d m in istra to r de bonis non of (ft<>) links N o rth from the S«»uthwest »' •ve von T r»-y««ar-old Hiublle horse w orth ly Court o f Washington ( ’«»unty, Oregon, the above named estate, has filed in the corner <»f the sam e; thence East th ir ­ Frank Lemke. Defendant. ’ D»(i atoek saddle, both fo r | mo th»* undersigned has h«*-n appointed ad above entitled C«»urt and ause, his fin a l teen (13) chains to the county road, To F rank Lemke, Defendant. ""o«| mow , 4 n«| (iiga, 811-30 r ifle , self m ln istrato r «»f the estate of W illiam 'conn, nnd report such, and the thence N«»rth eight (8 ) degrees and * ' • ’■"*!•• T w o m i lea east o f H«»nver- Hawley Bell. *984°r th< ,M M t or f Roy \jr IM» ---- Mr and Mrs J Real Estate Transfers Donelson 8C Sewell Phone 953 : Hillsboro DRAIN YOUR WET LAND The farm er invests his extra dollars in putting his present land into a productive state before he thinks of buying more acreage of the same kind. G I \E YOUR LAND A CHANCE! We Can Help You. 64 10-4 SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD Washington Street between 1st and 2nd Hillsboro PLANT AT SCHOLLS, OREGON Our Motto— “Friendly Service . . . F air Prices’’ J9. PU B L IC SALE ' - We buy und sell used cars.' —Used Cur Exchange, istl W'E buy und sell used curs. — M ackenzie Motor Co. n in *......• f f S à S 'A S . » ? Â i 'ï î r “ ■- “ • .O - S - se" fa G « , ^ „ ^ ^ S „ » \ - X JfT . d 3„S’ik8 Tuesday, October 9th Legal Notices . BOB TOMPKINS, Owner J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer Jay Gibson, Clerk A U C T IO N SALE Wednesday, October 3rd YOUNG’S Funeral Home ot noa MILL WOOD E. G. Place and Son, Owners STIMSON LUMBER CO. A U C T IO N SALE A E. DRINK £ McFall Jersey Milk Grove-Banks highway. Sale to s ta rt at l p . m . Saturday, September 29th The following personal property: 3 Kra de cows; 21 head Cotswold ewes; Ford- V/ son tra c to r in fine condition; tr a c to r X g d b i c harrow hÀrr ; ’">•« n f n n / ' “ Pu r l’ alfalfa spring-tooth h arrow ; draw harrow - c o r r a l orrugated Infants, children, grown-ups. roller; John Deere m ower : nom.Y in, i A NS universa 11 j 1 TAI / ETICI Y — approve milk as t h e .. 1400 . ,; , w om en; athletes — literally ning m ill; and lot of small tools; 85 cedar posts. everyone drinks o r should Household Goods — Library table, stand, sanitarv drink good milk. I t’s the X ....... - ------- ... best; the best health insur- couch, iron bed and spring, and some dishes. Terms of Sale— $20 and under cash. Those wishing food. dem ’ and McFall Jersey credit must see clerk of sale before buying. g . . "¿"«i food, Milk. QUART 10c R» J- WILCOX, Owner McFall Jersey Dairy J. W. Hughe», Auctioneer R. Johnson, Clerk M.