Page Ten T H E Orenco Couple Married 50 Years Banks School Classes Elect U n io n H ig h E leven to P la y A m ity F rid a y at B anks (By M n. 1 H IL L S B O R O A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , Mrs* F arter, wild a ilo light er Haani and Mr anil Mrs Bdw Wil­ liams and daughter Evelyn ol Kel­ so were also guests ot Mrs Mllbert Seek Allenilanee 60 With .in attendance ot 96 Iasi Sunday tJie Bible school of Hie! FlilUYli oi Christ lias started Its L a V e lle J j s a c i m k s i o m n S e l e c t o r , Im made r ire - . D e t e c t e d u, 11 drive. a Plans aie beuig h„ F D e s tro y * th e L pre* ..ooney rally day October 14. Everybody to R epresent S ta te B ro th ers B a rn T h u rs d a y welcome Pythian Grand Chief to Visit 1 NOR 1’H PLAINS- B arbara Graves, grand chief of Pythian Sisters of Oregon will make an official Vian to Friendship lVmple October 5 A i^o'clock Siuu}J,w inr,ii. bfoi^'r iZ? . ¿ t * k ...'u l.d . " lIL J* a ' program ureetxMng the b itsln bv «! meeting ’ * Ul* busittvss Mr and Mrs D D H ayward and childron of IVitumd visitt-d Mr mid Mrs Edward Mover Sundav Mr and Mrs F n \ieek uttem) ri - on S ta te Friday. ited were Kobe and Yokohama. where Ishii family also traveled through “ ‘ÍL* she will be a sophomore this the Hawaiian Islands The two • . . . . .. nene«*,. R families were met in Seattle bv Of Rci2?fiin * i r B;e^sdori at M emeral Wakasugi. The children E ar/w ^ iso n ‘7 » m e d returned to school the next day U L, ' „ ! a fter their arrival here They pre- Plan Basket Social sented th eir teachers each with a The W ikapi-N ahan Camp Fire package of Japanese tea. a box oi girls are pguinmg a basket social J Japanese a n a n e s e candy c a n d v and and a a .« lit h h an an d d - - October O c to b e r 5. 5 F F u u rth r t h er e r a aiuiouneeineiil nnouncem ent silk kerchief. The children said th a t will be made next week. m ost of the cars seen in Japan were The women of th e Banks church O R EG O N c lu b lo a d e r' hus c h o s e n 'u v V e l l e . G J111S • 111 .» .. P u p ils illy M ari* Fti.-hal CllEHAl EM MOUNTAIN Buck Heaven school lias >»»>•* pupils Ht’a \ ,'1> 1S‘£W"> registered litis vear, on«* more th an d h c k l'” L" “ '«i Ul< i . . . s i r , . . , 11 ," b *ff returned from lVlH,1,'t" n Septem ber 30 mid vi'tlvxl k ? ' ‘ p ', " o ' , , ' ^ , ? " T ' i O induff and other tela “ u ' 'V X , ^ i '• '’ “ ' " ‘» k to >"'i \ n “i Si Vincent s hospital ,,?i M,' i 'v v " 'i? ''V ' ‘ ,“ 'v ' ' " ,,u *,Ws ol Potest o io v e bunday. , 1 I'11““ ** 111 tbl’ M erun G in - u “ r e \ l,‘ d ‘ “ '••'J1*'}« s «'l>t<*mbci K. Brltch «»( IMr(Iwiul. Mr mul Mrs u mul Mm, O. M liutriu« ol Ixu* Alluri«***, C m I , uiul One doss of ADLKR1KA quick Mr mul M in John M rurrr Mu“. 7 l adies oi the St Edwmits”c ì l i ? h b e c h rn m c w m '. T k ° f P“ rtles* txginning Wednesday m the church basement. Five-H undnn will be played. Everyone welcome. at Sttipheville. in 1834 o w p u w i u v , Texas, xv.\*»e», ui 1001 j u i v , . ,. * Afer th e ceremony a delicious ; V? J/,.., n. l;l ,a!,ul son 1 ¿'trick dinner was served. The rem ainder ¿ n k , , 1,, Johnstone returned Sunday evening fi\'m of the evening was given over hunting trip to Eastern On m. brmgmg talks and music chlkJren ixre. O W Cn> " 'T h e ' ch ild ren ' a r e : G. W Good- lu;‘!u', * ,, m 'J'" ‘ 1 ‘ -Mrs Jam es H 1,1 Davis m an an and mid Laurence Laurence Rose. Rose. Orenco: Orenco; Mrs J. J C. C Kildow. Kildow. Mrs Mrs. Ted Ted Ed- Ed- v.'“« “ ',-,-'..‘‘.V . r ’. , ’ , . ,, ,1', . / ... UlH“^ Mrs oi wards Cyrus Rose a n d Herbert LmV^yt, in i'v iV 1,*llU l,‘ 01 ’’l ■ort- Rose. Portland, mid Mrs K S 7?,.l, , “,ud V 1' l,-J“ n ;nt’e ' xiri" Yancver John Day ,,i‘- U1.v. Maud aVd Miller a n d V* ' granddaughter Bettv Jan e Mahler of Portland.' R , , . , , , ! . '« - ».«■ Y en «^inAfnrH onri « _ e . . . C “ : V' ; < ‘S S E ™ “ “ Dt lit lit «it V'Ft.nt.0 Successful Event ' By M rs H u s h B u rd ett« ! O REN CO -B .isket social held In the Orenco school auditorium S a t- ^w arrerT fam U v ^w h o * lost - ho,ne bv f i e m v n l? w^s u w l r h o m e by lire rectnUy. was a very profitable and enjovable event. ' Stark ( 'unipany-- Prem for 3 years *10(10 00 costs I (100 i misi oo costa 13 (HI 20IHI00 costs . 1(100 3000 00 (Mists Î4 00 4000 00 costs . 33 00 ( HAS. L. WALKER ¡¡g Agent Every tu rn i of Prutrcliuii—Etra, Aulnnmhllr, Casualty, ■.lability, l ldrhiy. Surety anil l ife P church Sunday Mesdames Webber. Newton mid ran^^kvblb 3° ' l" iOV." “ 'Valkcr R efreshm rnls will be served William Mors«* of Newberg l in- l>e»troy<* Bam w ill p r e a c h ’ Looiiev Brothers burn was com- P h e f ir s t frost of the season plelely destroyed by lire on I’liurs- occurred Monday night. However it day evening Alt tlie gnun. hay and ¡»otuto or tom ato vines i \ vn Haynes spent -sxmt th r days lust week in Hillsboro .II n I h h i ) at (111* home „„„i,,.,. Mrs E(ta recuperating horn a sickness con- iracicd at a hop yard. Guests it tlie tMHige Zeigler home last week were Mr and M i. J *1,"'’ Davis ol MiJdleton « /,* ,/'‘."i'.'-’i . o.7,'"’.d . ’.t“-.1 ,Ilakcr guests at Bill Meyers* home- ,n c»xut range m ountains * “ m reri Phone 1732 quite a lew rubbius. but tiu» farm machinery was saved Mrs R D Kellv o l T h e D i l l s , VIM„. t sm iilai Mrs Kelly has just return- ei| from mi eastern trip when* sin* ii.ilixl relutlvcs in Nebraska .uni .m ended the F .titurv of Progre. fmr m Flue i ,. sh e also visitci J' M M illans brother in l*enn- «sylvania. u tKv> Ward brouulit back u. lure»» | n; i Third Street LOYALTY ll ib AAHocUtlon U proud of tlw* loyalty of old pal i oils Over 7.» ot our "new buNluc.sN cornea from "old cuf»U>tiM*rjt. e gladly ref<*r you to any oik* uho Ls now an In­ vestor or ever haa invested in thia lnatituUon. Why not Join theee Nuti.xfhxi investors? Earning!» mailed to you arm !-annually, o n o u n ip d «^ « “ 2 T r«sy . i r “ ? . h a d A . s ,f ” tnd ’ ; Mra *“ “l H erhert »««• war Jacobs are on a ttu fishhig / .V-“ " : L‘,ls '»•> c hildren Qse;i to tile coast. " V“', M'’> 'rs,.hon«,-'t«-ai| left Portlmni last Thursday night F . Cliristcncr and K urt Jackv F ^iw ru n wi“? reti'uLn’'a n d , h u n V t1e n ih e ir'^ u '.iu e ^ 1'1‘'S‘V' Ci‘* l° " “U"' "^ n iN l'^ ^ u V ’h re' w d h ^ * 'm u "^ deer d'c ? ri -rxn Mr '“ ul Ml 1.... Webber anil 'Mcli “ . 1 i* , ^ ‘^n an Is repairing and their daughter Edna of Hliedd s | m nt . ............ - i-. lus home. .........- ' panning and Mrs ,ar*a Mrs Ernie Lambert of n.,t iti- l)«-er Fairvale and Mr. and Mrs. J INVEST TODAY! 1 t. Mabel Wilson Bride Delbert Hutchens of Banks and Miss Mabel Wilson of W atts were m arried last week a t Vancouver. The groom is tlie youngest son of fam - j m a i m e evening ; . ,j s, 1,7 ** im m home er ana of reception un- ™ school teiuJu-r ru-.iv- m «t«, joyableone. * was a ven- en- Mr and S Mrs." ...........................Tobias nxui. fonti, have r \ lived oil the moved Into lite Organise League the? i?eaf v aEK.eclau° n ? elr Brown for Mr. and Mre "» d -Mrs. Carl Wohl-schlegel M artu’i Rowell house . ' ' . :nah5 kind neighbors and friends. Claire Doile. wlio were* m arried re- * uul daughter Jean of Scholls anil Lena Santoro Iclt Moi ntlay for J •'Mi Epworth League is being or . . . _ . cently Those present were ~ Mr L. I. Hullt of Newberg calk'd Corvallis where die will attend 8?fy2ed i!le . Rey* E ¿?,d.,Mr? . XJL Sl.un.IAc.r. iuld daughter 2“ - ^ . E C Wohlschlegcl family Oregon s ta te . olleg*- . , ... . H ornet Hansen accompanied her and Mrs C harles T atm an bn»ther-m-law and sister, Mr and # - __________________ , rtaii«*d her broUicr-m-luw and Mrs d ia r ie s Houg of Portland, on Ouiltin* Us*in j * "7*7/ —*** 77*” family of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rice. dt*er hunting trio last week A quilting bee was held a t the iS snital 'C a en ° xirsVa7 F le7 a K inton. Mr And ^The^Muia*«1» « ^ an ( sv I 11 Euptla from Rodedule district, who home of Mrs Alice Parmlev Sep- ind Mrs Tom Pleren and d , °L Imi 4 are “ Uc,uling Hillsboro union high tember 19. The hoocesa seA ed a two rlS d re n o? H ^ ? e ” a ¡'¿r- “ d«.¥.rs 9 ^ Dorland. George J™. . 7 u., a: - ‘tool Oils year, an* Mark*. Caro- W atts Mr and Mrs. Cass Wilson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clark at Glenwood. Mr. and ited Sunday e tt in Hillst Lyle Holt down the old S m c T a ^ * i X - * ““ “ '* **' W“ ' h £ £ £ ' ' \ £ T A hie^Pam k.x“ “ " « r K^?SaS »“ Kur“ i,*, a . Miss Cr°P of Portland vis- a »‘> «*> «-‘onion Mr. and Mrs. Ellis McGraw and L>'le Wolford of New Benson and'Tuesday* in PortSuid ’visiting S un d ay F SUUr' M” ' ° Me*k' In n u 'h o m e Wednesday' lim iT h m s s Ml? W. A Jo‘” ' ' 1T UlnM,d home daughter Marv Lee of Vernonia Park spent the week-end with friends Y «„ u ” Wednesday and T hurs Siuiday from a wix*ks visit with -«■ M a W. O. W „ t o Sun«» M jg g g „ X “ ¡,55 „ . J ft „ d ““ “ r S A FE . RELIABLE J Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n J. M PERSON. Manager Saving« X Loan Bldg. lllll.huro, ( tregua Prescriptions Just As T h e D o c to r O rd e re d \YI sis : p on l“ce this strongest empha­ branch of our business — that's why your physician will suggest that you send prescript ions here. A C o m p le te Stock o f S ta p le D rugs H dLborodv i a ^ S m iS y ^ U h ’ kL'1 vis^red8w1thi th ^ G e n z e rH'iaX °v °Jn ^ k ^ ' MfS * P a r'“ ' C,“ b to Meet T h i ^ a ? >B n’Sa^untav U° 7 * d a y V r ^ J i u u S ^ C ^ ^ L ?here and Mrs. W T Seders. G reen Mountain. A. H. Wolford re- Elmer H ansen of SchoUs visited l.Bve!''r^ d7 club . wU1 meet a a t t ‘he and M n Fai O b ^ >a t t S X l the s£ * f n t ti J u' T 1“si Ie* wwks Mrs tim e r Hansen oi senous visitea „1 , ¿¿TV and Mrs Ed Obero the *’***• Mr. an d Mrs. W. G. Walker made mained for a week s visit. j ,— . . ana Mrs txt Gia nz a t t e n d e d t h e if u ir . . “£?■ _ « — - t . u . — -------. h er brother-in-law and sister. M r « . a.— F r x. i d a y to dlscuss plans for convention Sunday children and Mrs. a business trip to Canby Wednes- a n d M r s H o w a r d L Stout Runriav flu sh in g th e interior of tile church irA,.., u — / ' , «. H eards father. T A Cary, will ae- Who annex and to make plans for a H?2S“ ke5 fro,.n brre J who wprp company him ba« k there soon Anton w n d h u r M L S Newbera w S v s w hh bazaar held “ t i i t a t a fall pamPpd at s hop yard, returned „take their home. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. B e rd « , has been spending a lew days wim Evelyn Leeman of ri‘?i«iao,i z. i home S aturday afternoon Picking __ Mrs. Elda Powers and daugh :ei « » w » 1 <1 « his brother, est W w u tliert. iert, ano x»*"**"««. w C u al. . * was finished ter. tm E rnest and .. T L L X J l - — 1 C “ “ at noon Then* . — . u u n tic u uv ow n i n e r e has iuu> ~ ■«•11 Bonnie of Forest Grove visited been b 0 ?3p . . M . - ^ j o h ^ R m n ? ^ ^ L i L S i Mr. and Mrs. N. B erdan Sunday. £ £ & J o h n - B r u ñ s w ¿ í . m í « L eem i« £ £ " “ £ T q « ta « Sunday In Newberg, , is. a granddaughter of Mrs B runs- ?ew- c ^ e hJn.e sicE “ “ Jam es Thompson of Salem visit-j (By I. r . stnibbi Mr and Mr». Bill T hom e e n ­ ed CUJÍ Thompson and family and GREEN MOUNTAIN—Mr Wilk- Mr. and Mrs. A l'L eo n h eart and tertained with a house party at with Mrs. Stella Kelly September enson of North Plain.’ has purchaa- Henry Alberts of P ortland were Dr A E H unt and M r and Mrs. j their lumie Sund.iv Guests were ed th e Joe Smejiuu U m ler and Sunday guests a t the W H Ring E C Hobson of Riverside. Cal., Mr. and Mrs A. O. Ross arri Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Austin M arr moved while logging it is living w ith his home been quests of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday to Sherm an's mill, where two sons and Mark Blake on the Mr and Mrs Delbert Shelton of JX* E ‘VI*dkey for the past week Austin has employment Wulf place. Dallas visited at the W H Ring aIso V1«ited i n Vancouver. Ada and Wilbur Hopkins of Til- Miss Bailey Hostess heme over th e week-end M r ' Shel- B J ? reP°rt a lovely trip, (Bv M m Zell G Struthrr»! lamook are visiting relatives in Miss R uth Bailey had a few ton and Mr. Ring are cousins. Thom as Goodin. Pete Jorgenson. n HITEON x * W 4i - Morris Willoughby, who 1 u .11 in ^7IU” ? ay a f ^ n o o n to Mrs S. W. Baughm an attended Pubols and Jam es Batchelder Ls employed in the CCC at Belknap, clu5,u wiB vr p \ le present were a church convention a t Boring th e a hunting trip n<\ir June- broke his leg and was taken to tlie October 5 with Mrs. Charles Ship- Mrs. Joe Smejkal. Mrs. V. C. Strubb latter part of th e w*eek xion City an d brought home two hospital a t Vancouver barra<’ks ley-_ . C*158. Prances Teller, Miss Eva Kenneth Woodward Honored ... Messrs. Parker Downing. Harry K enneth M unford k t t Sunday for Croaker. Mrs. F rank Bailey and Mr and M rs L T. Woodward Mrsx P L B«®ch called Robinson. Peter Olson. D ster Da- Monmouth «'here he will attend the hostess gave a birthday dinner in honor on friends in Oregon City Sunday, vies. Carl Olson and Vincent Wll- normal a few m onths before tak- Mr and Mrs. Frank Genzer are of th eir son K enneth Friday eve- u r \ a n ^ Mrs. Emil Miller made loughby are enjoying a vacation tng a position as principal of a on th e sick list. ning Those present were Bob Me- a buslne‘» trip to Tillamook Friday, deer hunting grade school m Corvallis. Joe Smejkal Injured Cullock. Morris McEntee. K enneth . . [ T W right has been working The Coulter family have moved ou ^u^sts a t the Charles Joe Smejkal wae injured by a Woodward, and the host and hoot- T routm an m arket the last from the Selander place to a w«‘rei Carl Shipley falling limb while felling trees ess. fe* days* . . on Ray Hanson's property, of HL.sboro and Mf- and Mrs. last week but is able to work again. Next Sunday will be Promotion . Mrs W H Welnccke Mr. and Mrs E D Hite attended George M cFarlane and daughter of Attend Normal day in the Sunday school. F athers Sr‘d j visited I n Portland a meeting of V eterans of Foreign Forest Grove F P Bailey took his daughter and m others are invited to visit ?.undai '?lU!.* 'ir Weinecke’s sister. Wars in Hillsboro Thursday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Max Dreeszen and R uth and Miss Eva Croaker to the different departm ents and see ^ rs- I* Mllbert. Another sister, ning. son of M ountamdale. Mrs. O. D. Monmouth Saturday, where the the Sunday school in action _____________ , - ........... — ■ Dreeszen and Mrs. George Moss of young ladles will enter norm al —_______________ Banks visited Sunday afternoon in for th eir second year. E x a m in e r S rh e d u le d --------------------------------------------- P ortland with O. D Dreeszen, who Ervin Merrill Mead of Bald M artin Redding examinTr of op- is recovering from a recent m ajor M ountain visited Sam Strubb S at- erators and chauffeurs will be in operation Mr Dreeszer. expects to urttey. HilLstoro W e d n ^ d a y ^ ' October ‘ be home soon. a the court house between the Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McFarlane Argus classified ads get results. hours of 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr - — and M rs William M cFarlane in Portland, hey also visited in Oregon City and Colton before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. William Joos of N orth Plains were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Minnie Schuimerich at the E arl Wilson home Mr. and Mrs. F rank G rindle of Portland spent Sunday night and Monday with Frank s ’parents. Mr. G u a ra n te e d gnd Mrs. Eli Grindle One R oger’s Silverw are C ertificate with 20 games Mr, ¿ 3 d M rs* J ° b n Hartwick and bowled— either ladies or gentlem en. daughter Joyc» Visited relatives In Portland Sunday Robert Smith, returned home Sep­ Guaranteed by Product tem ber 18 from a visit in Tacoma 2 Guaranteed by Performance and Puyallup. Wash In Puyallup C o n fe c tio n e ry — B o w lin g A lle y s he attended the Northwest W ash­ Guaranteed in Writing again,! ington fair. He was accompanied Road H azard, (or 12 month, by by his cousin, G len French, who “W here Ladies are Courteously T reated and ■spent the summer as a 1 orest U S. Rubber Product,, Inc. Cordially Invited." ranger in Idaho. Glen plans to build a house on his acreage on 1260 Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon Bald M ountain this winter. The new building of the Banks We Serve OLYMPIA and WEINHARDT’S BEER Triple Tampered Rubber it the toughest rubber m eat m arket is being roofed this week with paper and tar utad in tire making. You get it ot no extra co«t in Miss Adella Paetsch of Portland spent the week-end in Banks with G* Royals, In addition, you get tires 3 time. her parents. Mr and Mrs. Ed M Paetsch a n d daughters. Lorena — Paetsch, who spent the summer in G earhart, is also visiting for a In rainy w eather, your big concern is SAFETY. NRA Green Mountain Man Makes Sale Th» I»* 11* Ding nii>r« B<*hany-Cedar Mills PALM DRUG STORE Prescription Druggists 1208 Main St. Phone 266 FREE DEIIYEHY Hiteon Man Hurt at Belknap Camp riMPERED RUBBER Drive a WE PAY DIVIDENDS on What You Spend! C L E M ’S Plymouth the Rain in PLACE S ep end ability 1 3 and learn why HYDRAULIC BRAKES are best! Cold storage boxes for rent.— Term inal Ice & Cold Storage Co. Next door to cannery. Telephone 3051. 32-3 Genuine E V E R E A D Y R a d io “ B ” B a tte rie s * | .25 Let us help you put your Radio in good condition again! T IB E S TESTED FALL Seeds - Grain W hite Holland Seed W heat, Jenkins Club Seed W’heat, Rink Seed W heat, Recleaned Grey W inter Oats, Recleaned Fall Rye, C heat Seed, Rye Grass, H ungarian Vetch, Common Vetch, and all Clovers. O ur fall Seed Stock is com plete. Buy your Seed requirem ents from Im perial. B e tte r Q u a lity D o u g la s s R a d io S e r v ic e (1) fer Mere Mile» (J) For Jzlely (3) For Dependability »afer again,! bead trouble— 8 4 % taler again,t blowout, caused by separation— the extra wear and extra safety of the famous Cogwheel Tread— and Safety Bonded Cords, welded together with live rubber. Buy U. S. Royals now, at rock- bottom prices. Rubber up 442% . . Cotton up 194% . . Prices bound to follow , BE THRIFTY-BUX TODAY. U. S. TIRES (PMrlei, Txp.ll U. S. TIRES $g.5o A m e ric a '» H lt h e r t Q u a lity L a w P ric e d T ira Hydraulic Brakes DO That! F o r th e y a re a lw a y s e q u a liz e d . 4.40-21 $g45 4.75-19 (Ou.rp Txpe) 4 $ /1 .4 5 4.40-21 , 6 n» 5.25-19 SEED CADY MOTOR CO. H ills b o ro , O re g o n Phone 21X Phone 01 PIIII.CO DEALERS Selfridge Bros. CLO VER We have a large shipping outlet fo r your Oats, Barley, Clover Seed. See us before you sell. imperial feed MB B e tte r P rices WANTED GRAINS FREE! Brakes become doubly im portant. You w ant to know th at the kind of brakes on the c ar you're driving will stop you dead in your track s— the kind th a t will prevent dangerous swerving. It pays to buy & grain Millers of Quality Feeds co . South Serond St. % DODGE PLYM O UTH BUSCH’S SERVICE GARAGE 115 2 T h ir d S treet P ho n e 501 H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N