willsb or l ire Prevention Week, Oct. 7-1J rg u s W ith W h ich i» Combined the H illsb o ro Independent VO LUM E II HILLSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 State Capitol N ew s Lett e r U Y A. L. I, I N I I II K C K Many Indi'pendenta in O regon’« Hattie o f the Vote«. Hagg Dairy Cow Takes Top Honors “ Im ich S e v e n ” R ated Producing Animal in August Herd Test ALEM W hen t ile doors w e r e cloned o n ca n d id a tes for sh ite and d is t r a i o li lem F m tay n igh t It S H ig h * I I I Il V ili t )lC wus fouiul tim i «ix more ui.plriuita » ' I » I IvC C O I'll S et qtuillfleil for a illune un tlie .Vovelli- i ________ ber bulini by th è p rillim i niellim i l'liese m illed to IJw* 67 n om in ated by ■ ■ .. . u __i assem b ln . u.1,1 tlie 200 iio m in u t.d ° ’h * r C o u n ‘y H erd s R anh In tile p ilim u le » Iasi M ay brings H ig h for P ro d u c tio n the total up to 273 ----------- CUisnllkxl os to political affilia­ tion* Uir list lue ludís Mi republl ' Imich Seven," record b utterfat an». 83 detiawraU. 22 wlio liave producing grade Jersey cow owned to (MiUllr o ffic e in < r i , ■ li luwl Federal Housing Program Quotas Set for County Wheat Plan Agreements Still Stand W ashington county’s quota of loan/4 under tlw federal Itouhin# act has been set ut $240,000. ac- ’ cording to Edgur Freed. Mate d i­ rector ot the federal housing a d ­ ministration Oregon** quoUt is $7.691,000, which. If filled, w i l l •'•■“»‘ire r a h county In the state of C on tra ct» N ot C a n c e le d for Its share of benefits under th e act Quotas are being used to d eter­ 1 9 3 4 as R esu lt o f D ro u th , mine the extent to which each S a y s C o u n ty A g e n t county will take advantage of Its opportunity of participating in the better housing program. Freed an- n o im c c .1 n , i money Will be releas- C ’h c c k q C o m i n f T R i v o l i ed by the banks throughout the v - I H (. K S V A H l l l I l g ¿»O O Ii s t a le during the next six or eight m o n th s for repairing and rnodem- ...... . , . , - . . , Z-. ■ ■ ,, r. Uhw i.n n ^ apartliient houses and C o rn -H o g P ro g ra m P a p e r s business buildings, and It will pro- i vide employment for many tlious- C o m p le te d D u r in g W ee k and» of workers and stim ulate business. il)> Wm. F. Cyrus, County A v en ti No tvm- of b u lld in e lx ex clu d ed bv the n v u k .tj» ,» tie 'i™ ,,. ‘ W heat contract* for 1934 have not Safety Campaign to Stress Laws on Right of Way City Plans Program to Cheat Fire "Better be sure you have t h e 1 right of way before you step from the curb to cross a street, or drive your ear Into an Intersection." This was the warning Issued by local officers this wwk as enforcement activities got under way for the ’ ' ’ oigj period In the state-wide F ire P re v en tio n W ee k W ill " Let’s " Quit ~ ----- Killing" safety drive of the Oregon S tate Motor associa­ be O b ser v ed L o c a lly tion. P. T. A , American Legion and other groups. O c to b e r 7 to 13 Police declare most motorists and -------------- many pedestrians proceed on the ■ sum ption th a t the other fellow S c h o o l « C n - n n e r - i ft* '.in lx- "bluffed” a t intersections. U g e r d lt: When two persons have th is ldentl- j _________ cal » idea same time and p«u.v place, ««*-<* a t , the w«, ncuiiv u , h ,> j hc “tdities, has been made this The car entering an intersection partm em Tand insurance flrm T Fire e o m ^ e ^ d s 'm 0^ 1^ ? 1^ TupsdaY the county assessor, first has the rig h t of way, but prevention inform ation will b e to select setting th e county total a t $21.628,- »hen two cars enter a t the sam e disseminated th r o u g h th e sehnols will h J 5ee^ 090 P nnclPal lomes resulted from time the one on the left m ust chamber of co m m erce a n d th e a t e r d is tr ib u te d baJ^f and reductl°n s in tim ber valationa as a yield to the one on Uie right. Observance features wh? get un- 'h e project next vear re6uJt 01 a cruise conducted After making a full stop before der wav October 8 whXi ™ m h S » were duru* “ * summer, and logging entering a through street or high- of the Hillsboro lire d e o a r tm e n t HllLsbmv Chf S% ° i °Perat i°n6. way. or after making a proper sig- wm be guests of the chamber of Vuylsteke of Banks^route"4 ! <92S VaJue 01 Umber lands to r 1934 rial for a left turn, the m otorist commerce and w 11 have charge of 1 set a t »2,512.405, a reduction of entering the "stop" street or m ak- p££a“ ^ p n ^ n t o t i v ^ f a IF t F F F F t j™ ™ *159'390 from 016 last ing the turn has the right of way Portland fire insurance company _______ 1________ rbts slastl is in addition to a fla t over approaching vehicles except will be the principal speaker. ’’ ' ' reduction of 25 per cent in 1933 on those within the intersection or so u i r « D 1 1C A • J 331 tim ber lands in th e area of close as to constitute an immediate co-operate iv llF c ll f the forest fire a year ago During AU school children wiU be ap­ liazard. the cruise this summer a few tracts pointed junior fire m arshals during . VV7 1 T»1 1 showe large exteiU increases resulting the blanks are completed a n d *• v u n lY rro g ra m » frotn uje return of property t o ' ' turned in. Speakers also will visit -------- volved to th e 1933 tax foreclosure P r o m i n e n t S p e a k e r s t o T a lk aU local schools during the week. R ural rm abilitation committee saIe to the tax rolls. O ther gains . Special motion picture reels fea- for W ashington county was appoint- were “xtoc in improvements on city at S essio n o n O c to b e r 8 tu n n g fire prevention subjects are ed Tuesday evening by the coun- lots aJMt deeded lands, machinery _____ being obtained for showing a t the ty relief committee to act in an 31x1 n*‘rc'han incfifiito institute Is scheduled for th e theater all during the week. In Membere " o t' r 'tte “ CTonp**1 ^ catUe' In • the r case, although ' be stressed during the observance 28 exhibitors the first year and 48 Fourteen of the 273 candidates Improvement assocluturn O th e r There arc numerous possibilities for ar<‘ gmng to be m force for the ‘ ’"■•‘"J1 1,1 u ,c county dairy herds made an en- loans for improvements in com- 1933 r Lhe 1933 fro P the w heat con- the Orth» "I «over»«* four would The prtae Hagg dairy cow pro- f - f J U « / ^ L m x 4 x 4 xw M x . M o t atgiwr will be required to bo satisfied with Uw Job of w ire - duccd 1323 pounds of milk and cut his average acreage 10 per cent, Tins means Hurt he wld have a lory of xtate, three luiv«- tliclr eye» 70 1 poiuuls of butterfat during the on the ufflce of superintendent of m onth of August and has seldom little bit Itlgher maximum acreage public liuitriu lion and three want failed to place high in the honor th a n lie had last year but his m in- to be cominisxloner of labor. roll of her age class. Tlie other unum acreage rem ains the same. A total of 187 candidates are out nigh producing anim al for t h e -------- Quotas Set for legislative honors Of there month was "Colic." a slx-ycar-old ■ - - - I . p |.„ p _ :_ : _ M Regulations issued by the wheat 41 seek election to Uie state senat,- grade Jersey owned by Allen Tup- *"o c a l * 1 ,a y n a i n i e r H ere adm inistration concerning the use and 146 ore running for tile 60 | mt of Carlton, with A record o f jn O c t o b e r 5 C la sh of land taken out of w heat produc- seuts available in th e house of rep- 1827 pounds of milk and 69 9 pounds lion arc about the same a s f or last cundi- of butterfat. icarktatUvrft T'w nity-three candi- year Some things were perm itted d u lo t ore out i«»r election at» distm t ( laa» Krcord« Good Bitterly contesting every inch oi in connection with the 1034 crop attorneys and itt luvpire U> m - u U s <»n Ftdrvleu Tunas a t Troutdale with «round and never giving up the which contract signers should not Uie circuit and supreme court bench. ,A herd of 94 grade and purebred »mttle against superior odds, an in- expect m the case of the 1035 crop. The list includes the following jersey» Ouenuieys a n d Holstein» experienced Hilhi grid eleven went The land put aside as contracted candidate« for congrchslonal and wax high in tlie class for lierds of down to defeat 55 to 0 Friday a t acres must average as good as the stuix- unices over 4o head This herd produced the liands of a powerful Jelferson land on which w heat la grown. Congm n. first district Em m ett average of 853 pound» of milk high w hool squad in Portland Swale land will not answer the pur- W Gulley. Newberg, independent; ^„d 377a pounds of butterfat In However, tlie game was far from Pt** G rass or legume crops may Janie« W Mott. Bakin, n-publumi. th,. division for herd» of between being as one-sided os th e score be seeded on contracted acreage or W B lliciMUils. Albany, socialist, 30 him ! 40 animals, the herd of 21 would Indicate and the locals show- such land may be sum m er fallowed It it Turner. Uulia» dcinucnU Land j __ th _ a t is x a. already to pasture or purebred Jersey» owned by Mrs. <‘d promise even In defeat. __ 1....... Congrras. biuxul district Walter jliu m aa William» a t F o iw t Grove Hillsboro held off the Jefferson n>ea contracted acreage for 1935. ¡ touum October 8. according to a n - jp-ms have been asked to have fire chairm an, John Pubols of West irom 19187 head in 1933 to 19,850 Upton, land, rrpublicun pounds of butterfat Mrs C E bom defense and Holscher s long Compilante forms for 1934 have nouncement this week by O. B. prevention displays to their win- Union. Emil Johnson of Tigard thls yesr' a reduction to the basic Gungnvx, third district William Robertson At S o n s herd of 19 pure- piuita A Hilhi fumble on the Hills- beca inrwarded to Washington. Kraus, county school superintend- dows during the week O ther fea- M P. Cady of Hillsboro and Coun- valuaUon oi c a ttk from »20 to »15 A. EkwoU, republican. W alter U. (ir„ | jerseys at Forest Grove took boro 20 w idth was recovered bv u c . fr<>ln thls county. No one ^ t . who lias arranged the program, tures may be planned later ty Agent William F Cyrus a h€ad lo6s- A reduction Gleason, dem ocrat; Philip Ickler, top honors in Uie division between Jefferson proved tlie turning point lu‘o *'s lust w wtu o u r , " { . P? county Program is being planned by Aid in helping farm famdiec was "Jade to the value of nulrp'-inlriu. Loul» GL-Sin. eommuii- 12 and 20 cow» wiUi un average of tiie gain, Jefferson o u e n e d u p probably a few weeks y e t., » 111 be closed for the day and Wilbur Dillon, local fire m arshal a t t a i n a letx.l ’ nf , >oun* 3U)ek- IM-iiKleptWienl; Albert B trriff so- production of 661 potrnds of milk w,th „ senes of vicious mgL- n - T»1« * lw° Payments the al- required to attend th e In- and & conunltu^ ‘frJ,m the‘^ , r o , some needs U p r o p ^ M ^ n d ^ r U?Z ‘ k WC fe clallst. G race Wick, Independent; ,u,d 40.09pounds of butterfat. Elmer verses around the ends with the loL,’ient for the 1933 crop and the stitute. departm ent Members of the com- program by Hlllsboro Forest Grove, Cor- Amlrrw C Bmllh. independent i k r u of Newberg placed fing to ball carrtrr r u r n iin g b - h I n d a iln * Pa.vment on th e 1934 crop? Outstanding speakers secured for » ^ 'w u U T m Zi eg er Ctoi “ s No ne Hus. G aston and Sherwood while Governor Harry J Correll, Ba- -lass under 12 rows with an f X - ^ m X m v ami took *hc«t will not be paid in one check. Uie event include Dr F. W. Parr, w M elhuiSi to - Z T i » V “ " : B“ ’ erta1' Orenco- Banks a n d lem. cunununist independent; Joe average of 754 pounds of nulk and ltH. bail over lor the openmg .¿o n Ther* wU1 *» two checks some little Oregon State college secondary ed- a n « » - ¿ w r a w í wTh D l u ^ Tualatln showed losses. Compara- E. Dunne. 1A Uond. rejal*» I 1, ¡40 7 jx>unla<*ed lirat ln Uie two-year- Jefferson was penalized tor hold- CiriUMU*. dem ocrat. Blanche H Mey- (»i , during a business session of the according to county officers who counties and the land planning i A , . » . » . / . C«-nxnx«1>-x-. F i P l l t F o r e c a s t !' roi|p during the afternoon. K raus investigated the death. Several notes section of the AAA ln the transfer L / U F l l i e O D C a K S er. Milwaukie, .suclalut pounds oi milk and 56 5 pounds of Hilhi got out of a bad hole with £■> announced. Mrs. Nellie C ochran were left by th e m an uidicating of ru ral populations on subm argin- ! JT Cuminboloner o f Labor C H butterfat tlu* aid of tlie penalty but another submargin- O ram , B»Uem. republican; Walfred 'lo tal oi 38 herds were tested by l*‘nulty for blocking while a pass | of G arden Home school is presi- th a t he was tired of living alone al land to more favorable sections was in Uie air gave Jefferson Uie <('.>ntirmr«i un |ta»re 12 colum n S Next two ve-ars will see one of dent 01 Ul« association a t present and decided to "end it all." under a long time policy to be pre- Bhulailni. demoernt, Portland, l a * - ball on Hillsboro’s 35-yard line th«' most intense pollUcal dog fights wl,lle c - H- Nosier Is vloe-president. Hampden was found dead to bed ceded by careful study? Movements 1 rence Wucr. Gladstone, socialist. Tlie liorne tr a il then smaslird their in thc history of the country, de- T he officers of secretary an d treas- by W. M Snipes and C. 3. Sho- will be confined within the coun- BaJd Peak state pork was nam ed Tlie uppcoi of U » transportation M a V O F A IlC lO S »ay for a score to seven plays d ared E rnest Havcox of Portland. urer are vacant a t present. macher, both of Reedville. The bed- wherever possible. after Ewing Young, noted Oregon Bad breaks ltounded tlie locals prom inent novelist and short story D epartm ental sessions for high room door was closed but the bath- ------------------------- pioneer, during the dedication oere- / I dlv vision of Uie uUUtle» ilrportment T T 1 during Uie balance of the hall, writer, to a talk before the Hills- S<-'1><>°1 teachers will be under the room door was open and the gas , monies Sunday. Joe E. Dunne, re- for additional Hinds will be renewed 1 l U r t 111 V ^ r n S l l «"’tog Jefferson two scores ui sliort boro Rotary club Thursday. leadership of D r P arr w h i l e turned on under the w ater heater C T a d v L u d P l l t T l D publican gubernatorial candidate, before Uie emergency buonl at a order. W ahner fumbled tlie kick- As for reform and relief activities Maaske will conduct the elem en- The m an apparently had prepared 7 *r praised th e spirit of Oregon plo- meeting to be held here Friday. off, Jefferson recovered on Uie Hills- Uie public is pretty m uch in ac- U r>’ teachers departm ental Miss for bed. turned on the gas, lain I T i c t M i r v k f necrs spirit of th eir de- Two nuniUis ago. a t th e last meet- Benous injuries were narrowly boro 13 and Ulen Mercer, Jeffer- cord, but when It comes to some M argaret Dixon, county health down and calmly waited for death, i-A X J lc U Ix H sl i N l g n i scendanto th a t had led to t h e tog of Uie board a request from UU» (Irju rU in it for a $30.000 de- averted b y Hillsboro r e s id e n ts son left half, took the ball over of the recovery measures there Is nur* Mrs Hugh McOllvra, Deputy Johnson reported. He was Lock on the gasoline puroo at Present development of the state, flciency appropriation was reduced Thursday alien tire blowouts caused on Uie next play A few moments a decith-d variance, averred t h e President of the W ashington Coun- last seen Saturday. Cady's garage in Hillsboro was ln 831 addreB® a t the republican pic- to $10,000 Member» of Uie b<«rd two automobiles to overturn. Mayor >a tti - Holscher s punt was partially speaker He praised bank deposit t>' HealUi associaUon. will be in Notes were left addressed to broken last night and undetermined rally 111 connection a t tliai Ume rriticlaed Uie deport-1 Grange Phelps suffered a lacerated blocked, taken by FaiTante, Jeif Insurance, stock m arket regulation cl>arge of health problem discus- Hampden’s wife. Mrs. Ella Hay quantity of fuel stolen w ith dedication. m ent for Its g w u roti» jwyroll and W t wrist, a cracked rib. injured fullback, who raced from the 15- and th e securlUes act slons. Hampden of Son Francisco, Cal., „„1 K. . . . John V Sm ith of Newberg sug- Uie $10 000 approjiriallon was 0C- knee» and shock when his car over- yard line for a score He viewed with alarm the loss ------------------------- Geor8e Hagel of HiUsboro, a , r t Grove um an nigh school gea(« j tile name of the Oregon (xunponlixl by an admoiutloii to turned near Tobias station Davis Hllhi's defense sUIfened a t the of certain Individual liberties, which » business associate. Another note to *V T ~ oroxen into Monday pionee r for th e site an d th e pork simplify adm inistration o f t h e Auld and Jess Rasmussen escaped start of tlie second half, making a he said had made Uils nation so ( O l l F l t V A i-fc friends stated "W hen I get to the . rel~ r “ i tne w a s dedicated Ewing Young Bald truck ami bus net and to reduce Injury when Uie Royal Soda Works successful goal line stand after great, Under the present trend It V- ,V ,14.11L V T Y U 13 G reat Beyond.’ if anyone asks me ” s ° “ lce * buanllty of ice Peak p ro g r^ n speakers expenses Hiduaal „ of ------------ Uie board — to . [ truck turned over six miles th is Jefferson had a first down on Uie will be difficult individual x~« . why I did It, II I punch him in the cr~lz“ T L*, gWn W8S 5toIe"- included Janies M ott representa- expenses. ---------- — for — the --------------- ,— ... . ----- .. ...................................... x -v i x -i nose „ T heft of tools and motor parts Uvp ln a „ .n grant the entire appropriation os <>( Vernonia locals’ 5-yard line. During tlie bol- to do much for lUmself. declared Hampden was bom in Pennsyl- requenttd rvoultod In wholesale dis- j Phelps was on his way to Port- ance of Uie game. Jefferson relied Haycox. _____ vania and had lived In Reedville mOn?h„U„ . ^ ^X-.STd' Jh ? ° F i HoRaJ1- rehabilitation officer of dls- minwl of employes and serious cur- 1 lan<1 about 7:30 p m. Thursday upon single reverses to score four Government, he said, has always W ashington county started acUon flV® yCar8’ , „ S h e riff Conned *'ar E B Nedry ot (ailm ent of Uie deportm ent's ac- when a tire on his car blew out. touchdown» as tlie heavy Jeff line liad the right to step into private tlvltles It Is umlemtood th a t of- taking the machine off tlie high- (C ontinualon p » g . 12. co lu m n » ) lives for specific purposes, but now T h u rsd ay a g a in st alleged •amhn Funeral services for Hampden o n ern l vonneii. [ Tigard, president of the Oregon lance clinsem ’ alien » ^ ffa n ts were wU1 conducle< 1 this afternoon Merchandise' valued at between S tate Republican club; Ed J. iS y - flelaJ» of th e highway departm ent, way and overturning It. Tlie auto- ~ has blanket power to go Into any ---------- for any purpose, ---------- .sw orn out for the a rre ^ T o f N o r-1 ,T hursdaI'' a t 1:30 o’clock from 833 atjd $30 was stolen Friday night liss of Sherktan, Yamhill county chief beneficiary of tlie truck and mobile was badly damaged The F c j f c y c t . JVTp. N n t private business Haycox said th at we had come t o ' nuui F Redmond and Irving H a r- the Donelson & Sewell chapel with frpni the E. G. Gray service station republican chairm an; and W. 8. bus reveniMn. Iisve inlerveii' d with I Koyal Soda Works truck turned M 6 A llw ‘ point wnere where we must decide how n rls. P ortlan d and recently recentn- R€V’ H A: Deck oniciating. officiating. Inter- bear of Alan. Yamhill c< county commission­ er In in the m e lute into afternoon afternoon. C -> lo T L ' VYZ I a P01111 s both of Portland n A “car o Six ix v Comers o m e r s, v Loot o o t c consisted o n sisie a 01 tlie «inorgency bourd members ln over ¿5iIlC 1 FI1S W C C K far government may go Into private of o sim In ment wUl a t th e local 5=11 L aw n ! cigarettes, candy and other m er- i er, who presided, a n effort to secure reconsideration1 Tom Morgan of Beaverton Beavertc route -----, convicted ™ m u ilar w charges v « o f f e r e d m in o r io l l i r t e x k t o n d n v t . b u s i n e s s a n d li v e s n . e c e e ,,e x « le x .a • —. .____ . __ " cemetery. ch an d ise. .«Sevnnfee», «-Vuu cliancbse. Seventeen Oregon and W ashtng- and more favorable acUon on the 1 suffered minor Injuries Monday I W ashington county chanter. D is -! A™1 llves These quesUons, Clackamas county. Tlie larger a p p rop riation morning when a trailer broke abled „sixa American a 1 Veterans ........... of . t . . h . » e 11 said, would result ln a com lete) a accused ccu sed of Lloyd Beard of Banks was ar- ton counties and seven snow-capjx'd com p plete, of «nlleltinm soliciting he business on loose from a car driven by Wll- re-aligiiinrnt of parties. rested Saturday on a disorderly peaks are said to be visible from account of claims for S T S o ï ’. H i l h i C l u b G r o u p s conduct charge. The following day the park. I t Is planned to erect a «-j. * x z Herm an Greener of Banks route 2 tower and install a powerful tele- will Subsequently r l a n A c t i v e I e a r waa taken into custody for an scope a t the top of the peak. pie Lillian Ludweg ™ , v. . . . .. . alleged game law violation, -------- the Pearl T. and Tlie clubs of Hilhi elected of CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN—Owing the .... uivuviiia^ aiwwuig *e i about $75.000 d a m a g e s ^ roUlslom ,lcCT»2í*te Plan a " to the inclement weather only about known here. B oth appropriations | If Uie drive Is successful It »311 1 h 'n u rrs tt « year. The to Senate club officers m et Monday I I occurred the PorUand-Scholls and Beaver of I f>Venlng nam e lts which P e f S O n A p p o i n t e d 25 attended, including Candidates enable the organiziition to expand ‘ _________ halrman arc now practically exhausted. Clr- A l O l l . ' l I v O .U l W O t k a t tlie Intersection Jo«' Dunne, Jam es Mott and Earl cult J ik I k **» will receive th eir salary its legislative, rehabilitation a n d « « ' • were a ss e ss^ d i r e c t o r o f G f O U p Snell. A picnic lunch was served warrant« for SeptembiT and su­ P l a n n e d b y S E R A liiuson services for the mutual bene- /\l lV O C ilt C S I r O t X l C o n t r o l t o M e e t ;WUn8t Hera^ ^ di nu V e ^ ^ X t o ^ r e r ■ 3 M ^ r s o n . manager of t i e around a big camp fire. The b«>nches prem e Justices are esaured of their fit of hundri'ds of disabled ex- and table th a t were promised failed ixiy for October, but a fter th a t I Construction of 5527 feet of new service men. their dependents and c o n tr o l to M e e t 2 to materialize. The meeting a d ­ there will be no cosh In eltlicr fund I ao.f(M)| ,1)aut a was organized last soring is start- aMocifttion a t Tigard to fill a va- H i l l s b o r o R e a l t o r Jiulgea through the rem ainder of gag, 79 | K>r (Tnt of which would — -------------------- McNary and Stciwer and Congress- *lcense He was fined $75 on the ing its work for the current year cancV on the board. the bi-tiinlum and approxlnuittly be for i„bor. The proposed road r i i ,, " MUl M»11 »111 be present. Juvita- “ rat mid $25 on the second^ offtcers are the foiiowing F e d e r a lS a v in g s * L o a n a s s o c la - C lo s e s M a n y D e a ls »8000 to keep the supreme court on be a continuation of the L A K a l L x C g lO ll r O S t (ions have been issued to Governor „ , ®y' ,UC’ Vatentlne of Carl 0 ^ ^ president- John Eld- don announces coast to coast radio a cash busts W ith only »46.500 re- Aloha-Elmo,lira road and will sta rt r ,. Meier, heads of the Federal R egion-, ° u*toll Pleaf1 KU111y J ® ridge, vice-president; Bob Tongue broadcasts September 28 and 29, Real estate transactions totaling malnlng In Uie emergency fluid It two miles north of Aloha. tO fc lC C t D t l l C C r S al P ’minlng Board. United States ° I a 8aI" e ®™ 01,1 « « « “« « a ™1 secretary-treasurer; Paul P atter- which will be of vital Interest to »44,640 were closed this m onth by will not he possible to provide fo ri p»,, new project« were approved . . . . a.T’y c," 'lneers. PWA officials a n d , * « H i 39 d* y s„ Ji U »»h advisor. everyone. Speakers on the national W. G. Ide of Hillsboro. The tran s­ the court« and leave enough f o r , for UlP county this week, an up- ti1,lll;sb? r<>,,P °-st’ Ani" lcal1 Legion, others interested. Inform ation ob- “ 'h **3# He * oled on Each sum m er the high school broadcasts will be Jam es Moffett, actions Involved six sales, four of any subetanUal appropriation f o r , plication to Install sidewalks in will elect officers a t th e post m eet- talned by th e engineers' commit- 1 1, * ’? , a"i* . . ! G irl Reserves, a branch of the federal housing adm inistrator, and which were ln Washington county. the transportation division. In d l-| Cornelius mid another to paint, the “ lg Finlay night. Nominations were tee will be placed before the mem- ,6f° J?11®,1?1 Y. W C. A . have a conference John Fahey, chairm an of the Fed- These were O. R. Wilcox to D. W. vlilual nu-mliers of the board when Gatoo„ Hr,, hall. Work on the side- tn»de two weeks ago, but other bership and the congressional dele- " a “J 1 ''^ iie a tla y by M yrtle at whlch pIans are made for th<1 eral Home Loan Bank board, and McBetih of Utah. 52 acres north of here two nuHiths ago laid t h e wftlk Job will start Monday ns will nomlnatioiLs call be made Fritter «»flon. , Stoftonbp1« ^ f e r m e n t of the clubs This sum - officers of the United States Build- Forest Grove; First National bonk threatened deficiency ln the court r ,,. project for laying pipe a t For- Entei tnbmjetit committee for the Let us bear in mind the necessity i mer t 1* conference was held at Ing and Loan league Following the of Forest Grove to Dr J. W. Peck appropriations a t Uie dexir of Judgea J ,.st Grove anil cutting logs for Fi Idny meeting Includes Paul I of presenting to our congressional “J ™ “ “ “ i T 2 Seabeck, a camp on Hood’s canal national broadcasts the local asso of Hilalboro, IU4 acres in Hlllsboro; Pattei-son. Jake Well and E. A d e l a t i o n the united ^ d d e t e < »tie accident August 15 in Hillsboro T l T u i e n ,; o F th e c o n v e n c e » 'ts X tlo n w^ who had failed to accept voluntary the county wuodyiuxl projects J. R. Caples to A. H. Llndetnan of G riffith. Plans for Installation arc mined effort of these nine coun- a t 1¡}P Intersection of W alnut and carr()xj ouj jn the ••m ait ¡rlK subscrlptioiu in the associaUon iwy cuts as luul been anticipated j Iowa, 37 acres; and Portland M ort­ being made by Jake Well. G. R ils - j tics th a t something shall be done tCon.inu^on w i2.rei„n,n 2. ; „lost of yourrelf" clas™ e l a t e s SU°SCrlptl01‘i *" ttW aM0cU1On’ when the apiiroprtutlons were m ad e.! C i v i c G r o u p P l a n s yourself" classes. Classes gage company to C. Millett, a sell Morgan and H. L MacKenzie. I to stop Uie tremendous destruction house ln Hillsboro. McBeth also were led by faculty members. This F o r m e r I o r a l M a n W i n . M eet Installation will be held Jointly incident to our continued floods," Z i m m e r m a n year the G irl Reserves sent Frances r o r m e r L o c a l M a n w , n a T he entire nation Is becomhig | leased a 160-acre tra c t for three S e s s i o n o n M o n d a y T with the Auxiliary Friday, October writes T. O. Russell, secretary-treas- safety conscious In th e opinion o f ; Fields as th eir delegate to th e con- ' G a sc o S p e a k in g C o n test years from Lester Ireland of Hills­ S e t a t S h e r w o o d ventlon. 5. urer "This should be our best- A. It. H unter, chairm an of th e ' _ _» », _ , . _ . . i Percy Black, formerly of Hills- boro. New officers of Uie local cham ­ - ■ - ■ attended meeting, as our only hope — _ state industrial accident commis­ ->w«fiC72»ñx theiwCl}}}> are ioi ' boro' was awarded first place and a f/ 'c!,' nU, arUl>n ,is 10 convince Senator Peter Zimmerman, inde- lows; F iances"'F ields, "p resid en t; £ ¡ p ' "tT t h ^ S i w n t t o i T 'r t the P r o p e r ty T r a n s fe r sion. Employers of labor In ail ber of commerce will take over A n o t h e r B a n d C o n c e r t I th r fpdprnl l*c*nrrvsj'ntatlv«ka urlvt will iw'iidmu «andid«»» x _ ^ . «»411 r^««ne bond Is also planning a benefit j years old prior to July 1, 1034, were I Zimmerman will apeak on iMUM 1 lantL Hlllsboro and Salem, ln which Prlekett school district was offset campaign of .safety education is b« - holdover member of the board. Leu- old-time and modern dance Ot to- ordered cancelled Friday by thc 1 of Importance to all the people of decoration003' rÜ18’ MarJ°r e Meek'J 4131_pmployes of the company par-1 by a recent transfer of property to (Continue on p«e. 3. column 4) ' ter Ireland 1» the retiring president. | ber 4 at. th e local I. O. O. F. hall. county court. Oregon. The public Is Invited. I tlclpated. 1 the district. Hilhi Gridders Meet D efeat Institute Here 1X366 411(1 a UCket 10 a speclal mo" Adv*’ory Man Suicides Political Dog at Dedication