I'liinsday, Septenihei- 20, 1934 THE H IL L S B O R O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Nine N O T H f. O | H i l l K i l l H H A I.K O N mud« and entered trn August 14, 1934, In W .1 • hiiigion County, flrego n, in order | h- r u lli. .1 ... » C 1 IM O N « „ nd „ « r t U r m . M fo llo w ,: N.rt Iw » th .n P O K K I I . OMI J MH in favor «»f C a rl Klings am i A nna Klings pay. a u tu fy and dischaige the ful, Noth*» iw h«-ivby given th at by virtue j plaintiff«, am i against F’. M. fla llo d ., »760 OU »uh . U r o l 1,1 , ' - u r t of t h , r i t , ! , of O ra- r - o M unrtr-J . „ . I f i f t , | ) . , | | , r« (M»0.001 I Hallock am i L. Fi. Alexander, I »Lere< « ■ W K H E A L IN S E A L ES TATE • I t h , r u t , ,,f 7% „ „ *t7 '- . w * • h , o,lu6 HO c««ats rate of s i* per ren t per annum , secured F ire and Autom obile Insurance ml j tflrd ('»lu n u la ('l»«r »I 12 u'l loi k W etlneaday N imui as provided hy law. Kon. fo r Ih» County of W ashington, the defendants, F H. Hallock and Her»ha disbursements and attorney a fees ami M ake Loans and Issue Surety Bonds datad tha I t i l i day of Auguet, 1V34, up­ L. H allock, fo r the sum of O ne Tho u­ »he coats and expenses of said sale, sell Frank W olverton and Mrs. Fran k W»d Ls»e«l thia 30th day of August, 1934. Hollars (Sl»»00.00| w ith interest at pul,lie auction to the highest bidder A READY M ARK ET W ITH on a Judgm ent am i Decree made am i sand verton, hts wife. Thomas W olverton I I , AM light marci a,.,I 'n ’ « * /’.* *7 Hats «»f firs t publication Sept«*mher 6 t» and 12 y**ur*. for rnlarud I herani on Ih a 21/ih day of M ay, thereon at tin» rule of ten per cent per for cash in hand, subject t i r«demption IIKi UENIJI.TH AT alo. I1I1.I.H H O K O . O R K U U N P '.h i ., . l(on «1,1.4,., 1488 Jackson Ht. LI m at. wLarwln a Judgm ent wa« raudrrad annum since the 24th day o f t>ct(d»er. provid«»! hy law. all the follow ing de- .. k - Mrs. W illiam A 1934. T . l , „ h , , „ . 1191 H l , 3^„„d W i l l , I . 1921, and the fu rth e r surn o f ICighty Hol­ pay • ash for olia or a l* lirai I in favor <»f Abram«» («ro g h in o , p la in tiff, LITTLE COST » ox. his wife. Lin Go« and Mrs. I J n H. riLed r«u»l property situate In Wash- f H A R L E S T . IM L A Y , tfb o n o , attorney's fees, am i fo r I» /»on ».««unty, Oregon, and more psrtic- homo J Itu« ker K l. X, Ban verton. 31 ami against Ko**n Gar barino, defendant, for lars f o r his wife, M ary Brown and A d m inistrator , w ith ’ he W ill annexed. H. tha autti of I Iva hundred am i 00/10(1 p lain tiffs* ciwta am i diahursementa herein A. Im lay, at- I TW O laama horma fo r sala or trade, iiro w n . her husband. W iiliarn H. H itt ularly h«/unde<| am i described as f«diows. •e F irst Insertion. per word dollars. (1600.00,, w ith interest t Larson taaed at Nineteen Hollars (> I9 .0 0 j, to torney fo r A d m inistrator. and Mr» W illian H. H itt, hi« w ife F 29-33 32<>0 Iha. am i 20<»o Ilia., o r alngl® Kay *• tli« rat» of eight par cani (H % ) per me direct4«| am i delivered, c<«mmanding U -w it : |N u servlc® I«*»* than I5 c ) M H it t and Mra F M Hi»» h is Being a prt of Ix X 4 Block 11, in D v im iau , G aribaldi Ave. XOtf annum fro m August 4. |j,3 2 . fo r tha me to muke sale of the real property w ife. A lex H it t and Mrs Kach additional In sertio n , par N O T H E O F A H M IN IS T K A T O K 'S H A I.E Wa liter a A «idi t ion to the U«wn of A lex H itt, MA I I I I icam a am i single hoi «<« J \v fu rth e r aurn of Four thousand and 00/100 lie re in a fle r deacribed, I have levied upon, » i la his w ife, Thfm.as E. H it t and F'/reat Gr«/vs, s««ordlng to the re- Notice is hereby given that the under- M ric r, m ila auolhvuat of llillah o ro «»» dollar, ( I tnoo.t»«,, w ith inlar«at thereon and pursuant to the eommanda of both (N o aarvlra laaa than X6c| Th«»mas K H itt, his wife. «•ord»d p lat thereof, bounded and de- E ra LL signed. A d m in is tra to r w ith the W.JI an­ highw ay 80 t f at the rata of Haul F.kiNui i«»ns, Hecreea and Orders f s i* par rent ( 6 % ) per H it t and Mrs. E ra 17 H itt, _ _ w ife. ««ribed as follows, to -w it: Beginning his Itaailarn. |>®r line 10® nexed of ’ he FSatate of Em ery Alphrux I . 1 A M liotara fo aalr. I w ill, on Monday, the 24th M ika Zah l, N o rth annum, from August 4. 1932. for the of Hal® Charles G H itt and Mrs. Charles" g ‘ S tew art, under and hy virtue of an or­ at the 8. W corruT of said I>»t 4 (N o aarvtra leas than 26«'» I'laina H itt his wife. A It H i t t and M n . A 822.76,. hightat bidder fo r cash in hand, ail the title , interest and claim which Rowe. 4, running thence N o rth 201.76 feet ; ».I • I.IlN S I Y J a r ay hull f.u sala Joa tug me directed am i delivered, command- rig h t, “ j X ” ",'1' h í ' / V / " h,,” " n “ r,,’¡ ■" “ >« W e ll, b u ild ir.,, H ilü b o rö . «aid defendants, (.'. H. Blake, Mslart n.o io make i«le of the real prup- them e South H9 «leg. 46' W'eat 6 fe e t; Kcmm er, H ighiainl road. H a a v a t- O ut of falroaaa to all no Inform a • rty h n w in a fte r «1« riLod, I have levied lllake, 1 s Hi llock, lie rth a J.. Hallock thence 8ed in the ___ _____ , Defendants. „ slab wood at $4.00 per cord, less the L ornplaint. W alker H. L . C. No. 42 in «f 6. Hanka 31 p Th» W « ,t one-half , W U ) o f the the hour of ten ( in , o'clock in the I 'luircd, a n d /o r now have in and to the o F rank W olverton and M rs Frank W ol­ T 1 N It 4 W. 25c for cash on delivery, is the O N E p iit fronti Ay d illo cow, heavy pr», N '.r,h w « .t Q uarte r ( N W % | o f Sec- • i«i i»,n of am.| day, at the East or Front follow ing bounded anti described real 7 verton. hi» w ife. Thomas Wolverton best value in fuel we know of. dm ci I II and < A Im i od » harien l»oor of the < oiiniy Court H<>u»e In the property, ami alao all the rig h t, title , n ««gether w ith all the rig h t, title . Inte r- lion Tw enty 12b,, T o w n .h ip Tw o ANNOI N! I MI M S Mrs Thomas W olverton, his w ife. •t ami «-ntate whn-h the aaid defend- i hliiidlln, mllaa .S .r'h 12., Ranpc Fou r W e t .t I HN.sl' 6 . ..w f.u ul. I n , h «I. lohtu iughe.t I.id rn () W. »...I property herein after described, ami I ''f them, ha«l on the 24th day of October, w hi«h has since accrued to them or B row n, her L mnexevl o f the E state of nd. VV iJJiam R. H it t F ,,.erv A lih „ all Hie right H. H itt, hix w ife, F . p X A P sis S tew art, Deceased. P. L . ¡ PETERSON, /%'y. Kl»,.- ,,f Or.-Ki.fi, an.I b«. is 1414.6 feet aouth of the northea»t F I T w ill pay you (o call at 146.1 Wash­ A I G U E R N S E Y hull. 2 years old Pro(>ate Departm ent. lo i in ,.,., i.u r lii i.la .ly , |,.d fo |. J. E. H itt, hi* wife. F ran k Rowe and corner «,f the John M itchell I). L . C. ington • treat at 6th. I.lcauaad daal- acide, ut C o n is i,us Pass Paas and «1er In the M a tte r of the E state o f John C. lows, to -w lt : M m . F rank « Rowe, his D ella K«>we, R. No 4X in T 2 8 It 3 W W illa m e tte w /w r , m a w ife, ne, L»eiJa r r , ..• « . . 89tf an town m ails. 80* Ip D e llaan, De«-**ane«l. unm arried, * ’ “ A part .,f (lie ft .nation Lend Claim M eridian . thence West, along the Notice is heret/y given th a t th® under- I Rowe, his A i» , R .,w . , „ , i M r ., a !« Perfect ¡ G A S II paid for good, fremii cows aiol F V F;ltV BO DY knows (hat our •>f L a w re m « H a il and w ife in Sec­ N o rth line of ihe lands conveyed by signed, as Executor o f the E state of springers C F lem ing , U0<»7 H. FL itiue W iiite Diamond« are priced lower tion ... Tow nship I, South of lU n g e H tott to A v a riila Thompson hy deed John C. DeHaan, deceased, has file*! his C linton St , Portland. 26tf than m is t Jewelers pries Imperfect • ‘ ‘ ' 'ho »\ i , , io. ! '«- M eridian* recorded on page 4b of Volum e W of final ccount in the County Court o f the slones Auileraou'a Jew elry «ture. 8'> M ild houm ha! u, follow s: Commenc­ Hie deed records <»f Wanhingtxm Coun- ate ■ f Oregon, fo r W ashington County, other p o rio n . o r p a rti« . cU im in y any Kl Al. I S I ATE ing at the Northw est < orner of a 90- I ty. Oregon, 960.0 feet to a sta k e ; and »hat Monday, the 24th day of Sep- ■ rig h t, title , interest and estate in o r u. re trai t of land purchased hy F r a n ­ thence South 933.4 feet to a stake; «. LOST AND FOUND »«•mber, 1931, a t the hour o f 10 o'clock 6 ACHF.H for 6 under plow, run- cis J J.-n ,m a from James F'. Sanders thence West 933.4 feet to a stake; » upon the reaI l>r(> t*rty de­ in the forenoon o f said day and the n. llJ u u Also have hing w ater, < I 111 ' N 1 » l'e« fo« or royote w ith chain scribed in the com plaint. Defendants: l»y dee., d«t«.., July Hi. 1HH& and Fo­ thence South 6b7 feet more o r leas ■ • .rt r«a»n of said court has l»een ap- two farina to Kuratta n t. >l'iU r a d i on nsa k J P Peterson, m ile south In the Nam e of the State of O regon: lded in Hook V on Pag« 244 Kec- to the South line o f the above de- Jointed by said court as the tim e and You and each of you are hereby com A W laine» 31 Sellolla alore ('a ll Scholls telephone of- onia of |>«eda scribed lands r 1 County. Oregon, and running thence A v a riila ’Thompson, thence along said appear and and the nettlement there«.f. Mi'reage, w rite o call us, we have South LU I South line N o rth 37* 60' Kaxt 1HM1 « liaiiis ; thence Dated and fim t aeveral cash huyei w aitin g fo r giaal '-‘Z n South 21 I feet more o r leas to a stone m arked West 6 19 chains ; thence W A N I LO— Mil« « ll.tnroua Phone MOl, Oregon pieces priced rig ht N o rth i.i V^irat 29 67 chains, thet. _ w ith the letters C. S. on the East publication 8 e p « n ,h .r - n o r before ihe S A liH l I W anted W alter Tew s, 1217 Ferm a company, F o Flag«»n ; on high- N o rth 21 line of the said M itchell H. L . C. ; East 6 19« ItMlns to the place ||«M«*ilne S« Phone 2 9 ' .11 p , H . w A R T H U R deha an , E ,.c u io ,.! i E , ‘ i llillah o ro i •«.(at entra 3 l-3 p . of hr lining, containing 16 1/8 acres, th«*nce N o rth six m inutes East along M 1 l . *« ivzw C i , jh c k ; I hr. M Hickaon, Attx«rney, W A N ! IH «»aal, d e a n , » Htuii rag» more or •a id F.a»f line 1447 feet to the place >r !«••■. c K e p tin g therefro m a thahf : Fine 4U -arrr fa rm for 6 to 10 BI«»ck, Portland, Oregon. lid i .Loro Argua .. I ■trip 3b links wide containing one- of beg in n in g , containing 44.IX acres, ith g««Ml buildings Argus No. so appear and a n s w e r ___ ___ aa| Work mule ALo th ird of I m ore or leas, all of aaid real property W YN 'l 11» A a. r»» an<| running N o rth i i Xlp •»6* Fu««t fr in (lie South to the N o rth w ant thereof, the p la in tiff w ill . Fl W h i'e I «who h»,ia for sals or trade S IM M O N S being am i lying in the John M itchell * .n ..r prayed r . i n fo r lins of •« 1 16 1 : a. roa o f land. I. <» I.In n n. Ht. 6 . tira r Grab« I lt> H T Y -a « re farm fo r sale, 26 acres cul­ In ’-he C ircuit Court of the State o f O re- to the court fo r the relief H. 1«. C. No. 4H, W ashington Coun­ tivated , real l>ru»h pasture; living it* uaid com plaint, io -w it: J j r .. 3 1 ,f g«»n. schl ty. Oregon. fo r W ashington County. ‘ III........ f .iin-1 w ater, sm all house and buildings. Hi to satisfy the hereinbefore mentioned sums Mehjuist, P la in tiff, T h . . j.iatr.’.iff n .,Kment , nd W A L N I , b wa lj th went corner ai I. J W h ita ker W al I rank W allace. Itt. 2. llillahoro. phone of wi ght and fo r the r«jats and expenses of said ■f way however, lian t. Ite» ìv ir p h o n r l nut P arking m i X i ^ 164 • au-ap all n< aale and of said w rit. C. ravel by person, H.2'»J________ Cox and Jane Doe Cox, his w ife, ow ner F IV I acre« w ith h ii»u«e and garage, on Said sale w ill be made subject to re­ described real 2 Argu». 30-1(1 i» In fu rn l- follows, t o w i t : Dated, at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 16th » p«»int 6.J9 chains bed. Defendants. befure you day of August, 1934. Tu> • '> travel by per- thence South 2 3.29 feet to the line txt you in the above en- In the M u lle r ,.f the I.I.- I W ill and Teel- • '•«.ala fr»-«- fro m dividing I.o i 5« and 8 a . .how n by r before the 16th day of ament and Estate of Elixabeth O. C ran- the N o rth lin e of the unrecorded plat of Tongues Ad­ { dull. Deceased. ud date being a fte r the f ’ o»»» the County », Mount of fo ir weeks fro m the date dition to the C ity of HiJbboro, O re­ Notice la hereby given th at the under- • f way Ireing a t publication o f thia summons, gon aa prepared by W m . Neilaon. J.»- II J signed. M ax C ran d all, has been by the used as a road id j fa il so to appear, for w ant r.n g in e e r; and running thence Weat H 'll'I.. ! ( ‘«runty C«rurt of the S tate of Oregon. • •»«•«! by A lfre d G. icr«-.f *he p la in tiff herein w ill apply to on aaid lin e dividing said lota. 106.99 88F16 ( fo r W ashingtirn County, duly ap(»ointed ife « Thomas Jtntcher •e -urt f ir a decree Against you. quiet- feet to the Weat line of aaid Lot 5« • execul«»r of tin- Last W ill and Testam ent h) V W I I T D< • n l»«e9 feet to the South • i’ the title to the follow ing described and E state «.f Elixabeth (). C ran d all, d o Pl 11 K ill I. Mi*»«•rll.incous He «•f Deeds of aaid •aj pr- perty. to -w it: lin e of W ashington S tre e t. thence ceased, and has duly qualified as such W «.h l Oregon, and also : MF N rw s niin drwr gun , Lot In in Block 9 in Pattison & Last along the South line of W ashing, exeeut«rr. A ll persons having c l a i m s the r«* ght • f way used as a P. M« M Tan'h F irst Addition to Hillsboro. >1«' ton Street. 106.99 feet to the place aguinst said estate are hereby re>f Deed Box 1” . H llla lH .r o Phone Kt f said County on Oregon. “ "i* ., ?r * fu rth e r judgm ent and decree Oregon, w ith in six months fro m date H i l t l M.I «.•■■, » - - I . and cedar ami the Wth day of Ja nary. 1MK2, which Thi um m oni is nerve.) upon you by »«Judging and decreeing th at the above /" L . . hereof. f it ahakm J N Luke. M anning 31- ip «I« e»l l»e«rs date N »»her 3uth, lb hl G ltA I'F -S and June at C h a n tlrr's vine­ I ' "'ion thereof in the H ill-b o ro Argua. ««>"«1 defend ant, an,: each of them. >h. I w i . i i . l U . i r . n . n w u '. u , . » „ V , “ ? 1 P u W i.l.-l A u ju . t 23. I W t ) all.« f* r sal«* (' It K lr k p a tr L k . ' yard Bring container» N o rth end Se<- - , “ l t r t L, c»«t and sxp«rva»«B uf sal® 2 miles south of 8« lu lls . Kt. 3. Shci - 291 f M W C R A N D A L L , I . »<•> d r of t h e aiol bmii I w rit. «led wood • ; i' •ourt, made, rendered and en- ,n *^x»v® described, and th a t p la in tifF x Last W ill and Testam ent of Elisabeth <) .B«h| sale w ill hs mad® subject to W IIIT F II garian vetch »•wd Ala«» It I i “ a """/.', 1,,,h * » r o t n s « , "> '« to aaid real p n p t r t r • ♦ " « ¡ ■ S « ? t o - n ln w ia _ » f 35. MESH AL INSTICI Ml NTS ilcm ption MX (»er statut® of Oregon. |( |Ntll< reedy l<* lay . an I | I ' ... It.-Id e n c . and a d d r .,,. “ , , r,|,'r ' " T ' that Sum- « » " ’ t a ll c la im , and dem and, of every l 0 F PtOW, 1 8 -ln c h O liv e r tr a c t o r p l o w 1 8 - ln f h O liv e r »ce be«», i ''' ' '" ■ v o n . th i. 20th I h ’.' ii .I h >r«>. Oregon. m ilk » < at W J Head, Quatarna sta­ F R E E st««rags f« r pisi m«»ns herein be published in said newspa- an<1 character of the said — "a- ^ « c u r ,,f the , . i d 1 n,UBIK m* children. S»*»« Mb a t high ■lay «»f August. 1934. per fur f«>ur aucceaaive and consecutive an^». *n d each of them , in tion aotr i W. C O N N E L L . S h e riff of Washing ■ Li"' ur telephone I SOtf weeks, the date of the fir s t publication real PC"Pe«y. and that each N O T H K O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T nty, Oregm ny m s. hood,. urt «.f the S tate of O re- , 2 '" " , l 'eln/ September 13. 1934, and Cendant* be ordered and directed to ex- 4.^ ’ *« '■ ( ARS AND T H U S Mr LL A lbert s . H 1 F errera. Att«»r- 36. M I SK I LSSONS x » , I,, k’ ” ' f,,r Washing«.»n County. ’ , , ' M{* laat Publication being r P la in tiff. 8»« lt 'l>ert Meeh. ! « o r i h I A N can 27-31 i H A R E . M, A I.E A R 4 P E T E R S . A tto r- « ¡« c rtl-d . and in lieu thereof th at the H W h itta ll. I>t-ceax«*d get « scholarship in music. N<>. j — , __ a ip Pi ney< , fo , r , P , ___ la in tiffs . R«— ¡«lent Attorneys. decre* to be rendered herein shall stand Notice i . hereby given, th«, the under- K, i S'ttf NOTH »: o r siiiK irr s sa ls on »ig n cl A d m in ,-,™ ,r i. of the above named 5L I ‘ ’ "»'»n- I ’ ost O ffic e Address : * * al}d fo r such dee-), and fo r such other |.»B »lle •edsn. »rlginal , F o i l B A I F. I for »:« i.ost'Rr Bldg., H illsboro, * nd fu rth e r relief as m ay appear w . , t h .„ filed m the above entitled . . “ ,e s »v" ‘»i’ B«nk «Ily like nsw t onsider 3«. paint, mechi RO O M S AND A PA R TM E N TS N, l> hereby g n r n i h . t hy virtu e Courl and cauie. her fin a l account and Oregon. 30-4 to he s u it a b le in the premises ft F. ¡le fo r livs»t«>rk <«r tra rtu r. Thi? summon* i* served upon you by I ’A H T L Y furnished 6-room house, 4 r .« « u l,o „ . lie ,,™ and O rd er uf report a . .uch, and the Court haa f ile d I Ht 8. llllhtlM»r<> Ph««m ' 33 F 4 '»«le Issued out of _____ «•>• __ • « _ •! i',e .w ... ntm p w» iv w v r is»« ______ , publication thereof ___ ___ pursuant to an order N O T IC E TO ( H __ E D _______ IT O R S mli«*> south, w ith wo« .1 «nd m ilk fu r- 15th day of w October 193«, a at i l the l»l H A N I < « r 1929 m otel, f o sale Price t C irc u it Court o f the s ta te . I n r . - »,...,r of "l„'T /cl.w k a.",'n ’" f -»'i,l’ 'da7' a'nd *• hereby given th L 7 ” by virtu e n‘,d e ■n>rtl«n 616 per month, .* ” ashington .........a**»«» w u n i y . Oregon, u m ; wuug® Washington . W County. Oregon. Aem»’ leton* . w County Judge o i f W ashington l»<»«rd If «Fesirvd. 749 Wewt M ain 8t. «11.1 I «•, rer made and enter«-«! therein and (»lace fo r hearing objections to said ,7 u t "ur.t undersigned has been appointed ad- County, Oregon, and which order pre- Phone 2 M 4 81 • ii August 1... 1934. in favo r of C arl fin a l ccount. and for the fin a l settlement Jx ir»» an.) AnnM K **. p la in tiffs , and of -aid «-state u ’ T ? - V ’r of th i claln“ .. . ---- ,h w e “ ‘ * t * « f and consecutive - weeks ------ - ... C « jiu a u v r u W reck art» 8tf i «•**(>< >nxible adults I n it R E N T defendants, wherein a judgm ent wax ) ate of said Deceased H are, M A Iear W1,,*an.‘ H aw ley Bell, deceased, a re here- A r 5,U8: a y « « k ly newspaper printed and plrtely furm»he«l modern h«»me. O ctolw r ret»«l«*red in favor of p la in tiff« and against — Peters, Attorneys f o r A d m in istra - j notifies! to present the same together Published in Hillsboro, Oregon, and of 16 to M n rrh 1.6. I miles fro m Hill*l>«»r<> the defendants, F‘. 8. Hallock and Bertha trix . 30.4 " ,t h , Pr “ P«c vouchers therefor to me at *ten* r a ‘ circulation in W ashington Coun- on river r«»a«l . oak floors. rl«-ctnc tiled L H allock, fo r the sum o f Sixteen H un- — **— ----------------------------------------------- — ________ ., h e ,aw « « » « • of E. B. Tongue, in H ills - ¡ / t Oregon, the fir s t publication thereof kitchen. F rig id aire, nutoriiatic oil beat dred (61600.00), w ith interest there«»n ( BED auto p « rl*. se»-<»nd hand f a r m »NOTICE O E S IIE K IF F 'S S A L E O N u n \ O re* ° n- *> th in six months fro m '* > ’>«t »n the 6th day o f September. 1934. A J \ a in r Phone 8 Rd. 8 t| at the rate of eight (»er cent per annum E O R E C I.O S I'K E the date o f this notice. • and ” '4 the --------- date of * the lost .......................... publication there- m achinery, suwk tra ile rs , fo r rsnt or o TA • N *.» L E . . Y .. COATES. A d m in istra - since the 22m l day of June. 1921. and No tice is hereby given that by virtu e of . S • «le I."»1 S«w..iid Si 9»f f being on the 4th day of October. 1934. l . . Decree . . . 1 t«> ha. V u l . l . o f W illia m H aw ley Bell. for (he fu rth e r sum « f O ne H u n d rc i an Execution. and . . O . rder of Sale »Vr r I l f t the **>tate J* T O N G U E . A tto rn ey fo r Plain- 4L LOANS K- Tongue. A tto rn e y fo r l ! f f Resident atto rn ey of the State of H A N 'T to lM»rt<>w from p rivate party Iw e n ty -fiv e D o lla r- <6125.»»»•» attorney's issued out of and under the seal of the L , * * * '“^ IS. KILL fees, and p . la in tiffs * costs and o f .«av the State «/« of Oregon Oregon fo r A d m in istra to r. 30-4 , r?*?n* T°® toffice address: Commercial . -- — — disburse-- ——— i C - irc u it Court w 6l76U on firs t m ortgage security Building. Hillsboro, Oregon. I d i'It - f o o t dry o«k w««»d. 66 6 0 . sawe»l ^ L ... .a"?, •u . ®t Eighteen and W ashington County, on the 14th day of 64 « e n * 34 cultivât«^! Argus U M 31 29-33 X" 100 Dollars ,»18.301. to me ilirev.e.1 Auitust. 193«. upon a Judicment and t>e- N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S before delivery 61 Phone 2033 29tf and delivered, cun,n,a n d in i me to make ,-ree made and entered therein on A w l In «»>• County Court o f the S late o f O re. I F. I IA R T U A M I ’ F. d istributor C a rn a­ 42. C IT A T IO N LÄRM LOANS s a l e of . »f the t L e real r*-9*l property nr.,iu»r,o herein after d«-- i 13th. 1934, «'»•>< . . . . . ... . —__a _ vt v ie - sale __ _ _ _ ... __ in favor _ of C. F. T igard and gun. for W ashington County. tion l uel Co o f Forest (Jr«»v< l.eavs scribe,! I have lev .« I upon, and pur- John G albreath. E xecutors‘ of ‘ T h e " 1^17 the M a tte r o f ' ^ h i ^ L ^ W n i and Test- In ‘ “g the County C o urt o f the S tate of O re­ orders 1246 F irs t 8 L or Phons 2026. F A H M mujiey t«» l«s»n The Federal Land hank m»w has ample funds In bond» ’, ju a n t to the c, mi man.Is of . . i d ExexuUon. W ill and Testam ent of Lycurgua G al- » » * n t and Estate of George StwbauTr In gon, fo r W ashington County, fo r slab o r m ill run. 26tf g loan to farm ers at 4 '^ ., tlv e r Sl.0.- I e, ree and O rd er o f Sale. I w ill «n breath, de«'eased. p la in tiffs , and against Deceased. c .-? ? - *La ,te r ° f ,h c E state o f Jame» BF-ABONF-D oak and country slat» w«aa| 0«><> ba* l»een lxn«-d to Washingb Hawed any length before delivery In ­ counly fa rm e is by the bank. W rite side block wood. T ru m a n B*yd, 661 call i*>r p a rtic u la r* W ashington 14» f N in th St Phone H illsbo ro 2* »» ly N ational Farm Loan A»s<<« F IR S T class w«a»d fo r sal®. F ir. oak and J M 1 ci ««»ii, neeretary, llillsburi ash. Itay Delsman Phone Hillsboro Il" 7 cor- »»d has duly qualified as such executor. Court o f the State of Oregon, fo r W asn- D IE S E L and fuel oil. Qeurge L. Ilvn d band, all the rig h t, title , interest and (»orati' ricks, fuel oil dealer. F «»rest Gr*»vs I c' <»f the , said ,, »lefendant», F. S ........ «».•liar, i »3.00,>.00) , w ith tn te ------- . -.im , ,, , .............. rw t -------- there- 4 hereby required to present the ‘»f in Hillsb«»r«>. W ashington County. O re- T F R M « * lock, Bertha L . H a l l o c k , .................. * l’ h«»ns I4 3 J . 8 tf i 2^le¿an,,er ,,n »’ ’ he ra te of ^six (»er cent p e r *>rn? . me w ,tb proper vouchers, a t m y «on S E T O. T I.» ¿ _,h e o w f .O «t * Arrangements for terms must be made with clerk before buying. I , N O T IC E OF . F IN A L » .«. . ME Z N T CM, h an,! annum * lne* ’ he I4 th d a y ’ of September, residence in Cornelius? O regon'^ or a t the the ' hour of . 5 ti: 10 daj: o 'c , h -k ctober. ''s '~ w’ ” 193«. 7 ” 71 | In the ( ’»unty (.» u rt of the «Slate of O re- a l of them , had ,»n the 22nd day , f 1932. and the fu rth e r sum of 6260.00 a t- ‘».w ‘»Mice o f M. B. Bump iA H ilt b o n , lay. “ ■ J O .o c lo c k A. M .. of said, I l i t . » MVI IIIN IK V June. 1921. „ r a , ¡ f^ . 0 ^ ^ ^ a Z « gon. fo r W ashington C«»unty w hy an order should not I OH S A I. F Tw.» m w corn cu tler. 6 2 o . In the M a tte r of the Fetate of John acquired, ami. o r now , h are in und to ami disbursements herein, taxe«! at 622.- months fro m date hereof. _ . ...mw i m®de and enter n said cause au- Ir».nag.- (adato digger. 660. 2-h«»r«el M ainland. Decease,!, _ desenlie ________ I _____ the follow ing bounded and real __ 50. _ to ___ me directed am i «■*•«▼«««• delivered «»»m com- , l » u ‘ , 7 1..7 1 ,<,||f ' r '.t ■"‘ U K I»«! A u »u»t 23, J th o r itin r , lire n s in r ...n .w vn n B and am i di- ai- .«powering Notice is hereby given, that the nn- property lying, being a n ] a itu s te ' in m an.iing me* to‘ ‘ m ake sale^’ o f The real dl«r. 620. new John D eeie tracto r, . . . . r ,a l ’ i . i - J i , ? 1 2 ? ™ « “ ’ ) ° " 20. 1934. iw tin K thv a ilin '. .. .™ to r o f the above 6776 Term s «»n «la «ve L«mter Ireland der«igne«l F xecut«»rs of the Last W ill th«* County of W ashington. S tate of O re- property herein after I . , dseribed, I h a v e ■ S L S H A l'E R . Executor o f the named evlate to »ell at p rivate »ale fo r ■ ml Testam ent of John M ainland, de- gon, and m ore p artic u la rly described A t.- le. ie.1 upon, and p um uxiil to the rom - « » I W ill «nd Te»t»ntent «m l E « t„ie o f «'»’ h in h»ml. to ihe hixheat bidder «11 Lows, t o -w it : r atol t-bottom 14-incb ' ct-ased. have fil.-d in the above entitled I O HD8ON n i.m i. o f .» Id Execution, D eere- «m l G - W bu .lu .u e r De Monday, the 24th «lay of S«‘pteml»er, 1931. from the southeast corner of the the hour of ten o'clock A. M . in the <»NF liottnm D»-inch O liver I •u«ls»»ii plow, The N o rth H a lf of the Southeast at the hour of 11> «»'clock A. M. o f said southwest q u a rte r of the s«»uthwe.n | f«»ren«»»»n o f said day, at the blast ----- like new. trade for 2-lw»tt«»m 14-in«h - --------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Q uarter of Section 29. Tow nship 2 qu a rter o f sertion fo u r in Tow nship Front County House Court / r» or ttt-im h tra cto r plow F rank Myers, day. and the Court r»«»m of the above I N o rth. Range 4 W est of the W illa m ­ in the Door I ’ .ty of o f the H ill.lx .r o . C«»urt W « .h ln ,to n In J ,m the t Countv o W .S b m 'l. .1 of tho . «».» ! O l* two. South of Hang«* thr«»e West «.f lit 2. B«»x C9I. Beaverton 3| «■ntitle<| Court In llillxboro, Oregon, aa . ..shingt... ette M eridian. W ashington County. gon, for W ashington County. the lim e am i place f«»r hearing objections the W ill. M er. in W ashington Coun­ ('«»unty. Oregon, sell at public auction tv In the M a tte r of the Estate of James J. Oregon. I M Hit A N'KS-Morae »» h. 1». engine, brush Io said fin a l account, and fo r the Inal ty . Oregon, being a point in the the highest bi.lder fo r cash in hand, all magneto, gtaal com lltlon . a’ so Remington -»el I lenient of said estate. W itness the H«»norable Felton, Decease«!. ______ _ Donald center of the County Bond No. 32.1 the rig h t, title , interest nml claim which miles ty p e w rite r. Davi«! Lorens, N o tice is hereby given that the under- Judge of the above Diil<*«l this 21st day of August. 1931. ami from said point running th em e said „»IdI ¡ defendants 1 e r . - , perni ive R e cre.tlon.1 „lyned „ « l « n .htly «pm dn.^1 by .V ; " " h -a l -f 7»id r J u n . D a ir J6 a t 1 ° ’c ,o c k 30-11» south, ’ j-tn ile west Hillsboro. A M O 8 W A T K IN S . J O H N M W IL L . S «».» 2 U W. 715.1 fe e t; thence N. |'I"W F'xecutors «»f the Estate of a»id «leeea*e«l. I II It F.l.-bot t«»rn John l>«*ete «I» L6 W . 123.1 fe e t; thence N. I T sale, 9 '.', new. O m er Vuylsteke, H are 1. w » ll» r ,., nml em h «nd .11 of them, hud h . . duly < " « f t w * . l ' . “ i, d’r<* present In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- g inning, containing 4.671’» acres, more In the County Court of the S tate of O re- I 11 >'» nionth,*-«»l«1 W h ite la v h o r n pulleis w ith proper vouchers therefor or less. g«»n, for W a dungton County. and * " ing, f W being « .h ln « tu n . situ 8 t . ate t . nf in «)re'..„C'” '.nnd H , i J " ?■ ■•» I— o ffic e , of g«>n. fo r W ashington fo r ule, Duilley llnnsim atrain . J. D. D. Shaw. P la in tiff, Also: Ih v in n ln g on the east line o f John In the r M M a a tte t r T e of r W . & Clnriell Al«»ha . M a il. It» I, llcrtver- vs. of the southw'cst qu a rter of the south- ’ he Shute more p artic u la rly described a* foil ,.W„ u F ü h re r. Deceased. >•«». S u vintt. Hank huildintt in H ilb h u n t, O rm t"»i. I'h«»ne |t«*«verton 0626. 31 | G F. Shaw, Defendant. W«*st q uarter of Section four in Tow n­ t«»-wit : yun. w ith in . i x month» front the date W ANTFD 1’ouHry ol all kinds. W rlte. 1 lo G F Shaw, Defendant. ship two. South of Hang® three West Beginning nt the Intersection of hereof. o f t h e 'a b 'v e nam e, W ill call «>r bring F rid ay, Baturday or In the Name of the 8»at«» of Oregon. 1 «»f ill«» W ill. M er. in W ashington th«» N o rth boundary o f S«v. 24. T 2 ’ his 13th «lay o f September. 1934. e„s,ate hay filtxl in the above e n titlo l S O n iC IT C C S C I h P F lS nnd MotidHy before n«w»n. P o rtlam l prlc«*« y«»u are hereby re«|uire«l to appear in the County. Oregon. 611.2 feet N o rth of S H 1 W w ith the east boundary of G H A C f E. F E I.T O N . A d m in is tra trix o f a,ul cause his fin a l account and re -( ... 4 '. F H Barden. Cornelius 46tf above en titlcil court and answer the e«»ni- the southenHt corner o f said south- the rig h t-o f-w a y of the Oregon Elec­ said td hastate. H are. M cA Icar A Peters. A t- , ,n< s«r hA and the ( ‘« urt has fixed the n U n i C I O U S 1 0 m e n t i o n . At | plaint fibsl against you in the «hove west quarter of the southwest quar­ tric Ita il w ay 49 feet east «»f the cor­ D I'D I.F .Y Hans»m »truln Legli«»rn pullet*. torneys fo r A d m in is tra trix . f Oet«»her, 1934. at ihe hour of , 80-4 ner of Sees. 13. 14. 23 nml 2 4. ami I motilhs old and lip, at rensoiinbl« entitleil cause «»n «»r before the 1st day 1 ter «if said secti«»n four, and front said , 1'» «■ clock A M . o f said day, and the ' point running thence N. 41’ 47’ W. running thence south O’ 1’ W . 19.54'j p iice - Hirew all |»e«ligr<*«s| front 269 to J «if Ot »«»ber. 193 1. said «Ini»» being a fte r ourt ro«»m o f the above entitl«*«! Court 191 > r«-» t ; thence 8. «».» 21 W . 71.6.1 notice to t keditors «•hs <1290 f e e t ) ; thence east 8.08 .¡27 «•vr dam« Paul Duilley, Ab'liii. ill»» exp iration «»f four w«*eks from the •j liillsbor«». Oregon, ns the tim e and feet ; thence S. 23 ' 4.6’ E. 197.0 feet ; I date of the first publication of (h i* Sum- chs. <573 feet) to low w ate r m ark N o tice is hereby given that the under­ M all Honte 1, Beavt-rton. 80-3 c f>>r hearing objeeti«»ns to said fin a l i thence N. »’»6‘> 21' E. 396.0 fe e t; mons. and If you fa il so to appear, for of T u a la tin R iv e r; thence up-stream signed has been appoint«*! ad m in is tra­ iee«»unt. nml fo r the fin a l settlem ent of I thence 8 ¡2 ' 19' E. 78.6 fe e t; thence want there«»f the p la in tiff w ill apply to follow ing I«»w w ate r m ark to said t r ix «»f the estate o f Gtxtrge Jacob Zieg­ ■ aid «Mate. 23. PIO ® Fast 411.6 f««et to the east line of (he ('«»urt fo r a judgment against you in north boundary o f S«vti«»n 24; (hence ler. de«'eased, by an order made and en­ D . c l this 3'»th day o f August, 1934 »Bl \ Wer I be sum of 61.6(1110, together w ith interest the southwest qu a rter of the south- ohi l'iga fo r «ale smith 89” 43' West 4.77 chs. (315 tered in the County C«»urt of the State > M .I’ H FÜHRER A d m in istra to r of Daniel. m ile northw est Jack I own thereoi from the 26th «lay o f August. we«t q uarter of said section fo u r; feet) to the place o f b eg inn ing; ex­ of Oregon, fo r W ashington County, on ■i t of said deceased. H are, Me- ■ i h»a»l 31 2p 1911. at the ra le of 7’ , p«»r annum , ami thence N o rth 192.0 feet to the place cepting the rig h t-o f-w a y of the P o rt­ the 29th day of August. 1934. and that A Peters, A ttorneys fo r Adininis- of beginning, containing 3.6097 acres, the fu rth e r sum «»f 6160.»HI attorney« land and W illam e tte Valley Railroad, -he has been duly qualified to act as •nt,’r 28-32 more or less. f»»«*s ami fo r his costs and disbursement« net area tw elve acres, -uch ad m in is tra trix . 2«. HOUSES herein Incurred This HummouM !■ serve«! to satisfy t h e hereinbefore mentioned I«» satisfy th e hereinbefore mentioned N ow . theref. ore. a ll persons h a v i n g ' ’ ' i «) YDMINI8TR \ TOR'S BALI IM U A fin e black Pen heron stnlli«»n upon y»»u by publication thereof in the sums, am i fo r the c«»sts nml expenses of sums sm l fo r the e«x«ts and expenses of claims against said estate are hereby No. 3619 colt, years Id Also hay rake and Hillsboro Argus, pursuant to an O rder of said sale and of said w rit. said sale and of said w rit. notified and required to present then n the County Court of the S tate o f Ore­ mower. II. F Law rence, .Scholls road, Ihe Honorable George H Bagley, Judt:e of Said sale w ill be made subject to re­ Said sale w ill he made subject to re- w ith the (»roper vouchers to the undcr- gon. fo r W ashington County. Box 136, opp«Mite Po rtland golf. 31 ih«- al»«»ve entitled Court of t h e state I dcmpii«»n as per the statute ot the State demption as per the statutes of the State signed a d m in is tra trix at the law office I" "!•■ M a tte r ,>f the E»tate o f Ann» llo itK E S for Kale. T w o truckloads East­ <»f Oregon, f.u W ashington C o u n t y of Dr«*g«»n. I of Oregon. of p. L . Patterson in the W ells build- Hiuer. Deceased. Dated at I(illsb<»r«», Oregon, this lf»th i Date«L nt Hillsboro, Oregon, this 16th ing, Hillsboro. Oregon w ithin six months ern Oregon farm horses, 14»»»» lbs. and made. remlerisl ami entered on the 28th Notice I. hereby «¡yen th at pursuant Sale to start at 10 o'cloek a. m. | day of August. 1934. from the date o f the first publication of " I’ F W W atch, 16(10 feet «<»tith day of August. 1934 whi. h said O rder p re -| day of August. 1934. o Ihe te rm , o f the I ,» . t W ill and T w t« - ribod that Summon-, shall I»«* (»ul»IFbe«l J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff o f W ashing- J. W . C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing this notice. t«»-wit ; W ith in six months ” f N»*wti»n station . Route. 6, H ills ­ rnent of A n n . H o ler, deceH.ed, and in boro ;(H f in -aid m w«pap«*r for four successive and ton County, Oregon. Th«»s. H. Tongue ’ "n County. Oregon. Thos. H. Tongue Jr. from Septem lwr 13. 1934. conform ity w ith the provision, of Sec­ A ttorney for P la in tiffs 26-80 i A ttorney f«»r P la in tiffs . 26-80 Dated nt Hillsboro, Oregon, on this tion 11-617, Oreiron Code, the u 1 o | |( h»‘H«l hors««® fo r sale, matched conseeutive weeks the «late o f the first I Jr. u n d e r-j thereof being August 39th, 6th «lay «»f September. 1934. 'cam. 31HH» Iba.; 6-year-old black, I6»n>, puhlientiou fixned adrninistrntor w ith the w ill N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E O N N O T IC E O F S IIE K IF F 'S S A L E O N T I L I , IE O A K E S , A d m in is tra trix o f the n e e d of (he estate of A nna H oier. de­ ami sorrel m are. I6»M> lbs |b»h llo lt. 1934, ami the .late t»f the last publication FO RECLO SURE FO RECLO SURE Estate o f George Jacob Ziegler. Deceased ceased. w ill on and a fte r the h alf-m ile north o f W itch Hasel «ch,ad ; lhere«>f being September 27th, 1934. I, C i t e r s o n . - X .. .; r n , y " f u ; A d ^ d , ' . , i S ^ . ’ m L " . r ' ^ V u m e ^ f ’ j ” Notice is hereby given that hy virtu e T h e U n ited Staten N a tio n al Bnnk of IIA H E . M c A I.E A K A P E T E R S . A tto r­ Kt 2, Ilea verton. 31 tf »0.« I»y and Sons. Reedville, O rexon. O ffer fo r I r e a c t o r i n t h e h e rd ). i corporation, ad­ neys fo r P la in tiff. Renldent Attorneys. of sn Execution, Decree and O rd er of i P o rtlan d (O reg o n ), ONF. old horse fo r »ale. Adam Bella, Sale issu«*«| out of and under the s««al m in is tra to r de bonis non of the Estate S late of Oregon. Post O ffic e Address: Drenen 31P Shute Savings Bank Bldg.. llillsbor«». «»f th«* C ircuit Court o f the S tate o f Or«»- i o f C. M. Good, decease«!, p la in tiff, N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T A U C T IO N H A L E fo r W ashington Count»*, on the | Oregon. 28-32 gon. In the County Court of the State of FIO H 8 E 8 M l II.E H 16th «lay of August, A. I).. 1934, up«»n a Edwin I*. Buchanan and Candace A. Ruch- O regon, fo r W ashington County, A I barns of In te rs ta te Horse am i C«»w Judgment and Deere® made and entered nnan, hi« w ife, J. L . Combs, a single In the M a tte r of the Estate of A braham N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T M arket, Union Ave. nml Columbia In th«* County Court of th«* State «»f O re ­ therein «»n the 14th «lay of August, 1934, man. Guy F. V ia and M ay V is , hus­ D rake. Deceased Hlvil . Portland, O regon, Tueaday, Se(» in favor of C a rl K linge, p la in tiff, and band am i w ife, defendants. N o tice is hereby given th at the under- gon, f«»r W ashington County. ¡ember 26, at I p nt Carload real In the M a tte r of the E state of Adolph against C II. Hlske, Mabel Blake, F . H. N«»tiee is hereby given that pursuant signed a d m in is tra trix of the eetate of West of the W illa m e tte M eridian, horses nml niulen. W eigh! 120« 1.» IH99 Ilallo ck, Bertha L. H alliw k and L . E. to Hn execution, decree, judgm ent and 1 Ahrahm D rake, deceased, has filed her Hahn, De«*ease«l. tw en ty-three (23) chains and fif ty ; , ' ' I I ' ' Notice la hereby given that the undcr- A lexander, defendant«, w herein a ju d g ­ order of sale issue«! out of and u n d e fin a l account and rep«»*t « • such adm in- (50) links N o rth fro m the Southwest 'iioiiths. V ery w ell m atched team ami signed A d m in istra to r o f the ah. ve nnmed ment wa« rendered in favor of p lain ­ the seal of the above en titled court on is tra trix in the county court o f the corner of the same; thence Foist th ir- ongle workers fo r farm nml heavy «•state has filed in the almve entitled t if f nml agin«t the Inn I herein after de­ th«» 20th day «»f August. 1934. am i h.su«*«l state o f Oregon, fo r W ashington eoun- t«*cn (13) chains to the county road, d rafi w«»rk. Each head an individual. ( ’«»urt and cause hi» fin a l account nml re­ scribed, for the sum of Six Hundred D o l­ upon a judgm ent and decree rendered In ty. and that said fln s l account and re- thence N o rth eight (8 ) degrees and •s 'dd w ith three «lays’ (ria l. I f not as port as such, nml th«* Court has flxisl the lars (6699.99). w ith interest ther«*«»n at favor «»f the above nsmc«l p la in tiff and port has been set fo r fin a l hearing ami th irty (30) m inutes East fo u r (4) cep reset) ted, anim als to be returned In 1st «lav of Oct«»ber. 1934. nt the hour of the rate of «ix per cent (»er annum since aginst the above named defendants, di settlem ent before said c«»urt at the court chains and fifty -th re e (53) links to a '«me eom lition as bought nml money 19 «»'dock A. M of said day. nml the the 12th «lay of A p ril, 1924, nml the recting and req uiring me to make sale room ther«*«»f in Hillsh«»ro, Oregon, on stake in said road; thence W est th ir ­ ’*111 I m * returned. Please attend sab*. Court r«s»m o f the ab«»ve entitled (’ourt fu rth e r sum o f S eventy-five (675.00) a t­ of the real (»r«»perty herein after de­ Monday. October 22, 1934, a t 10 o'clock teen (13) chains and eighty-three (83) Ilors«« must Im sold. Overstocked. in Hillsboro, Oregon, as the tim e nml torney’*« f«*«*««. nml p la in tiff's costs end scribed ti» satisfy the sums hereinafter a. m. o f said «lay. links to a stake on the West line of FREE LVNCII AT NOON—Bring your coffee cups. For credit see y«»ur own local banker. place f«»r hearing objections to said fin a l dishursements of «aid «tilt tsx«*d at set fo rth in accordance w ith said judg­ Date«! and firs t published September said c la im ; thence South one (1 ) de­ ’ lyde W W«s»d nml brothers, aue- account, am i fo r the fin a l sett lenient of Sixty-eight and 56 100 Dollars (668.56), ment and decree^ 20. 1934. D ate of last publication Octo­ TERMS OF SALE—*20 and under cash. Those desiring credit on gree and tw en ty (20) m inutes East tt.meers, Vancouver, Wash Now therefore, pursuant to and In ber 18. 1934. ami also hy virtu e «»f an Execution, De- four (4 ) chains and fo rty -e ig h t (48) said estate. sums over »20 must see the clerk of sale before buying. In te rs tate Horse am i Cow M arket, said execution, judg­ «■ am i U n le r oi Sale i«hued out and compliance w ith M A U D E M. T A Y L O R , A d m in is tra trix Dated this 39th day «»f August, 1931 links to the place o f beginning, con­ Owners nder the »«*al of the C ircuit Court of m ent, decree nml order of sale, I w ill at of the E state o f A braham Drake, De­ IIE N R Y H A IIN . A d m in istra to r of the tain in g six (6 ) acres more or l«*ss, ON'F. span mulea fo r sale, ft nml 6 years, estate of said deceas<*d he State of ()n*g«»n, fo r W ishington the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon ceased. M II. Bump, residence and ad­ lla re , Mi’A lear excepting therefrom the privat® rig h t of the 22nd day o f September, 1934, at dress. Hillsboro, County, on the 16th «lay of August, A O regon, A tto rn e y for " ”ight 2 648) H II D oughty. 2 miles Ceiers, Attorneys f<»r Adm in of way long the S«»uth side thereof. 31.5 28-32 D., 1934, upon a Judgm ent «m i l>eci¿e the East door of the County Court House said estate. •“ •’»th o f Aloha. 81 p kor. The terms of said sale are p a rt cash ^Classified Advertising 1 u, Write KURATLI & VVISMER M I» w,1iuM mr XT 8«. • 1» DR. R. J. NICOL Mrs DR. E. W. ALMQUIST 1 Veterinarian« CATTLE MILL WOOD t... o, ,h .M ," “ Xr,'rn dZ «T X w T 'L X ? ‘••"‘‘•“‘•"nr .1»,;.^ STIMSON LUMBER CO. E J. i A U C T IO N SA LE n«i. Myrtle 29. H avingsolu my farm , I will sell at Public Aucfinn nn Omma P?y 4J 2 miles north of Forest Grove on the Forest ¿,*X .iiir.»d,.n1'! Grove-Banks highway. Sale to s ta rt a t 1 p. m. 6 * Saturday, September 29th 10. . , ¡ , r Wa The following personal property: 7. ^fade cows; 21 head Cotswold ew es; Ford- ouhii.h«i Auyu.i 23. m the uh,,»» eMdiid 'VJ1 *n f ‘ne condition; tra c to r gang disc h a rr o w .xpir.il.». of f„ur week, alfalfa spring-tooth h a rro w ; draw harro w corriiyntpH numn ja c k ; nay .thi’ . Summons, the date of ^ - " e , r ; ’ John Deere m m ow ow er: er; pump hay rake* rak e ; 14- hnort " ualking P20W: " ew farm tru c k : sulky P’°w ; one ------ ... ....— „ „ id com„,aiBt ,or horse w agon; sheep shearing machine and grinder- fan- .„„,y rung mill; and lot of small tools; 85 cedar posts ’ «ousehoM Goods — Library table, stand, couch’ Iron bed and spring, and some dishes. *riraSirTfn,rthi* v A ,ituiu sanitary J Terms of Sale__ credit must see clerk of S l e W o re buying J- WILCOX, Owner ¿’’«¿i J~ W - Hug Fes, Auctioneer M. R. Johnson. Clerk P U B L IC SA LE d , d i S \ 7 l li‘t1 ^ ,!itICeaA, r 5 ,>"orOe "t7 farm a t Q uatam a on Wednesday, September 26th a t 1 o’clock p. m. sharp ’ MampiOn binder, Ford trilplf- IJ' nc^e r> 7 ‘ ft. fL ; I ton ton Ford truck; 9 2_w*S 2 wagons Miiw-nw. S O -,L Í2 ^, rons. dri Da4-«Ptim0We'ri,: y ietLru ha-v rake; 12-hoe G undlach ha>'>'"w : 2-bottom O liver trac- d.fen^ tracto r d isc; Vaughn w oodsaw; cultTvator- hay fork ? “,it’*,i.d ± rOpJe a.nd Pul’eys: grindstone; about 25 sacks notatoes- ‘■••o «-3. «»r o i 7 erm,# ° í Sale— Up t0 î2 0 0° cash. over 520.00 bank- sum , o “ 'r M O Ä . J. J. W inner, Clerk AUCTION SALE H O R SES \-nrtH p i ^ S northc ,of Hillsboro and one mile north of North I lams on Shady Brook road, a t 1 p. m. sharp. Tuesday, September 25th - , , 25 „ HEAD P F HORSES—Several m atched team s and r range in age from from 1100 pounds to Legal Notices iü, Ä This is an opportunity to purchase good farm m ares and gellilnw a t your own price. um.,ri T,h„7™.?X;2 n. J. F. BROWN and G. BERGGREN Owners J. W. HUGHES. Auctioneer LESTER CYPHER, Clerk P U B L IC SA LE T. Tem- 21 - milea east of Hillsboro, opposite the Taylor Guernsey P- m. Saturday, September 22 r- kned Admini.tra’to? F arand piano with bench: 2 dressers: 2 rockers; wick- t h a il , 5 kitchen chairs; ice box; 2 beds, springs and ; fea th er m attre ss: chiffonier; kitchen range land heater with coils; electric w asher; sanitary couch; e,1(' Lible; 6x9 rug: small ru g s ; stool j screw ja c k ; calf: pullets; and other articles too Terms of Sale— Cash. ROY A. FISK, Owner H. A. Kuratli, Auctioneer J. J. Wistner, Clerk P U B L IC SA LE 1 l/t miles east of Banks on Saturday, September 22, 1934 The following personal property: LIVESTOCK— 3 heavy farm m ares; 2 sets of harness; r. 11 *.n' 11 guide milk cows; 5 heifers; 2 purebred Jersey bulls n^m-'