f THE Page Eight II I E L S HO R O ARGU S, II I E E S B O R O , OREGON Tliiii'.wtliiy, St'ptciiibor 20, 193 1 it was (I k * fust time that anyone Lot Un* n th oi l isi'in ciils h e lp y ou ninki* your whopping luiit stopped there with a horse­ less t.irriage l'heretore she had no plans. pnxKXlent lor either accepting or declining the invitation Bui .h e ill, mu . vimit.« yitii.t,int 11,1,111 knew perfectly well that l o c a l etiquette demanded she should r e ­ ROY Roy I’aivx'hlal school open­ ,1b- M r , F rr.1 VV. I f o n l ) lust* ed Miuidnv morning with an en- "Fine." said Neal heartily, quite ixillmi'iil ol about tin students N am ed T ra ffic O ffic e rs Tluxxlore Vander.'.tiuten Paul as it she had given him a swiftly F 'x s liv in : Mr and M n 1 r Woodward Mae Cason, v lee-presidenl. Vernon ot Mr H opkins room have been affirm ative .uiswer. "I ll come lor t ’op and J M Van, lei an,I, n lell I’he tollowhiK show . Ih«' ne t of I iesiii am i' In tin* OHKtION 1'ucs.tay for a tw o w eeks' lim it dig you Now 1 must s|x*ak to the and K enneth and Rob MeCullock ( B y M r * . H u g h B u r d e tte ) _------ ------------------- __ MUTUAL I lh’L IN.SUKANt’l*. CO iuh cohlpalVd with Htock Watson, treasurer; C harlotte S u l­ chosen us schixvl tralltc policemen. trip in E a s te r n O re g o n band." ORENCO—An old fashioned bas- attended the m ix in g ot the Aimvs Sellcis retunuxl Monday livan sixn'tarv; I Vivid Wilson a th ­ C«»ippauh's on dwclhiiK* «mt conh’iiH In lltlhslxn«» Born. Io Mi and Mrs Frank '17ie first of the extras, which, e t wKi.il will be held _-_ in the school eis Co-operative Market in IMit- letic manager, and Norman S ta n ­ to his work at E.lvvixxi c.unp after kf"t< _ __ without H it* slightest apixirent d if­ Hertel. seplem lx r H a girl The auditorium Saturday night. Pro- U nd M.viuUy evening being laid up live weeks with an ton, sergeant - at - arms. S(«»«k Company— O rvtnn Mnfiial— gram »ill start at 7 45 oelock. Mis H N Robins,>n and M rs. ficulty, lie succeeded in persuad­ m ile one has been niuned G ertrud, i 4'harlollr Sullivan Prexv injured arm There will lie music and plenty oi Mack Lucas of Forest u ro « i visited Prcm. for 3 year “i Prcin for 3 years Class officers for the high school Mr and Mrs Stanley Clark and ing the I mik I to interpolate, came Anna. Mis Ellis Ta.vl,.r and daughter _____ _____ fun for all. Baskets will lx- auc- Iriends here Friday. have been elected for th e coming •on ot Glenwixxl s | kiu Saturday just before tlx* intermission. It was Nonna Jean lell Thursday for the I ; un $t(N)OOO «'ONt.s $ IKK) 41000 IK) coaLf* ____ _____ Mrs. 8. L. Carlyle attended Port- Pile Bcauliiul Blue Dan vear Seniors: I'liarlo tte Sullivan, and Sunday with Mr and Mrs a w.iit.' lioned to the highest bidder and I • oo III (HI latKUK) (*(»,*.u lMMUM) «\\s(s ube Anne had never ht.u'tl It lie I’eiidlelon round up and returned Ihe proceeds will go to the Frank land Presbyterian meeting i l l tlie pres.dent. H arry Seaboid. vlce-prvs- Cass Wilson . 10 00 I ) o o ?lMHi IH) cttfiU i 2iMM).(M) co sts W arren family, who lost their home Forbes Presbyterian church Tues- .uenl. Eveivn Jackson, secretary. Karl laiedlko of Walla Walla. fore and when she u.kttl Neal Us Sunduy. UHM» 00 (XHtU 1!» 0 0 Haymond Vander.-at,den 1,11 F ri­ 3IKKHM) «’ost.s . 34 00 M ane Rleben, treasurer, and Rav - Wash speni iwveral days last week name he looked at her again m day and personal belongings when th eir day. tm lor Monmouth, where lie will •ilHKUH) cohta eoftt.x . 33 00 house was destroyed by fire S uu- Mis, Itrandeiiberg Bride tiioiid G unther, sergeant-at-arm s with Clark Powne K a tlu iu l Clark unconcealed nmusenient as he told alend Die on Normal. day . Miss Bertha Brandenberg of O r- Junior olt'icers: Morrill Mead, pres- are Plu-Mie-lX’lt house brothers. her. Mrs Auloue Meeuwsen and son Mr and Mrs. B A. Mitchell spent em o and Larrv D aiuek of Port- id cn .: IX'iuild Crunican. vice-pres­ It was written b y q u i t e a I t u y H i n t ' s P ro p e rty last week in Seattle and Vancouver, land were married c-eptenijer 11 ident. Irene G ardner, secretarv - Strauss. The Fred went to Lebanon ThutsiUiy Mr and Mrs Verle Prickett and Auslrlun Ct'iii|x*sci to all, n,l the funeral services of g q at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Rus- tri usurer S»'phoniore officers Earl little son Bi'hhv of Noah Bay. i lx*si ihuig Ik' ever did. Listen to Ax cut Mrs. John Sm atliers left Saturday sod Coups' ir. Port him Mrs. Coupe Miller, presiocnt; E arl Groat vice Wash and Mr. anti Mrs. E. E. lit, d e n t (alk. and dance it 11 Mrs Antonia Hack, sLster-hl-law lAeiy Kurin of P ioln lhu» I tic, Automobile, t aaualty. m.imintr for her home m Sd.l ts Nil’s. lXllllViS sister. Nil. *Uld president. Evelyn Rilick. secretary- Hopkins t>( Wishi .un W ash . s|Knt youve never w all/ed to It before, oi Mrs Mix'uwseu. I ialdlity, I ¡«lellty, Surety ami Life Francisco after spending several Mrs Danu Ls uxU live m Portland, treasurer, and Norman Smith, ser- the wtx'k-cnd with relatives ln you don't know what dancing ta n m onths with relatives here. She where Mr Daniels works loi tin goant-at-arm s. Freshm an officers: K inks While in Banks. Mr ami be." Juvenile Wisdom I It. 1 I'll ini Street Phone 1 Jack Seaboid. president: Kixter Mrs. Verle Prickett dosed a ileal was accompanied to San Francisco su u id ard Oil company _ , She had never known before Bobby "l iietdia we got company bv Jam es Enslev A£r. and Nlis. Amend R ..m d tn - Scofield, vice-president; and Irene in which they hot. lit Dr Kuies what dancing could be! T h at wa.. down stairs" ‘ Mrs. H. E Burdette. Robert and berg spent Monday with lus mother, F lslier. sec retary - treasurer. property here m Banks true enough, whatever the music Tommy; What m ake, vou think B arbara Jeanne visited iriends ui Mrs. Eva Brandenberg. Mr. B ran- Elect Staff Mrs Ida Httpkms began her was. far truer than he guessed, Gi so?" S taff for th e high school paper duties a.< teaeher oi the Spnilgiiill did he guess? She hoped lie did Bobby "Didn't you hear mom was elected Friday as follows st'htxvl Monday. not ieared he did then longed laugh at pop’s Joke? ' Ex. P o ^ M ^ n t ’ s m X w i S ‘ their 1WW Uve “ C harlotte Sullivan, editor-in-chief. Clark Powne of Banks and N or­ to tell him so herself But she was David Wilson, sports editor. R ay­ man I't'wne of Forest Grove were speechless. A silence no less In­ parents. Mr and Mrs Adam Bella. IN rt lan d .________________ s o n , n ro < m in runs mond G untlier. circulation m anag­ ashing on the Nehalem Sunday. sidious than the senuous atnilna N o tif« * (* h«’ r«4»y g iv r n th a t ih«* M i i i • r> I I er; Harry Seaboid. general m an­ Albert Stafford of Taft was a •'ikfnol ha« h w n npiM>int«4 Lx«*« ot tin* singing melody bound her tin r Mr H erb.:: Eng.. «’I O C llO O l ager; Ague.- V.mc.erc.indcn. social Banks visitor Sunday. Muss Ecru Slu* could not break It, not even th«? I.» » t W i l l a iu l t'v s tn m e n t « ■ Lv orlinnrily rtl.uui were of you The seat is rath e r high." unqualified endorsem ent Every »uch E x e c u to r. Forest Grove Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. O. W. MgGniw. wanted variety Is tncludod In r e fo r e , « II persons h a v in g iWIuit was tile magic of those ,'ln N itu o w « a th tia e m Mr and Mrs William McFarlane Plan fur Rally ut sai«| eatal«* a ru hervLy our large stock. white hands, so different of Portland were Sunday guests oi an>t ro ju irv x t to p ra a a n t th e m Sunday school and church Ixxirds strong, Mr and Mrs. A B. McFarlatx'. w ith th e prt»per v o u c h « ** to th e u m te r- Mr. and Mrs. Darrell O. Jerue oi Mrs " E met September 12 in the church. from any hands th a t liad ever *ig«it'd a t hts raaidaiD O a bout Iw t i m ile * Mrs A Strandberg and sen Roy Plans were made for a Sunday touched her before?) Cheney. Wash visited with Mrs. visiung her daughter. Mrs. Henry N o r t h o f H e a v e rto n . W a s h in g to n C o u n ty , J e ru e s sister Mrs. H. E B urdette Jacobsen, for the past three we,Pks. and daughter Mabel moved Mon­ school rally day which will be •‘Do vou muid if I smoke?” B. IMLAY ¿SONS, IN O re g o n , o r a t th e la w ik ffic e « f I h«m I I . and family last week. returned w h er ‘lome ln S€eee*»e«l Tho* It T o n g u e J r . A t ­ K arl Wilhelms from S m ith s hospital Saturday af- school lias enrolkxi tins year. There "I don't know. But I like your to rn e y fo r E x e c u to r. 31-5 Mrs. Nora Dooley mid Mrs. H at­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ludwick of ternoon. having made a rapid re- are forty in the class. voice Where did you leurn to use tie Davison of Forest Grove spent Miss Bella Hartwick returned Saturday night and Sunduy witti it so well?” NO TH K O F Kt I t E S T A T E W A LK Portland were guests a t th e H. E. ‘•Wery. Mrs. Miller h er mother. Burdette home S aturday evening. ’ ho has been staying at th e Chris- homo Thursday from a two weeks' Mrs M A Dodds. Mrs. Davison "I never learned a t all. I've Just N o tic e i* he reby g iv e n th a t «he u n d e r- Mrs. VanShoick and daughter tensen home for tlw past tw o visit with friends and relatives in remained for a few days' visit be­ kept trying I've thought about it. s ign ed. W illia m I C i w e and B e u la h V . C ro w e , hus b an d and w ife , w i ll sell on and young nephew visited a t the j ! e^s' returned to her honu Sun Portland. I mean, and practiced by myself fore returning to her work a t the b u t* to th e highest b id d e r at Frank Rinck and Perry Benefiel Masonic home. And I love beautiful English. But «ealed W. F. H unter home Sunday. day. in to o ’clock A . M on S a tu r d a y , th e Mrs. E rnest W llfert and son Two new pupils in th e first grade made a business trip to Birkenfeld John Holland of G reen Mountain I've never heard much." .’ T lh d ay o f O c to b e r, 1»34. at th e o f- Sherwood spent Sunday in New- started school Monday M artha Monday. "Where did you go to school?” fiv e o f |b « rr E. h e a - e y . N o rtl«> S ta r k is visiting this wtx'k with relatives iv>r„ Mulloy, whoes parents live on the Jack Schulmerich of Portland in Banks mid Hillsboro. "In West Hamstead, at the dis­ S tr e e t. P o r tla n d , O re g o n , th e fo llo w in g re al e a ta te » itu a te . ly in g a m t Mrs. Louie Madden and daughters ^ h k e r place n ear Connell station. visited Sunday and Monday with Vernon Ireland left for his home trict school until I was old enough dewertbed g in th e C o u n ties o f W a s h in g to n a n d \Tirvitv» and P atnciv Ann of P o rt- aiig Richard Miller, who revoier- relatives in Banks. at Long Beach, C a l. Septem ber 12 to go to lilgli school. I teach tlie b Y ein a m h ill, S ta te o f t>regt»n, t o - w i t : land spent two days last week with in& from a rath e r serious tonsil and Mr. and Mi's. A. C. Walil and sons after liavlng spent the summer district school myself now." A ll th a t p a r t t»f W 'a p a to l.a k « i t a S ^ dK ^ J WreDtt' “ ^ ^ ' ^ o n l n n ' s e r v i e e s Sunday Frank and Bryce of Banks and with his uncle A rthur Ireland and "Aiul vou went to high school S ulxliv i»ion a c c o rd in g to th e o f f ic ia l Mr and Mrs. Archie Thompson family. He was accompanied by Here in H amstead I lived with p la t th e r e o f on f i l e a n d o f re ro rd in W oman’s Circle met with Mrs oi Hill and children of M ountaindale pic­ Glen Ireland, son of Mr and Mrs. Mummer .. Aunt S arah. Slie wxs un th e o ffic a a <>f th e K eeo rd era o f C o n ­ B. MeCullock September 12 and conduct service a t Mason Hill nicked on east Dairy Sunday. veyance« of Y a m h ill C o u n ty a n d A rthur Ireland, who will attend a old lady, a cripple. She was aw­ W a s h in g to n C o u n ty . O re g o n . ly in g Munford Principal enjoyed a pot-luck lunch a t noon, school Sunday at 8 p. m. Everyone fully good to me She letmecome ¡u6?t school a t Long Beach Uns W 'a il o f th e d r a in a g e d itc h at or K enneth Munford has accepted winter. Fourteen were present. It was the cordially invited to attend. , and live with her and work for n e a r th e E a s t Is H in d a ry lin e o f aaid first meeting after the summer Ten members of th t Lm on B.ble a position as principal of one of Mr and Mrs. Fred Wolford and my board and go to school. If she S u b d iv is io n and m ete« a n d bound» w M tinn class of P ortland conducted service the grade schools ill Corvallis After family and Miss Marie Rieben vis­ hadn't I'd have ltad to go out as tr a c ts a d ja c e n t (h e re to , a m o u n tin g in cnntTin Teo K Toco L Mrs in Helvetia Reform church Sunday few months' study of elementary ited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. hired help when I was thirteen ' (b e a g g r e g a te to KJo acre s, m o re o r KemSwr tS e r Ruby Mr. night. Besides th e preaching there a school work a t Monmouth he will Belle Lilly m Cornelius. "Are—are your parents dead?” leas. to g e th e r w ith a 1 I d r a in a g e ditch«'«, dikes, c o n c re te c o n tr o l w o rk s , and Mrs. Art Taylor and daughter " a s good singing and instrum ental take charge of th e W ashington "Oh, no. But they've never srein- Miss Hudson Bride tid e g a te *, p u m p * , a n d a p p lia n c e s used _____________________ __________ music. school, one of th e four Corvallis ed to prosper. Pupper s liad hard in th e d r a in a g e th e re o f. and a ll — Ladies’ Aid met a t the home of grade schools. Miss Marie Hudson, daughter of luck always, and Mummer isn't rig h ts o f w a y a p p u r te n a n t to said Mrs. Lou Zurcher Septem ber 12. Bridge club was entertained Abe Hudson of Hillside, and Jesse strong." Anne hesitated a moment, p re m is e *, a p a r tic u la r d e s c rip tio n a n d Next meeting will be w ith Mrs. September 12 by Mrs. Ray Lien. F orquer were m arried a t Vancouver. and then continued, in a burst of p la t o f w h ic h pren* -es a r e file d a t Fred Youngen October 10. Mrs. W. G. W alker won first and Wa&h.. Septem ber 10. They left im ­ confidence, “I’m afraid you » th e o ff ic e 4»f s a id D o r r F. hea»ey, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Trum m er and Miss Lorena Paetsch second. The mediately for California, where they sav anything about loving to hear t o w h ic h r e fe re n c e m a y Ee had by a n y a tte n d in g bn ld e r children of Forest Grove. Mr. and Misses Ida Hopkins and Lorena will make tlieir home. Mrs Forqiu'r me talk again. After hearing me Mrs Henry Feugv and son Carl oi Paetsch were invited guests. T h e r e is h e re b y rese rve d a ll p e rso n a l is well known in Banks, where she call them Mummer and Pupper Aloha. M. W aeffler and daughter worked in Mrs Willianus' confec­ But I did when I was .1 Uttle ¿M, p r o p e r ty «m * a td p re m ii*«*» except t lie m<> 1 Wilcox Enlarges House [Believe It or eNot] For u limited tinu* to promote business we . to r u»«sl in connect ion w it h aah 1 d r a io - M argaret of West Union and Mr Ralph Wilcox is enlarging his tionery the past few months. Mr. and when I learned th a t I ought «•Iler reuet-ves t he p la n t a n d th e and Mrs. Robert Youngen and fam ­ house by adding an upper story Forquer has also worked in the to sav Mamma and Papu. they age will paint your ear, make it look like new, r ig h t t o or r u p y hay b a rn on »«id i th e ily were guests a t the F red Y’oung- and enlarging the dow n-stairs. Banks vicinity a t different times wouldn't let m e change. They j p rem ise« n«i>w fillesl ' . • t h h ay f o r th e [ Miss Mabel Stranberg, who spent thought I was trying to put on p u rp o a e iit reduced rales, with three months to pay. en home Sunday. Market Improves Building s to r in g a : ( m a rk e t in ir th e 1* S o ld . li ot 1 «am e u n til such hay la te r 1 Banks M eat M arket is being im ­ the sum m er in Washington, lias airs." (T o o la t e f o r la s t w e e k ) I9.L Only a small down payment required before proved by having a new roof plac­ returned to h er home in Banks. "I see—so you've never been away I t h T * n e r m th * e o Is f s a le ra>b la r c C h e , r tifie d rb«< k Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngen. ed over th e group of buildings, fi't.ui ILiii'-'lt'.iii ' ' ■ I«.’ ! o f «he bid to a rc o m - delivery. Dress up your e a r: it will pay. ¡ o r cash for I Lillie and William Youngen and which it occupies. O ther extensive "Well, of course I go to Wallace- p a tiy a ll bids, th e satme to he ret urried Miss R. Rahlie went to K alam a improvements will also be made town. On errands. And once ln a ’ ¡ t o a ll unsut • e e s fu l bnl • lera o r on a il r e ­ Wash.. Sunday to visit tb ? John Cass Wilson and Chris Rieben have 1 je«'te«l bids. T i t l e in>un *rn v in th e a m o u n t 1 while to a show." (C o n tin u e d fr o m p a ? e 6 ) urtz and John Miller families charge of the work. "Wouldn't you like to go further o f «he sticeesaful bid » i l l be fu rn lo h e d Accept my latest “Believe M Joseph they're both to be mine. Don't Wenzel. W alter Hershey b y th e o w n e r. B a la n c e o f th o purc h as e Mr. and Mrs George Finck were away than th at?" p ric e p a y a b le on d e liv e r y o f < lm l a n d It or N ot” booklet ab ­ and Arnold Leppin went fishing in called to W illamette Monday on forget." "W ouldn't I like to? W hat do, poaseasion o f »aid prem ises The ow ner "I shan't," said Anne ecstatical­ th e Trask river over the week-end. account of the serious illness of you suppose? solutely to h a ve s ix ty ( 6 " t »lavs a f t r r th e «late ly. They report a good catch. Mr. F in ck s mother. "Well, I suppose you would. So o f s ale to c o m p le te h i* t i t l e and th e AUTO PAINTING What do you usually do during Mrs. F. Rufener is in Olympia. T urner to Speak why don't you? Why don't you let. h n ld e r a lik e p eri< *l ?• r p a y m e n t «»f th e intermission?" Wash . with h er son Casper, who is ha I nee o f cash. R R. Turner, democratic con­ the "Why—I me come and hike you for a nice | wait for it to be over P hone 501 very ill. His sister M arie Rufener. gressional candidate for th e first Third Street tiie g o n . ( h i* 17th long drive up through the m oun­ •lay D a te «»f d S a e t p te l*«»rtlan«l. "Of course. B ut where?” m b e r. I M F a trained nurse, is taking care of district, will speak a t th e K ansas automobile?" W II.I.IX .M F C ltO W E . B L IT .A H V . “R ight here." she replied with tains ln (C my him there. He will be moved to City community hall Septem ber 28. o n tin u e d N e x t W e e k ) CROW E. bewilderment. Portland as soon as he can stand Ed Clark and Mrs. L. Robinson growing worst New cartoons of am azing th place you could think e trip andl family spent the week-end at of "The Too I.a(e Why don't you come and sit it facts! And my unpublish­ Doris May Jacobson underwent the Pendleton roundup. with me in my motor?" Dln<*r: "Was th a t sandwich I ate ed photographs of oddi­ a tonsil and adenoid operation at Hop picking in the Banks vicin­ out "Where?” quite fresh?" th e Jones hospital in Hillsboro ity ended this week W. L. Moore ties! 32 fascinating pages Thursday. "In my motor. The horseless c ar­ Waitress: "Why yes. Every one L finished Sunday and Sam Inklcy riage. you know." wrapped 1 n transparent, airtight in all! and Ferd Hartwick later in the Anne hesitated. Such a sugges­ paper.” week. A m ity Loses Final G am e tion had certainly never b e e n Diner: "Oh. I wish I had known GET YOURS AT Mrs. Joaquin Miller of Moclips. made in H amstead before, because th at.”—Ex. in B a seb all T ournam ent Wash., and Mrs. Robert P etit and OUR STORE Amity of t h e T ualatin Valley baby of Rainier. Wash., are visiting league lost to th e P ortland Blitz- their m other. Mrs. O. D. Dreeszen. W einhardt team 6 to 4 a t New­ in Banks and th eir father, who Is berg Sunday in the play-off for in a Portland hospital. Mr. Drees­ the O regon-W ashington fall base­ zen is reported to be recovering ball tournam ent title. The winners from his recent operation. The Misses Phyllis Nelson a n d came from behind in the eighth in ­ ning to score three ru n t and win, Sylvia Oasheim spent the week-end CEDAR SHINGLtS with Ina Stevens at Laurel. The 1934 championship. Mr and Mrs Cliff Thompson (All grades) • • • and four children and George K es­ sler Sr. attended th e Pendleton COMPOSITION SHINGLES round-up. going Friday and r e - , (Johns-M anville) turning Sunday night Little Verle and Shirley Gene P rickett stayed TH E ID E A L T IM E with Mrs. George Kessler during their parents' absence. to give your roof a eoat of Mr ar.d Mrs. Frank Rinck and • A n d y o u p et “ c o n ­ Bright Colored Stain. son Bobby an d Mr. and Mrs. Fred to apply Bordeaux spray to Caldwell attended the Pendleton IT PA YS t a c t ” w h e n y o u t u n e a peach trees. Blue stone and round-up from Thursday night u n ­ til Sunday afternoon. Marie and Rinck stayed with Mrs. G ru n o w a ll-w a v e se t. form aldehyde f o r w heat. Jimmy George Finck during their absence. New ceresan preparation for Ray Parmley and Jake N arup re ­ BUILDING MATERIAL MERCHANTS Saturday from Foss, where O n ly G ru n o w h a s th e wheat, oats and barley. So­ turned they were failing timber. Phone 3691 1011 Baseline dium chlorate for thistles Mr. and Mrs. A J. Friedley and D. Holgate of Hillsboro were S un­ a m a z in g “ S ig n a l B e a ­ and other noxious weeds, day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Model IlJii .t i at* <1. Ib liixe Ford >r Parmley and family. »Sedan $813 delivered R ent Parmley Farm c o n ” . C o m e in a n d le t Mr. and Mrs. Ed B am grover of Dilley have rented Mrs. Alice P arm - Feed - Seed - Eggs - Poultry u s sh o w y o u h ow w o n ­ ley's farm north of Banks. They moved there last week. Phone 3061 Build New House d e r fu l it is. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Beal have built a new house n o rth of Banks Hoiuiie. C aptain and C. Knietia ot Portland and Mrs. A. B Banks High Students Select Plan Benefit T,xid ot Forest Grove visited at the W. H Ring home last week. Ring has been sick sever­ Leonard Fowles as President at Orenco on al Hnghie ila.vs Mr. and Mrs L. T Woodward mid have nuwixi in They are now and son K enneth sjx'nt Septem ­ BANKS High school student in tile Banks school district. ber 9 at th e home of Mr. and Saturday Eve Mrs A Ixvdy oilicers iiave been elected a ' a. r.easan t Valley. follows: LsX'iiard EYiwles. president. Flunk Wahl and Jarnos Cason M l* . S c h o o l a t R oy I las 65 Students Insurance Costs Compared ( HAS. L. W ALKER GROW TH - - - Have Your Car Painted Robert. L. Take 3 Months to Pay cRjpley says:- "Q ueen A nne’s Lace” Busch’s Service Garage FREE! S H IN G L E N O W WORLB 7^¿í_ N O W IS THE TIME POOL-GARDNER LUMBER CO. farm ers’ Cash Store -rV tiT TAKE NO CHANCES W IT H F IR E L . . . . Keep Important Papers in a Safe Deposit Box Gtiincur < S IG N A 1 BEACON »•« »’ 1111 men»« •' '»• i ' 111 ‘ BRISTOL HARDWARE AAMPANY Wills, deeds, contracts and insurance policies never seem so valuable until they are lost. The cost of a Safe Deposit Box— less than One Cent a Day— is inconsequential com pared to the value of papers you cannot replace. See our m odern vaults the first time you are in the hank. Let us show you how steel doors and other safeguards protect your valuables from fire, th e ft or other hazards. Fire wreaks its worst damage on rural homes. If your home is isolated from fire-fighting agencies, you cannot afford to be without a Safe Deposit Box. ★ HILLSBORO BRANCH * Pedestrians B efore you buy Will You at an y price D R IV E one of o u r Do Your Part? take chances! The law protects pedes­ D ON’T trians while walking on the highway with only one exception, that they m ust face the tra f ­ fic. Many accidents could be avoided by step­ ping off the pavem ent on the approach of an auto­ mobile. It is often difficult for the driver at night to see people on the highway. A pproaching cars may blind. It is hoped th a t for the protection of pedestrians and motorists th a t our state laws are am ended so as to compel pedestrians w alking on highw ay a t night to carry a light. “LET’S QUIT KILLING’’ L. J. RUSHLOW E verything in Insurance an y c a r MS® W If you arc judging the Ford caron the basis of price, you are making the mistake of your car­ buying life l ord— with a V H engine in a low priced tar—has shattered all price class"ideas. When you sit behind the wheel of a Ford V H (the only car with a V 8 engine selling for less than $2,500 00) ami feel its tremendous wealth ol smooth-flowing power . . when you (eel the easy riding comfort of frec-action on all four wheels when you feel the security ot a Ford’s extra-large, positive mechanical 4-wheel brakes . . . thtn you realize that here is a car that cannot be fudged on the basis of price. That’s why we say--"Before vou buy any car st any price, drive one o f our Ford V 8's." A phone call will bring a demonstrator to your bouse* . . . no obligation . . . no charge. Watch The rrrvD n c