r THE H IL L S B O R O I commission's order and mention ot , the location of hard liquor stores ¡are to be deleted iron, newspaper | advertisem ents of brands of more i th an 1 per cent alcoholic content. • • • Holding th a t the petitions p re­ sented by the Oregon Retail Bev- ! erage dispensers in protest against the restaurant code does not rep- resent the sentim ent of the legiti- ‘ By Mr». F. L. Brown) __ — mate restauranteurs. Max O eh llu r, LAUREL—The REL—The Friendly Corner agricultural code dicta', r. has re- ,o cancel the code as re- class of „ the .. . Sunday school will hold a business and social m“" meet ' ' quested Instead the code has been lng a t tlie home of Mrs. S. E. amended to elunm ate from its pro- Stoller next Thursday evening. lsions tlmse handluig beer and wine and A .lllslveiv ;Uid Mr and Mrs. W ■" H a McNay u » « » »*.u and who mid< n u d e no a t- sou Billy were Sunday guests a to n p t to serve foods Many of those Mrs. McNay s sister. Mrs Harleigh nrotesiuiR against the cede come SYNOPSIS Looney, and family in Portland. under this classification. O ehlhar C H A P T E R I In a n n s s l o f d ia a p p o in t- Enrollment Eight m e n t. th n m g h h e r in a b ilit y , dua to tha declares. Laurelvlew school began M on­ »alfi»hnaa» o f h e r f a m ily , to p u t fin is h - day with eight attending ----- — .... r pupils r There are only 119 banks in Ore- in g toucha» to h e r costum e f o r a lo n g - a n tic ip a te d c o u n try dance. A n n e C h am b er­ rayce G it- il­ Mrs. Willard Hughes iG iGrayce n now according to the annual lain th e s to lid ity and lack •— u .n .K .m t. ehina again «nani repo r, o( A Schramm. state o f im i* a g ir in r it a a tio te n d d by is p la ford * ' i - of , Hillsboro Is fM teaching y e d by her eacort. this year. su p e rin te n d en t of banks. Fourteen G eorge H ild r e th (p o tn ta he »hare* >»tth Miller, Born, to Mr. and Mi’s. A years ago the state Itati 234 bank: moat o f h e r a c q u a in ta n c e * <. A v ia ito r in September 14. a boy. The M illers| ’s ;a te banks have suffered t h e th e c o m m u n ity . N e al C o n ra d . >oung la w ­ recently arrived from South Dakota heavier casualties m the financial y e r. i» to be th e "»enaation** o f th e eve­ and are living o n th e L. F. Davis „.adjustm ent. They reached then n in g . and H ild r e th i* va g u e ly je a lo u *. place, where Mrs. B runner formerly peak in 1920 when they numbered (C o n tin u e d fr o m la *t week) resided 191 Now th eir num ber is down W hen they were seated m liis Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider to 61. a net loss of 130 National new top-buggy, actually on their and daughter . — _. Lillie -— * . of of it his « 4 Helvetia . sister, ctor banks reached their . - peak - . In - 1922 - into H ainstead, Aiui relaxed, a were Sunday guests when there were 99 of them. New wav Mrs Fred Schmidt, and family. there are 58 Ten former state little, and they fell uito casual and Mr and Mrs. W alter Tews ol batiks have been taken over as friendly conversation. "Arc you pretty well through Hillsboro w ere Sunday evening br.uich banks of big P ortland banks guests of his brother. George Tea s, | during the past year and convened haying?" Anne asked noncomm it­ tally and family. Into nationals, tlie report shows. Yes, Saturday night'll sec it • • • I o Pick W alnuts done." W alnut picking is scheduled to Liquor business in Oregon Is on "You've had good luck, haven t sta rt in the L. A. W hittle & Co. the upgrade Sales through state orchard the first of next week. stores and agencies duruig August you?" "Fine. And th e oats and co rn s Birthday Celebrated totaled $291.000. a gam of 14 per Mass Irene Stevens and Norma cent over July, according to a re- comm' along great, to o I don't know as I ever had a better year Crawford c ra w io ru went »vi.i to Vernonia S atu r- p.n t b v A d m in istra to r Sam m is And my creamery check k e e p s day and Ina Stevens returned with Prices £ of liquor in Oregon are as am ountin' and m ountin' straight them to visit over Sunday. Miss low. if not lower, th a n those of Ina Stevens was a guest of honor anv oUler sta;e with the exception along." made no direct response at a birthday dinner Sunday at of ■ \v.usiungt on. Sammis claims A to Anne this boastful statem ent, with its the home of her parents, Mr. and new reUU llst wUI re _ th ru st at her fath er's lack Mrs. W. L. Stevens, celebrating her ¡eai,ed bv the liquor commission hidden prosperity in dismal contrast to nineteenth anniversary. Tliose Pre-’- ¿bout October 1 and is expected to of her suitor's abundance. ent besides tlie guest of honor were stiU furtlw r reductions. "I'm thtnkin’ some of tlirowm' out Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nelson, M ar- . . . . in tlie dinin' room gare; and Phyllis Nelson, and Sylvia' Oregcn has fared better than a an ' bay-winder puttin in a furnace. An a Emd most states ui the allocation of bathroom. Tlie house needs paper- Mrs. Clifton Bagley and Mrs_ Ein federal {unds for highw ay work, a h ' p a in tin ', too. It'll look real elie Hogrefe of Portland Mr and m opinion of R H Baldock. in good when I get it fixed up. I Mrs. W L. Stevens and E lbert aiid high» av engineer While Ore- cal'late I could get all them im ­ irene Stevens. The y-oung people gon's ^ population n u D t i o n ^ represents r o s e n t s 1 e s s provem ents done by late fail." called on Mr an d Mrs. Mike Me , tlian one per cent th a t of tlie Again Anne gave no sign th a t Cann of Scholls in the afternoon. w h ^ h « « nation tins state received 1.7 per Mrs. Emelie Hogrete. who has ceju of lhe $400.000.000 allocated she had draw n the obvious con­ spent the past lew m onths in for highway work last year. Ap­ clusion. "You arn 't honestly figurin' on Portland, is now a t th e W. L. Stev- proximately 2600 men are now di- teachin' ano th er winter, are ye?" e I \ t r 10annri M r s Dexter Elliott and reettsr employed on highway work "I think I better. Ten dollars a r h i ™ w e ,-» ‘S . i - in th is state with as many more helps out a great deal." son Wilbur of New berg were S. t engaged in providing concrete, steel week out yer family I don’t urday evening guests of Mrs. E l - an * « . home. of $75.000 wlU be ' ye." L ^ u ot f t h i a n d w r e overnight kept a t Ule Wtthycombe rifle range tin "George! D on't you dare criti­ rro m n home at Clackamas along with other cize my family!" vl JOC Cr0IUn ‘ trucks and heavy equipment of "I shall, too—if yer so dead set on teachin'. ye could keep on after Mr. and Mrs. C. W right an d two the £uard . . . we was married. You could do all sons ot Portland were Sunday a i- „ . . , . tlie housework there is in my house tem oon callers a t tlie L A W hittle Seventy-eight new lawyers cauers a l ine adm itted to practice in the with one liand tied behind ye. con­ Mr and Mrs Adolf Rutschm an courts of Oregon. The list ot tliose venient like it all Is. And you could n ^ ^ V S i k d M r a S Mrs passing the July bar examinations hev all th e money ye earned to P. Hebeisen of Helvetia Sunday was releasea this week. Only 41 spend on yerself—clothes a n ’ books an ' a planner." Harold H athorn of Hillsboro was tailed to pass the tests, He had scored a t Iasi. He saw It. a r overnight guest of his uncle J „ and pressed his advantage. W Mulloy. and lamily Saturday P p i - c f i t l Q R p t l l 1 Ye always wanted ter travel. Harold has been with a surveying * r i S U I I S i x c g j i i i i t u We could take a real nice trip tills crew a t Sisters all summer. He re- • re ­ fall. I could plan the work so's I turned to his work Sunday w e- could git away for a spell after ning. , the crops is all in. an ' before the Word received from George PORTLAND—J W. Maloney, col- Schm idt by his m other stated th a t lector of internal revenue, today cows begin to freshen. We could go he arrived safely a t Gold Beach., called attention to the provisions to N iagara Falls, or Montreal, or where he began his year's work of the National Firearm s act. te ­ Boston." "Oh. George, everybody goes to as principal of the high school, qulring all persons owning fire- He went via the Salmon river cut- arm s as defined in the act to reg- those places." "Well, where do you w ant to off. the distance being 320 miles. ister them with his office, w ithout go?” Mr. and Mrs. Claude Marble and delay. “To New York- And—and W ash­ Mrs. Phoebe Koontz of Chiloquin The term ‘firearm s' as defined were guests a t th e C. P. Stafford in th e National Firearm s act." said ington.” George gulped with surprise. But home from Saturday until Monday. Collector Maloney, ‘ includes all Mr and Mrs J W Mulloy Mid shotguns and rifles with barrels he was game. "All right. To New York a n d daughter Thelm a visited Mrs.’ Win- less th an eighteen inches in length, nie Mulloy and children of Hub- any other weapon, except a pistol : Washington." Especially W ashington I'm crazy bard Sunday or revolver, from which a shot is Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Kibler (Flor- discharged by an explosive, if such I to see it. I thin k I'd like to live ian Llnklater« and three «teughters weapon can be concealed on the there.” For Heaven's sake. Nan! Why and Mrs. E. W atkins of Portland person, machine guns, and mufflers you haven't a chance In th e world, were Sundav visitors a t th e Amos and silencers. W atkins home. ' There are a num ber of shot- any more'n I have, of ever livin' J. B. Hall and daughter Gladys guns on the m arket which have anywhere but in West Hamstead." 'T know it. B ut I wish I had.” of P ortland were Saturday guests barrels less th an 18 inches 1 n George saw his rosy dream s van­ a t the C P Stafford home Mr. length, th a t are sold under various and Mrs. S. H. Thw aite of Hillsboro trade names, as handy guns, burg- ishing into thin mist. He sought to were Sunday guests. lar guns, game-getters, etc , which recapture them. "But it'd be worth som ethin' ter Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Davis and come w ithin th e definition of a children Howard and B etty and firearm , under the act. and it is go. Mebbe we could go m oren'n Mr. and Mrs George Tews and son necessary for them to be registered once.” "Well—” Jim m ie picnicked at Lee Falls by the owners with th is office, "N an!” n ear Cherry Grove Sunday. "Revolvers and pistols are not "Let's talk about something else Miss Eva Schneider and Neil subject to registration, nor rilles Heine of P ortland were Sunday or shotguns with barrels 18 inches for a while." "Oh, Nan. please—" evening guests of her aunt. Mrs or more in length He leaned forward, laying his Fred Schm idt “Ail persons o r firm s owning flre- Mrs. Anne Johnson of K lam ath arm s which are subject to regis- hand earnestly on her knee, trying Falls was the guest of Mrs Rollin tration should write th e collector to look into h er eyes. She put her Meyers Sunday afternoon and eve- of in tern al revenue. 210 Customs own hand over his, gave It a friend­ ning House Portland, a t once for blanks ly pressure, and then shook her Rollin Meyers in company with on which to register the same, as pink skirt free of It. "I can't, George," she said with F rank VanAken of F o re s t' Grove this m ust be done not later than eoual earnestness "Honestly, I started to Harney county Monday Septem ber 26, 1934. can't. I know how much you'd try for a w eeks hunting ’ "W hen these registered firearm s Mr. and Mrs. Cally Whitmore are transferred it will be neces- to do for me. and I do like you. and daughter Josephine visited the sary for the purchaser to pay a But It Isn't enough." " I t’s a lot more n you’ve got now." Leslie Lee family at Cherry Grove transfer tax of »200 to the federal "I know—when I said It wasn't Sunday. Mrs. Lee and daughter I government, and secure application I Berniece were in Portland, where blanks for th a t purpose from the enough I didn't mean t h a t wouldn't be lots more comfortable the latter is to have h er tonsils collector of internal revenue." th an I've ever been before I know removed this week. ) - I would. I m eant th a t I somehow Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keyser and p i.l.'n n A Limit C u ll small daughter Ann M araaret ol I w U I l I l g Z A L J O U l V ^ U l l couldn't look a t things th e way Portland were Sundav guests of ™ . you do. And I don't care enough.” You just said you liked me." Mr. K eysers parents, Mr. and Mrs I do. But I don't love you. T hat M. Keyser. is I don't believe I do. I don't like -------------------------, Tomatoes bought by dealers and C n n itiil M n x a /c I o t t o r retailers a t the code price for culls to have you touch me, and I cer­ v -,U L ) h O I J L /C lL tr must be sold as culls and marked tainly never wanted to touch you. Laurel Class to Hold Meet on Thursday Register rireanns ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, September 20, 1934 OREGON That's a long »av from feeling uusy Bay, wliat have you got lor som ething about his guest m they you'd be glad to nuury a m an And «4 li'iU'l ■ twirled about togcltici; but t h e m ere doesn't w rm to be much whistle blew for tli<> forming ol it's further still from tix'llng as 11 letl out a i aui joncs you'd die If you couldn't. tiic ring Iwfor* tlM) had had Itana Bnucss! \seu, i u u s e th at, und io exchange a dozen words, amt "W ont you th in k II over sonic more? asked George miserably. now uoout Lie lu s t exuai* they Immediately lost sight of each r UH*. You know how it's been w ith me. otliei In tlie maze of the "gruim 'i y e got a m en d here, I « an t right and lafl ever since we were kids. I'm a good Whan tin- whittle provider You sliouldn't never lack mill io incet you. blew [or tlie six-ond time, Anne i u ioie io. nothin'. And li t be a kind husband. found herself facing a stranger, ' i u g e t m m right away We would be happy. If ye can’t sensed, uistiiictively. who it miglit Bui wie ytaliuceiow ii otuid had lx>. mid was caught up swiftly and say yes, don't sin no neither. Not Oek u ii i o piay Uie su anus ol me for a while, anyway. Thai's not swung Into a quick-step without o p m m g W ait*, r. I c il A im e s U iu c - the exchange of a word. askin' much of ye." Anne hesitated She had no wish p v iH itm e o i sp u n tiiu n o t p t i i m t It » as only a minute, ot course, to be needlessly unkind, and she m l IO qUCsliOII t-ltSilgCS i .<1.1 to before the man spoke to her. But was really fond ol George. He was, m at. Woiioui an m s n t iit s o c .u ). tn tliat minute slu> bei ame crowd- o u v l o s t , s o liu m * d o w n ite r s i o i i s , tngly conscious ot a number of as he said, not uskuig for much. AU right." she said at length, a n u liu u s U n g nci piogiam into l i t r strange sensations He »ns so stu rt- "I won t say no yet. if you won t siioil. si.p p c ci in t o iiis aim s. B ut siie llnglv different from any of the pester me- And U you won't talk a m m o -iu .it a t In c u i s e i i e u gr o u p men »liom she knew. His hair-cut about it any more tonight Have oyer m i snouitlci brie was pel was different, and Ins collar, and you heard w hat there's going to be ' lecuy sa iisu eu . Roy, sne know, Ills tie. the shape ot his bine seige a o u ic i n o t t o i g c i. ior music at the dance?" coat, the texture ot tils spotless George settled back in the buggy I white trousers. He liail a square lllA I'lt .K 11 w .th a sigh of mingled relief and Jaw and square slioulders; and he "HE second dam e was the "Paul trium ph. helil her so oaslly, yet so firmly joncs, am i uoy came promptly so closely He did not seem In the The Wallacetown b a n d s going to play." he repin'd. "Four pieces. io aiuic s suie as soon as lue niusu least concerned because they had I bet it 11 be slick 1 hear there's -or n ot'toin n oy » .is n o i MtM* never mot, or a t a loss to know a number eomUV down from there tially popular. oeUig biiuideu as ho» to talk to her. to go to it Hoy G riffin has got Slink up. tte hati gone io lia r- "Wliat fun this kliwl of a dance company. A feller he knew at col­ vaid aim naa giuuum cu front me Is! Gets every one acquainted, tlie lege. named Neal Conrad, is visitin' law school m ete as wed as cotu- very first thing I'm Neal Con­ him. so they're gettin' up a patty pu'ling nui acaucune course m u i rad. a friend ot Roy G riffin's Tin Conrad's come up from Hlnsboro consiueraoie success, ire was an visiting hun " where he lives. In one of these new ­ omy ennu, anu mid udierned a "I I daiught you must be Nea! fangled horseless carnages. I d o n t com louaoic lortune lroui m s la th ­ Connul I've known Roy a long thuik much of them." er, a prosperous Hardware aeaier, time He promised to Introduce me • Don’t you? Where have you seen »no had oeell iiiuneilseiy pionu ol to you ' mm. anu nau wariicu nun to nave one?" "Well. I sliould hope so' I'd be "I ain 't seen one But I've heard autanuiges it »us owuig io his terribly disnupomted If he didn't!" laun-r s ucaiii null ne nau iviurneu tell." tliere w asn't time betore "In the post office, slttuig around io yyuiiaceiown aim seiueu uown lo tin* lint natty began. Anne » n it on. the airtight » ith a lot of oilier piiicuce. in oruer mac m s inouier. completing her sentence us she had mossbacks who never saw one e ith ­ WHO ».IS too Old lo be u p io o ic u Intended before this astonishing er I suppose." said Anne scorn­ lroui her native element, need not person Interrupted her fully" Oh. George! Don't you see? oe ieit alone. He »its a goou son, "We must make up for lost time It s lust as 1 said. We never look a iid a g o o n c m .in . .tin nc » a s then darn It! T here goes th a t at tlungs the sam e way! I believe rupidty proving iiinisen io be u now whistle!" tli.it horseless carriages are going good lawyer. B ut ne » as m siguili- said this kind of a dance to be a great success, and revolu­ cUU-uAisuig. siigutiy Ullin a n d was "You great fun!" exclaimed Anne, tionize transportation. 1 wish I had unentiC. He lispm a lim e. A n n e laughing lightly. a cliance to go out in one." liKeu mm, because ne lent n e r I ve changed my nund. W ell, said George sarcastically, uooks, aim taiscu » u n iter uooui It's Well. poor kind of a dunce "mebbe Neal Conrad wlU ask ye to. glimpses ot m e great worm wmeli We a Wi darned re Just getting nicely started Rov and him are cornin' down to ue nau had. Aim lie liseu Arnie, but I'll see you later." thé dance m his. T liat's w hat I recognizing ner ueauty anu bruins The grand right and left hail a l­ started to teU you." anu spun. B ut sue aid not s u r ms ready begun again. They took their The words were hardly out of his senses, and lie ie it minsen siighuy in It tardily, and Anne, at mouth before he repented them aooie ner, tnciugn lie » as caret ul places self-consciously. It »us ac­ He had put an idea ui Anne s head —more caret ul m an he was to­ least, nothing short of a erttn th at might much better have been ward many oilier persons not to counted to hold it up. am t she knew It. left out of it Of course. It was let ner see tins. The Cliambei lams George as she approached him, not probable tliat tins city dude were a "siutueas lot. aim the a (¡ice as black as a th u n ­ would take any notice of her. but Ihrdty G ru iu is looked down upon sliowed der cloud When tlie ' Paul Jones' it was possible. He inwardly cursed ail such. It did not occur to mem ended, adm itted tliat she was his stupidity, and they drove on in th a t good could come out of Naz­ thirsty she mul turned with him to the silence. lemonade table The "ball" had not been In prog- ( areth. Into the G riffins' well-ordered Neal Connul meanwhile h a d ress half an hour before his worst household Neal Conrad burst w ith­ sought out his host w ithout delay, fears were realized. He h ad paid out warning. He was "motoring and taken him Im patiently aside. for their tickets fifty cents apiece, th r o u g h lo see s o m e wealthy W h o 's tliat girl 1 danced with while Anne withdrew to leave her clients of lus own, who were spend­ the first time tlie whistle blew? I knitted shawl in the dressing room, even have tune to gel her and exchange a few joyous whis­ ing the sum mer in the mountains, didn't and "smipiy had to see good old uame Stic says she’d known you a pered confidences with her best time and th a t you had prom ­ friend. Mabel Buck, who was w ait­ Roy. W n e n they recovered irom long ing for her there; when she re ­ thé first shock of his unheralded ised to present me I wish you'd arrival, and tlie fu rth er shock ol hurry up mid do It." turned lie sat down beside her. to "I ve known all the girls lien* a scrawl his initials a t frequent Inter­ the discovery th a t lie intended to vals over her "program ” w ith the spend several days with them , they lnog time, mul I've promised all of small tasseled pencil attached to accepted his presence with a mild them tliat I'd Introduce you to it He liad to hurry. David Noble joy and a satisfaction tlia t was them You're tlie event of the eve­ and Austin Gray were already cross­ by no means mild. Neal "had a way ning." " This girl." continued Neal, "had ing the floor in their direction, and with him .” and he "was making on an awful pink dress trimmed others would lollow close upon a name tor lumself,” with black velvet bows, and slic'd Roy had m eant to tell Anne their heels. Don't take too many," whispered Anne who wa.' watching develop­ ments quite as carefully as he was, but with other cuds in view, "you don't want to make the whole town think we re engaged." Why. of course I do! Every one knows we re keeping company ! Now, Anne—" "If you say another word aoout it tonight. I won t dance w ith you Give yo u r rooms a c o lo rfu l ch e e rfu l fu ll o u t­ at all— Hello, Austin, hello, David. I m awfully glad to see you.—Yes. look— by having y o u r curtains and drapes d ry I've got most ot them free. George, cleaned by ca re fu l, color restoring methods. O ur do give me back th a t program Goodness, you've w ritten your name prices are m oderate, and o u r service com pletely all over It. Have you a n eraser?" satisfactory. "No." said George doggedly. "Then I'll have to get another W E C A L L A N D D E LIV E R program." "I've an extra one," cheerfully volunteered Austin's younger b ro th -| er. Thomas, who had Joined the group. "T hat's right, let's s ta rt all over again. Hello. Roy." "Hello yourself. Hello, Ann.” "Oh, Roy, I'm ever so glad to Telephone 47 H illsb o ro , Oregon see you! It's ages since you've been down." t ' "I know. B ut I've been awfully I FRESH and Netv Looking . . . HOME LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS been using cheap perfumery Hut she itaneixt like a teathei weight angel, and she was a raving, te a r­ ing IxMiiity Now, do you know whom I mean?" "I ve known whom you m eant all along. lisped Roy. enjoying his little Joke. "Il s Anne Cliambei lain She's over tliere by the table now. drinking lemonade." "Come on," said Neal briefly. 'The neci'samv formalities con­ sumed very little llim' At tin* end of them Neal asked lo six* Anne's program. "I'm awfully sorry Il's all filled." "Nonsense!" "It Is really." she said, blushing "Anne's program Is always fill­ ed." her i>artner coi rnljoruted. "But 1 wish It wasn't," alu* add­ ed, blushing more deeply still There waa not tin* slightest doubt of her sincerity. Neul regard<*d her with amusement. Wliat shall wi* do about It?" he asked. "I don't know " Well. I do I'm going to ask Uie band to add two more extras And ( (\> u (lh ti* * i «m p»w«’ m . “ STOMACH PAINS SO HAD I COULD HARDLY WORK" Hays C 8 Gross: "A fter taking Dr Emil's Adla Tablets the | n H iis art* gone and I eat anything." Try Adla treatm ent mi our money bark guarantee Delta Drug »tore Atlv DON’ T Let Your Feet Cause You Untold Misery Say you naw U ill tlw» Argus. BY TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA I f y o u r feet s in n rt or burn or pe rsp ire ; o r if you lire tro u b le d w ith corns, Tilliuses o r fa lle n arches, see us. We can help you. E A R L F. H E A R IN G I’li. O. lit charge foot drpnrtinrnt PALM DRUG STORE R ide in big, com fortable coaches on sm ooth steel rails. Tourist b e rth fo r the night as little as $1 extra. See your local agent o r w rite O rm an d y , 705 Pacific b ld g ., P o rtlan d , O re. A. S o u th e r n P a c if ic , 2. W Phone 266 ' 9 ' ’ ....... 4-H Clubs to Visit Pacific International ’ A gain, a.x in past years, the Pacific In te rn a tio n a l Livestock Exposition in P ortland. O ctober 6 to 13, w ill feature achievem ents o f the boys and g irls o f the 4-H Clubs in the N orthw est. ’ W ith a m em bership of nearly a m illio n strong, the 4-H Clubs o f A m erica exert a p o w e rfu l influence fo r the developing o f a better livestock industry. ’ O ur nation can ju s tly lie proud o f these young farm ers and th e ir zealous prom otion of pure tired livetock, im proved m e th o d s , greater e ffic ie n c y in the home and on the land. • There w ill lie interesting exhibits and ju d g in g contests by 4-H C lub members at this great Exposi­ tio n w ith its nineteen show s; shows tlia t cover every phase o f livestock and land farm ing. * V isit this m am m utti show take the fa m ily too— it is one o f o u r re a lly great W estern events, ’ Rem em ber that this bunk is alw ays w illin g to co­ operate in any w o rth y endeavor. Commercial National Bank "Ttq> Lnrgrxt Independent Bank In W ashington County." H illsboro, Oregon «-,*- i - <*m u , J OITiatOeS iSSUed s s w w ? jo u ld bar ail kinds of signs on the building occupied by a beer p ar- lor alluding to the fact, either by word or picture, th a t alcoholic bev- erages were for sale within. It would do away with such signs as “we sell it but can t tell It” or th e picture of a foaming mug la- beled "suds" which gained popu- larlty when the commission ordered th e word “beer" deleted from all signs. Highway signs cxtollln ng the virtues of particular bran* lC*-s beer are also tabooed under the : s , Ts ; at 515 Oregon Building. Portland, Oregon. Such a ruling is necessary to protect the public from being .sold cull tomatoes which are repre- sented to them a-s U. S No. I s an a t 8 p m. a ” good attend nes’ iv d xc ay ance Is desired, TIME C O N T R O L IE M P E R A IU R E C O N T R O L C O UN TER BALAN CED O VEN DOORS A U T O M A T IC L IG H T IN G N O N TIPPAB1E SHELVES ' P O R C E LA IN E N A M E L FIN IS H makes your kitchen look like a magazine illustration! 4% E V E ’S B E A U T Y SHOP G eneral Beauty Work SAFE RELIABLE Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n J. M. PERSON, Manager Hillsboro, Oregon Four hair u a n tt to look its beat. , . tawing— for it is the result o f skillful styling, precise craftsmanship and lovely, colorful enamel finishes However, these ranges are aot all "face value". They contain the same ad­ BHT you / i t r a l u m , ii t ila ii l h ta /, m td tfom m iji o f o fu ra lto a Supplementing these advantages are all the havo to give It ju»t a little attention to keep it soft . , , lu itro u i . . , with flattering natural looking wave». Let u» care for your hair—and It w ill always look Its kbe»t,Y Perm anent ...........$2.50 M arcel ......................... 50 F in g e r W ave ............35 M illie’s Beauty Salon 1215 3rd St. Phone 127» Ground floor Odd Fellows’ Bldg SURGEON modern convenience« necessary to make cooking effortlesa and enjoyable. See the Ixt Commercial National Rank Telephone 18H1X Offlea »231 S a n ita ry Beauty Shop A ll Kinds of nsaetr Work Well» Building DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. R A L P H DRESSER Garbage C ollection W h y not plan to visit the Portland Gas * Coke Company's showrooms? O r visw your Commercial Building TELEPHONF.fl Meeldenre IflRl a n d cans D. P. CORRIERI Tel.ph,me 144 dealer's and let him explain the new features and terms o f purchaae? . Evenings, Hunilnj by Appointment ON YOUR NEW GAS RANGE — IF YOU BUY NOW! Ask your dealer how you gel a temperature control FREE DR. I). E. W IL E Y , M. D. a «pecially Telephone 1471 W E IL 'S A PAR TM EN TS Malsel Hr hen d el D entist _____________________________________________________________ Bid«. Talephonaa Itaaldanca 7»12 Physician and Surgeon I’EltMANKNTS above . . . These reasons and many more suggest that you inspect the new gas ranges first. P ortland G as & C oke C ompany end HURGRON X-ltev end PhrelwTherapr Ralrony Iflllahnro Pharmacy vantages that have always made gas better for cooking; namely, a n u it lim in d m r it t y » f Itm - SAVE $16 and A. 0 . P IT M A N , M. D. P IIY H IC IA N Permanent» and all kirn!» of beauty work. Modern gM range« virtually look "too good to be true". T h « r beauty ia warding — yet Safety Is the watchword of this Institution. Every known safeguard stands back of your Investment. Sound First Mortgages reduced each m onth by monthly payment—insured against fire—supervised by S tate of Oregon. Invest any amount. Earnings paid to you in cash. INVEST TODAY! PHYSICIAN BROILERS J, ¿we, th a t new gas range SA FETY BEAUTY SHOPS SMOKELESS, G l ID IN G Avntlnhlt* in C nm oln, In b b ' lop nntl O ther Slylei T h e re is no su bstitu te fo r Savings & Loan Bldg. IN S U LA T E D A N D V t N t ll A T E D O V E N S ----------------------------------- --------- -------------- HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY —— — I ui ■ ai i .- i . ei. .in .■-ja-aewrniaat,--- INSURANCE Telephone 2325 RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. M cG R A T H BUY YOUR Waahlnyfnn County AyenrlM RUBBER S T AM PS INH1IKANCK Hhute Hank Phone 2211 Far Information HFaRVICK from llullrflnf Illllahoro about IRrortory or It • H ILLS B O R O ARGUS Adverllaara ra il Tka Arena — 11*1