THE Page Four IflltebonááBAr o u 5 W illi W k ifh to ('«m biiied ill» H illabor» Independent Hlltoborv Anrua «stab 1S»4 Hiltoboro Independent eatab l í ? l M r K IN N K Y A M r K IN N K Y . Publisher» Published Thursday». Enterad aa aee* -cista* m atter in the posto/fir« a t H illa bon». O re jó n Support Red Cross Here W ashington county is e x p e c te d to reach a certain quota in Red Gross mem­ berships. and the principal towns are also given a quota to reach during National Red Gross m em bership drive. Armistice Day to Thanksgiving. In view of this fact, all residents of the county should buy their m em berships in W asington county, as part of this money comes back to the county for relief work and disaster. Port­ land is staging a drive early in October. Rem ember your borne county and the good that your money can do in relief work Buy at home. H ll.I .S liU K ll ARGU S. Pen Fenns Given by Circuit Court (C o n tin u a l fro m im h * 11 H IL L S B O R O , OREGON bunging ill an extra $25.009 Io tlie fanners here .nut stabilizing the market Curry said he knew of no one »ho lias done more tor coun­ ty farm ers than Cyrus litu i.sda.v, S e p te m b e r 2n, | «► ;{ i Furniture Factory Movcit to 1 lillshorxi P ho to of L o ra l G irls S how n S ou th ern P a p e r I’lxgograph of llernlee ami Verna Dillon ilaughti'i . oi Mi and Mrs Wilbur Dillon ot IIlilslXM>>. was prinlixl in Uie SepU'inlxT 2 roto­ gravure .wx'tlon of Uie I«« Angeles Times ’The girls were pletiirad u s ­ ing a 25-| x > uiu I boat fx>»enxl «lUi a quarler-hors«' power motor to pull a larger Ixxii on tlie '1'uahriin river. Tlie power Ixwrl was built by tli«> Menken broilu'in norlli ot lllllshoro 57. I ' i i i i I M ini O f f e in I ' n ' f Itt S liH n m h t i h ' i, Funutiiro foctoii formerly o|x>r- aU il .it Ihxivi'i toii uiuli i tlie SERA, H I r u u l . .M in n , W in it i ■ « , r is tx'ing tniiuxlotrod Iolllllslxiioaiid o f I h l" I I t i . Iio lh '» « m lit htt , , l|( • »ill he lixaltxt in llu* »m ehouse tllM« iivrl'y fur v|( |n • H to iiu t* li D lt t'iu , A« hi N in n i.i | Ui> near Uie Oragon Electric t ritM O M linii M ini n ttii> r u y tn iti« f Operations »ill b«> on a larger scale ««« .*< «» N u t 'h l ll v T ltn t|N (iii,| liero 16 men being hired each w t l l l u t i I n h im h l i i h l y | n . t i H It I ut M ir ili w ill* Il I d k n o w n I monUi. Mr I ’riiD i’ r. N u l t r 73, Work is progressing on 18 of the Ilh lM . HI I'u u l , M in n I» u l u > , 47 SKIIA (Mojix-ts uppros ixl tor In )»«'nr f r o m » ( n in n i h « n rr. i w i l l M i'inl u fr«'t> »u n itili« t«> Uie county and t» o more will lx' wh<» « i Ih«» l il in T l i r I ilu v li started Motulav at the T ualatin . ( Our ctusAltIcd eoliiinns may have o f I '« I k u T u h lt - I» I n » o lii un , . Vie» and t ’ciiu' Mill aeluxils Sev­ bu< k Kuutm itro ot •atlNfiu ti. r Just w hat you are Uxiking for en .school jiUks luiv«' been completed llllla h u r u I ' k s i m a r r Head tliem Work pix'ixiring a winter ru n ­ way a t the isiunly airport near Hillsboro has been progressing rapidly (his week Halt a dozen heavy implements, including a grad­ er. |x>wer sliovel and tractor«, are being used. Justice m tin* IVaee A W Havens Monday H arper received a [xv.1- piuied sentence »lien lie plead nd guilty to reckless driving, while Sm ith paid a fine 01 $2a for oper­ ation oi a slot machine 'tL g M r s e . c. M c K i n n e y W . V E R N E M r K IN N K Y Ed L. Moore, local eluunber of Suit to collect contributions a l­ eonunerce secretary. assumed his Amevciat« E d itor E ditor leged to be due under th e work­ dunes hero Saturday after more M em ber— Oreir«00 In stam ps Sate ments of l.eRoy Mills and Gharles Kay of ct Virgil Meyers is w S Ntclxils ct Gehlliar. director ot Hie fan blown Delivery hoi .< ■ ot I’limax Tuervk-MeKcnzie The esteemed Oregonian even charges the Shady Brook calf club W ashington al. dismissal; mill uMst in making geta»av Hoiro laler found by ltarry Flint al Kln- th at arrogance of courts as displayed in county will represent the state ot O re­ company vs. Elmer B ennett, dis­ missal. H W Priekett et ux vs. tOIL C o n fe c tio n e ry — B o w lin g A lle y « Portland is attributable to the new deal­ gon in 4-H club com petition at the P a­ Mildred Gibbons et al. Judgment; John Berger, 61. died at riiilli|xs X ers. It also ended an editorial recently cific International. They were declared Jam es A Wood vs. M. Tsugawa. September it. Where Indies are Courteously T reated and Many county people ut «tate fair. by saying th at “ all regardless of politics grand cham pions in livestock, crop and dismissal, s ta te Iiuluatrial Acci­ Cordially Invited " W ashington county pod Veterans Comity exhibit in charge ot W J dent commission vs Jam es lax1 Vale or party, hope those policies (New Deal) miscellaneous dem onstration contests at et ¡d. judgm ent of ixm -sutt; S tate ot EVroign Wars, will nom hiate ol - W all assisted by Miss Ann l'a t- the Salem show. These boys are a credit ot HULsboro and Mrs Bux­ may succeed, but the issue is still in the 1289 Main Street Hillsboro. Oregon Industrial Accident commission vs. fleers at the post meeting in tlie U'rson ot Forest Grove lap of the gods." W ith the very splendid to the county. Sherm an Mill company, judgm ent V F W luill tonight «T hursday ton Jolui L Madding and Miss Carrie H e Serve OLLMI'IA and WEINIIAKIIT'S BEEIt A V F W. birthday party will of non-suit; Suite Industrial Ac­ co-operation ? ? given by the morning p a ­ nuirrled Se|>teml«'r 8 be held at 8 p in Saturduy Ui the Bullard cident commission vs. Clarence G. Cornelius mud route running per it couldn’t help but succeed, now could Boggi. judgm ent of non-suit; Peter IXirtlaiid armory and is open to north to M ountaiudale starts out Títere will lie a it? The O regonian has deliberately b road­ H an vs. Carl Lindgren et al. dis­ tlie public Members of tlx> G rand «itli John as earn er ami FREE P A M I AT I. O. O. F HAI.I. T ill RSOAV NIGHT missal; A. W. Kilburg v s C. C. Army of the Republic. United Will VonLoni us substitute cast the spirit of doubt in most every case. Joluison A- Son ot tlie South Harris, judgm ent; Elmer H. Sm ith Spaiush W ar Veterans, American September 27 — Koeb’x Orchestra Such actions do much to undo the good vs Joseph Ritchey dismissal. Lu­ Legion. Disabled American Veterans 1'uatatm sawmill have purchased th at is being accom plished. cille White vs victor W hite, dis­ and their auxiliaries are especially the big Capt. Christensen place Ai . S e p tem b e r 8 1804 Prad The great “ independent republican" The voters of Oregon are going to undergo a missal; Ethel L. Early vs. V. E. invited. T hera will be speaking, Wumendorf of slierwixxl eruslied to new spaper of the Oregon country declares supreme test when they vote for governor tins tall, Early, dismissal; G aston S tate bank music and dancing di atli »Idle driving loud of baled M E. C arm an et ux, dismissal; hay through covered bridge th a t the new deal hinders the revival of and upon th eir vote will depend the future attitude vs. Ne» York Life Insurance company B irtlis G irl Se|denilx'r 2 to Mr the American system by sm othering con­ of flunking men towards the average voter. vs. Austin Sim s et al. confirm a­ m id Mrs M (' r ase G irl Scptem bci The voters will have three distinct types of men fidence with its confusion. Anyway one to vote i to Mi and m i Pi «si f 11.«« i for: Peter Zimmerman, Joe Dunne, and tion of sale; Liquidation of Sliute of Luurel. Savings bank, order to deposit can easily note th at under the new deal G eneral C harles H. M artin AS U S U A L It Bagley elected delegate In Peter Zimmerman. they have a m an who is bonds; Erwin T Wills vs. Gladys Approximately 1(XX) library books to George impressive gains in business and agricul­ Pythian grand lodge at the plant of tlu* M Wilis, default; H August H un- for county elem entary and district conscientious, hard working, zealous, and a crusader, ture are being m ade, while under the old but a m an who is rath er radical in his views, and dem p vs. Mary H underup. default; Hops quoted nt 25 and 26 cents, high schools were received th is but growers do not «eem In hurry guard rule it was slowly sinking to the who has some views tlia t go beyond the wishes of Copeland Lumber company vs. Paul week and distributed by the coun­ to part with their crops. «sal; w. J M c­ ty school superlnteiuieid's office bottom and was at its lowest level as thinking people It is these views on state owner­ Bert Oakman, »ho killed Frank Lumber company vs. H. Volumes range in subjt-ct from be- Bennett here August 23. captured Hoover stepped out and Roosevelt stepped ship of all the elem ents of Industry th a t make him Cready K. Roberts et al. dismissal; T u al­ at W arrendale Septem ber 3 Sheriff unsafe as governor of th e state gmners to advanced student« $15 p e r g reen ton in. Joe Dunne is th e glad-hander Joe D u n n e atin company vs Tony Bozich et Total of $917 17 ».is ex|x-tidcd to J W. Connell Constable E. B S ap­ al. dismissal; Bell Potato Chip promises h is listeners everything from a cot in the county for tlie books Funds pington mid W L Davis retu rn him the capitol building If ever they visit Salem, to company vs. G. F Via. mayor of were received through u l e v y to lliU.slx'ro. We are equipped with the most m odern type of Marriages H erbert Vass of T a ­ coming to help them milk next fall during hunting Forest Grove, et al. order; S tate am ounting to 10 cents per child of coma \\ aliiut bin dehydrators and W alnut washing ma * and Mabel Ca« rse of T ualatin season. He is th e typical campaigner, the typical Industrial Accident commission vs school age In the county Septem ber 7 William Bagley chinery. Paul Mallon in his W ashington article politician, th e old time, baby-kissing back slapping Oscar V. Studer et al. order; E d­ Volumes valued at $110.17 were J Plains r and Alta Ix'dford here Scptem ­ ward Schulm erich vs. S. Workman, received by tlie Hillsboro schools bci «1 says th a t the governm ent in its efforts vote getter. W hat's more, he will get lots of votes. default and Judgment; T. B. D en­ Free delivery to packing houses of any association G eneral M artin isn't a politician. He doesn’t Fiflren Lears Ago for economy in adm inistering relief is know tlie first thing about feeding the voters the ney vs. D. C. Howard, dismissal; Art ua August 28. 181» 1. T. M r- B e th a n y A p p le G ro w e r confronted with opposition by m anufact­ syrup they seem to demand. G eneral M artin as­ R. J Higdon vs G. W Mapes, dis­ Pheeters of Uic Pliarnuicy Joins A lso e q u ip p e d fo r F ilb e rt d ry in g . Show s “ It C an be D o n e " Sliute Savings bunk us vice-presi­ urers, who feel th a t the governm ent is sumes th a t the voters are sensible enough to cast missal. S tate Industrial Accident Ernest Sehaer of Betlianv m a r­ commission vs. Hugh W Wilkinson, dent tak in g th eir work away from them. The th eir votes on issues and upon a basts of com­ judgm ent of non-suit; S tate Indus­ keted 296 boxes of O ravensteln Shortage of labor slows up »ork parative ability as between the candidates. General governm ent is arranging for the process­ M artin has never soft-soaped anybody; he considers trial Accident commission vs. H er­ apples off 19 tr o « and gave many on highway between hero and P o rt­ ing of cotton to be turned over to needy tt a waste of time. He depends upon qualifications man L. Groat, judgm ent of non­ away. These apples were sold a t an land Mrs George Em niutt sells m illin­ and S arah P arr vs. Jacob average of 88 cents per box. Mr. people this w inter and help reduce its m picking his own men. and feels th a t th e voters suit; Seliaer cleared th e land for his or- ery to Mrs L. S tixkton Parr, default and Judgment will do the same thing. He is probably wrong. S of Vancouver. B. C . direct outlay. Do these same objectors Probate« orders were issued In cliard and made IUs first planting buys Cowley So the voters of Oregon face a test. They face Miller restaurant 22 years ago. He has Increased IUs object to the outlay of relief funds, pre­ a test tlie estates of M argaret Wetzler. as to w hether they are still in a mood to Mrs Alfred Luelling. pioneer, will­ dicting grave dangers in the debt situa­ swallow and believe the political, syrup coated, tim e­ Herman Wetzler. C. O rrin W illiam­ orcliard several tim es smee He ow of county clerk » h o served in lias a number of varieties and tt«* son. Elmer L. Rice, Flora C Hillier. If she isn't, maybe it's because your c ar is hard to 70s. died August 23 tion, which can be viewed as an orderly worn ballyhoo, or w hether they have been suffi­ Raleigh S. Robinson, Mary P eter­ apples are ¡is good tor better« th a n Gray, pitching for Hillsboro handle. One of our MAREAK chassis lubrication jobs bilked in th e past to put th eir ears to the process of redistribution. The people th a t ciently against Sheridan, strikes out 13 ground and really find out about their men before son. Rasmus Nelson and Abraham grown anywhere. will make your car handle easier and ride easier. It pro­ «utters will receive these products would be un­ they Drake. A guardianship order was vote. t , , Issued W C Oifford lias rliarge of tlie tects your car against wear. It outlasts ordinary "grease for G. L. Tout. L ester Ire la n d A tte n d s able to buy them anyway. We printers If th e voters of Oregon swallow the political : starcti factory ut Beaverton. C h ic a g o Im p le m e n t M e e t wonder if these same m anufacturers ob­ ballyhoo being handed out by Joe Dunne, who is J. C Beehen and wife relum ed jobs" 2 to 1. That makes it cost less. Come in today, promising whatever he believes his immediate lis­ Lester Ireland, local hardw are (juick and expert service. from overland trip to M innesota jected to the governm ent being in the en­ teners w ant to hear, they will prove th a t they are mercli&nt and North Coast c h a ir­ September 4 1919 Harvest draw ­ velope printing business at a loss. The still vulnerable to being "sucked-in" by th e sm art Valve G rinding u Bprelnlty in O ur S hop man of the Im plem ent Compliance ing to door Best crop of winter Car Washing olid Vac Cleaning buyers or recipients of this governm ent boys from the cities. board will leave tonight to attend wheat ever raised In the district Tiro Itepulr aiul Battery Hrrvler Hop picking begins and price is Then, when they find out they have been bilked, a national convention of the Im ­ bounty were well able to buy the en­ (Continued fro m page 1) R ead Bervlro Anytime, Anywherr they will cast about for someone to blame. I t will Dr. H D. Huggins of Hillsboro was plem ent Com pliance b o a r d a t quoted at better Ilian 50 cents. velopes, too. Methodist church votes Improve­ probably be the newspaper editors who get t h e lauded by R alph Carlson, first aid Chicago. Ireland is clvairmao of ment Will build new parsonage, re­ blame, but the best a n editor can do is to a y and lifesaving field representative tiie district comprising all of O re­ pair old building and renovize church For heaven's sake THINK.—Medford News. from San Francisco, who attended gon and western Waslilngton. building. L. S. Campbell Arrau from O. K. Depot Hillsboro loses last game of season Towing Phone 1703 the meeting. He announced th a t M a r tin to S p eak L o c a lly j to Woodburn 3 to 2 Since organ­ courses of training would be held T h e O n ly S ta tio n W ilh C o m p le te S ervice President Roosevelt is seeking a way I in county centers this fail f o r ; O c to b e r 15 a t C. o f C. iz in g after July 4 Hillsboro has suf- to m ake NRA perm anent. Business and but two defeats and G ray has teachers and adults. Congressman C harles H. M artin 'fured Approximately 60.000 CCC men democratic nominee for governor, struck out 85 men in seven gumes. labor in the large percentage of cases will allowed but 31 lilts and perm itted perhaps well th a t agitators should learn, and 66.000 CWA workers have re ­ will speak a t the local cham ber of doubtless w ant the president to succeed right It a is. t the beginning, th a t this Hood River com­ ceived first aid training during the commerce October 15. Arrangem ent« but seven earned runs Delegates to state legion conven­ in his efforts to m aintain the good fe a ­ m unity of fruitgrowers and business men will not past year he declared, and as a for the appearance were m a d e tion a t Portland include Li C G. tures of the program . The chiselers have tolerate any effort they may plan to provoke labor result accidents which occurred in Tuesday by L. T. M cPheeters and Reiter and Sergeants Frank Rollins, had a g reat deal to say. but the business trouble here. Hood River valley is a small, b u t co­ the CWA program were about half Ed. L Moore, chamber of commerce Verne McKinney and Clifton Bag- community of people who are blessed with the ratio expected Adult classes secretary. ley. people who co-operated in w orking out the operating sufficient intelligence to be able to conduct th eir under the SERA will be started in Ferd O roner of Scholls In town codes and their fa ir practice provisions, own affairs an entirely w ithout "aid" from trouble the state this winter, he said. on visit expect« 20 tons of walnuts F ire P re v e n tio n W e e k I he first cost of brick and tile construction as com­ off his orchards this year long sought by business, have been keep­ makers And if. m the face of th is suggestion th a t Some interesting facts about the B irths—A boy to Mr. and Mrs pared to the cheapest you can use is so slight th at a few to be O b s e rv e d H e re stay out, they persist in coming in to national Red Cross are noted in ing still and saw ing wood. The g reat agitators N ational Fire Prevention week. Eugene Dclplanchc Septem ber 2. disseminate radical propaganda, they will have no the bulletins sent out: The J u n ­ m ajority of A m erican citizens are inher­ one Russell Morgan serving as game months will otfset it in extra cost of heating, painting, but themselves to blame if they ru n into trouble. ior Red Cross h as a membership October 7 to 13, will be observed in warden. insurance, depreciation and general upkeep of the cheap ently fa ir and honest and desire to co­ P ortland people are fed-up with th e strike. And of 7,628.437, »1th a motto. "I Serve." Hillsboro, according to Wilbur Dil­ Bonks and court house close for operate fo r the greatest good of the great­ for once, th e upstate is thinking in precisely the Red Cross disaster relief service is lon, local fire m arshal. A full pro­ Labor Day. but business houses re ­ construction. sam e term s as Mr. and Mrs. Portland.—Hood River the recognized national agency th a t gram is being planned, details of main open. William A. Goodin of LET US SHOW YOU! est num ber. takes charge of relief operations which will be released next week Cornelius buys entire Guernsey News. herd of Ferd Oroner. when there are fires, floods, famine, Argus, Septem ber 11. 1918-D r earthquakes or any other catas­ M o n tg o m e ry P ic tu re at Suggestion has been m ade th a t jail L W Hyde elected surgeon-general “The tru th about th e president is th a t his work trophes th a t devastate communi­ L o c a l T h e a te r is M e r r y a t the national encam pm ent of term s fo r reckless drivers would h alt the has really ju st begun. If the people will stand by ties. or the disaster may affect only "Hide Out," featuring Robert Spanish W ar Veterans. m ounting toll on our highways. Quite him and back him up. he bids fair to rem ake th is a family or sm all group of people Montgomery and M aureen O 'Sulli­ E E. Reeves wins Overland sedan W a s h in g to n S tre e t b etw een 1st and 2n d H ills b o ro into a finer and happier country th a n it and can be taken care of by funds van, is on the screen a t the Vene­ right. T hat would probably be m ighty ef­ country Elks event. ever was before. Moreover, if the people don’t stan d from chapter treasuries. The Amer- tian tonight, Friday and Saturday in Mrs PLANT AT SCHOLLS, OREGON M argaret C hantal L allale of j fective preventive medicine. by him we shall probably go to sm ash fa r more can Red Cross response to the It's booked as being m errier tlian V< rlxxirt died Septem ber 6. thoroughly th a n we did after October, 1929. We call of distress frem outside ourj the "Thin Man." As "Lucky" W il­ O ur Motto— "I’riemlly Service . . . Eair Prices” S uperintendent Frost expects big need Mr. Roosevelt for a long tim e yet, to carry own borders wnen great calam ities; son, the play-boy, Robert M ontgom­ attendance a t county school fair has a m ade-to-order role. Jte- Septem ber 18. 19 New deal scored as public th re a t by out the program he initiated; to curb th e extrem ­ occur lias become a m atter of ery he is compelled to find Mr. and Mrs. Tlieodore VanDyke ex-Senator Jam es Reed of Missouri. Seems ists; to keep congress from producing a runaw ay world-wide knowledge. Eight Red a luctantly hide-out to escape a r ­ of Verboort celebrate golden wed­ inflation or giving all the public's money away. All Cross chapters, with 76.840 m e m -, rest country and to recover from a bullet ding. like the Missourian has been lined up with th e kicks a t present are coming from people who bers, are organized In the Insular but he soon becomes e n ­ Frederick V Engeldlnger and the “ aginners” the most of the tim e. He have some special in terest or other in defeating the possessions of the United States, to wound, tranced with the country when he Miss Anna Lembeck m arried S ep­ was a bitter opponent of President W il­ New Deal or some p a rt of it.”—New York, N. Y., add to the effective local work in meets M aureen O’Sullivan, la s t In tem ber 9. Daily New s «Ind« the 43 states th a t which u done the role of a farm er's daughter. Reception to returned veterans son. across 'h e waters th at divide the Septem ber 20 Marriage Licenses Quite a few children wouldn't be so bad If It m ainland from the nlahus where Plans considered for erection of G A S O L IN E S Sincerity is a prized virtue, but the w eren't Lloyd A Morgan of Buxton and memorial In the city to the boys for the parents they have to live with. the Ar tiic a n flag flies. The Pliilip- Leah G ary oi Scofield. Septem ber who gave their lives to preserve the actions of some people m ight indicate th a t O ther children wouldn’t be so bad if th eir parents pine chapter lias 48 branches with 13. R ic h fie ld - G e n e ra l - S h e ll - U n io n - G ilm o re world s liberties. would stay home long enough to live with them .—Ex. 30,014 members. they respect it little. Willis M. H iatt of Banks route 1 Carl A Carlson loses two fingers H i -1 ’reas u re ( i reasi n g and B ertha E LiuiniTman of F or­ while adjusting saws a t W enstrom MAC M a c O u g h ta K n o w By M unch est Orove route 1. Septem ber 13. mill He served several m onths In Free ( rankcase Service - Automotive Repairs Harold E Harms o l Cornelius France without a scratch. route 1 and Mildred E Rice of HEY, GODOV .' I'M C. V. Bloyd and Opal C. Surlier F ireston e lire s , Tubes and Accessories Banks route 2. Septem ber 14 / LOOKING F«5fA »X m arra (I at Oregon Citv Septem ber Reibert W lnferd W estcott of O as- 7. Hi' served in navy during «ar. LITTLE GOV, WHO DRIVE IN — SPARK PLUGS TFLSTEI) FREE SCHOLLS — Mrs. Nevada Kirby, ton rout«' 1 and I rm a E leanor W olf BROKE K IIT O S.' 83. resident of Scholls for 31 years, of Cornelius, Septem ber 17. died a t the home of her daughter, DIMPLE'S WINDOW S M A i.i« 2-r