THE Page Ten County 4-H Club People Judge Fields Selection of outstanding 4-H club com fields in th e county is now being made during corn club tours under the direction of L. E Francis, assistant county agent. After each club has selected its out - .standing fields, a represent*!!'e from the farm crops departm ent a t the stale college will determine t-he .wo best fields in th e county Seed from these fields will be p u r­ chased and distributed to club member* taking part in the annual Oonunercinl National bank corn show. . . In «spite of difficulties presented by adverse weather and insect pests there are some fine fields of corn this year, according to Francis. The date of th e corn show lias not been decided, he stated, but will be announced in tlic near future. 4-H club sheep from over the county are beuig assembled a t the Cecil Heyndcriekx farm tor breeding to a registered Ham pshire ram furnished by F ran k Brown & Sons of Carlton. Last year John Thornburgh of Forest Grove spon­ sored a sheep project m which 4-H boys and girls purchased reg­ istered ewes with ewe lambs from Frank Brown & Sons. These ewes and lambs were shown at a special Thornburgh show held last summer a t Forest Grove. Tile new crop of lambs from these ewes will constitute one of th e interesting classes in this sheep show, which will be held again next summer, according to L. E. Francis, assistant county agent. Hesses Write of Trip to Chicago WE Local Happenings day and calling on friends She lust reUinuM from a tew weeks' v w ..I, her -isiei, Mrs T S Cornelius of Astoria. Miss Helen Bieber oi Portland ami l.eoigc Keeley oi Aberdeen. W ash . were Saturday guests al Pilgrim House Both young people were members ol Pastor Hailer's clubs in Aberdeen Mrs Jan et Waller returned the first of the week from three months trip to her heme ill Io w a , where she visited brothers amt sisters She also attended the la ir at Chicago. 111. Mrs Cloe Joluison of Salem was a week end r.uesl ol Mrs M W. Johnson and Mrs. Fayelta AlU’ii. In comjauiy with lY'rtlnnd friends they made the Ml. Hood loop trip Sunday. E Henderlmg of south of Come Inis los. live lust joint ot his right index linger las. l'huisday when he caught his hand m the fan ol a tractor. Dr. C 1 S m ith attended him. Mr. am i Mrs. W V Bergen. Mr and Mis. Spencer Jones ami Sjx’ii- cer Clayton, and Miss John, ita Riggs visited Sunday with Mr. mid Mrs G. N. Taggart Royal Neighbm-s will give a card parly l ues.ay afternoon, e x - lolx’r 2. at the home of Mrs. Ada Qualls near Roy. Bridge and "500" will be played. M. W Johnson left Friday fer a visit at Twm Falls and Gooding. Idaho He is vis«ung his brother. J A Joluison. iind oilier relatives. Mrs. W K Hatfield returned to her home in Portland Satuniay. a l t ­ er a w eeks visit with her sister- in-law. Mrs. Ethel M. Barnes. Mr and Mrs R. E. C am ille and Mr. .uiu Mi's Fred Doniilllsy and son of Portland were Bunday guests of Mr tuid Mrs. Verne Curry. Mr and Mrs E Helvogt and sons, accompanied by Mr and Mrs P Hoffman, have returned from a four-day trip at tiie beaches. Irus Wells returned to Prineville Saturday after spending a fe w weeks al the heme of Ins parents. Mr and Mrs C. E. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morgan left Saturday for a visit with rela- .ives a t Heppner and a hunting trip m E astern Oregon. Mrs. Fred Stoppelm an returned Wednesday to l a r home m S e a t­ tle. Wash., after a visit la-re with Mrs. J. B. Dinsmore. Mrs Jessie Malui of S alt Lake. City, Utah, is a guest for a few Wix'ks of her nephew. Lloyd Brown, and o th er relatives. F W Walcli and H arry Morgan made a trip to E astern Oregon Thursday and Friday for two truck- loads of horses. Mr and Mrs F A. Younger and Miss G race Hill of Portland were guests Saturday a t tiie W. R. M an- ley home. Mr. and Mrs R R. E aster and daughter Nancy Aileen v i s i t e d friends in Salem a few days last week. J. M Person and A W. Hoffman left Tuesday night for the John Day country on a deer nunting trip. Roland Gates. Joim G ardner and Clem Eshnger left Tuesday m ght o il a hunting trip to Southern O re- ___ gon- Mr and Mrs C harles M Jo h n ­ son spent the week-end with their son Claude A. Jolm son at Corvallis. C Medlock reports having a Yellow G iant chick with only one eye. It was liatched Septem ber 7, Mr. an d Mrs. G. W. Hagle vis­ ited Sunday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B ennett a t Oswego. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Hoeffel and family of near W itch Hazel are spending tiie week a t Blue Lake. Glen Norton left last week for Toledo, where he will teach in the high school and coach athletics. Miss Rosemary Snyder underwent a tonsil operation a t S m ith's hoa- pUal Wednesday of last week Social club of the E astern S tar will m eet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. E. Wells. Mrs Max Crandall spent the week-end with Mr. a n d Mio. I 11. Metzler a t Beaverton. R N A pot luck dinner will be held a t th e home of Mrs. Scott Wolf Septem ber 27. Mr. and Mrs. Nye Bristol and family were guests Sunday of rela­ tives a t Silverton. Mrs. V Nash and daughters have returned from a week a t the coast. Mr and Mrs. Jo h n G ates Jr. left Sunday for a visit with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richard and son B ernard of Denny. Cal., and his mother and brother, Mrs. Ella Richard and C. B Richard of Fairview were guests Sunday and Monday of Mrs. J J. H anel and family. Mrs. Hanel is a daughter of Mrs. Ella Ricliards and sister of the men. While recovering from a major operation recently performed in a Portland hospital. Franklm E ventt is visiting a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown near M an­ ning for a week or two He is m ak­ ing an excellent recovery. Franklin often speaks of his olid Hillsboro friends. Mrs J. W. Bryson and daughter Patricia left Sunday to r their home in San Diego. Cal., after six months' visit here w ith her parents. Mr. and Mrs W. F. Lorinor. Her hus­ band. who is on tiie submarine, U S. S. Bass, arrived m San Diego Monday from Honolulu. T. H. M ajor operations were performed a t Jones Hospital for Ellis Wool­ dridge Friday and for W. M. Smith tins morning. Dr. A. O. Pitm an was the surgeon. Frank Kalsch of Forest Grove underwent a minor operation Monday a t th e hospital. Mrs. Harold Simpson and Mrs Bryce Nosier and little daughter of Portland were guests Friday of Mr and Mrs. C. E Wells. Sunday guests a t .lie Wells home were Mr. and Mrs. R. T. McConnell and daughters K ath ry n and Dorothy of Portland. Sheriff J. W Connell, William Enschede, L. C. Kramien. Dr. J. B Dinsmore and George Harms, all of Hillsboro. Charles Follette ot Forest Grove and A. M. Jannsen of Reedville left Monday nig h t for Eastern Oregon for a week of deer hunting, D. B. B urkhalter, A. W. Lentz. George and Edwin B urkhalter of Hillsooro and H. E Ewer of Aloha left Monday nig h t for E astern O re­ gon on a hunting trip. They were accompanied from Oregon City by th e Koellermeier brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thotnasson of C arlton were guests Saturday night and Sunday a t th e home of Mrs J. W. Maier. Mr an d Mrs. W. C. Kemp of P ortland visited Saturday evening a t t h e Maier home. Miss Dee Darling, accredited Mrs. E J. W ard of P ortland was teacher of piano. Studio a t Mrs. Cave's residence. 28-31 transacting business in town Mon­ ollywood hat gone "V-8.” H KNOW KNOW FOREST GROVE Mrs Deluna LaHaie. aged 86. dual here Monday after an illness of two years. F u ­ neral services were held Wednes­ day with Rev F ath er H. E Boesch officiating. Interm ent was in Ver­ boort cemetery. Deluna LaHaie was born on June 18. 1849 at Ottawa. Ontario. Can­ ada. and was m arried to F. F. La Haie May 21. 1921. at Verboort. Deceased is survived by the w idow - er. two sons. Paul and Ferdinand of Quebec. Canada, and the follow­ ing step-sons and step-daughters Roma LaHaie. Portland. Oscar and Amos LaHaie. Verboort; P a t r i c k LaHaie. Honolulu: Mrs Dora Rcf- enrod. G aston: Mrs. Mary Davis. North Plains: Mrs Laura Davis. Sandy, and Mrs. William Vandehey Hillsboro. Deceased was a member of St. Anthony church here Pallbearers were Joe Refenrod. G aston; Oscar and Amos LaHaie. Verboort; Roma LaHaie. Portland; Lawrence Vandehey. Hillsboro, and Albert Richer, Beaverton. AUG V S . ¿ ^ H O L 1 Y W O O D 'S 2 T O 1 PREFERENCE FOR THE FORD V-8 In America's colo.ful moving picture capital the Ford V-8 Is easily the most popular car. Here it one more indication of Ford leaderthip in ttyle a t well a t performance. For it takes both to “ get by” in Hollywood these days! Look over a new. Ford V-8. Exam­ in e its fittin g s—th ey ’re rustless metal. Notice the rich upholstery. See the many extra conveniences— from a special compartment for your purse to sun-visors to protect your eyes. Then drive this car yourself. Once you experience “ V-8 performance” CHEVROLETS — YOU Mrs. F. F. LaHaie Buried Wednesday (B y M rs. J o h n M. Dav ¡«Ison) Orchardale D inner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Snipes last week were Mrs. W alter Lorenz and A five-horsepower electric motor and 14-uich Case cutter tilled three silos at the Hesse farm n ear Scholls last week Only 37 hours were re ­ quired to cut over 200 tons of corn. l'he cost for electricity was $5 17. Mr and Mi’s. Stretcher of the Hesse farm report entire satisfae- uon with the equipment. Last year tiie power cost for a tracto r was $30 Besides the savings ill power costs, there was a saving oi • $22 in labor, an d a saving of 25 meals, it was pointed out It was estunated th at th e steady filling with th e electric motor was responsible for about 20 per cent more corn in the silo as com pand to other methods of filling. Besides this the equipm ent is available, and at the push of a button a d ­ ditional com can be added as set­ tling takes place Stretelier plans to use tiie m otor for hay chopping feed grinding an d sim ilar jobs. Mason Hill Man In ju re d F riday Chicago. IlL. Sept. 13. 1934. The Argus. Hillsboro, Ore. Dear Editor: Many of our friends in W ash­ ington county wanted us to let them hear from us on our trip, so we are taking this m ethod of doing it. We left home Septem ber 5. com­ ing by tram to Seattle, thence by steam er iT he Princess K athleen, a fine, large boat) to Victoria, where we stopped about one hour and fifteen minutes, and on to Vancou­ ver, B. C. While in Victoria we took a sight-seeing bus, of which there are many, on a tour of th e. city. On arriving a t Vancouver a t 6:15 p. m. we had until 9 p. m. for lunch and ram bling around for awhile. Of course being night time we could not see any of th e coun­ try, but the next dav was through some quite good looking, some not so good and some worthless. We arrived a t one of C anada's wonderful places. Lake L o u i s e , which many of you have heard of and probably have seen. I t is a beautiful place, a place where one with plenty of money can go for a summer's vacation and rest. We saw fresh snow on the tops of the hills near where we stayed for t , . night. We had until 1:15 p- m. (our train time. to stroll about the lake. Wiule there we saw a large volume of snow and ice drop from its resting place above to a lower iB y Mrs. Richard Hunger» place making a noise like a distant Wilson school started Monday- thunder. This was a sight worth seeing. After leaving Lase Louise arid Miss Thelm a Jenkins of P o rt­ we traveled through some desolate land is teaching again th is year. Mr. and Mrs. William Dreuger country', then through some of C anada's wheat fields, many o f and sons and L. P. Lundberg of which have been cut but n o t Yamhill visited Mr. and Mrs. Pete threshed. Many of the fields looked Parson Sunday. Miss Marjorie Parson is a tte n d ­ as though they would yield an abundance, but this did n o t a p ­ ing Pacific University a t Forest pear to be the case for a great Grove. Mr. and Mrs. George W right and distance over which we traveled, looked as though the farm s had H arry and Donald spent Saturday been abandoned. In Dakota, the afternoon with Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph p art over which we traveled did Umpshiea a t Dilley. Celebrates Birthday not look very good, in fact very much the opposite In Minnesota Robert Hunger celebrated his and Wisconsin things looked d e­ fourteenth birthday anniversary cidedly better. F anners were fill­ Sunday with a few friends invited ing silos, shocking th eir com and for luncheon and a partv in the everywhere good looking dairy cows afternoon. Those attending were were in pasture Large bam s with M argaret and Ronald Couper of silos and fine farm houses were Forest Grove, Frieda Timmerman. to be seen. Wilma Miller. Orval and Lowell Monday night. 7:50. we arrived Miller. William Hudson. Wesley- in this great city of Chicago where Parson and Joe Hefner from Gales we are now taking in the Century Creek. oi Progress or world’s fair as most Miss B ertha Laemerman of H ay­ pjople here call it. We are seeing ward is in Forest Grove to have her fa much we hardly know just tonsils removed. where to begin so will not attem pt it now. Yesterday we had th e privilege to witness one of Chicago's little showers, as they called it. but we call it a d a m hard one, accom­ panied w ith some of those noises called thunder and the accom­ panying flashes followed by more thunder, but It didn't last long. Well, we n . ' ;lgn off for this tune ’rieixir Maybe -lore next k.—Mr. an d Mrs V T. Hesse. I Reedville Motor Used for billing of Silo Mrs. Carolyn Cowden of Portland on Tuesdav. a n d Miss Carolyn Dean and Clifford Yoaklev on Butt- day Mrs Bertie Johnson. Mrs N h Johnson. Misses Vivian Finch, Flor­ ence Yoe and Hazel Churchley a t ­ tended ilic combined celebration of tin1 50th wedding amuversary oi Mr. and Mrs N Rose and the 35th wedding a n n n i lxary ot Mr. and Mrs D L. Sullivan at O r- eneo Saturday evening Nearly l'k) guests were present at th e dinner and program, during wluch Mr. and Mrs Hus«’ were rem arried TIus event took place in the Or- enco church. Mr. an d Mrs C. Gibbs and son have moled from the Frank place to W itch Havel, where they have built a lwnie and store. Mr mid Mrs Gibbs e«une from Portland. Mr. and Mrs D L. Sullivan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wismaii a: Milwaukie. Tiie friends of Vivian Fuieli su r­ prised lier with a party Saturday night. Those present were William and Flora Frost, Monroe McMay- lull. Edward Jansen. M arian tuid C harles Isaacson. Robert and D on­ ald George. M argarita a n d M ar­ cella l’etroviteh. Helen Becker, M arion Lewis. Howard and Hazel Churchley. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Becker and family visited relatives ui Long- view. W a sh . Sunday. A wiener roast was givtn for the friends of M argaret .uid Charles Imlay by th eir aunt. Mrs. C hris­ tin a Kelly'. Monday evening. MASON HILL—Pete Johnson had tiie misfortune last Friday to have lus luuid quite badly crushed wiule operating ins dragsaw. He had to go to Hillsboro for treatm ent. Mrs Victor Christensen returned S aturday after having been in the hospital m Hillsboro for the past ten days. School at Mason Hill opened Sep­ tem ber 10 with Miss Madelyn Shattuck of Hillsboro as teacher for lier second term. She has an enrollm ent of eleven pupils, three of whom are new there this year, Noreen Johnson and Jean Emery, first graders, an d Lorer. Munson, eighth grade The schoolhouse is now quite "spic and span' with its new paint both inside and out, its rew stove etc. Miss Shattuck is staying at the Togo Johnson home. Lucille Renfrow visited the Toge Jolm son children Thursday and Friday, while Mr and Mrs. L. R en­ frow made a trip after salmon. W. S. French is convinced there really are lionest folks in Oregon. Last" Thursday he had th e bad luck to lose tiie spare tire and wheel off lus truck, just n o rth of Hills­ boro. After considerable searching, as well as worrying, he recovered his property on Friday, and the m an who found it refused to even accept a reward. TherP will be church services at Mason Hill schoolhouse Sunday evening at 8 o'clock Rev. Everett will be the speaker. All are invited. Lewis Munson is building a log house n ear Mason Hill school. Miss M. Cowell, school nurse, paid h er first visit of th e term Monday to examine the school chil­ dren. Mr and Mrs. C harles Johnson and Betty Mae and Chris Johnson sp en t Sunday in Portland visiting a t the home of the form er's sister. H IL L S B O R O US! combined with Ford ease of han­ d lin g , y o u ’ll realize w hy every woman loves to go places In the Ford V-8. Remember, too—you lave on the low Ford V-8 price. Ford parts cost little. And the new Ford V-8 It more economical to operate than any Ford car ever built. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS FORD V-8 '505 H IL L S B O R O , Thut'rulny. Septem ber 20, I'.i.'li OREGON ami Mrs G olden B ull’s hi Berkeley , Cal. Miss I'o n slam e I 'a h n u i of B a­ k e r is a guest ol her .sister. Mrs. J. W Barney Miss Maix’l iMckrell of lX'rtltuid was a gucsi Saturday of Mrs. K. C Blow n Mrs Tom Rood, who has been ill lor some time. Is slowly Im­ prov u,g Mrs J W Kelley lell Tuesilav for a visit with liei sisters al S e a t­ tle. Meets— Mrs 1, G Sellllrtge was hostess for the n isi lull ineeUng of the ¡Service club a t her home Wedites- cay eveiunx Sixteen members were present amt six visitors. Following llie meeting, a lime enjoyed Next meciing will lx’ at tlx home ol Mrs W aih'f Tews the th u d Wednesday in vxtober Ila . Scmml C ni|i Apple»— B W Barnes lias a Red June apple that is working oyer-tim e l'lus nee core Ulin early tills year, but is now in bkx>m again ami aiso has y lusters ol apples, an ui.uca- lioili that the di-piession is oyer. Apples allyl b'.nssyiiiis are displayed' in the Argus window. "Antique" Tea \l rdncMl.iy— Ladies Aid of ilw M E. church will give an "antique'' tea at the church Wixtuesday aftt-nnxm H eir­ looms aixl antiques ot all descrip­ tions will be exhibited. S eryiee C lu b Survey Small Farms Conducted in County 1 jnploycs Vic in Speaking Event Mi.vs Kowciia t ’lKlunu i»l Otvgnu CM\ " •» ’ mt! t vt w tiuwr In >he M ini-tm als in the annual .s,M ikmg conU’M oi the ISutland thus Coke companv heiv in the eh.unlwi of I'oinmeieo rooiu.% ’I’tii'Mlay night If C Cn»ne ot Oregon City ua> sixtuni. E\elyn llendt tvkaon o f Vancouver.» . third, und (' I CI uum * oi lhllstx>ro. tourth It P a\s to Heat lltHiie.s with lia s was the Mihjeet presented by ull hptakeii* in their ilv o in in u te talks Hight gpeakers iroin the lltlU- l»oro. Vatu outer and Oregon City o ttu es patlui|M tcd. It was one ol ti c ten senu tuuiks on the nn>graiu tor lla* with a total oi 131 N|x»aker.> |>art letpa-t ing. Finals will be held at tiie Public Service budd­ ing in Portland FTtday. J u d a s were K K Ha.ter, J. A K ianuen ol Shirley, Indiana a 1 \V Verne McKinney NO CHANCE FOR ARGUMENT Man cam e into this world with nothing on but he didn’t live very long here before everybody had so- cthing on him. There’s no arguing the fact that when we repair your CHEVROLET: we d e n t do it like a schoolboy , he- his ears. Nor do we waste t.oie looking for a wrench and then try to find a nut to fit it. We give you llMP, service—guar­ anteed results at a price that you will be glad to pay. • (Continued Next Week) Genuine Chevrolet new parts only Goodrich Tires and Used t ars at a price that makes walking Expensive. 100% lubrication Hillsboro MotorCo. JAMES WHITELAW. Manager 3 r d and W a sh . P h o n e 441 . m G,"11".*- Dr. 1 biggins Named Clinic Instructor HARRISON 0. HUGGINS M. D. iv i Di llarri.M’n D llupjdn.s. Imal eye, <»nr, iio » m » and th m at .•»|x,elalLst. ha.s been named clinical livdructor In ophthalmolot \ »eye» at t h e P n h ei ’itv »»I Oregon medical ta hool and will .start conducting c la w a < H toiler •’ I'heM* t•!,•. • » will be on F ih ’.iv allem«'’ui., This will n »t In­ terfere with his local practice This university work will take the place ot Ills medical .school ln- Mmet local work in cur. no,-.«» and throat, which he le.dgiasl to accept the eye clinic. . i vit. N o s i and T in to ti SPI »TAI IST UI.AH8KM l i r i i n M nom 1 <’omm»r«Jal N « lln im l riimit«« Hank Annu Ilmira K• >i.lteii.-«• 2W7Ï Offu-« 9971 9 90 « ni lu 19 m I ..»«» I» mi tu k }> m Money (o Loan mi ¡rnprovcil city |»ro|iciTy ¡imi good fili-m*. P r is o n W o r k e r to S ta r t M e e tin g * H e r e S a t u r d a y BUI King, n.niomillv known pri­ on worker, will stu n meetings ul the Pentecostal tabernacle. 1246 Lincoln street Butuida, night lie has hail 26 veins ot Christum ex­ Nominations were made at the pel tel ue Hi’ will give Ills life., lestiinouy. how Gixl saved him in mi'cting oi lldlstHuo post oi the Hi,. Mulmglil Mission m 1 iv. All- American legion F'rhiay n i g h t . geles, wlien lie was on Ills way to K on i E s t a t e a n d O ther nomination.»» may bo uuule s u te ld e . In su ra n ce iroin Uie iloor Septem ber 2H when election will lx* held Joint Utstalla- Buoster Merlin* Tuntglit tlon with Ute legion auxiliary will finance your In.iiranee pre Boaster meet I ll g W tM b o held hv Can nilunta on a monthly baatx. be held on October 2nd lx*gion- grangers at the new Grange hull : nut res in charge of installation are tonight The public is invited Reg­ P h o n e 171 Jake Well. O. Ku.ssell .Morgan and ular' nxs'tmg of Hillsboro Grange I l 5 2 2 n d S t. H L MacKenzte will be held next Thursday eve­ Co-opcruUon on Const tuition da.» plans with the setioobi was left in ning the hands of P b. I*atterson. R eixrU on the state legion con­ vention were made by Patterson. A H Busch, Valentine A bud le, Fred Engeldmger, W H. Dterdorfi. Dr Dresser. Morgan and Fred Anuu her KnU»rtamnu‘nt committee for the next meeting includes Patterson. Jake Wed and F A. O rtiilth. Veterans S elect Oft ice Nominees (t iMitinued front p*»;* II from tiie proceeds of a flock of chickens, a cow. and garden on an acre or two of land Basing Ills estim ates on m aterial gathered so far m Uie survey. Mr Anderson Is of the opinion that a subsistence homestead of sufflelt at also to m aintain a family, can be set up for $4000. using bind which already is under cultivation How­ ever. this price is governed entirely by tiie nearness of the tract to the centers of population in the county and tiie nearness to Portland, as well as the am ount of investm ent Perfection Bakery teum won tlx1 ui buildings. Hillsboro .softball league cham pion­ As Uie farm s get fu rth er mid ship here Sunday afternoon by de­ furtlx-r from Portland, th e value of feating tiie N a llo iu il G uard aggre­ the land naturally decreases tiiough gation 111 two of three rloac games. the ability of the fain ’ to produce G uardsm en were winners of the sufficient for Its purpose, does not. j first hulf of th e season schedule In this connection, Mr. Anderson and file Bakery of the second luvlf The Bakery squad came from be­ points out, th e farth er back the farm Is located, tile less chance hind in tlx* first game to wm (I to lias its occupant to get part time work to produce the extras which make for comfortable livuig. W hen completed, the survey in tills county will have contacted 200 homes from which complete records have been taken, telling tiie story of subsistence farm ing us exper­ ienced by workers from Portland ui the industries ol W ashington coun­ ty. Bakery Wins Title City Softball Loop USED CARS Two County Men Seek Water Rights SALEM — (Special* — M artin J j Wilcox of Portland has applied to S tate Engineer Stricklin for per- | mission to appropriate w ater Iroin I two unnamed tributaries of Chick- ' i n creek in W ashington county for fishpond purposes. John A Thornburgh of Forest Grove lias applied for pennlssion to appropriate w ater from Oales ! creek, tributary of T ualatin river, j for the irrigation of 40 acres i n ' W ashington county. Game Commission Chairman Speaker BOUGHT and SO LD 1 9 3 0 C h e v r o le t S e d a n D o d g e C o m m e r c ia l «< ->*• ♦<£ O a k la n d Sedan A gency W il l y » E. A. G R IF F IT H Weil’s Great 21st ANNIVERSARY SALE CONTINUES V a lu e s W o m e n 's , G ir ls ’ B o y s ’ Sale Sweaters A nd S w eat ¿ lQ z » A ll s ty le s . B o ys' 10c E v ery th in g you need fo r school. S h ir ts WV ( IK U C E “ vw * All colors lo Seh«K)l Supplies More Corsets a n d G ir ls ’ W i n t e r M ore Union Suits A n k le t* AmI hosiery . A n niversm y. F le e,,’ lined and rib b ed . : 11111 ; i z i • «J 10c > you w ant M en, M e n ’s N e w W om en, C h ild r e n Fall Shoes Dress, w ork a n d fo r 4 Plain colors a n d n e w strip es and sm all figures. .9 8 -l lot on sale F a ll Drt •ss Shirts to 17 11 70o ■ 98c 54-inch Wool Dress Plaids, yard . . KIDDIES! 3uc'Gnne-ffaJt’e M 77 Luitk Come in for u dem onstration. PHO ENIX FALL SOCKS le, co—zoft, speed, safety and real economy.” 4 In llie Ilm ,I timings ami then ih'optx’tl the M'eoml till to the Guniils 4 lo I In tlx- filial game the Bukitv (rhimphetl 2 to 1 Gill- more uml D.lloii aelixl us umpires. a n d o u r F a b ric s N e w F a l l S ilk s , y d . 59c There aren't any »marler faihiont fhan those being »hown in M cC all Printed Patterns for wear now. And there aren't any smarter fabrics than the new ones we are featuring in our Piece Goods De parfmenf. Bn one of the first to st itep ouf in a gown that proclaims its timely ;hic— make your own with McCall's asy-to- follow paH ornt and our new m oH rial,. Loft: McCall Printod Pi,Horn 7960 Aftor Lucillo Paray Right: McCall Printod Pattern 7954 Aftor Ronal P in t j a r JU ST IN — 50 NEW Wool anti Rayon Dresses Many o ther items specially priced for Friday and «Saturday. These prices good Sept. 2 1 - 2 2 only. Beautiful new fall ithades and «m art styles. Size« 14 to 20. See them today while selection« are heat. $