'lê'O i Good Printing ! Read Advertising The Argus (¡¡ven (ju u kit y Service ut Fuir Prive» Latest Store News Always Appears in the Argus vVirh VVhii h it Combined the Hillsboro Independent VO LUM E HILLSBORO, OREGON. THUKSIMV, SEPTEMBER 20. 1934 il Cyrus Cites Agriculture Wx • • Price Gains S ta te C apitol N e w s L e tte r !.. M any 1,1 N I ) Il F O K h i d c p e i ,d e n t s O r e g o n 's !*< Hace This in liticai Y ear O p tim is m O ver E x p re s s e d S (In v en to r M« Completed budget will be published during the first of No­ vember and the public meeting of taxpayers during tin* latter p art of th at month. Donald T. Templeton, county Judge, announced. MetnkxTS o t the committee arc W. J. McCready of Forest drove, Oscar Hogg of itcedvdlr and Jam es L. B atchelder of Hillsboro. Forms for budgets of the various county officers liave been distribute will la* subm itted to the cour week. Allotments for relief and old age pensions will present u difficult problem for the committee to solve this year. Templeton declared. Bud­ get for tlwsc items may lx* neces- .sanly increased, he stated, but an allotm ent for elections will not be required - - — Pen Terms Meted Out by Bagley K in to n M a n G e ts T w o Y e a r S e n te n c e s on C h arg e s F o rg e ry F r id a y Accident Deaths in County Show Large Increase Auto Local Man Fatally Hurt Auto Crash rent f a ta litie s f o r .on ounty during the first e ig h t id ' ntlis ot this year as com- pared t< the same period of 11133 reflect I he trend of incerase for th e slat, as a whole, according to Sheriff John W Connell Prom January 1 to September 1 th is year P e r r y W i l l i a m s S t r u c k D o w n five pc, ons were killed in traffic b y S h e r i f f ’s C a r W e s t accident.: , with only three accident f a ta lltu e . listed for the first eight o f T o w n Sunday months I of 1933. Figure., lo r tl.e state f Oregon are 190 killed tills ar, and 150 in 1933 Twenty-four persons were kill'd and 410 injured In 1690 accidents ------------- according t o a . monthly report issued by P. J. F u n e r a l S e r v ic e s C o n d u c t e d f” ‘ rotary of 'a te T o­ u t j a z . tal for the year are 190 killed and M e re I u esd ay A fte rn o o n 3068 injure in 13.068 reported ac- ______ cldents representing increases of Perrv w win«am< aa 26 per cent. 20 per cent and 7.59 p e r cent, respectively, over figures b o r o ^ « f m l l ^ l . i t l ¡o r the previous year. night when"he"'waf ""riV,' d o w n ^ v Hillsboro and Washington county an automobile driven by Sheriff J W Husiness Firms Change Owners Here Last Week Court Ends Service on Relief Body Two local business firm s changed hands during the past week, Mr. and Mrs. I h . N aught of Gaston having purchased the Beckett Sweet shop on T hird street and John Pickard and H arry Williams o f Medford, having bought th e Rand In te re s t C o n flic t B e t w e e n Meat market on Main street. Mr and Mrs N aught took pos­ C o u n ty a n d G o v e r n m e n t session of the sweet shop l a s t Thursday Prior to coming to Hills­ A g e n c ie s C i t e d boro they operated a sim ilar busi­ ness a t Gaston. They will live In Hillsboro. Sale of the Rand m arket was fective Tuesday evening and Pick- _______ ard opened for business Wednes- ¿ay morning under the firm nam e S c h u l t z , I d e a n d H a g e n to Pickard Ac Williams. T he m ar- ket will carry a full line of quality Fill V a c a t e d P o s itio n s fresh and smoked m eats Both men _____ WUl, th«i r , ] 321111 it‘s here soon Resignation of members of the court from the- Washington HllLsboro dur* county relief < om m ittee was an- T ' pounced Thursday and three coun- Improvements are now in process G" residents appointed to fill the a t the Godirf’d restaurant th e on Main t positions vacated ? by ‘T the w ^ ™ * county **’ lng has been rernode'elitl< aJ Two terms of two years e tc h in Rxpresslonn of optimism over lo- enemies, who would have taken u cal agricultural conditions w e r e the slat, penitentiary were imposed keen delight in contributing to his made ai the Rotary club luncheon upon J W Heard of K inton F ri- defeat. rhursdst} by County Agent W. F. di,". when lie withdrew previous p. T. A groups plan p a rticip a tio n W C onnell on Du- t ,.o No doubt tlw* governor could have Cyru. who said that farm ers would plea, of ents not and guilty plead to three the the "Let's « a Q west indictm guilty. forgery Sen- in which to "P o Killing" ^ n S f t t o drive T U cl“ r l j ol i 't h town T i a t a A f S coroner- S to n rv 8» given his answer to the revived have more money this fall th an • •lestlon a.s to his hMie|x ndent can- th< > ha\< had in four or five years ten ,, on the fu st two Indictm ents sponsoring together with th e A m e r- avoidable a i d c cared th, s le n ff uidacy weeks ago and definitely Cyrus cited the price gains In dlf- will run concurrently while sen- lean Ie-mon Oregon Motor assocla- of X r e s ^ n s t o d ^ f o ^ w , ^ an M't at rest tlw* speculation, which fvrent faim crops. „ on th e th ird wa., poeux-ned. tion and « m " X ^ n ^ 0™ * ™ I uls been going on as to his in- Milk prices are up 30 cents a Verdict of not guilty WU.S nf d t"hLS Safety talks and Connell was driving west on the tcnUon*. But in* probably derived a hundred to tlie fnrmer as a result turned Dunbar Thursday ut the Petor of Salem on an trial indict-' and a £ 3 £ aM £ « « 7 « w ^ rtm g ^ deal of plennurt* out of keeping of the increase made by tlie state the other candidate» on tlw* anxious milk control board Prune crop was S t a t e E x e c u tiv e O u t l i n e s na n, chargmg an offense against .safety posters will be displayed L a L m o X “r S u «eat an long as pw ilble Hence hl» gixKl and prices fair. I«- said. Among public decency Members ol the warning children of traffic dan- panis darted out from in t r o n ^ o f O r g a n iz a t io n P u rp o s e delay until the la«t day for the others showing better retu rn s sre Jury were Vesta K anina, Julia Berg- gers 1 i . * T 1 J filing of IndrptMidrnl petition». eren Anar, Andrew Branduw . Edna t -, °'^ le r c a r a n d in to th e p a th hairy vetch, Austrian field peas. w nranaaw tsana M m . Th>t moM)rtsU exercise caution of the sheriff s machine, accord- The eleventh hour boom, hturted ( riniMin clover and H annchen bar- Mrs J M Person of Hillsboro gren, Davls Joint Voelker. Eva O rtm an, by a Salem new s|>apermun ap|>ar- lev Cyrus (Minted out th a t only was elected president of tlie lo­ John W Haynes, Frank Pulver, in passing schools, particularly dur- ing to th e officer's statem ent. The P arent-T eacher association ut Ing the first few weeks o f the fall sheriff turned abruptly to the left ently out of tlun air. w ived at hl per cent of tlie erliiLvon clover cal l)u. , Itn(Uiul meeting of the F rtd ,u,od Molly beach, Robert K se. a n, was the request of County to avoid the m an but struck him least one good purpuoe as far a» used in Die United M ates is grown group Friday evening in the union Wilsun and George C. Connolly. School Superintendent O B. K raus, with the right front fender, hurl- the governor hlntself was concerned In till» country H annchen bailey h igh school wiUi nearly 100 ln- R eplevin A rtion S ettled Both drivers and children m ust ing him back against the wind- F- piesent«*: d mining to Die conclusion Dial it is on. first vice-president; Rev C liai- worth of logging equipm ent and servance of school safety rules. Injuries Fatal Explanation Given for taking credit for ouch tax re­ Die brst brewing barley It was lea M Reed, second vice-president: dam age' am ounting to 11496 brought which were suspended during sum- W F. Norman of Aloha was re- Williams lived about 20 minutes '"Termination of our services on b\ R. P. Landauer and Ernest mer vacation. duction« as liave be«*n made in the 1Ö Mrs lawter Misiljerry, secretary now ton u year ago und l.i after th e crash, passing away a elected president of the County Red the COIllmittee is not motivated by ■------------------------ various «ubdlvUlon« of the state $40 and 1) G Leger, treasurer. Officers Joluison against Jam es Dixon was duties a t_ i. »aid. short tim e after Dr. D. E. Wiley f-fms chapter a t the regular nteet- any desu.e settled out of court Tuesday a lte r will serve one year. during the i>a»t four years ten d an t on on th th a- rX v„ ./ .,“ members „¿Z L , of Hillsboro arrived. D eath was ing last T hursday evening a t the tendant Wheal Program t iled a t service," The newly elected executive com­ D m - case had been on trial one day. Even without Meier in the race chamber of commerce. O ther of- of the court told the relief com- caused by a skull fracture, accord­ AAA u heut deal wtll be con­ mittee was formally installed by Jurors draw n lor the case were tlw re .w in» to lx* no deurth of ____________ fleers are Mrs. Rex Wilson of F or- miUe£ ^ t i h e T are we ntov^T to ing o to tlie doctor. aspirant« for the governorship Six tinued DiL year with a 10 |>er cent Mrs William Klctzer of Portland Joim Voelker Sadie Brisbane. An- T hat he was traveling a t a mod- W e T o f HdLboro " v c o n ^ vice- attlo n ** reluctance to give P I A pre; Idem Mrs. K iel- drew Brandaw Robert K. Wilson, candidate« offer their «ervlee« in n (tuition instead of 15. according staU* aer also spoke previous to tia prank Pulver. Molly Leach, George erate ra te of speed a t the tim e M m E L ^ K t o r o o t OUr tUne ° r e ifo rta ' W U h th e e x ’ th at capacity. In addition to the io tin- ugeut. »ho said benefit pay­ election on "The Meaning of tllf ol the f a u l accident was the state- _ d £ Panston of to e state and federal regular party nominees General ment» .vl I be tlie same. He ex- P T A ." stressing the importance Dirk. Andrew Bishop, John W m ent of Sheriff Connell. He de- activities toere has arisen a George C _ Connolly. Edna Martin, dem on ut, and Joe Dunne, l»i < . m d tlie belief Dial tli, hog of tlie "profession of ixirenl.luxxl H aynr „ , _ , S t r o n g e r L in e u p D e v e l o p e d clared th a t he had slowed down l Bates of Forest Grove conflict of interest between t h e republican four others have e n ­ deal would not be launched again tlie future ol tlie tile child und and of M Davis and Roy E Bierly county and the state and federal back of th e car a r which wrucn he ne was a t- i- nriwsirtont «rwritlic the auc -U.u Tine of *500 and sentence o t six tered the race «Ince the primaries anil rile d th e difficulties tlia t hud tile nation. just r>i-a^,ors ¿ a-,» e M o ^ r T 2 ^ a«vncies', We de not. feel th a t T h is W e e k by G o o d m a n ucuipvuig w pass and auu had non jus» xlrs r s % w R q R Robert-: tem pting to Tla* problems of tlie home ami m onths in Die county Jail were by way of the aMwmbly route. The been eneoutitered. Cyrus said Die started to go by the other m achine jjjg nnnMhv sX ' h m i ' we “ ‘H serve both th e county and liMt include« Peter Zimmerman of Img deid would probably tu rn out scliool. said Mrs Klctzer. " are the meted out to Clayton K Miller of Hilh. gridders will clash with the when he struck Williams. Connell M ^'jorie ^FOTbis oi" F o re s t G rov? 2 U? comnuttee 60 Ju « ‘ce to Yamhill county, progrevmivc-Inde­ b e tte r Uiun was antleipauoil ut one problems to which Ute P. T. A P ortland Friday when he plead r '1’ pendent; Abraham Hilverman o f lime He parlleularly pointed out a d d re u js itseil I s pn i ram i to guilty to an indictm ent charging powerlul Jefferson high s c h o o l declared th a t the other car barely M r,. T abej W arrens of route 1 sq kid. 1933 Portland league cham - missed the m an but did not stop, po.-, • G rove \1 P Cadv M rs F ‘-Jur first and param ount duty Portliuul. Independent; Hank E. tliat it was not within Die power supplement, in tlw home, the work drunken driving. tlie school It is concerned with William Riley G rout of Forest pions Friday afternoon in P ort- Dr. Wiley. Sheriff Connell and C McKinney and L. T Me P h e e t- f ^ p^yers W lrtli of Medford, Independent, of Die county committee or agent to change W heal reductions will the wedarc of the child, and look (irovt. pieuti gUjt v Thursday in th e land the Jefferson field. The George Wick of Hillsboro w e r e ers of Hillsboro. Rev. C T. Clark 1 county» and we ieel we und llarry J. Correll of Halnn, bring in an additional »20.900 to t,u‘1 »«"Ifarc irom every angle p - can best serve the county by dxs- local Justice ol the peace court to Portland«, defeated Tillamook — 39 v called coroner's o j jury of L»u»vv»iAJii. Beaverton. m Mrs. J. A. DAAci Baker ui of continuirw our »»rvljM onth communist. - iixu before the vw.v vwxv.xvs J VI i■>. u. »30 000 Hits fall r , l u’ S? U! e«*cuUv‘> ,luld<‘ “ special Sixty-»even candidate» for .suite w plea for more inclusion of the |x, »'«fusion of a game bird out of to 6 Iasi week and Couch B M. Monday. Wick testified th a t he was G a-ton. Mrs E W Conklin of Belling of hay to the middle weal faUM*rs in P. T A plan«, remarking . aaon an., was sentenced to 30 Goodman is looking forward to toe coming east on the highway and Metzger, and A E Sherk of Sher- relief committee. We also feel th a t and congre.sMonal office*« have been by toe appointm ent of the three added to the li«t since tlw* primary drouth aectlon was the result of th a t •'the P. T. A. is not u m others days m '.he couetv jail. The lollow- com n« Uli, as a n opportunity to saw the m an bob up in toe middle wood Directors in ether commu- citizens of toe county whose nam es on- ntties will be appointed later, election. A few of these were ae- letter« te n t from tlw* local office club, but recognizes th a t every child ing dav Dale Jones of Yamhill see what his green team can do of the road in front of the we have subm itted to you as our plead guilty to o p e ratin g a truck under fiie. coming car. Members of the jury l«*cted by county central commit- to drouth relief adm inistrators was born with two parents.” Miss ¿ S T t o t ^ a H r t t ^ d S ^ m ^ ^ w T T ,O,U u a PUC I , C perm p. -m ill He received A proralslni, Unc ^ n a t i o n was were J J. Wtsmer. H. A. K uratli. n ™ ° iL ^ r “’Die changing social order is w ithout it He received Ices of Llic two m ajor purlins Vo fill William Hchultz, the scriing agent. »lu ^ -'ix h d ed u e upon tom - llcV( , ^ d by F nday clem e ^ , , char I es McFadden. o ^aniz^d in Cor- of p j o U H ii« oil the ticket duo to w a. siiected b y the different deal- tumbling about our ears,” declared organized in Cor- served, as each of these men can the Portland leudci. " a n d t h e during tlie alum ni game, which Vincent Gheen and L. E. B atch- nelius. and other classes would and will render a n excellent serv- rrwlgnaU ans or death, but for th e crx 1,1 ir u u ii 1 u /v a a i u i l a Sam BcKirclnian, of Denzel Stunkard. . — * versatile . ° gndder. h™ His condition is reported as quu . ts _ J enmirur consideration. Among tlie names Flames were first discovered nt work. There are five sewing groups coming vear year tt-**r»* were elected thi« this week. as a center Goodman expects to -'■erious oil tols petition were t l a c o finany 12 30 p „1 ,,„d Ht th a t time to r Flrst meeting of the cham ber of P“rk-S' and St’,'aU>r E dS chul- ust, ", ' ti w 'te n ^ o iT of and one quilUng group." LS a ,r° " 1 th e regular prom inent personngr». in c lu d in g entire attic was ablaze. F urniture commerce a fter the summer vaea- hierich of Hillsboro. This announce- fensive — . . . . . . . order of busmeso, officers usually an d to back up the line on Miss Rose Cave, chairm an of the being elected before to e close of fan diuucrs. movie stars ,uid high »us taken out of th e first floor. t ,on wj)| be a dinner session Octo- ,nent' Ls made In a notice from J disaster committee, reported on school year seluxil officiate Home of Uie names but upstairs furnishings were lost, ber 1 when tlie new officers will u Sm ith. Yamhill county republi- Stunkard. a sm all man full of fight going to a fire a t the J. B. Thom p- , even bordrred on the suggesUve Tin- house was covered wlto »1000 be installed This decision w a s can leadcr and determ ination, lias seen serv- son home a t Cedar Mill on August 3S f2«!2S£ ' and obscene. HUte departm ent of- of insurance and contents with niade b\ th e directors Wednesday In toe afternoon republican can- ice a t end and guard Doeiuons 19, an d helping in the emergency, H^ en Nelso° pres“^ n,J' Neil Rich- » fielals liave Indicated Unit tlie ,ui equal am ount night didates ol W ashington and Yam- G oetter another center candidate ardson. v ice-president; to e family having lost all thetr ardson' K athryn petlUon may be turned over to W alter Tews, local fire chief. N,,w of(1cers are H. L. MacKenzic, hill counties will be heard and a t is showing ud well as an alternate Miskimmins, secretary; Bob P a t- -------- clothing as well as th eir home. the dtetrirt attorney of M ultnom ah whs called, but Uie fire was tix> fur president; Paul L Patterson vice- 2:20 p. m C andidates Joe Duime ior stu n k ard terson, treasurer; Bob T Thieves broke into C arl Larsen's She also went to the fire a t t h e ____.. _____ x. . . . u p - p e r , county for InvrsUgaUon und p„s- along to save tlie lions«». He assisted president; Alf Johnson, treasurer, for governor. Jam es M ott for con- _ rfll1 pre- restaurant in Hillsboro T en' slble pnw x utlon of its sponsors. ,11 preventing Uie spread of toe nnd L j Rushlow and Morris Weil, gress. und Earl Snell for secretary j ¿d L, e ™ ,,, --------- — ----------- sometime home c i Jo h n H ren a t Helvetia nessee W eatherred, advisor. T he abuse to which Uie "aasein- f temes to the »(MMlslied and burn. dlieetors C. T. Richardson ls a of state wtll arrive from a like a “■ P ’ after 4 a. m. Wednesday and car- on August 18. Juniors: Billy Allison, president; Work of th e county first aid bly" nu'Uiod of nom inating candi- ¡ holdover member of tlie board picnic held by Linn, Lane and Monday a n d the appearance ried off 15.200 cigarettes, a brick committee under the direction of George Rice, vice-president; Ann (lutes for office In Oregon lias tes-n oRKNCO Mr and Mrs. W arren Lester Ireland Is tlie retiring presi- Benton counUes. I t is also reported 40,1 MO,laHy an“ apptoraiue Munkres. secretary-treasurer; Betty (Continued on base 4. column subjected in the present campaign iU,«i th eir nine children moved In- dent. th at Senators Stelwer and McNary o f two new backfield men. Dave of cheese and a n undeterm ined Hobbs, council representative: Betty Torbet, a transfer from Pasadena, am ount of money from a marble lias aroused 11 »ell defined senU- to the Tolley place until tlaUr new It was also decided to assist toe will be there. _ , K ohlm ever tra n s fe r m achine E n tra n ce to th e b uildtne v < n Mayes, sergeant-at-arm s; M iss ment in favor of a m o u l.n g toe home, which friends and nelgl.bon, HULsboro fire (i..partm ent m ilw ir "Doe" Riley of .Hubbard 's bring- ^ d^ S ^ o w e v ^ r e X g i i ^ by h m S y ^ a M arie Houguez, advisor. primary and nom inating tews. Press are helping build, is comp »mpleted. efforts to put over Fire Prevention Ing Uie Kilties band from Sa- i given Goodman a promising batch s . „ i , window A uthorities declared that window. Authorities declared th a t Sophomores: . Alien Allen oigier, Sigler, presi- f reports relate th a t one candidate They recently purchased Uie old week. October 7 to 13. Tlie mem- lem for Uie occasion. of ball-carriers. George Holscher the Job showed evidence of being Ke‘th Busch, vice-president; for congress In M ultnom ah rounty iiritzm aelier property and are re- bers of Uie fire departm ent will be has been calling signals from full- done by experts. ' ! Tom Stretcher, secretary-treasurer: was nom inated in a beer parlor modeling flic house Appreciation gu«'s(s of tlie cham ber nt t h e Rand by , (h^ reoenUy^or- doe I back position th is week and alter- Forest Grove Creamery was en- . „ stretcher, council representa- amid (he singing of waiters and p, ,,n tt|i<> helped remove property luncheon m eetlig October 8 nating with A rt W ahner. O ther tered sometime Wednesday night KaJllz»‘'ase. i lf fs office. Entrance was gamed ganizatton lurnished .music a t the president; Peggy Ross, vice-presi- governor, was also lield In a M ult­ liunauon has designated September Schedule for the coming season by breaking in a back window. county fair a t Shute pork. \ dent; H enry Tsugawa, secretary- nomah county beer garden. An - 28 and 29 as "Forget-M e-Not" days Ls Practically complete, according Thieves broke into the Union Oil Thf> band 18 fomposed of 15 mem- treasurer: Willis K earns, reporter; other gubernatorial candidate suc­ for the benefit of t h e Disabled Goodman The schedule is as warehouse a t Beaverton Wednesday bers and rehearsals have been held Dorothy Challacombe, council rep- ceeded In convening an assembly American Veterans of toe World lollows: Septem ber 21. Jefferson, night and stole 20 gallons of oil Wednesday evening a t th e lo- resentative; David Leger, advisor, only a fter repeated efforts and war The disabled veterans will sell there; September 28. open; Octo- ,,nd a Hydraulic truck jack En- ciU chamber of commerce for the Student body officers for the com- llien barely had tlie requisite UH) ber 5. Scappoose, here; October 12. trance was gamed by tw isting tlie I“ 8' months. A second concert ing year are as follows: Carl Doem present to place lilin in nomination. thc flowers on th a t day. Newberg, here; October 19 Me- j ]ocg (rom die warehouse door, will be given a t 7:30 September president; Elwood Coslett, vice- illy i.mn P*vl>) to keep up tlie payments and taxes, The proclam ation: Tlie ease willi wliicli candidates I. Orange Phelps, mayor of the Minnville. there; October 26. St. Portland was ar 29 and weekly Saturday evening president: Mac Grogan, secretary; W ashington county sm all farm s On the o th er hand those persons get. theinselvrw nom inated bv tlie ... ___ X _1___ ,___ 1... H e rn « I tmv November 9 Reaver- JOCK « a rp e r Ol rortiailct » a s ar concerts during the coming sum mer George Holscher, treasurer; Miss assembly nietliod has gnxitlv |x»|)ii- have proved a haven to large enough on hand City of Hillsboro, do . hereby 4 Helens, here; November 2, Beaver- ■ families . ■ mini- ■ who . in . the . had . banks . capital . to make . _. i Oregon, .. 28 a and z"X n »s ' 4 ? V-yneo • f Mrw xrzxrxxFwx«« 1 12 '7 i iArm Aen»»e_ larized t h e “Independent" move- Is-rs of during these de- substantial designate September 29 as ,d ovenldcr, is* iesJ driving following^'aiT'automo- are planned by the group. 1 Lillie Homedew. advisor. ineiit. At least it Is much simpler I m essing days, a governm ent survey down payments, or make an out- “Forget-M e-Not" days for t h e Dee D ay», Tillamook. here; Novem- w]e a id a , wo rth plains H ar- 23. TjgartL there; and Novem- ls aUeged haye coIllded wj(h and a great deal less expensive of subsistence li,..nest,nuts In this right cash purchase of land a n d benefit of all Disabled American lndc- Veterans _ of th e World — ,— Ilian the prim ary method wlto its • county reveals. Tlie survey is be- buildings, find themselves -------------- ----- ------- war. -------- It Is uei 29 (T hanksgiving Day», Forest a — cor driven by „ K — u rt Jacky of long drawn out caiuimlgii for votes.' mg conducted by Die SERA using pendent of relief agencies or par- tny hearty wish th at toe city of- Grove, here. North Plains. under supervi- tieular financial stress, the survey fielals an d th e public in general ‘ three «‘num erators William Riley G rout of Forest render all possible assistance for F lo o d C o n d it io n s S e e n C. A Howard, state superintend- , slon from Corvallis. shows. i Grove star route was token Into lead- cut of public Instruction, warns th a t This survey, which has been un-J O. F. Anderson of Orcnco........ .. ,hLs w orthy cause, as these men . by F e d e r a l E n g in e e r s custody Thurs‘lient-1.V thte plan offers dairy- out providing additional revenues i,aVe worked p art lime. Farm s ol small farms a,'voiding to tlie find- co!.'iltr>’, lin ,, T stud*Pd Monday by two govern- P a y f i i e t l t S O i l W h e a t in dairy cattle. Acceptance of these men som ething they have been Iron, „(.her sources II. will menu slluU| a, .cage, on which tlie opera- lugs. The first is sufficient capital .7 ° ** c , lp? >pl,c H ^ b o ro . I m ent engineers from the river and 1 M il w u c d l contracts is purely voluntary on the wanting for a good many years, Die eloalng Ot all Die high schools t(„ . corn their whole subsistence, to establish a well equipped p lant ¡7 T u™ , llarbor division. The ^government farm er's part The agreem ent pro- according to Roger W. Morse of "Forget-M e-Not" to show | ."»» men - were - accompanied ■ by K en- of the state and operation of tlie al(. not counted. and tlie other Ls good management a ’ real ‘ i vides tliat all anim als more th an , K„ ____ „ ___ the boys tliat we are still with neth Tillotson. fkxxt control assoeia- Second paym ent checks for the six m onths old will be tested and ¡T** exten-slon service a t Corvallis. elem entary schools on a seven- ■ All farm s listed were 5 to 10 and good soil, them tlie some as they »ere for tion engineer, on their trip. Tlie 1933 Wheat adjustm ent benefits in th a t indem nities will be paid of a Oregon has already m ade eonslder- m onth Ixusl.s Cost of operating the i acres, though a few were less nnd w hile Insufficient capital h a s us in 1917-1918." local . .. study was , part „ . of an . ex­ o re e n n a re extxx’ted diirim r th e lnt maximum of $20 for grades p lu s’ able progress in th e control of public seluxils of Oregon for 1932- l some more th a n tliat. In a liuni- caust'd many of Die failures, a O. PHELPS. Mayor MUMlve research px^ „ o n to a i^ r r iin J sa,va«c up to “ P P r a ^ value, and abortion and a large num ber of haustive researcli being made by 33, Howard points out, was $12,- her of Instances, owners were found g«xxlly percentage have failed 1 m '- the government of flood conditions dr P“^ * " J P ™ • “S™ ddl.g a maximum of $50 plus salvage up herds have already been accredited 680.884.16 Under the proposed 20- a'| ‘|O” Were Inking th eir entire liv- cause of p,x»r m anagem ent a n i l to w wd received here th is week, to appraised value for purebreds. and some definite, small areas of i in the Pacific northwest. mill tax lim itation only »6.875.143 ( from the farms, but in no case, others because of location on poor ro speed up m atters a t W ashing- in the case of purebreds. registra- the state have been designated as would lx> available for th e public Ul|, en „m erators declare, is there a soil. ton and to avoid trying to adjust tion papeis m ust be presented a t control areas anle ju st now. The cent of the producers average an- (j np farm in particular was cited Wednesday night as a part of the W ashlngton AAA otfic als have pian Ls a ireadv being put into nual acreage. lo s t year It was 85 scribers. Details of toe sales ihhi .741 in new revenues f r o m Ing purchased for added security by Mr. Anderson ns a good ex - Constitution week program spon- announced th a t no additional audit- operation In one or two counties ■ per cent. Detailed Information con­ may be found in advertise­ sources other th a n property taxes in case something Iiappened to cut anlp|p Of wh a t ran be done with sored by to e American Legion ing will be made between the sec- and before very long It is expected' ceming the use ln 1935 of con- ments, which appear ln the If Die proponed am endm ent Is np- off employment. good m anagem ent and proper plan- J Representative governm ent is only ond paym ent on the 1933 crop th a t it will be extended. tra d e d acreage and regarding ben- Argus on page nine and go proved In November. Those owners of subsistence home- nlng In Udg falm tlipre is five » success In so far as toe people and tlie first on the 1934. G etting In the agreem ent th e owner eflt payments, etc.. tiav«T not y « to more th a n 2000 W ashing­ • • • steads who are ln trouble, or have a(.,.ps W,U) lial, planted to bernca Lliat go to make It up are interested out the first 20 cents per bushel agrees to m arket for slaughter un-1 been received but are expected ton county homes each week. Th® liquor control commission paym ent on the 1934 crop will mere- der sta h* or federal supervision all shortly. As soon as these details . lost tiwlr homes, are th e persons rllp berries th ’3 year brought hi and take part, he sold. Mr. P atter- S ubscribers will alw ays fin d has postponed for one m onth the | W,)O ma<||, purchascs of land and $H00 ln cttah to the cwner. O ther i son compared the success of our lv entail re-running toe c a r d s heifers over six m onths and all are all in hand, a letter will go to th a t It pays to read th e ad­ through th e S id k -w rlttn g m a - cows “ ,d bulIs Lhat react to the all those contract signers ln Wa»h- enforcement of Ito order a g a in s t, invPiitmPlllA m homes while still sinl|lnr instances also were found, country under tlx constitution vertisem ents th a t appeal- ln chlnes Those ln choree hone to b.lood tpst" He aLso a&rees to con" button county Informing them of signs on beer parlors and along the ] til mnkc payments out whllp ln scattered rases, families i and toe advance« made under it to is new spaper. 7 Vi?*, » ftae additions to his herd to o n i- ! these detail* I t te expected th a t public highways. Sign makers liave j wn|fPs ParnPn’p ’J“11 payment' hy (he ]ast | m aj, from herds known to be free these will be available before the P '01^ 1* ^ against tlie order and stop|MX, thPy no longer were a b le , (Continued on pnge io, column«) I communistic rule. ♦ of October. from tots disease: also to continue i seding of toe 1938 crop begins. (Continui*«! on pace 6. «