THE Page Six H IL L S B O R O ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON T hursday, Septem ber 13. 1934 lauluille finni a still mon' highly slnny black shoes, the tiny Inuit« Ihl.s and not having uni lliuig el.* IniiNiiieiillv. and starliql mi a run. day evening Miss Cooke avi'i’in- M i l k i u . ’ id C h a m p eoloiiit botili- Those toilej, per pamed Miss Gladys Broun ami •I perspiration allieti, wllti her pretty luu k up the lane tiem ge followed A tuberculin test u to be given illusile.', hail been purvlutsett. nt Ute haste gathered on her face; most brother Leslie to the stale fair Bhe held a spruy lip against her al a U 'ix> leisurely |uiee i hewing a to the pupils ol the grade schreit total expenditure of Ittty vents ol all stu> hated the laatnesa and fntv. John Burbank of the CCC neai smiling as the soft white bln« piece nl glass as lie went by llr C E Mason Timber spent the week-end at his alU iii slie re'ui.l lll-alluret to •'■quail- iiidttteienee on tlie pan ot tier (Conlluu**! Neal brushed her elieeks Then slie Beaver eJiapier held its lu s t de:. and she knew they must be faintly which hud iiuuli* Iter quest sums home here. broke off the stems, anti twisting mee.nig oi the season Wednesday reserved lot great occasion* only, necessary Mr. and Mrs William Bedortha them In tin* tliornv roses, thrust if you change your itildre«« kind­ evening. Past m atrons and patrons 11 .«lie were to juslily tier extruvu are employed m the hop yards near They might »lo soineUihig t o ly notify the Argus direct and a t gatin’ io lieraetl But tins really help me, ollie in a wlillel But they llu'in Into her bolt Newberg. were honor guests. T don't see naw thlu tunny uboul once George Palmer of Seattle, who did seem a sultieieutly great oc­ never do. neverl W hen 1 do all 1 It. said George stolidly, "but they casion Then she put on her "best can for them I It isn t lair " has been visiting at the H Erick­ tl) r llook nice, the wav you've fixed 'em. (By Miss Dorothy Cooke) ___ ___ ___________ son _____ home, let: Saturday to attend underclothes," nuide ol liursdowne, C e d a r M ill H o m e s 111 her anger, she attacked You're awful sweet. Anne couldn't C ORN ELIU S-Ttw Cornelius Civic school in Portland embroidered by herself w ith you give me u kiss before we start O o n e ls o n tìó S ew ell Improvement club will hold t h e ------------------------- of lorget-m e-nols, and trim ­ lieinenee than caution, and prick­ in P a th o f F la m e s sprays first meeting of the fall session In med with crocheted lace which she ed her Unger. She whipped It for tlie dance?" I I»'ENSI I» I MIIAI.MIKS the cltv hall or. Tuesday aftei- KlIltOIl G ra n g e rs luiil made herself, her one pair ol George did not get his kiss, but swiftly to her mouth. But she was BETHANY-CEDAR M ill. Many anti noon, September 18. It is guest sdk stockings, oiiguiallv while, tu t not quick enough, a dop of blond as tie luut not expected It. he was Cedar Mill homes and barns were and visitor day and each lady Is FUNERAL DIRECTORS endangered by the m e on the Cor grown yellow from many vvikslitiigs. had fallen on her bodice, just ubove not unduly dtsuppolnled Anne was P la n Big N ig lit asked to bring a household hint or and carefully darned, black patent the waistline nell road last week The fire, fanned Phono 953 : Hilktbuio help "Now I've got to get something always ' nlttsli ' Bhe hated to be by a brisk wind, brought the flumes leather slippers, somewhat crocked | Reports were made on The Cornelius grade school op­ the KINTON- and shapeless, came next, then a to eoverr thal and there aren't "paweti s ite iinng away ( r a n him within a hundred leet ot tlie Frank county fair at grange meeting ened Monday with an enrollment September S ieif.u is burn All locul people pink silk inuslui dress, vvilli a knot enough roses Oh, wliut shall I 5 by a number who a t ­ of 90 An increase is expected in tended. Plans were fighting Hie Some were pack­ of black velvet on one shoulder, do? are being made by the number In a short time. Why don't you take some of ed up. ready to leave at any tune and a black velvet sash, nuide truui Mrs Alice Fluke, to ob- Mesdames Julia Osborne. Alice lecturer • Booster I'licy brought the tire under con­ an old sicque ol her moilier's, llutl white flower glowin' on the Night" September McCorrac, I Lundgren, and Alice , trol before any1 serious damage was curetully .«tam ed, pressed, iui*l oilier side of tlie fence, in tlie Brock represented t h e Cornelius 29 A number of the Granges hi recut slie rend m the "Syin- méditer, ami put il wttli ver loses? done. this part of the county have been Civic Improvement club at t h e invited pivuum t'l S ty les' th a t "a toueli ol I t s kinder large Unit'll cover up to join with the local grange Mr and Mrs Phil Thorne spent ola* k was always very Fieneliy.''■ yer Western club convention at M ult­ in observing spot." night. Some of the Fridav evening with Mr and Mrs Iasi **1 all, site loosened tuul re -' Anne nomah hotel m Portland T hurs­ state officers thus whcclixl about George H il­ will be in attendance Calvin K alterm an ot Portland. day It was an all-day session wound her hair and milled another dreth. who was to lake tier to Hie it is expected Mrs. S tan n ard of Mrs E Hriteh ot Portland spent knot *>i velvet to Ua staining ootta ; party, was Members of the Cornelius base­ and standing beside her. His will be present and put on l,anor IViv holidays with Mr. and ball team and their families en ­ Hillsboro lm glad I've goi soiut* flowers round, red. anti rutlicr flat taee a play, besides other talent from M is pini Thorne. joyed a picnic Sunday at Balm out-of-town. to weai. she said to herself, as she J shone with soap anti scrubbing Beginning with the Mr and Mrs. 1 Swi-etland o f Grove. tlie results ot tier efforts Evidently he had arrived during regular meeting October 6. ses­ P it..a m i .-p u t the holidays with surveyed Tlie Solomon Servants class of next tn the small, bluned glass over tlie her abseiiee. anti on being m- sions will be held m the day time M. .uni Mrs John Meurer. the M E Sunday school, with Dan wushshutd. T know there a r e lormed where slie had gone, had Tear Down Old Shed Mis B u Reeves. Elmer and enough B arrett as teacher, elected officers sweet peas, t haven t piek followed her Unconsciously, she had The old carriage sited, which lias c n ru d e Reeves and Mrs Calvin ed them tor three days on p u r­ s|Kvken aloud, Sunday. Officers are Raymond and lie had heard man nt Portland spent Labor pose." Trltes. president; Howard Davis, stood in the church grove for the her Day at Rockaway secretary, and George Milne, treas­ past 33 or more years, but not made She was down the steep narrow look great anyway I don't much use of since the day* of autos, Mr- Phil Thorne spent Monday stair* use m one svvut rush of color see You urer. why you slioulcl worry about w .tn Mrs A G Ross oi Portland Mrs. B Jam es of Hillsboro vis­ was torn down last week by Mr. mitt motion, across the kitchen, out I lowers." Mis \ p Johnson is spending ot tlie rusty screen door half hang­ W a s h in g to n S tre e t b e tw e e n 1st a n d 2 n d Hillsboro ited Mrs M L Creekpaum Sunday. Pittm an, who bought it from the Do you honestly think so?" a tew days at G earhart. Mrs Laura Jackson has been vis­ Ladies' Aid society and will make ing on its lung*... over tlie straggly Well, I guess 1 dot" Mi s F.iear Moar and family of use of the lumber for building a iting relatives at Clackamas PLANT AT SCHOLLS, OREGON to tlie suit more sc-raggly g a r­ There was not the slightest doubt P.u: lmglon visited Mr. and Mrs. yarel Miss Bertha M artin of Newport shed on the Frank Richards place, den. t he one hue ot scanty sweet- ol the earnestness ot George's ait which he lias been renting the past C harli s BOI Friday evenmg. is a guest of Miss Frances Gnos. Motto "Erietidl.v Servici* . . . Fair I'ricttH close beside tlie miration Anne veered away from Mr and Mrs Cleve Gwens. Miss peu vines, growing Mrs. McGill of Portland has been year . string beans, was com­ a more tangible proot of It. visiting her niece. Mrs Ashley Jack- Mrs Everett D Wright and daugh- Picture by Seligman and ct by »■ roeni ia Mary Snyder and Jack Coleman flourishing pletely stripped ot blossoms. Antic son. ter Miss R uth Marilyn returned Miss Sophia Jackson o I Laurel spent Labor Day at Yachats, "But those flowers would be from tlie garden to Hie n a r­ Mr and Mis Henry C hautler of dastied Miss Helen Oliver returned last from C athlam et. W a sh . the first of Scholls unit o f t h e Farmers row front porch, where' th eir la­ pretty. You climb through t h e Hillsboro entertained a group of | week from Sheridan, where she last week from a few days visit Union, who won milkuig contest bors tor the day ended. Iter parent* barbed wire and get me some, or had been visiting Mr. a n d M rs with her brother and wife. at the county fair for the sec­ Bethany iolk with a lawn supper and tier two sm all brothers. Bol anti would you hurt your clothes?" There is no substitute for in the;r beautiful garden last week. Sam. were taking their ease in un- j George hesitated, torn between C hurch services for this Sunday Jam es Adamson and son. ond time. I'll.»»' present were Mr and Mrs. wastied relaxation. Mrs. M L Creekpaum has been will be as follows, preaching by his desire to serve, and his con­ Cliarles Bey Mr and Mis. Glenn the pastor. Rev W. E. Simpson, at ill at her home here. Wedekmg Louise VanKleek George Carr Bid C an . Misses Dorothy and "Who puked my sweet peas?' sciousness ot Uie Iweiity-nuie-flfty, Mr. and Mrs Clarence K latt and by session of Bible school at 10;la Snider. William Taylor. dem anded ueeusnigly You alt earned bv the sw eat of his brow, Lore 1 Boy. Carl Larsen, anil the * I she children of Carlton spent Sunday a goodly number of tlie K tnton Misses Betty and Lois Richards, in knew 1 was saving them lor to­ which he hail so recently ex|>euded -t and hostess, Mr and A irs.1 night and with Mr. and Mrs W. A Goodm. folk attended state fair last week daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Aldrrel on his new pepper anti salt" suit they re gone." Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webb and Several of the 4-H club members Richards of Dosch Station, returned Henry Chautler. "I puked 'em announced Mrs whieh lie was now wearing for the Mr and Mrs. Frank Parm er of family .lave moved back to their had some of their stock on exhi- home the lirst of last wees from a first time. home in Beaverton. Mr. Webb is a onion and were camped on the lew days with their grandparents. Portland spent the week-eml with Ch.imoet aim. rocking licavily. "I Would It lake too long lo go took em down to tlie cemetery an Mrs Parmei s parents. Mr. and teacher in Beaverton high school, grounds aurm g the fair. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Richards put em on your Aunt S arah 's grave, lound by the gate? We could let Mrs Sam Walters. He and his family make their home Mr. and Mrs. Aldred R ichards and down Hie burs and go round inter Harry A. R ichards and some it s Just three years ago today sense A group from this community , during the summer on a ranch family of Dosch S tation visited Mr. S a tr u u the uutchword of ihl.i Institution Every of his tamily were busy ...ire Mr and Mrs Phil Mead of your Aunt S arali p.isscd away 1 Hi*' niedder We tx*ultl both go " west of here. R ichard's parents. Mr. and Mrs. members known .sufetfiuird stands back of your investincnt "Oh. George, you're Just like ull last week iixmg up m e interior oi .Aloha a charivari Saturday- night. presume ye ve ben so took up think- The first quarterly conference of H airy A. Richards. Sunday. the others! You never t a n do an y ­ the school house and making ready A card party and old tune dance in about tins dance ye re gom to, Hound Fii -t Mortgages reduced each m onth by the new M. E. conterence year, of B irthday Observed lor school to take up Monday. was lien at tile Cedar Mill Grunge ye ani l thought of tlie dead. May- thing quirk! You've got about as the Cornelius and Hiiisooro M. E. monthly pavment insured against fire suprrvbied by Miss Eunice Ellen Snider, daugh­ Everything was put m tine shape hall Saiarduy n.ght. Nine tables of tie ye d like lo go down and take much action between you as Aunt churches was held Thursday eve­ State of Oregon oi Mr. and Mrs. George Snider, for the coming school year. >tX were in play High score was em of the grave." she ended with Ba n th !" ning in the local church with Dr. ter linest any amount Burning» paid to you In cadi Mrs. Maule Gemoelia spent the receive '. bv Mrs Dave Edlgar. see- supreme scorn. Why stie s been dead t h r e e Louis Magin. district superintend- entertained a few of her young years day Monday in Portland transacting nd by J Petere* ..i t and third by INVEST TODAY! em , presiding. Reports were given "I would, if I lunl time." Ute girl hall in honor of her fourteenth business and visiting with relatives. B B. Reeve*. T know it! T hat's what I meant! by the various departm ents. burst out nereely You knew how Mr. and Mrs. Rooert Pomeroy and Bui C arr . lurted at Benson Poly­ much I wanted them and Uiey're You can't even see Hint! conic on Rev. and Mrs. C. Downs of P o rt­ birthday E. L. Cox and Lawrence Crowder three daughters and S. H. Pomeroy technic in Portland Monday. He mine, anyway! I bought Ute seeds, then, well go round by the gate. land greeted Cornelius I..en d s Sun­ Honest. Anne” day Rev. Downs was pastor of the of Scholls did a shingling job on spent Sunday witn Mr. and Mis. will reside m Portland. and planted tlicm. and I've tended "For Heavens sake, eonie on! Do local M E. church about 20 years a barn last week for Conrad Alge- Join-, Steelm an ol Molalla. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Schula went them they won t do Aunt Surah I RELIABLE Fifteen were present at Ladies on their vacation last week. They any good, and they were all I lutdl ' you want to get to th at party be­ sheimer. ago. Aid society at m e Home of Mrs visited Mrs Schulz' mother. Mrs. fore they start playing 'Home, sweet Miss Dorothy VanKleek. daughter Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Suver spent „ Her mother remained entirely tin- th e week-end visiting relatives at ®( and Airs. Emery YanKieek, E. L. Cox Thursday afternoon, and G. Vail oi Jefferson, and then went moved; clearly, tlie nuitter ot the Home "I tlon t care, Arnie, so long its 1 Eugene visited a lew days last week wttn an interesting meeting w.ts held. on io Toledo, Newport anil Seal. beans sttll rankled; but tier faUier Mrs. V. French and Vera re- her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Next meeting wni be wim Mrs R ek. At Seal Rock they were Join­ glimpsed someUiUtg of the trugidy eon be with you " Lilly M. Bierly Octooer 4 lie put tils anil about her. Bhe turned last week from a sum m er s Thompson of Portland. ed by Mr and Mrs. N. P. Johnson' of her disappointment. Slav at the beach Miss Leila Peters of near Moun- ..i d Mr ami M Ed Kruske. who "Shucks, Aiuiit* what does a few dill not actually sliuke it off. but Misses Helen and W inifred Rand tam dale spent a few days last week spent the week-end there. flowers matter'.' 11 ye hev to hev her lack ot m ental response to tils J M. r n i s o N , Manager and Miss Helen Tucker of Portland » u h Miss Grace McCormick a t the B e a v e rto n G r o u p Miss Jeanette Schulz spent the flowers, there's some roses left still caress was so marked tiiat a phys­ were Sunday evening dinner guests Mrs. Lilly M. Bierly home Saving» a l oan hldg week-end a t the sum m er home of on that bush down the lane by Ule ical witluirawal would reully lutve 11111* b<> rt». Oregon of Mrs. M D. Mann ai d Mrs. M at- Mi's. Louise VanKleek sp pent last Mrs. A Hagaer of i*or.- niedder They 're kinder gone by, been Itss chilling H a s F u n P r o g r a m Dr. id and "Help me pick some of tliesc at Molallu tie Smith. Sunday evening the week with her son Roy VanKleek. but I uess Hiey d answer Twould- and Mrs in to Schulz Misses R ands had charge ot t h e who has employment neat Linnton not lake ve long to run down tliere flowers, then, so we can start BEAVERTON A full in Mr. and Mrs. A. H ansen of Baker, the lorm ot a mock wcuoing cere­ ek-eud a l-trpoc Bay evening service at the M E. church. For a monent they pulled uwuy and see ’ Miss Helen led the song service who have been spending the sum ­ mony preceding a w edding ore a s - and Mrs i rank Hildebrand "Sol. you go! 1 11 get my skirts ..ilt'iiUv. ul the while blossoms. Then Sunday evening all dusty! and Miss W inifred gave the mes­ mer a t the coast, but for the pas: fast took place at the Kiwams club il Portia:.d sp* Anne laughed laughrel so Joyously with Mr. mid Mr Charles Boy. sage Miss Tucker accompanied the week or so have been in Portland, Hold 'em up an ye won't I Hint George realized, with a bound­ singing on her violin. Their father. where Mr. H ansen has been re ­ September o The groom. Dr. J R Enrollment 23 * .in t pi k flowers, roses leastwise ing lieart her vexation must Ernest Rand, and son Harold vis­ ceiving medical treatm ent, returned Talbert, was handcuffed to the Bethany school opened Monday The pesky Utorns stick into me so. Is- passing to the home of Mr. H ansens sis­ ' handsome bride," W aiter Unis, who with Miss Florem e Pauly as teach ­ 1 vet to hollerin' an' let go. au' ited friends and relatives here. IX> you know Uie name of tlione Alonzo Creekpaum o f Portland ter, Mrs. H. J. Valentine. Wednes­ was attired In the conventional veil er. The enrollm ent was 23. Sum won't you?" flowers? visited h l s mother. Mrs. M. L. day somewhat improved in health and wore a t rown ot daisies. John Sant gave a deep groan, rem i­ I never heard They're kind Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bierly and Kirby at ted as best man Jam es •f Creekpaum, Sunday. of too much supper. "Them of No a pest, I spuse — but they're Q u e e n A n n e ’s L ac e" niscent Mr and Mrs. Lester Mooberry family attended state fair Thursday. Lewis as bridesmaid, and I. R cucumbers I et don t seem to lay pretty They're kinder like lace.' visited the state fair at SaJem Wed­ Their sans Ivan and Amos gave Metzler as flower girl. Tile wedduig jest right." he objected graphically, That s what they're called Queen (Continued from paw« 6) their corn dem onstration, which m arch was played by A Berg and nesday. or mebbe Twas tlie blueberry pie Lee Richey was m aster of cere­ with the young fa n n e r wnose place I d rather set still for a spell then A nnes Lace. It's funny, isn't it. my Charles Black was a Portland proved very interesting. name. I mean, and wearing them monies. Rev. Cliarles Clark read the Pomeroy Mr. and Mrs. Rooert business caller Monday. adjoined her fu ller's, and whom go wi txl-cliasm I ben workln' hard and finding them in a place like Miss Marie Melanson attended a and children. Mr and Mrs. J. H. services. The uiple i med hum. both had long taken (or granted ull day. anyway I district telephone company picnic Aten and family. Everett W right cuffed togetli i during the break- she would eventually marry. She "All right! You just watt till I and son William and S. H. Pomeroy fast. A report ot the W entachee would have liked :<> feel, natuiallv ever help you with anything again! at Rippling W aters Sunday. High school students from Cor- spent Labor Day at the Oswego contention was given by members rltat she could make herself beau- Either of you' You'll see YOUNG’S nelius attending school a t both C arnival a t Lake Oswego a t Lake- of tlie Peninsula Kiwanls club of t.fui o t well as e. an and cool; but She was gone, a blur of pink and Hillsboro and Forest Grove began wood bay. F u n e ra l H o m e Portland. th at seemed too much to gold, down th e lane lo the meadow Monday. William VanKleek spent state The Beaverton Grange met Sat-1 hope. However, he did her best, where the ro6t* bush clambered, "Thoughtful. Byinfiuthetlc Mrs. Lotta Fox returned Sunday fair week in Salem. urday with the overseer. A. S. F un-, She dusted her elf with talcum prickly and purched, over a decay­ Service" evening from an extended stay in ston. presiding. A very interesting powder from a highly colored can ing fence It was, as her father Former Resident Dies TaCOma. u *et ut Henry Vandermost. » brother of s, C program was enjoyed on th e sub- stam ped in an "oriental design," had . id. not f„r. But Anne hated I'lione 972 llllldiort* Vandermost, whose funeral was held ject of "hobbies. Mrs P. H. Down- and rubbed her neck with "rose the wlilte powder of dust on her ---- ---- Septcmoer 4 m Portland and large- j tng. m aster, was unable to a ttm d V !-v attended Dy friends from this owing to tile illness of her sizter- n111!«, v BroCK anct E community, was very well known | .n-law. Mrs Elizabeth McGowmng Home-coming will be ooserved at afrernoon the Cornelius nort te r e nf He had made hls hu,ne here the meeting October 13. Hit vutiici.u.' the time for a number of Fire D epartm ent was called to the ("“ J. Beaverton school opened Monday. J. Vuylesteke larm , due to a straw >ear4' A beautilul and impressive mov- Hold Wiener Roast stack fire. CM#»*, mg picture depicting the "Lile of Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Bishop and Wiener roast, sponsored by the children D ons and Denny wild Mr Ladies' Aid society, in th e church and Mrs. Henry G ernsh and chll- grove Friday evening was largely HK DEAL IY Kt.AL ESTATE dren Evelyn and Sally Ray picnicked a t’ended The community ¡>mg wa* Write at Rippling W aters Labor Day. led by K enneth Blenkinsop of Sher- Fire and Automobile Insurance r s ) v T •* C'elebrates Birthday wood. The communities of Scholls. Matae Loans and Issue Surety Bonds Emma Jean Russell celebrated Sherwood Beaverton. Hiteon and a her birthday anniversary a t the few from Portland were present K U R A T U A W IS M E R home of her grandmother, Mrs. The affair netted the aid about HILLSBORO. OREGON Edna Russell, Tuesday afternoon, seven dollars 1391 123* Second St. Guests were Joyce. Jean and Buddy Miss Helen Schneider of Port- Barnes. Irene and Esther Hlenie, land visited Septem ber 5 at the A bill is flu* la I place in Uie world f o r a ’’road Mary Lu and Jo h n etta Burbank, home of Mr. and Mrs W C. Hall. and M argaret Jane and Tony _____ ________ and _____ hug." And vvbt'ii w e say “ last place'* we mean Mrs. Ethel ___ McCormick daugh- Dooher. Mrs Edna Russell, grand- ters Misses Grace and Blanche and LAST. Because h •'ll never t'limh a hill again . . . HARRISON D. HUGGINS mother, and Mrs. M. Edson. great- son Virgil went to Hillsboro S atur- not if th e re ’s a « nr coming the other way. The grandm other. were hostesses day to make th eir home for the M. D. Cornelius people were saddened school year. Mtss Blanche will take left side nf the load was made for the other fel- »his week by the passing of Rev. a post graduate course at Hilhi EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT low, tiie right ide for you. Keep to the right, Berthold of Portland, a form er pas- and Virgil will enter his third year SPECIALIST ALWAYS. tor of the Cornelius L utheran in high school church. Interm ent was in the local Mrs. Josephine H attrem and two GLASSES 1 ITTED L utheran cemetery. sons and a friend, all from P o rt­ ? Mr. and Mrs. E Katski of Port- land. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Room .1 Il By Courtezy of land greeted Cornelius friends Mon- VanKleek Saturday GAS RANGES Commercial National Bank Annex XI» day Onion growers in this vicinity fh Pbonee Miss Madeline Ward of Portland have begun harvesting and housing L E N T Z A U T O P A R T S „.•ura gy ve y o u - Q ll t h e s e ^ VII Evidence 2372 has been a guest of her grand- their onions and all have large « ai 2nd .uni ll.tM'liiH* Streets Office 2371 Open Evening« — PDuiir 591 parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A Good- crews doing the work. Onion grow- > it T ,M E C Q N !R O t ers around here are J H. Aten, F i. BRAKE, IGNITION and MOTOR SERVICE Mrs. C. Wells and daughter June Floyd Bierly, J J. VanKleek. Julius ir tempe R atc H e contro of Redmond have been guests of F Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cochran. —— — — • t»v< Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finegan and V. »I A R O M A T IC LIGHTING daughter Miss Blanche and Mr. and U Mrs. Charles Finegan attended state ? H : ' fair Tuesday. IN F L A T E D AND (la\ Charles Black of San Francisco VENTILATED O ÖVEN5 ventilated vens arrived Thursday for a stay with IM li his parents, Mr. and Mrs John no Black. N O N TIPPABLE SHEEV u E S f F Mr. and Mrs Charles Morgan of BEAUTY SHOPS I’llY S I I IA N a n d S I IH .F D N E ast Stanwood, Wash., visited Mr tl» ’ COUNTERBALANCED and Mrs. W. R. Cooke and family Ih » September 4. Mi ' O V E N DOORS EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A, O. PITMAN, M. I). Mrs. W. R. Cooke and daughter •m i Miss Dorothy visited Mr and Mrs. 6 OSI I Oeneral Ilcauty Work PHYSICIAN end HtIRIiKON O. W, Brown and family of Gervais Permanent« and all kinds of Wednesday and Thursday. Wednes- X-Ray and I’hyalo-Therapy Civic Club at Cornelius to Hold Session O THRIFTY FARMERS KNOW SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD SA FETY Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n C U P OUT W SAVE ; REMEMBER WHAT YOU CANT SEE MAY J STILL BE THERE I k e tty , y o u m u s t see m y N ew gas R a n g e ! M odern aaHBMBBl W hy Are HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY STOP G O N E !— T H E HIGH COST OF STOMACH TROUBLE Don't pay $2.50 to $5.00 for relief from stom ach pains, indigestion. Try Dr. Emil's Adla Tablets — 3 weeks' treatm en t only $1. Relief or your money back. Delta Drug store.—Adv. Poultry Supplies Worm Tablets Leg Bands Louse Pow der Remedies Feeds Sprays Sprayers Fountains Tonics We pay cash for poultry. F a r m e r s ’ C a sh S to re Fred - Seed - Eggs Phone 3081 Poultry SIGNS PLACED J beauty work. Telephone IDHlX Balrony Ifillahoro Pharmary PORCELAIN ENAMEL ’ ' • HN'iSH ? Available in Console, Tcible-lop & Other Styles Are You Doing Your Part to REDUCE AUTO ACCIDENTS? • The pride shown by tn owner of a modern new gas range certainly is justified' For 1935-model gas ranges are really something to talk about. They are more effm en t than any other lype of range b tra m t gat provirlit an tn dlttt number nl rnnkmg tern- peraturet, give the desired temperature mstar.tlf, and bat the hwett operating mu «/ ,.»y «wiTW/fw? fuel. These ranges have every modern convenience available lo simplify cooking, baking and canning. T heir radiant btauiy brings exclamations of delight from everyone who sees them. If you are in the market for a new range, by all means see the new gas ranges first. Inspect the many stylet in the Portland Gas Coke Company's showrooms, o r visit your dealer's and let him explain ihe new i w features and terms of purchase. In a recent personal check of 100 cars entering Baseline street (a through street) from the North on First, Second and Third streets only 54 out of 100 came to a Stop. Out of 100 cars coming from the South 71 Stopped. L. J. RUSHLOW tt, P o r t l a n d G a s a C o k e C 1332 W a s h in g to n St. Tills advertisem ent if* printed in eo-operallon vtith the Safety Campaign now being eondueted. DR. I). E. WILEY, M. D. Phyalclan and Hargron a specialty Telephone 1471 WKII/H APARTMENTS Mabel Rchendel DEN riS T S ON YOUR NEW GAS RANGE — IF YOU BUY NOW! DR. RALPH DRESSER D entist Commercial Building INSURANCE Ask your dealer how you get a tem perature control FR EE INHllRANCK HKRVICR Ker Intorm.llen u d i . i . eutidn G arbage Collection AND CANS Telephone 2325 ItUIIBER STAMPS Wa.hlngtnn Cnunly Agenrlee (thole llenh TELKPHONRfl Office 2«H2 Keel den re ««Ml D. P. COBRIERI Telephone H t Keening., Bundar hr Appointment ...... ■' 11 Wells Building g a r ba g e GEORGE T. M c G r a t h SAVE $16 Telephonee IteeMenre 7»lZ All Kinds of Beauty Work o m p a n y Everything in Insurance OHIce 3231 Sanitary Beauty .Shop PERMANENTS oi, Comrnerrlal National Hunk IH.ig linlldlng HUI..... . ehenl Dtrertorr or It BUY YOUR RUBBER STAMPS from HILLSBORO ARGUS Advertisers rail Tha Ar»ua — XlAI I Ml rd<