THE P ag e Two Hazeldale Has Well-Knit Figure Many Students at Beaverton Bv Mi»» Je»n Smith! HAZELDALE Many from this dlatrirt are attending Beaverton high school this year. A fine new bus Is on our route, which includes Km ton district and way points The pupil- front her, are H arriet Knep- uer Pearl Porter, Gail Delhi. Hetty Altisian. M argaret and Virginia Miller. Donna Broad. Pauline Swope. Verne Jeldercks. Donal M cIntosh and K enneth Waldele. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Mills recent­ ly had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Van Sermond and son Janies of Los Angeles, Cal Mrs. Sermond is Mr Mill's slater. They also visited relatives in Heppner while in One- 81M F. Ayres with his son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs Bruce Denny, spent a week at Rockaway rftcentlv. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Syverson, September 8. a girl, Shir- 1* M rn arid Mrs. J. C Smith, Jean Sm ith and Paul O Connor spent »abor Day week-end a t Cannon Jcach Mr. and Mrs Tom Miller and amily spent last week-end a t fachats. They went by way of the Tillamook beaches and returned by ray of the Alsea highway through Jorvallis. . Mrs. William Heil and Joan and »atsy Heil spent a week's vacation ,t Cannon Beach recently. Mr and Mrs Roy Jacobs of Seat- te * SPCIIV spent the week-end Mr. [M aiva-vnvr with .......... . . . n l Mrs. M rs Id Trla W lleV . re- re - Jacobs aunt. a Wiley, * M r Kinchelow has taken over the leadership of the 4-H clubs iince Mr Black moved to G resham Mr and Mrs W P Brooks spent Sunday at Gresliam with Mr and Mrs R. R Beadle Mrs. Beadle is a sister of Mr. Brooks Miss Onalee Shelley of Los An- reles. Cal., spent a few days with tier mother. Mrs. Donal Fraser, recently. Clair McHenry of Eugene spent Thursday with his uncle and aunt. Mr and'M rs W. P. Brooks, and his trandm other. Mrs. Mary McHenry. Miss Hazel Crow of Los Angeles, J a l . has been visiting the past week vith her aunt, Mrs Ida Wiley Mrs John Black Sr was called to 3ardner a week or so ago on ac­ count of the serious illness of her nother Mrs Anna Spencer Mrs. Slack is home again now and •eporta her mother as improved. Verne Jelderks is home after pending most of the summer with •elatives a t Gervais R eturn- from East Miss Mabel Black returned home Tridav from New York, where she .pent the summer w ith friends. She ittended the Century of Progress •Exposition a t Chicago. Miss Biack pent the week-end here with her » ren ts. Mr and Mrs John Black, md then went to Portland, where he is an instructor in Clinton Kel- y High School of Commerce. Vnniversary Celebrated Mr and Mrs Tom Miller cele- irated their wedding anniversary ■ecentlv with a dinner party and ard s ' Guests included Mr. and Mrs. N F. Danford and Mrs. A. L yaniord of Portland and Bill Ri- yaska of Bay City. Attendance Small Rosedale school opened September 1 with Mrs Sabina W hitehead of »loha as teacher. There are only leventeen pupils enrolled with no third graders at all. This is the »mallest attendance Rosedale has »V€T l*3d Charles O'Neil of Tigard, w ho h is Seen supervising the Hazeldaie ichool SERA job has been sent to he Hillsboro airport project Hazel- lale school is being painted this CHURCHES hri-tian Scienc e Society rices are held every Sunday a m.: Wednesday evening es at 8 oclock; Sunday school a. m Pupils up to th e age years are welcomed Sunday's Substance '" erm an M. E. Church. Bethany On Germantown road. Sunday tool every Sunday. 10 a m : Ger- in service. 11 a m first a n d rd Sundays; English service. 11 n i . second and fourth Sundays Î. Julius Tragllo. pastor. tf Banks M. E. Church Sunday school every Sunday 9 4o » m . Mrs H. Jensen superm tend- ent Preaching services by Ellsworth Tilton, pastor, every Sunday eve­ ning, 8 o'clj k. Ladies' Aid meets first and third Wednesdays a t 2 p. m. L- Baptist Church Hcme-com .ng d i v Sunday. A lormer pastor. Rev E. A Smith, will »peak It will be a fine time lor okl and new friends to meet. Br.tig your dinners to the church. Special meeting at 2 30. O ther regular serv­ ices and we want to see vou there. Methodist Episcopal Cburch "hursday evening of this week be observed as Church loyally ht A covered dish supper will held in the basement of t h e irch to which all members and nds of the church are invited program will follow the supper i the plan for the v ears work be outlined Church school next idav morning at 9:45 Miss Rose ,e. acting superintendent. Divine ship at 11 Seimon subject. My ends " Epworth League at 6.30 ■ning service at 7:30. Thus ser- ; will be evangelistic in spirit I in message We believe the od news' has not lost its appeal 1 we invite you to join us on idav evening as we herald this DRINK cFall Jersey Milk ■IETICIANS u n iv e rs a lly ap p ro v e m ilk as t h e al d ie t fo r all purposes.; an ts, ch ild ren , grow n-ups, id p erso n s; invalids, con- esc en ts; a v e rag e m en and m e n ; a th le te s — literally ryone d rin k s o r should nk good m ilk. I t’s the t : th e best h e a lth insur- F o r y o u r d aily m ilk i, d em an d M cFall Jerse y k. Q UART 10c McFall Jersey Dairy Phone 2104 H IL L S B O R O . invited to our fellowship Evening set v ie at 8 Song service and music by voung people - choir Sermon. "Some­ thing Ear G reater I’lian Silvet ami Gold Monday , 4,< p ill Practical workers' class Thursday . 8 p. u i . Midweek service. Annual nueiiiig ot church. October 7. all day lellowslup with basket dinner. It is al-o ■ En­ listment Day lor our "Ten-Week Ix'ialty Campaign Make your ehiireh-honie with us. "The Church W ith a Family Spirit K L. P ut­ nam. pastor. Gospel Meetings A laymen s evangelistic party from Portland will conduct services the Helvetia church September 16 at 7:45. There will be Gospel preach­ ing. good singing, and a variety of instrum ental music. All are cordial­ ly invited to attend ___________ Is at the piano. Mr Weight with tlie ilolln ueeoni pumed by MUs Loteel Haas. Tuesda.x evening visitors at tlu ut Aloha They say th a t pride goeth be­ fore a tall, and Louise Henry, charm ing cinem actress. Is cer­ tainly proud of this sm art knit suit for wear this autum n. It is in tan and brown, the dress be­ ing one-piece with an extra Ja ket. Inverted pleats at the side are an interesting feature, and an advance model fall hat of brown felt with ribbon a n l fe ath er trim , completes th e en­ semble. ar.d the G ardener " At 8 p. m the subject will be "The Old Jewish Tabernacle and Furnishings a s Prophetical and Typical of Christ." This should be of interest both in ­ tellectually and spiritually ao a lull description of the tabernacle and its arrangem ent will be given. Sun­ day school a t 9:45 a n i . Alpha E. K err is acting superintenceti’ D B Bishop will conduct the regular prayer meeting Thursday at 8 o'clock. Come to the little church on the corner. You will re­ ceive a warm welcome. Episcopal Church The Rev. Mr. Gibbs will cele­ brate Holy Communion Sunday. September 16. Sunday school 9:43 Guild meets at the chapel W ed­ nesday. Septem ber 12 Sunday school teachers will meet Thursday eve­ ning at 7:30 at the chapel. Vicar the Rev. R. H. Wtsecarver. Congregational Church The Sunday school will meet at 10 a m under the leadership of R. E. Wilev. with teachers for the different groups. At 11 a m. the Rev T. A rthur Dungun will speak on the topic A Good Word for the Church." Pentecostal Tabernacle Sunday. Sunday school. 10 a. m : morning worship. 11; Your.g People's service. 6 45 p. m. : evangelistic service. 8 p. m. Wednesday. Bible study. 8 p. m. Thursday, prayer meeting, 8 p. m Saturday, evan­ gelistic service. 8 p. m. Pilgrim House September 16; Homecoming S u n ­ day Chapel services of worship at 10:30 a m. and 7:30 p. m. In the morning Pastor Henry S. H aller will preach on "Adore and Be Still, and in the evening th e sermon topic will be "Rooted and Grounded in Love" from the day's Epistle lesson. Ephe­ sians 3: 13-21 Ember days. Septem ber 19. 21 and 22 Days of special prayer for the universal church and the clergy. Harvest Home festival will be cele­ brated on Septem ber 30. the Holy Communion on October 7. C hristian Council groups using the House, meetings as per schedule. Pilgrim Guild. Thursdays at 2 p m. The pastor may be consulted a t the office at 1352 Jackson street. Tualatin Plains Presbyterian Cbarch Sunday school. 10 15 a ni. Morn­ ing service at 11. Sermon by Dr. A Carrick C. E meets at 8 o clock. Leader. Bruce Chalm ers; topic. "Courtesy At their last meeting the C. E. members elected officers for the new year Tlie following members were elected; Christine Robb, president. Wesley Batchelder, iice-president; Mildred Rice, secre- ;ar- K athryn Cawrse. correspond­ ing secretary; George McGee, a d ­ visor. Teacher at Bend Begins 13th Year (By Mm. O. H. Feter*«»nl Grangers , Sponsoring Party ho,ue w>'re Cock­ M'~ Bergdanlie. Barbara (by H C Sly»nt! ALOHA A card party will be given m the Aloha G range hall Saturdav evening Tlie regular week­ ly Old Time dance will be held upstairs and tile cards will lx- play­ ed in the basement. \ l r and Mrs Matt King, accom­ panied bv Mrs George Fish and Mrs Doiinelh of Portland, drove to Bonneville via the Columbia highwai returning on the W ashing­ ton side to Portland Sunday. » rlebrate Birthdays Mr and Mr- EToyd Kvler of Portland -pent Sunday with his parents Mr and Mr- J Fetters. ; elebra'.uig Hie birthdays of Mrs. Kvler and Mrs. Fetters Mr and Mr.- Robert C ham berlain and daughter Virginia and Mr and Mrs Will Abbott spent Sunday at the beach Alfred Finnell will leave Sunday for Corvallis to attend college. Ketel Home Sold Mr and Mrs. A rthur Ketel sold their home to Mr. and Mrs Jolui Shaw, who camo here recently from North Dakota They expect to move in Friday. Mead have Mr and Mrs Philip .......... ..................... ,d :n : Si m a k e r house M r, H I S der ha.- received word that her husband is confined m the CCC station hospital nt Fort Douglas Utah, suffering from a nervous break-down. Jesse Rellv is suffering from a badly infected foot. Born, to Mr and Mrs Oeorge Sheilds. a girl. Septem ber 10. School started Monday in the Aloha-Huber school with the same -ta il of teachers as last year and an approximate enrollm ent of 180 pupils. Miss Alice Hill of C alifornia is visiting Mrs Wilma H ershberger ut the home of Mr.- Hershberger's mother. Mrs O.-ear Mason S Rogers, who underwent a m ajor operation for a ruptured a p ­ pendix at the Coffey Clinic recently, is improving. Miss Hilda A-h(ord. who lias been ill tor some time was returned to the Good Sam aritan hospital in a very serious condition. BEND—Bend school opened Sep­ tember 4 with an enrollment ot 24 First graders starting were Marian Eisner and M artin Baggenstos. Mis- Frances Post will teach again. Tlit- year will be her th irteen th year at Bend school. Wiener roast and social held by the Km ton Ladies Aid in the grove at the K m ton church Friday u n ­ attended bv a number from this community. Mrs O J. Tollefson and son D.'nald returned September 5 from prune picking at Dundee. Mr and Mrs Bert Meyer visited several days in Seattle. Wash., re­ cently. Born, to Mr. and Mrs Garrison of near Scholls, formerly of this community, twin boys. Otto Meyer and sons Bert and Alvin Meyer -pent th e week-end at the beach. Mrs Doane of Vancouver. Wash a ho Is spending several weeks with her son H. L Doane, and family, spent two week- recently at Y aki­ ma. Wash . visiting h er son. Hoppicking at tlie H M Nixon hop ranch was completed the first of this week Mr and Mrs Frank Anoerson and twin.- Marian a n d Richard have returned to the., home in Port land after spending s e v e r a l wt ks with Mr- Ai de, n s s; -e r Mildred md borther Feed S.emlioff. They I :ed hops at the Steinnolf Illy Ki-l'i r»a l'i c»nip Fir* Girt«l & Nixon nop fields Sunday visitors at the Floyd R af- Mr ar.d Mrs Alvin North a t­ fety home were Mr. and Mrs E W. tended stati fair September 4. Mr and Mrs Leo Gnoison and Haas and daughter- Loi-el and Iola daug'iterr returned last week from ot Sheridan Mr and Mr- Chester several days' vacation at their sun - Merrill and son Jack. Mr. and Mrs. mcr home at the m ountain. Mr. Clvde Lincoln and sons Wayne and and Mr Weaver, parents of Mr . Wt -ley of Hillsboro, Roy Jackson Gholson, also spent several days and son John. Mrs. M arla Jackson. Mr and Mrs S. W H ahn of Bank- at the mountains. Tom Crane and Eawall Weight The afternoon was spent in music by Subscribe for th e Argus. M ountaindale vo ....... .. rell and Jess Carson, all of Portland Mi and Mrs. Joe Baker and chil­ dren. Joseph and Anita, visited Mr. Baker.- folk-. Mr and Mrs Henry Baker and fumili of Ml Angel Sunday W D Hopper ot Fortwortb Texas. Is visiting tils cousin, C. S Rev - Hold.-, of M ountaindale It has been fifty years since they have seen each other Mr and Mrs Steve Baloslui and son Donald ot Seattle visited ut the Fred Schw under home last week Gordon and Merle Layton of Mountaindale have returned from a visit with their brother Mr and Mis Marvin l.ivton of Calttornl.i T heir brother and wife returned with them Mr and Mr- Hubert Smith and soil Earl. Mr and Mr- Grin lXuetv and daughter of Shadv Brook spent a few d a is at C utler City Meacham school opened Mondav Many hop yard- will finish p u k ­ ing tilts week Miss Etna Bergan ot California visited at tlie J. L VanDomelen home last week . « M m in tim Christian Church Lord's Day church school 9:45 a m C H Nosier, superintendent. Schools have started again. Now- le ts all get down to real business in th e church for fall and winter We have a great program ahead of us A "Ten-W eek Loyalty Cam - ibot p aig n " Come h ear all about it. Morning worship. 11 o'clock. Special music. Sermon. "Can the Lord De­ pend On You?" Every member, as well as friends, urged to h ear this message Christian Endeavor 7 p m. Junior. Interm ediate and Young GROCERIES Fri. - Sat. - Mon. lly Muhel II 29C STARCH C orn or Gloss 2 pkgs. 14c Toilet Tissue 5 rolls 23C CHEESE M ade in T illam ook city 2 lbs. 29c KRUCHEKS’ KASH GROCERY Free Delivery Phone 2001 Special» for the W eek « n«l Sept. I-I and IS FLOUR THE HAI.I.KS IlilTil E ll-loT H O l't'tfo tl w h e a t. 4 9 - lb . s a c k $1.69 Tomato Juice 27c Cid Dutch J..' '* CLEANSER - . .r , 2 V A Ñ ." . 'i •/ ' '', El..A Vi >R I AS I E HEALTH SCHOEN S BREAD Sliced PERFECTION BREAD Unsliced 15c R IC E 13c 12c L am i B lu e R o se 19c Ihs. The.-»' prices are uniform i,■ your gnxer's and at our bakery, your lioti'e town bakery We employ local peoplr and buy local prixluels. Try a loaf today and be »•onvllleixl of tlie outstanding quality. Deviled Meat ST U D E N T S R ed Make our t .ikerv vour headquarters for the added LUNCH DEl.tCACIF.S Q O Alii ó; W hit i 13c cm n» ERFECTION B AKERY V SO A P 19c (Piggiy Vfiggti ALBERS FREE DELIVERY M. J. B. COFFEE 30C 3-lb. tin 8 7 c TREE TEA Green. 47c Pearltt of W heat 1 lb . ti n 19c Pkg. 1 -lb . WHITE KING'S PHONE 3251 Located Corner 2nd and Main Streets G R A M LATED- Large pkg. I ? » L E T Peanut B u tter f h C hipped BeeS 9c Pound S n a d h e W tti T ry it cream ed on to ast. Regular 15c jar 10c tall tins 15c FBANCO AMEKltAN' 2 For quickly prepared hot lunch. ARMOUR’S. D eviled Meat Tuna Fish Spinach ff cans Best for C le a rw a te r F lakes. No. */2 **n i . ’» . 2 l/z tins S' » a b 31c 7 bars CLEA N SER— Sun bri tc. 3 cans 5 ................ 25c SALT Morton's. 8 .b. i Bag 17c CORN FLAKES lie Del Monte G R A P E F R U IT — No. 2s. 2 for 25c ASPARAGUS— Early G ard en . No. 1 tin 4 pkgs- 2 Box Jersey brand. RAISINS s s r 1 4 CATSUP A A T I IZ Armour'a or IVÍIG.IV Mt Vernon “ Bag 22c IOC J ‘I Cans AlO OQ V p CRACKERS I.b. L" salted. Superior brand. SALMON « Tall Cans Tall VANILLA "IThotue G uaranteed not to bake out. COFFEE,X'“k Trs"'* 2OC 3 lbs........................................................... 59c FLOUR $ 1 .5 9 Milled by Sperry. M ASO N JARS Atlas wide DEL MONTE SALMON— No. 1 tall. 2 for Del Monte R eg u lar size. 19c 1». 10c Del Monte Powdered Sugar 3 MOP STICKS— Each PIM IEN TO S— S m „ l I ins. 3 for 15c 25c 3 Pkg. MAZOLA OIL— 1-quart tin 15c 93c mouth. 14c 25c 25c CORN— G olden B antam . No. 2s. 2 tins PEETS GRAN. 29C 37c 27c PALMOLIVE Large pkg. an d w ith each large pkg. g e t a m edium pkg. FREE. SOAP 6 b .r . (or 29C IVORY SOAP— Medium bar POSTUM P o rte r’s, pure. 2 p»». 25c Del Monte MACARONI 23c 29c 29c for and get 1 FREE 22c 15c 23c 25c i -• DEL MONTE SUPER-SUDS BROWN SUGAR lie It: 1 D ll - I 'ltl U>_Duiker- Pint POSI TD ASTIEH— 2 for CAIO DOG EOOIK— 3 C4IIM < AMPHEI.I/S s o l p —AU klmL TUNA— u,.s. Each iea. tasty sandwiches P o peye sez. it will m ake you strong. 29c W hite King S u g g e stio n s Sor S ch o o l L unches L ight G olden C. 10 bars 1 pkg. P e e t’s S oap fre e “ (>» hm I Thinit* Io Eat” FR E E SR DELIVERY L1 H OW \ GOODS P eet’s Grnnulnteii September 24 Mountain 11 m e i i; i -i II l > l l l 1 school will open next Monday in ­ stead of Septem ber 10 as stated hi T rlrplionr 451 Main Street last week's items. Dr F E Ferrll has had his it r < k II 1’ N T E It s blai kcap berry bushes grubbed out S3 50 Cake ........... ......... for lai'Ki [•vt Mule I> er and k- making plans to put out fil­ SJ 50 Cake bert trees in their place Tlie berry Large pkg*. for tiKMit number points patch on the E’errll farm was so S2.00 Cake for largest spread horns ( Liuti! o n e J i k Jr I »haded in it- location that tlie MuM. reglaU'r and place your bread c»rden» m advanc e berries were extremely late in m a­ turing The m arket wa- usually f Jt.K M*« }(.X K M :<,« W U H « M « M « MHU -f K K.U »< :: M M . I Jt « )t R î t H « K I I K K K J T closed and the driers shut down be­ fore tlie crop could be Harvested. ® iî Clover seed in this vicit tty was being tiirt -lied la -t w > • > and tin' early part of tins week Farm ers realized a good yield tills vear with heavy hay crops and <>od m aturity on late clover tor seed County Agent Cyrus and E. R Jackm an of the college found crop conditions good here while inspect­ ing potatoes last wei k. Ri»coe Courtney has been busy hauling wood to Portland custom ­ ers. . , Tlie hops in the Pet is yard here were harvested last w ck there bt - ing only a few days work Feature» for Friday and Saturday, Sept. 14 and 15 Mrs Ferd Ser-cti aaid two daugh­ ters who have been vlsltuig her mother. Mr- Arena Courtney, left O ATS SOAP V 2.» Made by Perfection vJX.tlCH.ri to O l x*n Monday AURRYÇ K n ig h t's R ogue R iver L arge 2 'a can. Breads of Quality F a ir w a y M a rk et K e rr’s R olled. 9-lb. bag for I heir home tu lav- A n g e l e s Schulmericli Cile» t «»«• 1 liui.-dai In train Not cm mg to Loral Suc»«'»»ini Farmer make tlie long motor drive she had Edward Mchlllinei Ich. pre .ldciil ol her ear shtpiied. Clarence NeL-on a n d brother (la* Commercial National bank, cites Elmer ol Scholls tell Inst week foi Ila' case ol Victor 1 iheyne iv- a flood River valley to woik In Via Im m er th at I- making gixxl In a line wav Laheyne, he suju iiur- apple hill vest Itlllw Ml— IX'iuan- Saundeis and house chased 3d aeres noi I hm st ot a n d Ixao about three year» ago guv.-t. Mis. Edna M n lllll'kce, have now leni has II about p u d oil Hi one In the apple district near Wenatchee W a-h, io work in the cd lid u ric , nearby tills vrar and pl.mied It I» liatrv veteli, which re­ lun le.-ling ol the apples hlm a i cable sum cleat Miss Maxine Allison of Portland turned Through his efforts th l- year. amt Carl M artin of the Cruiser Sehulmerleh Ilu- farm er lia­ Sail l'i anel.-eo wen' Sunday eve­ lleen able lo -laic. « Iddd on the pul ning gin I . ol Mi and Mrs George chase prill' pai of Hie tallii beside Allison. Mr and Mrs Charles Flynn ot keeping Ids taxe.-, paid up Portland -|x n t .Sundae and Mon you're leaving me 'The Girl dav at lie'll country home here Mi ami Mr- lieoige Allison and torcici?" IX * s|x i|id e ilt S u ll o i " V e s V oli a l e -on visited Clarence Mllson and family In llicir eamp at the Mei I a d e a r , s w e e t g u i M a l h e ilie n bles- Harding h o p iaid at G rand Island and keep m u I wish 1 c o l l i d i l i - t o u t to " Ex Sunday Tigard busses made their early morning call and pieged up Tigard high pupils lor ii'g st rat ion Mon­ DR. R. J. NICOL day Several ol them quit hopplck me lobs to enter Iliad O th c's DR. E. W. AI.MQUIST — ill eider later Picking of hops In the P ia tt yard Veterinarians was completed Saturday. The crew began the mu vest Illg . I the hop- Telephone 613 anti 613 at the Janie- Middleton yard Mon­ day. X if lova x xtXlx x XX a xutxx.x x x m i x x x irjux x x x a a a a x a a a x ala aix xia.xa i Srh»> n IV IO IIIIU U II Trinity Lutheran Church Services will be conducted In English at 10 30 a m and in G er­ man at 11:30 Sunday school begins promptly at 9 45. Sermon subject. Doe- D eath End All?" Job 14. 14 You are cordially welcomed to wor­ ship with us. T hin-da> , S ep tem b er 13. 1931 OREGON Local Man Directs Orchestra People All young folks not atten d ­ ing any other society are welcome New cotnera especially ARGUS, Foursquare Church Fiery one is cordially m u ted to attend our se n let's God is blessing and souls are being saved, so you miss much when absent. Il you Jimmy Diertckx and his famous Oregon sta ll' orchestra furnished music tor more than a thousand students at the mtei -collegiate ball in have no church home try to a t­ Portland recently The orchestra's popularity Is due chiefly to the tend our services starting Sunday morning At t> 45 is Sunday school. outstanding style it has developed through specially w ritten urrange- 11 o'clock, morning worship 8 30 nii'iits by Mr. Diertckx Robert Heesaeker and Arnold McCoy, all of Crii-.ider meeiuig. and 7 30, our big this county Tlie orchestra has just returned from a successful season's evangelistic service. Good music, engagement at Rixkaway beach Dterickx and his orchestra will return good singing and the band will be to Oregon s u ite college in the lirst week ot tx to b e r During the playing past year his band furnished the major portion ot the music for the Tuesday evening at 8 o clock student body and leading fraternity d am e- on tlie campus He will prayer meeting and Bible study again be regularly featured during the winter m onths at the Hotel Friday night at 8 o'clock another Benton Diertckx is second from the left In front and Arnold McCoy evangelistic service. Free Methodist Church he wicked through the pride of ountenance will not seek after God is not i n a l l h i s ghts." Psalm 10:4 Esther H. ier. Portland district evangelist, speak a t both services Sunday, ember 16. at the Free Method- liurch The subject at 11 a m. be ''The Vine, the Branches, H IL L S B O R O SOFTASILK Instant 4-oz. 5c Cake Flour 25c ED ’S M A R K E T Í3 " 31c In th e r e a r of 1‘iggly W iggly S to re Quality Meats sold for less STEER POT ROAST Join the Safety Campaign Stop at All School Croasinga! Price» E ffective Friday, Saturday and M o n d ay— Sept. 14, 15 and 17 9c SWEET PICKLES or M ayonnaise— 15c Pound FREE DELIVERY SHORTENING P ure v egetable. 3 lbs. for GROUND BEEF No (c re a i. I.b. Saturday, Sept. 15th 30c 10c PHONE 3131