THE Page Ten North Plains Given Award for E fforts Fortner County Couple \\ cd 5* H IL L S B O R O ARGU S. Car company v> Herbert F W hile dismissal; J. II Collier vs Leonard Brown., 1 oouns-M odin Hardware company v.s D C G rant et al.d efau lt, judgm ent. Liquidators vs G eorge A Snell et ux. default, judgment liquidators vs M I- Greeley et al. detault and Judgment. Nellie F lt.'ggess et vir vs Fred J W \at. et al. decroe, Bettie Vogl vs Henry T Ash. order. 11 11 Sm ith ears (By Mm. M erritt Jack son) A Mae Welt vs Jo n a s G Wolt. dismissal; Robert NORTH PLAINS— Mr». R uth Moyer arid Mrs. Jessie Mays a tte n d ­ ed the parent-teacher school held tn Forest Grove last Saturday. Mrs. Moyer received a "standard certif­ icate. which means th at the North Plains association standardized last year with a membership of 43. Mrs Moyer is president for the ensuing year and Mrs. Mays Is program chairm an. Edward and Bert W alter left Wednesday to atten d the Pendleton Round-Up. Arcade school opens September 17 with Miss Eugenie Cypher as teacher. Mr and Mrs Vernon Turner of Hillsboro. Eugenie Cypher and C h ar­ les Reynolds returned Monday from a few days' vacation at Rockaway. A number of children from hero went to Forest Grove church of C hrist Sunday evening and put on a twenty minute dem onstration ol the Vacation Bible school. Mr and Mrs. Phillip Arndt of Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert W alter Sunday- Charles W alter spent last week at the state fair A G. K roetch's bid for school S Tillman vs Elizabeth Mary T ill­ man. dismissal; and Wilkes Ab­ s tra c t A- ru le company vs. H L. Tucker et ux. dismissal. Probate orders were issued In tlie following estates Middleton S H an- ckel. K atherine Cells. Jolui M ain­ land. Jolui H Dorland. George Ja. ob Ziegler. Johnethon Hackman. A rthur Schmidt. Ida M Patrick. Norman Annes and Clement R W lutall G uardianship orders were issued for the Huson and VanKleek minors. Hilhi Grid H opes Hit by Graduation (Continued from page 1) H IL L S B O R O , Joseph Werre, 88, Dies .it Sherwood lo th e end th a t re b ates a n d mt est would go lo thi' county gela'ial th e valions funds was recnm incndixl by the group A sia le association Kti. rcsi.tciit of ol tax collectors was form ed Joaeph Werre Hr the Sherwixxt district for many years, died at lit* home FrUtay morning Funeral sen Ices were laid Horn Hollingsworth chapel ill New berg and Ht Paul s L utheran church at Slierwood Monday afternoon In ­ term ent was in the church cem e­ tery, Mr Werre was born ot G erm an ixirontage tn southern Roumanla June 5. 184<> was united In m a r­ riage with Elizabeth Welts In 188.1 and shortly afterw ards came to the United States, first settling at North Dak.Ka After a tew yixirs t h e y moved to Portland and five years later lo their present home near Sherwood. Deceased Is survived by tin widow four sons and three daughters us follows E R , George ami lXm Werre Mrs Oscar Anderson. Sher- wood; J E Werre, Hillsboro. Mrs C C Demmln. Cornelius, and M is Carl Asbalir. Portland. Liberty L0311 Bonds Are Being Redeemed year men. Curtis Hultt. the 1933 regular guard, graduated. The backfield set-up was equally FMurth Liberty loan bonds b ear­ as liard hit as tile luie. Drexel Thrapp. quarter, and Waldron ing serial numbers ending In two Thompson, fullback, having been or eight have b»'en called for re ­ Their children are. L. H. Adkin- >»st through graduation, and Art demption Gctoln-r 15 and interest Mr. and Mrs. O. E Adkuison. who will stop on that date, according to word received here Conversion privilege started Monday u n d e r which holders of these bonds may fUbert harvesting. 'B e n V anB uren of They state th at the secret of a long ' ^ lnson' t W iUiT a!ld .i^ >cn for Quarterback Both are letterm en exchange them for 31, per cent Mr. and Mrs. ^ eek^end treasury bonds of 1944 and 1948 of and liappv marriage is to "bear Adkmson. Bellingham. Wash. There Vernon Cook is the only letterm an W auna were w ¿w ard Mover with one another Natives of Clay are 23 g n indchU possibility for halfback with Tom or for 2 '. per cent treasury notes Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moyer Bronleewe. George Rice and Robert due in 1938 Parent-T eacher ladies enjoyed a county. Kansa they have lived in grandchildren. Home Owners' Iatan corporation Court«»»* New »- Telegram. Patterson as candidates from re ­ day of quUting at the home of Mrs Oregon since 1914. serves. First year men tliat have bonds bearing four per cent Inter­ Merritt Jackson Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Charles Lehman defeated by the 1933 legislature b r­ been making outstanding showings est are also exchangeable for g u ar­ and Mrs Freda South of Portland cause of the economy program, but are Lowell Chase and R ichard Absi anteed three per cent Home Own­ visited friends here September 4 attem pt to secure funds wUl At present there is no outstanding ers Laxin corporation coupon bonds Miss Frances Millet is attending probably be renewed at the forth- possibility for the pivot position due in 1952 These bonds are g u ar­ hlgh school at St. Mary s coming session. held last year by Gaie Woodworth. anteed by the government as to (Continued from page l> Mrs. M erritt Jackson and daugh- ________________ Wayne G uetter lias had some ex­ principal interest Conversion priv­ ter spent the week-end as a guest berger of Beaverton route 2 when perience as center whUe Wesley ilege for these expires October 27 of Mrs. Jackson s sister, Mrs F. P \ liitiiiit” lie plead guilty in the local justice Stout, a new m an on tile squad, is Bush, and family of Independence ’ a n i l . vri j t i n i u i of the peace court to a charge of showuig promise. and also attended the Salem fair reckless driving Wesley E Perry, Regular season will open October Mr and Mrs. Bert W alter and also of Beaverton route 2. plead 14 and tile schedule is still ui the Elaine Schaefh attended state fair Advantages of juiuor colleges were guilty the same day to having no coinpTeUon*.'a?i“w4mg"w Friday m ined by R T. Oliver of the llcenie aI'd was fined So tioodnlan. The flret game of \ llt. Mr and Mrs. Ray Jackson are outlined W C Christensen, vice-president attending the Pendleton Round-Up. Vancouver W ash . junior college an^ costs. season will be against the alunuu Mr and Mrs Julius Schoenberg faculty in seakmg before the Hills- fin e of »100 and sentence of 30 , Friday and next against Jef- of the Commercial National bank, were guests Of Mr. and Mrs. John Rotarv clu§ Thursday. f ^ d days tn the county jail were .m- in IM « £ i d the was bark at hla desk Monday m orn­ K ram ck of Vernonia Sunday. Amacher an. P>»*d Tuesday upon Frank Hoskins ln l w tland tin ing after a vacation hike of 200 Amacher was was chairm chairman. ^ - r ^ T r ^ T * ,WhCn, ** ,PI^ A?unuu for Friday s game miles. He returned lu re Saturday This plan brmgs colleges into as follows. night with his family from M arsh­ communities where t h e students « ^ 2 “ .¿he. l ^ a l justice of the luis „„„„„..vs can go an d also permits of more peace court to a charge of driving Laurel F ro « , right end Dick S uth- field. The scheduled trip was 280 miles economy, he said. Seventy-five per while drunk. j . j crland, right tackle; Willard Hughes, from Seaside to Marshfield, but cent of or tne the students at H arvard are * Fine of »10 and costs w was u urcieu meted rltfht ,Jt ffUAri4 gUiU.d; tjoorue George ikuzlev Uaglcy. center. he had to give it up 60 miles north T IG .A R D -P relim in arv plans fb , “ * - 75 ■ « * » 2* X Î Î T ,Ä T2 2 of Marshfield on account of luck of the annual W ashington ? o u n t y of b etter preparation, takes î_hhe ‘ h é J n l e ^ J,,m v left tackle; Don Sha C hristian Endeavor convention at rare °f them at “ im portant time P e a « court when he plead gunty tuck lefl end Hubert Welch, quar- time He uveraged 25 miles of walk­ th e Beaverton C hristian church Oc- of life and aids in determ ining to h atin g no operator s license. The i u,rt,a 1 t d l l l Ci G ilt hands of societies by the end of Jui J' 31.°*. >'ear- attorneys; L C. Melqulst vs. C. F n tm r its C ' fn c t this week A one-fourth registration 1 arent-T eacher associations and L Cox et al. order for publication L .I ltt \ i l l k ^ O I ll C S t Uniform procedure on Issuance of Is desired by October 1. ” American Legion posts of this dis- of summons: Harry L. Flint et ux iContinued from p » k » n Convention committee includes tn c t have enlisted in the campaign vs Morris Rodgers et ux dismissal nine II- Jean Ann Connell of certificates of delinquency on taxes unpaid prior to 1930 and in s t a r t­ Dorothy Howrea of Forest Grove, and will assist in spreading safety Andy Chrlstener vs. W. S. H arris Jackson.' seventh canning II; Ar and Mildred Jam es and Rev. R. L. information tn schools and else- default Judgment: Mark T. Cox. thur Jacques of Durham, first camp ing foreclosure action was consid­ P utnam of Hillsboro. where, accuidmg to word received executor, vs. Carl A. Hoffman et cookery; Jean Person of Hillsboro, ered Friday a t Salem by tax col­ from state heads of these groups. al. overruling demurrer, order; A fourth cooking III; and Patricia lectors of the state. W ashington was represented by Sheriff J. Gerrow vs. M att King, overruling Moyer of North Plains, n in th in county J. W Connell; District Attorney G dem urrer; B B. Reeves et ux vs. cooking ILL t F B. Waite, sustaining dem urrer; | Marjorie Meek a n d Jean Ann Russell Morgan; E A G riffith, county personal tax collector; and A I ^ nin’-a Ludwig vs Pearl T. Thyng Connell o f Jackson representing Miss Gladys Eisner, deputy tn charge 111. I lG 3llC t? k j3 !U S et i ir. allowing m otion. Sam Lud- Washington county in th e cooktnu of Championship of the local soft­ collections. __________ (C ontinued from rau e 11 '*'ig vs. Pearl T. Thyng et vir, allow - dem onstration placed fifth. ball league will be determ ined Sun- Chances in complicated tax laws day afternoon a t Shute park when Hill school new sewer svstem in- lng motIon Lillian Ludwig vs. Pearl Awards won by county Future th e National G uard and Perfection su jjed w ' -ake care o f'd rain ag e I T h>'nS et >lr- allowing motion; Farm er boys were Orvall Miller of J " t .u 011/1?16' from 1,16 rooi- Painting and kalso- 2 Uyi Mount vs M arshall T _R yan Forest Grove, first hog self-feeoer header. The Guards copped the first Tiie p eler Boscow school €t. sustaining dem urrer; Camita project, first disc-harrow project half title and the Bakers took th e i ^ a b o painted a n d k X m i S d Abernathy vs. William Heesacker et first machinery repa.r project and second division. The game is called for 2 p. m. Playground equipm ent was m - ux, overruling dem urrer; Louise tied for fourth ln the egg laying Stevens vs. Allan Stevens et ux. j m arathon; Francis Barnes of For- —----------------------stalled a t th e Peter Boscow and . * « •. . David Hill schools during the sum- dismissal; J. D Sterling vs. W. M. est Grove, third hog self-feeder t ^ 3 p i t o l I \ e W ’S J ^ e t t e r mer through the co-operation of the Robinson, dismissal; Henry Adolf project; and Wayne Hoover of For- school board and the local American vs. S. S. Kingery et ux, dism issal; 1 est Grove, second machinery re- (Continued from page 1) Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Paul P atter- John C. Aydelott vs. Florinda pair project. — ent act which ties the two offices son of Hillsboro was instrum ental K nighten et al. vacating decree. | publication of summons; August I Final Meeting Set together, but th a t could no doubt in obtaining these facilities, Foege vs. Melvin Fielding e t ux. be arranged. G ehlhar has made an Final session of the Washlng- outstanding success as m anager of default, decree; August Gundolf v.s. ton county board of equalization the fair. Taking the institution Edgar Rehse et ux, overruling de- opened this morning a t the court when it was bankrupt and when murrer; R Schmidt vs. O. Bates house Following completion of the many of its friends wanted to sus­ et ux. dismissal; W A Johnston, boards work county valuation to- pend it tem porarily he has paid off trustee vs. William Muir et ex. tals will be prepared and released all of the indebtedness which he (Continued (C ontinued from from page ij I) dismissal; Ideal Dairy vs. Banks r.txt week, according to J E Car- inherited from his predecessors and tlcular reference to slow and tough Creamery, I n c . dismissal; Lizzie penter. county assessor K uratli et vir vs. W R. Clapp et put the fair on a self-supporting cases, basis. This year's show, in many The m eeting adjourned after vot- ux. default, decree; Sable Motor Say you saw U in tlie Argus. S iz e s 4 t o 18 y ears. respects. was the best in the history inS to m eet again a t th e Pacific of the state. The grounds and build- International Livestcok exposition Sturdy o v era lls in solid ings were in better condition, ex- hi Portland about October 10. blues a n d l i b e r t y hibits and displays fully up t o ------------------------- stri pes. standard and t h e entertainm ent J -io o - S i o n - 1 i n Special features far above the average as O lg H - U p J i a r i S witness th e capacity crowds of th e t j m week G ehlhar says th at his pres- h n t n i « ^ a rfe.reS Wlth ? nVate (Continue fmm p . , . ,, business and means a personal sacri- ocularly to emphasize the fact th a t Big anniversary assort­ i ' ^ o n h i s part, but as m anager without exceptions these contracts m ent. O ver 300 p ieces of the fair he could devote a t least must be sigmed next week if they a p a rt of his time to private af- are to be signed at *11. to se le c t from . M AIN STREET fairs and Oregon will have to go _______________ C hoice a long way to find a man who can Births M AIN 81 do as good a job with its annual Hertel—To Mr and Mrs Frank Boy»’ S p ecial agricultural and industrial exposi- Hertel of route 2 Forest Grove, tion. September 8, a girl. Grand Jury Indicts Three Here Monday Christensen Back from 200-miIe Hike Colleges C ited T hursday. Septem ber OREGON C. E. Council Has Convention Plans rxr— ills; Uniform Procedure rsxes Considered City Softbsll Tcsms _ c I -T-- i City Schools Show to Seek Lesgue 1 it le 7. , _ . Ixual Society Plans Play / on Next Friday / "The B rid e s m a id .' a three-act comedy, will be presented Heplemlxr 21 a t 8 p, in. In the Grange hall bv the local ChiLslian Endeavor society. Marian Peters 1» stage manager and Robert 'Flipper business maiutger M em bers oi tig» east include Lc . x e t Mere INCXt Monday Consider» P lan Here Finance and election problems were considered by the county dem ­ ocratic central com m ittee meeting here Friday at the Wilkes Abstract A lftlc company Mis Celia l’urdin of Purdin has been named second vice-chairman by Cliairm an W P Fisk and J E Morrissey has been elected treasurer to (ill Ol^ vacancy caused by the resignation of Rob­ ert E Burns uf Forest Grove Stamped Gixxls 10c Prompt Service . . . Uncle Sam has relented from his th reat to cut off Oregon's share of unemployment relief funds enough 1 to come thorugh with the regular' allotm ent for September. Harry L. Hopkins, federal relief adm inistra­ tor. in a telegram to Governor Meier, says th a t the attem p t to finance unemployment relief through the sale of certificates of indebtedness, Stands for has convinced him of th e state's good faith, hence the September allotm ent. W hether the allotm ents will continue to come Is not indi- , , , * .. cated. The supreme court will prob- ' acem akers in the a rt of j ably pass on the validity of the pro- taking care of custom ers is I posed certificates before another , , , m onth rolls around t h e Chevrolet Motor Co. This store will be open nights and a p art of Sundays. .... , ’ ’ ’ _ F all colors and weights. Asparagus N atural Le Us Tell You About theiT hrough this process we are ¡obtaining more patronage PETER ’S and em ploying more labor, helping the local m arket for B IG B U C K farm ers and m erchants. See our window for inform ation on local prizes. Bristol H ardware Your C o-operation in this N ew D eal Plan is S olicited. Hillsboro MotorCo. JAMES WHITELAW, Manager 3rd and W ash. P hone 441 "Better Used Cars for Less” 25c 3 for Red & W hite 2 for 25c 69c : , B oy»’ .............. C h ild ren ’s N ew R abbit Hair Dresses 14c 3 for Boy»’ ‘ 'K ayn ee” BLOUSES SHIRTS Soap C le a n s e r 20-M ule T eam Borax Old Dutch 2 for SO AP 24c Large C rystal W hite R egular size 10 bars 69c 79c matle f o r The finest school and play. Values to $1.25. Sweaters C H IPS 15c • Ask about the Old Dutch Prize Contest) 49c S p ecial P alm olive Sliced s Ju st arrived. Values to »3.50. Soap B e e ts CO N TEST E nter Y our N am e N ow ! 35c 2 for at all tim es Given in Cash Prizes Calo Red & W hite wa. Guaranteed Service ’200°° Dog Food 3 giv- j Sale Caps Specials for Sep tem b er 14 and 15 and it is our policy to carry The fire m arsh als office has de- 1 d ared two fram e buildings a t the wut foe factory plan of school for blind to be fire traps and in*/ g e n u i n e f a i r - n r i c e r l recommends their replacement with K g nuine la ir priced more substantial structures. An ap- _ propriation for this purpose $4.98 M en’» A ll W ool CHEVROLET/^ S E R V IC E School Suits Big assortm ent 32c Many other items specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good Sept. 14 - 15 only. For women, hoys and girls. Slip-overs a n d coat styles. Also boys’ “cartoon” sw eat shirts in a big sale. Sp ecial 49c More Corsets And brassieres. S p ecial .............. 10c Money to Loan on im proved city property and good farm s STIM SO N Sergeant C H Greenwell of the United S tates army recruiting of­ fice in IMrtluiid wiu. here Tuesday lining up men for the service He went on to b'oreM Grove W ednes­ day Sergeant Greenwell say» 'h a t there are n number of vacancies tn Hawaii and ln domestic service. It* cruiting offices are a t 323 P u « O f­ fice building ut Broadway and G il­ son, Portland USED CARS B O U G H T and SOLD A g en cy W illy s 77 Com e in for a I M ts PA IN IF II G as - O il - A ccessories Used Car Exchange A g en cy for Nash and H udson and T erraplane 2n<| -n d W(, , h- P hone 2M1 | Butterfat Going Up 5 V •I ^ O w l'K in te c r. u p s O al*' g o in g to show you n p ro fit thi w in g to d r o u th c o n d itio n s in e a - ' feed prices w ill tie higher. Now is the tim e to lay in your su p p ly of I. X. L. DAIRY FEED " T h e F eed th a t is p ro v e n best by te n t” W'e also h a v e low est p rices oil Mill F e e d s H IL L S B O R O F E E D C O ■ P hone 271 1004 M ain St EVERY ‘ A A J W ELL-DRESSED LEG NEEDS C 'J S T O M -F IT TOP by Phoenix A nniversary SPECIAL 21c 10c Bargain O u tin g fla n n e ls , p rin ts, c re to n n e s , c u r ta in ings, gin gh am s. P er yard ~ J J LUC • Why? Bee, him * Custom-Fit 'I <>p strrtclirn /xii/i ways. Up anil down. Or round und round, if you need it there. Fils like tlm •kin, und is oh so comfortahla fo r e v e r y b o d y ! P h o e n ix ” D«ggy” eol»r» for the «mart leg, too S/mnitl, Setter, CJIie,Crey- I i o i i i i i I. Anil the I’I km 'I ux ’’long- mileage” fool for extra wear. Overcoats All wool for men and boys’. G et them now while we hav e your size. $5.00 Rummage Sale Continues in Ready-to- W ear departm ent. 500 garm ents f o r women and children. Your ch oice »uJLCx Dress Shirts For men! Plain colors and stripes. 14 to 17. Special 79C H illsboro O regon M en’s and Boy«’ G O SS AR. I) Solid Sh(H’s T w o-W ay t 1 Stretch Ö tc p -I ll O xfords and sh oes that w ear and fit. W eil's sp ecial. Per pair $1.98 Is Iirin A b o u t Hi School Brogues For growing girls! Also women's shoes, t i e s, straps and pumps. An­ niversary Q t) special v JL***C f Boy»’ and Girl»’ Union Suits Fleece lined and ribbed. All styles, all sizes. Special. Your ch oice 49c ■ ; ? J ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Three pools, each 40(1 yards Best six-eord Special I O nki an <1 Sed an N ath Sed an D od ge D elivery Buick T ouring 1930 C hevrolet Sedan ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Nominations will be made al the meeting of Hillsboro post. American Legion, ut Veterans hull Friday night A report of the nominations committee compoeed of Fred En- geldtnger. 11 L McKenzie and W Verne McKinii y wlli be ¡¡lade. Elec­ tion will be September 28 when other nominations may be made. 1200 Yds. Thread LUM BER CO. E J. Pi l l ItSON, Agent Phone 1442 G R IF F IT H L egionnaires N om inate O fficers F riday N ight Argus classified ads get results nigj |, M ijy, of Cars W ashed and Polished E. A. Bixkster Night" L- planned bv lo­ cal grangers for next Thuraday eve­ ning at 8 15 o'clock m the new lo­ Real E state and cal hall R. Frank Peters, repre­ Insurance senting the Rotary club, will be tlie principal speaker on tlie com­ munity program. O ther numbers Can f in an ee your«r p r e ­ m ium s on a m onthly ha»ls. wall be followed by a sliort play and dancing Tile event will be free to 1152 2nd Si. Phone 171 the public. Greater Values - Greater Assortments 49c O ur I.1 inch mixed inside slab wimn I ut »4 iHl |>er cord, 25c for easli on delivery. I.-, I m - s I vuliie In fuel we know Prompt delivery asstirtd d em on stration Local G rangers P lan B ooster N ight Event S ale C ontinues Powers Grocery MILL W O O D N I* Johiv«>n presided I'roeiaiii liivludcd a .song by Hhlr- lt*V Kelly, tap danec by Baiixtrtt Hptrrthtf a n d Vivian WcT»cnba< k atul a rec itation by Anita llaket After the business .»xsion a »»»in initt<*e with Jaini'.s Batchelder a« vluUrtnan .»med ic in ’ hments Next West Union n ie e t t n u will In* tktolw r I when M*veral new nwin ber.s will I m » initiated Changes Made at Delta Drug Store WEIL’S ANNIVERSARY Boys’ Overalls the W ist t ’lilou milt nt K I* hull at N inth I'la tn . Se,»temln i tl with 150 tn a ttrm la iic e Vice l ‘i»'•utcnl inglon .xtrreta bv Saturday ’The company bus had offices in t h e Pythian building .xinee purcliasliiK: the water sy.stem from the l*uit- land General Elec tric company ’The Bailey building, occupied by the Bert Bowlhy is employed as a Indc|>cndcnt until consolidated with pharm acist at the Della Drug Store the Argus In January. 1UJ3. to l>e- and lias moved here from Wendell, lng renovated and painted Idaho, with lus family He 1» a nephew of Fred and 'tandolpli l*laiuiln< Ito.nd Meet» Bowlby of south of Hillsboro. Regulai mcetltitfa of the city Mrs Helen B atchelar who has planning board were changed from been employed a t the Delta for a the .second Thuraday lo the second number of years. Is going on Uie t'uexlav night In each month, uc road In W ashington as a dem on­ cording to a< tion taken at a calleil strator for the C ara Nome beauty Hus'ling Monday night Plan* for line. park Improvement were di.scu.x.M*d and recommendation« made to the council to submit sumr aa an SKKA D em ocratic C om m ittee project. R ecruiting O fficer in City for A rm y R ecruits l l e i r S«»«» m M altin B> tiding, cxamiin : < np. r ia to is and » haulfeiii.-. will • tu N ili -b o lo W e tllie *da> S e p t« m l IB» al the court hou. «- lietw ren a m c’o u n t y l'.m n « i • Ihtlon n iri wMh to 5 p m nore P utnam . B lanche M cCormick W inona P u in ain m .id e ll Pricket . W ater C om pany M oves Margaret Cady. K a lh lta 'n McAlear, Into Bailey Building 1'heona P u tn am . H ubert Houle. W il­ liam Allison. Jo h n W est. Lloyd oel- Oregon W adilngion Water Herv fridge Gordon Bailey. Eiliert B e n i- lee company will move Into tlie ley and Earl Prlckelt Bailey building at Second and Wa- h- You Can’t Afford to Miss it! Farm Boards Set Record for State I ta m ilic i West I Jnion 1 lost to County I hiion i t , l'i.t» )S Thi* little twow.-iy-»tretrh step- in is death on hulgy hip*. It’* knit in seamless style, 14-inrhe* long, with a shaped border at waistline and a snug border at the bottom. Perfeet for young, active figures that need firm control — yet plenty o f body freedom. A nd it’s so in- ‘ expensive I »J«» »g00 G raduate Corsetti ere in charge!