The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 13, 1934, Image 1

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" Q l l i i 'l l
A lili« ''«
l.n i"
W ill
A p p t'iti' ui A r g il« S e r ia lly
Willst) or
O / •»
Read "Queen Anne’s Lace"
Serially in the Argus
W ith W liii h is ( H iiliin i' : ' n- H illsb o ro Independent
Person Elected
President State
I arm Loan Hody
i Hog Sign-up
N e w s L e tte r
Starts Here
Il y A. L. L I N II H ÏCX
a ...... .... —----- —
on Monday
M ahoney’« Intention«
S ta te C a p ito l
Grand Jury
Name Trio
Hilhi Football
Hopes Hard Hit
by Graduation
N O . 30
Gain Shown
at Schools
Safety Campaign
Launched Locally
to Control Speed
County Club
State Entry
,1 M Per win of HHUboro wa»
Izx.s of 10 regulars from th e 1933
Let's Quit Killing."
«!»•<• ted pn-sldeiit of the Association
Hilhi grid squad. e i g h t through
This demand will become one of
of National Kami Ixmn Ahhoclatlon»
graduation und two through In­
the uppe rmost thoughts In t h e ,
of Oregon following organization of
eligibility, and lark of weight and
minds of Hillsboro and W ashington
the »late-wide group at Corvallu
Inexperience In the 1934 squad
county residents during the ensuing
Saturday. The ftcwlon, the flrut of
makes the outlook for the coming
in Gubernatorial
12 weeks, according to Chief of
Its kind ever held, wiu, attended by
hxjtball season none to bright, ac-
Police O. O. Freeman, Sheriff John
Race Intere«t.
A llo t m e n t G r o u p D e a ig n a te a o ffic ia ls of Ux federal land bank T h r e e M e n to F a c e C o u r t ''"-'ling t o B M Goodman, coach. E n r o llm e n t a t C it y G r a d e s W. Connell and state highway of- S h a d y B ro o k T e a m to G iv e
Of Spokane and m *< relary-treasurer«
However. the squad of 40 determined
fleer* of rhi< rtiSrir*
t i X .
D a y » to F in is h P a p e rs
of more than 50 Oregon furm loan
C h a rg e s H e r e F o llo w in g
wiplranU which reported Monday,
O p e n in g D a y R e p o r te d
are co-operating with the Oregon
D e m o n s tr a tio n D u r in g
are co-operating with the Oregon
O A I a R M
Which way will Mahoney
State Motor association and other
in S ix D ia t ric ta
In v e s tig a tio n s
P o r t la n d S h o w
Policy of the land bunk on ap
organizations In a state-w ide 12-
Goodman's principal task during
pralsals, operation of the Frazier-
T h a t seem» to be the burning
_ a
Lemke amendm ent to the bank- » »
- .
, . the training season will be to find
que.-.tlon in certain political circles
strict traffic law enforcement de- i-,
I r
r-> •
rupt«-y i»w »«d the responsibility ot
Jiwt now Hie fiery, fighting mayor
of Bob Dinsmore and Dick B uther- * >44444 l U l d l
L a g g i n g signed to reduc the mounting toll
of fatalities and Injuries from auto
of Klumuth Falla, wlu> cut such a
National Farm Ix>an association of-
land, outstanding tackles, who grad-
accidents in Oregon.
IW-till in th e i ’’< • nt «1* h i «-« i in, jii i
flclals were topics Speakers
d u r spring.
u a te d last
John West,
marie». hu» let It be known th a t he C o m m itte e N o t S a t i s f i e d
V e r d ic t
A c q u i t s titue ta c k le 'la s t year also gradu- A t t e n d a n c e a t H ig h S c h o o l
d?w51' “ Ehe s?ecli u w arn: L o c a l C lu b s to R e p re s e n t
president of the federal land bank fu ro rs
expect« to get into the guberna­
ated. leaving Elwood Coslett the
“ su®d
P°,lc« f°r th ls “ nd
torial campaign In a big way wimr
w ith R e d u c tio n D e a l
M u r p h y on T u e s d a y
O re g o n f o r S eco nd T im e
only letterm an candidate available.
M a y Exceed 1933 M a r k
next week. O.ficers throughout the
istrative assistant to E hrhardt: D
time next month Hut he ha»n t
However, two reserves from the 1933
uSd^L ins’ ruct*ons f r o m
N Mackay of Condon and Dean W
»aid who he will sup|M>rt Hence the
squad, Sanford Will and Elman
Charles P. Pray, superintendent of
worry lines In the brows of cum-
True bills of Indictment were re- Schulmerich,
Hog reduction contracts will be A Schoenfeld ol Oregon S tate col­
___ _ a t Hilhi
W ashington county will repre-
shown promise
Record _ _ attendance
and _ _._P°l . a . from
palgn m anagers If they know w hat signed in Washington county tiext lege, directors of tlx bank: A C ported Monday against three per- of , ;,pably filling the other" tackle Hillsboro grade schools was pre- «'u n ty and city forces, will devote sent Oregon in the interstate 4-H
Io expect. It I» argued, they eould week as contracts must be cleared Admits, general agent for the farm sons by t h e Washington county position
demonstration contest a t the
and P resi­
plan tlirlr own moves to checkmate for Washington by Septem ber 30, credit adm inistration:
Orearm B' “ “ d Jun Clayton K Miller oi
At end Goodman has two veteran uig opening day here Monday G rade speeding regulations. both In cities 1934 Pacific International Livestock
Oeorge W P e a w
according to announcem ent of the
Portland wa* charged with driving lettermen back in uniform. Denzel school registration* were far in ex- and on highways. Five other most exposition in Portland, LeRoy Mills
All of which seems to be u lot of local allotm ent committee headed State college
while drunk In the indictm ent made stu n k ard and Jim Grogan as well cess of those for last year and, al- ,requent accident causes will be and Charles Kay of t h e Shady
needless wurry to one on the {»oliti- by G lenn Kltchey ol Fori si Grove
The ixw ly formed organization public while the other two weri u a promising wingman from the though the number of student« reg- subjects of two-week drives during Brook calf club having been declared
czl sidelines Straws and current* This closing dale makes It neces-
unit,* approximately 100 na- kept secret. The Jury will conven reserves Jim Samsel. Stunkard saw istered al Hilhi fell below the total the rest of the campaign.
the grand champions in livestock,
by which future events are general- sary th a t any hog producer who rional farm loan associations In again October 4
considerable service last year in on the first day last year. B, M
Increases of 25 per cent in fatall- 5roP and miscellaneous demonstra-
ly Judged se em to point In only one signed an application for contract Oregon into a state-w ide group
Peter D unbar of Salem went on guard position but with » 'n u m b e r Goodman, principal, was expectant ties. 24 per cent' in injuries and tlon contests a t the state fair. This
direction Certainly Mahone> «an sign his p u |x rs next week accord-
,a M-"'-tary -treasu rer o f trial till* morning In the circuit of guard candidates available It Is th a t enrollm ent would exceed 1933 eight per cent in accidents in Ore- “ the second year in succession
Hot be expected to support General Ing t o schedule below.
the W ashington County National court He faces a n
indictm ent possible th at he may return to his a* soon as the hoppicking and can- gon during the first seven m onths this county ha* been named to rep-
Mui Un whom tie fought with every
One day will be allocated lor the Furm Loon association here
charging an offense against public old w|ng position. Charles W un- nery season was completed.
®f this year a* compared to the refie n t the state.
weapon at his comm and in t h e stgn-up in each distru l and the
derllch. a reserve end from 1933. 1*
T otal of 482 student* reported the same period in 1933, reveal the need
Th« Shady Brook club placed
prtniury cumpulgn. N either ic It applicant* are asked to appear at
ated for a sh
a t the high school, just 28 for a p program to combat this m en- f‘rst ln f" e livestock demonstration
• M
n y A cquitted
c q u iiim
ilt to tackle, while first day at
logical to suppose tliat he would designated places and on lliut
J 1 Murphy of Beaverton, for- George Holscher, a letterm an end below tlie total for last year. How-
to th e lives of motorists and contest at Salem this year and made
support Donne, the regular repub- du\ The entire sigh-up will pos-
merly county organizer of the Civil possibility, U expected to prove ever, between 75 and 100 students pedestrians,
local officers assert
highest score of all team s In
llcun nominee Mahoney's leanings mvely be completed next Week and
competition. Ivan and Amos
Emergency Federation, was a c - valuable a t fullback Don Shattuck are expected to return to school There i were 165 persons killed and
and symiaithle* are entirely on the contracts not completed und signed
of the Km ton corn club,
(Continued on page 10, colum n 2)
quitted on an assault and battery was t^e only en(j
through grad- within the next few weeks, accord-
side of Peter Zimmerman. Hide- by the end of the week will not
representatives last year, won
cliarge Tuesday by a circuit court
ing to Goodman. Enrollment in the
pendent -p ro g resstv
Jury verdict. Charges arose from —
Both are radt- reach Washington by the deadline
first in the crops dem onstration
Jerry Peschka appears to be the senior class totaled 82. junior class
cals of th e U'tt wing Both are bn- set.
this year and was second high scor­
S u r e o i m r n n P .-IL .I
1 atlon
-Murphy and on]y letterm an candidate for guard 114. sophomore class 118, hold-over
ter opponents of the power trust
ing team.
f r a n k Grubb.-, of Durham during a position and has made a good show- freshm an class 45 and new Iresh-
Quotai» B rtrriniiird
und Uie financial Interest* They
to be A p p o in te d Soon
‘3 " . Tj*"?
ing so far along with 00,1 Cawrse man tlab6 122
Clubs Make Record
have many views in common There-
1,11 m atter of a quota for the
s< tool house May 22 Jurore h ear-
Tom Goodin, both up from the
Grades Show Gain
Last year the Bierly brothers made
fore if our hunch is worth any- la-en a much argued ixrint
Ing tlie case were Molly Leach, Eva r,.^.rv..,
o th e r nnwibilitlM an>
up the high scoring team a t the
thing at all. and It may not be. "-suiting ' “ xUy In the contracts
Francis Livermore of Beaverton. O ilm an. Edna M Duvis, Roy E. s t u n k a r d a n d C o sle tt le tte r m e n
Enrollm ent in locel grant schools
state fair and then won at the P a­
the worried campaign m anagers cun ' r,,m each county in the slate be- member of the county rellel com- B le ■rly.
rh . George C. Connolly.
and a number of promising first 0 °Penln# aay wLJed aio,
cific ______________
International ____
Livestock e x -
take a lip from us Unit when Ma- f” 8
lI.1, V*
9‘,“ rd
m u ,,
it. organization lu t Berggren. John W. Haynea, WilUam
con tin u ed on p .» « io ? e o io a ,o 4)
F la m e s D e s tro y B u i l d i n gs position, bringing t h e ’ Plummer
according to C. H Nosier, superin
honey does break Ins silence it will
',“ "'d ’,y 11
Lx'hliis of C o lo rad o . V1„(r
, h u weefc due (u E Masters, Fred Rood, Andrew
trophy to Oregon. This made the
E a r ly T h ia M o r n in g
tendent. Registration a t the Peter
business Ap- Brandaw, George Dick and Frank
to support Zimmeruuui in h u The e w n m for 11,U county have
third year th a t team s representing
Boscow school tota'ed i l l , a t the
fo, ,b T ,SV, *, M7* T2
pom of a succeasor by the Pulver.
cam paign for the governorship.
Kinton corn club and the Shady
David Hill school 213 and a t the
a s gna u iis
gin nng Mon- governor is expected w ithin a short
Replevin and damage a c t i o n
Hut tlie candidates are not devot­
Damage estim ated a t $5500 re- Brook calf club placed first in
junior high school 186. Due to
ing all tlwlr time to worrying about da~
brought by R. P. Landauer and
wlmt Mahoney m trnds to <lo All
1 llal
whulr lu,K
crowded conditions a few students n ^ hiearlriy
dem onstrat‘on di‘
Approval of relief woodvard pro- Ernest Johnson against Jam es Dix-
three or them ore constantly on the d‘ al h"6 ,u,t bw‘,‘ “
wing Dunne, uccompuntrd by Ar­ as the local committee would have was made Tuesday by the slate d a>' m (he circuit court, was post-
Lower grades In local schools are H chier
Beaverton. The flames £lrsl »« the Guernsey showmanship
thur Prtalux. repubJium c»»iiunitt«e desired und some cuts have been commltti c according to word re- poned until Monday. The plaintiIls
wen filled riiu r e a ^ ac^ordm t
started in the old Barnes house contest a t the state fan with his
chairm an, liu* inv.»d< d caatrrn Ore- ,n*uU‘ w hhh lhe> 1<vl a r<* larger elved . W J MUla county man-
of personal property P e titio n s f o r J a k e
W e i l No6ier He Stated that each room
gun fur an intciudvc hand-shaking Hian hog production hi this county ager. Tlie program calls for thp alleged retun»
. , ,
? ...................... n lusiiflM m tiu» «» ni ihauiini
cuits ior uie
a ^ u ^*>-11
accommodating between
und P1
“ « « was
the taken
was accommodating
between 28
-.8 and
and 10 the Cause
Qf destroying
th<? fire both build- ship
by showman-
Don Jossy
und luncheon speaking cauqMign
pun ha*- of stumpuge. falling of defendant unlawfully and for dam -
O u t, K r a m ie n S ign s
35 pupils.
U c n e r u l M artin «pent last week in * nt group l l i t n Is nothing to do .
U iuesim » n a tio n to v a rd s »• ages to a donkey engine,
tl.r W illamette valley and this week
b“ 1
,\;‘X T i v 'm ^ l b l e F" ref’' <irnve. C ornelius. H.llsbirra
Suit lor »1550 lor alleged damage
Considerable .m p ro em en ts have
Fire started about 3 o'clock this
Petitions are being circulated for been made at the grade schools dur- morning and the alarm was turned
C o jn tJ entrants in livestock ex-
Is In eastern Oregon w hile his
mdividu 11? whTtk- •(‘«‘dville. Aloha Beaverton. Tigard
personal property was Instigated
Cinipiilgii m anagers have been op- >' t , ‘“ 1 u ,,'w' “ «nviouais wno ac- -
Work 'w iii'b e VtkTt- Tueadav bv M r.'and Mrs Sam uel B
" v“ lo con\“ iue as * member lng th e past summer with SERA u>
«orm an ro ste r or Beaverton
p o n i^ G
riling up new headquarters m Port- Mr*' to ftlKn “ ‘" n tra c t may do so r
st i t u l
Lawrenc< o f R a le ig h sta U o n a g a in s t
tlle ylt> c o u n c d fro m N o r th H ills- labor under the direction of A. J. Beaverton and Hillsboro fire de- '
m iicn Boat d iv isn u
P a u lin e
land Ironi which to direct the light a»*d receive then benefit paym ents
• -»
" • ‘Urt
1^“ ^
boro. Councilman Weil was elected H artram pf. school board r e p r e - p an m en t were called, butt were
i^o ^ P O T ^ d ' r o u t i i T
from now on Zimmerman seems to 1,1 l l ‘«’
“ *»ie. comm ittae-
O ther projects approved this we.Jt ™
u,«, the defendant ent “red
° yeaf s ,?*0 5° 1111 the unexpired sentative. Nosier pointed out. AU unab‘e to control the spreading
M ai
Q uotas
D eterm in ed
KatlX High State raiF
Dunbar INowon In a l
F. Li ver more
Resigns Post
Garage Burns
at Beaverton
Political Pot
r* M
of City Boils
..... ............ -ri'-S S
r e s o r tin g to th e o ld fa s h io n e d sp e a k
lng c a m p a ig n . T h e p ro g re
ssiv e c a n K
d a ta le Iuui
1 . . o Slarw
Monday, . district
ood . c city
I..SC... 1,
1, o.» .wouu
practically every night and Is said
io be attracting good sized au- ball, 1 ucsdu ay district 2. Hillsboro
e. Wednesday, district
diences at every stand which is .ct>*irt,1
rath er rem arkable in this radio age 2' »Bllsboro court hnurw T h u rs d u y .
M oores hall. Hoy; Frl-
w h en fo lk s w ould r u tin r sit u t h o m e
and have their spei ches brought liu' d ,slr*ct ». Forest Grove C ham -
into t l x home, rulher than go to **'i of Commerce. Saturday, district
the bother ol motoring down to 8 Hillsboro court house.
tlx armory or to .some grange hall
At *‘a<l1 o£ (bese places and on
to hear some promising candidate ' h oI
dttVS ,,le »ntXliiWlt
tell how he expects to save tlx coninilttrx will Ire present a t the
designated place all day, begtnnlng
country if given the opportunity.
a t 9 a in. and eontinulng to 5 p
Every city in Oregon, large* or iii Signers are asked to come on
ftinall, will be* Int^rented in the* o u t­ tlie days m entioned os th a t will be
the only day those contract* will
come of tlie
tlie nuuuIamu.N buit Hied »„.
In th e s u p re m e c o u rt th is week bv
,,1, 1 p,
*,,, " “ 'libers of
a laxpuyei Of the c ity of R e n ts n o r ' Ul*
<*>mnilttee w an t p a r -
mol nr,.iu.r,..o the
ih.. grounds f o r
.....• preparing ....
. e.
«'»'d ■>« 'y<,rk wnl be started on a
project at Beaverton Monday
Arrival of heavy equipment for
leveling the county airport near
Hillsboro Is expected today und the
project will lx completed us soon
its possible. George McOe. Hills-
boro c i t y manager, announced
Equipment will Include three tra t-
tors, a gasoline slwrvel. grader and
srraper. Following completion ol
work leveling tlx field and run-
ways, fences will be built and the
field seeded.
Federal allotm ent to Washington
SEKA and relief pur-
county for S
ie month of September
,X(M.S f o r Ul(.
, ,
tzW n l. t l l Q T l
r Pnn,Hxn ' R
to ta ls «11.933
$1200 for professional 1 projec
p ro HX I • h
W Weil, county manager an-
nounced rius week T he'' • ','onrox-
t o a r e ^ t h e s a n x ' asV or the n S h
of August.
Change In method of payment of
er» h lias
us been
bí*<'ii announced
SERA workers
n th bv W eil. All r u r a l
for tills m onth
SERA work w ill be paid
and urban SE
n... future
t ......... rath er .i,„
>'> ‘ “sh "> <>«•
than „
in cash and commodities.
"n t iuuiii suam in iu
(lltk m
L / i damages
i l . i l i u i w s they
t r w * v ask
a x k th
t H a
a t
t the
t rw *
restnuned from enter-
()r [hp property.
nd ..„-j.
oul Mmiduy" to Theodore S. hall-
r j o n pafc-t* I «
’vlunin 2,
P. T. A. School
Held at Grove
f m avor Dr J O “ ' ' ‘
“ *•'/* W1 " cz. Robb lor coun-
S n?,?n ironl Southeast Hillsboro, J.
/ Wcsmer . for council from South-
west niiisooro and G. c . K ram ien
ior lhe councl1 ,fenl N orth Hills
All but K ram ien signed and filed
their petitions at th at time and
K ram ien said he probably would
not sign If Weil would be à candi­
date again. K ram ien got into the
_ . ,
„ . ,
viu H eyndnickx of Cornelius route
Neither Etchler or Erickson were x firM
Holstein division 2: and
” m .....
“ • » ? .“ ” . « « » a s
« a ™ o ™ ;:«
fire. Eichler having left Wednesday m Holstein division 3.
Im provements
W inners during the latter p art of
school building included placing a Enckson was a t his farm near the state fair in the girls’ 4-H club
---- ------- — — =,------------- . r ----- -------------- -------- o— o - — '>lieved t t tivision were: Rosalia Reed o l
mg and kalsomming. and plans are have been partially covered by in- Aloha-Huber, honorable mention ln
now under way to paint the gym. surance.
best dress class of style revue and
A new roof was placed on the David
Blazing pan of grease a t the Im - first in cooking III; Ann M unkers
(C ontinued on paxe lv . colum n 2)
perial cafe Monday morning resulted ° f Hillsboro, second in inform al
in a call to the local fire depart- party dress class of style revue;
ment. A dense black smoke poured M argaret Cypher of North Plains,
out of the cafe's chimney, but no th ird i n dollar-dinner; Frances
serious damage was done
Detrick of Rock Creek, fourth in
Appreciation of local firem en for dollar-dinner, sixth in canning I
the contribution of F. L. Brown of and seventfi ln Ball special can-
Laurel to the firem en's fund after nui8 contest; Frances Moyer of North
the city truck assisted in fighting plam s- M t ‘ m dollar-dinner, sixth
W alnut growers and m erchants a stubble fire on the Brown and ln cookin S 111 and eleventh in can-
handling walnuts are urged to a t- J. H. McPherson places Saturday J“ " « n : LaVelle Jackson of North
te n d a
meeting at the Newberg was expressed by W alter Tews, city plalns, second canning judging con-
Chamber of Commerce a t 2 P in. fire chief.
iF '
^ n d canning I, Wilma
’T' usxc H q v
Tlnrlr xolsw
tip Of
loha-tfubC T. tC
Ilth can-
T ill
of A
of ^Berkeley
1 Continued on p«ve 10, column 4)
Cal \ th ^ chairm an, and Mr Good- „
» •’ -
Walnut Plans
Meet Subject
signing his petition.
Filings in June were the earliest
in the local municipal elections in
Paicnt-T eacher association school years, three m onths In advance of
Forest urove
Orove S at- tne
the usual time.
time All municipal nom
1 ' u instruction
^ u u c u o n at roreM
u,. made
,,, .u r 40 uaVs
I" d,” ', wai. a tt''“ de<i b» approxi- - inations must be
days be
malelv ltX) parents and teachers, fore the general election th e d o te
“ D <»I u e < ( l .s p o i.,
(lo h tu .u r d on PM»re U». colum n 21
M r Wllliam
P ^ -
I lie* MUlt Inv o lv es th e vaJidu> of a n
i... .
net poMed by tlie regular h bislutiv«
. P™«™"'
b" i‘d‘ng.
„T i-», ernis of , M_a>w
Phelps and
seaftJon of 1933 authorizing city
d' clar,n8 ,hut association program Councilmen Charles E* Wells’"T hom -
councils to burnt8 refunding bonds
"W hat
a" d J a ^ Well expire
without bothering about an election
Doe.s the Child N ted?
this year. Mayor
Mavor Phelps
Phelns hax
‘ll wall:*
h as ser'ved lne
t cont5
°‘ b°^
rd ' will
wU1 b , e ----
to consult the views of the voters
The Parent-T eacher association
as mayor three two-vear term s and P"esent to explain t h e recently
'The act was intended to help n* ar-
Is m organized
ik m iu ä u
iv i
u h study
siu a y of
oi in the
e prior to th at was on the council anieilded » » ln u t m arketing agree-
bankrupt municipalities, of which
m in t under th e AAA.
Confirmation of the appointm ent
“ L S T “ 1?
Pj‘re ,U ' ¿ she
íi* for a num ber of years
there are said to be a number In
I-etail sa e of ungraded orchard- of J. M. Person of Hillsboro as
1 ie
°,“ a
Charges of drunken driving were
Oregon, solve their financial prob-
run walnuts is prohibited, surplus county chairm an of th e federal
:pt in mind, not
d n 'ii should be kept
lems by making It ¡u e iisv 'as’ p«*-
* “K" " ls' Pn,nk
Just the needs of a few. either of
control is extended t o retailers housing adm inistration educational
slble to refinance unrrtlred m atured
G r» 'c alter Ills arrest Mon-
the very best or of the most u n ­
where necessary and in tra-slaie as program was received th is w e e k
Curiosity led Alvin Crop. Forest
iu io u iiu
day evening. The man is alleged to
bonds on a more advantageous basis have been Involved in an uutomo-
well as interstate m arketing is r 'g - from W ashington, D. C Person Grove youth, to touch an Oregon
fortunate. The world will do as
Attorney G eneral VanWinkle us ol lule accident in Hillsboro and to K o t a t V C l l l D “ l i l l l S
well as our children do, she stated.
ulated by the amended agreem ent stated th a t he would announce ap- Electric railway trolley wire T hurs-
the opinion th a t the act Ls valid,
She urged a study of the 20-mill
and license for packers of w alnuts pointment of publicity arid public day and as a result the boy suf-
as also is th at nationally recognized have run a ear off the road into
giown in California, Oregon and relations committees next week.
fered three fractures of the left
f n r " H n h h v ” S l u i u , ,x llmitaU° " measure and its pos-
firm of Boston bond experts, Florey,
W ashington this year, according to
------------------------- leg and a burned hand and foot.
4 R 'D U y
¿ J lltiW sible effects on our schools and Ixld
Thorndike. Palmer * Dodge A ttor­ ning.
T . hird quarter
----- —
, , „ of taxes will be due announcem ent by
. the - walnut
— con-
M a n v Shppn
He was Play*ng on top of a car and
Clayton K Miller of Portland was
A "hobby show will lx1 held here th at the l’a re n i-Teacher
neys for a Portland bank, however.
a n y 0 n e e P S la u g h te r e d
climbed onto the brake-wheel to
arrested Saturday on a drunken in November, according t'o""n'lan’s ,lon might well be interested in a «d payable Saturday’ to avoid in- trol board. Industry leaders credit
ard of covrrnors of ,ilc om trol of traffic and in the c u rn n g penalty Interest am ounting last year's operations under license
b y D o g s in T h is C o u n ty touch the charged wire. The shock
«cl. .e n te n d ,£ Unit u ‘' S c s rix
. Ä
w "°W‘nB
...i «1th Dr. Rex Wil- the Hillsboro Rotarv clu b M oinlav !,;ogan "L ets Stop Killing."
to tw o-thirds of one per cent, ac- with $2.000.000 to »3.000.000 more
Killing of ^lieen in t h e m n n t v h v knocked him unconscious and he
“ 8 “ G i s t M1„
]..l)n.s| OrovP The accident night Committee as named in-
o th e r ' u,u' officers gave talks on ^ d " R
Glady? Eisner, dep. in crop value than could have been
dogs "haj.
o c c u n -,^ at fell onto the tracks.
public Indebtedness w ithout consent occurred near Beaverton.
rapld rate during the past^iew
Harold G. Campbell of the Naval
of tlie voters. Hence the m andam us
ular work of Parent-T eacher asso- flnal Quarie r will have to be paid ing agreement.
days, according to Frank Schul-
®a n G*eg0, L'al , and.
suit in which Uie eourt re to
Th|pve8 brok<‘ "'I« the home of Rlehardson and T. G. Bronleewe.
It will be Illegal this year to of- me’rich chairm an of th e do» eon" lu s brother, K enneth Campbell oi
‘•’L “ ’’'“ ? u> Mrs 1» Heliwiilt of Sherwood Mon-
The show will be limited to stu- clarions, making budgets, parllam en- 0,1 dr bef°i’e tllat date to take ad-
act as referee and settle tl x arg u ­ day morning and stole a pocketbook dents in the Hillsboro schools with tary practice and in publicity and y“ ht®«e of the two per cent re- fer for retail sale orchard run wal- trol ¿ o ^
n ^ s killed l " ” sh e e n Ast° r 'A were injured Tuesday when
I bai,e „
nuts which have not been graded owned bv Henrv B ea ch h ear H ills- th eir motorcycle collided with a car
containing a watch. $9 ln cash and senior and junior divisions. Classi- committee work.
Forest Grove association had dee- I
Collections to date in W ashington accorduig to definite size standard* boro in to n e Evers of Forest Grove driven by J. W. Meier of Hillsboro
An aggressive cam paign of tax a number of personal articles, ac- firations will Include stamps, coins, orated the M. E. church parlors for county “m ount to approximately 49 set up in th e license and which jost 22 head while seven belomnrur on 1216 W hw ay east of town. The
miscellaneous and specials.
foreclosures. Involving properties on cording to a report to the sheriff.
the meeting while the local asso- p? r cent ot the 1933 f“ 14 ro11. Miss have not been culled for removal of to RudolDh Mevers were killed t accident occurred as the youths were
which tuxes are delinquent prior
nation, assisted by the Camp Fire
F^ ner, stated T his is a consider- external defects and whlcn fall short time aco A lto g e th e r 22 i ™ , s attem pting to pass Meier,
to 1930 Is to be undertaken a t once
jlrls. served a pot luck lunch. The ab e Improvement over last year below the federal requirem ent of and 121 Ih re n have ¿een kbleT hv
Underwood of S
In practically every county of the
hospitality committee, under the wl' en a delinquency of 50 per cent 90 pr cent sound kernels In addi- and
does 121
this sheep
« aso n have
‘” he been
said killed by suffered m inor injuries M o n d a y
« __
. .
« _____
X lS t A d
th n
.n s p r» f t h o
v o n r
vo ev
vzx zo C A O C I. I I ,
u c
- .
state. T his was ugreed upon at a
direction of • Mrs.
M. Jannsen
of , P ?2C
*sïed, n aL
l lle p f ' los?
year; A
|tl ° n o every
finished 1 lot
m ust be
when his son, J o h n Underwood,
conference here this wrek attended
R c^vnu-. ""arranged ‘id e n u fic a tio n *otal of „approximately $480.000 has subjected to the removal of 3d' per
| drove their car into a ditch near
Good Clover Crop
by district attorneys and tax col­
and Introduction ot all delegates.
°," a tax r.°*1
cent , £? r consignment
John Stadelm an of above Moun- ' ^ a r d in attem pting to avoid strik-
lectors, Discussions a t the conference
<Hv Wm r Cyrus. County Auenti
«ay and h as consistently done well
»n U'c attendance contest Tigard. ftb°u t »983,000, she reported.
pool Conformance with all license taindale hulled 3100 pounds of clo- *"8 a m an who had alighted from
revealed . the fact
requirem ents will be evidenced by ver seed last week from seven acres, a bus The elder Underwood was
. . . th a t , ln s o m e
Approximately 225 acres of pota- This coming season will be the first ,he babv association of the c o u n t y , -------------------------
seals affixed to bags and certifl- which is considered a very good, taken to Portland for medical treat-
f . In‘ u l a ’t d<’lln<l"'’,,cl<’ii run
toes were approved for cert if teal ion t|n x there has been seed stock pro- »on the prize awarded by Mrs. A. M i l k P tre /'O C P o i'c z s z l
fai as twI !ve U> fourteen years. <„, the first field inspection com- duced ,n sufficjen, quantity to of- p Knight, county council nresi-
“ f lC C S K a i S e t l
cates issued by inspectors of th e Shield.
Some Of the tax collectors lu v o rfd , pjewd last week by E. R. Jackman. fer lt on the niarkct ’
¿ r n ;., a new gavel "to cut It'S te e th ’
Dried fTult Association of California
a liberalization of tax laws in order This Is somewhat less than ^the! rdllow,n< „ ll?,> of
grow<lrf o n / Timber and harden Home’
S tate D epartm ent of Ag­
th a t homes and farm s m ight b e ! acreage last year, but does n o t
..... ..................
were close together for second Dlace
riculture of Oregon.
saved from foreclosure while others show the decrease th a t was pre- who had fields approved for certl- Neorlv n n e - rn n r tii
ail rteiauai»«
Increase of one cent per quart In
Packers, wholesalers, itinerant
were Inclined to tlx view th a t tax dieted. In 11 1933 we had a lftrge acre- flcarion on the first field inspec- w e ie ’teacher; of Washington coun- the price of niilk in Portland was buyers and retailers will be held
laws In Oregon were already too age of certified Seed with a grently tlon: M artin lfeerdt. Beaverton route tv
ordered Monday by the Oregon milk ’ responsible for the performance of
liberal and encouraged tux d e lin -, decreased m arket. No one is able 2; John Loftis A son. Cornelius
An exhibit was given of prize
h0“ 1,1! Prices of pints and the above requirem ents if walnuts
publicity . note-book*
and _.a ;" pl.'’!‘? ,o sfhool ca‘ terlas re- which come into - th eir
hands have
quencics. Much sentiment Was found to know now w hat the m arket de- route 1; K atherine M.
s w - m w **
- __________
_________ _______
_ ago.
- ^ Officials
* ..^ * 0 of the land
NEWS ___________
S E R V IC E — ___
favorable to a proposal th at tax mand will be. but there Is some p<’rf|i‘">d route 2; J. p. Meurer, ¿ ¿ ‘u n S i a r p w t « » UsedYn onnounc- n,alned the same, but cream prices not already been subjected to con- Probably three-fourths to four-fifths
n i X n t ” ai"7 h 7 mret.n’Z ¿av*
paym ents be arranged upon a n evidence that it will be better th a n Hillsboro route 4; Jam es and George in„ »roBniin* a n d
m e in tx rs h ln w erc ro >d accordingly.
of Oregon's farm -debt adjustm ent
Present a t tne meeting gave
eases a re a lre a d y retried ¿ ro T c iig h earty credlt
Oregon's 250 stole
Allison. Newberg route 3; John W al- d ,.iVP.
‘ p
Following the notice c"
of increase,.
easier paym ent basis such as the last year.
ten-installm ent plan recently ud-
As usual, Burbanks make up the tera At Son. Hillsboro r o u t e 6;
Harriet C. Howard, secretary of the K T ,...,
„ • I
to inform ation given out a t a meet- and county farm -debt adjustm ent
Portland milk consume.-''' commit- t s C W o l n < l l o t O F y
vnneed In M ultnomah county.
larger p art of the acreage of seed F rank Fluke, Beaverton route 3; TA
ing of the state agricultural ad- committeemen for having rendered
• • •
stuff. There Is one acre of G arnets F e rd G r o t x r
Hillsboro route 2;
Tourist business ln Oregon ton- that was approved for certification. Rowell Bros.,
tlnueg on the upgrade. Automobile five acres of Early Rose, three ncres Groner W alnut Co.. Hillsboro route
dred cases are still not adjusted. farm refinancing program.
o ik
anrf not
nnt passed
pH b ed
nn by
t« distributors
A nnes
w“r™ rum
e * Lace,
L„ne. an
an inter-
of Whlch are a good deal
registration figures to
the end of of American Wonders, twelve acres 2; J. Leltoy Mills, Hillsboro route
In addition to state council mem­
August were 9.8 per cent greater of Netted Gems, and ten ---------
acres - of
- 3;
$• Ivan C. _Burkert.
......... ..........
...... ..........
Dr R. J Nicol, lftcnl veterinarian.
cit^ d thp method of handling
rom ancc*
more difficult th an average, re- bers, the meeting was attended by
county farm -debt ad ju st­
th an those for the same period ln K atahdins.
1933, according to reports to the
Tills Is the first year r we have L Schulz B ros. P ortland route 2; appointm ent and left Saturday for P ^ P 61* method of dealing with the published sp™any each week The tension economist and secretary of m ent committeemen, a number of
Cleve Owens,
Portland route
he will work „ situation.
w ritten
P ark-
state departm ent. Registration of had any certified G am e pts. . H ere-
__ <r,
____ ___
county agricultural agents who are
... 'I’
.. 1 i» .....
. .. 2; John Canyon Citv,
* where
xzxzx dalr.,m
J _ I.. ......
.. story
1 ‘"son
tlCF»V3 is
» Keyes,
d a z distinguished
x 1 by
G f i »A a Frances
11 i Fi el w
s re .. the council.
More th an «z
rn were
serving as county conciliation com-
foreign ears In Oregon for the eight tofore, G arnet seed lias been so T. Croen^ Beaverton route 2; Rny- tem porarily with tlx United S tates
inonths of this year totaled 68,752 Iw llv diseased lt was Impossible to mond Hornlbrook, Sherwood route department, of agriculture as a vet- hGieftted by the Increase, according «uUior. and has been provided as
land i?ank o /'sre.k an e told mlaslonere, rural rehabillation of
“ C harles Schmidlln. V ernonia; erlnory Inspector
i *d •
’ tUre f°r
! m e X . ^ t ttS T tS S u S S i * ^ . «<» •“* «
tourist cars had entered th e state certify it. One Clackamas county 3:
»■ drouth
uiuuui belief.
re n c i.i.
--------- ■ -------------
-- — e
up to Septem ber 1. R egistratio n s' grower at Wilsonville spent a couple Joe Sens. Hillsboro route 3; W. The government is buying cattle bonrd T liat costs of labor, m aterials subscribers,
•* financial rehabilitation of fanners
during August alone totaled 17.475 of years In getting a clean supply Holtz. Tigard route 1; W H. W ith- there os a p art of the relief pro- nnd '’QUfpnM’n t nad advanced as
1 " e novy haa fhe social life a t loans
loftns ln
ln Oregon
n ^ nn s)nr„
Mnu rasa
since ' May,
1933, who 8X6 over-burdened with debt,
I of G arnet seed stock and lt is from erbe, Tigard route I; Ben Stork, gram in drouth areas
¡m uch as 41 per cent was one of ’he national capital as a background for nearly $15,000.000. About one-
Plum".'?5’ chaix4naxi h*,?*1*
• • •
(rills lot th a t Al Croenl, Hillsboro Portland route 6; E S. and J. N.
Dr. E. W. Almqulst will handle ’ the reason* 8iven by the board for and portrays a wife's p art in the fourth as many additional loans rouacd< presided, and E. A. McOor-
Max G ehlhar has le t It be known route 4, obtained the seed th a t he May, Portland route 5; F red Tesch. Dr. Nicol's practice during his b rie f! tlle lncrease.
political struggle of her husband are approved and pending, of which ?ac*t'. vft'^chairmajx, reported on
th a t he expects to retire from pub- planted for certification this year. Laurel route 1; C. H. Thompson, ahsence and Dr. Nicol states th a t
ifom the lowest to the highest of from 500 to 600 Involve debt od- t,ie statu* of the work,
lie life a t Uie end of tl x year w lxn
In spite of the dry w eather th e B earerton route 1; John Sehmelt zer. his work here will not in the least M i g r a t o r y B ir d S ta m p s
justm ents before they can be closed,, After a\ thorough discussion of the
Ills present term as director of ng- K atohillns seem to lx doing fairly Sherwood route 3; Helen Sehmelt- be neglected because of his federal;
SoH L oca,
O ffk e
he said.
I provisions of t h e Frazier-Lemke
N o rth w e s t O f f ic e r B o d y
rlculture expires. Tlie an n o u n ce-( well. Planted in the same field
Sherwood route 3; H. R. Flnd- appointm ent. He anticipates th a t
D ils record of loans m ade and farm bankruptcy plan. It was the
m ent has given rise to speculation with Burbanks they arc standing Icy, Portland route 2; Sam Walters, federal work will be carried on here
Federal migratory bird stam ps are
pending, together with a large general conclusion th a t the bank-
as to t h e possibility of retaining up much better and apparently Portland route 5; H arry Hansen, later.
now on sale at the local post of­
Northwest Oregon Officers’ as­ volume o f farm -debt adjustm ent ruptcy plan Is not likely to apply
Gohlliar as manager of the state i were not damaged to any appre- Portland route 2: W erner Meier,
fice. These stam ps sell at »1 each sociation will meet Saturday a t 6 and refinancing done In oonnec-1 except In cases which cannot be
fair even if lie does step out ns d i­ elnble extent by a lack of rnln. Tills Hillsboro route 4; Eugene Werner,
George Schmidt Principal
and are required of all persons p. m. ln the Newberg C ham ber of tlon with other f a r m mortgage settled satisfactorily by conciliation,
___ _ ______
rector of tlx departm ent of agricul­ variety, a new one developed by th e; Portland route 2; A. L. Croenl,
Schm idt _ ____
leaves _________
t o d a y wishing to h u n t duck* or other Commerce rooms In the city hall. credit agencies, has greatly re-
pians for continuing the farm -
ture. o f course th a t would neces­ U. H. departm ent of agriculture In Hillsboro route 4; H. J. Valentine,I (T hursdayl for ¿iold Beach W li-re migratory birds. Persons hunting on Several local officials are planning lleved the farm debt situation as deb t adjustm ent work were con-
sitate an am endm ent to the pres- Maine, has been grown l n t h e Beaverton route 3; Donald Frazier, he will be principal of union high their own grounds are the only ones to represent W ashington county a t compared with the extremely criti- ; sidcred by the council, with par-
county three years In a very sm all Beaverton route 1,
( school No. 1,
(C ontinued on page 10, colum n 1)
the meeting.
cal condition which prevailed two.
(Continu«! on o n io. column tj
Two Men Held
Drunk Counts
P^SOn tO Organize
H ousing Plan Body
Many Injured
During Week
Third Quarter
Tax Payable
Large Acreage Seed Potatoes
in Countv PilSS Certification
ior PortkllKl Aren and tll<’
Farm Debt Adjustment Boards
Make Record in State for Year
Dr. INlCOl Nam ed
1 lOr
VJ1 iv
u iiiti V
w v nrl^
Starts T his Week SFM SS.