Page Six THE hospital due to .1 m inor operation, helix Marquez It'll lor Mill Clf> Friday to spend Labor Day with friends. Mrs. Wescott has returned home alter spending two weeks with her ' ‘Mrs h ' lLilu'm 'm Ltyisitm g friends 111 Portland E l King s 1’ railroad super- lntendent. made his monthly in- (By Curtia Turard) pection oetween Timber and m la - TIOARD -T igard grade school „100k Wedncsuai and Thursdax will open Monday This will pul Misses Gladys and Sylvia S h u ler the opening of the school one week are picking prunes for Mr Batem an later th an usual and will give chil- at W ashburn dren an opportunity to get back » Webb who is employed a t the from the fields. tuition elds. O ne-half n e - '" ....... ........ in “ s p round house is taking a two advance must be paid by those who weeks i.ication His place is being live outside ol the district, the board tilled bv P McCampbell has ruled. j ' -- ---------------------- First regular meeting of the new - _ . . . . , 111 ly organized Tigard P arent-T eacher K U l t O I l z \ l l l r 1.1I1S association has been set for tonight 1 T hursday' In the Tigard public school, it lias been announced by- Mrs. William Alluigham. first vice- i By Mr*. E. L. Co*) president. The P. T. A is urging all parents to attend the first mg and learn of P. T. A . activ Mr. and Mrs. George Conze have returned from their trip to - ...........»«• ...... Reno Nev served and there will be plenty lor ___ ____ S ep tem b er 10 O p e n in g D a te T ig a r d S c h o o l Social on Friday O m a* hundred granger* a n d friends attended the second annual Tigard Grange picnic 111 Tigard park August 26. E R. Brown ot Evening S tar Grange and Roy H Hewitt, ex-dean of Willamette uni- versity, were the af ternn speakers. Tigard G range is one of th e m any granges that put on a community booth a t the countv fair this year. The grange faded to exhibit at the 4-H club fair last year. That famous negro quartet from the Piney Woods farm life school of Mississippi, the Cotton Blossom singers. put on a program Thursday evening at the Tigard Methodist church. TlgardvUle Rebekahs held a so- cial night August 28. A program and refreshm ents constituted the eve- ..... _ s entertainm ent. Visitors ____ ning trom Portland" Portland, b*ut~beiongmg but belonging "to to Beaver- • ' were .......................... - ton ■ lodge, present. Members of the Rebekah and Odd Fellow lodges are practicing for the pro- grain for the Double Six social gathering Septem ber 21. Miss Grace Mason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs George Davies, has arrived in Tigard from Los Angeles, where she has been attendm g school. She will teach a t Sisters this coming year. During the evening u commun- H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O . OREGON d u b will be at the home of Mis Pete Yunker. with Mrs Hellinget and Mrs Jacobson assisting hostisss- ea. Many from this vicinity attended the funeral of Rev William G raf CORNELIUS Cornelius g r a d e Mrs. J Parmley here, are vlsit- at Bethany Baptist church Priday A large crowd had to stund outside school did not start on Septem ber ing relatives tn Aloha now, the church being (Hied to capacity 3 a-' previously announced, but was Mrs Louis,- Cochrane and daugh- Miss Lydia Korn visited her par O p e n in g o f C o rn eliu s S c h o o l Thursday, September 6, 1934 Dots Lend Dash P o stp o n e d to S ep tem b er 10 - ¡ tton tn Mr Towery's absence. ln. y s - C September 17, Mr. *“ and * -Its. Alexander G ran t of Mrs Bertha Wledewltsch a n d Oakland. Cal., who have been visit- daughter Miss Myra John Price ee.ariw» i „ si,.»,. ph.iam,. n.iiwri .»a nmh .».1.1 Will« Robert and Kntliryn have returned to their home SChool in Yakima, after slH,lldlnu vacation 01 (,1 , ¡* . „ , .. • " . auu m i .. v. c. Mrs. Joseph Fmegan ‘‘æ Mrs. V Ihuniiev and I s o iio l Banks 1,1 1 l,r,la,ut Ihursduy h « w red their daughter I fU a B la n c h e visited re Natives Itere last week night ith a birthday dinner nt her hon­ Celebrates Birthday or Sunday. Present were Mr. and Buddy Price celebrated ins ninth ^lr al'd " ls *(*’>' Siegenllialer ol . all o< Cnmeim« 11 n n r n .i l . . . ;.\ , h ,orl’T.1!,Ub'. . . h i I scheme Maxine D' C HKKUVll.I.K Kvcnlutf .services at Hedlvtlle church a ill be reauuied Sunday ( ’ E society will meet at 7 o'clock and tin* evening service at H A meeting oi the officer» and heads ol deportment» will h,« held al an early date to plan the year'» acttvttlea. Muss Florence Yeo left Friday to Msit her brother. John Yeo. ln Stevenson. Wash. Jim Kelly of Salt Lake. Utah, vbilted hl.s mother. Mrs ChrLstlna Kelly, here Saturday He met hi» witr I utc and the tWO With >heu small daughter l4*Vern will go to Galifornia Het'dvtlle 4-H clubs were well rep- Saturday, ?P1k *>d le d o v K enneth vi?h ,v „ uUJ R Violet Wledewltsch. Georgiana and Rev and Mrs Charles S a 'd e rsl o.t-nsii-sop ci i g m c e a wh» « m J w J«»>> H arriet Huntley. M ar- and children Betty Jean and Ve.n- ‘s some solos ilu- nflair " in yviuanuna cell Griffin. Junior Johnnson and on of Los Angeles, C al. spent 1 lie ls bciii^ sponsored by the K intcn Ih M e sses at D inner O tto Haag week-end visiting a t the homes ol Ladies .Aid society. Mrs A. L. Brock and daughter Miss Theresa Beahen of Portland Mr. and Mrs B E. Waldorf and Mrs M argaret Pearsou and duugh- Guinevere were hostesses a t a was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. W. S. French. Rev. Banderst is ler Weiser. Idaho, spent the noonday dinner Thursday at their Cooke and family l'ucsday. pastor of tlie Florence Avenue Bap- week-end with her parents Mr. and nonie They had :ks guests Mrs Mr and Mrs C Dixon were din- list church in U * Angeles o n Bun- Mrs. F red Anicker. Earl bs and daughter Betty, and ner guests of Mr and Mrs. Homer day he sang a lew special numbers Mis. Weibel and son Carl Weibel Mrs c a rl Julian a n d daughter Oswald of f\)rest Grove August 29. during service at Mason Hill school and daughter of Sheridan and C all Mary; Mrs. Charles Selfridge and fam - Mr and Mrs George Schneider b e n te rt and daughter ot benous Mrs. Eluant Schniale left Monday ily were guests of Mrs H Armitage tURi Jnugtitey Lilly and Mr and Mrs visitcc. Friday with Mi. and Mrs. for a visit to Garibaldi. of Dilley a few days. “ R e n f r e w i o l l t a S ? fuii motored August H. Dallniami. The hop harvest around h e r e Miss Leah Gary ot Scofield was to M[ Hood Saturday School S ta rts M onday closed the latter part ot last week, an overnight guest of Miss Mildred .. . ... , Those who have children who will Elmo lin es of Portland spent a Rock Thursday evening Miss Iajra “ J? .i,1” ' ¡¿“ i 7?c lab0 d- attend school the coming year will tew days with friends here Garv was a guest of Miss M argaret Henry and C lara Ibetiabotd went to Mrs. isongview to 2 visit l-»ve to matte plans to start them Mrs John Burbank and and. daugh- Cooke ,** oiuuiav .^ .^ 5 ... m e m c - ] j. as Kinton ters visited relatives in Hillsboro Mr and Mrs. Joseph F tneganand V,u*1? hitnlly 1 heir grandson, Harold o;i- Mvnuay morning. h at time. Miss Wednesday daughter Miss Blanche, accomptui- cu' n , * been visiting ut school commences at that ____ Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G ran t of ied by Mr and Mrs. Ed Urton of the Tsetiabold home for several Helen Schneider of Portland and Mi's Audrey Vanderinost of Kinton Oakland. Cal . who have been vis- Aloha, spent Thursday at the Mult- * t't , . r e . to “ is home with Mrs. Vandermost Kimu.i --e tlie ltrng ran t's s parents. Mr and notnah county fair at Gresham. •'*' M ccuen has been serlous- are the teachers agaui. agam. _ ning Mrs Mrs. G rant Mr. tuid A =—— goodly -------- number inton 2 - , ------- — ~ — - *>' UI ior some Ume. but is uble to -- - of — the — K -------- . ding Thursday evenuig ot Miss be up tor a short tune now. folk attended the fair in Hulsboro 1 Q U n t . l i n c L l I t ' F o l k Mary M erritt and Kerm it David- I'lte MountutndaJc - H c 1 v e t t a last week L W l M U i l l r t U l u a i C L O IK son a t the Church of Christ in Schweizer Verein met at Hie WU- The interior of the school house Beaverton. ham Zürcher home Sunday and af- has been m the hands of Aldred r l C U lC O il b U llU v lV ’ Mr and Mrs E D Hite and son ter their regular- business meeting R ichards and Mr. Howell of Port- z Ernest, — Mr. and — Mrs ----- Harry Robin- were entertained by Peter . j. Viinaii- land duruig tlie past week They „ MOUNTA1NDALE—Mountaindale -------------— —--- ---------- --------- . ------ ---------- . have been decorating the w ads an d ^uhday school held a picnic in the son and tanuly and Raymond Rug- denhajw t. one ot the w orlds best tellings. Moyd R atiety grove Sunday. A rid- gles attend the 4-H calf club picuic whistlers. V Itvttlgu. - »w, -------- ---------- *»- - -------- --- ------ • Mrs. Esther Acams of She* .cod race uon by G earhart Erd- at the Frt»d Anicker home. Mr. and Mrs H. J. Butterfierd Ernest Hite Jr.. Chester and Wll- and family and Allen Bthbiwe visit- Leland M oore and A lfred B over soent .i few jav s last week with h er ilian boys race. 4 to 6 years old. J Only the Ford gives you a Keedville Church to Begin Services Guests were R uth Price. Bradesen and Harold Savik a t Pori - McPherson. S u l a D avit vlMitcd tvluUviv* here u few duya riMMUitrit ut tin’ Washington county | I iul week fuir Mr and Mr» F LowulL. unii fam ­ Mr l*owell mul luiiiUy have moved ( liMo the CuntdiiMhiun hou <• livur ily I iuvp inovril to Portluml i tlw bhu k.'unllh aliop i.ui tii«’ White and Irene Ft hei vlAlted Ihvlr aunt tn Tort land lw*d WK hk'AI. IN UBAI. LHTATk week. Mr». Junet Meyer» ot Indepen Fir* »nil Ault>int*bli« Imuran«« i deiux* vailed at uie Jeaae Meyer» M«ka l.oant «ml I m u « Hiirwlr Munti« home Thursday rn route for Scap KURATLI & W ISM ER i poo»o. IIII.t.HlIOKO. Oil UKIN A chiuisiui was given Mr. and Tatavkon« lavi *»•">■! «i Mis Hoy McDcould. recent newly- witks. u( their home near here Aug nut 29 hn and M in Osvai Ceurley are moving on the Gilo Stowell place Harry SeuboUl and soils occupy the Koatur place ju»t vacated by the Gear ley s A »pedal meeting ol the WHA Ladte.s wa» lield August 31 at the home oi Mrs r i udle IU I um For lets than $2500 Yet tills V«8 is the most e fflrlrn t «ml economical Fortl engine ever built. ■ W OOD C harm ing Indeed la thia aeml- tatlored street ensem ble ln light blue polka dot silk, worn by A ctress G race Bradley. Wide lapels ot w hite silk outline the Jacket, which Is cut away at the hips, fastening with two buttons directly In f r o n t A liny while turned-up hat. w hite g a u n tlet glovee, and a silk fringed flower are worn with the eusem hle. Direct from Vu gin Forest No. 1 COI N ! H i SLAB. 4-H . wo«»- Lioyd Rev. , and Mrs. George Springer Mr. and Mrs. B aderucher. Z UiUJUVt which Wit luu.c . - R alfety; * girls hop race, way coinnussion should do. m L Cox spent Thursday lu m ?!iez Erdm an; relay r»ce. race. Howard were callers at m tlie e sum S truthers home vay commission In the Mrs. E L. m ers uomc- Creek 4. H clubs won hl „ >punon of local citizens, is th e cut- Portland, a guest of friends. Hoiienoetk and \ elda R a lle tj, ice luesday. honors at tlie Waahruxgton county opinion - - - - cream cone eating. Lloyd R alfety; The L. M. a n £ f a i r last week as will be seen In R etu rn s from Fair ting down of the highway strips a t i By Mr« J««a« M«y«r«) Joseph Wenzel returned the first cirls «■<*■ Marjorie and M ahala families were home Sunday from Ule ‘ lze hsts Moe, . “ this time of the year when the BUX’FON— Mr Swecker and A J“4-’1'' -^vlvm Erdman, the hop yard and took buck a fresh glr,5 a( sU(e f#lr wild carrot is just about in bloom, of last week from his trip to Chi- B Edwards did repair work on the where he -------—- attended the among Pre»bytartan Mowers were along several times - - - cago. — ........ — — — Cen- ----- Dona-d Jorgensen, shuttle r a c e. supply . of eats. They report the hops «1-,.^ Jam es Davidson is among church r Mr. o H. Peter..,m employed in a hotel bemg m anaged daughter R uth Marilyn went to Stum p of Buxton vis- BEND- Chari« Young, Sherwood by a form er employei She will C athlam et. Wash Friday, accom- and Mrs Tonmssen here m 4 mail cari. t his stster Agnes be there for two weeks, the duration pamed by her brother P at Brooks, Sunday. and father. Join. Young, left S at- of the rodeo. who has oeen a guest a t the W right t R alfety went ¡rda> for MU«.>uri and different The beaehes l*ave had an invit- home, to visit with h er sister, who tontlie coa^»t Sunday. parts for several weeks' visit with ing look the past few weeks with resides there. Boni, to Mr an a Mrs. Thurston relatives and friends They will the result th a t a number of local Misses Betty and Lou Richards. *,etef'so,n . Mountaindale. a boy travel bv auto. One Roger's Silverware C ertificate with 20 games people were enjoying the salt air daughter of Mr and Mrs. Aldred , e iU4S been nam ed William Vic- Little Miss Lui ule Johnson spent and ocean breezes. Mrs. N. G. Me- Richards of Portland, spent a few Friday and Saturday with her grand- howled— either ladies or gentlemen. Donald and Clara McDonald re- days last week with their grandpar- Mr una Mrs. Bruce Hahn re- mother, Mrs. Johnson near Wilson- turned from Oceanlake last week. ents. Mr. and Mrs. H arry A. Rich- turned from W ash burn, Cal., Ih u r s - vme. Among the Tigard people seen at ards. day- Hop picking a t Ferd Stelnhoff's Oceanlake last week were Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Bert Sparks and son ©cniegei and son Irw in made place here was m arly finished last Mrs. E. E. Finley, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. S. C. Sparks, all of P o rt- a business trip to Philom ath S atu r- week and his crew also picked hops C o n fe c tio n e r y — B o w lin g A l l e y * Farrquor. Mrs. Olson and daugh- land, were guests Sunday of Mr. ®&y. f D a t his other place near Wilsonville, ters, who are operating a lunch and Mrs. Robert Pomeroy. ,A*rL. an% M rs- J • Brennen and The Misses LuciUe and Beulah place; Mrs. B. L. Daniels. Mrs. C. F. Mr and Mrs. Fred Anicker re- daughter Edna of P ortland visited Peterson returned home August 2b "Where Ladles are Courteously T reated and Tigard. Berniece Darnels, Curtis turned home Friday from Gresham , at tne “ 1 oates home Sunday from Seaside, where they visited Tigard. Mrs. Fred Hambach and where they visited relatives. evening. two weeks with their uncle and Cordially Invited." Elsie, Dorothy and Fritz Hambach, K inton 4-H Calf Club members, M r- and M rs- Charles Frank ol au n t, ancar DevereU and A rt Vincent made a flying trip Bierly, won the “Ball Special” in starts a t M ountaindale G race Deverell oi Portland visited to A stona to play in the Sherwood canning. She is a member of t h e , Monday. Sunday with then brother. Charles Legion band a t the state convention. 4-H Cooking club. K inton 4-H club Deverell. Mrs. ulive Kercher of MRS. MARGARET D. GRANT He was accompanied by Mrs Eliza- members are all very m uch interest- Portland spent several days last beth Vincent and Mrs. H. W. Me- ed in their work. Mrs. M argaret Dodge G rant, 60, i »e«* a t the DevereU home and re- Mrs. M artha Wenzel and son who was a resident ol th is county j turned home Monday evening with Donald. William took the Columbia highway for several years, died in Portland ° r . Doolin and wife, who were en- trip Sunday. August 29 and funeral services were tertalned a t dinner Monday a t the Albert D allm ann returned home n etd a t the Miller ac Tracey parlor Deverell home. tlie first ot the week from a busi- m Portland Sunday Interm ent was Mr Mrs. Albert Scott spent W a s h in g to n S tre e t b e tw e e n 1st a n d 2 n d H ills b o r o ~ ' " ' Tuesday night with their daughter, W o r k S n n n ne‘Y. trlp 10 s Jlen‘i“n ,, in Dodge cemetery a t Lebanon. ” V i r v uJVJUii | la v e > urprise H ouse « a r m in g Deceived is survived by the fol- Mrs. G eraldine Moore, a t Portland About 75 of the neighbors and lowing children; John H., Leonard Albert Scott and O H. Peterson P L A N T A T SCHOLLS, O R EG O N (By Mioe Julia A. Morstej TIMBER—E Parcher and O. V. friends of Mr and Mrs. Melvin and George Dodge Mrs E t h e l attended the M ens Brotherhood _____ expect to s ta rt ______ _ Vandermost gathered a t their new Early. Mrs Clara Holmes and Mrs. Snider operations ,S ^ f l8h ™ L a11 t e8 U” to J G -in c h - Building Tile for in their shingle mill at Glenwoexl; nome Friday evening and gave them Alice Hicks, all ot Portland; Mrs. ^ X ^ ° a ir^u??idA Harold Young, son of Audrey! JL. purposes r a t e and ( oninion Brick — Fire Brick wtttun the next two weeks. Mr a .'s.u rp r;s$ 1 “ ousewarmmg Eva Tindall of Salem; G ran t Dodge Parcher was formerly employed by y M Bierly. Mrs Ethel of Hillsooro, and William A. Dodge Young, spent lu t week with h.., Fireplace Findings — Lime — Cement — Sand and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Harry G r a v e l Snider Bros, shingle mill located McCormick and family visited of Chehalis, Wash. u io « e i. - on friends and relatives in Hillsboro sh e had lived a t Forest Grove, Behn. near Lake Lablsh. about three miles from — Timber Saturday. Hillsooro and on a farm in the the Vernonia road. northeast section of the county. E. H. W hite of Cochran is ex­ E s tim a te s fu r n is h e d w ith o u t o b lig a tio n . pected to return home Sunday from a n extended visit in England. HENRY AHIENA Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brinkmeyer • By I R. Strubb) Henry' Ahiena died a t A l o h a LET’S GET ACQUAINTED! (Too 1st« for laut weak) and Mrs. R. L. Dudrow of Wes- August 27 and funeral services were (By Mrs. John M. Davidson) tlm ber went to Portland last week, Mrs. Joe Sm ejkal entertained held August 29 a t the Pegg chapel Our Motto— “Friendly Service and Fair Prices.” HELVETIA—Mr and Mrs. Simon where Mrs. Dudrow will spend a several relatives from Vernonia m Beaverton. Interm ent was at few days with relatives. August 22 Those present were Mrs. Crescent Grove cemetery Deceased Hershey and daughter Elda attend ed the iuneral ol Barbara Lee Hol­ C aptain Finch of the Westimber Frank Schmidlin and three children, Is survived by the widow ton. two-year-old daughter of Mr CCC camp has been spending sev- Mrs. William Smejkal and baby ------------------------ - and Mrs. M artin H Holton of Van­ al days a t Newport supervising the daughter. Ruby and Beryl Smith. JOHN R. BELLI, construction of a new camp to be Little Johnny and Theresa Schmid- Funeral services were held lor couver. August 28 a t the Peninsula used as winter quarters for the hn stayed till Sunday. John R Buell 80 a t Pegg s c h a p e l1 iuneral barlors with burial ln the boys now stationed a t numerous! Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bovre of Port- in Beaverton ’ Saturday afternoon Multnomah cemetery. Mrs Holton side camps in th a t vicinity. The land spent the week-end a t the V. He died August 29 in Hillsboro De­ 'L im a T urpini was a teacher at Mason Hill school for three years cam p Is to be completed in about C. Strubb home. ceased is survived bv the widow six weeks and will be a duplicate Miss Ila Knepper of Bald Moun- and while there took great Interest of the Westimber camp. tain is helping Mrs. F ran k Genzer and an active part In community G A S O L IN E S affairs. The little girl was missed Oscar Shiffer and daughter Hazel during prune harvest. are spending a few days ln Prosser. A J Pottage of Portland vis- shortly after dusk Friday evenln,'1 R ic h f ie ld - G e n e r a l - S h e ll - U n io n - G ilm o r e {By Mrs. Zell O. Struthers) Wash. I ited Joe Sm ejkal Sunday. and it was fe ir?d th a t she had fal­ Mrs. len Into the river. Deputy sherifl Mrs. J. T. Richmond and Miss Frank Bailey and F ran k Genzer , Mrs. „ D. C. W. Struthers visited ------------- Hi-Preasure Greasing , “ h illip s Thursday a t Hillsboro, spent Friday night and Saturday Lois Richmond are spending a few are drying th eir prunes th is year. days in Portland with friends. s. Instead of selling to the canneries „ , A*•’ *ue<’n uer ®ant-a Monica, grappling and dragging ln the vicin­ F’ree Crankcase Service - Automotive Repairs Mrs. J. E. Morse >pent the week M Larsen and sons. M artin a n d , ; " , ' T,,.?.. 38 „ ¡ 1 visly ng his aunt, ity The body was found August 26 In Portland with friends. Thomas Mrs. T. Larsen and V.' , ri>' Campbell, left F rt- by Mr. Richardson, a member of a 1 F ir e s to n e T ir e » , T u b e s a n d A c c e s s o rie s Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gillmore went Percy of Cedar Mill visited in this 2.ay ,r. ,ls home by way of the picnic party, on Sauvles Island In to Portland to atten d the wedding vicinity Friday. Roosevelt highw_ay. addition to her parents the child DRIVE IN — SPARK PLUGS TESTED FREE of Miss Kereen Pipher. formerly the Max Adler, who spent the past ‘' i rsk , S truthers and K en- is survived by a stster, Verna Louise. prim ary teacher here for several m onth in Portland, returned home S tru th ers attended the wed- Next meeting of the Sunshine years. Sunday. , _ _ Paul De Remer la operating the H a n k Murray of near Tim ber Is ’ ™ ™ — ' Timber garage while Mr. Shiffer j spending a few weeks with his cous- ls absent. ! in, John Bailey. COSLETT’S TRUCK SERVICE Mrs. W. W. McDonald spent Wed- Mr Quler and daughter Eugenia First and Baseline Streets Phone 1263 nesday in Dallas visiting relatives, of Buxton are helping in the prunes Mrs. Frank Shank returned to h er in the Bailey orchard. COSLETT’S BAR-B-Q home a t Sunset camp Thursday after spending two weeks in the Subscribe for the Argus. 1 OvIlU x Ppnnlp CUpiv I PJVP on Eastern Trip W E P A Y DIVIDENDS on What You Spend! CLEM S PLACE SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD Mill N ear Timber [ins Work Soon Helvetia Folk at Funeral of Child Green M ountain Ç oslett S uper S ervice S tation Women who budget their household expenses best— appreciate Rollator R efrigeration m ost As soon as R o lla to r R e frig ­ eration goes to w o rk in your kitchen you see your expenses d r o p as m u ch as $ 1 1 .0 0 a m onth. R o lla to r R efrigeratio n now comes to you w ith added im ­ provements and refinements in the leading models. N o tice h ow the latch opens at a ^ouch . . . h ow the in te rio r is at once flooded w ith lig h t. P u ll out a sm oothly slidin g ice tray — fro m an ice com partm ent that is o d o r-p ro o f. A rran g e the shelves to suit your purchases. N o te the convenient egg bas­ ket, lly d ro v o ir, fro z e n -d e s ­ sert tr a y , and b u tte r and cheese rack. See the N o rg e before you buy any -< ~ - re frig e ra to r. '‘ 2 X 7 ' NORGE THE ROLLATOR« 1 r tllr r n i l , a n d ib fi't'l h t . I ’l u l ' i a ll there i , Io the am ple operation of the Kolla- lor loolirift meehanitn LESTER IRELAND & CO. H ills b o r o , O re g o n Hiteon n o iiA T o a a s r a i• s a s t i o n it b is t « t * c t u » i t is i ------------------------------------------ --------------- 1 HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND C o slett S u p e r S erv ice S ta tio n SOME GOOD BUYS IN USED TRUCKS 1 9 3 0 1 % -to n Dodge T ru c k 6-cylinder motor, hydraulic brakes, all new rubber. 1926 1926 1929 1928 1 -to n D o d g e 4 - c y lin d e r T r u c k lV i-to n 1 V i" to n 1 V g -ton D o d g e 4 - c y lin d e r T r u c k C h e v r o le t 6 - c y lin d e r T ru c k C h e v r o le t 4 - c y lin d e r T ru c k C A D Y M OTOR CO. Hillsboro, Oregon DODGE PLYM OUTH Your Bank Should ’ Be More Than a Depository Of course, the Hillsboro Branch of The First National Bank of Portland maintains complete checkings, savings, safe deposit and all other routine bank departments. But in addition, this bank offers you advice and assistane in solving your problems. These little extra services make your banking arrangements here more convenient and helpful. Above all, you will always find our staff vitally interested in serving you. ★ HILLSBORO BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTIAND " O l D l l t NATIONAl SANK W lfT OF THl SOC K Iir" 1 Grain-Seed Cleaning We have up-to-date seed cleaning equipment and can give you a first class job. Bring your Vetch Cleaning, Clover Seed Cleaning, and Grain Glean­ ing to us. We can do your cleaning better. WANTED Wheat, Oats, Feed and Brewing Barley, Red and Alsike Clover Seed, Crimson Clover, Hairy Vetch, and Common Vetch Seed. With our direct shipping outlet we can pay you more. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL! IMPERIAL FEED 8C GRAIN CO. Phone 01 Millers of Quality Feeds South Herond Kt. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BEAUTY KIIOFK PHYSICIAN and SURGEON EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. O. PITMAN, M. D. General Beauty Work PHYSICIAN and HtlltGKON Permanent« and «11 bind« of beauty work. X-Har end PhraleTh.rapr Commercial National Bank Bids Telephone 18H1X Halrony lllll«boro Pharmacy Sanitary Beauty Shop All Kind« of B e a u ty Work PERMANENT'S O f*«. 1211 Telephones Iteahlence 7B1X DR. I). E. WILEY, M. D. Phytlrlan and Surgeon Wells Building « «peclalty Telephon« 1471 WEIL’S APARTMENTS Mabel Rchendel TELEPHONES Office 2FR2 Reeldenc. 2881 DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. RALPH DRESSER Dentist Commercial Building Garbage Collection AND CANS D. P. CORRIERI Telephone 144 Evenln««, «under by Appointment INSURANCE Telephone 2325 RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH HUY YOUR W.ahln«t»n Count? A«enrlee RUBBER STAMPS INHIIRANCR HEHVICB Hhnte bank llulldln« Phone 2211 Hlllahoro from HILLSBORO ARGUS Per Information a host Dlrarterp er It • Adrertlaere m il The Anna — l l t l