THE Page Ten SA LE School Bargains Novelty erasers, colored chalks, pen holders, pen points, scratch p a d s, pen wipers. Values to 5c. ÍC FILLER P A P E R — 135 sheets TYPING PA ­ PER, 100 sheets 4 T i p Choice ............. ± V V PENCIL TABLETS — Smooth news. 360-page A W -1 ftp Pencil, ink and draw ing tablets, all-size compo­ sition and note books, spelling and exam ina­ tion tablets, 40-sheet filler paper, 5c and 10c erasers, b o x colored crayons, record and re ­ ceipt books. \ alues to 15c. Special. Q /» Choice OV NOTE BOOK COVERS Values to 50c ... 5c - 10c Including note b o o k covers with 5-piece in­ dex set, class and sport schedule..................... 19c Buy Y am Now Fleischer’s all wool and silk, and wool, 2-oz. balls. Values to 65c. Odd lot and c o lo rs ........ O XiA 4 A x> * Children's School Handkerchiefs Special. Each .... lc Women's Belts All colors, all styles, all sizes. 25c and 4 35c values ...... ALL SILK JLW PENCILS with erasers. Doz. 2 Q t/K z A 4 «AU Washcloths D urable Turkish knits th a t w ear and wash. Special. Each .............. 4c Pillow Slips 42x36, full bleached. Special. 4 9 /» Each ................. A 4 Ax 81x99 and 72x108 The Genuine Pequot Sheets W orth $1.50. F or this sale Q4 Q 4 only «J, A*. T iaiio ailored_and dress styles. Self and fur trim m ed. These garm ents bought spe­ cially for this big sale. All silk flat crepes and crepe de chine. Plain colors, stripes, dots, plaids and floral designs. A com­ plete assortm ent of beau­ tiful silks th a t sold high as $ 1.25 yard. SALE 59c NEW FALL SILKS Values to $2.50. Ju st arrived lovely new fall colors in suede e finished silks and rough crepes. P a t­ terns are more beauti­ ful, assortm ent com­ plete. Plan on th a t new frock now. YARD________ $121 $g85 SCHOOL COATS 5 o m e i fur u r R i r i u m u - ­ Some For the grow ing miss. med, a 1 1 full lined. Sizes 3 t o 14 years. Some values to $6.00. SPEC IA L ....................... ..... $198 SALE MILLINERY New fall the latest and wide SPECIAL felts, satins and crepes. shapes, narrow brims. ............................ ................. All 98c SALE H A TS - TAMS And turbans, silks, velvets and cloth combinations. For Women and Misses. Special lot on sale........... 25c WARM SWEATERS Coat and slip-over styles for Women and Children. Big assort­ ment. Values to $1.50 each SPECIAL ................... .......................... 49c 1KIRTS ALL WOOL SKIRTS Women. Regular and extra sizes s for _W omen. Flannels, tweeds and mixtures. Over 200 to choose from. Values to $4 each. SPECIAL__ $ 1 98 SALE STOCKINGS CHILDREN’S and MISSES Anklets and % -length socks. An as­ sortm ent of hundreds of pairs in white and colors. Including W omen’s stock­ ing feet. SPECIAL 10c PURE SILK HOSE 12C 6c M U S L IN 36-inch, brown. YARD 70x80 PART WOOL DOUBLE BLANKETS $198 Buy them now— you’ll need them later on. W arm th, service and quality guar- ante ed._____ _____ ________________ BEACON 2-TONE Part And solid color robe blankets, wool to assure w arm th and weight. Sateen bound e n d s . Seven color combinations. Ea. $198 PART WOOL NASHUA and BEACON DOUBLE 72x84 BLANKETS. R egular $4. O ur out­ standing Anniversary Sale value. A bout |( i- lb . PAIR ............ $ 2 98 36 to 54-INCH FINE W OOLENS Values to $3.00 yard. Coatings, and suitings in tw eeds, c h e c k s , serges and flannels. YARD ............................ $1 21 Infants’ shoes. W omen’s and Children's house slippers, rubbers, gaiters and leath er leg­ gings. Special. PAIR........................ 21c Shell Horse-hide Shoes For Men! 100% stay soft shoe for winter. Also odd l o t Men's 16-inch Hi-Tops. SPECIAL $298 W OM EN’S SHOES CHILDREN’S SCHOOL SHOES Two special lots. Oxfords, ties, straps and pumps. Close out on sum m er shoes. 69c and 98c SCHOOL OXFORDS V« VIIIVIl, For growing Girls and Women. sizes, a w onder value. Including W omen’s S "| sam ple shoes i n a g reat clearance. PAIR ill! All 21 FALL BROGUES nooi wear. wear, zxii Ju st the shoe for hard school All sizes. Also large lot W omen’s straps, ties, pumps, oxfords. PAIR ............................ $1 98 TIES - OXFORDS «VW l f u a l l Big values for W omen. New shoes built f o r good looks and hard wear. \ Black and brown, all sizes. Special. PAIR ................................. *r 72 x 90 169 2 5 c-3 5 c POLISHES Blacks, browns and all white cleaners. N ationally a d v e r t i s e d -«r _ brands all go. Special. ON SALE ............................ H fi Women’s NEW FALL Pumps, oxfords, ties. All styles, colors and sizes. $ 2 98 M EN’S SHOES Solid work shoes and black dress ox­ fords in all sizes for Men. A N NIVERSARY SPECIAL A • China- Cotton BATTS (W J/ 0 Ventilated OXFORDS O ur finest “ quilting” Batt at a lug sav­ ing. Opens up size 72x90. W eight 1-Ib. SPECIAL In brown and white for Men. W orth $2 a pair. 0 4 A4 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL < ?A b £ A 37c Í1 J -OZ. Package W hite a King G ranulated Czv. * it F re e Friday and S at­ urday, Sept. 7, 8th, a factory ron imi fabrics d e in o n i t r a t o r will advise you on all washing problem». This soap FREE with one dollar p u r­ chase. (One to a custom er) Corsets - Belts and BRASSIERES A table full in our corset dept. Over 500 garm ents to pick from. SPECIAL ? Pair Sin ks W ork - dress For Men. Kaynee Blouses OizAx Coril Pants For Men uud Boys. Col­ ors navy, cream a n d castor. Values to $3. In­ cluding Boys’ "Leather- buck" cords. $ 4 .98 Special ............ A LEATHER FACE Gloves 10c Heavy canvas back and knit wrists. 9 1 /* Men’s sizes «IL GIRDLES-CORSETS Brassierres, g a rte r belts. Values t o $1.50. Some broken lines of finer g ar­ ments included. 3 FOR 39c $1.00 Winter Union Suits For Boy* and G irl Some « wool. All SPECIAL Sale Belts and Suspenders For Men a n d Boys. Save on this 9 ^ /* item. Special «vAx M en’s Wool Socks Good w e i g h t f o r w arm th a n d service. W hite and colors. Pair 21c Dance sets, combinations, bloomers, step-ins. Wom­ en’s finest undies. Values to $2.5(1 SPECIAL RAYON 69c Dress Socks For Men! Also pastel color special lot "Hole- proof’' socks. \ ; to boc pr. 21c 50c Nazareth Waists Large sizes only! A I s o C hildren’s summ er union suits in a big sale. SPECIAL 10c Ruben's and Munsing G arm ents for i n f a n t s Vests, bands, bloomers etc. Values to 50c. YOUR CHOICE 21c Men’s Bib Overalls Blue denim, triple stitch­ ed, re-inforced. Sizes 32 to 42. Anniversary Special PER PAIR 69c Boys' Bib Overalls Good w eight blue denim and plenty of all sizes 4 to 18 years. This overall is well-made and will wear. 4 (U , SPECIAL .................... T M V Values to $2.50 SWEATERS For Men and Boys! Light and dark col­ ors in coat and slip-over styles. Wom­ en w ear them , too. A big D 4 R ft selection.SPECIAL LEATHER JACKETS Z ipper and coat style. For Men. Sizes 36 to 48, Light and dark colors. $6.00 value. Anniversary special. QO B o y s ’ f o r $ 2 .9 8 . 21c Anil blue school shirts. A lug special Q Q n for Boys Munsing” RAYON Also 100% leather brogues for long w ear and wet w eather.___________ 2-POUND BATTS A big b att th a t opens up to double bed size. W orth 50c each. EACH__ ASK FOR FREE BLOTTERS Shoe Sale Sale S ilk s 36 inches wide. Plain colors includ­ ing white a n d pastels, fancies and stripes in all shades. About 5000 yards. On Sale. YARD FA LL C O A T S F R E E Sewing and Crochet Books. Free to every little girl who makes a purchase, a Betsy Doll with seven dresses anil a hat! 27-INCH OUTING FLANNEL O U TIN G FLANNEL Z ipper Purses Best six cord. 3 spools each 400-yd. ft G uaranteed ...... DOORS OPEN 8:30 A.M . SEPT. 7 Ap 4 Sewing Thread 59 AW Values to 50c E ar rings, b ra c e le ts, brooches, beads, e t c . Special. Chx-’ce ................ AWV 1200 YARDS 21 Ves. W e have them . The luteal and best stories Buck Rogers, Tarzan. Chester Gump, etc. Special. On »ate 15c PENCIL BOX, fill­ ed with 9 4 Az* pieces. Special Jewelry Bargain ffp W arm , serviceable blank­ ets in a big sale. A ttract­ ive plaids. Be one of the lucky ones and be here early Friday morn. EACH 25c 10c Bobby Combs 25 beautiful Christm as greeting cards and envel­ opes to m atch. Buy them now and save over 50c a box. Extra Anniversary Sale Special .................... BOOK SALE 66x76 BLANKETS GREETING CARDS 50c PENCIL BOX, fill­ ed with 14 assorted pieces. Everything for the school. SPECIAL F or W omen and Girls. Odd lot, “as is’’ And pocket c o m b s . Black and colors ..... t/Ax Thursilay. Septem ber 6, I'.i.ii OREGON lc Vt/V, Sale Purses JLA/» AA N O T IO N S H IL L S B O R O . Bright colored LEAD PENCILS, nickel tip, large erasers. SPECIAL ..... f» Q /* And underarm bags. Black and all colors, white too. Special ............ Ax A RGU S, Snaps, bobby pins, hair pins, hooks and eyes, hair nets, darning cotton, braids, tapes, ■nament infants' bibs, dress buckles and ornam ents, buttons, shoe laces, hat and pas- try brushes, coat or dress hang- era, ribbons p e r y ard . DMC em­ broidery th read , spool sewing thread. CHOICE Inks, all colors, includ­ ing washable i n k s ; glues, paste, mucilage. School scissors, 120-pg. composition books, rul­ ers, pencil leads. f f x* CHOICE Princess Slips One of our feature values H IL L S B O R O M e n ’s H art Schaffner & Marx RAYON Shirts - Shorts For Men. R egular val­ ues to 36c each. Also Men’s broadcloth shorts with halloo,!! seat « J .V 91/» Cloth H ats For Men! Also M ens and Boys’ caps. Take jo u r pi. It. 9 1 /* Special A V #1.50 Union Suits For Men. P art w o o l heavy weights, all sizes lu Q t t /* »7(JV Special MEN’S Union Suits Heavy ribbed for fall and winter. A regular $1 suit. On sale .... 79c M en’s Sweaters 100', pure spun yarn, d ark colors. Also part wool coat sw eaters in a big sale. Special 69c BOYS’ SCHOOL Sweat Shirts Suits Funny cartoon figures. Extra Special TO PCO A TS MEN’S FELT 49c Dress H ats QOp A m erica’s finest clothing in a b i g sale. C lothcraft and others in this lot. All wool and every gar- rn e n t guaranteed. Values to $35. And red hunt- ing h a t s ............ 5/OAx Shoe Polish SETS Dauber, polisher a n d can of paste. 9 1 /* W orth 50c AV Shoe Polish Black, brown, /><* tan. Special ........ tJU 16-inch Boots Double • I e a th e r t ripie stitched. Special 1 soles, $4 -69