linter taining— “ Queen Aline’s I .n« Will i ! ’ A ppear ill Argun Serially j j«J.1 Is b or rg u s W ith Which is Combined tire I hlUhoro Independent Interesting— Read “ Queen Anne n Lace" Serially in ihe Argus HILLSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1934 VOLUME II S ta te C apitol N e w s L e tte r I I Political Novel Serial to Start Next Thursday i Cattle Show Highlight of City Council Starts Work 1934 Budget Government Asks Bids for Local Postal Building N O . 29 State Farm Heads Urge Group Unity County Chairman Fall School Term Opens on Monday f ill lor bid« on th e construction Queen Anne * Lace ' an Inter- BY A. I. L I N D B I O I of the post office building In Hills­ c tllfiK roiiiaiid- with the mm * ml hie boro till« week revived interest In ut the national capital as a .»cttlnp proposed project which has been * ill Bp|M*ur serially in the HHLiboro M eier’s A llilude Keeps dorm ant lor the pa«t few months. Argun beginning with the lmuu * next Sealed bid» in duplicate for t h e Thursday This story. written by Politicians Guessing ; furnishing of all labor and material» France/» Parkinson Keyes u (listin- S e p te m b e r 10 to be O p e n in g R o c k C r e e k C lu b C a p tu r e s •u i-.lie d w o m a n author liu ultra t- G ro u p A p p o in te d to P r e p a r e and for performing all construe P o tt» , G il l A d d re s s U n io n C andidates Busy tion work are to be opened in Wawi- cd attention a., an uuthentl» pic­ a n d G r a n g e G ro u p s a t E s tim a te s on P ro p o s e d D a t e f o r H i l h i S tu d e n ts C a r n a t io n C u p A w a r d e d lngton, D. C . at 1 p m October 9 ture of official life in the capital according to word from W E Rey­ city C o u n ty F a ir C ity E x p e n d itu r e s CAl.l'lM - lull'll ,t In Uri'giin poll a n d G r a d e P u p ils in 4 - H C o n te s t nolds. assistant director of pro­ The novel portrays a wile s part I III . «till (enters pu tty larg ely curement, public works branch. in tin- political struggle of her h u s­ In Governor Meier unit his Inten­ i j Propos»*d government building will band lroin the lowest to the h ig h ­ |w tions toward u try ut a come-buck est office Critics declare the ex ­ HOOl i Kill UlSCUSSCtl be -onstructed a t the corner of H > an Independent candidal« Hhoold Fourth and .Main streets No date posure of the >eliishne/,.s of am bi­ tlie governor eventually decide to has been set for the sta rt of work tion us sliown by “Queen Anne s get, into the race which I n not of specifications have not c expected In utute house clr< le?. It O u t s t a n d i n g E x h i b i t * S h o w n laice to lx* almost brutal, but hold A t t o r n e y R e p o rts S ta tu s ®t , a b e n letails C lass L o c a tio n s G iv e n by received locally. locally. S p e a k e r s D e c la r e F a r m e r s to the dialogues to be brilliant and Would undoubtedly muke u niutrrhd lntnguing and the description of Bids for the construction work are be In t e llig e n t V o te rs S u p e r in te n d e n t N o s ie r L o c a l O c c u p a tio n T a x change in the gubernatorial line- in A l l C la s s e s o f E v e n t I>cople and places vital. _____ to be filed with the treasury de­ lip For till« reason inunugcrs oi partm ent. procurem ent d iv is io n , The uuthor is tlu- wife of Henry home of the other candidates arc Plans for preparation of the 1935 public works branch, W ashington. Vacation days for students of Solution of the farm problem lies iu.xhu.sly awaiting t h e promised l aiade ol ttl heud of high grade Wilbui Keyes, formerly governor of Hillsboro grade school and Hllhl announcem ent from the Meier camp dairy cattle Saturday afternoon In New Hampshire and lutcr United Hillsboro city budget were launched D. C according to the call for in organized activity on the p art will come to a close Monday m orn­ If live governor Intentions are the final phase of competition be- Slates senator from th at state A Tuesday evening when members o! bids published on the legal page of farm ing group« in the opinion ing when the 1934-35 school year five of of this Issue. Special attention Is of O. W PotLs. state Farm Union •erious. they say. then In should tween 4-11 d u b members for the a result she ha had u prom inent the city council appointed will get under way. Preparatory to place In the official life at W ash- the six members of tile budget directed to special conditions of president, and Ray W. Olli, Oregon Inulte it known without further d« - Carnation (xnnpauy “Calf Manna lay If. on the other hand, he Is trophy proved the highlight ol the Ingtori uiid her novel Is a composite committee Proposal to construct a biddings set forth in the speciflca- O range master, principal speakers J. M Person of Hillsboro who was the opening day. special instruction« only lllrtlng with Ini old political 11134 Washington county fun I Inn - picture drawn lroin hie a. she has municipal swimming pool a t the city tlons and bulletin 51 of the Federal a t Farm Union and Grange days, appointed county chairm an of the regarding bus schedules, classes and federal housing a d m in is tra tio n hooks were issued this week by B «l.une and docs not Intend to pro- day Friday and Saturday ut Hhute '■*•»'« It- p:*rk was discussed and It was de- Emergency adm inistration of pub- respectively, at t h e Washington Tuesday by Edgar Freed of Port- w B arnes, district superintendent, I»,.«- he should get t o out p»rk Queen Lace He works Bidders^ will also be .v re- - county fair Both men e commented u t of $ * C suspected around Uie capitol Uial this year lor the first time by the age on or before November 15 will appointm ent of his comm itteem an to .num bers of commerce, builders the fair Realization of this program '1 U D U U IO Julius is getting (p ille a ki, k out ol C arnation Products company, with be admitted. was held up temporarily The group exchanges and other organizations. wjy mean th a t farm ers and busi- keeping the politicians o n t h e the best record during the fair will meet in about a m onth to con- First notice th a t a federal build- ness men as well will prosper. To Classes Scheduled anxious seul And there I» lu ^ p ar- Individual scores of nieinbrrs of the slder estim ates. lng was to be constructed in Hills- this end. members of the Farm ers JMlcular IM-Cesslty for haste If he in- various dulls were to u te d to give Beginning classes only In the first, Pool OiM uaaed boro was received here October 6, Union do not talk politics, they _____ trials Pi file by Ua- assembly or the d u b 's composite score. Tile final second, third and fifth grades will Sentim ent favoring the construe- 1932. In a telegram from Senator talk business, voting for the candl- convention method assuming th at rating hi the contest consisted ol R e so u rce s o f C o u n ty T o ld . be held a t the Peter Boscow school tion of a municipal swimming pool Steiwer Following a call for pro- dates who will carry out the union s C o u n ty E n tr a n ts h i s intentions are serious he still Judging the fitting of animals for C o n tin u e this year. All grades to the sixth by G a s C o m p a n y H e a d at tshutc - * r k w hh SERA labor has posals for a site, federal inspectors program, he declared. .... . _ _ . will be housed In th e D av id H ill has until September 13 to do so and showing and resulted In the record Confidence Expressed W .n n m g s a t S ta te F a i r schooj, whjie the sixth * . ve^ aDd been growing rapidly In the city, viewed 12 sites offered M arch 22, lie cun have a lot of fun In a week, showing of 4-H dairy stock aciorduig to reports to councllmen. 1933. and the present site chosen On Uie oilier hand If he elects to Hansen Wins Trophy estruction of eighth « c grades will be a t the junior Brazil Is a wonderful country nr> prelim inary estim ates as reported January 22 of this year The pres- f D A>estrucuon ui farm iarm prices prices and ana K qqi N o fourth or file by the petition route lie does John Hansen of Rock Creek cap- filled with natural resources ““ u bv Oeoree McGee city m anager, ent aDnrom-iation Is s e t a t *56 700 £arm Purchasing power upset all W ashington county 4-H livestock ^ig“ , No fourth grade or Iu,t have to a il until Septembei 31. tl)red t ,ir ¿¡perry Flour company rich hi II beautilul scenery Paul B. mdicated th at while labor might although *80.000 was o n g iíiaí^ ap- business and brought on the recent club members exhibited 25 head of | passes will be given a t Peter which still gives him two weeks of showmanship plaque In a closely McKee, presment of Portland U as _____ „ n ta m ^ » n h ____ s e r a _______ funds, it propriated depression Potts stated He ex- hvestock a t the state fair and every 'ow . ------ ----- ol â o u l ï be necessary to finance ¿ l a ­ , e pressed confidence in the future of head exhibited placed In the m on- Children in the first five grades • contested event between winners in At Coke company, • told members the nation, declaring th a t citizens ey. In addition to the livestock ex- will attend the school nearest their in the meantime, however, the Ug. breed classes Donald Joss y of the Hillsboro Rotary Club in tlie ten ais by means ol a bond Issue m ust look to the future and forget hibits, junior exhibitors from this home. Main street being th e divid- oilier candidates are not kitting th r .anie d u b and winner of the course ol an illustrated talk al the ¿¡’ t result" it is possible th a t the «■< C C the past and must profit by the county won first and second on po- mg line, according to Nosier. As idly by twiddling their thumbs and trophy lost year withdrew from club's Thursday luncheon. question will be placed on the No- I T t l l l V e ¿ 5 0 1 1 O l m istakes of form er years. tatoes. Five first places were taken Hillsboro Is not large enough to waiting tor Meier to make up his the competition this year. But before you set out on a vember ballot, T h at farm ers are qualified to cast R r s t Pnze a t state falr ks a have every grade m each school, mind not by several Jugsful I hr Awarding of a pure-bred Jersey . 'ghlseeing trip to South America. Couni :!man Jake Weil favored the the m ost intelligent votes In the scholarship a t the 4-H club sum - any child in the first three grades rotund Joe Dunne continues hla heifer by Mr and Mrs David be sure to see Oregon, said McKee, construction of such a project, d e­ country was the opinion expressed m er schc>o1 held eacl1 year on the th a t m ust be transferred from his tour of the stale speaking at coun- storey of Forest Orove to Jack Pep- "I llave Just returned Irom a trip d arin g th at It would be of m aterial by the F arm Union president Cur- campus 01 Oregon S tate college. home district will be carried across tv lairs and picnics, et cetin a n d JMirh o j ¿»ajPa Creek who had the through Wallowa county and C ent- benefit to city residents and con- rent problems are discussed a t In addition to these winnings in the city in the school bus. Busses beanilng Ids navi beatific beam up- p,H)|, ( Jersey anim al In the 4-H ral Oregon a d cun assure you th a t tending th a t revenue from the pool Q r B a ile y , W a r V e t e r a n , length by Farm Union and G range the club classes, young Marvm Heyn- will follow the last year schedule, on all and sundry who come " j 'h - club show was the most unusual for magnificence and variety o! would pay for m aintenance costs groups and members have an op- derickx showed his Holstein senior Bus routes serving th e Hillsboro In beaming range Joe. who lays (,.Ud ,r(. u¡ tin- tan The prearnta- scenery our own stale can hoid ita The city m anager was instructed by B u rie d H e r e W e d n e s d a y portum ty to ponder the questions heifer calf in the open classes and union high school will ru n on the claim to moat of the good tilings (,()I1 WiU made In recognition of own with any part of the world I the council to prepare estim ates on th a t liappened m Oregon in the (he _ ...._ . . . . . __ _ sincere elfort in have visited while working. P o t t s explained. Piaceu third. Results of dem onstra- same schedule the first day as they d u b . member's the proposed municipal swimming [last few years, only this week her- feeding and showing an animal Dr Frank J Bailey 66. prom inent Business men. busy with m erchan- tion contests have not yet been de- did a t the close of spring last year, Brazil, where McKee lived for pool and submit them a t the next aided Ihe drop 111 the price ol gas- aiu ch was unable to win In the six years belorc assuming his P o rt- session. Hillsboro native son and Spanish- dising problems, do not have such fermined. Barnes stated, w ith th e exception ollnc as a iirrs o n u l victory fo r Ml(,^ T h (. „ „ „ „ a i „ „ , One of the most interesting classes th at the McCormick hill bus will That practically all delinquent American war veteran, died sudden- an opportunity, ________________________ grand- ¡und ixtsilion, otters a great market lum sdf and ua resulting directly -Oe7 ' TupJf i u; P "*■ K i is a iie Heed of Aloha-Huber and i rl,.ndly tv the United Statc.- and L L Patte erson. city attorney. He nesday morning at the Donelson & acUvltle» of the Farm ers Union In bearing up around the mld-Coluin F r a n n s D c trlc k ol R ock C reek w ere arc a happ>, hoepitubì» rat« the declared th lat when the collection Sewell chapel with Rev. H A Deck seeking adjustm ent of such debts 9 1* V ?, HiRl school pupils should come High officiating bi.i reg io n th e p a s t w cik r e p o ris j c i m e d tile outstanding 4 II club pe.iker saiu. ciaun« Interm im rrm ent rn t was in m . - r the uie and ln m o fmhfir«, middlemen who lhe hs la ^ J , a lr' * ° n Prepared ine drive u as started approximately 80 om Portuguese e X “ r b S ’ prof“ «“ ' ^ “^ ^ n to ^ purchase ^ 7 ^ lockers 0 ^ and fro m lh .it .M'l tio n In d lm tln g t h a t u | t |„ . , ]<>M. O| th e show . M iss , . it'nnlhgton sixth. Schedules have been m ade out and ....................................Welch of Huber Complete now been pretty well lxaled over making. She also was runner-up non-com petitive basis. McKee s ta l­ for not more than « Cicn Ol n u o e r . , , h h„ c n eo u le h h e “ d e c la re d a n d cheat» w u i p i c a winnings w iu iu u « . of ui boys w j s and no changes will be made a fter Mon- 10 m onths to be Dr. Bailey was born in Hillsboro tmm n ^ ' l o r r r e .^ - «lrls fronl thls county In lhe Uve‘ day. Aliue Prc.Mdent Roowvelt ordered to the grand chaiupiou In the style ed. Tiie southern p art oi Uraxd is signed by those in arrears and wiio the engineers to build the hxks big revue Miss Del rick's record was almost exactly as tar away lroin had not made some kind oi a June 20,»1868. the son of tlie late [ion niaking available more land and crops division are as fol- Roster of teachers in the eiem ent- enough to iwrinit ovean-roing ship* divided between the boys' and girls' tlie equntor as is Southern C ali­ settlement. If these notes arc net Di and Mrs I A Bailey pioneers. for tile stricken farm ers from the 0 « .,« » . inni™- heifer ary schools is as follows: C. H. fornia and there is little dupucatlon to get up to The Dulles This week divisions. She placed first m the His schooling gained Academy. in the drouth C attle. Junior high high signed, the city attorney will pro- Hillsboro schools. was T ualatin ‘“ S J X ai*ea t t o n of w ealth is neces- calf' Uonald Jersejs Kerkma» Junior ' “ ta th = heifer ’ i superintendent ^ ^ ^ d e n t . Junior the general U headquartering in dollur dinner contest and In the of climatic conditions. i e«i to file complaints. S a le m lro in w h ere h e sa lly in g K e r r G la s s e o m p a n y .spec ial c a n n in g Crops of one country may be ex­ K. d m l. ret in: nt ol the no park- Pacific University, state norm al a t tlus forth on daily foruy* into the tu r contest. second in the Ball-Mason cluuiged with tlie crop* of Inc other ng . romance near Ray-Maling -Maluig can- Monmouth, first year of medical mg prospenty rounding territory for the puri* company special canning contest m utual advantage, I r * pomtec neiy was ordered by the council college at W illamette University jojd grangers following a p of rapturing as many voters «• lax-- and tl)(, lnj„ lt|ial party dress dl- °ul. For example, Brazil no.-« n. ci nip .tints bv* residents niedical school mow University of iuncjleon Saturday. This nation l i n g neuei. w uuaiu v u ’a s t x . garite Simon. Miss G eorgina Brown, Mbit Pelei Zinimeiman progrès- 41Ml)Il o, tjM. sVyj,. revue, and third, and like United Htutes h i m » u: th e a ria that cannery workers Oregon medical school». College of cannot return to prosperity as long s l u h ,' , t ’eor8.e BAr^ eV Mus E sie Anderson and M issM aur- .sive candidale, b generally credited In Clothing IV und Cunning I In ho coflee, so uppits can ov shippea wen parking along Uie highway Physicians and Surgeons at Balti- , i loistem dL1Illor heifer calf. E**1" me Moore. Peter Boscow school— (C ontinued on patfe 3. colum n 81 aid Joasy. sixth; senior valf Mjsg Ru(h j Emily Young with a t«*n-'vtrlke tlilA week, in hU tlie boys division six* was a mem­ to Brazil and colltx* to tlie United anc litterlng the premises with niore, Md graduate Kentucky M arvin Heynderickx. iirst. Don M ;(r?aret Mooberry »ucce.\s in pt isuudlng the Oregon ber of the first place livestock S tates without interfering with iullcn refuse. No parking signs arc School of Medicine at Louisville hV'derutinn « I Labor to endorse hus Judging team, plan'd second in Hol­ lió m e produeus. Tiie H r a n d p in e of to b«' posted and the chief of • an d post graduate at Johns P ^ r 'ienSireiandUnn r s ? ep etJig Evers' Eva McCormick. David Hill school candidai v Morton Toinpkin», G rand stein Ahowmanship, fourth w.tli a tlie P a e ilie N o rth w e st ca n bv t x - p o lar will conduct an active en- Hopkins. His first hospital work was eL S' Ireland. Iirst. Ft ter Ev . —Lestej. Mooberry. principal. Mrs. th ird Don Jossy. nrnth; senior year- Blanche Bnde B Island melon grower, who b» m an­ Holstein producing cow and liftli changed lor the hardwoods oi j urre ment oi the ordinance. done at Baltimore before coming hug heifer. Don Jossy fourth pro- Mrs M ane Wl, aging Pete’s camiMtign. was In S a­ with a Holstein yearling heifer. Brazil. Very little w heat is raised Application ol the Beckett Sweet to Hillsboro to practice. lem tlus week radiating good cheei ducing cow, Ignatius Evers, second. MacDoweut Miss Gladys Rood and From here he v en t into the Span- Donald Jossy and John Hrfnsen. in Brazil, the tropical climate being S |,op for a retail beer license was Don Jossy. filth. Mlss Ju n ia Johnsoa and optim um . Bu»ine*s ut progn îsh American war as a captain in both of the Rot k Creek club, were unsuitable, but tire Brazilians do a pple ted by the council. G u e rn s e y s -J u n io r heifer calf, S u i f of teachers Rt the union rubber and other crops not sive lii-ii(l(jiiarterK in Portland, lo in p - declared outstanding 4-H club boys raise the medical corps, served in the ................. ................................... W ashington county pum p dealers Willis Nyberg .third; senior heifer hl h B, rnes 'att’ms -,Oolinci!' I1Ith; Pr°d'-icmg cow, Chester Rob- f,am. English; Miss Ina Pearl Al cities ol tiie world and a delightful visitors Tompkins, as well us other cause of til health He had resided Spalding building, Portland, mson. first. (C ontinued on page 4. column 4) city in winch to live. With a popu­ progre sive leaders, lakes n lot ol in P ortland for several years leav- Tllls ™ ntest constituted a part of Brown Swiss—Heifer calf. Albert lation oi 1,200.000. it is torn tunes <*ii('(>uragrini'iit out ol the nom ina­ ing there a few m onths ago with lus the running water campaign in Grossen. fo u rth ; yearling heifer, us large as Portland. Suo Paulo, ui » hich all pump dealers in th e P ort- John Hansen, third; producing cow, tion of Upton Kiniluu. erstwhile Slate board of review m charge wife to make his home in Seattle, llie interior ol Brazil, lias a popu­ land trade area co-operated w ith John Hansen, first. . m m lallst, by the democrats of Cali­ lation ol fornia Just shows winch wav the d as tiie Chicago of tlie nailon. IMilltlral wind Is blowing, they say. Oregon is now operating without h»"itev' ¿ ¿ d 'o / T h ^ m ’as C B-iUe? P‘’" er, c,on’Panles in promoting the ter. first; Pauline B latter, third, Also unending tlie luncheon wt re th e two sta te college extension .-;aff P m U n d and Jolm W Baüev. HilU- u se ,of and Insures the (“lection oi thetr driven pumps up- Doe S i t - K w . n B Utter, second; Net earnings of *4980.93 arc re- H. H. Parkinson, commercial m an- I t e H ^ e a r * of the ^ e ; * o f ^ ‘^ ‘c o m ^ n ? ; m i d ‘jo h u members as ihese withdrew late in boro and cue sister. Mrs. M. A on farm s and ru ral homes. Pauline B latter, third. M siallst-republican candidate b the ported during I C hester W hite Hogs: Junior sow voters of Oregon ‘ ! ^ B a ^ v ^ a ch arter member t e A r e h K r C as awarded to Les- liquidation of .he Shiite .suvnigs „„■rd.irn, who ,s on the company s S tate college I By Wm, F. Cyrus. C ounty A y en tl D r B a ile y w as a ch arter member ter Ireland & Company of Hillsboro. P*8' D °n Jossy, eighth. Tiie "dry»" of I hr first congres­ bank according lo n financial re- general olliee sta ll, and Janie.1 Approximately 1300 tons of hay Participation of H A. Lindgren, of Scout H arrington camp, United which concern depicted in a large Jersey Showmanship — G e o r g e sional district got together ln a port released this week by A A I'lood. was moved out of W ashington coun- extension livestock specialist, and Spanish W ar Veterans, and a mem- window the old and new way of Barkley, fourth. pow-wow ol their own ln the state Schram m, superintendent of banks Holstein Show manship— Don Jossy, ty the past two weeks to drouth providing w ater for the farm . E f­ F. L I’otter, head of the division ber of the local Masonic lodge house Hus week, girded up their Siinultiiueous with the release ot (Continued on page 4, column 6» areas of tlie middlewest. All this fectively arranged to bring out the of agricultural economics, was w ith­ .several loins for battle and picked u,,. report a 15 per cent dividend on hay was sold to one dealer In Neb­ contrast between the old open well . .. . drawn in protest over w hat tlie on Em m ett Gulley ol Newberg ns commercial accounts and a 25 per with rope and bucket and the mod- L l l l l t l D f O W I l C U O i l raska and w a s handled locally college men feel to be unfair and their candidate for congress. Gulley. dividend on savings accounts through W. C. Schultz. Forest Grove. ern electrically driven pump, the arbitrary treatm ent to Oregon hog who Is a professor ut Pacific col- Hr,. being paid claim ants of tlie Most of the hay th a t moved was window featured continuous running lege, Is said to be a very able in- bank through the First National I Antone Vandehey, 64 died early producers who applied for contracts clover or clover and grain mixed. w ater with the autom atic pump dividual, although heretofore un- i)aIlk <)( Portland. Hillsboro branch, Wednesday morning at his home at last !'Prln8- This hay moved a t a special Earlier difficulties In this regard operating interm ittently as t h e Jack M atters Stevenson, 2, son . known to Oregon politics, lie prom- tixlny. Hoy after n brief Illness. He ap- pressure in the tank was draw n of j j r and Mrs Louis Stevenson of drouth hay rate which is one-half Iscd to make an aggressive campaign Interest received (luting the past parently was in the best of health were believed settled by personal Washimrton down. A good use of signs and cards near Forest Grove, drowned while the regular rate. At the price paid for election and tlie 175 or more year of tlie liquidation of the bank ; when he went to bed the night be- conference with Chester C. Davis. I i a i ™ (Rncriun o .v Is nnn t In th ,A s tu te to toId the sales story and to thls P la X ^ g at Rippling W aters Mon- for the hay here It would cost on delegutes who attended the conven- is listed a t 810.021 43 while expenses | fore and the illness hit hint sud- adm inistrator of the AAA, but later j ,o >unty is one of 11 in the -s' at? t(1 company goes a check for 825 and dav. phe child had been playing ‘he car a t mlddlewestern point 818 ortieis from the corn-hog section 1 •' tion promised to get out Into tlie and interest paid out totals »5040 - d c n ly during the night, « iis iiu ig iu n practically p in c iic n n y nuUllicd CTonre co m n iled c°ngratulations of the judges. with his sister ln a sandbox and the lO per ton: Just how much more in Washington field and do their slinre toward so, according to the superintendent's Mass will be said a t 9:30 a. m. the e benefits of th a t agreem ent, the d . The second pnze of $10 goes to next thing anyone knew the child's may m0V€ out of here is uncertain. e le c tin g h im H e will oppose Janies report. T ills leaves a net earning of I J by S tate Treasurer Holman show P ra„ k Noves o r B« v e rto n T his body was floating in the w ater No The special rate was sup (Friday' a t Si. Francis r oikge representatives behove. W Mott of Salem, present con- $498093 County committees will continue tl?ait debt ^ “^ r e ^ e d wlndow' l' ulte sm all « as etfecUvelv one"knows how the child got to the pO6‘'d ? <1 explr* Septem ber 4 This grcNsman from tlie first district, Under commercial departm ent re church a t Roy by Itev. F a t h e r dressed in a farm scene in ntlnia- w ater I may he extended, but to date no water. wlio liked It so well buck In W ash- sources are listed: loans and dls- Springer. Interm ent will be in the ,o hnVl, „,,, assistance of the ex- Vn 9i m m t V r e V ’o f more celluloid cattle drinking tension officials in saving whatever S F uneral services were held this word of such an extension has been Ington th a t he wauls lo go buck counts »11)5.367.50, bonds and war- Roy cemetery. on again. and It. It Turner. Dallas runts 810.28». real estate *36.141.34,1 Mr. Vandehey was born August ts possible for Oregon growers out th a n 1*72R7n'” whtb.*thi>t ranntv n ii? fr0,n a tank in which the water ran morning at the Forest Grove U nder- [ f,ec5 lyed' f ^ y in 8 , tlle, il!12 continuously, and with ducks float- taking company chapel and i n t e r - m l k e ‘ u e Jrice“ - democrat, who also aspires to serve reserve for dividend 829.314.64, b a l - l 11, u t Wrightown, WIs and of Ihe present unsatisfactory situa­ H n ^ o s ^ V ^ tile inopie ol tlie first district back ance on hand *3641) 911. expense 'VHS n' l,rrlcd to Mary Sm ith Aug­ men. ii! the national capital. $26116 36. interest |>nid *1024.65 and l.‘,st. , 27' *891' at Vcrboort hay or- • • • determ ined losses $30,217.58. ln the ' al lrr Dn'vni. T hirteen con- Consolidation of lhe Prudential, 'livings departm ent the following I * cre born to the union. W estern nnd Federal Union Savings resources are listed: loans nnd dis ing except Albert, the lm - nnil Loan associations is threatened counts *52.174.66, bonds and war- in a wreck a t Ro was by tlie apparent lack of interest on rants $14.060, reserve for dividend ago. ton county's debt ratio as computed Deceased is survived by the widow this state of the Forest Grove fire d ep art­ buying this hay direct. Such is not Hie part of shareholders, Charles 823.227.43. expense $6126.64, expense by the treasury departm ent Is only B o o k s O p e l l F r i d i l V m ent inhalator squad were unavail­ the case An independent hay deal- II Carey, corporation commissioner, $1093.43, interest paid $30.06 a n d and the following children: Mrs. .78 per cent compared to 2.73 for i er In Nebraska made the actual Anna Kemper, Mrs. Wilhclminn ing in saving the child. who proposed Hie consolidation up­ determ ined losses $7563 611 the state as a whole. purchases, but it was resold or Liabilities are a« follows: Com­ Vnnderzan. Peter Vandehey. Mrs. on the recommendation of the gov­ f a n i a i n C n r e o f t R n ilr tin o turned over to relief adm inistra- For the state as a whole the 36 ernor's special committee, adm its mercial unclaimed deposits $607.72, Luelln Vnndervelden, Mrs Adella counties show a reduction of nearly Registration books will be open « 1 5 o q o W in t e r O u a r t e r s »{?nS ’a w r *OUS tsca^ lT i th a t he Is discouraged over the re ­ claims approved less 10 per cent Vandecoeverlng. Mrs. Nellie V an­ .1, » «« j . * .v » w i n t e r q u a r t e r s through Wyoming Nebraska. South one million dollars in their debt Mrs. C atherine Hermans. during the next 30 days a t the of- Byron G arrett, son of Mr. and and North Dakota, with some cars sponse which lie has had to the dividend *173,277.95, Interest re ­ Dyke. William Hawley Bell. 72. resident burden—$998.872 78, to be e x a c t , . , v. M artin Vandehey, M r s . J u l i a letter mailed out more than a ceived $5231.45, miscellaneous re ­ I’csi'hka. of Hillsboro for 14 years and former from *27.130,150.20 on June 30. 1933. flce of the county clerk for any per- Mrs. J. H. G arrett, has been pro­ going to Kansas City. Sister Mnry Eusebla, Law­ m onth ago. In tlie opinion of Com­ ceipts $542.10, bank building operat­ rence and Loretta Vandehey Fifty- division engineer on the survey nnd to $26.131,277 44 on June 30. 1934. son desiring to vote nt the general moted from the rank of lieutenant missioner Carey tlie proposed con­ ing account $147 64 nnd closing ac­ construction of the P. R. At N. rail­ two counties. Linn a n d election who may complete his cit- “T t h e V c c ^ a m p " ’^ ^ " ? L o c a l B a n k e r on H i k e five grandchildren, four brothers Only count $:<».o75 26 Saving* unclaim* solidation offered tlie m ast feasible road from Hillsboro to Tillamook, and a sister also survive. se rv ices ^ ,,,^ ¿ » 0 ? / lzenshlp or beconi<> 21 years of age c w k falls^He h w charge of Trect- ed deposits $703112. claims approved plan for salvaging any substantial died here Sunday. Funeral services A lo n g C o a s t H ig h w a y were conducted Tuesday nt 2 p. m. any ’ “«¿s partleipated durlng tlW the registration ing winter quarters at an expense portion of tlie assets of tlie three less 10 per cent dividend $82,766.55, W. C. Christensen, vice-president ............. .. II H ie ei u, ..'Iid a l Ion Interest received *4769.96 and d o s­ C o u n ty A i r p o r t W o r k In the_ Donelson * s ,' we!'. chapel jn (hp j(tb( reduction Eleven conn- ,xx,ks are closed before the election. of $15.000 for the 200 men in the of the Commercial National bank, is plan falls through, as now seems ing account $16.041.76. R e s u m e d on W e d n e s d a y Rev H. A. Deck officiating ties show an increase in their net The books will be closed after Oc-1 company. _____ spending his vacation on a hike probable, there 1« still hope for ... . . . . In term en t was a t the Mt. Scott debt during the year. These Include tober 6. from Seaside to Marshfield, where Work on Hie county airp o rt near trry ln p,,rtland separate reorganization of t b e K in d e r g A r t e n to O p e n N e il S ta n g e l In ju r e d Clackamas, Crook, Douglas. Harney. Scheduled meeting of the W ash -1 ” ” ' '¡„ “ ' f V h N e a r N e w p o r t . here the middle of last week Bev­ Prudential, Carey says, but the Fed­ Hillsboro was resumed Wednesday, i Mr. Bell was born M arch 12, 1862, H e r e M o n d a y M o r n in g Hood River, Jefferson, Josephine, eral and Western will probably G rass on the field Is being cut and and is survived by a step-daughter, Malheur, Sherm an and Washington. ington county democratic central Nen g tangej_ secretary to Judge eral local people have met him K indergarten will open a t the have to continue In statutory liqui­ a m aintainer operated on the run- Mrs. W. S. Coates of Portland, Peter Boscow achool Monday m orn­ Eight counties have no outstand­ comm ittee Friday night a t 8 o'clock George R. Bagley, suffered lacer- along the highway and offered him dation. > . k .. Heavy machinery for levelta ------------------------ ing under the direction ot Miss th e ground is expected ln the near • • • ing bonds including Josephine, Linn, ln the offices of the Wilkes Abstract atlons to his face and left a r m , rides, but he has shown th a t he is Seeks Hoppickers Marlon. Polk, Umatilla. W ashing­ Ac Title company is the only polit- Sunday when he slipped 40 feet not a hitch-hiker by turning them While official reports on tlie s it­ Nellie Cole. Classes will be from 9 future. One additional SERA project Dr. Guy Via of Forest Grove is ton, Clackamas and Columbia, the leal activity ln the county this week, j Into the Devil's Punch Bowl near all down. H ie local banker took up uation nre not available, unofficial a. nt. to 11:30 a. m. For further in ­ WU.S ap p ro v e d Ib is week cull.iii: for A report will be given on campaign Newport. Five stitches were taken in walking as an exercise several years reports trickling Into the state de- formation telephone Miss Cole at a survey of the unemployed in advertising in the Argus this week last two nam ed shaking off thetr funds. ago. 1 a cut over his left eye. Washington county. I for 100 hoppickers immediately. (Continuali on pan« 4, column 5) 32OJ, Forest Grove. County Fair Laud 4-H Club Work I lausen Wins T rophy Brazil Topic Rotary Talk B u s R o u tes Listed Take Honors Hillsboro Dies Ireland Store Wins Contest Profit Shown by Liquidation ! Corn-hog Body Men Withdraw County Hay G o es E ast Antone Vandehey Dies Wednesday County’s Debt Burden Gains Former Engineer Dies H ere Sunday (Oontlnoed ,m pniie H, column 2> Olltiflg Libor D l\ Special Registration