Tluirsday, August ¡10, 193 1 r Classified THE H IL L S B O R O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON H tul OiMt M c e rtific a te lit aula N O T H E G F S H E R IF F S H A I.E GN 123 4, upon a Judgm ent ami Decree N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S •h«» purchaser In the u a u a I N O TH E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T F O M F f I.G H I'M K law office o f M |< Hump in Hillsborut 1 entered on August I I , 1244, In the Ccernty C o ert of the H tate n t O re- • I that upon I ha «rapirai Ion of N 'S ire is hereby given, that the under­ W ashington County. Oregon, w ithin si« Notice ia hereby given that by virtue 1,1 if 1 arl K lin g e and A nna K linge. I h- p •I of redero pt Ion, If no r«*d»Uip- gun, fur Washington < nnnly. signed has filed his F in al Account as months fro m date hereof I an E r w iitiu n , liecree arid O rd er of p la in tiffs , am i against F. H H allock. tion tnaila, a sh e riff'» t Hillsboro, he required to account for Urtai . Hi ?. H anki aid F in al Account. FO RE4 L O H I RE - FI rat Inaerthm . per word ami pay Into I he registry of this eourt dollars, (1600.00), w ith interest thereon to the undersigned at the law offices of 1 HA WADFra A d m in istra to r o f t h e T.h - N U B IA N m ilch goat f.»r sate, reasonable. the rentals collected upon am i fo r the at the rate o f eight per cent ( 2 % ) per I hised (N o service laaa ihan 35c) U nited States N a tio n al Hank of H .v are, Mr Aiea** Peters, in »he Shute Patate o f K. M. Borgen, Decea««*d. I I - . I . ’ •'•* .... •» .! .I.I.»Y««1. n '»«I, Including all (N o service leaa than l i e ) »3. 1®34. 28-30 pursuant to the commands o f both vs. profits and emoluments fro m said prem ­ at the rate of six per cent ( 6 % ) per ‘ W A N T M l P o u ltry of all kimla. W rite Dated this 2nd »lay of August, 1234. Kea>lara. par Iina 10« Edwin L. Buchanan and Candace A. Huch- •'«I Exeeutions, D«-«reea and O rders W ill call or bring F rid ay, Saturday or ises. that the same he paid over to the annum , fro m Auguat 4, 1232, fo r the of H F. PF. TEHH, A d m in istra to r of said (N o service laaa than M c I anan. N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T I w ill, on M'znday the 24th M t . t . nan, his w ife, J. L . Combe, a single p la in tiff, to he applied In satisfaction fu rth e r sum of Three hundred f if t y and 1 of M« »nday before noon. Portland prices H ara. M tA lr a r a p M a n . A tto r . i„ . September. A. D . 1244. a t the neys fo r Adm ir.ixtrator. an. Guy F. V ia and M ay Via. hua- of the sums herein found to he due to <»o Ioo dollars, 1 1460.00), attorney's fee», «lay or Coast Words Hand Money the County C o u rt o f the State of o re- 24-8 band snd wife, defendants. w ith interest ther«e>n a t the rate of a i* I hour of ten o'clock A M in the fore- C o ast Your P ru flta the p la in tiff, ami that a receiver he ap gon, for W ashington County, Noti« » is heret»y given that pursuant noon nf said day, at the East o r fro n t per cent (6 % ) per annum fro m M in the M a tte r of the FJatate of N . G ir ­ pointed In accordance w ith the provisions 25. l*IGN HI M M O NH til ark Face llaad liitfa N ot par* 2th, 123 4, and for p la in tiff's ala and f*‘ f Die tjou nty Court House, in the To an execution, decree, judgm ent and lin g , deceased. f the aforesaid ...ortgage, m ortgage, a tru true w e «<»py PIGH for sal, Ed Haato ■ M N In-horsemen la in -aid suit, taxed • i'y nf Hilislzor«/. W ashington County, In the C irc u it Court of the State " » '• n nt whi. h U atta« h«d to the com plaint No tice is herefzy given, th at the un­ «»rder of sale issued out o f and under gon. fo r Washington County K arel school bouse Oregon, >«|| a t public auction tn the wenty-tw«« am i 76/12«) dollars, (922.76). Caah should accompany the order. *< on file In ih i- a u il. t«* collect, fo r the dersigned A d m in is tra to r ttt the above ine seal o< t he entitle*! c«»urt on D. Hhaw, P la in tiff, L IG H T large 7 weeks-obl pigs, very rea- use and benefit of p la in tiff, all rents • o me directed and delivere«J, r u, m i l e li o l t i i w e a t ami -■■nable. M title, interest and claim which title«! Court and cause, his fin a l account, .u " ’r‘ • Judgment am i de«*ree rendered in p ro fit- from the -aid mortgage*! ing me In m ake sale of the real pr«.p* rig ht, O ut of fairneee to all no In fo rm a ­ n -p J a ik to w n ach« ,.i ;■. I defem lant-. < H. Blake, MaL«| 0 . F. Shaw, Defendant ■e C o urt has t h e . • bo* < nan»«d P la in tiff am i prem i-es pending the forerl««aure o f the erty herein after described. 1 have levied and report as such, and the tion on the «laealAad paga w ill • ginst the aljove -aid mortgage and »he -a le nt -a lii prem - upon, and pursuant to said Executi««n, Hlake. h S Haikzck. B ertha L . Hallock T o G F Shaw, Defendant, the 4th «Jay n f September. iefendants, di In the Nam e nt La given out a u lii the papèr la b. he *Nar».e .,f the »he State State of Oregon, the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said r* r l, ,l 5 and requiring me to make s ale 20. E. Alexander, and each and a ll V<11‘ iaea under the decree t«* he entered here­ D «-ree and O rd er of Hale, I w ill, nn «■ «I I L I. DOKKIS laaued. f h*-»n had on tlte 12’ h day of A p ril. v .u ir2 i 'y ti> apper.r in the -lay. and the Court room o f the above ' i / h.e n?* 1 Pr,>P*r«y hereinafter in . and Monday the 24th day nt Heptemlzer, 1231, o r .e - f fo o r ai naie, '» and « I I.A M young horse« nr a t any tim e have since sc- . *" ch N o w therefore, pursuant to and in W a-hin gto n County, j /'j.«-r»y, and also all the rig h t, title , of Oct 2Mtf b o u -e «late of the firs t publication of thii Sum- highest bidder f«»r «ash in hand, the said »n t*. F' S. H allock, Bertha L . Hallock m ent, decree and order of sale. I w ill at four aur«-«Mi-ive am i eonserutl Vo weeks f/ K L IN E M A N , A d m in is tra to r of tl than moat Jeweler» price Im perfect the each ana and all . ‘ . " ' L 1.' .<‘,u *«*•■■■ '•'Z i i e x a n u e r , and sn «j earn a il ' ■ ' t n. »ppear, in r r^ u n e "» •»»« D m u M . ’ J U n . m 7 a »1>7 the h °u r o f ten o’cl.x-k in the forenoon HOHHI-J4 K ) H H A I.E in I he H ill-h o rn Argus, a newspaper of real property herein after described, and and L. E. Alexander, atones Anderson's Jew ehy «tore 8f, on the 44th day of October, * Mftt «he p la in tiff w ill apply to A P« eters. u t *?e ^2nd day of September. 1944. a t A ttorneys f o r A d m in iatra - UUO-II m horse fo r cow or chi« ke J er* general circulation printed and published a ll the r is h i, title . Inte re st and estate of them, had XMirt for a judgm ent against you in tor. J / a“5 door the c ,x in (y Court House «»»• < Tty ,,f Hill-hor«». W aahingt.m which -aid defendant had in said premises 1921, or a t a ny tim e have since acquired, sey hull. 920 , firn h cow, 926 26-60 • «rung LOST AND FOUND have, in and to the fo llo w - '? * * u,n ',f U ''" W ). together w ith interest ----------- a n d /o r now on June 4, 1922, nr has since ac«juire«i . .............. w jin interest — < «»unty, Oregon, |,y a u th o rity of an order in W ashington County, Oregon, in order • 7Í *lb. h 2 miles east of from the 26_th day of August. I.«IS I lin e » 6-0 hills, Monday. neat to pay. satisfy and discharge the fu ll of the above entitled C ourt, the H o nor­ therein, am i all rig h t, title and inter««» mg hound«*! and described real pr«*perty t h e r m Ilea verton on C m r«»ad . see sign. 27tf O K D E K ..u . u ■ ourt house. Liberal rew ard by loan am i «wtate which said defem lant had lying, being and situate in the County of J J H . a‘ the rate of . fV per annum , . and »um of 975OJX) together w ith Interest 2t<»i) lbs , also 2 able George H Hagley presiding, which therein nn N n v u m b e r 4, 1229, or has I W a-hin gto n, State nt b r t^ n ti, and more the ru rth er team, about -u m of 9150.00 attorneys ln lhe bou nty Court of the S tate of O re- thereon at the rate of 7% per annum for return to Argus, 1031 28 1 L A H M order waa made and rn te rw l upon the farm h«»raea, cheap J. Jacobs, 12 mllea [**'“• an,l ^,,r his coats and disbursement- R °n. fu r W ashington C**uniy. l.t lS l G'»«i tire , tuba and rim Bunday I 2kth «lay nt July. 1234. am i which order, since acquired therein, the said real pr««p- 1 p artic u larly d<»cril>ed as follows, t o w i t ; since the 27th day o f Auguat. 1929 and Iiorthw aat of Hillsboro, m ile east herein incurred. T h i- Summons is served In the M a tte r of the Uuardxa/uihip o f the --------------- , ww,ov coaia erty lying, being and situ ate in W a-h - j Reg in at a point m arked by a -ton e fu rth e r sum of v 9105.8«) coats and ne«r I I i II h I muo Heward. W . F B e rt. of Hetbany l ’ resby t »r Ian church on among other things, directed the service uTnni V,,U . by Publication thereof in the t h . p an o n and aatate o f Ü. L t. ’ disbursements dwhunnonent« and a tto rn e e y y s ', few- fra» and bearing the letters C. 8 ., which point _ . Tou -------- nt summons he made upon you by #..... puls- ■ pH-r. « ouuty. State of Or«rg<-n, ai . ( ,,m elius Itt 2 t»-9 p H pringvtlh- ville r««ad. rued M R Il«*ation a« afore« tfilla)»«,ro Argus, pursuant to an O rd er of and w h ic h ’ ur«7er ,n',r,' P a rticu la rly deacr.bed aa fo l­ an incom petent person. the costs and expense* of said sale, sell is 1414.6 feet south nt the northeaat * ' ' l.O S l t.lessee, bifocal» w ith w hite gold P t lP n . o n . T ï i U a do7er"’ U" the Honorable George H Hagley. Judge of III T h e duly appointed, qualified and act- i a t public auction to the hiuhrat bidder corner of the John M itchell D. L . C. directed that you appeur and answer the lows, to -w it: rim s , black rase w ith word w heat" IIIII s I h . the alerve entitled Court of t h e state Hshha« k. Ht N«». 48 in T 2 S R 4 W W illam e tte fo r c u h in hand, »ubject lu redemption com plaint on file in thia suit w ith in ■>» auard ian of the above ratate having inside < a«v Hew ard Leave at Argus, A part of the Donation I*and Claim •n U retir — ' - . ^»■’ . . . hington C o u n t y , filed «.rarira a petition to sell the herein after aa pro vid cl by law. all lhe follow ing de­ M e rid ia n ; thence W est, along the four (4 ) weeks fro m the date of the 1044. 2» | of Law rence H a ll and w ife in Sec­ • J r* rid**rwl and entered on the 28th ¿ascribed real property of said entate by scribe! real property ,itu a te in W aah- 27. CATTI.F N o rth line of the lands conveyed by f ir - t publication of thia aumriHrna. tion 6, Tow nship 1, South of I O l.'N D In my pasture, stray cow, dry. •crilj^d ^hf»U*K 1934’ whu.h *a i‘i O rder pre- * h c h it appear- it ia necew-ary that said I injrton County. Oregon, and more p a rtie - S tott to A v a rilla Thompson by deed f he undersigned are resident attorneys 1 West of the W illa m e tte M erid ian , f r «-h and light gray rotor. w ith horns. O w ner T H H E E m ilk cows for sal r>»*ed that Summon« -h all he published property be sold. recorded on page 48 <»f Volum e W nt . u la rly bounded and described aa fo llo w , and bounded as fo llo w s : Commenc­ coming freah. I ,h«»no RM| 2Mp of ih<- Htate «»f ()r«*gon and th e ir place call here Alosander Lehm an, K t. 2. in -aid new -paper fo r fo u r successive and • Now , therefore, the next o f kin of the to -w it: the deed records o f W ashington Coun­ ing at the N o rth weal corner of a 29- 11 a I. ka. GOO D, young Jersey bull J V f .orenr. • •f raaidem-e and puet office address fol* consecutive week-, the date nt the fir s t above named G. L . T o u t and all perw*ns ty. O regon, 960.0 feet to a stake; low their reapeetlve names hereon. Hein» a p r t o f L o t 4 Block 11. in a< re tract o f land purchased by F ra n ­ H illsbo ro , on L rls y v llle road 214*2 thence South 933.4 feet to a stake; D ate of first publication Auguat 2, 1234 W alker'« A d dition to the town o f cis J Jenkins fro m James F. Sanders tf. DUKSHMAKINU—tSEWING I ItE H H cow fo r sale, also a horse thJ?’ r L . h* *Íate of. the la>t Publication 'iere.1 a n d directed to appear on M on- »hence Went 944.4 feet in a stake; Date o f la s t publication August 30, 1234 b e a t Grove, according u> the re- by deed dated Ju ly 16. 1MH6 and re­ 2Hp C o rrie ri, south on Hecond Ht. thence South 687 feet more or len­ l o l l paraotial help w ith your sawing « L A R K A < I.A H K It It H U L L I V A N T corded p la t thereof, bounded and de­ h X r F «?£rh¿ n 1934 ‘ ?,h ut corded In Hook V on Page 244 Rec­ ..” A . 'Î . : A I' KA R * P E T Í.R S . A tto r- 10:0d A. M in the the County County Court room fresh, A tto rn ey- for P la in tiff IGwidence a n d problems tu rn to The Singer Shop, T W O Jersey heifers for sale, oi to the South lin e of the above de- scribed aa follow «, t o -w it: B ra in n in g Court room ords of Deeds of said W ashington neys tn r P la in tiff. Re-idcnt Attorneys one coming fresh in October D La- I'"» ’ O ffic e A«idr«ws 1012 Yeon H uilding scribed lands d««ed<»l b y S to tt t o 1150 Herond tit Draaam aking, Item* •n the County C o urt house. Hillsboro. a t the S. W . corner of »aid L o t 4 County, Oregon, and running then State nf Oregon. Post O ffic e Address tuck. Ht 1. IIH U lM .ro . l»-x nill a north Portland. Orc A v a rilla Thom pion ; thence along said stitching Naw and used sawing ma- Oregon, to show cause i t any they have thence N o rth 201.3 fra t to the N o rth - South 4 2 “ Eaat 22.67 chains 24-8 thence Shute Saving - Hank Bldg.. of Ju n io r high ach«M»l. 27- h South lin e N«*rth 87* 60' East 1881 chinas for sale or riant 24-8 ' Hillsboro, why a license should not be granted to - » t corner of said lid, thence Last South 2 1 “ West 6 12 chains; thence Oregon. feet m ore or leas to a stone m arked 28-32 ^ell the follow ing described pr«*perty of J5 f r a t; thence South 201.3 feet D A I H Ï cows tor sab ca b or te rm « , I'» N o rth 69 Went 29.67 c h a in s ; thence N O T H E TO < R E D IT O R H w ith the le tte r- C. 8. on the Eaat the above « t a t e situated in W ashington thence West 75 fra t to the place o f 10. WANTED—Miarrlluncoua to 2o months to pay (m il K a m a , O r ­ N o rth 21 “ F.s-t 6.12 « hasns to the place n the County Court of the S tale of O re- I line of the said M itchel] D. L . C. ; County, Oreg«*n. a n d p a rtic u la rly d e- beginning. HEMM ONS ane««. I , h«.ne llillsL o ro 2 « 2 lX . 27-30 nf l/eginrnng, containing 16 1/8 acre», W A N IT I) I -ed bicycle. pay cash t»l *••»«, tnr W a.hin gt n County. th e n ^ N o rth six m inutes East along Also the follow ing tra c t: Beginning In the C ircu it Court of the S tate o f O re­ -cribed aa fo llo w * : more «.r lea», excepting th erefro m a trade radlu. Helfrtdge lu r n lt u r e alore I Wt » freah heifers, one Jersey am i one » the Mut f the E -ta te o f C lark-o n -a id r.a -t lin e 1447 feet to the place a t the Southwest corner of said L o t B eginning a t a point in the north- - tr ip 36 links wide con taining one- gon. tn r W'axhington County. < •**■ h It. A W i t h y - « .tiern 926 IL Applet W A N I El» C ..-I fu rn itu re amt c «. u k de. eased, of b eg in n in g ; con taining 44.12 acren, 4. ru n n in g thence N o rth 201.75 fra t B. E M ating. In c., a corporation. P la in ­ third of an a« re and ru n n in g N o rth near Grabcl H i l l - b ■ r o , w « t qu a rter of the northw est q uar­ Hl c«»ml*e stove» W hat have yin* in your a ttic ? N or l»w. a ll o f said r«ral property is hereby given, that the under­ thence South »9 deg. 45' West 5 feet ■ t if f , »•6' E a -l from the South to the N o rth te r of Sec. 23 T . 2 S. of Range 1 sc haul. tf W e have h .»ny g«»*l hargins In fu m i* in I has I, being am i lying in the John M itchel! thence South 201.75 fe e t; thence ' «boy confirm ed by the line of said lb 1 /8 acres of land, v*. * ’.eat . l he W illa m e tte m eridian KHII paid fresh rows and above entitled < t u ie «’«ene lu am i see us before you D. I*. ('. Nn. 48, W ashington Coun­ ’■«urt a- Executor of the N o rth 89 deg. 45' East 5 fra t to the commencing on South lin e *»f land Fran k W«»|vert« n and Mrs. F ra n k W ol- W a-hin gto n County, O regon, which -(■ringer- C. Flem ing, H. E. last L «y ll'»r»,l'M> k I u rn ilu re , 1126 W ill mi ..I ty, Oregon. I «-»lament of said de- place of beginning, being a p a rt of 16.2 m chain- fro m the Southwe- t corner said beginning point la north 0 * 07’ ver.t o9; h‘* Thomas W olverton por» land 26tf C linton Ht 11111—I •<« i • ■ H e f l id Ht ewsed. an«l ha • duly q u alified n- auch. thereof w ith rig h t «»f way however, to «atisfy the hereinbefore mentioned sums • n«l Mrs. Thomas W olverton, h i- wife, ea«t 1712.4 feet and north 89* 64' T * 1 N i ' i ' w D L’ C N“ « N«»w therefor e. a ll persons h a v i n g tn r all nece»-ary tra vel by person, nnd for the coats and expenses of said W illia m A. Cox and Mrs W illia m A. e a -t 486.95 feet fro m the q uarter I I \ I k l it I’ U XN 11 l> il T ,« e th e r w ith all the rig h t, title . In te r- - a 'I re ta te are hereby 'ule and of said w rit. team nr an im a l* on -aid strip nt land section corner between sections 22 Cox. his w ife, L in Cox and M rs. L in lie «I am i »N H A N D large .. ■ •ortm ent of hur-es. • iuir«’«l to present th e Ph. « t and estate which the aaid defend- Cox. his w ife. M a ry Brown and .............. E X I F HI» « I 1) g irl fu r I*» arid from the County Itoad, and and 24 in said to w n -h ip 2 south of Said -ale w ill »»e made subject to re ­ ««get h r ro w - am i mu lee W e are In p*wit|un to a n ^*« Edwin L . Buchanan ai w it h proper vouchers also the follow ing ; Range 1 west of the W illa m e tte m eri­ 3S IX . 141 ) F ilt h Ht Brow n, her husband. W illiam R. H itt Candace demption aa per the statutes of the S ta le A. Buchanan had in said real property deliver y»»u I *»r - carloed. O u r m otto theref.. undersigned, a t the law Commencing at a point 6.12 chains and Mrs. W illia n R. H itt, his w ife. F dian, running thence fro m said begin­ • >f Or«ngon. tliie m .mb W kN IT I» f Hsr 1» quick saiea ami -»nail p n f i t s . »alis­ office. M i-Aleer A Peters, in the South 2 1 ’ Weet from the N orthw est M H it t and M rs. I M H itt, h i s ning point N. 8 9 ' 54' east 167.25 i on the l i t h day o f Novem ber. 1926 and ■rumai fm mot berle«* t h ri-tis n w <> Dated, at Hill-hor«*, Oregon, thia 16th f n i ’. loti g,tarantre«l in reason , «1*11 very Hank huilding, in H ills - w ife. A lex H it t and Mrs. A lex H itt. feet ; thence ru n n in g south 0 * 07' I which has since accrued to them or orner *»f aai«i 2<)-acre t r a c t; thence o |.| N |., H a ve daughl« day nf Auguat. 1934. eith er o f them. .'ree In te r-ta te II orse A Cow M nrket,, Oregon »uh m -ix months from South 62 ha»l 29.67 c h a in s ; then his w ife , Th«»ma8 E. H it t and Mrs. weet 743 feet more or less to a point try hotue N J W. C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W aahing- 26-2 the «Ute hereof. I ’nlon Ave nnd C ilum bia Hlv«l. J. W. C O N N E L L . S h e riff o f W ashing­ South 2 1 ‘ W*-»t 10.14 chains; thence Th«»rr.a- E. H itt. his ___________ in the center of the county road w ife. E ra -« a rt- H oppirke NO 1T< L to n ('■•unty, Oregon. Thoa. H . Tongue Dste-I thi. Augii, it; 1234. ton County, Oregon. E . 3 . Tongue A t- H it t and M m . E ra U. H it t, his w ife, N o rth 69 W'«n*t 29.57 chains; thence No. 4 s 9 ; thence along the center of am i in rd September th« h< Jr., A tto rn ey fo r P la in tiffs . 26-30 W V. B E R G E N ru to r nf the la-t orney fo r P la in tiff, Hillaboro, O re 27-31 29. III AI, ESTATE N o rth 21* East 1 0 .lt chains to the ( harlea G H itt and Mrs. Charles G -aid county road 469. south 67* 40' the P nnpkln lodge y a ■ I. Heplaunhvr 4 W ill and Taatani« f said darceaard. H it t, hi« w ife. A. B. H it t and M n . A. place <»f beginning, con taining So west 182.33 feet to a p o in t; thence •m bon John Him la ir Mt N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F S SALE H are M .A I.-a r A Pet« rs. A ttorneys for ON B. H itt. r* h“ kW' f ** J E H ‘U and M ra acre*, more o r l« e . Also a rig h t of north 0 * u7’ eaat 817 feet m ore o r I «. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E O N Telepho Ei FO RE CLO SU RE E X P L K ÍF -Nt ED g irl f- i-e w o rk . way fo r all n«rce*aary tra v e l by p e r­ i H , l t « his Wife. F ran k Rowe and less to the place of beginning, con- I FO RECLO SURE Niui«iati<*n of the Jenkins and w ife to Th«»maa B n tc h e r person« or partiee claim ing any rig h t. I>»ted 13th day of A ugust, 1934. and Hans Jurgensen, a w idower. Rose Shute Saving - Hank. Hiil-I»<»r«», Onrgon. title , interent and r w -a * -» » * » -- ----- estate in or to or . b V N A L D T. T E M P L E T O N . County ‘.»7» " í ó r í ,n ,i » " “ red therein on August ance m ortgage at < > Pearl Sm ith, l»y Deetl recorded in Deed Book Z WOICK WAN 1 ED 12. Jurgensen and C arl Jurgensen, her hus­ 26-9 Æ ' * ^ ¿ 2 " . / * ™ u t C »' T ig ard and liens upon the real 1 property described ».••12 H. E Y a m h ill Ht . Portland. 26-2p Notice is her«d»y given, that an order Page 6<»6 Kccortbi of Deeds of said band. and John M eie r are defendants, W A N T H » Day work, 16 « rn U - G albreath. Executors of the Last K as »»eri entered by the C ircuit C«»urt <»f W ashington C«»unty. Oregon, and also “ the c«*mplaint. Defendants. me tu m . k . r a l . o f the prop- T o " h ra 7 k W o lv ra to , an.t M r ,. F ra n k W ol I I««'«, «i W ill and Testam ent of Lycurgus G al­ the State « f Oregon, fo r the County *»f the road <>r rig h t of way used as a 30. FOGS PETS N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S rrty herein a fte r described, I w ill breath. deceased, p p ia la in in tiris tiffs , , and and against against W n>hingtoii, authorizing, rm im w ering and road described in the Deed fro m H. verton, his w ife. Thomas W olverton r - .u r* A IK I heap A F'*»« te rrie r- fo r aale and M rs. Thomas W olverton hi- w ife 1 - . Ì * « °UnÌ Ì ° f l he StAte o t O re" £ ^ Peratlv/ Recreation» l and Educational Monday, the 10th day o f September, F Dll SALE -Miserila liruu» 16. dir«**ting the Sui»erintendent of B ank* . FL Sm ith and w ife, and Jaa. M p ..l, , « ornellu pup. A H 1934. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M .. at W illia m A Cox and Mrs W illia m A* i n*7h*> {\ t ' * a* h‘ ni^ '>n County. Ì ° * j ‘et.y ° f . ° tLe*Fon' a c"ri>oration., John •Ii« irib u t* a mmuih ! dividend of 15', «*n Sm ith and w ife, to J. F. Sanders re ­ Guy XO ( N<* ( Inna plies ■ a n t- fo r sale the east d<»or of the Court House in Cox. his w ife. Lin Cox and M r* L in 1 r o f Char,aa Voieake an<*. W illia m L . W allace, defend- «11 ordinary «ieponit claim - fil«>*| nnd ap- corded in De-al H'««k (J Page 696 ! I ' ■ Hillsboro. W ashington County, Oregon, sell . . a ry Brown ra. G. D o r « .« ! ants. wh»r»m . judgm ent ___ . G- C raw fo rd . Deceased. 36. n t c it s ants wherein a waa rendered Cox. h i. W ife M «nd ___ l»n>\«Mi against the t '-n im e m a l D epartm ent Records of Deed- of said C ounty on to the higheat bidder fo r ca»h in hand Notice is hereby aiven. th a t the under- in favo r of p la in tiffs and against the G HAPF.S fo r sale, L i»er 11» No busine*- and a »«w«»nd dividend <»f 26' I on all Brow n, her husband. W illia m R. H itt the 9th day of J an u ary, 1882, which 15. CABS AND TIKES and M r . W iU U n R H R hU £ f e F h“ b~ » d» 1* • « * " « « ( by the defendant. the follow ing described real property Cooperative Recreational R o»i Sunday I> It llish«»p. <»n the ordinary depusit claim s filed and ap- deed IxMini date Novem ber 30th, 1881. U ..... . . . SV. n i . i n i, w ire. r . akov. ' . . , . . aa A d m in ia tra to _ r o f Educational Society of Oregon, a cor- in W ashington County, Oregon, above entitled I Court, M H it t and Mrs. F. M. H it t F ik h a rd t p lace, w i« i end Jackaton t»("»e*l ugin-i tlie S a vina * D epartm en t of to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums »ituat«rd to -w it : fo r the sum nt Three Thousand w ife. A lex H it t and Mrs. A lex u : . . the « < -« « <■» said deceased, and has duly 2 7 tf the Shute Saving* Hank, up to and in ­ am i f<>r ¿he erntt and expenam o f sale street. H jt L qualified as such. A ll that part of the Donation Land D o lla r* (96,000.00) w ith in tercet there- h i. Wife, Thomas E. H itt and M r* t i iniini,' July 41. 1934, -ai«l dividend to and said w rit. C laim of T . M. Adams and w ife, in N o w therefore, all persons h a v i n g the r a te of * ix per cent Thomaa i, . H w itt? ife. h f c A r i f Ì l»e paid on and a fte r S«qiieml»er 6. 1931. Said sale w ill be made subject to re­ MCNK AI, INSTRUMENTS L H L l) auto parts for less M sm Street 35. H it t and E. M r* H itt, E ra h U a* ainat w la t « a «* hereby . the 14th d a y 'o f S ^ te ra ’bir*. T "» n » h ip 1 South. Range 2 Weat. ., I hat -aid order also direct«**! the pay­ demption as per statu te of Oregon. t.- i- g e 8»f W illam e tte M e rid ia n ; and more p a r­ P IA N O F O R ItA l.A N t I DUE. 9 - 1 ( harlea G. H it t and M r* Charles G nut,f,5*1 and required to present the same, l9 3 2. and the fu rth e r sum of 6250.00 a t- Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, thia 2"th ment nt a firat dividend on nil approved ticu larly deveribed a» follows, t o w i t : W E have on '. Commencing at the N orthw est corner f i n . h l , h - , r a d . |.l.n o w tlh l . . l . t , r a w fru m , B. H itt, his wife. J. E. H it t and M rs ix th* ¿ '“J*” 1* 0? 1 at th« I * w office« o f and disbursements herein, taxed at 922.- J W . C O N N E L L , S h e riff of W ashing­ of Section 1 Tow nship 1 South. Range f only |K3 W ill Iran» fer con tra et p , , , J. E H itt, his w ife F ran k R,.w « ai*4 I?a r r M. r .A lear. & Peters, in the Shute to me directed and delivered, E. H it t, his w ife, F ra n k Rowe and and including J u ly 91, 1931. ton County, Oregon. By M. Schm idt, 2 Meat of the W illam e tte M eridian «•»tabll-hed h< if you w ill as- which L'HF.D auto parts, so •ml hand t e r m ____ , (Wr4. Savings Bank building, in Hillsboro, Orw- m anding me to m ake sale o f the real M r*. _______ F ran k ___ R«»we. his w ife. D e lla „ R.»we laitns were filed -ub-equent to Deputy. M r. All>ert H F errera. A t t o r ­ and running thence S o u t h 26.50 -urne it. at only 9»> a inonth, or w ill the payment of said dividend. m achinery, -t«>ck tra ilers, lo t rent r unm arried. A lex lex Rowe Rowe and and M have unm arried. A '* rs. A lex h e r e o f* 11*1*0 * * * nwntha fro m the dat* property h ere in a fte r dscribed. I ney f«»r P la in tiff, Stock FSxchange Hbig.. ch a in s; thence East 2".00 c h a i n s ; discount fo r cash F’«»r fu ll particulars levied upon, and pursuant to the com­ Aa * * -*DMMMMMMMWe2weH««emaeBaeeiMaWBiMeee Rowe, his w ife. C a rrie Rowe, unm ar­ 27-31 T ha t, in con-ideratl«»n of the a—istanre Portland, Oregon. aiblre-» J F' Sm ith. a d ju ster. » line thence N o rth 26.50 c h a in s ; thence Dated this 16th day of A ugust, 1934. mands of said Execution. Decree and ried M y rtle Rowe, unm arried. Fem m a en by the Hillaboro Branch. The F irs t Went 20.00 chains to the place of Plan«» <’•».. 333 M arket Ht., Han F ra n - H E N R Y B. C R A W F O R D , A dm inistra» O rder of Sale, I w ill, on Monday, the IB. FUEL Rowe, unm arried. H azel Johnson and N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S S A L E O N l»«»ginning. containing 6o acres. ciac«» ( ‘al 28-20 N a tio n al Bank, of P o rtland, in purcha«- Johnson, her husband. D e fen d' y ^ A° J - lhe- Ef.Late o f . ,aiX com- 100 ew«w and awe Idend che«-k - i»e held and presented to Sale i— ued out of and under the seal i i H A K T R A M P F . d istributor C a rn a ­ F'OR l.e*»e A »Huit 2 M eat. W illam e tte M eridian ; situate in the C ity o f H illsboro. W ashington manded A D M IN IS T R A T R IX 'S N O T IC E TO lam b- State qu a n tity *i«-»ir«ai and capar- and required to appear and tion Fuel Co *»f Foraat Grove. Leave o f the C ircu it C o vrt o f the State o f O re- the proper claim ants i»y the aaid H ill and lying South of Beaver Creek, and County. Oregon, sell a t public auction to answer the com plaint file-i against you It » ' ' • ewl \ \ ! : ' « Mo •. \ • ..r.lrrs 1246 F irst Ht ««r Phone 2026. boro Branch, llie First N a tio n al Hank for W ashington County, on the 15th C R E D IT O R S containing about 3 acres. the highent bidder fo r cash in hand, a ll in the above entitled court and cause gus. 28-9 fo r slab o r m ill run 2 6 tf f Portland, th«dr regular hanking 'I* y August, 1934, upon a Judgm ent N tice 13 is neret hereby given that the under- the rig h t, title , _______________ _ which E xcepting therefrom the follow ing interest and claim on o r before the exp iration of fo u r wm > l > ‘ o H.,ce. S E A S O N E D ««k ami c«mntry slab wtawl quarters In Hillsboro. Oreg ui. fo r a |»eriod : * r“ I Decree made and entered th e r e in 1 described property which ha- hereto­ next follow ing the date of the fir s t pub- ¡ « rned ^ T r i x has ^ f ^ been h duly * appointed ppointed adm in“ in- s»«d defendants. Cooperative Recreational ROOMS AND Al’ARTMLNTS «•f eight day», a fte r which tim e II the August 15, 1934, in favor o f C a rl | Hawed any length before delivery. In- ■ 3«. fore been released fm m the lien of is h tr r a r tn th e estate ‘ o f Josephine Educational Society of Oregon, a cor- h ratio n o f t h i, Sum m on,, the d»t« of s a , x r o / f . ' ? „ rem aining cheeks iw malic«! to the prop- K linge and A nna Klinge, p la in tiffs , and i side block w«aa| Tru m an lby«l. 661 RO O M said mortgage, t o w i t : the firs t publication being on the 2nd < - ^ 7 ,f w t . . / ' T ’“ ’ ? ' bT ‘J T Coun‘ Z and l»«»ar«l. furnace heat M r* John V o l«»ke. and W illia m F S. H allock. B ertha L . Hallock and N in th Ht Phone H illsboro 2"3 * 14:f Beginning at the N orthw est Co«ner M u* C ran d all. 1256 M aple St. Phon- er i-laim ants in the u -ual m anner. Hav x,, 1934. to«« and __ i if •» you fa « il . . . to Court of W ashington County, Oregon, by L . W allace, and each and all of them, had day of August, L. E. A lexander and H a rrie t J. Cheadle. of Section 1. Township 1 South Range an order duly made and entered therein on the 14th day o f September, 1928. o r F IR S T class w.aai for sale F ir. oak and ' i 2« That said order ilir«*ctcd that this notice so appear and answ er said com plaint for w herein a judgm ent wa* 2 W eat o f the W illa m e tte M eridian, ash Kay Delaman. Ph«me Hillsboro C L E A N , a iry r«u.n«». 9* to 915 per nn»., l»e given by publication thereof in one defendants. at any tm e have since acquired, a n d /o r thereof,^ the p la in tiff .w ill apply on the 11th day of A ugust. 1934. rendered in favor of p la in tiff» and against and tu n n in g thence East on the 4 Hf now have, hav- A ll persona, therefore, having having claim claim s * now to the court fo r the relief prayed fo r in i ° n\ ,lherefo,T- in and ..................................< to t h e follow ing hoard if d«*»ir«*d 7 48 W«*«t M ain St. i»sue <»f a new»pa|»cr «»f general circula­ the defendants, F. 8. Hall«x-k and Bertha . Base L in e a distance o f 417.45 fee’ it- -aid com plaint, to -w it • «ginst said estate a re hereby notified to bounded and described real property ly - tion printed and published in W ashing­ D IE S E L and fuel «»»I George L Hend I ll t i' ; -• I / * L. H allock, for the sum o f Sixteen H u n - to an iron p ipe; thence South 0 * 12' That p la in tiff have ju.igm ent and de- £ re ' ent . [ he sar?e t2 ...!he undersigned a t > n g ._b ein g and -itu a te in the Countv ton County. Or«*gou That the «lute of the ricks, fuel oil dealer. F’oreet Grove dred (91600.00), w ith intereel thereon Eaat and parallel to the West line erra .d ju d n in K .n d d r a r ^ m g th at it" i,t 'h « ? , " , k7 ' " Î 7 n ''e .’" v HA lst >r,>' O r« ton- o r ot w " h 'n « t u n . S tate of O ra»on. and publication ia A u gu-t 30, 1934. Phone 248J. ‘ f 39. HOUSES at the rate of eight per cent per annum of said Section a distance o f 1043.6 ow ner in fra .im p ie o f the follow ing Î Î , J 2 7 ' o f ?'. B: Tunitue. att,orney. more p a rtic u la rly described aa follow s. A A. S C H A M M . Superintendent of since the 22nd day of June. 1921. aud d . - ril.e,i r ra l property .itu a te w it h i ï n r» 7 n ,b b, t ,ld ln ,t' H ilU buro. i < » w R : feet to an iron p ip e ; thence West S M A L L h«Hi»e fo r rent In q u ire at Slg- Hank», in charge <>f the Liquidation of fo r the fu rth e r aum of O ne Hundreo | 21. EAKM PRODUCE nal Service -ta lio n parallel w ith the Ba»e L in e a distance B eginning a t the intersection of W aaM torton C ounty. Oregon, and m ore fh eTef"; ^ R h R Z ì i h t_h* A ri>Pe: VO" ch.e ” the Shute Saving« Bank. 28 T w e n ty -fiv e Dollar-* (9125.001 attorney's G O O D cucumber* f«T d ill picklw*. X~ o f 417.45 feet to the W est line of the N o rth boundary o f Sec. 24. T 2 m onth- fro m the FO R H F.N T I arm building-, cow p a rtic u la rly bounded and described Santoro. % -m ll* north W itch Hare! f«*«*. and p lain tiffs* costs and disburse- . »aid Section 1 ; thence N o rth 0* 12' date o f this notice. S H I W w ith the east boundary of follows, t o w i t : ture, garden acreage. C all at N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ment of said suit tax«e>d at Eighteen and West along the West line of said Dated this 13th day o f August 1934. the rig h t-o f-w a y o f the Oregon Elec­ Beginning at a point on the South Itaaeiinc. evenings _________ 28p In the C ircu it Court o f the State of O re ­ 80 100 D ollars (918.80), to me direc.ed < Section 1 a distance o f 1043.6 feet C L A R E C A S E M E G A R G E L . Adm inis­ IM P R O V E D Bantam canning corn for tric R a ilw ay 4«) feet ea^t o f the cor­ line of W a-h in g to n Street in the town .. gon. .. fo r W a-hin gto n County. and delivered, com m anding m e to make to the place of beginning, excepting tr a tr ix o f the E -ta te of J«.«ephine Shear­ ner o f Secs. 13. 14. 23 and 24. and »ale I red H*aai. »«with T en th St 2 m 62. (now city ) o f H illsboro. Oregon, which FARM LOANS New Yo rk L ife Insurance Company, a BB|e ,,f the rPMi property herein after de- therefrom the rights of the public er Case, deceased. E B. Tongue. A tto r­ ru n n in g thence south 0 * U W . 19.54% »aunt is 33.00 feet South and 796.51 ■rporation, p la in tiff, •c ri Iteti, I have levi«»! upon, and p u r­ F A R M money to loan The F«**leral nd in and to the West 20 feet of the ney fo r A d m in is tra trix . 26-30 chs. 11290 fe e t» ; thence east 8.68 feet \ \ est o f the intersection o f the EAKM MACHINERY tz. va. nuani to the commands of »aid Execution, bank now ha* am ple funds in bonds t> above described property, which lie« ,5 .73 feet? to low » « t e r m ark center line o f N o rth Range Street E M P IR E »«qmrator. I«»«'"-lb . for -a le rea­ nd O rd er o f Sale, 1 w ill i>«n to farm ers at 4**j Over 9 1 .0 "'.- Austin Ex«-. r of the Last W ill Decree w ith in the boundaries» of th a t certain N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S T u a la tin R iv e r ; thence up-stream w ith the center line of W a-h in g to n sonable W F. (lem lw lla lit 2. Ilill» - and Teatam ent of Sarah J. Sim», d e - Monday, the 24th day of September. A. W ashington (loo has tteen leaned 40-foot road deeded to W ashington In the County Court o f the State of fo llo w in g low w ate r m ark to said Street in said c i t y . a n d running censed. Bernice H u nt ns co-executrix D ., 1934. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M . «anility fa rm e is l»y the bank. W rite or County by deed recorded Jan uary 3. Oregon, fo r the County o f W ashington. north boundary of Section 24; thence thence South 203.29 feet to the line of the L a *t W ill and Teatam ent of in the forenoon o f »aid day. a t the call fo r particular». W a-hin gto n Coun­ T H K E E -b o tto m John Deere disc pl«»w 1911, in Deed Book 91 at page 406; Probate Departm ent. south 89’ 43’ We»t 4.77 cha. (315 dividing L o t 54 and 8 aa shown by Sarah J. Sims, deceased. Austin Sim». East or fro n t door n t the County Court fo r the purpose o f satisfy ing the sum ty N a tio n al Farm Loan A*-«»eiat ion. for aal«\ 26 . new. O m er Vuylateke. Notice is hereby given that the under­ feet) to the place o f b eg inn ing; ex­ the unrecorded p lat of Tongue’s Ad­ individu ally and Lorna Sim», hi» wife. House in the C ity o f Hillsboro, W ash- of 93349. So w ith interest thereon a t the J. M Person, aecretary, H illsboro 9:f Z i n a W .» » l f - i m 27tf signed L ie lia A . Ro— has been appointed cepting the rig h t-o f-w a y of the P o rt­ dition to the C ity o f Hillsboro. O re­ Ite m ice H u n t, individu ally, and U o y d ington County, Oregon, sell at public rate o f 10% per annum fro m August 1, A d m in is tra trix of the Estate of E. O. land and W illa m e tte V a lle y R ailroad, gon as prepared by W m . Neilson. C. H u nt, her husband, Mercedes U rdnhl auction to the highest bidder, fo r ca*h 1932. and the fu rth e r -um o f 911.50 fo r Allen, deceased, by the County Court net area tw elve acres. Engineer, and ru n n in g thence West and H a l I I. (Jrdahl. her husband. Mar* n hand, all the rig h t, title , interest and a t t r a c t i n g , and the fu rth e r sum of of the State of Oregon, fo r W ashington to satisfy t h e hereinbefore mentioned on said line dividing said lots 2<>3.89 jo rie H u n t, D. F*. Rai»c«>ck and W c'xim of the said defendants, F'. 8 . H a l- j 9250.00 attorneys fee« and the fu rth e r County, and has qualified. A ll persons sums and fo r the costa and expenses o f feet to the South line of W ashing­ V. C la rk , defendants. lock. Berths L . H allock, L . E. Alexander sum o f 918.50 coats and disbursement* having claims aginst said estate are here­ said sale and o f said w rit. ton Street ; thence East along the nd each and fo r By virtu e of an execution. Ju.igment an,d which -u m * judgm ent has b e e n by notified to present the same, duly Said sale w ill be made subject to re ­ isfy the amount» found to l»e due to Hl M M O N S South line of W ashington Street. 106.- on the 22nd day c f rendered in the above entitled court and verified, as by law required, to the un­ dem ption as per the statutes of the S tate the p la in tiff, and the coat» of aal*. Said order, d««*ree and order o f sale issued No. 1U331 99 feet to the place of beginning, above .......rara entitled court in the have since cause in fa v o r of the p a in tiff and against dersigned a t the office of J. T ho m b urn of Oregon. ra. » ... .ra. June- l®21. or a t any tim e ,2-ra ____ In the C ircu it < «»urt «»f the State of O re- m ortgage wa« recorded «»n the 2nd day «ait o f the and being known and designated as now haze in land and to the defendants, and fo r the coat* of and ^.a ^f in Ross. A m erican Bank Bldg.. Portland, Dated, at H illsboro, Oregon, this 16th <>f Augu»t, 1920. in the M ortgage Records nb.'xe «qititled cause to me directed anti • acquired, and J o 'r r g»n. f«»r W ashington County. lot o r parcel No. 54 on -aid u nre­ said W r it ; that said -a le w ill be i w ith in six months from the date hereof. day of August. 1934. T h e C a lifo rn ia J o in t Stock Land Bank nf Wa»hingt<»n County. Oregon, in Book dated the 1st day of August, 1934, upon the follow ing bounded and describe! real upon corded p lat o f Tongue - A d d itio n ; per the and fo r a fu rth e r judgm ent' a n d "d ecree ¡ n ,? “ ted. ïn .d n.l .Irarra , n le r « i in raid * n 1 ’ ■•«»«• I" made subject to redemption as C O N N E L L , S h e riff o f W ashing- of San Franclaeo. a corporation, l ’ Iain- 87 at page 146. and deacrihes and cover* statutes o f the State o f Oregon. "L S'.‘ " te o f last publication September 6, ton County, Oregon. Thus. H. Tongue J r ., II |) i lillu» i n 1» and an,f decreeing alrararararaSaa.,— th . at a the a«. _ above I the follow ing real pr«»perty situated in c u r l ..II 111., l . i dny I.f A u iiu M . I'.'i«. in adjudging t lf f . 1934. n.ine.1 p la in tiff and : f 0 " ' * 1 "1. m " re P » « i« u la rly draenbed aa J. W . C O N N E L L . S h e riff of Washing. j A tto rn e y fo r P la in tiffs . 26-60 ibov W ashington ( ’«»unty. ()reg**n, t«»-wit : va. ton County, Orepon. W u lte r F ü h re r and have'd no<,^*|^ht, n t ti’t l ¿ n claim C,, interrat**™ L I E L I A A. ROSS. A d m in is tra trix . J. •g a in s t the Jimeph C H a re (»ometimea known as J. P o rtion* of the S«»nth h alf ( 8 % ) rra l property hereinafter I f'.i.ow s, to -w it: Beginning at a point 611.2 leet nd to the real D ro n e » .- ' ^ Thornhurn Rora. A ttorney.___________ 25-9 R. F ra n k A tto rn e y , fo r P la in - In and N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T nt Section Seven (7) and of the l«»tcril>«si for the »um of 66250.00 w ith C. H a re ). E lin o r G. H are. W illia m I*, N o rth and 191.5 feet N. 41* 47' W . t if f . 24-8 inabove described, and th a t p la in tif fs N«»rthw«*»t qu a rter ( N W ’ D and n t the interest thereon at the rate of 10% per lia r « (AI»«» kn.»wn aa W . B. Ila r e ) , In the County Court o f the S tate of O re­ fro m the southeast corner of the N O T IC E East h a lf (F J 'j) o f Section Eighteen annum fro m December 1, 1932. plus the F«ina A lia r * , ('.»m m ercial N a tio n al , ( t i t l e to said real pro p e rty b e quieted fo r W ashington County. southwest qu a rter o f the southwest The H a rtfo rd F ire Insurance Company, In gon. N . a O T IC E O F F IN A L . . S E . T T L E M T E N T (18». Tow nship O ne ( I t South. Range additional »uni of 9166.03; the fu rth e r Hank of Hillaboro, O regon, E. L . John- against *»ii all c claims and demands of every • ,, »M»««»®v ia iin s a the M a tte r of the Estate o f Adolph qu a rter o f sertion four in Tow nship ’ ".J.!!* b ' “ te o f O re‘ kinii «nd Character of the .a id defend"- of H a rtfo rd . Connecticut, hereby gives Tw o (2 ) W eat o f the W illa m e tte | sum of >536.02 w ith interest thereon at •on. Trustee, E. L . Johnson, E tta L. Rahn, Decease*!. tw o. South of Range three West of gon. fo r W ashington County. notice that its policies numbered 6932, M eridian, p a rtic u la rly deecrilted a»: the rate of 10% per annum from Fet>- Johnaon. Glenn H. Blgel«»w. V ern al ants, and each of them , in and to No tice ia hereby given th at the under­ id the W ill. M er. in W ashington Coun­ In the M a tte r of the E state of John real property, and that each of said Commencing at a point 3.34 chains m a ry 29. 1932 ; the fu rth e r sunt of 926.- Bigelow , Lloyd E. Bigelow. E tta Bige­ de­ 6«K)t)79. 600080 heretofore furnished ita signed A d m in ia tra to r of the abt ve named ty. ()reg«»n. being a point in the M ainland. Deceased. Flant of the Southeant corner nt the 09, the fu rth e r »um o f 9440.00 attorney*» low. M arg aret Ruth L in k la te r. Francia fendant» he ordered and directed center of the County Road No. 323 Notice is hereby given, that the un- ecute Sigler Donation Land C laim No. 42 fees and the fu rth e r sum of |8 3 28 costs W L in k la te r, M a rg a re t L in k la te r. Sam ­ and fro m »aid point running thence dersigned Executors of the Last W ill c o n ve,..., In said Sections. Tow nship and Range and disbursements, and the c«wts upon uel Faiward L in k la te r. Ethel L in k la te r S. 65“ 21' W. 715.1 feet ; thence N. and Testam ent of John M ainland, de- described fo r a place n t h«*ginning, nnd ru n ­ this w rit, com m anding me to make sale F ra n k lin . Donald F ra n k lin . Kenneth A. 2 3 ’ 45’ W . 123.1 feet ; thence N. ceased, have filed in the above entitled dec ning thence W«»«t 3.34 chains to of the follow ing describod real |«ro|*erty L in k la te r. Kenneth A. Covell, Kenneth 59* 15 W 183.1 fe e t; thence N. 65* Court and cause, their fin a l account and the Southeast corner o f said Sigler -«ituiitc in W n-hin gto n County. Oregon. A ('«»veil J r., Thomaa Edward Covell. as am i ror sucn deed, and fo r such other j O Y < ( ’ „ T p v g - r v i io w P » • u — ---------entitled Court 21' E. 703.4 feet to the center of report as such, and the Court has fixed and fu rth e r relief as may appear to the #• L IC H T E N S T E IN . M anager of P a d - in Hillsboro. Donation Land C laim , thence N o rth | t o -w it : Lots Tw o (2 ) and Seven Kenneth A L in k la te r aa A d m in istra­ Oregon, as the tim e and .Monday, the 24th day of September. 1934. Court to he equitable in Gie premise«. 1 PJ j * „ ? ‘,u.ranea Com- place fo r hearing objections to said fin a l nnd along the East line of said Sigler (7) and p a rt of Lot Th ree (3 ). S im m s -■ county r«»ad No. 8 2 3 ; thence S. 4 1 ’ to r <«f th«» Flatato of D o rothy L in k la te r I 47' E. 301.6 feet to the place of be- at the hour of 10 o’clock A . M. o f said . . . . summons is serve*! upon vou hv 1 P y' San ^ rancWt'°. C a lifo rn ia. 28-80 Donation Land ( ’ laim a distance of Ford and S later »uh-divi-ion in Ph ilip ('«.veil, dcceaaeil. Kenneth A L in k la te r account, and fo r the fin a l settlem ent of day, in G .iit” r he* •°UrL i?‘inn e M e Pub,icatk>n thereof pursuant to an o r d e i ------------------------- 40 chains, more o r leas, to the South H a rris I). L . C. No. F ifty -th re e (5 6 ). | ‘ g inning, con taining 4.576 acres, more n<* G uardian o f the person* and estate said estate. o r less. entitled N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ntitled t o u r t in Hillsboro. Oregon, as made and entere*! in the above entitle*! line of Ivan Konignn land to cast Tow nship One (1 ) South. Range Tw o nf Kenneth A. Covell J r ., and Thomas Dated this 3'»th day o f August. 1934. Also: B eginning on the east lin e "'LJ «"'1 "U the I . , d ,y Of A u g u .7 In the County Court of the State of O re­ window w eight, thence N o rth H l* 35’ (2) W«»st, W illam e tte M eridian, more F-lw ard Covell, M in o r*. Kenneth A. H E N R Y R A H N . A d m in istra to r of the to . . ¡ . I fin a l «-count, and fo r the inai ¡ ¡.ä ij by" ' H o n o rab le’ G ^ 'ra e ' R of the southwest qu a rter o f the south­ West 2034 f«*«»t m ore «»r less to the p artic u larly described a» follow »: Begin- gon, fo r W ashington County. k ln le r a - Executor o f the I.ast W ill estate o f said deceased. Hare, M cA lear " Ä h i * ; B ^ d a ^ A u a u .,. 193«. , « , 7 ^ west qu a rter of Section fo u r in T ow n­ | nlng nt a stone at the Intersection of In the M a tte r o f the Last W ill and Test­ & mid Testam ent and of the » l a t e <»f center of the T u a la tin River, thence Peters. Attorneys for A d m in istra - ship two. South o f Range three West ' th«* Scholl» and H illsboro Road w ith the Zoin W . L in k la te r, decea»«*l, J. K. d«»wn said riv er nnd tracin g the cen­ am ent and Estate o f George Susbauer. to r- 28-82 o f the W ill. M er. in W ashington .. n y ; - ' •* I Fnrm ington uud Port Ian.I Road, from , Deceased. te r line thereof to n point in th«» Hat trick am i L a u ra Iln ttr ic k , Defend­ Executors of the Estate of said decease*!. County. Oregon, 611.2 feet N o rth of which »tone an oak 2«) inch«»» in diam eter Notice is hereby given that the under­ Northeast qu a rter o f the Southeast tV.1.'.^t's,ve and consecutive weeks in the ants. Hare. M cA lear A Peters. A ttorneys fo r the southeast corner of said south­ bear» South »ixty-nix degree« th irty m in ­ qu a rter of said Section Eighteen (18) Hillsboro Argus. a weekly newspaper signed. P eter Susbauer. has been by the T o G lenn I I. Mgel«»w. V e rn a l Bigelow, Executors. 27-31 printed nnd published in Hillaboro. Ore west q uarter of the southwest quar­ W E D E A L IN R E A L ES TA TE utes (66 80') West T h irty -s ix mid one- County Court of the State of Oregon, fo r due South of the place of beginning, M argnret Hu tli L in k la te r. Francis W . te r o f said section four, and from said half (8 6 % ) link» distant, and running and o f general circulation in W a s h -i ashin®ton County, duly appointed ex- thence N o rth 30.61 chains to the L in k la te r. M argaret L in k la te r. Samuel W rite N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T point running thence N. 41’ 47 W . thence South eighty degre«*» and tw enty- place of beginning am i containing ington County. Oregon, the first publiea- *’f the I.aat W ill and Testam ent F ire and Autom obile Insurance l-.lw a r.l L in k la te r. K enneth A. Covell, In the County Court of the State of O re­ tion thereof being on the 2nd day of and E *ta te of George Susbauer, deceased. I 191.5 fe e t; thence S. 6 5 “ 21' W . 715.1 six minute» (80° 26 I East Twcnty- 332.27 acre- more o r leas; together Kenneth A. Covell J r., and Thorns* Ed­ M ake Loans and Issue S u rety Bonds fw t ; thence S. 23* 45’ E. 107.0 fe e t; gon, fo r the County of W ashington. Au» «1st. 1934. and the date of t h e 'la s t »»nd has duly qualified as such executor, I w-ith all and singular the privilegea, ' two ami -eventy-nine hundredth» (22.79) w ard Covell, Defendants : Probate Departm ent. thence N. 6 5 ’ 21' E. 305.0 fe e t; 1 chain» to nngle in road; thence South pub) cation thereof being on the 3<)th A ll persons having claims against said i appurtenancea, tenements, heredita* In the N am e o f the S ta te nt O regon! In the M a tte r o f the Estate of John C. day o f August. 1934. thence 8. 3 2 “ 49' E. 78.5 fe e t; thence ! seventy-one degree»* th ir ty -fiv e minute» meuts, easement» and rights of way estate re hereby required to present the You. and each of you, a re hereby aurn- H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N D e lla a n , Decease*!. | ( " I * 35’ ) East »even and n in e ty -th re e 1 East 414.5 feet to the east line of E. B. T O N G U E . ................... A tto rn ey ____________ fo r Plaim -«ame to me w ith proper vouchers, a t m y j thereunto belonging or u -u a lly en­ moued and required t«> appear a n d Telephone 1391 1236 Second St. | No tice is hereby given that the under- t if f . Resident atto rn ey of - the the southwest q u a rte r of the south­ - hundredth» (7.93) chain»; thence South joyed w ith said premises or any part State of residence in Cornelius. Oregon, o r a t the ' answer the eom plaint of the p la in tiff filed ' signed, as Executor o f the Estate of O rego... ____ west qu a rter of said section fo u r; Seventy-nine degreee and fifty -s ix m in ­ thereof, and the reverson or rever­ P«»s«.»ffil'e nililre." Comn . ■ __________________ ggaii < you in iii<- ab«lemption a» provided by law . L. the Judgm ent and Decree made and «Mitered signed. M ax C ran dall, has been by the annum fro m (he 16th day of A p ril, 1934. Io I»«» a firs t, valid p rior and subsisting ’ highest bidder fo r cash in hand. the »herein on the 1 Ith .lay of August. 1934, County C«»urt of the S tate of Oregon. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S and the fu rth e r sum o f R704.7R paid lien upon the said real pro p e rtle«; nnd above do«<*rihed real . property nnd all . . (d ) That any claim of rig h t, title , in ­ the rig h t, title nnd interest which the «ait i»y p la in tiff as taxes upon the real tercut, estate In or lien upon the said property herein after described, w ith in ­ above nnnie«l lefemlnnts nnd each of MACHINERY—New iron-wheel wagon, hav rack Chanwton 6-foot ter*»»«! tliere*»n at the rate of eight (8 % ) real properties, or any part thereof by them had therein on the 23rd day of inriT'oiix 18 tru,c1^' 2 action Oliver harrow nearly new, 12- ia»r cent per annum from J u n * 20, 1934, any of the defendants in this suit, or November, 1921, the date o f the m ortgage •P polnted ad m in is trato r inch Oliver walking plow, 1 heavy set of breeching harness, and the fu rth e r sum of 61500.00 to l»e eith er thereof, o r any person claim ing foreclose*! by said decree o r sin«*e that t i f f and aginst the Inn I hereinafter de- against said esta’ e are hereby required n e t chain allowed the p la in tiff as attorneys’ fee«, by. through o r under them, or either date had in nnd to said property or any scribe«!, for the sum o f Six Hundred I)o l- to present the same to me w ith proper w ith the w ill annexed of the estate of harness, collars. Small tools—hoes, rake, shovel, bars, log-chains, single A lb e rt Jack, deceased. Now. therefore, ties tile« the coat* nnd «llshursementa of (hereof, he «lecreed to he in fe rio r nnd part thereof, to satisfy »aid execution, lars (1600.00), w ith interest there*»n a t vouchers, a t my residence in Hillsboro, all person* having claims against t h i fri^ k 6°-f°ot new h-inch hay rope, two hay slings, hay Niihordinnte to the lien of the said m o rt­ judgm ent on ler and decree, interest, r«v*t* the rate of six per cent per annum since Oregon, or at the law office of M. B. this a t il t ; nnd , estate of A lb ert Jack, deceased, are slmg trip, milk pails. 1 milk cart, 1 wheelbarrow. (h ) That the m ortgage deacribdd in the gage of the plaint iff , nnd th at any such anil accruing coats. the 12th «lay of A p ril. 1924. and the Hump in Hillsboro. W ashington County hereby notified to present the same to- com plaint on file in this suit, executed claim of rig h t, title , interest or ««»(ate Dated this 1st day of August. 1934. fu rth e r sum of Seventy-five (675.00) Oregon, w ith in six month» from date getner w ith proper vouchers therefor to CHICKENS—9 heavy hens and rooster, 3 heavy pulleU. on or about August 2. 1920, l»y the de­ in or lien upon the -aid real property First publication August 2. 193!. Last torney's fees, nnd p la in tiff's costs and ( hereof. me at the H illsboro Com m ercial Bank, fendants Joseph C. liar«» and E lin o r be forever barred and foreclosed, save publication August 30. 1934. lishursementa of said suit taxed at Dated and firs t published August 23, Hillsboro, Oregon, or at the law office of TERMS CASH—Unless otherwise arranged. of re­ H are, his w ife, to the p la in tiff. In c«»n- nnd except (he statuto ry rig ht J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff o f W ashing­ S ixty-eig h t nnd 66/100 Dollars (668.66), 1931 Last publication September 20, 1934. E. R. Tongue, in Hillsboro. Oregon w ith in «»l ars (668.56), xideration of the sum o f 627,600.00 then dem ption a» liy law provided ; and ton County, dragon. MAX C R A N D A L L . Executor of t h e six m onth* from the date o f t h i" notice nnd also hy virtu e of an Execution De- (e) T h a i upon a sale being made under haincd by lh e p la in tiff to th«» said last C A L V IN J A C K J r . A d m in istra to r w ith H U N T IN G T O N , W IL S O N A l i i N T IN G - eree and O rd er of Sale |»»U«I j m t »nd | l,n»t W ill and Taatam ent of E lfu tw th O . | namisl d<>f<>iidants, lie foreebmed and the the decree o f foreclosure to he entered T O N , Attorneys fo r P la in tiff. P.»t(»fflce under the seal tndor toe cal of the C ircuit ircu it Court ( ourt of C ran d all, D w ra ra d . M II. Bump. Attorney [ the w ill ann exe! of the eatote o f A lb ert property therein deacrlhed, o r *«» much herein the purchaser nt such sale he lei a.hlress: 514 P o rter huilding. Portland I •'* ?..** * .. ^,rriu*n,i ‘ s" l2Kt<’” I fyfit ___ *•!'* ________ F »tato. Resident e and address. Jack. dece«i»ed. E. B. Tongue, Attorney _ _ CLYDE W. WOOD A BROS., Auctioneer» thereof as may he necessary, sold to sat­ in to p