THE Page E ig h t Brown Clan Has Reunion Near Laurel ill y M r LAUREL- n ie Brown clan held reunion at the F L Brown home Sunday It is composed of the de- scendaiits of William N. and Mary Morrow Brown, who crossed the plains by mule team (tom Mussoun m 1868 Only two of their six solus. Charles W. and Finis I- arc living, Those present were Mr and Mrs. Oliver Baker and children. Ervin Let-a and Virgil. Falls City. Mr and Mrs Harry Davis and son. Clyde Black Rock; Mr and Mrs. Kay Brown and son Dickie and C \\ Brown Boring; Mr. and Mrs Ray Baker. Mr. and Mrs Clifton Ber- wick, Mrs A. N. Vail. Mrs L. J Steventon and Elnora Brown. Port- land; Mr and Mrs. S. J Becheu and children Tommy and Dorothy West Union: Mrs Ed Saxton. Witch Hazel: Lloyd Brown. Midway, and Mr. and Mrs. B. G McNay and daughter Patsy. Mr and Mrs F L. Brown and Lee and Lillie Brown of Laurel. A family gathering at the Jacob ^ ^ r d t« T M ^ U” 1ShnWMaartt v ,^ t d children. Edward and Irene’ Mr. and M a ro n e rbearndK Eva WolL 3 a ^ " of b Bethanv and Mr c h tk uid & M Phillip K a rs Wesley ‘’A Mes- and Edward of Beaver Creek. Mr and Mrs. Jacob Traschel and chil- dren A rthur and Edward. Emil Traschel and daughter. Laura, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Touehin and two children, all of Elmonica Mr and Mrs Peter Riedweg and chil- dren. Hazel. William. Emil and Al- bert of 8011th T ualatin. Muss Cora Hulit of Hillsboro, Mr and Mrs Fred Schmidt. Mi and Mrs Jacob SçhX ’dt and W alter Schmid: 2!» W Laurel. Mr and Mrs. Herman Whitmore and Miss Josephine W hitmore left Fridav for the beach to spend a week Baby Whitmore is spending the week with her grandm other Whitmore. The Ladies' club was tne entertained n pni-B?nd a t Peninsula park in Portland (tie Heineck Thursday by Mrs. Effie alley. Those and Mrs. H annah Dailey attending were Mesdanies W. H. McNay. John Crawford. Jam es Will, Leon Davis. W. L, o Rov . Fields. t . B. r~ , w- Stevens, G. McNay. J. w . xi,,t Mul- loy. L A W hittle. Amos W atkins, - R — E. Meyers. John ----- Will. F - L. Brown. Lee Brown. R ichard W hittle. Jacob Schmidt. C P Stafford Fred Schmidt. Adolf Rutschm an. J. H TFlttm .R utschm an Miss H IL L S B O R O ARGU S, Emmult hop yard (or the hop har- M A C vesi Muss lilaneh lias been « u h her sister. Mis Ralph Carter, «ho. « u h Mr C arter and baby brought her ironi E.ustern Oregon Mrs Jane W eatherford is quite ill at the home of her niece. Mrs Hoi f ields, « h e n 1 she resides. Mr. and Mrs Burgett Vose ol Oswego called at the fields home Friday to visit her aunt Mr. and Mrs Kollm Meyers en- teriam ed w itth a supper at their home for Mr and Mrs. Hoy Fields August 21 Others present «ere Mr. and Mrs Ed Dcmmin ot Scholls and Mr. and Mrs George T e«s and sou Jimmie Mr and Mrs J W Mulloy and daughter Thelm a and Mrs le e Brown went to tile beach Saturday for several days vacation Mr and Mr.- Roy Fields. Frances and Bud Fields Mr and Mrs Rol- 1m Meyers and Ml and Mrs Henry Reese were entertained with a crawfish teed at the Ed Dent- mm home at Scholls Sunday eve- lung Gilmore Wight and Ted Rutseh- man. who are on a trip to Yellow- stone park, are expected home the latter part ot the week I'liey plan- ned to visit O ilm an s relatives near Seattle en route home Don Butts and family are plan- mng on moving to Hillsboro tins week. School Opening Set school wUl begin Septem - p ’l t im id 'u - la id ie r’1*11* Joe c k V m and son Murray uent OREGON B y M u tic i) u ie e iin lim i dav ai il p ni s u b irti H unday m o im n g "W h o llokf-, llie R e i lo th e K ltig ilo m ol Ile a v e n . M ilitile « . i l n .p e l. Iti. Iti W e extend un invitatimi lo you lo co m e a n d « o r s lilp w llh US. th è su in e In v ita tim i lim i ls a a h g a i e im i. Usanti aa. I. holiLs quoti lo d a i I le tlm t h a lli n o m o lic i co m e in n i b u i « lib im i m o n ey a n d w ltlu m t p i t i e B ,1 Y ates. ix isto r 'i A u k iih I p ru n e o r c h a r d n e a r Y am h ll lie w as iwli-.t church with m t.-l'iii.-iif in the sh a k in g p r u n e , w hen a llm h bro k e, Yiimhlll I vmi'ii'i \ Riilii-it « Ihiin.s causing the | h »I c to s trik e h im hi ( t .f F i h i .'I tin n ì' hail i h a i . r nt fn th e low er a b d o m e n llviitl ni I auqi iiwiita luiieral 1 Ionic mid all of our service* U n h u rt Service” Funeral service. were held W»xi- Phoiie 97 * H lllih o m Septem ber 2 'L abor Sunday»: iK'sdav afternoon at Yamhill Meth- ('ha|>cl service of worship at 9 4.» a m with Pastor Hemy S Haller s|H'akuitf on The Dignity ot l.atx>r' in commemoration of the national holiday on Moncte) No evening service et worship this week. Next Sunday, September U. regulni hours ot chajwl worship will lx* re slimed, at 10:30 o d o ck In the morning, and 7 30 o'clock in tin evening Hoiiuxoming day will be observed on Septem ber 10. and the One I Digi t 's S ilv e rw a re ( 'e rlil'iv a te w ith 20 g atin ' Festival of Harvest Home on Sep­ huh led e ith e r lad ies o r g e n tle m e n . tember 30. Young c o p i e s duos will resume their meetings during th<‘ week of September 9 Pilgrim Guild. tor ladles interested in the House, each Thursday at 2 p, m. riltfriin House W E P A Y DIVIDENDS on What You Spend! C L E M ’S r e n tr c a x h il at N orth Plains moUier. Mrs. Fred Brown. Mr C ut-) ting spent Sunday a t the Brown home and Mrs C utting returned h o m e. with him Sunday evening, Miss Cora Dorland was also a guest of Mr and Mrs Brown Sunday. M arjorn Meek spent the week- - m Dnrl ’ q ex z-i oiixtttf end Portland, guest /xf of Mice Miss .lunaa Ju n e Pearson Prime drying on the W. E Mays ranch at Yamhill was completed Saturday .Misa H arad rr Teacher Columbia Academy school opens September 10. w ith Miss Laura H arader teacher. North Plains school begins Sep- tember 1,. with Mrs R uth Will as principal and Miss Hila Cornelius as prim ary teacher, and a t the Jackson school Mrs. M arian Ha them e will resume h er duties on Septem ber 10 Harold Harms has accepted a position at Troutm an M arket and Clinton Mercer spent S aturday a ft- em oon at Roamers Rest. Miss Pearl Pringle was a week- end guest of Eleanor L etter in Oceanside Portland Fields Surprised Ernest and K ennard Helvogt re- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fields were turned Friday from Portland, where pleasantly r surprised August 22 when . _ . i had > ■ ______ MOUNTAIN HOME — Chehalem they visiting _ relatives. they were invited to the commu- nitv hall a rd found the majority of Mountain 4-H potato club mem- Mrs. H Beck, daughter Lorna their friends and netghoors of th e and 1^ delT- toeether with other ^ ld i van were luncheon guest, community there for a fareweU clubs of W ashington county made Of Mrs. A Le.ithold in Portland TOmmun tj - with a judging tour on Tuesday. Stock Thursday K nH ne^nd Fields fam - «»d grain crops were judged. Aug- Mr and _______ Mrs. W _____ illiam ___ A i.xander __ ___ _______ t l,- a r e m c lv in e t o P o r tla n d t h i s u st 17 th e lo cal c lu b m e t a t lh e ot Galena. X in . wlro h a w been « -pi, Joe Ego home for the regular visiting Mrs. Alexander's cousin. Dr and Mrs F. S. Post and sons, monthly- business meeting. A wiener Mrs- Frsrnk Ellie tt. star ted back Frank and Lawrence of Portland r?ast. enjoyed after completion home Thursday They will stop were Saturday evening guests at of the business. many places on their way and were W. oat 6 a Mr and Mrs. Elvrn Lorenzen and hold evangelistic services the H McNay home Mrs. M argaret Pringle. Mr and Leon F Davis and family pic­ daughter spent several days at Oregon beaches last week. Mr. and Mrs R English and M. H H uff- nicked a t Balm Grove Sunday. Mr and Mrs George Spelling Mrs. Carol Simpson looked after man v.ere Sunday guests of Mrs. and children of Roy were Sunday and home d u r" Alma Phillips of Sylvan. Mrs Harry Courts and children, visitors of his brother. John S p a r ­ ing their absence Mrs- Lester Hal fey and son Den- Mrs Frank Elliott. Mrs. It B d k ing. nia of Vancouver, Wash have 1 > . and children, M argaret Drake an,. Class to Picnic The “BraadcaMers""’¿ a ss of the lile hou* guests of her mother. Mr.- Carl Reiser and daughter. Ju n etta Hart-sell _________ are _ _____ _____ leaving S a t­ Sunday school is planning a pic- Mrs Harry Saunders, lor the pas. Carol Jean, of Portland spent Wed- Urday or Sunday for the Horst me for next Sunday at Louie's 7wo »eeits. Mrs. Haffey assiated in nesday at the home of Mr and company hopyard a t Independent.- Place near Tigard Young people of harvesting the prune crop on the Mrs. Bert Walter. Miss Elaine the community are cordially in- p , 1 p™1«* hAhisone of ? chacfJ i rt'turned home with her v i t e d t o attend Mr. and Mrs. C. H Allison or for a few days visit- Billv McNav’ was the guest of Battle Ground. Wash , were oxer- Miss M arian Cvpher, who has relatives in Portland from T hurs- nll?ht guests of Mr. and M rs George been vacationing at Oceanlake. re-1 Edward W endt left Friday for a dav until Saturday He attended Ahison August 21. The C. H. Alii- turned home Saturday. visit with his m other in St Paul. "Shnners Dav at Jantzen Beach 5011 Iamily were on their way to the Mr and Mrs. Claire Dotle arrived Minn He will stop en route to see Seek Locations d°P »'»«Is- „ , _ . „ Saturday evening and will make other relatives. Recent arrivals from Plankinton Miss Bonnie B artiett of Scholls their home a t the Dotle home in old Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hanley and daughters, Florence. Eleanor and South Dakota, are Mr. and Mrsi received a severe rope burn, when Glencoe. Miss Eugenie r Cypher is spending Eileen visited the beaches over the Erie Schumacher. Mr and Mrs. Ray [J?e ..s'VnA ,l n h'‘ !iich - - - Miller an and a tour four enuaren. children Wavne threw sh her the week Port.and. a guest of week-end. Miner wayne lng ilfteen h l^h. feet broke to th and e ground e Mls, R uth in Finch Mrs. Louis P. Gates. K enneth and Mullivan. Frank Bradwisch and O A Hange fath er of Mrs Schu- clung w lhe rope and lhus pre" Mr. and Mrs. John K ranick of Clifford Gates, and the Misses Kay macher Richard Knox another of 'e n te d any broken bones. Her left Vernonia spent Sunday with Mr. pierce. Wanda VanRaiik and S arah the party is now a t Salem. They J’™* an?, the fingers of her left and Mrs W arren Corey, Reese ot Portland visited Mr. and drove through bringing some stock, hand will perhaps bear the scars Mrs. Edmund Cornelius. Mrs. Mrs. J W. Gates Thursday evening .................................. They are greatly pleased with the the accident for several jears. Gladys Hutchinson and Billy, Ed- K enneth ‘ ' has been in the U 8 . J lc * * P ru n e n a r v A c f is r v t n f n over v o r i in n T * >-»•-» 'T S - •» •-> » » » _ . __ __ *» _ _ _ Prune harvest is a about munu and Jane Ann T routm an are Navy __ more th an four years, and country and are looking for loca­ this vicinity Some orchards have vacationing at Neskowin. this is his first visit home He Is on tions Mrs. Francis Coolidge and Miss ^xceHent crop while others a U S. destroyer a t San Diego, Cal Mrs- McKinnis Honored Mr. and Mrs. A Claeys are vls- Velma Rosevear visited Mrs. Jack “ a' e been light. Mr and Mrs. O rm F air en ter- tained with a birthday dinner S un- iting friends in Seattle for a few Baker and Mrs F ran k Wilson in Portland Thursday. day honoring Mrs F air's m other, days. Mrs. Mary McKinnis. Those present Tom Gregg and daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coolidge and were Mr. and Mrs W. H. Wienecke K athleen and Bobby, and Miss Dor- Ralph Trout spent from Friday u n ­ (B y _________ Mins M a rth a ___ V a n d e r _____ zan d en ) til Sunday- a t the beach- Mr. and M rs Edward Vander- and children. Bessie and Jack Mr. othy Chalm ers spent last week-end Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schm idt left Saturriav for a werldirn, »od Mrs Fred Poe. June and Mel- a t Seaside, and Ade Rutschman went to the ~ £ ? n u a l O rig in w d ba- Mr and Mrs Eun* Falr- _ _ beach Sunday and dug clams on the are soending week a a t t C C rater rater | iand White and Ivan mud flats near Pacifrc City. are spending a a week and Mrs. Mfs Carl M [Klnnls Mrs son . Mary Lcisyville a m a zm v m a a i'ourwiuarr Church A very special scry ice to lx* held this Friday night beginning at eight o'clock. Please bear in mind the service Friday night a Hi be ji young I people's .service A group of young people from l*ortland will ’ have complete charge, bringing a spa*udid mus leal ¡Ht^rain P lease I x a r Hi Christian Church Lord's day church school. 0 45 a. hiind the Sund.i erv iet\s All al'e m C H Nosier, superintendent "elcome i“.t each member of the school do hi.-, best to ket'p our school above r u a l a t h i P la in s I 'r c s h v ir r ta n ( h u reti the hundred mark tills sum mer We Suildin school ll) 15 a tn ; m orn- arc doing fine so far, but an extra lug service. 11 n nt. sermon by effort is needed tins week Morn- A Carrick Christian Endeavor tng worship. 11 oclock .Music bv '"H meet at H ochn k I'opli. lion- choir Sermon. "Tile la b o re r unii ' William k o b b le n d e r A co til- Hts Hire." A I-ibor Day message initiée will be formed to appoint candidates for new oil leers All C hristian Endeavor. 7 n in Junior CHURCHES D R . R. J. N IC O L M. Cool- , . Mrs. J. Borgelt , c _ and Mrs . , Many people of this immediate McKinnis will leave Septem ber 1 ldge are a t the Bents hop yard for vicinity are now engaged in hop- ior her home in Medford after hav- DR. E. W . A L M Q U IS T the season's work. nickm i at the various fields lnK spent the sum mer with her atkins went X to ttlme Portland Mrs. O rin Fair. h Teddy ^ ' L n W H i r dw W‘th a^ m a a rd X Mr a m o Henrv to r^ rip ' to Duvck S ^ - daughter. ------------------------- V eterin arian s his Grandm itiitr Watkins. kane and Seattle, Wash., visiting Telephone 643 and 642 Move to Hillsboro , with th eir friends and relatives. Mrs. J. P arr and Miss Helen h av e' Miss Mary Moore is attending nhg «1 * First quarterly conference Sept.'tnlx r 8 at Cornelius. Dr Magtn » ...............— ----- ‘ . ot -■ presiding Members and friends 'h e church ---------- arc . requested --------- to ... hold lU) nee this C L IP O U T zzerei Saturday invited to participate in this serv ice We extend a hearty welcome hospital in Forasi Urove. from in- to all these services R L Putnam . Juries received FT:Jay afternoon pastor 111 1,11 a>'< hlent al Hi,' Zimmerman All Saint» Eplaropal Service and sermon by the Rev R. H. Wtsecarver. Christian Science Society Services are held every Siilb.iay at 11 a nt : Wednesday evening services at 8 o'clock; Sunday school at 11 a m. Pupils up to the ng of 20 years are welcomed Sunday's topic. "C hrist Jesus." Grrin.ui .11 I ( hurrh. Iblliany On G erm antown road. Sunday school every Sunday. 10 u m ; Ger- man service. 11 a m.. first a n d third Sundays; English service. 11 a. m.. second and fourth Sundays —E. Julius Tragllo, pastor. tf Bank» II. E. ( hurrh Sun lav schcxil every Sunday. 9 45 a n t . Mrs II. Jensen, superintend­ el ent. Preaching services by Ellsworth Tilton, pastor, every Sunday eve­ ning. 8 o'clock. Ladles' Aid meets first and third W ednesdays a t 2 p. m. tf How Smart Do You Look? Free M ethodist ( hurrh Sunday school. 9 45; preaching at 11. Evening evangelistic, 7:45. Pray- WANTED P O U L T R Y and EGGS a Roy 1.1 be m a d e P o Kurile suiiunt r< h a i d loi h'liiil iiilvi'itUsing to lh<* Arqir,. 12 y ears S u rv iv in g him a r e Ills ' widow Mi M ai \ A ddis; a son Y O U N G 'S H o race o l Poi I la u d ; a n d lo u r d a u g h ­ ters. M rs L ouise M a ie r ” 1 B o rla n d , Itapthl Church M r. M are.u eiite M ayi-r ol Cove Sunday school, 9.4.'». lum chhm . . „ ,,,,,, Lee of Clas- 11 and 8 You ai«> welcome to each o r c h a r d . M |k rs » ro K.uhle<*u Thoughtful. Sym pathetic th v A ditls ol Cove was killed in a motorcycle accident ° unaa> Mrs. George R. Thompson and sou Ivan of Des Momes. Iowa, and Mrs Marie Stonefield ot Roosevelt Beach were Saturday and Sunday guests of the latter's sister Mrs John McFee. The Iowa visitors are sister-in-law and cousin ol the hostess and her sister. They say th at tneir part of Iowa is no: so C l- - * family of Spokane wire Monday 1‘arti llU by drouth and heat. 1 lU IlO T D n U D E I t l t guests at the homes of Wallace anil H am - Hoefiel. Thursday guests a t the J H Haase home were Mrs- C. R Wil- Mr. and Mrs John Nash of F air- hams and two daughters of Slip- vale and Mr Nash s sister of M ult­ I By M rs. M erritt J a c k s o n I point on Challam Bay and Mr and nomah were week-end guests at NORTH PLAINS—Mrs- Bert W alt- the home of V L Nash a t W itch Mrs Henrv Haase Jr. of Fudaie. M hhee-- ln j Junior Duxismoor er entertam ed with a birthday Hazel shower for her sister. M r.'and Mrs. Ernest Helvogt and v isited re la tiv e s in P ortland last party the J home MfUlcent reiurned home S at- Miss u Lydia ' “ ‘ah Reiser, at tne„ 1»“« ° of SOXks were Saturday guests a t the urH lv Junior a n irt) tmed h is f a 'l l - Jh e lr m otlur. Mrs. A. Rttser. at home of Mr. and Mrs. L o u t s m th ? £ a O ‘ o f the week-end > ount;i mdille Monday alternoon s h e .e tts in Albiuiy. where Ernest er v ? s E «toiler and ai" ' J ovel>' F“ '» " vri' received by j r w,n remain until after the state Mr. and Mrs. S. E Stoller and yjlss Reiser, who is soon children joined his sister. Mrs Frank Hanauske. and family at PU'tiic tn a -na-ti,, park near the Lambert -i ^ raerji u- P °rtlai,d Sunday. Helen Rutschm an and Brown joined a group of senior classmates of the union high school for a party near the Herman Phyllis C hnstencr and Lydia Reiser. • . c e r .. , w o m o n [ h s - v kut w llh Boge Place near Mr ^ d M rs Russell Loftis re- M ^ H ^m eV nght s m o t h ^ M r s F Thelm».PoPov i A suPPer and s»unm ing » i , turned Tuesday a fter spenduig sev- M. Ramsdell Sr Mrs Oeoige Tews and son, Jim * . enA 7ed> „ , erul days at tile beaches. They: Mrs. M argaret Pringle and grand- mie and her motnei . Mrs. Harry ...V ? , daughter. Pearl Pringle, returned home, and Mrs Dorothy W hisnand and two daughters spent the week­ end ef the Stevens cottage at H IL L S B O R O , We are alw ays in the mar- ket for poultry and eggs. We pay the prie es. highest cash Don’t forget the F air! Farmers’ Cash Store S your liuir no neat u n il f l a t t e r i n g l y waved that it'» beyond criticism ? . . . you r n a i I s n e a t, w h ite , d ain tily poliwlied . . . your skin clear, firm a n <1 s m o o t h ? O u r b e a u ty t r e a t m e n t s keep you looking love­ ly, ehie and y o u th fu l — th r iftily . I Millie’s Beauty Salon 1215 3rd SL J J O W conscious are Y O U o f w h a t yo u m ust do e very tim e you m ake a r ig h t tu rn ? ila s th e ir fre q u e n c y caused you to fo rg e t th a t y o u ’ ve g ut to he ju s t as c a re fu l th e n as ever? Sure, i t ’s easy to fo rg e t, but i t ’s im p o rta n t th a t you R E M E M B E R the fe llo w b e h in d yo u. O r i n th is case, the fe llo w on th e o th e r side o f th e stree t. By Courtesy of L E N T Z A U T O PARTS 2nd and lU arllne Streets BRAKE, IG N IT IO N Open Evenings — Phone 591 and M OTOR S E R V IC E Phone 1273 G round floor Odd Fellows' Bldg Feed - Seed - Eggs - Poultry Phone 3061 DON’T Witch Hazel S to m a c h Gas Let Y o u r Feet Cause You U ntold Misery KA A MILLION 4% A S O U N D IN V E ST M E N T First Mortgages back up every dollar Invested In this institution PLYMOUTHS Our type of mortgage has withstood th e test through 100 years of every kind of condition. Our legal Reserve Fund stands as an added safeguard. Checks at 4% mailed to you twice yearly. in WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST? the First Six Years . SA FE It’s the BEST EN G IN EER ED R E L IA B L E LOW Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n J. M. PERSON, Manager Savings A Loan Bldg. Hillsboro, Oregon P R IC E D CAR CADY MOTOR CO. H illsboro, Oregon DODGE PLYM OUTH G R O W IN G C H ILD R EN Should drink a q u art of milk a day to in­ sure the perfect fo rm a­ tion of the limbs and a .strong, robust body. No diet is com plete w ithout milk and no milk is so rich in vita­ mins and m inerals as th a t of FIR GROVE GRADE A MILK. O rd e r T o d ay! Phone 4RX1 GRADE F IR M IL K GROVE D A IR Y If your feet sm art or burn or perspire; or if you are troubled with corns, calluses or fallen arches, see us. We can help you. EARL F. HEARING I’h. G. In charge font departm ent Every Hour of the Day Every hour o f the d o y, w a te r service is a v a il­ a b le . W a te r fo r d rin kin g , cle a n in g , b a th in g , cooking. W a te r fo r any purpose, w henever you w ant it. f o r a fe w cents a d ay, yo u r w a te r co m p an y provides an u n fa ilin g supply, makes sure that if is pure a nd h e n hh fu l to d rink, and delivers PALM DRUG STORE Phone 266 it w herever it is needed. OREGON-WASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY RK HARH E. WH EY. Manager ÿ »