T H E Page Six Timber Youth Dies Suddenly in Washington ,By M in Julia A. Mara«) TIMBER C o m in g a s a terrible »hock to his many friends in the Timber vicinity, was the news Thursday morning of the sudden death of' Raleigh Shlffer at Prosser. Wash of heart trouble- Raleigh was born in Timber Oc­ tober 13. 1913. and had lived here all of his hie up until the time when he went to Washington three weeks ago to be employed by the Pacific Print and Produce Company. He was associated with his father in the garage business, and had a t­ tended grade school at Timber and high school at Forest Grove He was the only son of Oscar Shif­ ter, and is survived by Ins father and three sisters. Gladys, Sylvia and Hazel, all of Timber. Funeral services were held Sun­ day at the Prickett Funeral Home in Forest Grove and interment was at Forest View cemetery. He was buried beside his mother m the family plot Services were conduct­ ed by the Rev Claude Sabin. Pali bearers were boys who had been constant companions and lifelong acquaintances of Raleigh. They were Paul Hankins. Paul DeRemer. Dean Kiesel. and Harold Beyers, of Tun- ber. Harold Bateman of Washburn, and LaVerne Forbes of Portland Mrs. Leona Scarborough of Pros­ ser asrompanied Mr. Shifter t o Timber Raleigh made his home with her duruig his stay in Wash­ ington- She expects to return to her home sometime this week. School to Open The Timber grade school will open for the fall term Tuesday. Mtss Lavelle Berg will ronUnue lier duties as principal, and Miss Juan­ ita Nelson will assist with the grades M F. Welter has the bus contract for transportmg the chil­ dren to and from school, and Mrs. A Armstrong has the contract for the janitor work. Mrs. Boyd M. Wright entertained several friends at a bridge party Thursday afternoon. Two tables were in play, and Mrs. Laura Gil­ more was high, and Mrs. S. D Willis was low Miss Lois Richmond assisted in serving Those present were Mesdames M. F. Welter. S. D- Willis. Rav Elliott. W. E. Gillmore, John Richmond, Accie Payne. M Gilmore William Huffman. Morrie Kochman. Elmer Spooner, Albert Riche Boyd Wright, and Miss Lois Richmond. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Gilmore had as their week-end guests Mrs. Accie Payne of Seattle. Wash., and Mrs. M. Gilmore of Edmonton. Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Gillmore drove them to Seattle and expect to remain there for a few days- Clifford Bigger of Portland, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs W. E. Gilmore, lett Friday for Chicago to visit his sister for an indefinite period. , , , Mrs V. Patterson of Portland is visiting her son-in-law and daugh­ ter. Mr and Mrs. Charles Stanton Mrs J. H Wescott Is in Portland with her nephew while her brether- in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs F. Johnson, attended the World's Fair in Chicago. Mr and Mrs Jesse Brown and two children. Clifford and Elaine, are moving to Eugene this week, where Mr. Brown will be employed bv the Southern Pacific. Mrs. Mor­ ris Kochman will occupy the house formerly occupied by the Browns. Mr and Mrs. George Wilson re­ turned last week from a two-weeks vacation at the Oregon Beaches. Mrs. Lawrence Kiesei and son Donald of Portland spent Sunday with Mrs. Riesel's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. George McCuiston. Capitol News Letter (Continued from page 1) H IL L S B O R O A R G U S . H IL L S B O R O . Slender Lines for the Mature Hgure share of diversion tor the lawmak­ ers who come to Salem next Ja n ­ uary. • • • District attorneys, meeting m Portland last week, are said to liave agreed to an aggressive cam­ paign of tax foreclosures to be launched early ui November. State officials have always blamed toe heavy tax delinquencies on Oregon s light’ penalties tor non-payment ot taxes and laxness on the part ot county officials m enforcing the tax collection laws. It is not ex­ pected tliat many property owners will permit then holdings to go on the block, but will manage some­ how to pay tlieir back taxes once they are convinced tliat a serious effort is to be • made • • to collect. Gasoline tax evasion has devel­ oped into the proporttotis o f a "racket m the opuuon ot George Flagg, deputy secretary of state Neither is the racket confined to Oregon Both Waslungton and Cali­ fornia are having similar difficul­ ties with fraudulent attempts to chisel the state out o f money through tlie use of fictitious re­ fund claims. EHOCKS + + * T H A T ERASE AND P O I NDS E A S IL Y + FROM MADE, Thursday, August 30. 1034 O R E G O N + + + + + O N E 'S A P P E A H A N C E . A R E C O O L , C lllC , lied Alteobuell ol Hillstlale itsllid hi. lather. C Alleubnch. and lam il> Sunday Ml and Mrs George Clirlsl) ol St Helen» visitad Mi mid Mr Charles Bov Sunday School to Open week delivering Io Ihe Prime G lo w s m ile o | m * i .illoir. Monday as Ihe weather Was eoolei ers plant ui lAiresI Grove The »tale lire warden closed tlie School O pening bet llansen A Miller logging camp Mason H ill school w ill si a rt Hep Tuesday on account ol tlie hoi weather Ttie state (ire Inspector, teiuhei ill w ith M l a M ad elyn S h u t- l l e o i g e Upton .aid they could re (n ek o l 11 III .lit >i i> as teacher Uetluuiv school will open Heptcm ber 10 Mliss Florence Pauly will leach again this year Presbyterian Ladle. Aid .society, met with Mrs c Schindler Wed iiesday About twenty were present Rey H. Dickman was the speaker Muss Pauline Brandi ot Portland was home with her lather. A W a s h in g to n S tre e t b e tw e e n 1st and 2n d Brandi, Sunday. F E A T U R E D T H IS W E E K SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD H ills b o ro PLANT AT SCHOLLS. OREGON Beaverton Boy to Leave tor College D in in T ile , n il sizes up to Hi inch B u ild in g T ile fu r a ll purposes Eace ami Common B rick — Eire B rick BEAVERTON Mr ami Mrs It Lime — Cement Sand ami 11 Denney entertained with a lam F ireplace Eiiidm gs ily party Sunday evening in honor (■ravel. oi ilieii so n R o b e r t, who is leav­ ing tor Wheaton college, Illinois, this week Those In attendance were Mrs. B K Denney. Mr and Mrs Elmer Perkins. r B Denney. Mr and Mrs M K Denney mid children Alive I'lioiiias ,uul Marvin. Mr and Mrs- it 11 Brown. Mi's Louise Cárter mid daughter Gen evievr, Mr ami Mrs s B la w - rence and son Samuel J r . and Mi ami Mrs It B Denney and chil­ dren Ruth. Roben. Catherine. Field luge Hastings mid Lorraine Tlie young iwsiple entertained with a musical program Mr and Mrs A S Funston were hosts Friday evening m a grange píenle in tlie grove around llieu home on Hie old Calivon road. A lt­ er a basket dinner an luiprouiplu program ami social hour was en­ joyad Miss Lois Jeanne Possum ami Allred II. Wismer were united in marriage last week Mr ami Mi. Wismer will make their home hi Beaverton. Mrs Ruby Boyd, accompanied by Mr ami Mrs J E IVavus ol Omaha, Neb. left August 22 lor a w e e k ., vacation at Long Beacli. Wash Miss Margaret West returned last week lrom a month's stay at ltayocean. Muss Alice Clement mid mother. Mis Susan Clement. r e t u r n e d Thursday lrom a weeks vacation at the beach. Mrs T. H Denney ami tallar. Mr Ayers, are spending a tew day s I at Rockaway. Mrs ltusou and family returned I Monday from a vacation at the beach. Mr It 1» McMinn ami children Elaine. Muleolm ami David have re- turned lrom a weeks visit to the beach. The Beaverton Congregai tonal churcli has Just been painted. Kinton Grangers Meet September 6 itiy k in . E. L. Coxl KINTON Kinton grange will meet at tile hall September 5 at 8 o'clock. All grangers are welcome to attend. Mrs August H. Dallmanh and son Albert spent Tuesday with Mrs. Dallmaiui s daughter. Mi’s. Lydia Obrist of Gresham. Ladies' Aid society will meet S ep -; tember 6 at the home of Mrs. Ed­ ward L. Cox. S H. Pomerov, Everett Wright and E. L. Cox attended Albright Brotherhood of the Evangelical a BRIGHT, fresh morning frock that slenderizes Clip Gut and Mall This Order Blank for Patterns churches Tuesday evening at the the mature figure la that sketched aa Pattern FASHION BURRA V, home of Mr and Mrs. Raleigh [ Whitmore of Laurel. 103 Park Ave., New York City. 266. Ideal for wear about the house and garden, Mrs E L. Cox spec- Thursday With tilts coupon, which I clipped from the this charming dress can be made In percale, chain- and Friday with friends m P ort­ land. Two friends from Maine, who bray. or gingham. It Is designed In sties 36 to 52, are spendmg the summer m Port­ size 44 requiring 4'* yards of 35-inch fabric, plus (N am e o f N e w sp a p e r ) land. with a sister. Mrs- Mabie Hall- Smith, were visited and a birthday ** yard contrast. I am enclosing ........................ cents. Please send luncheon was served in honor of A simple, yet chic dress that would be the cyno­ me the patterns listed below at 15 cenjs a pattern: Mrs. Cox s birthday. Mrs. Cox spent Pattern number: Thursday everting and Friday with sure of all eyes on the street these summer days Is Mrs Ethel L. Meldrum of Mil­ the one Indicated In Pattern 21«. The sleeves may Sire 266 waukie. returning home Friday eve­ be either short or long on this printed crepe frock ning. Size 216 Preaching service at the church with draped collar In contrasting color. Sunday morning at 9:4o by Rev. Size Designs for this strikingly sm art costume may be 156 W E Simpson. Bible school at 10:- 15. All are most cordially invited had In sizes 36 to 62. Size 46 calls for 4 S» yards Name . . to be present a t these services. of 39-lnch fabric, pins 1*4 yards contrast, or 5 S James Richards returned the first Address of last week from a visit with his I yards in monotone. Also % yard of pleating. aunt. Mrs. Flcyd Williams of Clack­ Another exquisite frock that lends a feeling ot amas. He also visited his brother, slenderness to a full figure Is Pattern 16«. Polka City . . . Edwin Richards, who lives near dot. satin or crepe, whichever material Is selected, State . . there. provides a very becoming dress. Tbe designs come Mr and Mrs. Eber Rice and two (B y V ivimii H u d* sons and their son Frank Rice and in nine sizes: 36. 3S, 40. 42. 44, 46. 4S. 50. and 52. Write your mime and address plainly, giving num­ wife of Mountaindale were guests .Mr. and Mrs Nordt of Port land Size 40 calls for 4 >i yards of 39-lncb material, ber and size ot patterns you want. Enclose 15 cents Sunday of S. H Pomeroy. Joe Scheible Sunday plus H yard contrast. To get the best effect, this in coin for each number, ami mail your order to visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Hansen of Baker, Albert ix>ber has been haulm« HIILsboro Argus Fuxhion Bureau. 103 Park Ave, New frock should be finished with a tight contrasting who have been spendmg the sum­ dried prunes lor L. Jesup till.*» piu*t mer at tlie coast, have been at the collar. home of Mr. Hansen's sister. Mrs. Henry Valentine, during the past bride. Mrs John Zitzinan was m in­ and races w«ie plaved Mr. and week or so. Mr. Hansen is m poor ister and Glenn Sandford ol Nori. Mrs Fluke and Mr and Mrs. A FARMS lieaith and has been receiving Plains ring bearei Other member Streift of Kinton Orange w e r e treatment by a physician in Port­ of the inocR wedding party were guest.s. land. Mrs. Hansen, mother of Mrs. Miss Evelyn Waiters. Miss Verna Valentine, and Mr Hansen returned Mr. and Mrs, A. Stoller and and Sam Wallers. There BETHANY-CEDAR MILLS —M. Stuider to the Valentine home with them. We have many inquiries family and Miss Elizabeth Allen­ were about tw o hundreu guests Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bierly and C Larsen's family had a reunion at present After the presents were bach spent a few days at Oceanside from cash buyers fo r 20 to his home August 21. Ail the chil­ family spent August 21 in Corvallis, opened lunch was served and danc­ where plans were made for their dren were home. Friends and rela­ ing was enjoyed. Many lovely p r e s ­ and Rockaway bust week, IGO acres. Come in and see M l - xs Martha Allenbach of l*ort- son Ivan to attend Oregon State tives present were Mr. and Mrs ents were received Thomas Larsen of Oakland, Cal land spent a few days with C. Al­ us. college the coming school year. Meet at West Union Lois and Wesley Larsen. Mr and Miss Evelyn Ruth Richards, lenbach and family last week. Al- I A pioneer gathering of Baptist, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mi-s. Ed Hickey and friends o f Harry A. Richards of this town, Portland. James Larsen and Nellie was held at the old chapel of West In su re w ith was married August 22 to James A. Larsen of Portland. Martin Larsen. Union. About a hundred w e r e Carl Larsen. Miss Dorothy Boy, T u a la tin V a lle y In a u ra n c e Graf of near Beaverton at the Speakers were T. W M illi­ home of the bride's parents, by Verne Percy of California. Mr and present C o m p an y gan of the Western Baptist Sem­ Our 13-lnch mixed inside und , Rev Mackford of Oregon City. Mrs Jacob Weiss, and M. C. Lar­ inary of Portland and J. It. Stewart slab wood at $4.00 per cord, less! There were about seventy present, sen A lawn dinner was served of Portland Bethany band played 25c for cash on delivery, is tlie , including members of both families. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Larsen and best value in fuel we know of. After a short wedding trip the new­ Lous and Wesley Larsen and Verne and quartets sang. Percy left for Oakland Friday night. A party was g iv e n at the home of Prompt delivery assured. lyweds will make their home in a Mr and Mrs. Harry Oarrtty in hon­ Wesley Larsen spent the summer new house, which w a s recently 1314 M a in Street or of their son, Wayne Garrity, STIMSON LUMBER CO. completed for their occupancy at with Mrs. Bantz of North Plains. Illlljib o ru . Oregon Mrs Fred Wright of Yakima vis­ who was home on a visit from Shady Brook. E J. PETERSON. Agent Mr and Mrs. Robert Pomeroy and ite d M. C. Larsen and family Sun­ California. Phone 1442 Leedv Grange held its annual three daughters returned Saturday day picnic at Lost park Sunday. Games from a week's trip to Tillamook, Give Benefit Oceanside and Rockaway. They vis­ Leedv Grange gave a benefit ited friends at Tillamook. dance for the Thompson family of Mr. and Mrs Fred VanKleek and Cedar Mill when their house burn­ family and Mrs. Harry A. Richards ed a week ago Sunday. went to the coast Sunday morning. Couple Honored They will visit with relatives in A shower was given for Philip Taft part of the time they are away. Ladies' Aid society of the church Mead and Helen Fairiey. who are Is sponsoring a wiener roast to be to be married the first of Septem­ held in the grove joining the ber It was given at the Cedar church September 7. There will be Mill Grange hall Saturday night. A plenty to eat for all who attend mock wedding was held in which Hot coffee and cake will also be Miss Helen Fairley, dressed as a served to those who wish. The man took the part of the bride­ president. Mrs. Gladys Aten, is groom. and Philip Mead, dressed as planning on a short program and a woman, took the part of t h e community singing of the old songs with a leader lrom an adjoining Lost $ 5 0 0 town, who will also render some vocal selections The affair is to Six months delay cost H. N. Van Vlaet, Rockford, 111 . a lo u l of $50«. according to raise money tor the upkeep of the own report. Ho had apparently »pent church and all are invited to help his that much for relief of atomach Buffering in a good cause. brf ,re ho hoard of fdga. Today for the flrtt The Riffles' on Fred Aniker's lime In I n yean ho aaya he can aat any­ place has been a busy place for thin.- He now gieea credit for hla recovery Treatment, baaed on a famous those who like water, and large to the t'dga specialist's trtplo-eetlon proscrip­ crowds have visited it during the atomach tion Its purpose is to neutralise excoea warm weather. acid, soothe and heal the Inflamed stomach Virgil McCormick has been em­ lining and atop pain. Already 54.149 letter» ployed on the Earl Stretcher place pralalne the Udga Treatment ha»e been re­ ceived from yictlma of stomach ulcers, acid during the past week or so. atomach. Indigestion, heartburn, gas pains, E stim ates fu rn is h e d w ith o u t o b lig a tio n . I.E'I’ S G ET A C Q U A IN T E D ! O ur M otto "E iic m llv Service am i E air Prices.” A Smart Business Appearance GAINS Favorable Attention HE man who is w ell groomed is the who T wins the confidence of his associates. Keep your elot lies im m aculate by our dry cleaning m a il methods ami he certain o f creating a fa vo ra b le impression. HOME LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS H ilíshoro. Oregon T e le p h o n e 17 Hayward M. C. Larsen and WANTED Family in Reunion N o t a lo n e is th is r e f r e s h in g la g e r b e e r no n -fatten in g * but it tones up the c o n s t itu tio n , im ­ p r o v e s th e co m ­ p lexio n , clears the skin and puts roses in th e cheeks. MILL WOOD W. G. IDE order of State Forester Cronemil- ler closing all activities in timcered areas making use of power equip­ ment for the period of the extreme fire hazard brought about by the high temperature and low humid­ ity. The order applied to all that portion of the state west of the Cascades and north o f Douglas county Operation;, affected includ­ ed loggers, saw mills, planing mills, wood cutters and iiighway con­ struction wetk in t h e timbered areas. This was the first occasion for invoking this arbitrary vested in the state forester by an act of the 1933 legislature, in the opinion of Cronemiher ihe disastrous Tilla­ mook fire of last real with its Jess of some $20,000,000 to timber inter­ ests could liave been prevented If precautions now in effect could have been enforced • • • at that time. Small loan sharks are to be put on the spot at the next legislative session if present plans of the legis­ lative interim committee material­ ize. Recommendations which will probably find expression in pro­ posed legislation include material reductions in the interest rate, es­ pecially on loans of $30 or under, Hauling Permit Issued and greater supervisory authority vested in the .,iate banking depart­ Permit to haul logs over county ment Small loan legislation has roads was issued Thursday to H. enlivened teveral previous sessions W. Hunt by the county court- Bond and can be expected to provide Its of $1000 was required. C A O F O ÍN IA « S E W IN G ASSN. Son Francisco lo» Angolo» *Fhy»lcion*» report NIKI on roquest k G -T ^ ^ j whiter cl fie/ntakkable kecoitl o f CM E ÍXTRÁ MUES belching and other symptoms of excess acid­ ity Write Udga, Suite «7, Toot-Schulne Bldg , St. Paul, Minn., for a free aample. The ’ -day trial box of Udga Tablets la sold on a money-back guarantee of aattafactlea by Hillsboro Pharmacy ; Non F a tte n in g on the cars of millions ot motorists 8? THE ROYAL SODA WORKS. Hillsboro Distributor. TEMPERED RUBBER Outwears Concrete . . . Matches STEEL for Toughness.. . In Grindstone Test at World’s Fair ■U0UL at portance to you. Safely Bonded Cord», welded together with live rubber. 12 poundi of rubber to every 100 pound« of cord. The U. S. Bead—three time« »afer. The Inverted Safety Breaker— 8 4 % «afer agalnit blowout« cauted by «eparation. Replace imooth, heat-weakened tire« with tough U. S. Royal«. A ct today. II you have seen this famous World's Fair fe«t, you know that Triple Tempered Rubber, a> uied In U. S. Royal«, 1» the louahejl tire robber in existence. Other U. S. Royal features are of equal Im­ LOW COS All Lumber Prices Reduced to stimulate building under the National Housing Act Money for Remodeling, Repairs or new Buildings is ready for you. U. S. ROYALS U .S . T IR E S U .S . T IR E S ( Peertess Type) Amerlc'e N/gAesI Ouer/ly Law Priced Ttree (Guard Typ«) 4.40-21 1.75-19 E S T IM A T E S BUY AT J. W. Copeland Yards Phone 301 H ills b o ro , O re g o n BEAUTY SHOPS ’5' 6 THESE $ 2 jl0 4.40-21 A. O. PITMAN, M. D. PIIYHICIAN and HIIHGRON Permanent, and alt kltida nt beauty work. Telephone 18R1X Ilalrony llllluboro I'harmary BUSCH’S SERVICE GARAGE Phone 501 1 1 5 2 T h ir d S treet H IL L S B O R O , orflea Telephnnea Realdenee 7017. 8291 DR. I). E. WILEY, M. D. All Klnrfa of llraaty Work Phy.lclan and Surgeon PERMANENTS Wflla Building TKLRPHONE8 O fflr. 2882 Itmldenre 2«HI DENTISTS GARBAGE (Ol.I.ECTION DR. RALPH DRKSSER Garbage Collection Commercial Building Telephone 144 P R IC E S X-Ray and Phr.lo-Yharapr National Rank 111.1« Oommerelal Sanitary Beauty Shop 4 .2 5 -1 9 R O C K -B O T T O M SURGEON General Beauty Work Dentist $ g .3 o PHYSICIAN nml EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP a aperialty Telephone 1471 WKIL’H APARTMKNTfl Mabel Kchendel Call for further particulars FREE HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Keening«, flundny by Appointment AND CANS D. P. COItItlERI Telephone 2326 INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH BUY YOUR Wanhlnalnn County A«enrlea RUBBER STAMPS from HILL8BORO ARGUS INHtJKANCK BKRVICK Hhute n«nk lliillrfln* Phone 2211 Hillsboro OREGON Per Informatlnn about Dlrertory er l u A dr.rtl.era call The Argaa — »1»!