T hursday. August .'SU, lu.'Si M ountaindale Folk Consider Electric Plan Coming to Local lheater Ehelenberger in Portland Sunday flu ' also visited Mr and M is W il hint Johnson and Mr. and Mrs K. O Kumrow ot Portland Mr and Mrs ll A O tto and family went to Troutdale Sunday where they picnicked wltti the At Espenel family 'They visited tier parents. Mr and Mrs It. O Ktini- row at Portland In tile evening Mrs la’iia Meyers and daughter Norma and George Ziegler jouwd Mr and Mrs le e Oakes and Mr and Mrs Bill Ziegler of Hillsboro and tile Misses Marie and Lucille Ziegler of C arlton a t H itter's park Sundae where they enjoyed a pic­ nic and water sports. Mr and Mrs John Walker are vacationing at (he various T illa­ mook beaches Hits week Mr and Mrs. F E. Hoffm an and family and Miss Enola Barlow vis­ ited Dr and Mrs O. C Sehuulfer a: Portland Monday William M orse oi Newberg will preach al Mountain Top church Sunday evenings at eight o'clock, preceded by Bible study a t 7:30. l’i Fvervone is invited to attend Mr and Mrs Ernest G unther and family attended a jubilee al Mountain Home church Sunday. Cornelius Building H o u sin g City D epartm ents R enovated ipent Salti’day with Mr ami Mi Den Wilson Mi and Mis Hiurv Wright of B e a v e rto u and Iwmls L ai.w li ol South Dakota si»’llt S atu n lai eie nlug willi Mi and M is George Wright Mrs Adolph Miller ri'|»>rts a n apple tree on her m others hum In bloom and It also has ripe apples on It. . Mi anti Mrs W M Still*’» of ReedviUe and a group ot friends vallisi al the It C Hunger home Suluin i •u u t. a n d •a ld e - l a l e h alcal liti» fo r JHHh lire f i n a l a v ltla rn v n t day nf A u tfU et, Kt’IIKKK W AL IIB A d r u iu ia lta to r n f 4 ,h e « a la le o f »ahi «le» ••»«• I H a te . M> A le a i A l ’e le t» . A l t o i n e y * fm V im in i,, tr a lo r m i -¡ M i»» .......... RUSHLOW Real listate I ransfers the only V-8 powered car under $2500 Ametica’s 1st Choice Prune Harvest on Chehalem Ended X i ielvctia Girl to Marry Portlander Buxton Folk Hold a Birthday Picnic WEEK-END FEATURES 1 ( « i ( i i 1 I ] I 1 I I I a e 8 r J « t i t c c t t t c t » t f n V f. s d « ii n V s o c t p fl e o h ll ll W fl w PERFECTION BAKERY Orchardalc Hiteon Blue Bell. Hardwheat. 49-lb. $4 .63 Bag ................... 1 Red Rose. Guaranteed. 49-lb. | .73 WHOLE WHEAT BISCUITS. Kellogg’s. sh Pl so H C 3r 13c 1 pkg........... I’kg. FREE u ith coupon. PORK & BEANS A rm our's, size 2 for ai JARS GLOVES CRACKERS 93c 10c 23c 19c OATS. Kerr’s Rolled. 9-lb. Bag ........... 39c TUNA. White Star. 2s. 2 cans 29c KRUCHEK’S HASH GROCERY Free Delivery Phone 2001 CURRY’S GROCERY RAND MARKET IVf T I V ARMOUR’S. Double rich. L IX CASE $2.71. I I c c c c Full cream. U IT L i E O 12 OREGON. POUND Quality and Price RAISINS TISSUE SARDINES 1000-sheet Rolls. Van Camp’s, tomato or mustard sauce. AT THE MARKET BEEF Fancy, young meat. POT ROASTS, lb. 8c BOILING MEAT, lb. 5c STEAKS Round, Rib, Sirloin Lb....................... KELLOGGS Whole Wheat Biscuit 2 pkgs. 13c w ith y o u r coupon. 15C Corn Flakes Shortening 2 4 ib. 19c or POST TOASTIES LA M B Roasts Shoulder. L b ..................... 15c pkXa............... 15C BEANS Small White .... 5 ,b . Closed All Day Monday—Labor Hay 19c 4 22c Phone 771 Specials for Friday - Saturday, Aug. 31, Sept. 1 lie Thompson Seedless. 4-lb. Bag "Home of Good Foods” 15c 2 oval cans 15C V IN E G A R ca ÜÜ' n ' E u "■, lrenirth N A P H T H A S O A P Fu" "u " O RANG ES Sweet and juicy. DOZEN LETTUCE Large, solid heads. EACH LIGHT GLOBES General Electric 30 and 60 Watt IOC EACH SYRUP Pure cane and maple. 8-oz. Jars 10c 15c 6 bar, 25C 10c 2c MAYONNAISE Fresh and PORK rivivyi -n Ta|| (iril DATE NUT CUP CAKES CINNAMON ROLLS n.„r„ Reedville GROCERIES is P« in • Ill» fi»ik»i ed bill pie.amialily they will include CORNELIUS The exterior of the husbands building which contains the city G uliieieie Brink, Francis and hall, public llb ru i. and Cornelius Virginia Chartrey. Tony and Mar fire deixirlineiit is receiving a fresh garei Jane Doolier. Jack and Jerry coat of paint ll Is an SERA pro­ Yanl.oin, and Albert Vuylsteke are ( l t y K i - C i D a I ’ , C a m p F ir e G ir l« ) MOUNTAINDALE M oun ta Inda le ject. lluwe from Cornelius aUending Hie kvrrythluf tu Inaurane^ , district has prospects of electrical Miss Blanche Walsh ol Oakland two wix-ks Catholic vacation silmol service within the next few weeks C al. visited with the D J Barrett at Direst Grove The school will Ptlaaw IN I I I « Washing Un R R Easter, district manager of tile family Sumlav close Saturday No ( ompurlwon Portland Electric Company for Mi ■ Geoige Wilcox entertained ♦ - ______ _____________ « Mesdames John Rock, George De- Myron "Did ion know mi lather W ashington county, and Jack Mur- a group of Ft children at her home l’lt A J O llier. Joe Suvei S arah hius a walcll < hsirge Washington toti representative in the Hillsboro McClanghry and Jessie lle n d e i- Monday vieiung. Juixuicsc lanterns lo carri office met with the prospective son. Misses Ami Uaecllein. Laura were used m deixiratlons. and re usisi Pliai s nothing mi patrons of th is community recently Keunei Grace OePiez. liiisly Ho(f- tieslunonts were served Jean Brau- tal Mickey hei lias Adam s apple Ex. to organize for service and the inan. Nancy S.ui’h A .tlhe.ine Mi.- nock -line a reading and lkivtil organization is practically com­ kininuns. Ennui 1 on Headrick Edmonston sang during the evening pleted The proposed luie will ex­ Mr a m t Mrs Haymond Trtti's Belli Ctk'hrane. Mildred Kixk tnd tend irom Vadls to th e M ountain- Helen O llier. M e ssis Douglas Mc- and (.until enjoyed a picnic ilimiei dale school, serving approximately Simdai ai W ashburn Dai id Ed A A S i »II « D O D ,O t I | | ’ > llllo f i W i 'l I t i l'!n ..son. Frank Doolier Jam . ■ o.d tw enty-four patrons The M ountain- » A lto n V ir « n « A ih li Robert VanLoiil Earl Aiulei -on ii.onsiou ot Cornelius was a guest r t u i . i'« r , I ' dale district is an old settled com­ Ml' and Mrs J Delmniite e n ­ I l l ' l l ( • • H t ’l t M ' l I o i l It «•«* I ' » 11F Clu a- MichacLsi'n. Robert Cochrane munity. rich in agricultural re­ G u y I ' V I« » im t»» C r r U r G «"I «*, tertained with a w li ner roast Frt I eeige H olschd. Albert Hoffman , r l I <•( t lllo e k 11 a tk v i » A.Wl sources. and provided with good 1 tar el Barrett. Fail and Ray m e.it day evening at their home fur I he H| ( I o n t o I m .-I ( ¡ t o w roads. C lia rtm W alter Rllthalei John Epworth League members ol the G e r litn lv I* llu lim a u l<> K ra n k S ta *. Picnic Sunday Ltxpold. Arthur Miller. Vernon M F church A ilei a il evening . . . . I IS I t • A A Mountaindale Sunday school has Cook and Vincent S harp aie among spent In playing games, w uners N . i i i v \ \ I v o i i t I . * A F S c ll.v iu (M planned a picnic next Sunday at Zazu P itts and Slim Summerville in "Their Big Moment." at the the Cornelius people working tit were ro.isteii at a h o ld in*, anil lie rva I I B u t to n S i l> I. <’ 41 the R aifety grove Everyone is in ­ I he Hillsboro cannery Mrs Evelyn cream and cake were served by llie T u I t N . ft B Ml Venetian theater Thursday. Friday and Saturday IW vited to come with a well filled bas­ Mr. and Wright and sons O hio and Gene hiistev Present Hire C la r a A G oodw in to W a l l r r M iu .k i, ket Edward»*, who are now staying m Mn J D ilm onte and family. Mrs l i t i a ii« w S rc iio n J. I I N KftU -a vv »iter P Robinson M ««*- K enneth Struthers. C hester stepfather and mother. Mr. and Mr and Sfas W alk « F R o o ii^ n WUUam Koblnsun and Ernest Mrs George Jones, and lus brother- Hillsboro, but who were here Hie Ma ie Sm ith and Misses lllanihe r ( u à tu K it-h ard B Hiin ! and son Frank of Gre&ham re Hi(e Evelyn Kdbmsd„. Robert and in-law and sister Mr and Mrs A early port ol the summer also ne'.k Fmcgan IXirolhi Cooke. Helene on. I L I o I la G«*>( (By Mr* l.ou WrtaM) J«» and 2 ¡ S |» r ii.r r '« ||oniv«tea» • • bed returned the last of flic week Meyers home Sunday were Mrs of the Henry McDonald place next m Several Messrs Gisirge Palmer. Frank b r r a lh , 1‘ra c la in S ection « I I - S K i W various logging camps and lum­ l'tlw in J S im ili r ( u * to \ \ I I M o n k ", family of Reedulle were guests a f from a fishing trip neai-M t. Adams. Jessie Tillm an of Birkenfeld and to Charles Sears and expects to ber nulls were out ot work tor a Oliver and Clllford Main’s . ti» W an the M artin Tonmsen home bun- ‘^ e /oilowung were Sunday din- Maverene Tallm an and LaVerne move down the latter part of No­ IXmald Muiutorf returned -Sat- i few days because ot closing ot tile urday evening from three months P o r tla n d H e ig h t» da>' . uer guests at the C. W S tru th ers Kilburg of Timber. vember vamps due to (ire hazards Must W illia m K I’a y lo r r i al io k I I I* tick employ ment in Alaska Bobbins Clan Meets home Mr and Mrs. William F. Hay baling is being finished here. F A Bennett is spending a week of the camps re-opened Tuesday LaVerne Shav of Ttllnmook spent •on et Uh. H» aerva M M W a lt» « la in i . The Dobbins clan picnic was held Campbell and sons Robert and Ensilage cutting has begun William in Portland with relatives and Mr and Mrs. Jack Sm ith h ale the week-end wdli Ida purents, Mr N o 4M T I N K 4W a t the Frank Jackson home Sunday Ralph. Mrs H H Sonuiema. Mr Hiddink and Harvey l.aZott cut friends I'h illi* G oaalln «S u< to S k y lin e L a n d with a picnic lunch at noon. Those Lewis Veenker. Mr and Mrs Lester Saturday and Monday Mr. and Mi's Will Eiliers and returned from a stay at t h e and Mrs F O Btiuy. beaches. I'here will l>e no preaching serv­ ■ C o n i l e A K o liln ta ii Co to » I II? V J S I*. k present were M rs L. W. Hughson Robinson Miss Verna W alters and Mr and Mrs A rthur Fisher of granddaughter Carl Johnson and Mrs. Leona Russell and daugh­ ice al the M E church Sunday l i » cl I t C o n ile A R o h lin a n '» L i t t l e Timber visited relatives here S u n ­ Mrs. Eva Eiliers of Yakima spent and daughters. Drusilla Aim and Miss Elizabeth Struthers Genevieve Arden. McMinnville: Mrs a number from here attended the day a few days last week with Mr. and ter Eimiiu Jean ot Salem and Mr Rel Charles Reecl. pastor, plans to Hom e» N e u ( n r K i 'g i s l n i t i n i p W « » h ,n K ,o n counly I.» M a r th a l< M a il Guy Edson and daughter Bonita he away on a vacation al that lime Miss Mabel Nelson la employed at Mrs Pannier. Lloyd Rippey and son James, grange picnic ai Tigard Sunday. Mr and Mis W arren Barnes and l>>( I I Block >2 N o r th I'la ltM 1st Six Munth». 193« Marshfield; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr and Mrs Fred R Gibotis. a restaurant in McMinnville. Mr and Mrs Cadoek of Portland ol Eastern Oregon have been guests ra n k W a lla c e Edna faiildi spent a lew days last week et I I. »•» W a lk e r el uw to I t»r«U«»,t Mr and Mrs A rthur Fisher of spent last Sunday with Mr. and of Mis M Edson and Mi Bailey and son Gordon. Millie G or- Patricia and Donald Gibons of 1» I.. I Riusseil the past week. ai tin* coast don. Mr. and Mrs. Sigai Grutaa. Eugene and Mrs. Alice Gibons ot Timber visited relatives here Sun- Mrs Allen Hayden. Ford 295,, 15 c ris B.w Miss It isamond Mtindorf Is work­ C a r o lin a L u n d el a l l o K rw t S*-ha«r. Mr and Mrs Charles K ern and Lula E Jones. Portland. Mrs. L. J. Sandy were Sunday evening visitors day Mrs Ashley Jackson and son ing m a hop field near Indepen­ C rane and son Ulysses. Milwaukie; at tiie c W Struthers home Emma Simpson. Ella Bew ley. Ethel Mr and Mrs. Lawrence K ern ot Jimmy and Mrs M attle Sim .h were ,»art Se« Ilo n I • 12 N I t i ) » I 'hevrolet 268.6 17 It M< l>aut«J Mr and Mrs. Morton Era. Oregon Mr and Mrs c.eorge Anderson Meyers. George Riggle and Victor lY'rtland spent Thursday with Mr nests Friday ol Mrs Albert Vau- dence 1(1 W Miss M an Corl of Portland stu nt '»i acre« S e w l l m i 2 7 I City; Mr. and Mrs Jam es Hansen and Mrs Mildred Bacon attended Stowell were Portland visitors Mon- and Mrs Charles Sears. derzanden of Motmlaindalt W II C o rn e lto " r , i., t-.l M a h e r Plymouth 158.916 and daughters, Portland: Mr and the weddmg August 22 of their day. Mr. and Mi's A Easley of P o rt­ Mr and Mrs. William Maim and he week-end with her sister, nils Mrs Ray Heckman. Mr. and Mrs. consul. Mi&s Dorothy Frewing. 3t Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald have land spent Monday afternoon and daughters spent Sunday m P o rt­ \i It Cooke and family. im o w n ot Gi'ii.ius spent moved here from Lane county. S A Hayes. Carlton; Mrs. Ada Amity evening with Mr and Mrs. Allen land s iit i , » tu i i \ k i s i r n i M i x t Wilson Aurora: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr and Mrs L. M Davies and Hayden Mrs S arah M artin ot California the week-end with friends litre. I n th e C o u n ty C o u r t o f i he S ta le o f U n Gordon and daughter Florence. sons left Sunday tor the hop patch Mr. and Mrs W alter W right and has been visiting with tier sister. Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. George ncar Newberg. They expect to be Bob Place of near Banks spent Mrs B Ingebrietson. and family In th< ' L » s - Corev. Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred gone about tliree weeks- Monday evening with Ins parents, Miss Frances Gnoa spent l a s t Kuhr Beach. Cornelius. Mrs. L. O Her- Roy Bacon left Thursday for a Mr and Mrs Lou Wright week at Hie F Pauli sum mer home Holer- sham Mrs F ran k Dersliam and visit with relatives in Idaho. Elmer and Albert Drisug of R>rt- south of Hillsboro .»r o f th e al» tam ed sons. Mrs. M aria Jackson. Mr. and ------------------------- land spent S aturday afternoon with Little Barbara Jane Mann ot in I he a b o ti i t „ led (B y M a r ie Fuchs» Mrs Roy Jackson and son Johnnie. HELVETIA Mrs Royal Stailldlng of r e ­ Mr and Mrs. Ted Haney. lYirtland s|>ent last week with e: CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN -Prune ha jy Xea a v t m j f t j i o wua» ti ’ he Mr. and Mrs Frank Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Haney and if Portland gave a shower August grandm other. Mrs M D Mann harvest was finished here List week, 14 at th e h o u r o *»f f family. North Plains; Mr. and Mrs. George Palm er ot Spokane i » 22 Mr Miss Anna Christensen, with the exception of a few th at mother. Mrs S ara Haney, spent »aid d ay and t h e F rank Corey and family and Mr Sunday afternoon with Mr and making Ills home with friends heic win»’» engagement to H J Jainn will be dried The bulk of the crop i»»e e n title d t Tourt and Mrs Floyd R aifety and family, Miss Genevieve Phelps ot P o rt­ was announced The wcddlnjr will a« th e (im e and went to the Hillsboro cannery. Mrs S. N Haney of Forest Grove. Mountaindale' After dinner a short Nellie Haney and Cecil Towers ak e place ill IHirllaud Halurday land. daughter ot Mr and Mrs R (B y M r« . Jes«e M e y e rs ) tion» tu «aid There was a heavier yield th an was business meeting was held and the i'he bride-elect was graduated BUXTON—A party of friends and expected. Tins is the tirst time spent Sunday with her parents. Mr A Phelps, (ornterly ol Cornelius following new officers were elected: relatives attended a birthday picnic prune harvest ended before hop and Mrs. Fred Haney, near 8tras*el was Illum ed Iasi week lo Rav Mor­ from HdLsboro high school in the Mrs Alma Heckman, president. near tire Cummings place August picking began It usually comes Mr and Mrs O Edwards and gan of Portland Mias Phelps is ■Lis of 1928 and later attended M rs Isabella G rutza. vice-president; 26. Those attending were Mr. and just afterw ards daughter of Longview. Wash., and well known by young people here Behnke-W alker Business c o lle g e Nellie Gordon, historian; Harry- Mrs George Fisher and Frances. Mr. and Mrs. A E Edwards of Mr Jai'.in was graduated from Mr and Mrs Lester Moobcn E. McMaugh of Oswego, an old- Salem spent Thursday to Friday Mrs Bailey. secretary and treasurer It Beusen Tech in 1928 They will M D Mann. Mrs Mattie wivi decided to meet next vear at l relie Harold. Mr. and Xtrs. tlme m ountain resident, visited Sam with Mr and Mrs. Ted Hanev Smith and Barbara Jane Mann e n ­ make their home in Portland. was decided M> meet next, year a* ¡-red Watson. \e m o n and Merlin. , Monday Mr and Mrs O tlo P annier and joyed picnic nt Rippling Waters Vincent Bishop and lew is Don- th e home of Mrs Ada Wllsou the R Uhen Kelly Mr and th ird Sunday in June Mrs. L. J. “ rs Allen Mrs hTed Hewitt. Mr and Mrs. Otto O rnduff and daughter R osetta and son Ruben Sunday iMsou enjoyed a motorcycle trip spent Sunday with their niece and Crane was the oldest m other of the ' Lucille White ind Shirley and 150,1 Robert, Mr. and Mrs Tom O Hopkilis and lioi g the beaches Saturday and Mr. and Mrs n a o . . . . -lor. aim little Hubert -- LUCUJe « o n e auu auu Shuck s:.,.1(,k and xnrl ~ in S Ian ;,,v M isses tamlly. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keller of son Stanley. Misses son LeVern of rdlamook visited Sunday going as ta r south us W in­ Ed- „ Corey, son of ? . Mr. . H « - ¿ re n t Beverly. Mr. an d Mrs- Albert W anda Finigan. N'adyne and Velma and Mrs. Prank a lrrls Mr an and d J Mrs UaVid Ed- Stafford. their daughter. Mrs John Burbank chester Bay and a Vivian Ziegler. tire ' youngest , baby £ of wards. Mr. and Mrs c^orap Risele Wolilschlegel womscniegei an vivían .negier, Corey, was the Mr. and Mrs Pete Esltnger of Mr and Mrs Ernest Meyer tuid fuiniil last week Mrs Crane is 82 ? ¿ rdt 3 Irx . „ F r e d ' B ^ e h e l C A and Melburn Ziegler, accompanied Coquille spent Tuesday afternoon and the Dobbins clan c A group of young people su r­ Robert. Ronald and Baby Meyers of 1 Hubert Corey is two pC rudfe by Mr. and . Mrs L. I. H u l l t o f and evening with Mr. and Mrs prised Maurice Hendricks In hon­ near North Plains are visiting her years old and Hubert corey is n o j^organ and Lloyd Mrs. Prudie Newberg, and made swain up a a t party, who Allen Hayden. or of his birthday anniversary a: Oster Mrs Lvdiu Returner, ut Hazel, m^ t a l Belle Voges is spending P‘cnwkéd San Salva- his home Sunday evening Games S D her vacation w ith h er grandpar- H ro > McL ^ i ^ d Mr', oor beach Sunday, I\>nv Nussbuuiner was honor were played and a luncheon w i ents. Mr. and Mrs. George F Biers- aim Mrs Jesse Meyers and Elsie, The new city swimming tank a t served bv Mr and Mrs A s Hend­ guest at a |» rtv at the home of Carl Bohren Sunday Mr. Nuss- dort of Schefflin. Clarence Stecklein, Leah and Lory Newberg was a popular place with Mrs. Mary Olinger. Mrs. George ricks. Place your order-» for HUNS. eU*, on or before Friday Miss Effie Tootes accompanied Uaj.,. a ll of near here; Mr. and a group of Buck Heaven neighbors George and Fred DePrez a rm e d miumer ta leaving Friday for Mo­ and Mrs. Mary Lee Kel- home desto Cal., to Join his brother. Mr and Mrs Noah Toates Jr. on a Mrs '(jmorge Jones, Mr and Mrs A during the hot weather last week, McBreen Saturday from Alaska where to tukAure delivery ling and son Jack returned S a tu r­ trip to Independence, where they and Chester Morgan, all Miss Beryl Deford accompanied day from a few days a t Rockaway- they spent the summer working In Paul who luts made his home there YES. WE CARRY ICE CREAM. MILK. CREAM. RUTTER salmon canneries will pick hops. o{ Laue county; Maverene Tallm an her house guest. Mrs. W alter Wl.ip- tor M'leral years Mr and Mrs. C. T Imlay and the Mrs Mr and Mrs. H. W T urner ot jn d LaVerne Kilburg. Timber: Mrs. pie. to her home in Vancouver. Mr and Mrs William Duncan John Burbank and family family. Mr. and Mrs H J. C hurch- Portland were Sunday visitors at Jessle Tillm an o re n and Gilbert Wash , and remained until Sunday ley aiid family, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. attended a family reunion at Banks Mr and Mrs. Alex Bareley and Prank Simpson of Portland were the N. H Toates home. p , . ^ WiUiam' and Deimer Higgle. Mrs. D. M M cInnis is spending Sunday Mr and Mrs. Joe Baker and chil- B,r genield Mrs Mary Hall, Ver- this week at the Oregon beaches as Churchley and Lorraine and H er­ A number from Cornelius visited guests of Mrs Lizzie K ilter Sunday They w e r e picking blackberries, dren and Mrs Rose Crop were n ,J au, and Mr and Mrs Victor a guest of h er daughter, Mrs. J. A. man Churchley and Irene Darnell the St. Mary's "H arvest Festival spent the week-end a t Ocean Park Sunday. Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs U au ^ ia y of Portland. Those cele- York, of ReedviUe. wltlch are plentiful this year i Joe Schmitkover at Gales Creek „rating their birthdavs. ranging John. Fred. Don and Lauren and Sea view. Muss Oleva Burger and m other of Mr and Mrs. H Bear visited Mr Forest Mrs Rose Crop of Portland is from August 13 to Septem ber 13. Haynes visited D ons and L au ren s Grove were guests of friends visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joe 14 They ah » loiiowsi mother, Mrs. E tu Haynes, a t Hills- and Mrs W. Holtz In Salem this and relatives here Sunday. week-end Baker, for a few weeks. Kuhen Kelly, Mary Hall. Delmar ooro Saturday. following article appeared In , B y M r " R ic h a rd H u n g e r ) Doris and Dorothy Anderson of the The A picnic supper was given in R lt»gie C. A* Morgan. G ilbert Frost, Mrs. Ira G. McCormick was a Stiver Sunday Oregon Journal under, Mr nhd Mrs Morris Chrustofcr- are spending the ': with Raffety's grove Saturday evening. Lloyd Morgan. Jesse Meyers, E tta juest of her daughter. Mrs. Allan their aunt. "W hat.s Happening In the Oregon •m J a n in ' and Morris J r of P o rt­ Mrs. Christina Kelly. Those present were M artha V an -, jm warda Irene F u ller,' Beverly Comoer. a t Portland last week, Mrs. C hristina Kelly and Mrs. C ountry:'' "Pest control Lx to b e dis­ land surprised Mrs Sara Crlger on derzanden. Mildred. Dick and Clare w h u e , Vernon Watson. William O ther guests at tile Comoer home cussed in Its various phases thLx Mary Olinger attended a party at her birthday August 20 Rice and Harold H arm s Higgle. Elsie Meyers and Oren Frost. Saturday included Mrs McCormick s the year by the Cornelius Civic Im ­ and Mrs Fred Wilson. Mr Mr and Mrs. Earl Luther are Morgan was presented with a sisters. M rs G. C. W hite of Clierry dale. home of Mrs. Ellison at Hazel- provement club Pests were not list­ m Mr d Mrs Tom Taylor of Portland spending a few days a t the beach ¡a j {ood cake decOrated Grove and Mi.ss Ivy Peterson ol Mr and Mrs. W_ S. Hahn. Mr wUh canales irom his sister, Mrs. Walla Walla, Wash, and Mrs. Bruce Hahn and Mrs A McDonald of Lane countv Brad Jones went to Fernwood Muller spent the past week visiting Mrs o ljVe clem ent of P ortland August 22 after spending the most 1 1 th e beaches. __ visited Mr and Mrs. John Wagner, of the sum mer here with his broth- 1 The Harrison school will open dve on |ler j arm near here, er. W I. Jones. September 10. one day last week Miss Arlista Jones visited her Prune picking at the Loel Hoi- Mr Mrs c ; A Peterson re . sl.,tcr. Mrs. Bud Kisen. a t Newberg lenbeck place was finished Monday word las[ week th a t their Saturday. Mountaindale garden club met c M Christenson, is in Jake and A rthur Davis of Port- a t the Lloyd Raffety place S atur- ho6piU1 ,n Astoria suffering with land visited their brother a n d INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED day. Mr Peters, the leader, treated a tram m ed skull. uncle. W R. Davis, August 22. the members of the club to a musk Betty Stowell returned recently Mrs W. F. Wolilschlegel and PHONE 3251 FREE DELIVERY melon feed from a visit with her aunts in daughters, the Misses Reva and Mr. and Mrs. J. L Van Domelen “d Enoia Barlow, and Mrs. E C. Wohl- Located Corner 2nd and Main Streets and famUy returned last week from AJex u h {rom C ah. ^m eg e: and daughters, Phyllis and a visit to the Tillamook J * a c h K . fo n u a lQr vacaUon. ~ ' ' ------ J “ to Ermce and son ' Vincent moved They also visited sea lion caves near Mr. and Mrs. D. C ornutt and Ray s hopyard in Marion county Florence. S tanton an d P atty Rhea and Lucille Wednesday and will help in the Pederson spent several days last early hop harvest. Many others week a t the beach. from here will be camping a t var- s 'iiulwi(h brand Tony Rinck was visited Sunday ious hopyards. next week when Heavy canvas. -Atlas, wide mouth Plain or Salted B» Mr«. Zell c struther»! by his sisters Irom Timber and picking late hops will »tart. •Notice to Hop Pickers! Complete. 2-lb. Box Mr and Mr« L M Davies and Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McCormick sons’ were guests August 22 a t the A large CCC crew was called to of Hillsboro spent p art of last week Dozen Pair William Carlsdelt home in Powell fight a fire in the Elwood logging at the home of his brother-in-law , V a U e ^ ’-a n so e u nome in r o damaged a couple of W R Davis. They were helping The follow mg neighbors enjoyed donkeys and threatened the home with drying prunes for home con- on r i n i t »cr of pfirris Antrim! 21 Kirk l44. tasty. 10c BRAN FLAKES Post’s. 2 pkgs. for 19C 22c h r tin T O M A T O J U IC E ¿.T' 2 5 Prices Effective Friday and Saturday, Auji . 31 and Sept. 1 DEV. HAM IJ nderwood’s. 11c L h z" - . Hulk ’ Pint 15c Nice. PULLMAN BREAD M I ,'¡y ».J. Il>. louf, sliced 13c COLLI » J « ’ bir famous blond 8unrl.se. 25c I'loi Green Peppers Just rig h t fo r n tu ffin g . 3 lbs. for 10c LEMONS 360 size. Per dozen 25c -!-S E D ’S M A R K E T In rear o| |*igg|y W ig g ly Store QUAI.I I Y MEAT. Specials for Saturday, Sept. 1 STEER BFEF ROAST 20c 9c IOC Each SYRUP Pound R IN S O */j|-lb. tin. Log Cabin, small. Pint 11c Baker's Cocoa STEAK RIB P ^ ,oin VEGETABLE SHORTENING 9c 3 ibs. 28c SWEET 15c I S!?KLES 15c GROUND BEEF—-No Cereal. L ~ FREE DELIVERY