The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 30, 1934, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page Ten
' th a t there are no o th er past d u e '
encumbrances or liens against the
property, and th at proceeds will be
used solely for property improve­
Among banks 1 n W ashington
county th a t are taking applications
for tills type ol k>an are First
N lattonal
bank ot Portland. Hillsboro
B ranch: First National bank, F or­
est Grove, Washington C o u n t y
ixuik. Hanks; and Fust Securiti
bank Beaverton
,, .
_ .
C O U I T t V [ '¿ U r L 'l I U C T
County Nurse
C ite s F a c ts
o n Paralysis >
Style Goes to
New Lengths
ARC. U S ,
D A W il­
liams Mis M Humbert. Portland.
following c hildren
. m is
Hulph lliiftuni. Finest G rove. M is
G rabhorn.
Mis ciscar Jones. H.x\i River
H IL L S B O R O ,
C o u rt Q uiet
During Week
Judging lo u rs 1 leid
by 4-1 1 C lub G ro u p s
T I i i i i - mi L i V, A lig n s , .'ll), I 93 J
ordet dividend. West com­
pany 1.- f A Hartiin et al. .Unir
m ent, l ’rcd tl Harcourt is E g
Wilson confirm ation. William Josse
cl ax v.s Anna H artm an, confirm ­
ât ton of ale. Federal l and bunk of
Spokane vs Jam es F Hayes et al.
amending deeret*; Thelma Htcwurt
va, Thoinaa H Htewurt. default
decree. J n Neuman va C'ha, les
Berthold el al eonfhm alion of sale.
D Shau v.s ci i Shaw, order;
W aller Weber et ux vs Dora May
’n icker el al. decree; and M a v
Iretnke v» Frank Lemke, order
Probate orders were Issued m the
estates of Adolph Henry Wolf,
K atherine Wren. LVter Dethlel
rhetsb»n* Newsiad Bartholomew I
Scheckla Adolph Kahn. John Hiht
er and George Jacob Ziegler An
order w as also issued m I he guard*
lanahtp of Lola Mae Moss
Metzger Arca Scene
ni 1 liree Robberies
Series ol th ree th e fts were con,
In (In* lielghiMU I umh I o f
Mclz.,.;e, Friday ,light acto rd ln g to
,e|s»ris ¿u th e .sherd 1 .office .T h irty
gallons ot giLs 'line and a gallon of
oil wi'K* stolen I r o in well drilling
equipm ent owned by Ben C aish.
while B a ils ( 'a i- li re|torled the
loss of tools from his car Tire, rim
a n d tube and a Jai ket weie tak e n
from a c a r belonging to II II M ey­
e rs the sam e evening
C alvin B unker ol Forest Grove
w anted in W ashington county on
a m orals Indictm ent, was taken ui-
lo custody in Spokane. W ash Sal
urlay Extradition pnH eistlugs will
1 m * sta rte d tinnuxllatcly. a tconling
to S heriff J W Connell.
i i t l l t « 'd
M o m it a li is lile
f a l l i i fu i' 1111*111-
l»eis o f H< i ( ’ lu n a j M in i in g c lu x
M i •• A lp h a K e l l <»f K i l t I m > i ( » | , a .
h i-e n « in p lo s e tt a*, le m h e , lo i M <M I,l-
( a ln s ld c m h o o t
H c 1 kn » i will open
S e p ie , i i I m t 1(1
George Llewellyn
• |H*nt Ila* w«rk end at Neu|s>rt and
Judgm ent reqitiving f A H a rt­
it Zcrbc codage at Hoad s ICnd
ley, e o i i l i a , tor. atul J W Cuiutrll.
county sheriff to release a cer­
tt* M«n.-ar«< D ii» n . c o u n ty n u r w i
tain eoihiete finisher to the
Infantile paralysis may be caught
C ounty U n it of F a rm e r*
by one person from another, and
West Contract eoni|Mn> was signed
U nion io M e e t T h u rs d a y
is a disease about which much Is
club boys and girls participated in Monday by Clrvult Judge ltaglev
unknown even U a ie n .........-esearch
W aililnginii oiiin ty m ill of the
three judging tours during the past The suit to delernilne ownership of
T he most serious early s;cn is the
F a in m .' Union will m eet In con-
two weeks under the direction of I the rqullNiient wits Instigated by
stiffness of the spine and neck, the
JIIIM'llou w ith Ihe Wr.-.l Uulnti I ih ii I
E. Francis, assistant county agent the West C ontract eonnwi.y again, t
child being unable to bend from
it. pi, miter (I ul the K P hall al
Tours were made for the* purpose Hartley, a (om ter member of the
these points. Usually there is little
North Plain.-,
of giving crops and livestock club tinn. ami SherdI Connell, who was
to distutgutsh a mild case, or an
(Continued fro m p«»re 11
members practice in Judging work holding the ui.ielnne on a writ of
upset (0 (lle south
early case, from a cold,
Our rliualfltxl voinnin« may lune
m preparation for contests a t the execution f r o m Jackson county.
stom ach.'’
Friday will be a full day on the
Jll«t w hai you are looking for
county and state fairs and the P a ­ Damages totaling $.ux> were sought
A pam phlet issued by the Mill-
H e ili t t i l e i n
cific International Livestock ex­ In the suit but no damages were
bank Infantile Paralysis commission girls' 4-H flub program with lour
described a typical case as follows dem onstration teams competing, th e
"A child thin has been well becomes home economies judging contest
Classes were made up of Hol­
L J Miller or ro rtlan d , Indicted
restless or drowsy. He is feverish, and two of the dollar-dinner events.
stein. Jersey and Guernsey cattle. recently o n a drunken driving
irritable and doesn't want to be Competitions will start at It) a in
Duroc Jersey. Poland China and charge, appeared in the circuit
D a iry Co-op U n its P lan
moved He is apt to vomit once or with a sewing dem onstration bv
Chester White hogs. Shropshire and court Monday and entenxt a plea
M e e tin g s D u r in g W e e k
twice and may complaui of head- M argaret and Edna Sohler of Acad-
Hampshire sheep There were also of not guilty.
ache or pam ui the back or in pmv schocl followed at 10:30 a m.
T h ree m eetings of count\ D a h \ W. ll liM-alrd in a.-re.s In rultlvu
Pleading guilty to the operation
several classes of the more common
the back of the neck. He is likely bx another sewing demonstration.
C o-operative association units have lam . g . k I building«, alantrlrlty ;
of a slot machine. George Smith ot
to be constipated, but may have Becoming Colors and Neck Lines.'
team und all rqulp-
Ix'cn scheduled during tin* coming I'Vi’it III»
dial rhea. More significant are a .
Portland was fined $2a and rusts
week Will W Henry, association iiii’iif fm Mil.’ ut a bargain
sore, stiff neck and spine and pauis b' H a th rm and Ju an ita Cawrse.
leaders in these tours were A rthur Monday in lhe local justice of the Multnoniuh youth drowned T h u rs­ m anage, and C laude M ariner, in
in the back, arm s and legs
;>ls° of Academy school. Two more
day evening at l.oules resort near charge of tlw* f<*ed d e p artm e n t, will W.' liny, m any o lh rr k '* m I farm-
Ireland. Joe Cawrse. George Hiers- ps'aee court.
Paralysis may noi develop to sewing dem onstrations will be con-
When It A Knight of Hillsls'ro 'Hgard He is r,|»orted to have speak a t the Banks meet lug Mon for «ah*
dori. Tolke Bros.. Elmer Guerbcr.
withm 24 to 72 hours, and the ex- ducted in the afternoon beginning
Erank Connell. A rthur Connell, A failed to appear tor arraignm ent slipped from a raft In the stream, day night M ariner will also ¿.peak
tent does not depend upon how at 2:15 p. in.. "The Patch" bv n
B. Flint. Janies Batchelder. J. J. on a morals indictm ent this week, and. unable to swim, sank before at the Forest G rove m eeting next
sick tlie child was in the early team front the Jedm ore school and
stages The greatest opportunity for "Stenciling" bv Lois Ann Sclbv and
VanKleek and Frank Sehulmerich tlie circuit court ordered Ills bail aid could reach him ComigiulotiM Friday and at West Union Septem -
bond forfeit Knight was arrested pulled him out of the water, but I m i 10
help is before paralysis develops. M artan Lindley of the G arden
July 19 and released on bond the attem pts at resuscitation failed
but it is at this time more d u n - Hf>n,p ^h .w t
cult to detect. Even a physician
following day He was subsequently
Helen Enderlin and Gwendolyn
specialist may find it necessary t o ’„ “ ° " u economics judging contest
R e n i E s ta te a n d
Indicted on a charge of contribut­ Kurtz both of IMrUand. were in ­
draw fluid from the spinal column lni hiding four divisions of cooking,
ing to the delinquency of a minor
In s u r a n c e
jured Fridav evening when their
betore he can be certain th at it is canning, sewing and homemaking
Trial of Peter D unbar of Eugene, car went off the highway near
infantile paralysis.
a ’id room improvement will be held
indicted recently on a morals charge, Seghers Both women were taken
(Continued front page 1)
finance your Insurance p re ­
No preventive drugs may be a t 3:45 p in All four divisions will
Mondav afternoon In tlie woods Can
but no action was taken toward has been set for Septem ber 13
m iu m * on a m o iiftilv buMin.
to the Guymon hospital in H»rest tree
bought as a protection, and it is be conducted simultaneously,
endorsing any of the existing ca n ­
Grove, where Miss Kurtz was re ­ a crew cutting wihm I
only in certain cases, and under the
D ollar-dinner events will 'be put
1152 2nd St
P hone 171
didates Questions propounded in ­ ing circuit court cases th is week ported suffering from an injured
direction of the medical doctor th at on bv Frances Moyer of North
Mrs K N McClure entertained
Liquidation of Shute Savings bank Jaw.
a "convalescent serum" can be used Plains'. Jean Ann Cotinell of Jack-
with a picnic Thursday afU’rnoon
to help prevent paralysis developing
^ h o o l and F-ances Detriek of
port of federal or state ownership
in those w ho have been discovered
of which ends Just off the floor, is
in the early stage.
£ rT lc *ch<»l Miss Moyer In tune with the newest fashlou of power lines, sea locks at Bonne
After years of careful study, the
00 h fr « » rk tills evening, decree. F or one who wears ville. tax relief on farms and homt
through increases in inheritance,
following rules have been given out oliss Connell Friday noon and Miss
th is flame-colored ensem ble, ac­ income and gift levies, sales’ tax;
by authorities as the only- m eans Detrick Friday evening.
Of helping control the spread of t h e . County championship cook i n g cented by rhinestone buttons more business and less politics in
dem onstration team consisting of and featu red by very low back, government: state and federal aid
These rules m ust be applied to Jean Ann Connell and Marjorie th e pleasure of dancing is en ­ for schools; bus and truck bill; old
age pension with funds f r o m
every one. and especially children. Meek, both of North Plains, will re- hanced.
if , they . are lo„
to be
be « effective.
sources other than tax on real prop­
. Peat th eir
1933 dem onstration. ~ ,
erty; and collective bargaining for
1 Avoid all crowds, such as Making Sand» d ie s fc; Childrens S e b o l l s U lV ,11 1 1 1 ,IV
iw m w m i h S te F e tc a
Limches -u -d P ;m ies-
3 30 th *
c o m p a n y
labor C andidates were asked if
2 ™
aw iv from where there a» erno° n ™ e girls dress style
they would support these principles
regardless of who was elected gov
is sickness
revue will be held m the auditorium
3. Always carefully wash with thU afternoon at 2.15 o'clock.
Scholls Tile Company Yard open- ernor.
N. P. Joltnson of Cedar Mill was
soap and w ater before eating and
Pour-H club livestock and crops ed for business Mondav. The yard,
after using the toilet.
events will reach a high peak S at- warehouse and office are located on elected chairm an of th e meeting
4. Do not use public towels
or urday when finals in the dairy cat- W ashington street between First in the absence of J Henry Jacob-
common drinking cups.
tie showmanship contest selection and Second The yard was located son of West Union, regular chair-
5. Cover the nose and m outh of the champion showman for the - ere bv Jesse c Snyder of the man Appointment of leaders in th e
when sneezing or coughing- elea!- Sperr>' Flour company trophy and Scholls Tile company a t Scholls I Il county campaign districts were
6. Keep everything, but
and will be Under the m anagement announced.
of W P. Kipple, formerly of the
wholesome food and water, out of carn atio n
th e mouth.
carn atio n company “Calf M anna Columbia Brick company of P o rt­
7. Avoid kissing on the mouth.
** held. Activities opened land.
3 Observe all the rules of out-
morning at 8:30 o'clock and
w to being an outlet , for
In addition
door living; nutritious food; suf-
continue almost continuously the Scholls Tile company products,
ficient rest and exercise.
during th e rem aining two days of the yard will carry' a full line of
9 Keep the house as clean as the fair.
masonry material, building t i l e ,
possible and free of flies, rats, mice
Livestock judging team s left the linle- cement, pipe, sand, gravel,
and other
fair grounds this morning to Judge et£'. e
various classes of livestock HoLstpi» Mr. S njder
has been a resident
I ~ ~ ~ D I-..-.
cattle■ w e rT m sw e £ d « ,h -
of Sfhol!A most of
llie *nd >»as
H o u s in g L o a n f la n
npI, hmfhnrc'
hrn, ht ^
interested Ui
in UilC
the UT*U1
drain Hie
, S - ° i . e t '. .been HiiCirhK’U
T /•
at t h ?
c* Ule business for more th an 20 years He
I n f o r m a t i o n C ilV P n
Biersdorf place, sheep has a larre farm near his plant at
±111 O i l I I d l l O U V J lV C Il at the Tolke brothers farm, and Scholls. An intensive study of land
I t 's W e il’s irrv u test y e a rly e v e n ,. An», y o u r o p p o r­
(Continued from pa<« n
upon returning to the fair drainage has been made by him.
tu n ity to lay in fa ll a n d w in te r w e a rin g a p p a r e l,
package receivers and mail boxes; grounds. Entries in the poultry and
Mr Kipple has been associated
B O U G H T an d S O L D
------- were judged
concealed residential wall safes.
during wlth *•--
the build!
building industry for more
lim its a n d sh o e s a l g r e a te r re d u c tio n s th a n ev er.
The following list includes types th e morning.
th an 20 years both as a builder
of equipment which, under regula-
Judging contests for crops, rab - and ln sa‘es promotion work for
a sh in g to n c o u n ty 's g r e a te s t s to c k s go on sa le
tions. are ‘'movables" and there- bits and poultry are planned for i11la'“ nr '' materials. He is an en-
fore not to be included in improve- thU afternoon. E n tran ts m the
» X u ld^budd'^foT 1^ ^
fU’Xt F rid a y . W e re re m o d e lin g to m a k e m o re room .
A g e n c y W illy s 77
m ents financed by insured loans:
Judging contest will be re- X e “ v
W e 'll h a v e e x tr a sa le s p e o p le to w ait on y ou a n d
F urniture of all kinds; floor and Quired to judge grain samples and
' ________________
C om e in f o r a
other lamps: show cases (unless grade potatoes Later in the after- r | ( v
A m .n J .
e 'll lie lo o k in g fo r y ou on F rid a y , S e p t. 7 th .
d e m o n s tra tio n .
built-in >; desks; radios; porch noon sheep and goat classes will be
electric fans;
toasters; judged for premiums. Friday m orn-
L eague o f C ities M e e t
S ee the big “ L ee” O verall at W e il’»
electric and gas irons; ranges and m g Judges will pass on crops, for-
George McGee city m anager a t-
stoves—gas. electric, coal or wood. “ 'P ' and handicraft, hogs, mis- tended an executive session of the
at the C ounty Fair.
unless built-in; food mixing m a- cciRineous and crops dem onstra- Oregon
League of Cities Friday
chines; vacuum and other types of tlons and dairy cattle classes,
night in Portland Action was ta k ­
cleaners, unless built-in installation;
Showmanship contests will start en by which Oregon joined with
individual detachable gas and elec- a£ 1:30 P m Friday with the goat W ashington and California in spon-
tric heaters: single-unit air con- showmanship competition. This will soring the official Pacific coast
Gas - O il - Accessories
ditioners. unless built-in: all other * followed in order by sheep and magazine Western Cities " Renort
strictly detachable and movable h °g showmanship during the after- was also made on studies being con-
equipm ent and apparatus.
ducted by representatives of the
Aside from specific equipment. .. Livestock and crops dem onstra- American Municipal association to
H illa b o ro
O rrg o n
such as indicated above, th e cost
«'ill s ta rt at 8 a m. Saturday determine a yardstick to show the Cars W a s h e d and Polished
of making all types of repairs, al- and ’ lU
followed a t 10 o'clock by financial status of cities
terations and improvements to any £be dairy cattle show m anship con-
________________ _
type of building (both labor and 'z s t- Selection of t h e champion
materials) may be included in in- showman and presentation of the
sured loans.
Sperry trophy is scheduled for 11:30 fum.
73. Forest Grove florist, died (
In addition, such improvements a m • «'bile t h e "Calf M anna" in Hillsboro Sunday. Funeral serv- I
to the grounds on which the build- tr°Phy showing and presentation by ices were held a t th e Methodist
ings stand as sidewalks, curbs and c - T - Richardson, local condenser church Wednesday with Rev J
A g e n c y fo r N ash and
driveways of perm anent materials, manager, is slated for 1:30 p. m.
Jeffry of Oregon City officiating
udson and T e rra p la n e
wnere property is improved with
s - B- Hall. M ultnom ah county Interm ent was ln M ountain View
buildings; underground law nsprink- a ?e n t- «'ill act as livestock a n d cemetery.
Mr. Buffum was born at Anda­ 2nd and W a s h . Phone 2641
1er systems; demolition of old build- croPs Judge while LeRoy Wright,
ings labor'; silos, barns, sheds and c' ub a?cnt of Clackamas county, lusia. 111.. June 15. 1861. and w a s )
m arried to Lulu G reen a t Milford.
other buildings on improved farms: « lU Judge dem onstrations and show- Iowa.
October 17. 1887 They moved
new garage and outbuildings, and manship.
to Grove' in 1904 Deceased
sim ilar items, may be included.
T be fair ts being ru n under the Is survived by th e widow and the
Applications under the housing direction of the county fair board.
adm inistration program
will be «bich includes the following: R M
considered for credit to improve Bank-’ of Banks, president; C. D.
one-family, two-family or other Minton of Forest Grove, vice-presi-
residences; apartm ent buildings. dent »«<1 m anager, and H. T. Hesse
stores, office buildings, factories, of Scholls, treasurer. Mrs. Ed. L.
warehouses and farm buildings Moore of Hillsboro is acting secre-
Loans will be made in sums from
D epartm ent heads are as fol-
S100 to $2000 and may run any io«-i Banks, livestock: Hesse, grange
num ber of m onths from one to exhibits, farm crops and horticui-
three years Prospective borrowers tu te; O. B. Kraus, Hillsboro. 4-H
L e e Overalls made of Genuine Jelt
will be required by banks or loan- clubs; L. E. Francis, Hillsboro. 4-H
ing agencies to show ownership of livestock clubs; Mrs. Robert W ar-
Denim have many and exclusive special
property, th a t th e income of the rci;s
Gales Creek floral; Mrs.
signers of the note is a t least five E l^abeth Vincent, Tigard, domestic
M A IN 81
times the annual payments on th e art an d Mrs. M. C. McKercher.
Each feature is marked by an indicator.
note, that any mortgage on the Beaverton, domestic science,
property is in good standing and
T»ee Dealers are displaying samples of
------ —
W ay at S h u te Park
M ultno,n.,b Youth
D row ns at T igard
E. A.
Quiet Week Seen
Scholl* s
Local P o litie s
O p en s Y ard H ere
C A R S W A TC H !
Make an es­
timate on the number of yards of sew­
ing thread used in making this big
“Lee” Overall and win one of the
twenty prizes FREE. (Prizes will he
on display at the booth)
L ook for flio O v era ll
Used Car Exchange
Marked with Feature
Indicators Applied
to the Garment
Powers Grocery
P ro m p t Service . . .
This E m blem
D on’t Gamble
these overalls marked w ith indicators.
For your own protection accept no sub­
stitute. Insist upon the only Overall
with all these features and purchase
them only from the store who has one
of the sample overalls on display mark­
ed with indicators.
Indicators pointing to features may he
different in color or different shapes
but only Ix?e Overalls are so m arked
T h is s to re w ill be o p e n n ig h ts a n d a p a r t
o f S u n d a y s.
S pecials fo r A u g u s t 31, S e p te m b e r I
is a s a f e a n d
so u n d in v e stm e n t
th e u n e q u a lle d d e s ira b ility
o f C h e v ro le t U sed C a rs fro m
th e y e a r s of 1925 a n d la te r.
A sk a n y in d e p e n d e n t U sed
C a r d e a le r o r in v e stig a te
th e m a r k e ts f o r y o u rse lf.
Y ou w ill th e n be co n v in ced
th a t ( h e v ro le t has k n o w n ,
k n o w and
w ill
h o w to p ro d u c e th e m ost in
v a lu e , c o m fo rt a n d eco n o m y
f o r y o u r c a r $.
Hilisboro MotorCo.
C h e v ro le t
an d
O ld s m o b ile
3 rd an d W a s h .
P hone 441
is Recognized
by th o u s a n d s to d a y w h o
n e v e r k n e w it b e fo re , b e ­
c a u se th e ir n ew c a r s
w e a r it. L e a p in g to th e
f ro n t r a n k o f b e s t se lle rs
in th e n a tio n .
‘S ty le
L e a d e r’
C h a lle n g e s y o u r a tte n tio n
if you w a n t th e m o st an d
b e st f o r y o u r m o n ey in
th is class.
W e m a k e g r e a t c la im s
fo r th is m o d el, a n d e v e ry
claim is b e in g ju s tif ie d
in th e m in d s o f th e g r e a t
a rm y o f new b u y e rs th is
y e a r.
S E E a n d T R Y o u r new
“ 6 ” D e m o n stra to r. N o ob­
lig a tio n — w e ju s t w a n t
you to k n o w f o r y o u rse lf.
Hillsboro MoiorCo.
( ounly
3 rd an d W a s h .
R ed & W h ite
A ll G re e n
N o. 2 tin s.
A £■ _
2 cans
Corn Flakes
or P O S T T O A S T IE S
2 pkgs.
Memo Rook Pocket
fxx*ke<l w ith Snap Fnntenar
Pencil Pocket
F ric tio n *D m ;k Holder
May onnaise Butter
R ed & W h ite
R ed & W h ite
N o. 1 ja r s .
P u re
D ressing
P in t ja r
Wax Paper
J a r .................
R ed & W h ite O ra n g e D ry, 12-oz. b o ttle s
Reft & W h ite G in g e r A le, 12-oz. b o ttle s
2 fo r
P hone 441
Three F la t Seem«
W on’t R ip O ut
Long Crotch Fork«
W o n 't Bind
Good fo r L ife o f Garment
Safety W atch Pocket
W atch C a n 't F a ll O ut
Thread Rivet«
A t E v ery S train P o int
4 -ln -l Shield Pocket
Conform « to Body Shape
Where i t O ught to Be
Thread-R iveted Fly
W o n ’t T e a r a t Bottom
C u t-O n F ly
C an't R iii I joo ««
Ruat-Proofed. Tw o-Prong
F ly Button«
Hidden Seam (E trlu a lv e )
Lxx’k« Bib to Body
B o i Stay
Cuta Down F ly Opening
Genuine Jelt Denim
W ide l eg«
W ide Bottomg
K nurled, Humped Slide«
C an't Slip
Hinged l«iopa
Kuat-Pi nofrd
Shield Hark
Exclusive on Î mk * Overall«
Thread Riveted
A t Every S tra in P o int
Reinforced H ip Pocket«
W on’t W ear O ut
U f« F u ll Cut
W on’t Bind
Reemy Seat
W on’t Bind
H am m er
Hide Facing
W on’t Tea r fxxi«
Strong am i H an d y
Large Cap Fastener
Shield Shape Pocket
On Back of a ll Button«
Exclusive <m I«*« O verall«
Bib Facing
E x tra H igh Rlae
N eater and S tronger
Both Back and F ro n t
4-P ly Button Anchorage
Large Iflp Pocket«
W on’t T e a r O ut
Shi« Id Sbapu
Merged Fly
Ru«t Proofed Ituttone
W on’t Ravel
W on’t Boat o r 'Iv a r Off
Fly Button Hole«
S elf Forking Rule Pocket
Spared Bight
W o n ’t Gap
A I m *« Feature
Pockets Both Merged
Special Pliera Pocket
and Double Stitched
Safe and Ifnn dy
Sadie Crotch
Fu ll Length M g a
W on’t Bind
Manufa<*turcd and G uaranteed by
The H. I). Lee Merc. Company
u tiv tc r n v
n u i l a l a u h h l aima,
____ ____
O ld s an d C h e v ro le t
Three Seam«
From F ly to Crotch
C ant-R unt Snap Faatener
M a trh Pocket
Pocket Opening«
Doubled and Reinforced
Beep Tough Pocket«
G enuine Boat Sail Cloth
Q u ick o r R e g u la r.
L a rg e size.
2 fo r
Valuable» Can't F a ll O ut
Doublé Seem
Hold» Bib Secure
A nother Memo-Book Pocket
Behind W atch Pocket
Exclusive on Lee Overalls
F o rm -F ittin g Rih
Q uaker
Red & W h ite
W ax
Corded Button Hole«
C an’t T e a r Out
S a le Loaa Pocket
M an y o tu e r ite m s sp e c ia lly p ric e d fo r F rid a y a n d
S a tu r d a y . T h e se p ric e s good A ug. 31, S e p t. 1 only.
Copyri^hl 19.11 by Thr II. It. Lev Mere. Cntnpany