The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 30, 1934, Image 1

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Tnllsb or
linter ta ini ng—
"Queen Anne’s lutee' Will i
Appeni' in Argus Sei'inllj
“Queen Anne's Lace"
Serially in the Argus
R ead
W ith Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent
School P lanned
on September 8
Data Given
on Housing
Credit Plan
I.. L IN II Il Kl! II
Income Oregon I’eopll
Less, According
Tux Returns
M nny
P e rm a n e n t
"How to lid P T. A Work, as
well as "W hat Needs Doing, and
Why," are subjects th at will be
discussed at the school of in stru c­
tion lit P. T A work which will
be held at Forest drove Heptemtor
H. at 10 a in . at the First M eth­
Liquidator Will D i s t r i b u t e
odist church.
Hlute officers. IIK hiding Mrs Wll-
S e c o n d C a s h D iv id e n d to
lluiu Kletzer. president; Mrs C W
Wall. regional officer for Washing-
A p p r o v e d C la im a n ts
Ion county; Mi (»liver Crowtlier
press and publicity. Mr.. L. D
C ourt»right, membership,
' l l ’ n n a i 1 1 1 ,1 . i and
.V I I
| .
Q C Englls)
be present to gin
give inspiration and
aid to parents und teachers who
ure working for the welfare of
V o u c h e r s Is s u e d
th ro u g h
Mrs A !• Knight, county presi­
F ir s t N a t i o n a l B r a n c h
d e n t . unit Mrs A I, Modin, presi­
dent of Forest drove P ’I' A. are
m a k in g a r r a n g e m e n t s lo r the m eet­
se» und dividend bi inc liquida­
ing und for a (sit luck lunch at
noon. Tile Forest Grove p T A tion of the Shute Huiing« bank.
will .serve coffee and a hot dish nnountlng to 15 per cent on com-
All tea« her.s will Is honor Kuesu n.ercial accounts and 25 per cent
und are not expected to bring any on avingb accounts, will be dis­
tributed beginning Septem ber 6, a c ­
one interested in child uei-
fiUe Ls invited to uttend the ineet- cording to an order signed Monday
in«. A prize Ls offered by Mr«, by Ciromt Judge George K. Bag-
K night to the community having 1« y At the .same time first div-
the lx»st attendance
Model« of
uls will be paid persons who
various types of P T A work will
b« pr» «*nt<xl which will be a help filed claims after December 4, 1933,
■1" *° cal .' . . k
, in plan- and prior to July 31 ot U>U year.
411,,k th eir work for the year
. . checks
. . will
. . . be -----
through the Hillsboro B ranch ol
tlje E ,rst National bank of P ort-
land J 1. Searcy, deputy in chaige
of Hie local liquidation, declared.
\ ouchcrs will be held at the bank
und Vhore u n caied ^fo r a f tir th a t
period will be mailed to depositors.
E q u ip m e n t
N a tu re
* S
to b e In c l u d e d
lenta (lied income tax returns
with tile Mtate tax cotnmtanlon tht*.
year ton quilt'd a total of 42.745 who I?
I. . ( '
Hied return.', in 1923 Combined n< I J <1 I I K S
I <11 (
-h, |,.,ihaiiKiiiarian win i-’a y a b I c
U woiiicn of Un» 29,187 irp u rU n g tin«
totalled 185.083.583 on which
11 total tux Ol »1.159 836 85 Was II
hpjtftcd. In 1923 the state eoilreted
u lax of $1,098.298 on combined net
fnc*>nw*ji totalling $123.490.600 'Du*
turner tax collected on the greatly
reduced Income thU year b ac­
counted (or by th«- incr«nu4«d tax
rat«* applying to the present "t-
come lax law.
only ten individual« reported In
comes in exc«**« of »40.000 this year
whereas in 1923 there were 24 in-
dividual* with income» of $40.000
or more. ten of these re|MUting in ­
comes In excess of $50 000 The ten
In the $40 (MX) bracket this year
paid a total tax of $34 443 02 on a
v iiilr the 241 m 'Y h e * Inch k u r k d
in 1U23 reported net income«, of
»1,570. 000 on which the state tax
totalled $08.225.
'Hie most numerous group tills
year was Unit reportnig incorni s
In Hie »1000 »2000 bracket, there
I »' .; 1.174.1 Ol ttM sc returiu with
u i ombintxl net income of $19.878
$88 on u b id ì the «tate tax figure*
$188,914 12
More than 20,000 individual', bor-
»owed tiooks from the state library
during tlic 21-m onth period end
ing June 30. last, according to Uie
bi-i'iuuul report o f Miss llarrli t
C lo n g . SUU- librarian These were
bi addition
, ,, to the tlo u san d s ol
patruns <>f the 1118 travelling 11-
brary stations, m aintained by^ the
•tale library for the convanienre
Of readers in Isolated aectlonswhich
do not liave ready urcria* to larger
libraries. During the 21 montlis
Covered by the report U total of
l-' tl»' h b raiA ^o r\7 n M S,inired U ^li
t»y the libnuy. or 34 104 more th a n
1.« the prevams MU two-year pert-
txl. indicating a m aterial in e n tu r
In the demands upon the state
library iM llie 375.489 volume
Olilpped out by the library la
tk) 175 volumes went to public
A p p lic a tio n
M a te r ia ls
A r e N o w A v a ila b le H e re
I s lu lls as to what equipm ent may
be Included In Improvement* to ta
financed by loans under the federal
HnuMiiK adiiUntatration were re
" ,vr‘l U»ls week by It J Hcearri
ol Hillsboro. president of the Wash-
mirton Countv Banker»’ uAMMlation
i i i k u h i uuum y iw uxir» uamm iauo<i.
Bhutk* for making application for
modernization credit were also re-
i lived and bunks planning to make
under tlu* program an* ready
<rvt prospective borrower
Equipment which I n c o u m t part
oi ^ie real estate when installed
m a>’ *** included in improvements
*Dich may be financed under the
*"•»» according to information re
celvrd The following Ls a list ol
neh equipment although there may
4 -H
C lu b
Event A ttra c ts
F in e S t o c k S h o w in g
Large sum Involved
lo in , of »28,791 93 will be dis-
tn b u ted in second dividends to
((»mmerciaj claim ants a n d »22,-
Showing of approximately 70 head 899 69 to ravings departm ent claim-
Of high grade d a ir y .a ttle by coun- an ls Claims filed subsequent to
ty 4 11 club members is anticipated the Iirst dividend will receive »522 -
Saturday at at 1 1 30 30 p p in m at at the
the coun-
coun- 71
71 on
on commercial
commercial accounts
accounts and
ty fuir In the final phase of com- »327 74 on savings accounts in ad-
petition lor the "Calf M anna" tro- ( dltloil to the second dividends.
phy. offered thts year for the first
Shute Savings bank went into
time by the C arnation
company. Tills event, togethc
the competition for the
Flour showmanship trophy. _____
„.asm i „ n e r x is n o r s i n a n t i m o n LO
. to **’ U,e »‘ighhght of the „
637 43 lias been paid
4-H club program
carn atio n company trophy will
, h , s c » « 3»™ «»
i »
e »
water supply and sewerage lowlng
I v 't . .
m o iv «‘ 1 1 1 ' n r iu I
ifs z s v lf
11 st
• ta tc haa m aneuvered Itself ui its pln(i; ,,wnlIWS nuM|,, for windows
s t r i c t p recau tio n s are being taken
a " tte m p t to
e iiiiem plovm ent anti porehes.
,^,r,.i...» n ......i
in th is year to
. . . th e e n d . th a t no a n ­
....... f ln a , , ia .........i
ia i ch
u te s, b i.uiit
u llt-ln
relief th ro u g h th e .sale of eertlfl-
.... |..ue i . . o.iun.n i
imals with Infectious diseases wh.
ra te s of indeWetlness
rn ip liaslse th e need for a belter
(h e c k on eoi ist il n I loi ui I legtslulion
! County Names
to pul some new law to Un lest
Tax Collector
r 1 firm of nationally known bond
ai its sonne railler t t e a waiting
tm tll too lute to correct d e fec t
t h a t crop o u t w hen II conics tim e
attorneys has lu-ld the p ro p ile i
Certificates to lie III Molai Ion of Un
constItuUonal Inhibition m i s i n I
atiiU- debts in excess ol »50.000
w ithout specific consent from the
Voters Willie the opinion Is not
........... . represents <mly the view,
(,| one .set of lawyers it Is g in -
E. A G riffith of lltlU ioro was
named iieisonal pr. perre lax eol-
l«x-tor for W ashinghm county S a t-
iirdiiv The appointm ent Is t h e
first step in n vigorous campaign to
collect ouUUnding persomU prop-
ertyL taxes In the county, according
Quiet Week
in Politics
Boys and girls of W ashington
county w ho own dogs are exp« ted
to take quite an Interest In the
"M utt'' dog show a t the county
fair p/nsored by the Hillsboro Ro­
tary d u b Tin- event Is scheduled
for 3 30 p in .Saturday at the fair
P r o g r e s s iv e s F a i l in Q u o t a
Prises not to exceed 50 cents In
f o r N o m i n a t i n g S e s s io n
cash or merchandise will be given
by Individual members of the Ro­
H e r e L a s t F r id a y
tary dub which are being arranged
by Richard E Wiley, club president.
Prize will be f given
‘ * 14 to K
I k 1
< <
m tin
fo llo w in g d a . e
(j. yj. p. Flans Made
be allowed to show, according io
L. B. fta n c ls, ussLstant county
agent. Tills is being done to protect
club stock.
Hilhi Office Open
for Registrations
Proape. Uve Hilhi students, who
made out J re g istra tio n
ske Chiu,,:,
cards or who wish to nial
their n re se n t sc h e d u le
1 ? s ’ s “ u ¿ ^ , r 2 in ? -
qu„ ,ted bPy B W. Barnes,
tcndcnt. to call nt the srll,x)1 o l.
Business Women
Hold “Round-up"
Twins, Triplets
Twin and triplet "Round-Up." an
annual feature a t the W ashington
county fair is scheduled for 2:30
p m. Saturday at the auditorium.
This interesting affair Is sponsored
by the Hillsboro Business and P ro­
fessional Women's club.
Registrations are being made a t
the Argu. office, and Mrs Zola
Morgan will take registrations a t
the 4-H club office at the grounds.
Ail twins and triplets are urged to
register and make- this a big event
The following firms have offered
merchandise prizes of 12 each:
Argus, G oar's Woman’s Shop,
Lester Ireland
Co . Powers' Gro-
eery Bn.t.ol Hardware. Hillsboro
Pharm acy Ray-Maling Cannery Co.,
Weils Store, Delta Drug Store,
Venetian Theatre. Commercial Na-
tional Bank (cashi, First National
Bank -cash», J. C. Penney Co,
C. Store. P alm 'D rug Store. Hills-
Meat Marltet fTe<j s Superior
Market. Selfridge Bro.- F urniture
store, MacKenzie Motor Co., Cur-
ry s G rocery Oakes Grocery. P ort-
land General Electric Co Fairway
Pool-Gardner Lumber C o.
perfection Bakery '»2 cakeu and
B p w cIui> , cash, Carnation is
giving a c X s T o f 'T ^ 4fc‘
K ng a
° ‘ baby
dog whitest dog, cleanest
dog dirtiest dog. largest dog. sm all­
est dog longest haired dog. shortest
haired <h
be.t dressed dog beat R e p u b li c a n s H e a r
R e p o rts
trick d ie most unusual dog. long-
c » .,_
est dog h o rtc.t dog, longest eared
o n ‘5 l a l e « c m lu e s
dog shor
tailed dog.
D n in is o i
i n m i .
Dr R J Nicol will be Judge.
in charge
W w « ^ ^ wVth
Venm " m Klm.ev.“
»«' H“
v^Ues’^.u n cem ^ red
2 .
and C II
on perfecting party precinct organ-
1^ . r f ’,1'™2l<^ Uiv.ICain '¡en? ’a l , c<jm;
mittce m et a t the lo< al chamber of
to .^ y
I th e ia eumpaign, while
last evening members of the
ernor commit
Zim m erm an-for-Q overnor
tee held a county meeting at the
Hillsboro G range hall.
F all election campaign plans were
B e th a n y P a s to r S u c c u m b s
started by county republicans here
A fte r I-— _ H I— m
Tuesday evening when members
of [jje party central committee met
The ftfV w lulam G raf. 65, pastor a t the local chamber of commerce,
Bethany Presbyterian church Reports on state activities were
for 2i years, died a t his home in given and lists of voters distributed
Bethany Tuesday alter an Illness to precinct committeemen
of several months.
Committee Named
A r b it r a t io n
H e ld
P o s s ib le
T m T n d a ? aV’ t h ? B ethany
Members oi the county executive
as D is p u t e S o lu t io n
Presbyterian churcS wUh D ^ .
^ d e ^ ^ re s S v V
County Fair
Under Way
Shute Park
F r e e C a t e E x p e c t e d to D r a w
R e c o rd
C ro w d s
T h re e -D a y
to V is it
E x h ib it
Special Days Slated
4 - H C lu b s a n d F a r m
P re p a re
F in e
C ro u p s
D is p la y s
T Milliken of P ortland officiating,
Interm ent will be In Union ceme-
Ret G raf was born Septem ber 13,
1868. in Switzerland and came to the
United States when he was seven
Five years later his
family moved
moved to to Bethany,
Bethany, where
he had lived ever since The widow.
Mrs. M athilda Graf, and a son Paul
Portland survive. T w o
° ra {
chanm an. E B. Sappington For-
W aterfront strike conditions were
est G rove. vice-chairm an, C. C. discussed at the R otary
club lunch-
Condit. Forest Grove, treasurer; E. con Thursday by Fred W. Vincent
* G riffith Hillsboro secretarv- Dr of pv.rrrenK
..nia two—
E T R ucker. Sherwood state^com - 4-a.%rT w h y 'd isD u ^ b e tw X iT T a o i
S a m u e l Lawrence, u l ^ d X i S
n a S s X
committee- through
_________, congressional
___________ __________
„ „ „ „ , arbitration „ He declared
Hulet, Beaverton;
Beaverton; Mrs.
Mrs. th
th a a t tT the
h é strike
strike cost
co6t* »150
»150 0 000 000*"and
an; j j H y Hulet
Georgia Schmid .Aloha W. Bieder- made 50 000 „nemnlnved
raan. Tigard;
_ ts-wwirioi
■ . . . a
. *
. . .
Tigard and Carl Long of
Principal dem and was for the
f - n rn e lin «
Washington county fair opened
J* the £ ir K ^unds in
Hills boro for three days, Thursday.
^ d a y and Saturday, with pi ospecU
io r one of the best agricultural
shows ever held in the county. Live-
f’tor'k exhibit is the largest made
a t local shows in recent years and
the horticulture and larm crop«
exhibits were pronounced outstand­
Free admission to the grounds Is
expected to attra c t large crowds and
M anager C. D M inton promises
th a t there will be plenty of en ter­
tainm ent for all with bands, rides
and other amusement concessions.
Band concerts will be held each day
a t 1 p. m. an d 7 p. m. Twin and
triplet "round-up" sponsored by th e
Hnlsboro Business and Professional
Women s club will be a t 2:30 p. m.
Saturday and the "M utt" dog show
under the direction of the Hills­
boro Rotary club will be held a t
3:30 p. m. Saturday.
Board Pleased
"The board is very pleased with
the e:
exhibits and the spirit shown
the exhibitors, declared M an-
A^ 8 e e r r Minton Thursday morning.
We exPect Iar8e numbers of chil-
dren on the grounds this after-
Farm ers' Union members a r e
n u u in e o
________ ______
Rev. W. Graf
Burial Friday
Conditions in
Strike Cited
s n iv iu «
Ol i n e s t a t e c e n -
»..V . w .s u
ReI' ° raf was active in church tral committee Committeemen will m n i'° 7 ^ f tL H S e U£ i 2 th £ J ! L . 5 2 ianuUes Plan to attend. Highlight
» ,™
work units have been made. Miss Sophia
wage of j ackson of Laurel-Scholls unit was
strike was
a year
c o WS fOr the con­
test will be furnished b y Roth
Fight of the employers and th e Dairy. A picnic dinner will be en-
wtll p , considered In
upon tlw* library
il m the blenniui
were Jihipped
*ient cAmps
tw w public libr
recorded in the >yP’’rV P ? ''* * 4" systems; elevators und dbinb wait- shewing ol some ol the finest dairy
Joiated at Drain t»old Bea»h, Mon- ,.rs, kitchen units. Uicludlng ranges cattle in the county and will be
Inouui und Yoncalla.
and refrigerators lf bm lt-ln; lino- judged by U Roy Wright club agent
„ , .
„ .
floor covering, lf of Clackamas county. C. T Rich-
koii'oi«|t l ’.va l(S.u (Iw
diii rd.iit'oil lal11 buU‘-ln Ironing boards, din- ardson, m anager of the local con-
»4O0IKM1 available for
(ilstrlbiiuon r t|) .s ,|owcr boxes, cabinets, book- denser, will make the presentotion
am ong Oregon Iar,|M ^' «“ >*1
cases and cupboards; bullt-ln laun-
Competition will be equally k in
Hirn this yrul
the fight to wqx <(
chutes, b u ilt-in refrigerators, for the Sperry Flour chanipit i
tuberculosis and
und Hangs
,.ut tutx-rcdosL
Bungs dtseusc
| ulUnif autom atic
showmaruhlp trophy this yea. « a ;
.ti r a " is * "'i'w ’ TI o r d n tted s,o n n doors and sash built n .3 0 a m Saturday. This even:
b l b W f * 7 v t m 7 t l u “ eU'rhmd f° r
wtitdows. etc
fitte d was won last year by D onald J o k J
doors a n d W in d o w s b u ilt for O{ Rock ciee k with a yearling Hoi
* 1 1 1 1
porches Windows, e tc . new doors »teln heller Winners in the breed
lu ttiu n u l c a p i t a l
and u in d o u s <4 all kinds; built-in classes will compete for the breed
w predicam
. • ent
• into
• . which
» , ..
mirrors; w
atic slrlp
gar- . cham
the door or
(„ M wall
)r op,.nt.r5.
„ pionship
” and
‘u a the Sperry
aperry tro-
1 is » a
Rotar ians Pack
a “M utt” Show
at County Pair
liin rsd a y Blacke-
boy.. i
County Dairy
Stock Shown
I»' o th er equipm ent of like c h a ra c ­
teristic» which may be included
Equipment Listed
Plumbing equipment. Including
tubs and showers, individual lighting
plant* and equipm ent; Incinerators
und o th er garbage disposal systems,
II built-in; non-detachable heating
systems and equipm ent ‘coal 1 wood.
,,n gas or electricity i , donu
W1iter lu-atmg e<|iiipmcnt
- . . - .. If Jion-de-
tariiable; conversion oil burners,
including oil storage equipm ent and
thermoataUc controls; heating con-
tri»l devices; autom atic stoking and
lls|, removing equipment If pennaii-
r n uy attached to heating unit;
lighting fixtures If Integral p art ol
“ ‘r " * " r *'*'
............... lf
,m r, of heating system. Including
valves and accessories; individual
— —
----- — — * -------■-
Shute Bank
Get Checks
NO. 2«
cial dep its and 50 per cent of all
saving- accounts The following day
tie s ta te banking departm ent took
( v e r the rem aining asset. The first
riiv mend, am ounting to 10 per cent
on the balance of commercial ac­
counts and 10 per cent on the bal-
nre 1 of , savings
T i f ’ accounts,
u ? ™ , was paid
Oregon Haven
Drouth Areas
Oregon is apparently the
ol Promise" for farm ers in the mid-
western drouth area if the number
of callers from the stricken states
at local real estate offices during
the past few weeks is any indica-
tion Nearly even' day four to six
farm ers from the middle west con­
tact Hillsboro realtors seeking to
Hillsboro yxxst of the American I' ,nt„ fa41ns in W ashington county
, .
. ...__
All of the visitors tell pitiful
Legion and the Legion Auxiliary sjo rjes 0;
drouth conditions
were well represented a t the state and all declare th a t they are sold
convention in «Astoria Thursday, on Oregon w ith its verdant fields
Friday and Saturday. E B ritt Nedry and abundant crops. However, there
of Sherwood was elected district a " t
u rn ie rs "from the
( om m ander and Mrs. Blanche Jones, drouth area with capital to p u r-
- - auxiliary
■ chase farm s are few H and far u.,-
Sherwood, ■ district
‘-'x “
dent \V J Cham berlain of Corvallis tween ' ”
was named departm ent comm ander
Manv of the newcomers are fol-
u n footsteps
» » i m i i r n of are
und Mrs Charles G unn of Hood lowing m oi the
form er
Rjver is A p a rtm e n t president.
,r i e n £ and n e W « who came to
a strong
stand Oregon years ago Such was the i case
J Both r groups
o n X n took
i™ L
i ^ d «^Tv-
^ ad ^ , c° t^ ? in2 t ,,inC. ^ ldo™
m i“
County Legion
People Elected
bloodshed, which culm inated in the Blooming union ball team s will
T hat Zimmerman is being en- d€ath of Jam es Conner, young col- play- in the afternoon for t h e
thusiastically supported in eastern ‘e^’e student.
championship. Harry H anson o f
Oregon was the report of Albert
^-os Angeles, with its previous les- Beth an y j s in charge,~
Streilf of Kinton He predicted th a t sens took quick and decisive ac-
Saturday Grange Dav
labor groups would come to the tlon anc^ control.ed the situation.
G rangers of the county h a v e
support of the Yamhill senator and ° ne thousand ships were cleared Saturday for their day. Program in-
declared th a t "Zimmerman was for tnere.
eludes a picnic dinner, stunts and
the farm er and opposed to the
The strike. Vincent said, was p a rt talks. State M aster Ray Gill of
privileged classes and cham bers of of a general plan on the p a rt of Portland has been invited. G ran g -
commerce th a t had been gouging organized labor. He said th a t he ers throughout the county have a r-
the farm er."
was not opposed to the organization ranged especially attractive grange
«Answers o f county legislative
of labor, rath er feeling th a t it was booths and these together with in-
nominees to a questionnaire sub- necessary, but th a t it should not be dustrial booths are in the hortlcul-
m itted by the committee were read, allowed to go to a pouit th at was tural building. A few industrial ex-
(Continued on puue io , colum n 4)
injurious to the public. Most of hibits are also in th e next building
(C ontinued on page lu, colum n 2)
the longshoremen in Portland were
opposed to the strike, he said
Communist party, which is con­
trolled by about 55 men in the
United S tates and receives orders
from Moscow, was active in incit­
ing riots and bloodshed, according
Mrs. Joetta D arragh Killen. 64. to Vincent, who said communists
a lot of th hoodlums
, of th.e ,form" te dd°L , °ir , the Uie‘“ « out
^ to
T t o ^ T p ^ from
T e*
Ff>reft fire- suspected to be of
HUBbo«> Independent, died Tues-
incendiary origin, swept over ap-
day evening a t the family home
„ . . . . umu .,
proximately 250 acres of tim ber on
.___ _»*
here a fter an iUness oi n ear*y two
O rganization of the citizenship Qreen M ountaln 12 m ifes north of
-v eani Fu««e«^l services will be con- uito citizens emergency leagues Buxton last week-end. The flames
this afternoon (Thursday!
was — j }ralsed' J 1*“ said l,ilai „ —
, they started T hursday and were brought
« 2 P - m. from the Donelson * £ o u M . ^ t^ d is e o n t m u e c L l ^ u s e under control Monday.
C ham bfrs
Private com- »«d-
of the iife
Lumber m company
«” >t«nent will be a t th e Portland
was th e th ird during the w A to
M rs. K ille n
Dies Tuesday
F o re st Fire
Under Control
IVInriPV ’set A girt'
menace the company s properties.
November •LvsA-'Xivy o v i i i s i u i
Two donkey engines, a yarder and
J a loader' a® weU as p a rt of a
400-foot railroad trestle and a bridge
............j, .................... ..
......... ..
tu rn because of lack of money but She was m arried to S. C. Killen
for logging trucks were burned. In
to the provision for issuance of gu<.j, tux ts charged with real prop- lnx>k.s to be sold a t school office arc J ' I,M>n iuld
Hlli>ch y u u r ,
.. . . . .
, d
. o
December 2 1891 a t W ichita Kan
A wa>' to provide the extra »100.- addition approximately 150,000 feet
teitlfleato s against future
liquor m y lt.vle8, Morgan declared. He asked to bring In the books before
gon he u n d e rs ^ U
The couple then made th e ir'h o m e « » needed for the Wilson river of logs
profits anil It was believed that the e.simuited that approximately »50.- school opens. Bus schedules will be J‘n c r Ab‘? d " _ °
In Denver, Colo-, until October. h «hw ay timber salvaging project several homes in the vicinity were
fon.sMtuUonul Inhibition lu«(l bu n o<X) would lx* turned over to the announced next week, according to \ ¡ u„_.a
> ▼
was iound b-v J the state 1 highway e endangered but none w a s de-
• • «
f • •
l J U O , when
VA l l C I l they
I moved
l- V Portland
iA -fl l i t t l l U .
Albert K raluner, Fred Amache w w
¿ucccsNfully circumvented. Tills is county from this source within a Barnes,
In June. 1908. they came to Hills- commission Friday in session with stroyed.
h o t the first tim e th a t a piece of short time.
School will opt»n Septem ber ¡P Fred Engeldinger and Henry Karn I-
- H
An >
H. - Lynch, district engineer of
operations in W ash-
Inajoj leglslAt ion lui • pi oven io be
111 i r v i i t i f ’xz
Mr. E illen; a son. C aptain W. D. the federal bureau ol roads. They ington county were resumed Mon-
Mesdomes Fred Amacher. P L.
l n v A J U n iy lV lO n U a y
Kdlpn Qf Washington
C ; a decided to cut off two other sm all- day a fter a brief shutdown because
faulty. Several states guard against
»ueli legislative boneheads by hav­
Patterson and E. C. McKinney
Hoppicking wifi s ta rt in th e I. daughter. Mrs. R. J. Beatty of er projects from its program i n , O( the extrem e fire hazard during
ing proposed legislation scrutinized
" erp auxiliary delegates. O thers H a[ld j E Maxwell yard above Portland; and a brother. Alphonse district No. 1 to provide th e neces- the dry, hot weather- Loggers using
by n tribunal o r committee o f
wood-burning donkey engines have
going froni the auxiliary were Mes- M ountaindale Monday, according D arragh of Louisville, K y . survive. sary funds.
experts. In Mnssuchussets. Colo­
I l l 2 i.O n C U U U r < ll k r O Q U C u O n dam«- O Rusaell Morgan. R alph
j H Maxwell, who was a Hills-
Mrs Killen was a member of the
I t cut from the program the been requested to work an early
rado. Rhode Island and a lew other
Dresser and Fred Engeldlnger.
$53,000 Molalla bridge widening pro- morning shift so th a t they can be
boro visitor Wednesday. The Max- Eastern Star.
si.II,". Hie supreme court may be
CORVAI.I.lS. College News Serv-1 of whlrh the supply Ls expected to
ject and the $50.000 Cascade Locks through for the day before th e hu-
wells have 22 acres in hops.
asked by the governor or the legis- ire Farm outlook information cov- be especially light.
' niidity drops in th e afternoon.
John Sinclair ls giving notice to
latu re to give an "lulvlsory" opln- erlng current nnd prospective pro-
Production of feed grains in the
hopplckers th a t work will s ta rt ln
U1 D L IA fA
ig'i on bills which are up for eon- dilution and marketing situation for whole country will be only about
the »»vine
home Jdiu,
yard, iiuim
north in
of niiiduuiu,
¿d eratio n . Wisconsin and a few poultry products, dairy products,
lay and ln the Pumpkin Ridge
oth er states en tru st this respon-j iambs an d wool, lx-ef, rattle, hogs, 65 per cent of average, and of hay
' yard Tuesday.
Exhibit of products produced
slblllty to a commission of out- fall-sown grain, and clover seed about 68 per cent. Market prospects
Pla.v-day program s Friday a f t e r - ,
Standing lawyers entirely dlsasso- hBs Just been prepared by eeon- for fall-sown feed grain which can n o o n ' w jjj bring to a close a 10
through SERA self-help projects in
the county is planned a t th e coun­
Clated from the bench.
omlsts In the Oregon H tatr college be harvested early in 1935 are good weeks' period ol supervised play­
ty fair this week-end. according to
• • •
, \iei)-.ion serv ice Com m iKlilv n o tes
(B y Wm. F. Cyrus. C ounty A gen t)
wlll prove generally more satisfac­
The state board of control may <)n hoy, feed grains, flax seed, as stocks of feed grain are expected ground activities at the two local
W J. Mills, manager. Products from
Probably the most desirable cover tory except ln those Instances where
renew its attem pt to secure PWA toons, to p s, ¡wtntoes. appies. pears. I to **• 1<)w bv ,h a t tlmp
H U ldre^' have "'been'0 taking*' id-
the furniture, quilt and sewing crop for general use in the orchards a grower has had no trouble in get­
funds to finance construction of prunes, walnut» and filberts are In-
Index figures of farm p r i c e
t h „ . n i t i P„ iin r tc r ( h e
projects and from the county can- 0( W ashington county is the old ting a stand of turnips.
buildings a t some of the state In- eluded
levels show a sh arp upward tren d ,” 2 ,
, su ‘ v l s o ' 1,(re,1 wlth
HllLsboro business houses
nery will be on display to show the standby of common vetch and win- Any cover crop should be seeded
stltutlons. Tlie building program
"Of outstanding Importance to during recent weeks, although yet
P i' ’
will be closed all-day Mon­
type of work being done.
ter j>arley- Of late years there has early. W here crimson clover or
»iqiroved by the lust legislature Oregon farm ers a t this time Ls the generally far below parity. The ‘
day in observance of Labor
One unit of the furniture factory been considerable interest ln some vetch and barley are used these
totalled approximately »1,600.000, tremendous drop In national hay general average o f farm prices
Activities at the playgrounds were
Day and in keeping w i t h
for repairing used articles and m ak- other things, notably turnips and should be seeded before th e middle
but, the Public Works adm lnlstra- and feed grain production, coupled m ust still rise about 50 per cent to! under
th e supervision o f M i s s
business throughout most of
ing new opened Monday at Beav- crimson clover. Turnips are good of September. If th e seeding is de­
»Ion turned It all down on the with short pastures nnd ranges and reach piu lty, according to th e ln- Marlys Hefner and Miss
the nation. This Ls one of the
erton On the same day a unit of and some people have had an d still layed too late the early spring
ground bluet It did not make loans other feeds," say the economists dexes given In the circular. Some Sm ith ol Hillsboro. The past few
days agreed upon for closing
the quilting project was started a t have an exceptionally heavy green growth is usually not large enough
to the states unless state bonds "This will undoubtedly result ln a of this disparity between prices re- weeks Miss Betty M utter of Forest
by local firms.
Aloha. Five women are employed on m anure crop to turn under when to supply the needed vegetation a t
Were issued as security. The pro- greater slaughter of rattle and eelved and prices paid by farm ers Grove
has been substituting for
Monday ls a non-judicial
the latter project and they turned turnips are seeded late in July or the tim e the crop Is plowed under.
p o s u l now Is to oak for only a por- calves, nnd oilier adjustm ents ln may to wtjx'd out by next, year Mlss^ Smith, and Don B atchelar of
day and the court house will
out seven quilts in the first two earjy August ln the orchards. In ,
Hillsboro has been assisting nt both
lin n of the original program, up- livestock, than at any time fur dec- owing to short crops tills year
to closed.
days of work.
many instances, however, orchard-
iiroxiniatcly »440,000 to finance Ini- ndes."
Service at the post office
Work will sta rt Monday repairing jgts who have tried these have O p e n i n g D a t e s S e t
Additional subscriptions to t h e
will to limited and the of­
fcrovcnients a t the two tuberculos..
A marked reduction m hog pro- i
I |A ,1 I||
-? ccor? in,g been unable to get a stand.
j , y C o u n t y S c h o o ls
hospitals nnd a t the selusil for duetion nnd a sm aller lainb crop l A X i l l 1 V I1 I1 J < 1 W »
fice will to closed. One dis­
to Mills. He stated th a t the wood-
« . . „ ( _ «.
equipment fund received since the
Opening dates for seven more
by \ the
G l i ates
blind, where a dorm itory for girls in 1935 is certain to occur, says the
Z » I *
t<l-rel- report
I« J ri « I I were
»A x I I
lllg s
patch will to made to P o rt­
L badly needed. Proposed Improve- circular, copies of which may be
land a t 5 p. m. with collec­
l*lpe company. Oregon-W ashington
w ’nnnrova?
’ »bm ltted soon
and they d0 lnake iin excclIent county elem entary schools were re-
tion from street boxes at 4 p.
fnenta a t the Halem tuberculosis obtained from county agricultural!
I W ater Service company and the lo-1
1 >1 1 ro»aL_____________
mver crop in spite of the fact th a t ported by O. B. Kraus, county
hospital Include completion of th e agents. Except for higher costs, a t
Hillsboro Lumber company had to , aj C linstlan church.
m. M orning mall will be
T ..
may oppas‘°nally freeze out. j school superintendent, this week.
th ird floor of the new hospital least until new feed Ls available tu rn out a big tim ber n t their
_____________ . ,
C it y O c c u p a tio n l a x
Where trouble is common In get- j
n„v. Mnn.
only and the window will be
tmlldlng, a nurses' home, physl- ,n 1935. the poultry outltock would m l„ thls weck n waa 30 by go
w „ |,„ „ |
D e l i n q u e n c y S e t t l e d ting turnips started, the vetch and , '
tia n 's reskkner and modernization be quite favorable and the dairy
, rn r
....... ,,„,» .....
iz a a K w a u o n L e a g u e rs
Delinquent occupation tax prob- barley ts more sure and will make day w7 “e S hute and Blooming will
Argus office will be closed
•i in- old iidm iuistratlon hmiiline outlook «omewhat better than for ,,n' ’. ".
,,i h ,> u ' mill
P l a n t F u t u r e M e e t i n g s
lent ln Hillsboro has been worked a desirable growth early In t h e '
,, , es?ay; A ioha-H otor a n d
Al Th ■ Dalles It Is proposed lo pro- several years- Feed supplies will be 4ay. G GarUiofner s id he 1.
Monday to allow employes to
out satisfactorily, according to city spring if It Is planted early In th e Deerllck schools have set septem
Plans for a fLsh and game dinner
have the day off. Correspond­
<,le additional hospital facilities very low this winter, but no gen-
“ V . P .V J.iJi
as the opening, and Groner
officials. All persons delinquent fall,
could be October 22 were made Monday
ents, advertLsers and others
for adult patients, a central heat ing oral shortage of hum an fixid Is 'Vhere such a timber
have now paid all or p a rt of the
Crimson clover Ls still in more or and la u re l View will open Septem­
ore urged to send in their
j , hint, nurses' home, two physlelah.' expected.
back taxes and many have signed less an experimental stage as a ber 17.
The tim ber was p art of a four- at the chamber of commerce rooms
copy as early as possible due
tottage.i, and a children's unit.
The clover seed crop Ls very jxxir
Opening of the Cornelius school,
for the paym ent of bal- cover crop but on some lands It
to the rush accompanying a
this year and carry-over stocks
ances due The taxes must be kept looks pretty good. However, for gen- which was to have started next
| Six hundred and th litv woods smaller than usi’,,-,1. t h e rejxirt
short week
paid to date ln the future,
offl- eral all around purposes th e old week, has been postponed until
(iperatlons In 13 Oregon comities points out. Prlr.-s .«re advancing, S tates government and shipm ent Is fort will be made to get out all
flats aver.
combination of vetch with a cereal September 10.
I prospective members.
V cre tem porarily shut down by the sp ecially tor rood qunntlty seed to be made to Pennsylvania.
IOr WllSOn Koatl
Economists Predict Reduction
A i-rvir-l ilfi
, Hoppickine
£» Starts
I<vti< 1 zi
Playground Project
to Close on rriday
Products Planned
City to Close
for Labor Day
MoflStCr 1 miner
(Continued on i >« ko fl, I'olumn 1)
Crimson Clover and Turnips
Increase in Cover Crop Use