Tltiiisilay. August 23. 1931 and Mrs Eli Grindle accompanied M A C her as far as Vernonia. ' / z- Mr. and Mrs W O Waiker drove / to Rockaway August 15. They ic- t tim ed home ^Saturday, having re­ turned bv way ot Vernon,.» to tp e ra Fndav night relatives Mr and Mrs. Charles Sellers and daughter Marv Jan e of lou.r HU. were Sunday guests ot Mr and Mrs. W T. Sellers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Atlee and BANKS Both grade and high Mr and Mrs. Ellis Taylor a n J Labor schools of Banks open L“ “? r a day, Af' daughter Norina Jean attended the September J n»* .^>ie staff plcmc a t Blue teachers will teach again in botn 8unday schools that taught lost year w ,j g ^ lers ,uld 3 . Uauelty at- Miss Naomi Rieben of Portland tendvd the funeral of Clyde Robert- spent Saturday night and bunday ^ ,u Monday in Forest Grove at the home of her parents. Mr Amos Sellers is nursing a lame and Mrs Chris Rieben arm which was h u rt while working Miss Mary Sandy is staying this ln a logging comp It was badly week at the home ol Iter brother.! cut bj. a s a , Rav Sandy, in Hillsboro. Mrs Charles Dodson of east of Mr and Mrs B. W Armentrout, Qanils spent Monday afternoon Mi and Mrs. Morris Thompson w„ h Mrs. M A Dodds Mr and Mrs Archie Thompson and xlr and Mrs, Otis Johnson and children, the Misses Mamie and daughter Fern are enjoying an Mary Sandv. Frances Thompson and tnlBng at the beaches Irwin Schlegel picnicked on east Mrs H attie Davidson of Forest Dairy creek Sunday. Orove spent Monday night and Mr. and Mrs. John Beauchamp -¡Mesdav with her mother. Mrs and Elda Powers of EVrest Grove M c uodds. and other relative- visited Sunday at the N Berdan lu,ar B an|iS and R M. Banks homes here. Leave for Iowa Mr. and Mrs J. J. Hutchens left Sunday for a two months' visit with relatives in Iowa They are driving through m their Ford v -8. (By M r». John M Davidson! P. D. Dreeszen went to Portland HELVETIA—Sunshine club picnic Friday to spend a few days taking was held in grove medical treatm ents. — the —- ■ ---- on the - Wil- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs liam Zurcher farm August la. Th'- 'lift Sandy were Mr and Mrs. Ern- weather was ideal but only a small Cliff st M arr of K ansas City. Mi's. Ray group of about SO attended. Several S an d v * 'an d **three children and reft after lunch to attend th e fun- ch aries Bennett of Hillsboro and eral of Mrs. Cypher of North Plains Mr and Mrs Morris Thompson of rh e Sunshine club members w ish to Vernonia. thank Mr and Mrs. Zurcher lor Mr and Mrs. George McFarlane their kindness. They had done a of Forest G rote spent a few days lot of work to get the grove in last, week with Mr. and Mrs C harles shape for the picnic. The swim- Shipley while Mr. M cFarlane got ruing hole makes it an ideal place out his' winters wood a t Manning, for picnicking. On account of hop picking the w s . French and family at- R. N A. women will meet In the tended the Texas picnic Sunday in evening September 6. instead of the Portland litern d o n . Mrs Charles Wood has returned Robert Young of Portland visited home after spending a m onth in his aunt Mrs. E tta Preston. Sun- Portland. She is improving and dav was able to attend Sunday school ear hehl 1 end at Dayton visiting Mias V alua up well. ucconlUiw U> J im * PineHan 1 Flint ol (.'orticliua. u Hillsboro vlallor Leedy Grange met Saturday l i lthn lie HUltes (ha, people leeiu - night. <\1 to have a pirferenee for the local grown |k‘aehe.s thia year Aloha Grangers in Annual Picnic I Let the auberttaeuient.s help y o u 1 make your ahopplntt plaJhs. (By It «' Rivard) ALOHA About fifty members ot the Aloha G range oml their friends enjoyed their annual picnic at Balm Grove Sunday s 11 Altermatt ot M ultnomah is a guest (Ills week ol Ills sister. Mrs II Morrison Home Eeoiimules club met this week at the home ot Mrs Snyder Edward Johnson ts s|>eiiding a week's vacation at Corvallis, vis­ iting relatives Ed Johnson and family spent Sunday at Oswego lake a t the a n ­ nua, family reunion picnic Atxiut 40 relatives and friends were pres­ ent. R uth and G eraldine Kune are visiting their grandm other. Mrs W and tended on American Legion meet- compamed at th e piano by Miss begin her teaching duties a t the atlves here ing and program in Hillsboro last Gladys Brown. The group taking Heywood school Septem ber 4th J Parmley lias been suffering ( wrek P »« took thelr Placcs Mr Mo° ' Mlss Frances Onos. Iowa Hill school, with an infected hand. Bettv Lou B am d t lias returned berry sang. Prayer by Mrs. J Del- arid Mrs M attie Smith. Centerville. Many from Cornelius are working to her'hom e in Seattle after spend- monte; scripture. Miss M ym a Wied- wiU both begin teaching Septem ber in hop and prune yards now A C aches Thev also visited with Mr. ing the summer with her sister, ewitsch; reading. Mrs. Ray Shaw, 3 High school students w-Ul begin large number ol people are cm- ; Mrs l ' L KiPDer and son Mrs George Hill. accompanied at the piano by Lester a t both Hillsboro and Forest Grove ployed at the Ray-M ahng cannery, li w i s 'li t R eedst»rt while on their ' Mr and Mrs. Jack Anderson of Mooberry': presentation of officers. September 10. as will Mr and Mrs Harold Ftnegan of Coos comity varanon Portland were guests at tlie home Mrs. Lester Mooberry. and instal- Lester Mooberry. teachers a t the usiti'il his parents. Mr. and Mrs T h e Bluebird club met Wednesday of their daughter. Mrs Elmer latiou by Rev. Charles Reed Miss Hillsboro grade school. Joseph Ftnegan, over the week-eiul with their leader. Miss Ethel Sm ith. Batchelder. Sunday. Helen Oliver sang Take Up Thy Mis» Holseher Marries M K church board and Sunday The little girls spent the afternoon Mrs. H. E Schram and children Cross ar.d Mrs M attie Sm ith gave Miss Gladys Holseher. daughter school workers conference met Mon­ learning simple stitches of crochet, are spending th is-w eek with her a reading Following t h e n ^ ta l- ol Mr and aIrs George Holseher day evening in the community D "'"' Mr and Mrs Herman Hopkins parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. David- lation of officers. Rev Charles Reed was niarried last week to Ray of the chinch Ret t harle.s and four daughters and E. Gift, all son. who left Tuesday for a t r i p to spoke on se m c e of youth. Mrs. poweI1 of Portland. A lter a trip to pre-nled New business included of Tillamook, spent Thursday with Seattle, where they will visit Mr. Sim th had charge of the service. C rater Lake they are making their presentation of the church budget 01 curaro P» . . . . ----- Superintendent Speaks homo in P ortland and plans for the comurg year. relatives at Banks Mr. Hopkins will D avidsons aunt. Mrs M asterton. Donelson &. Sewell licensed emiiai . meks I IM lI tl and DIKE» TOUS I'hoiK* 953 : Hillsboro S E E POOL-GARDNER LUMBER CO. F I R S T F or All Kimis of b u il d in g m a t e r ia l s and F U L L E R ’ S P A I N T S Fuss. this week Mrs Carl Rorlolf ts spending a few days a t the beaeli. liar Scholls has stalled a basket factory in his barn and is busy making hop briskets Already several truck loads have been delivered. Dick Bowman returned to h l duties as dispatcher at the Union dets't after a two weeks' vacation Sirs Frank Itmnereck Ls taking care ot her mother who Is unite 111 Mr and Mrs. J im ' Bush spent Sunday at tfie Jess Nichols’ home in Portland Mrs Frankie McCabe of Portland was the guest of Mrs Joe Bush Tuesday. their liouse guests their son-in-law Tlie benefit tirvireo ,>clh. h I hiii I Uw» .tttine 'alitu t 101 I B n n line St. P h o n e 2691 F a ll Meet Your Friends nl tlie W ashington County August 30. 31. and September 1 C L IP O U T ^ u Z jA V E ! ? TOO fc CLOSE ! for ? COMFORT "-'-or i », SA FETY ! McCann I o n e Batem an how' to swim M r and Mrs A C Wahl and t h r e e sons F ra n k " John and Brvce. l e f t B u n d a v for a few days at the and and GROWING CHILDREN Should drink a quart of milk a day to in­ sure the perfect forma­ tion of the limbs ¡»ml tt strong, robust body. No diet is complete without milk and no milk is so rich in vita­ mins and minerttls ns y o u r d istan ce . . . you'll have a b etter ch a n ce to it void th e d a n g e r in a sudden stop or tu rn by th e c a r ah e ad . And its you go faster, m ake th a t d is­ tan ce g re a te r! th a t of FIR GROVE G R A D E A MILK. EX PERT BRAKE SERVICE *V1L>. r*. O. L4k.->b WX.-k.Ik. and children of Portland visited read the scripture and ¡and « ’ ere in t »— Cornelius • . . lesson __ Tk g F gave 1V-4 »• 1 V. &« / of 4 l i e i i kJ Sunday. 44 4 »V4 »4 . Mr R Dorland and family. Mrs the devotional talk Miss R.itferty p B unnett and family are niov- Mr Lizzie R itter Saturday. J. R. Sandford of N orth Plains and led in prayer and songs. Mrs. W. R. ing to Reedville. O rd e r T o d ay ! C ooke.'president of the society, had “ ‘yir7 ' o ^ Edson and daughter Mrs ’’ k Portland "i D . » - . , p r t n n P P n n |p charge of the business^ meeting. w ^ ¿ e d i t i n g in HULsboro Portland vis.ted Mrs. Jam es W alters P h o n e 4RX1 D C 3 V e r L O I l x COLJIt: week. f„r the ; coming _ , x--1 « ; v (rom Ea6tern Oregon, spent Sun- last Muerer held the first Mrs J. and appointed Mrs. a d . w th j Ir Ktl alien will be performed later. Mr. jtr and Mrs. i L it i f I A J U IU C II v - ir iu J o i , mlte box secretary. Mrs Ldna Russey. of he L< i liv G range Home Minnie Schulmerich is staying with BEAW ERTON — A garden club John Burbank gave the secretary- Mrg M D M ann and Mrs Mattie Economics < lub for this fall a t her Mrs C. W Moore during Mrs. Wil­ _________ .cas organized here August 14 under and Mrs. John Black the tre a su re rs g n u th were guests of Mr. and Mrs home Tliurs lay. son's illness Mr. ar.d Mr.» Charles Boy, Ixirell Several cars of M onmouth people , de direction of Rev. Charles Clarke repo: M!.■»'• - w .r.nie Rock, .viarc.c j tM.pd M ann and B arbara -Luu. ol Bov. Mr and Mrs. A rthur Schula, called on Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Sellers and Mrs j r Metzler. The club LaFoh tie. Helene s nau aI'd “ e a ' Portland Wednesday. Jeanett Schulz. Mr. and Mrs. August 12 for a day's outing ar.d u open to anyone who is in ter- ■ l u> Birthday Celebrated picnicking. They were former friends ested Next meeting will be Aug- servtn. Dierdorf celebrated his birth- Glenn C arr and Bill C arr picnicked D A IR Y ot Mr. and Mrs. Sellers a t Mon- ust 28. , iIls's Ju lla Johnson ot p o ru an a. day anrdversarv at his home Sunday on the Columbia river Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Larsen ot mouth, and represented a group of Cotton Blossom Singer» of formerly ot Cornelius, is singing Wlth a dinncr Present were Mr. California arrived ut the home of voung married people from the tbe Piney Woods Farm Life school over the radio m a chorus group. and j j rs Johnson and son. Delve class of the Evangelical of Mississippi presented a musical News h as been received oi tn e ^jr and ^ jrs Henry H offm an and church a, Monmouth. Those present program a t t h e Congregational m arriage of Mias Manet w arreu oi and JIrs Robert gcott. were Mr. and Mrs. O. D. White, church Friday evening. Portland. She is Mr and Mrs. J. M. Fesler and Mr. and Mrs J. W. Tilton. R uth Members of th e Westslope Bible Rev and Mrs. J. W Warrell, wno daugh ter Miss Leona, Mrs. Cecil Tilton. Helen Tilton. Emmett Tilton, class held a picnic at Roamers' a t one time neid tne .vietnoaisc Davis and Mr. and Mrs. T. McShane Aimee Tilton. Mr and Mrs. Fred Rest Saturday with about 60 in pastorate and daughter of Chickasha okl.i Scholl and small daughter and attendance _ " ev- have been house guests of Mr and son. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Howard. About 40 young neople attended The Rev Mr. Leroy w a.ger oi ^ jrs George Milne and family. The Conrad Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis t he farewell party given for K en- Burley Idaho has w ritten to c o r- f €sier> parents ol Mrs Milne, had j A. Stebbins and daughter Gene El- neth and Douglas Taylor and Bob nelius friends tn at ne was recently nQt seen j]pr for Cjght years. Dur- la. all of Monmouth; Gene Cumbo Denney a t the home of Mr. and ejected as dean of men tor tn e ing th eir stay here they have e n - ] of Olympia Wash.; Albert Jackson, Mrs R B Denney August 13. The Epworth League institute oi cnat jOycd t he beaches and other places One Roger’s Silverware Certifit ate with 20 games Mr. and Mrs. George Wticox and ooy. are leaving soon for Illinois to district. , of interest. The Feslers plan to bowled—either Indies or gentlemen. Mr-. Mid Mrs. B. L. Sellers and attend college. locate here' daughter Janet. Rev. Hugh McCallum of Salem Mr. and Mrs. B M cuonaid o * M a n d M rs j p a r m j e y fca v e Mr and Mrs Charles Taylor, spOke on h « experiences as a m in -. Pendlew n have been guests a t t h e -------------------------------------- i ---------- Miss Lena Taylor and Harold D ur- ister in goUth Africa a t the Church D C_ 5 ^ rm W attended the « « " ¿ i , : . " ’*' ■“ Ch“ ‘ .................*. « « - ■» C o n fe c tio n e ry — B o w lin g A lle y s BY TRAIN TO w ” r a S uwfav r guest of M r ^ 'S d addm oii’b u m e ^ te the g lo u ^ A u g - M l» G l'adys Br<” ™ a "W here Ladies are Courteously T reated and Mrs. W. G. Walker. ust 14. Some furniture was saved Leslie of Gervais jspent t h e » « * - Mr. and Mrs. Homer Koch, re- but all efforts to save the structure end vtsiting Cornelius friends, Cordially Invited." centlv of Arnold. Neb. and Miss failed Mlss M argaret Cooke spent sev- Mabel Wilson of W atts visited a t ------------------------- eral days in Portland visiting friends 1260 Main Street -i- lllllaboro, Oregon • * an d relatives. the J. J. Hutchens home — Wednes­ «ootlT Mr. and Mrs. John Burbank and day evening. Wr Serve OI.TMFIA and WEINIIARDT'S BEER daughters and Mrs. Edith Burbank. Odd Fellows hall is being re­ • By M iu Martha Vanderzanden I a c c o m p a n i e d b y M r s. L e ia WOOCLS shingled Cass Wilson and Chris ■.mrn me work. Mr Mrs KUs T a>'Ior and and family of Blaine, drove to the Rieben arc are uuuur doing the Albert Stafford and Ernie Con- daughter Norma Jean picnicked at Woods home Saturday. Mrs. E dith f e ^ of T aft were B ante visiters Blue Lake park Sunday. Burbank remained a t the Woods R unhv v is o r s Mr and Mrs Jpsse and homc & yigit wWle thg John Mrs Claud McCalm and little son Donald of Hillsboro visited with Burbanks returned home Sunday, so ^ o f i n l a n d rtS ted her parents Mrs. C. F. Jesse Sunday. Mrs. Woods and family had been V> and m A J J H u tc h e d Sat- Mrs. William Hemsworth and Miss vteltor. in Cornelius. ®na ‘ Ethel Soderwall returned Thursday Mrs L G. Wiedewltsch and ML» onrf fh r p n rp Nailer a n d 1 irom a tr ‘P w Mt" RaUUer N ational Myra attended funeral service of a Fli te the F rin k I » * - » -Wend in Vernonia Tuesday. I 1.! G A ™ on G rren M ountair Mr and Mrs. P. J. Vanderzar.den i flu b Makes Plans Fririlv t e ^ t up a clover EutUer 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles K ar- Executive board and officers of ^ d /e c l^ r“ 1 lick a t Salem Sunday. 'th e Civic Im provem ent club me Ride in big, comfortable M r and M -- T„ K n H a r t w i c k and Mrs Theodore Vanderzanden. Mrs. Thursday afternoon a t the home Of M r , and . , 3. John Hartwick and ^ f i d e x an(j Mrs J. M. Mrs .Lester Mooberry. Work for th e coaches on smooth steel fails, dA o th ^ r Mrs R T o r t e ^ in Vanderzanden spent the week-end year was organized and th e them e Tourist berth for the night n T ^ n d i.^ in Mt. Angel. for the year's discussion is to be as little as $1 extra. See your i S J Charles Kessler Mr and Mrs. C B Taylor and 'Pest Control." Chairm en for the t e ^ a f t daughter Lena and Harold Dersham various committees will be an - local agent or write J. A, te e Stafforii fam - returned home Monday from a nOunced a t the September meeting Ormandy, 705 Pacific Bldg., i t e r n i d hSme Mondav «eek® trip te the beaches to which all are Invited as It will Portland, Ore. A nrnL a yhi4ndne Evelvn an-j iiillv Peter Herinckx left Sunday for gUest day. Mrs Mooberry serv- teem Thev had Mt Angel to work ln the hop yards. el°w- NFORESEEN sickness . t h ^ w i k h a r tee Stafford Mrs W orth Caldwell and son ing club women: Mesdames Alice spent the week a t the b ta n o ra J r vjsjted Mr anrf Mrg M’ Cormack A L Broclc> Joseph unexpected em ergencies Rinrir is is haiilinv cordwood Hemsworth a few days last tacobsmuhlen. Ftnegan. Henry George Bchrman. Henry Frank Rinck nauling corowooa William p n r t in n d week. Jacobsmuhlen, George Wilcox and . . . how they can knock holes from Glenwood to^Portland. Miss Johanna Derickx left T hurs- c Lundgren. s s ä s S ä s “ Æ t o ' Â ' i , : “ . " ■“ “ » Mrs M Erm ' a ™ Taylor - Sparks : » of t o P « ort- .* spent Sundav with relatives in Banks. Mrs. Earl Wilson underw ent a tonsil operation Frida- but on ac- count of a hem orrhage could only Form Garden Club yei,: s ’vo:'k' GRADE M IL K F IR G R O V E WE PAY DIVIDENDS on What You Spend! C L E M ’S PLA CE CALIFORNIA Roy WORKED 300 DAYS -and not a dime to show for it! S o u th e r n P a c if ic Grindle. “Mary boasts th a t h er face is her Mrs. E W. W ithnell returned to h er home a t W estport Saturday fortune." If th a t's so I know the m ean- after a week spent in Banks vlsit- ing friends. Miss Sylvia Severance ing of involuntary bankruptcy,"—Ex Just A s T h e D o c to r O rd e re d V acation or WEEK-END T R IP ----- ■ y o u will double your pleasure and sm art appearance If * you take rparkllngly clean, colorful clothes with you. We will dye. clean, press and deliver your clothes within 48 hours. You can rely on our modern methods for the best results, no m atter how delicate your fabrics. HOME LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Hillsboro, Oregon O|>rri l vrn,ii<% — riio n r 591 JUU VASTLY MFRR body p a i - .... pa«»c» p r in te d A lle n .) d n llv h e lp h re n k n lte n r ia n e e r e rn rd « . a I. \ V \ c ' w l Deal: A A t ir ic u lt tir e , •« » '» •» “ ■ • « '• . I.l» e « ln « h. « I I I as „ I t a < ir« »»• A c t s , « M U U v illlr rom « n nd t h r i l l e r * on (h e p la t« fo r m p lu « n c o n lr a t ro«lrn (ro d u y -o ) In llie A r m « T ill» I» n o t hlp|»«»dr o m * W ll«l H r » l , h u t to u g h «el«*« ted hoi h r r « f m m I n llio r n ln nnd O r r ( t n H n n ie * . B a c k in g llr u lim u « fro m T e i n « ; lo n g h o rn hu ll«l»g g ln g o le e ra fro m M r» l« -o j ro w h o A » fro m M e x ic o a ik I C n nndA A t n r l r d (ir o g m in to » n il a ll G e n e ra l A d m l««lon to n lg h l »h o w I I I I F. R e s e rv e d oente 1 .V S O M fre e o ea t«, fre o « la n d in g ro o m fo r in n«m m o re Free Double .\ig rit bhow : ' d iff e r e n t p> r o l r t h n l r p r o g r a m ea« h n ig h t - n o t Ju«l f lr o - « o rí» « F n f e r l a ln l n g l y t h r illin g - l» e a u tlfa lly la a p rr« « lv e . I>o >*< m l«« one o f th e «1« d lff«*reu t |I3 r n l r r h n l r p e r fn r m n n r e « oil d if f e r e n t . ^ X ir < l. R oarttw wrww f !?•* ■ f • *“ rn’*r r*l,‘ rM,,,r *rr to“w ll,r nrW , <1111 | ) l ( M ) I I < 111 • fo o l long r a in p r o o f In d o o r ( r a i l keep« c ro w d « d r y a n d h a p p y . R a c e « , rodeo, and o th e r p ro g ra m « go on K A I N R if I N F Commercial National Bank PALM DRUG STORE Prescription Druggists 1208 Main St. Phone 266 L A B O R DAY The Big Opening Day, Sept. 3-8 HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY I’HVSICIAN nnd BEAUTY SHOrS General Beauty Work P H T D IC IA N FREE DELIVERY Bldg Telephones Residence 7UI7. O fflco 8281 DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. Sanitary Beauty Shop Klndo of U o aolr HURGROS Comm ercial N a tio n al Bank 1881X Balcony lllll«h o ro Pharmacy A ll end X -R a y and Phyalo-Therapy Perm anent« and all kin d * of beauty work. Telephone SURGEON A. O. PITMAN, M. D. EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP rhy.lrhrn mid Surgeon W ork I ’E H M A N E N T S a apocialty Telephone 1(71 W K I I/ H A P A R T M K N T 8 Mnhel Rchondel Wellfi Building T K I.E P H O N E 8 O ffic e 2*112 fteehlenre 2«M DENTISTS garbage uoi . i . eution DR. RALPH DRESSER Garbage Collection Dentist AND CANS Commercial Building D. P. CORRIERI 144 Telephone 232S INSURANCE RUnnER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATII BUY YOUR "The Largest. Independent Bank ln Washington County." W aahlnfftnn Shale Rank Phone 2211 F»r In fo r m .lian RUBBER STAMPS ( ’«lonly Agencl«* IN H IT R A N C K Hillsboro, Oregon Attend the Washington County Fair August 30, 21, Bcpt. 1 the OH A -1 2 - . . « 4»» / ’ Mxaaa • H c d m rO fro m ftOc lo Xftc I h lld re n f \ (I ill ISSIOI1 IO ( i F O U I I f l S a u n d e r IO fre e < a r a h«xl» p a y « th e red u ro d ra te E m p lo y e e « . I'o n r e « » lo n e r« . F t h l h ll o r a . < o n tc « la n l« . I rie n d a . I'a lr e n « • « a ll a lik e Telephone A C o m p le te Stock of S tap le D ru g s < lul>4. I n . l u . l r ) m i __ 1_ I - . . - I I M nort „1 K in g» « I t r n i u m u ( « m u d « h o r o l l ^ ’ h 1 )1 C C l « Itm il ar Appointm ent JU R A !£ Telephone 47 yV7l . place strongest empha- sis on this branch of our business — th at’s why your physician will sugfrest that you send prescriptions here. LENTZ AUTO PARTS 2nd .md Basrllnr Strrrt«» u in your income! That’s why it’s so important for you to build a “reserve fund” that you can maintain and add to painlessly. Nothing is so safe or so easy to build as a sav­ ings account. And there's no better place to keep it than Prescriptions ight not be en tirely y o u r fnult . . . but still I T itn m accident like this can h ap p en to YOU. Keep S E R V IC E from Building HlbkSBORO ARGUS Ilillnhoro ohont tllr o r lo r r or Ita A d r.r tlo o n ro ll The A r m — ll« l