T h iin u la y . A u«u «t 2 3 , 103*1 THE Page Six H IL L S B O R O A R G U S . H 1 L L S B O R 0 . O R E G O N Newest Erocks Stress Cool Daintiness Iasi week after a Gsll at the John Boat*, aiul attended the Boge cisco, a lic i a I wo week , vacatlim William F faliiphell hotn. w ith her iMirents. Mi and Mi reunion Sunday Sunday guests ol Mr and Mis T W iaalw ard l e t Uie adverlls.in.iits help you Putiiain J r were Mr and Mrs inukc your tüioppln« plani* Edgar Ulersdorf and son Jack and Miss Lillian Biersdorf. all of P ort­ land. iB y M r . '/.»II d B lru(h»r»l Mias Mabie Olson of Portland has moved out 1» her old laMui august itere where she and Iter mothei Mrs Sophia Olson. »'"I reside William F Campbell returned Friday tiom Husum. Wash when Miss Wilma Meierjurgen. 23. of he spent the past week on business Hillsboro died suddenly Saturday A number of 1 O O F mem­ afternoon in Portland following a bers ol this nelghboihiHKl attended minor operation. Fim eral services the funerul Tue.sduy oi 11 r »one were conducted Tuesday afternoon ateel at Salem . o at the Donelson 2k Sewell chapel Mrs C W Struthers vixitixt Hun with Rev Duncan of the Orenco day ut the J 1» Phillll* and A K Presbyterian church ol Relating In ­ Pickens homes in Hillsboro Mi aiul Mrs George Anderson term ent was ut the Fir Lawn ceme­ spent their vacation with relative" tery here. at Illwaco . I Miss Meierjurgen had been en- Mtss Ehzubeth Struthers and M i. , gaged as a scliool teacher ut the Polly livit ol lAirtland visited 1 Meacham school this full. She grad­ Thursday evening ut the S lruthsrs uated from the Hillsboro union liomc __ , high school with tlie class of 192», Mi and Mrs L M Davies spent receiving the scholarship offered the past week on an auto Lip by the Willamette valley conference through Soulherii Oregon 1« the She completed her college work ut CulUomia line, returning by way ol the Oregon Normal school ut Mon­ (lie Roosevelt highway to the Ore mouth In 1931 Tlie next year she gon beaches C W S trothers ami son Kenm i l l taught at the West Union school and tlie past two years ut Orenco. visited Sunday with old neighbors She was born 111 Hillsboro October Mr. iui.1 Mis E 1> Rucker, al lluxton I 14. 1910 T w in ty p *1. " i< li Inner Mi Mid Mrs E l> Kite and son She Is survived by tier mother. Ernest attended the Hp«uilsh Wai s p rin g top. C overed in Mrs Annie P Meierjurgen of Hills­ V eterans picnic Sunday at I'.n lio n n r yy yy r o y r t a |o .1 i o . boro route 1; two brotliers. Her- Mr and Mrs Lester Robinson 1 man Roscoe Meierjurgen. a »tale and K e n n eth Robinson <>l P oillund S pecial i police officer stationed a t John silent Saturday at the S truthers nt Day. and William K eiuieth Meier­ home. . , Mis Emil S tratton and son ol jurgen. and a sister. Miss Patience May Meierjurgen, both of Hills­ near lllenwiual. Wash . returned boro route 1. SM OKING AND DRINK IN G ? daughter. Mis Humfelt. from \ u - guna is helping care lor hei Gtli- er visitors Sunday at the Bo* n * these e m e models home were Mrs Schneider a n d daughter Helen Schneider o f.P o r t­ land and Henri an d I Clarence A N D C O M P L IM E M H E R l A S l b Bowtie ol Midway sol» bt Mr alul Mrs B Bowtie Mr and Mrs Gnus O.son of S a ­ lem and niece Elaine Murphy, aiul nephew from Tillamook were guests Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. (by r.iftl. Tleanl) I TIGAltf> -cHMse tnem bn.' will * Mr and Mrs Charles Deverell hold ui«ir u s u a l ’»m a ^ ? IuA* L iu »ere entertauied Tuesday in«1' 1 at c F T im rd'a r ' e’ hlUi * the home of D r Doolin in . lv>‘,l h n tiM n t tug) A ay n> r :^ - Mrs Sam Ludwig is ill a t her viUf otonei i»aa been a«1 ,or * home as the result of their recent o clash. A couapUe » rt ol s,ltter* •u to accident. arid rare* will Occupy the 8f' * ' noon. E R. Brown ol Evening S tar Umiifie will deliver the picnic ad- t i v Plans for the booth at the county fair are nearujg completion X c ta in n m ot Uie different committees securing th e »«**■»“ ? ( By M r«. J « » « produce Thus«- assisting m a rra n g e ­ BUXTON Buxton school opens ments are Mr. and Mrs C Van September 3 with Muss Gladys Kleeli. Ida Ryan, Mrs J D roles Overton of Creswell and M«s Mrs Floyd N un.-tnkam ^ Mrs. I Mamie Sandy of Banks as teachers. Charles Raining and C. Chrtaten Mr and Mrs Harry Simonton and sen Settlem ent of property claim Sf the grange with Ute state high­ familv ot I-ead Point. W a sh . vis- ; ued Mrs Sim onton s parents. Mr way columns -wi » as postponed bj Ute grange. Vacations you haye and Mrs George Fisher, and other liad Ol deaire" » a s the topis' f° r ' relatives here last weelc Miss June Feely of Dram Is vis­ roll-call at the meeting today son of ML ana LvlC Thomas, AIMX1U»®’ e~*‘ _ a iting Mrs. Ellis W atson. Dick W atson made a t r i p t o Mrs Elmer Thomas, visited a t h o n e a short tune last week. He 1 Wlievler lft^t week, i Charlotte Sultvan and Marguerite « e m p lo y e d a t a CCC can ip .n e ar Herzberg came out from Portland Wendllng- He reports th at lx? e Joys the work, but has been on the Saturday night, returning Sunday. Mr and Mrs H Brown i Helen Injured list a short time. Lcska> of Portland visited friends Date Set here one day last week. "tmuhlp Six date was set Sep­ Mr. W E Hill was visited re­ tem ber 21 by TigardvUle bv a brother from Colorado lodae at their meeting Tuesday cently Miss Cora LaSalle of near T hat- evening. A portion of the program cher is Mrs. Esther stu m p will be given over to th e observance at tlie assisting W ATCH YOUR STOMACH cook-house at Elwood mill of the »3rd anniversary o f l i l t Mrs E C Lynch has as her guest (B y Mr» Hugh U u r,l-tt» t founding of Rebekah lodges Sep- For quick relief from IndbccMion S r “ » . All lodges in the coun­ her sister from Yakima. Mr and Mrs C. M Anderson of und upeet stom ach due to excessive Born, to Mr and Mrs. J. « Clip Out and Mall This Order Blank for Patterns try are being requested to <}“ " ' * Whiteside. Taconu. spent (lie week-end wiUi sinokuiK and drinking try Dr H ulls August 15. a boy V A SIL Y made. worn, and tu b b .d - th o s e are the the date. Next meetuig of t h e their parents. Mr and Mrs M. O Adla Tablets Sold on money back Mr and Mrs. Lolly entertained lodge August 28. has been desig­ friends Anderson guarantee. Helta Drug store Adv m erits of th e dotted swIss frock Illustrated in FASHION B IR E A V . from Vernonia last week nated as social night. » d h refresh­ Id .i P ark Ave., New York City. Mrs. 8. L. Carly le is spending Uie Mr and Mis J. Lane attended P attern 277. M aterials In which this slenderit- m ents and a program week at lXiake • the lodge have been busy wiin Hie funeral of Mr. Lane s mother at ln g dress will appear to advantage are cotton W ith this coupon, which I clipped from the Miss Verna Davis of Hillsboro Is last week. vuutalions to Beaverton. Sherwood. Vancouver employed at the M O. Andereon Work on the new road a t Top voile and printed silk with organdie trim m ing. M ultnom ah and Schol«^ home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert N Cole and hill is progressing rapidly. FUie D esign, are for s h e . 36 to 62. Sire 46 calls for (Nanis of Nswspaperl They have installed an electric gravel is being put on. family and Mrs. Jam es pump in Uie Orenco glade school Mist, Frances Quier has returned co“‘ I am e n c lo s in g ............................cents. Please send tended the fuiiCTal of Mrs. Frve to Salem, wliere she will be em- 414 yards of 39-lnch fabric, plus U aiul the school ts being kiilsomined A good. Illg I " U h K e mont G ault at Sand J “?.1' Mr and Mrs. A C Gentry Of , last week Mr G ault is th e nt phew PlGeorge Rigggle of Birkenfeld trasL c h a ir, b c a u titu ll> style d me the p attern s listed below at 15 cents per pat­ Portland were Sunday guests a t Uie Ju s t rig h t for fashionable warm w eather func­ L. E. Rennells home Tlielr chil­ and ta ilo re d . A $19.50 ° , M rrS>aiid>,Mrs. Art Livengood have spent the week-end here tern : dren W arren a n d Beverly a r e Mr. and Mrs Corbett Crowther. tions Is P a ttern 2 6 3 - I n soft printed chiffon of returned from » ^ k » vacation I value pastel tones, with delightful ruffled collar. P rluted spenduig the week at the ltenniils and family and Mr and Mrs. F red P attern num ber: at the beaches. They spent their Benefiel enjoyed a birthday dinner home voile or mull a re very suitable m aterials. Designs tune a t N etarts and Newport. *»77............ ...............Size Mr. and Mrs. Art Taylor and Mrs. Henry Hyrkas is on her fm * for Tony Rtnck a t his home near come for sites 14 to 20 and 32 to 42. Size 18 Bonnie Mrs Ruby Kemmer and Sunday. vacation In 15 years, but she has l>ere • » « s ............. Clelmle an.1 Mrs John Carson of Mrs. Ella Benefiel and Ambers needs 3% yards of 39-lnch fabric with one yaid chosen one that most people would Portland and Mrs. Fred Dlgman of UiSik would be a vacation. Thornburg visited a t the Creps ..............Slza Forest Grove were guests of Mr. co n trast and 3 4 yards of r,bbo“ - „ 268 ............ near Banks Sunday She is picking up prunes in one home and Mrs W H Ring Tuesday eve­ Cool and distinctive Is the chiffon frock. Pat Miss Eva Nelson, who is employ­ of the large orchards near Anuty ed in Hillsboro, spent the week-end Name . . tern 268. Cape, soft sash and sk irt pane.s btiug ning SLd d e c l i i s th at “ Mrs J C. Rogers and daughters. wonderful time. One of the la f B ^ with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. n . definite charm to th is costume. Byrdlne and Dorks, spent from Address . . . . ___ Besides chiffon, voile or crepe may be used poultry ranches in th is seSuon *5 p. I. Nelson. Thursday until Sunday with Mrs Bledsoe expects to build soon. being operated by Mr Hyrkas and fashion this flattering model Designs are a a R ogers sister. Mrs. V H Del’en- City they are getting over 1000 eggs a Mr Bledsoe recently los", his house able In sizes 36 to 53. Size 46 requires 5 ' , yards nlng of Portland. by fire. Mr and Mrs Thom as Pleren and State ^ R e p o rts coming to Tigard [ron’ i Miss Frances Fickas i ccompamed of 39-lnch fabric. children of Helvetia spent Sunday Mr and Mrs. Roy McDonald to Besides th eir attractiveness, the rock» de­ Lake Labisli. where th ere are a • jine county for a vis . last week. Write vour nam e and address plainly, giving num ­ ut the S W Baughman home large number ol local people raU- A large crowd attended the Ice Joe Rosi was home Sunday from scribed above will enable you to pass the both S ? o n io n s , are th a t the crop in ” - ber uid size ol patterns you want Enclose 15 In th e S u m m e r day com fortably. And. as chic and dainty 84 " l— Portland, where he is employed m com tor each number, and mall your order to cream and band concert last Tues­ main will not be up to average in creations make you appear, they are. as you w B day night as a longshoreman yield. but Hie quality of th e oniom Hillsboro Argus Fashion Bureau 103 Park Ave. New Hair need» .Wore Mr and Mrs Charles Shepetd George Burluigliam J r was home learn, exceptionally easy to make e.i. h beiug t .e wall be better There are very fe» and daughter M argaret of Hillsdale York. N Y Portland Sunday of tile fields Uiat have not suf- from rew ard of a few hours with tlie needle spent Sunday at the- home of Mi Howard Marsh who lias been em ­ re re d lro m Uie efiects of the omon and Mrs O A Robson Schoenberg, Ernest Nelson and A maggots and one of them belong ployed at the Elwood mill, lias gone A E Wright of Portland was a t Christener picnicked on Bauvies S T w d e beedy Polling of onions to Hood River for apple picking Harold Peterson and family. Mr dliuier guest one day last week at Lslaiul Sunday has started in several sm all patches and Mrs George Kirk and Forrest the home of Mr and Mrs L T r i l S I ', d i r t , a n d Mr and Mrs. Ray Jackson and with the main fields aoout ready and Francis spent Sunday a t the son Johnny. Mrs Maria Jackson Woodward Weeding of the onions was r e s ­ Charles Justice home near Ver- * beach sand can Mr and Mrs C W u nniocni anu F A R M IN G T O N l h i I s i i n n A room y < best ol d r a w ­ Mr and Mrs A1 Leviihart and Mr and Mrs C W O hm acht and tively easy this year compared to i By M r» M a r rin J a rk tu n ) daughter LaShella are spending the i churches of Hillsboro. Beaverton, Frank Spokon and Tommy Wor- ers. A co nve nien t w r it ­ r^S y years While the top-soil on ru in h a ir - let us keep NORTH PLAINS—The prune d ri­ week a t the beach Ben Davis, who is with the Forest Grove, Oales Creek and ther of Portland were Sunday vis­ swaanp Is black, the sou th at ing desk $-4 yours soft und lu s ­ er at, the A. K. hv Reynolds orchard Marines a t Bremerton, visited rela­ itors at the W H. Ring lx»me fire Thursday Messrs, and Mesdames E E North plalns wlu hold a „ ^ t . has not been turned up is fire of Thursday Mr and Mrs William J Hunter Special at MV n was “ ht. destroyed About one by third the crop g o rU iW . E rn « t N eU oi^ A L ^ h n s tia n When new ground is plowed, th tives here last week. trous alw ays. Green M ountain Grange met at und young d c ig h te r of San F ra n ­ soil will come up in yellow chunks Elford of Byron. Minn ¿ ¡ J " ¿ X cisco are visiting their parents. Mr Manning Saturday. which will turn black upon cultl- and Mrs W F. H unter Tliey will has been visiting Mr and Mrs «to evening was spent In of the ministers of the various rem ain here until Thursday. Robert '^ M ? 1 and Mrs. George Anderson J » » . u « , Curd i» accompanying them. and family have returned from a Mrs Bert Sills of Spokane visited ^ k s vacation a t Ilwtwo. W £ h Mrs. Minnie Blake and son Mark. residents are invited to attend. her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs where they stay ed a t Ed Woods Ellen Mays Mrs. C H Kelley and C | n c r q n C o n tC S t Ladies of the community met at M L Goble S h e was en route to Mrs J C Froesehle spent Sunday J l O g . i l i V i o l i n - of Mrs chttrk,s e lark Los Angeles to make her home Attend Washington County ““T successful card P®rt>„ Fnlr at Hillsboro. Atigitit 30 LAUREL RIDGE and Southeast a t the home of Fred Froesehle a t A H p r e Tuesday to make a quilt for Uie Mkss Lorraine Woodward of San dance was staged a t th e ot. tyi Washington County—Mr. and Mrs McMinnville. A n tlO U IlC C Q n t l t Bloomquist family of Hazeldale, 31, and Hepp-inlx-r 1. 1215 3rd St. Phone 1273 Francksco gave a pipe organ con­ thonv auditorium Thursday eve­ George Conzelman 'Helen S tearns' Jules and Elinor Langue, Ivan whose home was recently destroyed cert for her friends a t tlie Q ernu.n- G round flixir Odd Fellows’ Bldg ning Odd Fellows old-tim e dances and Carl Conzelman left last week White and Mary Ardeel spent the i n order to familiarize rural peo- f(re IX)natlons of useful house- Baptkst church ul Bethany T h u rs­ have been keeping th eir usual on an auto trip, intending to visit week-end at the beaches pie with tlie economy of lnstal Lng articles were also received. day. She left Friday for Sun Frun- good crowds duruig the summer. Jam es McKav of Seattle Is vis- automatic water systems, th . Elec- - Barrie and Ogden and Salt Lake. Utah, and Mr and Mrs. A. Schubnng arid return by way of San Francisco lting with his cousin. Mrs. M ana trjc Water Systems council has Mr and Mrs. Hen family spent last week-end a t Nel- • m ^ m S & V ^ » i c « » r X » « a m . w e r e _ week-end and the coast highway. They ex- » pect to be gone aoout two weeks StOlt Organise P. T. A. Mr. and Mrs. Scholtz and M “ S ? ^ T H e n r y Cypher. Mrs. Organization of a Tigard P. T .A . fath er of Mrs. Scholtz. group was laid Friday at the Ti­ Rehwalt. w #ttr sy8tems m — d home last week on a trip to Nebraska. gard public school, when Mrs John left Wood was elected president; Mrs. Mr Rehwalt stopped in Idaho to in Corvallis . . . Tlie slogans may be entered not » lln „ , ul,ion visit relatives. William Allingham. fist vice-presi­ Mrs Eva Wormell, who was called ,aler than g p September 15 Bogr Family Has Rrun Tuesday a number ol wom­ dent . Mrs Paul Hagg. second vice- en Last of ner her n mother. sti)re in [n this iu ii.c.. a a[ t any a n „ su,re lius territory sell sen- Tlie annual Boge reunion was Sherwood and vicinity had here by the illness oi □resident Mrs. E. B. Ncdry. seert- an from Mrs Marian Cypher, will return to in electric water water-systems svstem s The The first firs held Sunday a t Avalon park near old fashioned quilting bee at S J y w id Mrs. Coral Biedennan. a water system valued at Tigard. There »ere 45 present the home of Mrs. Josephine Strick­ her home in Asotin. Wash., the last ize 1*55 Second and third prizes are Those attending front here were t r M rsrew tlllam Kletzer. state presi­ ler Those present were Mesdames of the week Mr and Mrs. Earl Cooper of j,0 t 5 respectively. Mr and Mrs. Ed Boge and family Voss. Homer Haynes, Carey dent. organized and installed the Hite St Helens vksited Mr. and Mrs. ------------- --------- - a/ld Mr and Mrs. John Boge and Haynes. Sidney S team s McClure. officers Next meeting will b e S e p - Dan Werre. Baker. Hagey. a n d John Gfeller Sunday. (o n n tv Ygrnt Visits family. tember 6 a t 8 o clock a t the Tigard The Berggren-Johnson sawmUl M Maool.ind count« agent of Mr and Mrs Evert Boge and son public school. All parents are in ­ Brown. Celebrate Birthday vited. „ . j Funeral Saturday Mrs. Frederica Wilson, Oregon C D Edwards, aged 80 years, a • pioneer of the fifties, celebrated resident of Tigard for twelve years, her eighty-fifth birthday August died August 16 He leaves a wife, 15 a t her home In Sherwood. A Erm a K... and four children M anan, number of friends called in the Adavelle. LeRoy and A rthur Two afternoon to wish her continued grandchildren also survive. Funeral health and happiness The Wdsori services were held Saturday from familv formerly lived on the Will­ Peggs chapel In Beaverton. In te r­ am ette river and had the first store m ent was in Greenwood cemetery. at Wilsonville, which was named for the late Mr. Wilson. Tliree prune driers a.nd several canneries are kept busy night and day. caring for the Laurel Ridge prune crop. Hops, generaUy a l l harvested before prunes, are not (B y Mr». O. H . I ’«ter»nn) even dated for picking Proepects BEND—Bov Scouts from Tigard are good for a good crop of clover and Sherwood enjoyed a camping seed in this vicinity. Jo Ann and June Downey o f trip of several days a t th e F ritz TEMPERO—(1 ) for M om .M i ,« ( I ) For Safety (3 J For Dependability Eisner park on the T ualatin river Longview. Wash., are visiting their last week. * cousin, Lona Werre. this week, and A number from here attended will go to Eugene Saturday to vis­ the Ice cream social a t the K inton it other relatives. Concrete is no rnofch lor Trip/» Tempered Rubber. Even church grove Friday night. Iteel wear» no longer. For Triple Tempered Rubber io ■ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bernard and children of Eugene spent Friday the toughest, longest-wearing rubber used in lire making. night with Mrs B ern ard s p arents.' Mr and Mrs. Albert Scott. Mr. and i are smooth, slippery and dangerous Our 12-lnch mixed inside Mid Mrs. Bernard left Saturday for replace »hem with 1934 U. S. Royals. W enatchee, Wash., to attend the slab wood a t »4.00 per cord, less Kiwanls convention The Bernard 25c for cash on delivery, ks the In face of rising material costs, we can children remained with their grand­ best value in fuel we know of parents. Mr and Mrs Scott, during Prom pt delivery assured. guarantee present low prices for a their parents absence. Clarence and Mary Bowne of STIMSON LUMBER CO. limited time only. Buy extra tough, Salem visited Sunday with their E J. PETERSON, Agent extra safe U. S. Royals at no extra coot. mother. Mrs J. B Bowne, who ts Phone 1442 very ill a t the home of her son, Save today. Bruce Bowne, a n d family. Her Grangers at Tigard Plan for a Picnic . VO.-ns ton »»‘-A* v * Hiteon Wilma Meierjurgen Buried on Tuesday School at Buxton Opens September 3 Studio Couch Orenco Lounge Chair Reynolds' Drier Burned I hursday ATTENTION! Farmington Host County Churches DESKS Laurel Ridge Folk Making Long Trips SELFRIDGE BROS. Millie’s Beauty Salon SEE ASTOUNDING WORLDS FAIR TIRE TEST SHOWING W H Y Alore M iles per Gallon —and TEM PERED R U B B ER ADDS..M IL E 5 - M ULTIPLIES S A F E T Y -C U T S COSTS the comfort of Free-action on all wheels Boy Scouts Hold P ic n ic at B end MILL WOOD Rubber up 442% Grain-Seed Cleaning W ANTED Wheat. Oats, Feed and Brewing Barley, Red and Alsike Clover Seed, Crimson Clover, Hairy Vetch, and Common Vetch Seed. With our direct shipping outlet we can pay you more. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL! IMPERIAL FEED ÖC GRAIN CO. »1 Miller« of Quality Feed« South Kerond Bt. % T H R IF T Y - B U Y ..in the V-8 Fordor Sedan Here is a beautiful Fordor Sedan especially built for people who want a lot o f room and comfort but don t want to pay extravagant up-ktr/t tout to get it. We Have up-to-date seed cleaning equipment and can give you a first class job. Bring your Vetch Cleaning. Clover Seed Cleaning, and Grain Clean­ ing to us. We can do your cleaning better. . . Cotton up 194%. Price» bound to follow BE It seats five passengers, with plenty o f leg-room , front and rear. Free action for nil 4 u htrh assures you o f com­ fort on the roughest sort o f road. Four double-acting hydraulic shock absorbers make that assurance doubly sure. Clear-vition ventilation protects you from drafts. Ye< this car, with 85 horsepower under the hood, is ATTEND the Washington County Fair August 30, 31, September I in Hillsboro. the most tconom itelcar to operate and maintain that Ford has ever built. Would you like to borrow this Fordor Sedan for a trial run —with the fa m ily -ju st to see how easily is does all we claim for it? . . . It's at your service. T ele­ phone us, or drop in, and make an appointment to drh’t it. Price »772 delivered and fully equipped with spare tire and bumpers f e r M otor Co AUTHORII8D »A kts ANO SIRVICB U. S. TIRES U. S. TIRES • (P»erf«DS I ype) Q«Mhty Low P ric o tf T iro 4.40-21 4.75-19 *570 $6 M TO DAY! 4.40-21 • $ 4 -1 0 *■ .30 4.25-19 BUSCH’S SERVICE GARAGE 1152 Third Street P hone 501