THE Page Four X fills b o n ^A riju s W it h W h ic h la C om bined the llille h o r o In d e p e n d e n t H ills b o r o A l g a l sstab. 1 *9« H ills b o r o In .le p e n d c n i » t » h 1*7» M r K I N N B V A M r K I N N K Y . P a M is h s rs T h u rs d ay s E n te re d «« second-class m a tte r .„ ■ .to ffie s a t H ills b o r o . tire iro n P u b lis h e d w V E R N E M c K IN N E Y E d ito r M torini tio n a l SÊ NEW SPAPER S u b s c rip tio n P er year . H i* m o n th * E. C. th e M c K IN N E Y A mmocim I « E d ito r E ir s t A u d ite d P a p e r. L a n t- n t A u d ite d W e e k ly C ir c u la ­ tio n in O i w o n Jreiro o S ta to E d i- A a * 50 Foreign Countries T h e H ills b o ro A r g u s assum es no f in a n c ia l re n p o n s ib ility fo r e r ro rs publish ed in its c o lu m n s. b u t in cnees w h e re th is p a p e r I * a t fa u lt w ill r e p r in t th a t p a r t o f an a d v e r tb e m c n t in w h u h th e ty p o g r a p h ic a l m is ta k e occurs. _______ _____________ A n In d e p e n d e n t N e w s p a p e r. W ho se S e r « i c » and l'.d k -ie e a re Baaed on th e P r in c ip le rtf Ih e G old en K u l o — "And as ye w o u ld th a t m en s hould do to you. do ye a ls o to th e m lin e - w is e .” — M a tt h e w 7 : lt. Let All Be Present All W ashington county people w i l l w ant to attend the county fair here Aug­ ust 30. 31. and Septem ber 1. It is being revived again after a tw o-year lay-off due to lack of funds. In 1932 and 1933 very creditable 4-H club fail’s were held. Income from dog race taxes makes it possible to hold the show again this year, and the fair board has plans in readiness for a w orthw hile W ashington c o u n t y show. To stim ulate interest a free gate has been provided. This should make for a large crowds and everyone will adm it th a t attendance m akes for success. People have an opportunity to meet their friends and enjoy themselves. Let all good W ashington county people be present to help put over a good fair. Let’s Get Action There should be enough civic pride in this community to w ant the weeds and o ther unsightly places cleaned up, at least along Baseline street, w here hundreds of people drive through the city every day. The rank grow th of wild carrot and other weeds is not pleasing to the eye. The Argus will give two days’ work to an un­ employed person to help remove these eyesores if others will get in and help. Let us have im m ediate action. Congratulations Hillsboro's Business and Professional Women’s club is entitled to the congratu­ lations and appreciation of the entire community for its notew orthy achieve­ ment in winning the state mem bership contest over Portland, Salem, Eugene and other large centers. This old pioneer town was put on the map as fa r as Business and Professional W omen’s clubs are concerned by this outstanding action. As a rew ard for this excellent work a national road sign, giving the name of the club, the city ami the time of m eet­ ings. was presented to the local business women's group and was dedicated with a fine program Sunday afternoon. It is not so much for the sign as what it stands for that the community should be proud. It was fittingly said by M ayor Orange Phelps and R. W. Weil, representing the business interests of the community, that this club is truly outstanding in the Hills­ boro district and has done much for the upbuilding of the community. This club is indicative of action in this county. A Life Is Taken Tragedy again stalks in the Portland w aterfront fight, which seems to be carry­ ing on in spite of the truce arrived at a fte r a three-m onths strike. Jam es Con­ ner. 22. Oregon State college student working his way through school a n d bridegroom of two weeks, was slain in a fight between International Longshore­ m en's association men and Columbia River Longshorem en’s association i n Portland Monday. Such action should serve notice that everything possible should be done to in­ crease the efficiency of our police system in keeping with recom m endations just re­ leased by a committee from the American Legion. This legion comm ittee advocates taking police work out of polities and to provide adequate protection. They also urge action for control of communists and other elem ents subversive to our govern­ ment. F ingerprinting and the keeping of records of people in this country are also urged by the legionnaires as a step in the control of crime and outlaws. Police protection should be of the best. Adequate forces should be provided. This is one place where there can be too much false economy in these days of speedy transportation and good roads. The auditorium at the Shute park was painted by the city at considerable cost, but vandals sm udged the front o f t h e M ultnomah county comm ittees a r e building with mud. Such an act surely raising a big fuss over the allocation by cannot be looked upon with pride by any the state highway commission of federal self-respecting person in this community. highw ay funds and contend th a t Multno­ m ah should have a bigger slice. Our neighbors surely cannot hope to get more Another definite sign of better times than 17 per cent of the $3,100,000 right is the increase in gasoline sales. In spite in th eir little territory. Road work in of th e longshoremen’s strike gasoline sales surrounding counties and on short cuts to during July of this year increased 1,530,- the sea are as vital to Portland and their 862.2 gallons over the same period in unemployed as th at right in th eir own bailiwick. 1933. Self-aid is now being stressed in re- • V acation days are slipping by mighty lief work. T hat type of work will m ake fast. In fact too fast in the opinion of for rehabilitation and self respect._________ many boys and girls.____________________ H IL L S B O R O ARGU S. Cannery Plan Held Success W ashington county relief ca n ­ nery at llgurd is proving a derided success and popular with the pa irons taking advantage of lta facil­ ities. according io word received by- Mrs Helen Hamilton, executive sec­ retary Persons on relief have ca n ­ ned approximately -’ikkl cans of produce and the county lias re ­ ceived 500 cans for relief purposes during the two weeks th a t the cannery has been in operation As an example one patron from Beaverton route 1 reports that he has obtained 43 cans of produce for a cash outlay of but 50 cents. He purchased 20 pounds of bears for 50 cents and canned out 22 cans, leaving him 17 cans a fter the cannery toll was taken. These coat him less ¡lian three cents per can. the retail price would have been 15 cents a can He obtained a bushel of tom atoes in trade for wood and put up 19 cans, five go­ ing to the cannery m toll Tlie cost per can. estim ating the tom atoes as valued a t 65 cents, am ounted to tour and a half cents as c o m ­ pared with 15 cents retail A neigh­ bor gave him prunes enough for 16 cans, four of which went to the cannery He expressed appreciation for the cannery facilities and pleas­ ure at the courteous treatm ent re ­ ceived at the cannery in a letter to tlie relief office. Two new projects were approved this week by the Portland office. These provided tor a furniture fac- tcry to m anufacture new furniture and repair old for relief purposes Persons having used furniture to contribute to the furniture project are asked to take It to t h e Hills­ boro storeroom or n o t i f y t h e SERA office. Tile second project called for preparation of work pro­ jects. A rthur Kroeger of Hillsboro started cn this work Monday and two other men will be added later. Store room for relief products lias been obtained i l l the building Just north of the Oregon Electric depot in Hillsboro A storekeeper will be placed in charge and issue products on requisition. T h at men formerly working on the T ualatin highway project should notify the Portland Federal Re-eni- pioyment office to transfer their cards from the "working file” to the "work file." was the advice of Leon Davis, personnel m anager. U n­ less this is done the men will not be eligible tor additional work. Fall B allot P lans Form ed by Parties (C o n tin u e d fr o m j's g e 1) appointed in districts where repre­ sentatives have not qualified and plans for the fall campaign will be outlined. Jack Anderson of Forest Grove Is county chairm an. Zimmerman opened state head ­ quarters in Portland last week, with Mrs. LeRoy Wood of Sherwood as secretary of the comm ittee S ena­ tor Zimmerman will open his radio campaign Friday evening. August 24, with an address over KEX a t 8:15. H o u sin g L oan P lan S tu d ied by B ankers (C o n tin u e d fr o m p a c e 1) ly all W ashington county banks would make such loans when def­ inite inform ation and forms were received. Details of the plan were explain­ ed to county bankers Saturday a t M cP h eeters S ells Flam es D estro y tile M ultnom ah golf club by H. L. liason officer representing H o m e s in C ou n ty Interest in Palm Temple, Oregon banks with the Federal Fires resulting f r o m defective L. T. McPheeters has sold his Housing adm inistration. He outlined flues caused th e destruction of two one-third Interest In the Palm Drug the act and showed how it would homes In th e county last Saturday Store to L C Kramien. w h i c h apply In W ashington county. Right no account checks were| and Sunday. The home of Joe Hren makes Kramien t h e sole owner. ax-sed on Hillsboro business firms a t Helvetia was burned to t h e W hen the store was started sev­ Local H a p p e n in g s laturday afternoon by a woman ground about 12 p. m. Saturday eral years ago Kramien. M cPheeters sing the name of Mrs L. A. Miller, While th e farm house of J. B. and G. V. Payne each had one- Mrs. W D Sm ith, who has been ¿cording to reports to the sheriff's Thompson a t Cedar Mills burned third interest, while later K ram ien visiting her" sisters. Mrs Edward ■trice The checks were draw n on «1th all its contents Sunday after- ' purchased Payne's share, Schulmerich and Mrs Zelf Banner, ve local Commercial National bank noon. The latter house was owned McPheeters will devote all his and other relatives since the first iescription of the woman as re- by Elmer A. Osman of McMinn­ tune to his insurance business. He of July, left Tuesday for a visit at orted by m erchants was as follows: ville. has been in th e drug business here Los Angeles, C a l. before returning ive feet four inches In height. 120 Hren th is week expressed his since 1912, when he purchased th e to her home In Joplin. Missouri Mr. and Mrs. E E Clark and ounds. between 25 and 30 years of sincere appreciation for the kind­ Pharmacy. son E rnest left Sunday for their gc, medium build, blue eyes, round ness and assistance extended him home in Heppner, after a few day. ice. green dress, yellow Jacket and and his fam ily by his neighbors F o u rth C o d lin g M oth visit with Mr. and Mrs Russell and the Sunshine club. an shoes. Mr. Clark is Mrs. Morgan s S p r a y s A d v ise d N o w Morgan Two Union Oil company plants brother, and he and his family HELVE'1 IA —Fire destroyed t h e Apple and pear growers in the were returning from a vacation at i Washington county were broken house and woodshed on the Joe valley should apply the the beach nto last week, according to re- Hren place about m idnight S atu r­ Willamette fourth spray for th e control of Ralph Deaville and children orts made to Sheriff Connell. The day. The H ren family were asleep codling moths, according to W. J. of Mrs , who have been spend­ ■lant a t Cornelius w a s entered and did n o t have tim e to obtain Cyrus, county agent Second brood ing Gresham several m onths at tlieir camp 'hursday evening and 60 gallons their clothes. Hren rang the fire moths have reached th eir peak and on the river near the wireless f gasoline and two five -gallon, alarm on the telephone, but when many eggs have b e e n deposited station, returned home with Mr. um p buckets taken. Nothing was neighbors arrived only a very few during the last few evenings. Un­ Deaville Sunday Mr and Mrs. Dca- iken a t the Beaverton p lant which articles could be saved. The house­ der ordinary conditions, th e eggs ville will attend the Legion and tas broken into a n d ransacked hold goods carried insurance, but «ill hatch In seven to eight days Auxiliary convention in Astoria this and the spray should be applied week Mr Deaville Is district com­ arly Friday evening. Two employes not th e buildings. before the eggs hatch. m ander of his district. f th e company reported th a t they The family will stay In the g ar­ Mr. and Mrs. George Laver and ecelved phone calls from t h e age until they can get th e home daughters. M argaret and Helen, and ■lant. leading authorities to be- built. Neighbors have been render­ F e d e r a l E n g in e e r s S e e k Alice B anner were vacationists a t eve th a t the thieves had attem pted ing what service they could and D a ta on F lo o d C o n tro l Nelscott from Friday to Monday > get the manager or one of the on Monday two groups of Sunshine While there they played on Questionnaire regarding f l o o d night rivers to come to the p lant so club members and neighbors made the new golf course, which they conditions on the T ualatin river report bey could hold them up. is In fine condition. Mr. two quilts for th e family. «■as received this week from fed­ Laver's sister, Mrs. R R. Rossman T heft of 150 Rhode Island Red eral engineers by t h e T ualatin of Portland was in charge of the ullets last Wednesday night was Valley Drainage to 4. while Willamette trounced C or­ nelius 17 (<» 1 liere In Ihe plav-ofl h»r the Sun.set league champion* .ship The HUUboio Sunset league V A V Cofh’c Shop lemu ot Imiti in llu* st’cond game double hri«*< Ib a k o n in Mini M c G u ire ***n. S t« n q S iM itu d e«t - L e g io n n a ir e s at D epartm ent M eet G lasbak e I Jvcnware 69c 69c o p ’ll I'« quart I IN I r i l l 1% KAKI R »lid ll 1 8 1 < ( ua lard eupn. 69c Per nel 4 A x s l 1 (0 1 I I FOUP2ST OROVE Funuiul serv­ ice.*» lor Clyde Ewrl Robertson, 52. pronuneut Jersey breexter und dairy­ man. uho died at Guymon hospital Saturday, were held a t the Forest Grove Undertaking company chapel Monday afternoon with Rev C P Sabin officiating Interm ent wius in Hillside cemetery Mr Robertson was born at l*a- louse Wxsh . February 4. 1882. and wils married to Muxs Anna Perish at Dayton. Ore , M arch 11. 1908 He had livtxi at Hillside, north of here for 20 years, ihxxxuaxl is survived bj the widow and two children. Doris of Tigard anil Howard of Forest Grove. A sister. Mrs. Jessie Ann Jos», lives at Sherwtwxi and a brothei Albert P. Robertson, at and hts mother. Mi's J. M Sandifer of Salem, arrived Tuesday for a visit with Dr. and Mrs K J Nicol Mr Sandifer and soil returned to Salem Wednesday, but Mrs S andi­ fer rem ained for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Nicol. Miss Gladys Eisner of the tax de­ partm ent In the sheriff's office r e ­ turned Monduv from a 9-day va­ cation 'rip to San Francisco She went down oil the S S Enuua Al­ exander and returned on the S S Eugeiw H F. Alexander. Mr and Mrs W alter Freem an lett Tuesday for O ntario after W ilson River Road spending the sum m er with his p a r­ ents. Mi and Mrs. O O Freeman to G et M ore M o n ey Mr Freem an is an Instructor In Ihe high school at Ontario. Flair more miles will tx- puihrd Mrs H. A Uppenkamp «ho has 1 through on the Wilson river high­ ix -i n ill in Jones hiispital for m ain way as a tim ber salvage project weeks, following an operation, is n ils was definitely decided Wed- at home now and able to be taken n e s . i n «lien W H Lynch, district out in her wheel-chair, engineer for t h e United S tatts Mrs. Rossman of Eugene and her oureau of roads, received official daughter-in-law , Mrs R. R. Ross­ v rd trom Washington. 1) C . that man of Portland, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs George Laver, I the federal government wants to >ee enough o f Oregon's current Mrs N athan Weil has been very 111 in Portland during tlu- past ' $3,000.000 allocation placed on Wll- week, but is reported as slightly I Min river to make possible the lim ­ ber »alvage plan th at W eyernauser better. Mr. and Mrs Jam es Say returned and other Interests propose for this Friday from two weeks' stay at . part of the vast a n a of standing Umber .wept by fire in 1933 Rockaway. Mr and Mrs Morris Weil and Leslie M. Scott, highway comnns- family returned home today Mrs | sion < halrtnan. has called a m eet­ Well aixl Dorothy and Robert who ing of the eomnussion lor Friday had been visiting in Casper, Wyom­ in Portland to change t h e state ing. met Mr Well an d Beverly a! I program to meet the requirem ents Spokane. Wash Tuesday and re ­ It is not known which allocutions turned home with them Mrs M B Hump and daughters will get the axe to make room for returned Monday from a two-weeks the Wilson river vacation spent at Rockaway and Seaside to Newport. They visited Seaside beaches Rosaline Well returned Sunday Charles Peppard and other relatives al Garibaldi from three weeks' stay at the B'nai Mrs Dewey Johnson and children B n th cam p for girls a t Devil's ! returned home Tuesday from a Lake. Mr and Mrs. Ray Thomas re ­ m onth's stav at Silicons Iaike Mrs George Prltz.laff of n e a r turned the last of the week from two weeks' vacation at the beaches Sherm an's mill underwent a to n ­ sil operation Monday a t Jones hos­ Mr and Mrs Earl Donelson and an operated. daughter Mildred were vacationists pital Dr A O • Pitm • • at Rockaway from Thursday to Operated for Apprndlrlti»— Monday. Mr and Mrs. Paul Patterson and Vincent O heen underwent an children and Mrs Ada Patterson upenition tor append!« Itl last spent the week-end In Seattle, Thursday night ut the Jones hos­ guests of Charles Linton and fam ­ pital. Dr. D E Wiley operating. ily Mr. Linton us a brother of Mrs Make show ing— Ada Patterson. An ear of corn shaped like the Mr and Mrs. Ed Brandaw and their niece. Muss Dorothy Sigler ol wrist and hand of a person, and Portland, left Wednesday for O art- mnm tin«' large tomatoes have bent baldl. where they will visit Mr^ added to the Argus window museum Branda«'» sister, Mrs Howard T he com was grown b v W w Frank, and family. Miss H e l e n Thomas, north of HllLslxiro und Frank, who has been visiting rela­ the tomatoes by D B Welntz of tives here for the past week, re- HlUabOlO, and B lgenlteM north east of Hillsboro ' i.: i ed t i o n i . ■ With them. Mr and Mrs. J R Peppard gave a salmon dinner Thursday evening for his uncle. O. A Johnson of St Paul. Minn , who Is visiting them N O T H e TO P H I NK GROWKRM Y ou an a r r a n g e fo r d r y in g p r u n m nt O others present «ere Me ;sr». and Mesdames Lee Wltheril and I.yle • Mir d r y e r , ju s t n<»rth <»f Orene«», u n til S u n d a y h a l ^ - l ’ ru n e D e v e lo p - Johnson of Portland. Ward Walker rn e n t Co. A u iru s t and J. E. Johnson of Hillsboro M n W ANTED S - a r r e t r a r t w ith mod«‘r n h<»i»e Nettie Johnson of Seattle a n d near H il labor». W rite a ll d e ta ils to I x-wev Jhnson of Hillsboro. l i iK i A n ru n 27p Mr and Mrs. William Ault and T H I R T Y 2 -y e a r -id d h e n * fo r sale K a r l daughter Wilma Jean nt Wei lei N n u irh t w«»»t end Jac k« n s tr e e t, l l i l l « - Idaho, spent the week-end with b o ro 27p Mr. and Mrs. J H Betzer. on their T E A M h»»e*ea fo r s ale o r tr a d e fo r liirh t way home from Los Angeles, Cal ♦ ruck <’ R. J o h n . acr«*»s fr o m B u c k ­ e y e rna rktrt, C o rn e liu s . 27p J. R Peppard. J E Johnson, and O A Johnson made a tour of the TABLE araio* f o r s ale M r * . G. C. C h * - f . R t. 4. Itills h o r o P hone M I2 27p beaches Sunday and Monday, from (H v r ir ti IllH I II Itouiht g Q /» III I I . A I F * - 9 inch ? f«r ( HOI.1 a n d I ' j quart ( ISM -.HOI.I. Il l il ai 7 2 .X«lt AJtJVx Cover — 79c ■ tP V / With pb- plate I ' .• quart CJ «TV/ 4>V IL < ASSI ItOLL Mild rover W e Buy anti Pay Funeral H e ld for C. E. R obertson Courtmy Selutnmn Studio National Highway Sign, dedicated Sunday bv Business and Profes­ sional Women's club of Hillsboro At base of sign Is floral horse­ shoe for good luck, presented by Salem club SPECIAL Hillsboro ihvs I iif the American Legion mid the Auxiliary will lie represented al Ihe departm ent con­ vention at Astoria today, b ik lo mid Hutiirdav I relegates from the loeal ikwt to Ihe convent Ion are Hr It J Nicol. commander, P L Ihvlterson mid A H lliisch Alter nates are Valentine Abudle amt Dr Ralph Dresser. Others going are (I Russell Moi gun (Talk G ardner mid Fred Amiichcr Auxiliary delegates are M«'s«l»liles P I. Patterson. Fred Amacher mid E C MeKlnnev Mr» Russell Morgan us ulso attending 89c I qll.tlt OVAI FI.ATTKa— U Q g. i t in< it O .H Ilighi'Mt 1'nsli l ,i'ii'«,s fo r SCRAP GOLD With each piinluuir 1 Jude M ix in g Howl or I M easur­ in nn.v form ing PlU lier B in g s, GOV’t FREE BRISTOL C row n s, W a tch es, J e w e lr y , Etc. L hx'iise No 812 416 I Fills' Barber S h o p HARDWARE COMPANY 1171 Second St., Hillsboro Next door 1« Venetian T heater F rid a y an d S a tu rd a y AuguM «»tul SS Phone 761 See us at IIII.LMtlORO, OREGON N O T IC E To the Shareholders of FEDERAL UNION, PRl 'DENT1AL and WESTERN SA VINOS ¿g LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. For identification and verification in m atter o f C o n so lid a tio n o u tlin ed in C ir c u l a r L e t t e r dated A ugust 6 , 19 14. yo u are requested at o n ce to forw ard execu ted D ep osit A greem ents am i Proxies, together w ith C ertificates and Passbooks, to 5 2 5 S. W . Stark Street, P ortland, O regon. You are w arned against s o l i c i t o r s w h o m ay attem pt t o o b t a i n your in vestm en ts t o r a sm all con sid eration . C H A R L E S 11. C A R E Y Corporation Com m issioner Keep Informed On Local Affairs Too Late to Classify Read the 4% Wllsbonj^Argus A S O U N D IN V E S T M E N T W ith F irst Mortgages bark up every dollar invested In this institution. W h ic h Is C o m b in e d T h e H illa b o r o Iiir local business houses. A real aid In hotnem aklng and good living. Hcores nt small ads th a t bring buyer ond seller together. The undersigned will Bell at Public Auction, l^-m ilc cant <»f Forest Grove on highway. T u esd a y , A u g u st 28th - 1 p. m . The Following Described NUBSt RIPTION RATES Property: In Oregon One year Six Month«« Three Monlli* Two Months 3 cows; 3 horses; disc; mower; 2 rakes~-hay; Fresno; tractor gang plow; roller—corrugated; 2 garden cultivators; I 16-lncli plow; I 14-lnch plow; I H inch plow; 2 orchard plows; Jackson fork; 2 harpoon forks; I carrier and rope; I hinder—Osburn; I Hoosier grain drill, 14-lnch; 2 wagons I hay rack; I trailer; 2 hay cutters; I grain grinder; I Fordson; I buzz saw; 1 spring tooth harrow; 2 drag harrows; I In­ visible gas pump; I 56-gallon nil drum and Bowser pump; 1 oil brooder; small tools; I Del.aval separator, No. 15; 25x35 Winchester rifle; 30- gallon pressure tank; furnKure. All good stuff in first class condition. s u B S C K 1 In United States, year . .»2.00 Foreign Countries, year 3.50 All (Miyabln In advance. E N O W ! STARTING SOON “Queen A nnefs Lace' TERMS CASH Unless Credit Is arranged with the Clerk before lim e of sale. by Frances Parkinson Keyes Ih in i miss n ( ha|itor of (his iiilcrtisting romance with the social life al the national capital as a s e l l i n g . W ritten by a «listinguished woman author who has had a prom inent place in th a t life. F. M . W A R N E R OW NER J. W. Hughes, A uctioneer Outside Oregon .......... »1.50 ....................85 ................... 50 ................35 M. IL Johnson, Clerk ■ ■ .......... .................................. ...