THE Eage Two Scholls Folk H old Contest on Popularity SCHOLLS Ton» Stretcher Miss Thelm a Hesse »ere th e ners In the most popular boy girl contest held in connection the ice cream social Friday lung. It was sponsored by Woman's club Scholls Folk and win- and with eve- the M arry H.xxi loop and visited the Warm Springs Indian reservation Sunday Mr and Mrs. Adolph Sphlld OI nilam ook were guests at the E rn ­ est G unther home Sunday night and Monday Mrs Janies McMillan and daugh- tei Clarisse ot Portland are six-tid­ ing lilts week with Mrs. M cM illans parents, Mr and Mrs E. 1*. Sm ith Donald York ol Keedville lias been staving with his srundpar- ente. Mr and Mrs D M McInnis, helping wuh the prune harvest. Mr and Mrs K L. McCormick of Hillsboro spent Sunday m Buck Heaven district ».siting the D. M McInnis. Ira G. McCormick and W B. Davis families. Miss Ivv Peterson, who spent th e Iasi two months in Hawaii with a H ll. LS HO KO A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O . ot Farm ington is taking can1 o l her. Di E W Alnapust and Ills mother. Mrs P E Altnqutst mat Miss Dorothy Cox -.fx-nt several days vacation in W ashington last week Mrs A C Adler ot Los Angeles. Cal and Mrs W alter Gleason of Boston. M ass, an- visiting this w,x-k with their brother. It L. Fuller, and family. Mr and Mrs I Sherm an mid taiuilv anil Misses Violet Anderson and Carol Handley spent the week- end at lYicttie CU\ beach Mr amt Mis Gnus Olsen and their nephew. Harry Duncan ot Salem spent the week-end at the S E Olsen home Mrs Matthew 1 m nehau and maid ol Portland are visiting tins week at the home ol her brother. Lester Ireland rhom as Humphreys and daughter !•:». yn ot Heppner spent the week­ end a t the F red Hood home. Mr and Mrs. Andrew Lent.- spent Saim aa» night with Mr and Mi Kenenth Kirk of Portland Miss Violet Anderson of Betiuuiy was a guest over tlie week-end ol Mu-s l.eanore Sherm an Mrs Bertha Johnson of Mosier is visiting tins week w ith Iter d augh­ ter. Mrs K. J Seearee. Mr and Mrs. Jiuob Schneider re ­ turned Monday from a week's stay in Clipper. Wash. Miss Florence G ordon is spending tlx- week in i*orUand with Miss Nellie Gordon. Muss Sally lVwers of Multnomah is spending the week with Mrs N H Schiedel. H. s Rogers left Tuesday for several days' business trip to M arsh­ field l isilalions and Visitors ol Local People Picked Up by Our Reporters G uests and visitors at the Elvin days visit with their niece Miss Ft negali home east of Ih'..sbovo Virginia Broaden, at Spokatx-. Wash .tilling tin- past week were Mr and Mrs Rudolph Wyffels and Mrs Henry W.vtfcls and daughter Bertha ol McMinnville Mrs J E Fine-gall and daughter Blanche ot Cornelius. Miss Helen Godfrey ot B eaierton, Harold Einegan. a teacher at Coos River; Mrs Ferguson of Boise-. Idaho and M rs H W right of Hillsboro Mrs Ferauaon U a house guest of Mrs. W right Mrs. IVter Johnson of Huron, Miss tanda It Koch of Portland us a guest ol her sister. Mis tim er Vuylsieke Miss Kexh rveemly re turned from a trip to Seattle. Wash Victoria. B C . and Friday Harbor. While in Seattle she ed her sister. Miss Mary and a Ereda Geiger, students friend, Mt al University ol W ashington At i r.u.i» Harbor a das waa spent at the lX-eanogruphy school. m am tain- ed by U. of W r h u is ila y , A u g u st 23, 1 9 3 | OREGON Mi oui Mr- Henry Er jit, «»I Portland Mr and M in W \V Mt 1 xinuld the week end In Hillsboro Mix John Kiehiuoiul n-liinied Mondav from a week’s vUlt with hieiuU m tiia n ts Pa.s,s. \lts Vena Mu-s ol Banks visited Mi and Mrs. Burleigh T&Umiui Thur sda\ Kiank sh an k ol SuiiM't Camp, who been confined lor Neveral n oiith.s m the st Vincents hoMhtal in Portland with a ttertoits hack livjurv 'xiillereii when he was .struck across the back whh n broken cable, «d to hi* home Saturday lie lx jt'a ll) unproved, but ft will be .sometime before he will be a’ble > w '. k Mr» Stiank left 8atiudaj Mike Jackson and Miss Verna l >i the w !•’ Half Bunday mg to their farm near Mi and Mis Bex and Mr Joint Clifiord Trask and family Morelii ot Oualon .spent Bunday at a week’s vacation trip to ----- th.e tiome of Mr Motelh's brother Mr and Mrs Ed Demmm were sion is ro t noticeable in Ila» an . turr and xi.ster-m-law Mr and Mrs Ham Lomita Cal . also visited at visit. guests at a dinner given Tuesday but th at tilt- W illamette valley is a Moretli Walker home during the week Mrs William H Decker, who has evening bv Mr and Mrs Rnllln much more delightful place i n M*. vi M argaret Braden ot Vale been a guest of Mrs Elizabeth Todd Misses Jessie Neal of New Je r­ Meyers of Laurel in honor of Roy »luch to live hxs moved to 1’imbt‘r to spend the j E. Blazer and Dorman tor several weeks, left for her home sey Verna Nensone of Milwaukee Fields and family, who are mov­ winter with her hn»tlier-ni-law and BDcer visited Charles and Paul in Fresno. Cal last week She was w u . Anna Neal and Elsie McLeod ing to Portland sexm sister Mr and Mrs. Kay Elliott Sunday' guests at tlie Mrs. Eliza­ Blazer of Eugene August 14 and 1.» accompanied from Corvallis by Mrs. Of Monmouth, and C uthbert Balch She will attend tlie Forest Urove Miss Enola Barlow, who has been Elsi S, h u ’d in-rieh. who will spend ot Portland, Jesse W atson of Forest beth Reed home were Miss Ruby high school G errington and Miss Nickles o f employed in Portland, arrived at three weeks visiting at Lresno. San Giove. anil Lawrence Wismer spent Mr and Mrs Emmett Mmplty the week-end wttli Mr and Mrs th e home of her m other. Mrs W Bernadino. an d San Francisco. Portland. and children Pat and Dee an* Rev and Mrs E B Blackman J J. Wismer at their cabin near Jacktow n Ladies' Aid lield a be-n- F. Wohlschlegel. August 16 for a ¡»endiiig (lie week with Mrs Mur- of Port- Cherry Grove. efit quilting party at tlx- Charles m o n th s vacation. Six- was aeeom- and Miss Evelyn Hadsell Hi phv’.s brother-in-law and sister. Mr. Mrs. L. E Furrow and Mrs. Hugh Clark home for the Bloomqmst pained by Mr and Mrs. C 1 land were week-end guests of Rev. and Mis Ben llart family , who recently lost every- Dempsey. Mrs. B L. Price. Miss Lee and Mrs B V Yates Miss Hadsell. Farnliam went to Silverton Wednes­ Mrs Jessie H uttm an. Mrs Irene thing when their home burned. Dempsev and Bob Cleveland of who was a classmate of the late day night to help institute a Vet­ Johnson ami Miss Helen Crank ot Mrs A B Flint went to E a stm i Portland. w..o spent the day Wilma M eierjurgen at N o r m a l erans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Banner spent the week-eiul with Oregon Friday for an indefinite Mr and Mrs. Clayton Whitmore school, rem ained to atten d tlie fu- Mrs Furrow is state chaplain und Mt x H uffm an's son and daughter- visit. an d family spent Sunday a t the neral. Mrs. F arnham is Junior vice-pres- in-law Mr and Mrs William H uff­ Mr and Mrs. H. T. Hesse enter- home of het sister. Mrs William ^jr and W E Brown and idem of the local V. F. W. Auxili- man of Timber. tained Sunday with a duuier for Neunschwander. at Like View d allg h u ,r E lm a Mae Mr. and Mrs ary Mr and Mrs Horace Narver ot Mr. and Mrs O. W Whitcombe K enneth Whitmore is working there L phase. Mr and Mrs Frt-cl Rev B J Yates, pastor of tlie .■ ;' nd brother ami sUtei In law and Miss Helen Whitcombe of during the prune and hop harvest. c h ase and Mrs G ertrude Calef Free Methodist church ot this city . »»i Mrs M !•' Welter, ¿uni Mr. and Portland. W C. Heaton and family’. Chet Jones, accompanied by Miss w er, among the former Iowa peo- and Rev A C Archer, district elder Mi • M P Welter and daughter Armour Reynolds. E. G. Heaton mid Hanson, both of Washougal, visited . , , Di..nickinz e „ pie picnicking at cii.unixx-g Chiunpoeg Sim- Siui- of the Portland district, spent last Jean sj>ent the week-end at Bea- Ben Brandon. Mr. Jones uncle. vv. I. Jones, s u n - dav ^bout 600 were present. week at Bay City, where tliey or- sale Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland day . gamzed a new class. V li„ PliilliiK. Itild r and George Jack started on a fisli- Miss Eva Haynes accompanied Mr. and M.s. B f Pile of Hills- ing trip to tlie coast stream s F n - Miss Beryl Deford home from boro and th eir niece. Muss R uth u. Coming as a surprise to tlietr dav Eugene August 16 and was an over- Pile, from M ontana left Saturday -»ra Victor Cordova and fanulv ot man» friends In the Tim ber and Harold Christensen and family night guest at the Deford home, on a vacation trip to C rater lake an a Mr . “ »d »Ws 1. G. F o t,- .t Grove vicinity was tlie niar- ( ll y M ba J u lia A. are at the beach for a week. Miss Deford and Muss Haynes visit- and other S outhern Oregon places Bronkxwe •¡M J-im U i J ' . r e ^pu : tu in Vancouver. W ash , last TIMBER Sunset Logging Com­ Saiurdav of Mr. Anthon» T. Kll- Miss Wilma Herd with her aunt, ed friends in Portland Friday. Tliev will return the last of the inciters ai Rippluig W aters S un­ day. Mrs. Maud Prittenger. spent last Everett Morgan has just finished week pany opened tip their camp wttit u bui■»: and Miss Jesse Belie Phillips Mr. and Mrs. L. P. S tranuhan full force of men Monda.» They of Sun • t t'.u tip Tliev »ere accom­ week a t Nelscott. They returned painting his house. Mr and Mrs A rthur Fnerchek Sunday w itht the J. S. Herd fam - Mrs. B F Deford and Miss Beryl and daughter Opal of Racine, Wls., and their daughter, Mrs. M. Jacob­ panied it» their parents. Mr. and ily. who went out for the day. Deford entertained with a duuier are guests of Mr mid Mrs J L. son of Portland, visited Sunday have repaired the tracks and tre s­ Mt J W Phillips. <>f Suu i t Camp Sunday guests a t the G us Kem- Sunday for Mr and Mrs. Earl Andersen Mr- Anderson and sons, with Mr S ir.u ia h a n s sister. Mrs. tles between tlietr cam p and H ul­ and Mt ■ Ida Kllburg of Timber pier home were Mr mid Mrs Herb Bland mid son Glen of P ortland accompanied by the visitors, spent Elizabeth Kellogg of Portland. bert. thte branch line, so they can I t t h »oung |x,tple attended the Wendland and daughters. Larsen in d Mr. and Mrs W alter W hipple ten d avs at DeLake. returning home Mr. and Mrs W. E. Oglllx-e spent begin to ship their logs out of 1 . res' O n ve high selaxil. Mrs Ktl- mid Patsy, an d C harles O stem old and Glen Bland are spending this Sunday with Mr. Anderson btu■ • betih; a graduate ot the 1934 the week-end with relatives a t S ea­ Timber. d a > uid Mr Ktlburg being a and son Johnny, all of Portland. week here. ___> v lrvli « ,v,,r of Falls side They were accom panied from Mrs R aynor Sm ith talked on Mr mid Mrs. Wayne Jones mid Lltil and B‘lk tr 01 The Snider B rothers' S h in g le ---------------- -- — .... — ...^ -------------- Portland bv tlietr son, Allen Ogil- late ■ f the 1M4 class ot Ver­ missionary work in India duruig fanulv are camped a t a hop y ard City are guests of th e tf a u n t Mrs b(H, |nd , anulv company of Carlton broke down nonia high school. They will reside ice hour Sunday n ear S an Salvador and are . S . . J_ n. t i ’ church service ,, beach ............... — — . Beche:-.. . . th is ~ week. . . Mr», . in Hirkenfeld for a short time last »»eek and being unable to com­ Dr. and Mrs. George H. Merry- mo.rung. Miss MarybeU F lint sang helping with th e early hop harvest. M Knudson of Sacram ento, man sons George Jr. and John plete repairs before their allot­ »here Mr Kilborg has employment. a special number Mr. mid Mrs. Charles T atnian has been visiting there. *e»t 1m-* D. of and Aitliur Gilmore, son ol Mr and K lam ath Falks «ere guests ment tune » t a up. they transferred Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lenz of went to Manning Sunday, where Thursday for Coeur d Alene. Idaho, last week heir C arlton crew to Timber to Mr.- W E Gilmore, lett Timber of Mr .a n d Mrs. E. B Pittsburgh. Pa., were guests a t tlie they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'o r a visit finish their allotm ent at tlie 'Timber las' '.eek to Join the sales force ol Tongue. L. W. Guild home three days last w B. Baker. Tlie C hristian church ladies held null About eight Alien were trails- :! Roles Brothers Shingle Coin- Mr and Mrs. George \V. K uunan lerred week. Mr and Mrs. D A. O tto and a tea on the lawn at tlie home of pan» in Portland from Carlton. Mrs. Audrey Heaton with Mrs family attended a picnic at the Mrs E J. McAlear Wednesday of San Bernardino. Cal., are vis­ Mr ind Mr- Charles Stanton Erie Erickson, » h o has been in itors tills week at tlie home of Eunice M urray of Beaverton spent h . E. G rabhorn home on Cooper afternoon of last week. Mrs. C H the Hillsboro hospital for th e poet returned Monda» from a four-day her sister. Mrs Charles L. Walker. Saturday and Sunday a t Tillamook Mountain Sunday. N'osler an d Miss R uth Jones were m onths with a badly infected visit with relatives and Iriends In Mrs J. N. Wiley and children. two and M aiizam ta visiting a t the homes Warren Morris ol DeLake vis- the assisting hostesses. knee, returned home last Saturday. Reedspwt and a visit With tlietr of relatives I ited Granville Everest Sunday. Mor- Mr and M rs Henry Alves of San Mrs. 1*. J. Kalkwarf an d daughter, He »ill be unable to use th e in ­ sun and daughter-tn-law Mr and Mrs George Stanton of T o led o K eith Busch of Hillsboro spent t is took a load of fruit home with ¡^ '.„ ^ ,1 ^ are spending a ten-dav and Loren Bronleewe returned Mon­ fected limb for soinetini" last »eek with Toni S tretcher ¡••»tn Myrtek of Portland, «ho him. vacation w ith Mrs. Alves' mother. day from a w eeks stay at Nelscott. Oscar Shtffer and two daughters. Teacher Resigns lias tx'en visiting hts au n t and Mrs. W. A. Matthews of Portland Mr.^ and ^e.r . Mrs. Delia Dresser of Huber, and Gladys and Sylvia, spent Sunday Miss Ruby Holznagei has resigned and Mr. and Mrs. of P o rt­ and Miss C harlotte Jones of Spo­ with, the girls' grandparents Mr . brother. Dr. Ralph Dresser. lier position as teacher of Moun- land visited a t the Peter Tromp Floyd Bentley left Saturday for kane. Wash . were guests Friday and Mrs E. Morris, ul Elsie They tainside school and »111 teach in the home Sunday. of Mr. a n d Mrs. W. H. Wteber returned home Sunday evening T ualatin school next year. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hagg and a ten days' vacation in California. Mr and Mrs. A rthur Krueger und bringing witti them Hazel Shiffi Dan B randon sang a special num - daughter Ida Lue of Reedville »ere He will go as far south as Los eh.ldren spent the week-end with who has been visiting at the home ber for the league service Sunday guests at th e Finigan home S u n ­ Angeles, and will also visit San Mr and Mrs. John Zenor a t Agaie of her grandparents for the pa Francisco. evening and Prof. Lewis of Tigard dav. six weeks. Beach. Mr and Mrs F. Abendroth and gave a lecture on India. Mr and Mrs. Frank Tigard arriv- Mr. and Mrs C lint Kilby and 1ETK ’I A NS tin iv e rs« I ly Sergeant A rthur Emerson of Van- Mr and Mrs. August Semolke and ed hen- Saturday night from Seattle family spent Sunday with friends sons Robert and A rthur la-e pent four daughters were guests a t the for a visit with his O rnduff rela- at Vancouver M iss’ Velma Aben- couver B arracks was a guest Mon- the week-end a p p ro v e m ilk its t h e at Seaside aro th is spending the week with day of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kelley, Lloyd Murray home Friday in hon- tives. Mrs S. 1) Willis spent Sunday id e a l d ie t fo r «11 p u rp o se s. George Doughty, who has been ill or of Mr Murray s birthday. Mr. Alice Maynard returned Saturday friends in Portland. . .I-..: with h er hustratul 8 . D and Mrs Ed Wohlschlegel en ter- from an eleven-day visit at Nels- J. C. Bechen returned home with flu and neuritis for the past Willis, who is employed in Portland In fa n ts, c h ild re n , g ro w n -u p s, tained the party with a supper cott. She was a guest oi her aunt. Thursday from a visit with his son- few weeks, was able to be uptown and his brother-ui-law and sister a g e d p e rs o n s ; in v a lid s, c o n ­ Friday evening. _ ! Mrs Roy McDougal, of Dayton. in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. the first of the week. v a le s c e n ts ; a v e ra g e m en an d M r and Mrs Ray Moore returned Mr. a'nd Mrs. Merl McDougal Howard Braman, at Tacoma. Mr an d Mrs E. W C arstenson of w om en ; a th le te s — lite ra lly to th eir home Monday after a week joined a group of friends a t a pic- Mr and Mrs j F Kennedy and Olympia. Wash , are spending the Daily Trips to Portland spent near Mt. Hood for Mr. nic party a t H irters' park Sunday. daU2hteclal events U A M S II CG I I I I «.NAII S i l C n 6 for Sunset Company Opens Log Camp 'Filled with rich butter lopping» A sk fo r «ntl t i i it i.oA t t Each . Frost,,1 in eh's-ol.tte slrawtx'rry and «htte> hi III I II KM O K II ( \K I 1 .t, It (W ith our fuinouN b u ttn DEMAND our BREADS 49c If lug » fro m y o u r N l\l> U K II HI Docen (W hat's a punie wi t limit a good filled, lre-h bun » 20c H i l l s b o r o 's Own g ro re r. 1 io n ic * Ul T rlrp lm n r IH K I \ l I (H B < > U \ G O O IIS I B I S II |> A I I. Y 131 M ain Street ■a S u gar McFall Jersey Milk D B row n o r Povv tie re d lbs. for Leisyville Chehalem Grain Crop Found Better I week Located Corner 2nd and Main Streets th e Dalys and Mr. and Mrs an d Mrs Richard Wil y . Joe Seus Genevieve. Bertha. Doro- Misses Louise Fischer and M ar- (By Mr*. Cormick) CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN— Ray thy, Helen, and B ernard spent two caret Newton are spending a few S path of Sherwood moved his days at Rockaway. weeks a t Rockaway. threshing outfit into t h e Buck Last Monday Joe Seus was sur- Miss Jan e Melholland of Portland Heaven district Monday night and prised by a visit from his brother- .va_, a »eek-end guest of Miss Lor- fintshed Thursday evening Spath :n-law. Joe Hetkele. of Cloflin K an- ra jne Chase said the gram averaged better here sas. Mr Heckle was accompanied H E MrKinnev of Portland was th an in any c la e r neighborhood by Alois and Pete Debis. ■scn°°i- a guest Sunday at the McKinney lie had threshed this year. This m ates of Mr. Seus. and Rev. Louis dome is the first time in the history of Debis. all of Cloflin tsh trtw q m ith was auite ill th e community th a t any c r e w Mr. and Mrs W alter Galloway Mias Shirley S n u th was quite Ul other th an L. T. F in ig an s h a s and daughter Aleda of Corvallis last week, following a tonsil oper- threshed this entire neighborhood, visited his sister. Mrs. George P ad- ation F inigans first thresher was o p - gett. over th e week-end They also Miss Tillie Hoffman is vacatlon- erated by horsepower. visited hts sister. Mrs Ruby Estepp in? a t Rockaway. Pleasant View Community club and m other Mrs Galloway of Mfs Edith stew art and her sister, held itts second picnic and swim- Hillsboro Mi Galloway attended . . j E Jarvls of Sacram ento, tiling pa. ty a t San Salvador beach the engineers convention a t Bonne- ,h(j vlajtlni, here, arrived home Sunday. About 30 attended. | ville Saturday th e first of the week from a few Buford Deford accompanied by Mrs. Sherburne Spellbnnk o f ihe Misses June and Harncv Hoi- Forest Grove spent a few da», a s com of Scholls and Don Wolfe o f week with her aunt, Mrs. Lily H an- Ohio m ade a trip around the M t.) ley. COFFEE CURRY’S GROCERY RAND MARKET "The Best to Eat” Q u ality and P rice X R O X SV S- 8 c 5c ?bo , b - STEA K S Round, Sirloin, Rib Lb. 1 2 lc Shortening 2 ,b. 9c Bacon Squares Lb.......................... 15C 17c Fri., Sat., Mon. S p ecials FLOUR SO A P Palmolive. TOMATO Jl K n ig h t’s I^irg e 2r„ 25c .93 Pork & Beans A rm o u r’s L a rg e 2 1/» ca n s. 2 a,, 19c CHEESE Extra quality. A g ed ju s t r ig h t! 2 a.. 29c < !omplet< C o m p le te Q u a rts 65c D ozer 1 27c MACARONI Ì 75c D ozen 10 6c 59c 16c 9c -lb. box 3 SALAD OIL Bulk. Per quart GRAPE-NUT FLAKES. 2 pkg». CERTO 2 bottles for IVORY FLAKES CLOROX Large bottle. 2 for ZEE TISSUE 6 rolls DOG FOOD 4 cans MILK G o ld e n K ey o r Ml. V ern o n . 3 can» VINEGAR 10 g ra in , fo r p ick lin g . £7 J 4 1 / L PA R SO A P G ood in h art! OS/* w a te r. A lO V z M a p le L eaf. F a n c y h a r d w h e a t. £ Y £7 H IG H 5 b a rs T E ST . M illed by D in n e r Bell. R eg. 15c. PEPPER '^ 4-oz. 7 .0 9C KEROSENE G allon 15c 21c T r y its ric h , m ello w fla v o r. H igh te t< s t. pT/^p Ivl.V /13 F g ra a n in c y . , long cocoa KRUCHEK’S KASH GROCERY F ree D elivery P hone 2001 a. 14c 12c A tte n d th e W a sh in g to n C o u n ty F a ir in H illsb o ro A u g u s t 30, 31, a n d S e p te m b e r 1. Attend tlie W ashington County F air August 30, 31, and September I. w ?c HOT W EA TH ER ITEMS SLICED BEEF— Reg. 15c ja r . Each SH R IM P — F a n c y S o u th e rn . C an 10c 10c C O R N E D B E E F — A trm rm o u r r’s 's Best. ml can s A 25c D E V IL E D M E A T — F o r ta s ty s a n d w ic h e s . can s JL m U f" V 1 z-lb., 37c 2 lbs. SPAGHETTI 3 cans TOMATOES 4 black 19c 25c 17c 5c 2 lbs. ATI END the W ashington Goiihty Fair la Hllloboro August 30. 31, and Hcptcmber 1 | g -lb. P r u n e d rie rs , n o tic e y o u r sa v in g 72c MARGARINE F re sh . SA L A D O IL B est, b u lk . Q uart 1 lb., black R a g sd a le , im ita tio n . 4-oz. bottle Will not bake out HC Pound G allon 18c 19c 45c 24c 27c 25c 19c 17c 19c Lipton Tea T a sty , fu ll c re a m . 20c a ,. X VANILLA CHEESE F o r s u m m e r s a la d s . P ig g ly W ig g ly 11 aril w h e a t .65 49 lbs. lb . j a r 3 0 C F ra n c o A m e ric a n . P IM 1E N T O S D ro m e d a ry . 4-oz. can ■ COFFEE A irm a il. 50c P in ts S U N T E X . S p e c ia l. B L E A C H Large 21-oz. bottle CO RN FLAKES Corn riakl'” “l S A L A D O IL Q U u:rtveectabl''. P E A N U T BU TTER iZ!dOT""d' GROCERIES P illsb u ry . 4S-lb. bag MASON JA R S COFFEE P hone 771 S p ecia ls Friday and Saturday, A u gu st 24 and 25 BEEF P rices E ffectiv e F riday, Saturday and M onday, z\ugust 24, 25, 27 F airw ay Blend M a rk e t a d v a n c in g , buy n ow ! Lb. 3 lbs. FLOUR $4 (io ltle n W est Pkg. ITO VI Bird 17c Friday and Saturday Only McFall Jersey Dairy M arket 1 PERFECTION BAKERY DRINK F a ir w a y 612 Y O U N G ’S RUSHLOW I hone ! ! • ! and 1 ffz s' — E D ’S M A R K E T In r e a r of P iggly W iggly S to re Q U A LITY MEAT. Sp ecials for S aturday, A ug. 25 BOILING BEEF Pound 6C BEEF STEAK Round or Sirloin 15c SHORTENING POT ROAST V eg eta b le B eef. C 3 lbs. 25c Steer Pound «z l/* Vz G R O U N D B E E F, Lb. FR E E D E L IV E R Y Pound 10c PH O N E 3131