The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 23, 1934, Page 10, Image 10

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    T H E
Page Ten
H I L L S H O K t)
Special prizes are being offered
again this year to canning club
members by the Ball M an u tad u r- ,
mg company and the Kerr Glass
M anufacturing company.
Judges for the event» in Ute
girls divisions »ill be Muss Helen
Cowgill ci Corvallis, assistant state
Enforcem ent of the regulation
4-H club leader, and Mis Blanche recently adopted by th e Oregon
S tate Board of H ealth regarding the
Bride ot Hillsboro
arc m
of- - sterilization of dishea and utensils
Premiums totaling * $100
tw are
datrv animals He started with but fered contestants in the Future used in public eating places »til be
one and has increased this so th a t F anners' competitions These wiU made in this county, according to
he now owns five head George oe given for exhibits in shop work. Dr j b Dinsmore, county health
iiarklev" of Forest Grove is another crops, livestock and combination officer. Violations of these regula-
clubber who. five years ago. showed projects, livestock exhibits and stock turns constitute a legal offense and
if continued
a little heifer a t th e county fair judging contests.
------ wilfully
...^ may
— , result
. . . . . in
for the first time as a senior calf.
Members of county health clubs the revocation of license and pun-
Thia year he will be back again with » ill be examined by count} plrysi- tshm ent by fine or imprisonment
the same animal, only this
tim e cians atxi dentists during the fan
Anyone aware of such violation
she will
bi’ a five-year-old cow. mid awards will be given to the js urged to report directly to the
with two of her daughters and a boy and girl making the greatest s ta te Board o t H ealth. Oregon build-
improvement during the past year.
Portland, or io the county
Demonstrations and judging teams This work will be given tin health officer. Hillsboro
The following ts a copy of the
will vie for honors during the direction ol Miss Margaret Dixon,
agulation as adopted June 30. 1934
three-day session in addition to the county health nurse.
"All cups, dishes, spoons, knives.
livestock exhibits. Last year demon­
forks and other eating mid kitchen
stration team s from this county in
utensils in public eating places.
both livestock and crops won first
must after using be thoroughly
places a t the state fair and one
with soap mid w ater having
of them represented the slate at
a tem perature above 130 degrees
the competition with other states at
(Continued from pa^e II
tlxr Pacific International Livestock eight-years old. 1289. 696; mid Fahrenheit, and rinsed in clean
show in Portland. Increased com- Fairview s Farms. Troutdale. No 101, water All mugs, steins, or glasses
used for serving beverages must
petition and interest in this demon- ¿..‘,"(’.'('¿ ,¿ ¿ .“1
■in. nine-years old. 1819. be washed and sterilized in boiling
« ra tio n work ts anticipated this g 8“1
year and former winners ate p.ui.-
Four highest four-veer old cows water or rinsed in clean water eon-
ntng to duplicate their successes HCre. Mrs lhom as w illiam s' "Pol- taintng at least 25 p arts per million
of available chlorine.”
of last year if possible
Iv 2 at Forest Grove, registered
Special emphasis is placed on this
One additional attraction to j vrsey 982 til g . David Hagg
dairy call club members Hits }eai
Sail} 12 j ; Reedville, grade because of the prevalence of trench
is the "Calf M inna
tr >'PhV 1 ) 1 Jersey. Ii)i9. 58. Albert G reeners mouth (Vincent's -Angina', and be­
sented by the C arnation Milk com-
Hillsboro, grade Jersey. cause it is hoped th at such pre­
pane This cup will be presented 1202. 57.6; mid J. C. Mark estate s cautions may to some extent limit
to the club having the best herds- Betty " a t Aurora, registered J e r­ the spread of all diseases th at may
be transm itted from mouth to
m anship record at th e end of the sey, 1162. 54.6.
mouth. A p artial list of diseases
fair Keen competition is expected
Five highest three-year old cows th at may be spread in this m anner
t h is
event Clubs will all be were; Fairview Farm s' No. 116.
State Health
Law Enforced
Club Events
to F e a tu r e
Countv Fair
County Dairy H erds
Score H igh in Test
ing demonstrations and the pres-
entation of trophies will all take
place at the show grounds.
Schedule Listed
Schedule for the livestock and
crops section will be about as fol-
lows’ Thursday—Livestock, crops.
poultry and rabbit judging con-
__ ay — Judging of stock,
tests. ' F rid
crops handicraft and forestry pro-
iecL judging
Judging ot crops an d m is-
oellaneous demonstrations, show-
manship, hogs, sheep and goats.
Saturday — Showmanship of cattle,
livestock demonstrations, judging ot
club fitting, and award ot the
C arnation cup and the Sperry Flour
trophy. Judges will be S. B. Hall,
county agent of M ultnom ah county
S T L e ^ - 1 M ^ ^ = i Voumy'
agent, ot Clackamas county.
Roberlscn & g ^ ' , joe." 1091. 56 7;
Du,k ^ J o n g 's "Betty at Ani-
ity grade Holstein. 1492. 55.3
Five highest two-year old cows
were: John H Fick's Little." regis-
tered Jersey. 933. 73 7; David Hagg
At Sons' Bell 14
grade Jersey,
948. 60.6; Fairview Farm s No. D618,
grade Holstein. 1292, 59 4; John H
F ick s No 30. registered Jersey. 886
58.4 and
Bros.' No. 16.
J Connell
registered Holstein 1612. 56.4.
County ra ir Opens
Here on Thursday
(C o n tin u e d fro m paite 1)
A R G U S .
land General Electric Co, Fairway
Market IM ol-Gardner Lumber C o.
Perfection Bakery i$2 cake1, and
tt P W club icasli' C arnation
company is git mg a ease of baby
A M u lt ' dog show is being sjion-
•'»wed again tins year by the Hills­
boro notary club Prises not to
exceed 50 cents ui cash or m erchan­
dise will be given by individual
members. »Inch are being arranged
by Richard E Wiley, president.
Prizes will be given to girl and boy
owners in the following classes.
Blackest dog. whitest dog. cleanest
d‘'K- dirtiest dog. largest dog. , sniall-
>'st dog. longest haired dog. sliortest
haired dog. best dressed dog.. beet
tuck dog. moat unusual dog. long­
est dog. shortest dog. longest e a r­
ed dog. shortest tailed dog. C om m it­
tee includes W Verne McKinney.
M H Stevenson and C 11 Nosier.
Some of the finest bulbs ever
shown here will be a part of the
floral exhibit, which is in charge
of Mrs Robert W arreus of Gales
C reek H illsb o ro and Forest Grove
garden clubs are co-operating in
securing floral exhibits
Fair Board in Charge
The fair is being run under the
direction of the county fair board,
which is made up as follows: R M
Banks of Banks. president. C. Il
Minton, vice-president and manager,
and H T. Hesse of Scholls, treasur-
er. M rs. Ed. L Moore of Hillsboro
>■' acting secretary. D epartm ent
heiuLs are as follows Banks, live­
stock. Hesse, grange exhibits, farm
crops mid horticulture. G It Kraus.
Hillsboro, 4-H clubs; L. F Francis,
Hillsboro. 4-H livestock clubs; Mrs
Warrens, floral; Mrs Elizabeth
\m e e n t. Tigard, domestic art. and
Mrs M C. McKereher. Beaverton.
domestic science.
This is the first year th a t M in­
ton has served as manager, although
he has been on the fair board for
years. George L. Woodworth of
Hillsboro was m anager the first
year the fair was held here after
many years without a county fair
T hat was in 1925. F. L. Brown of
Laurel was m anager in 1926. 1927
mid 1928, while Ed. L. Moore of
Hillsboro served m tliat capacity in
1929, 1930 mid 1931.
First aid booth is planned at the
1 iiU"r "' bv""the~ W ashington “ County
Public H
H ealth
ealth association
association. H
H ealth
literature will also be displayed.
test. All union members are urged
to bring well filled baskets for the
picnic dinner, which will be at 12.
followed by a program of music and
addresses. Laurel orchestra will play
and the West Union unit will tu rn -
ish aecordian music. G W. P o tts
ot Jefferson, state president, has
been invited to speak Cedar Mill
Divorce Suit Filed
mid Blooming unit ball team s will
Limpus vs. W il­
< pIay in the uit^fhoon for the cham - bur Litnpus—Neva
ptonslup. Harry Hanson of Bethany
Jones vs. Ruby
is in charge ot arrangem ents.
B Jones.
Saturday. Septem ber 1. is grange
da>“ »“¿d" htclud?»“ 3 ' ^
H IL L S B O R O ,
F orger Gets
Pen Sentence
Exhibits Planned
«- “
WbiU aiU denior^ratto iis w h l^ak e
4UPH ^ b & ' X
£ a r% Z £ £
e ^ s w t r to S i L t u e s ^ ^ u T h ^ r t l ^ e o u m v ^ r ? ^ ’^ '
PrObably the burning does get dl[e ’ an V te re s t i n 't h e i r boS hs
* ’
h “rd
In su ran ce
C a r a n d T r u c k T ir e s
This store will be open nights and a p art
of Sundays.
is t h e D u b o n n e t
a s f o u n d on
C A R S Hominy
S p e c ia l s f o r A u g u s t 2 4 a n d 2 5
B O U G H T and SO LD
Red & W hite
E ssex S ed a n
Owner Satisfaction
is gradually proving the su­
periority of this spring type
in the light car class. The
reasons are made plain in
our dem onstration.
are busy these days in our
shop. "G enuine” parts sup­
ply, expert work, is the re a ­
sboro MotorCo.
r o le t
id W a s h .
O ld s m o b ile
P h on e 441
C h e v r o le t C o u p e
M o d el A F ord C ou p e
F ord T o n T ru ck
A gency
W il ly s 7 7
G a s - O il - A c c e s s o r i e s
P o lis h e d
Used Car Exchange
A g e n c y fo r N a sh a n d
H u d s o n a n d T e r r a p la n e
2nd and W a sh .
P h on e 2641
B u r n e t t ’s R e a d y
M ix
F r u its fo r
Red & W hite
2 fo r
2 i b . .......................
Grape Juice
R ed &
l’ b o n e 171
Mv Coll
»'SB I
I .*•»! i olor
r i C I \ |s , yard I t J V
//¿ ■ G ,//
$ 1 .9 8
/ ,
/ u ,„ .
Boys' - G irls'
McColl has tha d r jnv ; u ,1 want te uvr i. r th e .0 small co t­
ton ensemble', o n j wn have the cottons. A dollar or oven
less pays for the fabru , . . while a few hours a t the sowing
macnino makos thorn. M cC all’s note I for ifj simple to follow
pattorn which puts so much joy in* > sewin.j.
and oxfords, lilaek and
bi-own. Sizes up to 2.
Boys' Solid
Heavy Shoes
For school a n d rough
w ear. A special lot, in­
cluding extra sizes f o r
big boys and men.
On Sale
No Extra Cost for “ Golden
Ply” Blow-out Protection
r r ’HlS new Goodrich Silvcrtown
with the Golden Ply may savo
your life. The Golden Ply resists in-
araal heat—Cha gn at, «nanen eanaa
•f blow-out». Sllvertowns with this
amazing invention lasted 3 times
as long in gruelling high-speed teats.
And it will certainly saveyou money
w ith its m onths o t ex tra miles.
Extra safety! Extra mileage! Yet
Silvertowna don't co«t a penny more
than other standard tires. Look —
$ 1 .9 8
Boys’ Schotvl Cords
Cam pus cut with wide
bottoms. Cream and ele­
ph an t colors. Sizes to LS
years. S p e c ia l , p e r p a ir
$ 1 .9 8
Boys’ Overalls
the wonder stocking BI F lf lf I
Trade Mart It»« I' ■ |*a| << -IM r»«4<a«
Gartor-bumpi are ou t. . . new free­
dom is In . . . with this perfect mod­
ern stocking. KNEE-HIGH roaches
just to the knee and has Its own
knit-in garter of Lastex. Imagine
its cool comfort—and smart econ-
omxl ,n clear chiffon . ■
and !»Hc
$«oI of CortlBod
Qoollty . . .
Fabric« Tottine Bwrea«
20 F R E E
Blue denim bibs. Sizes I
to 18 years. Also boys’
Slip-over Sw eaters it n d
Blue C ham bray School
Shirts. Special
T o 20 persons estim a tin g the nearest num ber of yards o f se w ­
ing thread used in m aking the big pair o f Lee O veralls. Get
entry blanks and see this big overall at Weil’s store now, or at
Weil’s booth at the Fair grounds August 30, 31, and Sept. 1.
Entry blanks must he brought or mailed to Weil’s Department
Store on or before Saturday night, September 1.
C o m m a n d e r L in e
4 50-20
1.7# 19
5 00-19
5.25-18 ...............
3.50-30 ..............
3.50-30 Tubes
5 .1 3
5 .4 5
6 .0 3
3 .9 6
1 .0 0
S u n s h in e K r is p y
1 1 5 2 2 n d S».
Elk uppers and “ Kiltie”
tongues. All sizes f o r
grow ing girls. Special
Money Saving Price» on the
< .tu f ln a n i r vo u r m - u r a n , r |irc
iiilu u i' «li a n itm lld v basi*.
Prize-Lee’s best quality Jelt Den­
im Men’s Overall,
S econd P rize - Lee’s best quality Jelt
Denim Men’s Waist Overall.
Third Prize-Lee’s No. 131 high grade
Men’s Overall.
Fourth Prize-Lee’s best quality Men’s
F ifth P rize - Lee’s best quality Boys’
Pow der
Red & W hite
R en i li s t a t e n in i
In su ra n ce
Girls’ Brogues
Come in for a
dem onstration.
C ars W a s h e d
S îlv e r t o w n
E. A.
Fust colors that wash and
fine weaves thiit w e a r.
Well made a n d neatly
trim m ed. Special
L ip t o n ’s Y . L.
2 fo r
P o n t ia c C o u p e
Same W eil's quulit.v ill a
bigger assortm ent t h i s
vear Special, pair
G o o d r ic h
J. 1;. Pccrcnboom
is iinvv iis s n c in lc tl vvith liti.»
n lììc e
III III»' R e n i E.alut«'
business a m i vvill u n p re c iu te
m c i'lin g b is u b i lì'ie m ls iie ro .
Girls' School
Hillsboro MotorCo. THIS TIRE
Prom pt Service . . .
1 VVisli to
A N N <> U N C E
.»• ’ f
Stockings and
J I-' PeeienlH tom Is now a.'.«s lat -
etl w ith E A G riffith III t h e le a l
e .l .d e b u sin e ss tai S e c o n d s t r e e t
lie hit . Iteen w ill) W O < la ta w a v
(or a m im lM i of y e a ts
at Washington County’s Largest Dept Store
4th Position
Powers Grocery
l*«'ei('n iitton i in ( i t i l l i l h
R e a l I.s ta to lliis in e a »
School Clothes and Shoes
ing to Mrs. Zola Morgan, assistant need t o p weather in which to
, ..,.„..nd
leader of W ashmgton county home hatch mto aduU fUes They wdl
s b ^ '-
in N a t io n a l S a le s
economics clubs. Approximately 300 rem a,n ^5 they now
until Ue and Professional Women s c'ub will
exhibits are expected representing get tha; damp weather When our ™
™ D £ ‘¿ . „ tember
the activities of girls 4-H clubs faU rain> begln and the needed
“ ‘r a t te d ire beuic rn^de a ^ th e
during the past year
moisture is supplied, these larvae ,
Exhibits to be displayed will con- hatch mto adult Lies which begin
‘^ t r an™ s a i the 4-H
sist of projects in six divisions of to lay eggs. w h en their egg-laying ’ “ ^ . e atgf he f ^ r grounds All
sewing, tour divisions ot cooking, is completed the Hessian fly dies
ottice at tne tm r grounds. A l l
is the sensational car of
twins and triplets are urged to
three divisions of canning, and regardless o t weather conditions. register
and make th is a big event.
room improvement. Clothing clubs say those entymologtsts who have The followin
this year.
III. IV and V will have th eir dis- studied the life cycle of this Insect.
ngJ '
prizes of * -
plays on the east side of building
In w hat m ight be term ed norm al merchandise
G e n e r a l M o to r s ’
while sewing projects I and II will seasons, th a t is when we have Argus, Goar's Woman's Shop. Les­
be shown on west side of th e dis- our usual normal fall rains, Hessian ter Ireland & Co.. Powers Grocery.
H y d r a u lic B r a k e C a r
play room. Cooking displays will be fly larvae will have developed into macy. Ray-M aling cannery' Co.. |
placed on tables in the center aisle adults ar.d their egg-laying will Weils Store. Delta Drug Store.
has so many features ot
and canning projects in th e n o rth - usually be completed by th e 18th V netian Theatre. Commercial N a­
east corner of the building. Sewing of October. This m eans th a t 01- tional Bank (cash), First National
superiority .
and canning projects will be in dinanly by delaying seeding of fall Banks 'c a s h ', J. C. Penney Co., most popular styling, and
place next Tuesday evening and be wheat until about th at time o n e C.
C. Store. Palm Drug Store. Hills- i an am azingly lo w p r ic e
judged Wednesday, while cooking may be reasonably certain th at
Meat Market. Fred's Superior
exhibits will not be in place until Hessian fly damage may be pre- boro
for a car of its size anti
the opening morning of th e fair.
vented. One of the best ways of Market. Selfridge Bros. F urniture class.
Demonstrations by girls in sew- fighting Hessian fly is to plow lin­
____ Grocery, Gakes Grocery. Port-
ing, cooking, canning and home- der all wheat stubble as soon as t h e ry's
making clubs and the home «con- ground 1» ready for plowing and _
to call for a dem onstra­
omics judging contest will be held work it down to a good seed bed. L fC ftfl D o c t o r 11 f i l l s
tion. We wish more peo­
on the stage at the south end o£ Wherever possible a l l vounteer
the 4-H club building. These con- w heat should be destroyed by disk-
S lO I I K tC n
ple to realize the merits
tests have attracted considerable a t- ing or plowing, and it is advisable
a w u r d sto ry is told nr a wm 1 » D
l e a d in g n e w
irb of this
tentlon in past years and will be to not p lant wheat back onto the
sofrrini* fvSrs,,'a-5rVhi
i model, w hether in t h e
conducted during the three days of same ground th a t had w heat on created a p re s c rip tio n fo r stomach ,‘1
the event.
it the past season. In a norm al *cld stonach, gas pains, he a rtb u rn i n d i - 1 m arket to buy or not.
Highlights of the girls' program fall season by delaying planting
when*ciSedelfcyniicMs'1 2J5' n
will be the style dress revue and until alte r October 15. we should the gomi duetor died. B u t hia nam e t,r,.,. h t
the dollar dinner contest. In the not have any appreciable damage fjne a fte r death as one user to ld an -t
first event, girls in sewing III will from Hessian fly in the fall grain Jfx h ' eJ i L iU^^Srefui'11
model clothing made by themselves crop next season. The reason the w ritte n l « t e r , ' t e i i l i t ol’ i h e f r 'r w v e r i '- w
IAMFS W niTELA W Manacrr
W inners will be determined in the reverse was true the past eason tm » p re s c rip tio n ta now know n to h u n . ir . d i
• • -
. . .
following divisions: Wash dress or was tliat the Hessian fly infestat;on «„¿aeh’ m
e r i i . 111 3 rtj a n j W a s h .
P h o n e 441
suit for school; wool, silk or rayon cx'-urred in late February and early
V r X w X
. e-u
1 .
dress or suit for school; best dress. March ra th e r th an in tlie tall and Bldg. st. P a ul M in n The leeen d » t t r i a l
O l d s a n d C h e v r o le t
wool, cotton, silk or rayon: and was due to the extremely mild back r u r a n u e o f s k U tT tc tlo n by * “ "n,y
informal party dress. First place winter which resulted in the Hes-
H illn b o ro P h a rm a ry
winners in each of these divisions sian fly hatching out in the spring
will be given a free trip to the about two or three m onths earlier
state fair to exhibit their costumes, th an usual. O rdinarily when this
Competition in the dollar dinner spring brood comes ou t the grain
contest is open to any girl in a ls so f* r along th a t they do not j
cooking club. Under the rules of do any damage.
the contest, each girl is required to
provide, prepare and serve dinner L o c a l C a r n a tio n P la n t
for four persons a t a cost not to
a j j
t c mt
» d
exceed $1. The work must be ac-
A d d s 1 5 M e n to P a y r o ll
complished within a period of three
Increased operations a t th e local
C arnation condensery resulted in
Winners in demonstrations, judg-
addition of 15 men to the pay­
ing contests, dress revues and dol- ro^ during the past week. The
lar dinner contest will be sent to P*a n t is now taking surplus milk
M A IN 81
the state fair. Exhibit« Winning the irom P ortland and was busy sev-
first five places in each division
last week ^ ^ n g ship-
will also be sent to the state event, merits.
D is t in c tly
of not g u ilty to a ll th r e e a n d th e W illiam A S m llli .'iep lem lx 'r 21
tr ia l d a t e w as set lo r S e p te m b e r 14. F n a l C S d t o n i s J
II l l u l d l .
Apiwal from the decision ol the S eptem lH ’t 22. M is It c Bolt's Vs
S lat* ' I n d u s tr ia l Accident commis­ A il JopiM'l S e p le m lte r 24 a n d 2a,
sion ret using him compensation was W C s iu m lx i v Ila 1 n o d d in g ,
tiled here Saturday by John J executrix, S ip ie m lie r 26. A II
llanel The plaintiff alleged Unit Mllev v l>dl.i llo d le i d vlr. S e p ­
he silt (cred a broken hip January te m b e r 27. a n d V i m u A nlel vs.
22 when he fell from a liuldei while R e n e A rdeel St plemlM t "II
re wiling I'ted.. M arket In Hills
O rd e rs m th e I llowing t in m l
boro The commission refused him co u rt rasi". » e r e e s u e tl tills week
compensation on the grounds that II W I’rle k e lt tiilm ini a r a to i vs
lie was not working under t h e S a n f o rd g llo g c is et ux tlism L sa l;
w orkm ens compensation a d . lie E ag le I,um bel Vartl . v . IX'Ifl A
declared in hi» complain! He asks Roimmg d e lim it Ju d g m e n t. S ta le
Unit a Jury determ ine whether or lin lii .il lal A n lileel . timmls.'.liui V".
not lie was Injured. It he was work­ F in e s t 1 Tin k e i . ilel.m lt Ju d g m e n t; A ccident t o m m ls-
ing under the compensation act s t a n l e vs liitltis
I'ra n k F K ln n ci et al. tie
and the am ount ot tem porary total slo
Itiull. Ju d g m e n t. F la n k II R eeves
disability a n d perm anent partial v . latsl P ark e o ilflrm a llo n of s a le .
S ta le ol O reg o n W orld W ar V et­
Trial calender for the m onth of e ra n » ' S ta le Aitl t'om im .'.'ion
September was Issued Baturduy by F lu n k J D letseh el al. to iillr m u -
Circuit Judge George R llaglev. llo n ol sa le. U n ited S t a l e . N tilit'm il
Cases on the docket are as follows: h an k v s E dw in I But h a n m i e t al.
Stale vs Jam es II Jack, Septem ­ d e c re e , a n d 1» Shaw vs. Cl. F
ber lb. State vs J. F Murphy. S h a w o rd e r
P ro b a te o rd e rs were Issued In the
September II. R P lauidauer et ill
vs Jam es Dixon. Septem ber 12; e s ta te s ot N l l l i i t l i g P e le r IX 'th -
J o lm M a in la n d G eo rg i' S u s
S late vs Joseph Powell September
Aj ip legale. I*' I-'
13. S tate vs. J W Heard. Septem- b a u e r. C la rk so n II W
ilk in so n R u th
Kmuer. Fveretl W
ih - i 14 Margaret Drake vs. Hudson-
Rice, J u lin C
S eek er. E lm e r I
D unean A- eompaii}. September 17 D t'lla a n . F in ery A lplieus S le w a rt
mid 18 C C Edwards v,s Oregon a n d R u th W a g n e r
G u a r d ia n -lilp
Electric Railway company. Septem ­ o n le r s w ere issued to r M rs F a il
Sentences of two years each in
the state penitentiary were meted
out Thursday to Rufus V. Ervin,
alias S S McCue, o f Auburn,
Auburn. Wa.-h when h<- plead guilty
to Indictment.' ot issuing a forged
check and obtaining gixxls under
false pretense». The two prison
term s will run concurrently. He
was taken to the penitentiary Bat
urday morning
Frank LX>re of EMre.'t Grove w as
sentenced to six mouths in the
county jail liiursda} when tie plead
guilty to a charge of contributing
to the delinquency of a minor A
grand jury indictment charging
rape was waiuxi
Fine of 1500 mid sentence of six
m onths m tlte county Jail w a s
metod out to J. P Thom as o I
Busby. M ont. Saturday when he
plead guilt} before Judge Bagley
to au lntorm ation charging driving
while intoxicated Cjs'ii payment
of $250 tie was paroled on the Jail
sentence and the balance of ttie
Louis It Holt of Hillsboro Was ber 19 and 20. John 11 Hulett Vs. Rtlev
arraigned Saturday on an Indict­
ment ot non-support and entered
a plea of not guilty 1 J M iller
ot Portland was arraigned the sam e
day on a driving while drunk in ­
dictment and was given until M on­
day to in te r a plea
j. W Heard of llazeldale was
arraigned in the circuit c o u r t
Thursday o n t h r e e indictm ents
charging forgery. He entered p le a s
Status of Production
Control i Plans Z“»*
(Continued from pa^re 1)
Tliui'.'dny. Alignai 2.1, I9.'l|
W h it e
Many other items specially priced for Friday and
Saturday. These prices good A ugust 24 - 25 only.
I V o r tl
r» ir N » w / / »
Sixth P r iz e -A “ Bud­
dy Lee’’ Doll dressed
in Lee Overalls.
O n ly S ilv e r t o w n D e a le r
S eventh to T w en tieth
Hillsboro MotorCo.
C h e v r o le t a n d O ld s m o b ile
3 rd and
W a sh .
P h o n e 441
OLDSMOBILE "Style le a d e r”
-A pair of Lee Doll
T h e s e P r iz e s a r e F R E E
N o P u rch a se N ecessa ry .
H ills b o r o
O regon