*■ County Fair Aug. 30-31, Sept. 1 ©•Pisto i „ " ~ i . - Á » ■?> f ' ' : - County Fair Aug. 30-3C Sept. 1 With Which is Combined the II llsboro Independent I1L1SBORO. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1934 V< »1.1 LME 11 : S ta te C a p ito l ' N e w s L e tte r I, I N I I II R C K Meier Toying with Iden ■ >l Entering knee l’or Governor. S' 'Al.FM 'S Meter Announcement thul Juliu.*» Is u k h U i Loylnu w ith Uie N O . 27 County Fair Opens Thursday 4"H Exhibits Show Year’s Club Events to Feature County Fair Members County Fair Foard . dbllit . <•! « nh niT th e guIxTil.t iTiiUil i.t. i a ,i , g n c le d In political c Ire I on w ith varying reactions. T o Milne th e notion ap p eals as the best political Joke (if tlie 1934 .season O th e rs lak e the a n n o u n ce ­ m ent m ore seriously and see in llie governor's a ttitu d e a chance (or plenty of coin pin allot ls W hile the governor adm it* tluit la* la being " u rg e d ' to run. the e x te n t of th e d etnund Is heavily discounted by political observer*. No R e c o rd E x h ib its A n t ic ip a t e d doubt th e re a re those am ong bis f o r T h r e e - D n y S h o w in g to uppotntees who are en<*>uragmg the Vacation Period Nearly Over for Countv Students ^ree G atc E x p e c te d to A ttra ct Large Crowds—O p en in g D ay for C ounty Children Fall Ballot Plans Made G range and U n io n Plan B ig Tim e by Parties Milkmaid Contest, Twin ’’Round-Up’’ and Vacation days will soon be over for chili ren of school age In Wosh- | lngton county, according to a list of ofxiilng dates for more than half ot the county schools as re- leased by O B Kraus, superintend- ---------------- ent. .‘.1, o | the gehool., Iiavt •lei o ■ nilxr 10 a s t h e open- P ro g re s s iv e C o n v e n tio n Set lng day, while a num ber of others f o r F r id a y N ig h t G r a n g e have chosen the following Monday Annual W ashington county fair will open here next to open school doors. T hursday morning for a three-day period with a free gate. Idea as tlie only chance to hang H a l l in H ills b o r o S t a r t on T h u r s d a y Six elementary schools and Banks on t<> their Job* O thers would no The free admission is a change of policy from other years high school tiave selected Labor doubt like to luuidle a generously and is expected to result in a record attendance from all Day as the first day of school and financed camimign such as tlie ------------------------------------ ♦sections of the county Band con- seven grade schools will open the governor could In* expected to stagr. . | certs by a W ashington county band following day. September 10 was _________ In add itio n to O a se m ercenaries and dancing every night will be selected by 37 schools and Beptem- there are no doubt many sincere ■ . .............. . o enjoyed. adm irers of tlie governor who are ^ 2 7 ? ’ V i i Xi 2 he,,l l S t i t i r 1 C o u n ty R e p u b lic a n C e n t r a l Everything is ln readiness for the to open will be Reedville on Sep- convinced th a t h r ha.*, done a good G ir ls ’ a n d F u t u r e F a r m e r s ’ I reopening of the county fair, after tember 24 To date 57 out of 104 Job a n d slum ld be retain ed for an - G r o u p to M e e t T u e s d a y I a two-year layoff due to lack ot P la n n in g M a n y D is p la y s elem entary schools and four out of other trrtn funds, on as big or bigger scale five union high schools have re- lint It 1» generally suspected Unit th an evei. according to C D. Min­ ported Convention of progressives a t the much of tin* “urge" coinrs from ton, manager. Buildings have been Competitive event» for 4-H club Opening dates are as follows; G range hall Friday evening for the within tlw governor» own being mid Il M Banks ot Banks and H T Hesse of Scholl», president and treas­ renovated and cleaned an d the Future F arm er members, p er­ September 3—Centerville. K inton, purpose of endorsing or nom inat- and lhul the "exclusive Interview" haps Hie m ajor feature of t h e urer, respectively of Hu- Wa»hmgton county fair board C U. Minton grounds put in good shape. announcing tlie boom was merely W ashington county fa ir to be held of Forest Grove :*. U n -president of tlie board and manager of the Hlllside, Iowa Hill. Buxton. S tras- mg progressive candidates for coun­ Exhibits Headline Made sel. Banks high school. ty legislative offices will be the » tria l balloon sent aloft to te»l k *n ,tirMlay 1934 county fair All exhibits must be in place by September 4--Tigard, Hill. Bend, political highlight of the coming out the «Urretloi. a n d '«-U m ty of * tlday J und - Saturday, Halu„ Uyi wl„ „,,, 12 o'clock Wednesday night. Ju d g - Timber Heywood, G arden Home, week. L ast Friday night, members the political currents Tlie gover­ i ing starts a t 9 a. m Thursday. Ro«edale of the democratic central commit- iiv» p i* center of Interest la’Xt week for nor. ii it in 1» aiai»>i known, iiuiu.'i hurbors a ix dw ’ hundreds <»f county boys und girls I Premium lists were sent out th e September 10—W est Union, Cor- tee met in Hillsboro to formulate io ! » la . have p re,« red exhibits, di*- last of the week, listing cash award» nelius. Hillsboro, Dilley, Greenville, campaign plans for the coming tnaln In tlie political spot light Ills plays, judging contests und dem on- of $2.000 and nbbons. Scoggins Valley, Chapm an. Acad- election. renunciation of future political hon­ stm tlons i«»presenting activities of Thursday, the opening day of the • «r emy. anning, Beaver- rever xamrnu, m- n n , Miucueion. Middleton M Manning, Peter zauiunemum Zim m erm an ui of Yamhill, ln- ors. vui(<*d in a radio address last the pust year. This annual com- ' fair, will oe given over to children ton MounUlndale, Meacham. K an- dependent candidate for governor March when he definitely elm m uit- m easuring stick with 4-H club groups and F uture s sas City. Farmington. Wallace, Fir la understood to be included among ,sl himself as candidate for th e [n work quality Farm ers taking ar. active p art in Creek. Cedar Milts, Pleasant View., the speakers scheduled on th e pro- republican nomination is under* during tlie club year and a credit­ F o re s t G r o v e C o w s R a te d the program. Series of en tertain ­ New course In metal working and Carion Prickett Bald M ountain, gressive convention progam which stixal to liuvc been uuule very much able show ing ls a n tic ip a te d ment features will be held in the building construction will be of- Witch Hazel. Durham. Sherwood' is called for 8 p. m. Two weeks ago against his own personal inclina­ H ig h in S eco nd C lass O ne of th e largest 4-H club calf park auditorium under the direction fried thts year at Hilln for third- Cooper Mountain. Hiteon. Tigard a sim ilar group m et a t the Grange tion and in response only to the of O. B Kraus, county school super­ in tu ir nee of hbt physician, hb> bust- '*hou.*» ever held m the county 1 a year manual training students and union high school. Hillsboro union hall to consider the records of intendent. starting a t 2 p m. The nesfi assuefate» a n d m em bers of hkt a n tic ip a te d by I. E. Francis, m»- Washington county dairy lu id s approxim ately $325 worth of m etal high school. Forest Grove union legislative candidates backed b y slstan t county agent, who L s in iii^de a creditable showing in tin* program will open with band selec­ working equipment has been in- «hool. Firdale. T ualatin. Barnes the republican a n d democratic Inumuliat«* fam ily ch arg e of th e liv«*.sbxk u n d c ro p July report of the Yamhill- Wash- stalled Addition to the c o u r s e aiul Seth parties, bu' attendance was not tions by the W ashington county A n a man convinced UKainAt his M ore th an 70 head ol m gton H erd Im provem ent associ- vil! perm it Students to m ajor ln September 17 — Union, Leisyville. large enough to legally endorse any band, followed by an accordian solo will retain* the muuc opinion still. divLsion by Miss LaVelle Jackson of N orth mo tlie governor ha* retained the calves were blood tested by their ution. although they yielded the .udualrlul arts according to Maurice Mountaindale. C'ypole. Fern Hill, of the existing nominees or to during th e p ast week highest production honors to herds M homig instructor. Plains. Play. "The W edding,” will K<m Y«unhill county C t R obert- Work with wrought Iron, strap Mountain Home, Verboort, T hatch- C am paign O utlined umoiibMi und this spark liu.s been qualify In addition, several M)n s«,,, oj fo rest Orove ianki*d iron and sheet metal and con- er and Jacktown will act as m anager of the 1934 4-H club. Future Farm ers from Campaign plans of the democratic funned to a ww able glow by the competition September 24—Weedville party in W ashington county were county fair. Forest Grove will th en put on th ree recent visit to Portland of President other prospective entries are below first ln tlie ill vision for herds of struction of models of dwelling outlined here Friday night when features including a harm onica solo Uie age limit and do not need to , between 12 and 20 head while cows and farm buildings will be taken R oom * volt. affording a* it did an lx* tested. T he hog show will b,* as owtxxl by Wa.-lut g ton countv d airy - up in the course. Romig also ex­ by Jo h n M artin, an oration, "W hy members of the county central com­ opportunity for O m - ruh a chief ex­ large :v last year when a greater be a Farm er,” by R oland Hundley, mittee met a t the Wilkes Abstract ecutive to b.i»k in the ref levied nuinbei weie e n te red th a n ill auy men placed first in two out ol the pressed the hope th a t It would be and a yodeling solo by E rnest H er- company office. Short talks were possible for the class to construct popularity of tlx* nation s idol und tune Iti previous history of tlie ex- four age classes. ing The program will close w ith a given by eight party candidates. T lnn y -elg h t h a» were included a full sized building, such Os a to share with him In the plaudits p dance by pupils of th e S har­ Horace E. W alter ol Benton coun­ garage, during the term provided ting ot 922 cows, in the test, totu of an admiring m ultitude on th at »tieep I »hiltlt» Gain ed school under tlie direction ol ty, (undid..to far ^t-crctaxy state, 117 of vhich were dry. T o tal pro­ Home local person would provide 4 Mi.« i i-- .11. .1 .» M 'ss Olive Ga-,tor cwt . .uother ac- and J. W L eonhardt o f Union S h w p show will be another fea­ duct tor of milk lo r the m onth was the m aterial and take care of mov­ The c ity of lt«--4 to the site of C' rdmn solo by .tics Jackson. A county, candidate for state super- ture ol th e Uvesbxk section which 6301917 pounds and of butterfat ing the completed structure. B onneville tUin, Is expected to how iui increase 28.103.0 pounds Average production New course will be open only to C o u n ty B a n k s E x p e c te d to in te n d e n t of schools. att< ad a tht D e lin q u e n t T a x p a y e r s G iv e n short program of other activities fe Oovcrnor Meier. It .slumld be u n ­ this year. Most of tig also planned for children. session which was made up of coni- liuulaUon was 684 pounds of milk and 30 4» students having two years ot m an ­ til istood, t .11 belie«e > him • if to conies from th e 1-nre.t Grove - n o r t l :m e to C o m p ly F anners Union day is Friday, A d o p t F e d e ra l P ro g ra m m ltteem en from nearly every coun- N.i be Ju&t as |u»pular u& he was four ' mil bank slits*p project sponsored pounds of butterfat. A total ol 245 ual training Facilities have been ______ August 31. and an attendance of _____ ty precinct. County candidates in- provided fur 28 students and a full cows produced 4o pounds or more year, ut.o when h< s it* swept into . 600 or 700 Farm Union m em bers _. . ,, , eluded George M. Aitken of G ar- J o h n T h o rn b u rg h , president of butterfat. Gas has been signed up for the office by an overwhelming majority M ure th a n 30 e n trie s were m ade a t Countv taxpayers w i t h unpaid is expected by the committee In „ ail tt a-sluncton county banks ¿er. Home, nominee for state sen- , i - Honors for the high producing coming year. Ronug stated. of vote:», riding the crest of t h e h , r , Ixtnk show ou.d probably make loans under a tor; E. L. Ross of Hillsboro and ie .es for i ‘J30 und prior years will charge. H ighlight of the day will held in July a n d Uu* , , first te a r of the in d u stria l art* free-pouer-for-nothing wave a n d < of over 20 head w tit to Jo h n •ater p ail of » the.*,* a re expected herd -iirse at Hilhi i ; given over to a the federal Hoiking adm inistration j w Raymu-d oi Midway, candi- have but a short time to comply pe th e annual milkmaid contest H. Fick of W oodburn, whose herd chut In th e habiliment« of the late a be entered at the county fair. ambu .at ion of elem entary wood p.an as soon as specific regulations dates for state representatives; J w .th the law providing for install- sponsored by th e union a t 7:30 p. of 43 purebred Jersey .*. irodueed an George W J oh ph whose m iim * he A number of th e couiily 4-H average of 737 pounds t milk and urking and me ihanlcal drawing and forms are received was the ¡4 Vancierzanden of Roy, candidate ment paym ent of delinquent taxes m Friday. Entries from six um U assumed to espouse. In tills respect lull R. avcld foreclosure proceedings, have been made. Miss Sophia Jack - are planning t . o 38 ib pounds of , b ... u . tte . rfa , t , t « F Thret* c are offered this year • pm ion oi R J. Scearce. president for county commissioner; H. 1 o . . many political observers are con­ now members ol» 11 to fre.hm en first and , countv bai'*kers' association, Huson ot Cornelius, candidate for ° Russe11 Morgan, district a tto r- son of the Laurel-Scholls unit took m ore th a n one unltiuil th is , .. ... . . . vinced th a t tlie governor greatly year, whereas only u lew years ago Robertson A Son at Forest Grove and a n s t X ’ts la d Advanced ' ° llowtn« . » meeting Saturday to COU1I... surveyor; and Robert E. ney announced this morning. Sher- first p i^ e in the Iirst contest a overrates hlm.MlI und while even scarcely any livestock club boys were first In the division for herd. ot her discuss the program. The First B um s of orest Grove, Connell R oth -------» dairy — of ------------- Hillsboro First Burns of F Forest Grov>, candidate ------------- xil J . . is now preparing . vear ------ betw een 12 and 20 head w ith 19 ' u o rk a n d construction ot jqa tjo n a i !janlc of P o rtlan d . Hill.* hlM worst detractors are willing to entered more th an one uininal. ... is .. provided for second- ,u - . Jills- for county coroner. a ^ rtific a te of delinquency a n d Wiu furnish th e co»» lor the con- funiiture purebred Jersey rows producing an ,s u— j . , -------- - a s vvuuq w .u.re.. ------ -------- ----- concede him a sizeable slice of tlie Donald Johsv of Rock Creek, who ar students Metal work ls now i’? ro drau' h - h*a definitely adopted a letter’ from Congressman Charles foreclosure will start as soon as (Continued .m i»»« to. colum n») November vole .shoukl he divide to average of 759 pounds of milk and provide d for the third-vear and 50016 « h w h M artin, democratic nominee for this is complete against all p e r - ( Is com pleting h is seventh year of run. It is not felt Hint he could club work, intends to enter five 4196 pounds of butterfat. Ill tla- •he next step anticipated will be withholding decisions for governor, expressing his regret a t who ^ ave not Paid first* u n a b le w attend the m eet- ‘hree installments. win. especially in view of his def­ smaller division, eight purebred the *uistallat!on ol Z u l lathes ( Colit111 I | n i l l«>. r u lu n i ll 1 | Jerseys owned by Elmer Dietz ol and forges inite refusal to enter tlx primaries Houi ing adm inistration program was p ^ d jj}. w p Fisk cf Few persons have taken advan- and Ills delay until tlie eleventh Newberg produced an average ol Manual training courst« cost but ‘s , llte.d ®tates Sherwood, chairm an. tage of the law allowing delinquent' hour in making up his mind as to 933 pounds of milk and 48 07 little more th a n oilier high school J* , an\ ap,p , es t0 home Completion of the county repub- taxpayers to pay taxes for 1930 and pounds of butterfat just what he wanted to do c. urses and in some cases less, ac- u" “ ers ireait to repair, tm - h c a n central comm ittee orgatuza- prior years in 10 sem i-annual in Many argue Unit It would be I WO high cows in th e lest were cordu ROIUlg Book* for the or al,ter Von?TS’ buJnieSi' tion will be undertaken Tuesday a t stallm ents. according to Morgan. -------- owned by the Fairview Farm lU fresL.man year cost $1.30 and very t J), 5\RS or. farm G ildings. Loans g p m a t better for him to retire a t th e end local cham ber of Under the term s of the act, the Via Jack. 50. member of one of Troutdale and by John H Fick at feu of tiie student*' use more than of his present term comforted nraae to qualified persons mmmprrrf* Pnmmiffppmpn will h *» countv is ohliopH t*-» fnr(w«irwep r»r» Uw the oldest r»i pioneer families to W ash­ und consoled by tlita Illusion of u Woodburn "Number 116 a three- in am ounts ranging from $100 (Continued on page 4. column 4) property to all cases where three ington county, died unexpectedly n t the $1 deposit for materials. T lie , { tinustalned popularity than to put year old grade Jersey a t the Fair- $2000 on any one piece of sem i-annual installm ents are to The Dalles Wednesday afternoon. __ popularity ,___ . to . tlie __ test __________ I he sta le forester. Lynn F C rone- y„.tt Farm produced 1323 pounds second-year books cost $1.75 and property, or as much as $2000 on T — tilts a t tlie I (Continued on p*ge 4, column 2) arrears. If the first three install­ Mr. Jack had been to poor h ealth polls with Its prospect of defeat »'•'•«■r. I«*ued an order cloning down of lnl|g aI1(j 74 pounds of butterfat any one of a group of properties le r S C V C l U D S m ents are paid before the tax suit for several years and had been a t and bitter disillusionment ‘ll* wood« operations, such as log- during the month, while "Little. but not more than $10.000 10.000 on any — / begins, the property probably will The Dalles sometime on account of It la difficult from the vantage k1*’» *4*‘d others constituting a fire a two-year old purebred Jersey, five different parcels of property, not be placed in jeopardv. Morgan his health, but his death was un­ point of a s e a to n tlie political aide- buzurd ltx*ated in W ashington. Col- owned by Fick turned ln a record according to Scearce. The loans will stated. expected. Ilia* to vlstiall»* any great army of umbla. Clatsop. I illamook. Yamhill. o[ 933 pounds of milk nnd 73.7 be m ade a t a discount rate of five Appointm ent of a personal prop- Funeral services will be held a t voter» rallying to the standards of Multnomah. Clackamas, Marion, pounds of butterfat __ _________ . m y tax collector with orders to Y oungs Funeral Home a t 2 p. m. the governor should he decide to •*inn and l ’olk counties. Four hlglu*st m ature cows were thr^ ^ CarS- th FA^ SfV?' C' J CS ir7 fOlni plcluc collect all delinquent personal prop- Friday with Rev. H. A. Deck of- raise Ills butiner In the present T*1*' order was issued because of follows, giving owner, name of .» I S L h^t w m e.r t>' >evles authorized Wednes- « ‘•‘»ting. Pallbearers wiU be Thoma» campaign. While there are those extreme flic hazard development» anim al, breed age pounds of milk milk ounds of quired to show ability to repay the clubs was held Sunday a t the W T H av bv th » c o u n t v o n , . / / » i . ™ H T o n m ie J r t in v d n m o m rnhom John J. H a n e l.53. well known lo- 1lmu1s whUe and othpr l oan. Putnam A* Sons farm with about 7m0Unt s . ^ t L ^ T r . ^ . n ^ T as C ^ G l Mrt who contend th a t the conservative \n *■*'«’. 48 hours previous to tlie or- a„d pounds of fat Ul ,„0,.,. j.,, them« ,lves n 5 persons present. T he meeting X X g ? t o ^ o r ^ w to ♦‘li'iiipiit, f*sjx*4.‘tally biuiliic'M» lnt(*r- cl no Ixi wontlw1 ther conditions. Grove _ _ dairy. Hillsboro No 2«.grad<.|e?£ r ^ n t ^ w^ ^ « J ^ | ln g M eIlclM wlll e.sts. are back of the per present boom fi.m en illler . innateil th at several “ nd « ‘I' 06 , Wednesday m orn- inrome w existing Indebted- sey breeders from over the state X d ¡ 'T L ' J r t! 2 6 ^ 8 « his »land U. the rc-cnt longshore- cl<«ure. which will continue rBglslered Holstein six-vears old >’g Mr Hanel had been In the ness and mcet yments under the After the basket dinner, which X rtm a te h * $500<£ 2 P; 'ndrew• a T ** m en s strike to Portland, by this effect from noon Tuesday until 2197, 703; David Hagg & Sons, htvspiul following an operation per- loan T he g0VPrnment guarantees was served on the bank of the , hi 8,hOrt 1 M artha Jan e Jack, .same token he has lost th e support ««'«'Her conditions become more R1H*dyille. l.nlel. 7. grade Jersej formed In an effort to clear up a al, such loa* s madp by ^anks d T ualatin river the m eeting w a s ca„" * co,llect« 1* “ “ H,e J?*4 spenl meeting leg Injury received in a fall while other loaning agencies up to 20! called to order by the county pres possible th a t the county may ease nearly all of his life in th is county (('««nthiiirxi nu p#i'f If. cDlumn t) of organized labor which musters favorable on foreclosure of property taxes and was widely known throughout working at the Fred Amacher m ar­ a far larger voting strength than per cent of th e aggregate loans so ¡dent. W. T. P utnam Jr. As O. M. ’ up *?' ,, the county. ket ln January does bustoess. The Grange, whlc made. Scearce emphasized th e fact Plummer, w ho was to have been Deceased is survived by lila Mr Hanel was born a t Unlon- Problems concerning tax coUec- swallowed his fret*-power-for-noth- ville. Mo July 6. 1881 and had to make loans indiscriminately un- Roger Morse, extension dairym an of ! tlons and establishing a uniform i Ing platitudes, hook, line and sink­ .<^ 6h". lived in Hillsboro 15 years. He der the plan as they would have to Oregon State college, was the m ain procedure to Oregon counties w ere' bank and two s^tors e r in 1930, has lost confidence ln j £ £ } calne to Oregon from K ansas to look to tlie borrowers for eventual speaker of the afternoon. Addresses considered Tuesday during a meet- Cornelius and Miss fetty j l c k aH Ills sincerity with respect to tlie ( 1918. He owned an electric store payment. were also given by Ivan L aughary,} ing attorneys in P ort- of H lu X r o X power prognm , besides which (he _ _ of __ district ______ ______ _ ers now have a candidate of th e organization o f become agitators. ITnec times a Anmrir’an Jersey lawcov land. This ____ __ . farm Adoption of tlie plan is purely! iiPlzimfin fieldman frtr for tHo the American group"rocommended the M r "jack” • » their own In the larson of "p e te r Patriotic American citizens into the day they gave the oath of allegiance and later devoted his time to elec voluntary on the part of banks and C attle club, and Levi McKee, state appointm ent of personal property W txxfmen of was a member of th e Zim merm an As to the press where <;ltlzens' Emergency leag u e and to the government of Soviet Russia trlcal contracting. Deceased is sur other the World and th e financial Institutions. How- ‘dub president. McKee awarded the tax collectors. K nights of Pythias. would the governor go for support 1,10 P u n » « » of I»»«• organization and pledged assistance to the over- vlved by the widow. E tta B. Hanel, ever. Scearce anticipated th a t near- trophy for the county giving the Not lliat. the press Is absolutely es- ar,‘ cited In a letter to the Argus throw of any capitalistic govern- a son. Lawrence, and a daughter, (Continued on page 4. column 4) best spring show. T his went to «1 ntial to political sucross Candl- tl,ls w**k froln c T Richardson, ment. Naomi Louise Hanel. all of Hllls- j the Linn-Benton organization as dates have been eleeted In spite commander of the Citizens' Enter- "There are at the present time 17! boro He Is also survived by the i did the trophy for the largest pald- of unanim ous uewspaix-r optxwl- to'itcy league lie points out th a t Knl4;s of "Bruisers" In Portland, following brothers and sisters: M , up membership, which was pre­ tlon, but as a rule a friendly imtsh i *,<’ ' ’f '11' 1' <« ininunltles In W ashing- avnl(x| nn{j equipped to "beat-lip" W. Hanel. Ashland; Carl Hanel, sented by William Rollins of the Ls a valuable a.s«ct to any |x)lltlcal ,<>n (,<>un*y ftre rt^so organizing. T ile citizens or others who Interfere Portland; Mrs. S. W. Howard, Med- Jersey Milk company. aspirant. T he Oregonian ls defln- lctu,r: . , wlt)i thplr radical activities. ford; Mrs Joe W hitacre. G reat During the afternoon th e P u t­ lily Wm. F. Cyrus, County Axent) ty. We only know th a t a t th e re - ltely and em phatically committed 0,1 ‘veconnt o f veiled threats, ,,j Hillsboro th reats have b been een ' Bcn< "In H,'nd Kan : Chart.’» Temple. nams gave an Irrigation dem onstra- to the support of Senator Dt.nne communistic meetings held In our / J 11“ ,,,'; ^ v e r a l o fflrtal" Mrs W heat allotm ent compliance cer- quest of the hog adm inistration “ C. N, Pear. McCracken, Kan ; Pivo oaeiooA. o# -io., u 1lon- At PresctR they have 35 acres tificates for W ashington county are Washington. D. C.. these contracts and has gone too far now to desert >"»ninm fy. P a s t demtnwtrntloii» Uw reHef rommlttp<, t l l ( , (.(U|n, y Mrs. Oscar Temple. Lyons. Kan. loaded nt Si°ver h2? oi Ladino clover and corn under on their wav to the w heat adm ini- were turned over to the committee the republican nominee ln the mid- l’v ¡>ttld ^ , ‘ .¡¡1?* court and others. The Citizens I Mr Hanel W1KS “ member o f in J? . h t ^ L , 1? ~ ° 'X . Tuesd?y urlsauon. Those who wished in- stration a t Washington. D. C. The committee die of th e campaign for an Inde of propaganda nnd the continuing Enw’ "p" ¿¿¿¿.'.I' ts'tire .? o f"th L s Montezuma lodge, I. O. O. F., and and shipped to K ansas City as the : spected the P utnam herd of regls- ( survey and check-up of farm s In to charge, of people from outside propaganda, the time lias come , heckling a n d Drotxvs.*» to H|llslx>ro Encampm ent, having serv- I h n . . m e? t. of what mBy P08" tered Jersp.vs and the Irrigation this county indicated a very evl- the state, and th a t this com m ittee pendent candidate, no m atter how of pu^a s to o ^ n ed ns " P“*‘ i ran d I O O. is going over the contracts from well il m ight think of him And wlien tru e A m ericans should ally ta v 5 a w ble [ nroJects' i dent willingness and intention to this county along w ith those from ..Thp men ()f (.„nin u |}lltv have F. and past chief patriarch ln the nay the Oregon Journal, which sup­ themselves on the side of law and movem ent from W nslu,eri ashington --------- I comply with the term s of the w heat other counties in the state an d ported Meier In 193(1 with every­ SOU. I. t h i s organized along the sam e lines of encampment. county to the drouth area to the Details of the proposed federal I allotm ent contracts classifying hogs claimed In th e Tlie killing In Portland h I s othpr tending communities In form- Funeral services will be held a t middle west. All negotiations are campaign for disease im munization thing th a t It had. and was rew ard­ T here were practically no in- application aecordlng to the qual­ •ek. is a case ln - point. Wlwn n i ...» ,n(? » cltlZpIls* A Emergency League ” 2 ...................— P 1,1 Saturday from .... the v Donelson ed with a swift kirk In the ,v pants ivo , iiiv iK v n cy untiiur. v ..w».v.. being handled through W. C. and eradication in dairy herds were 1 stane»« n f » » n tra /q ctun sre for Us pains a lte r the election, ’¡"'‘" f ' The C F L sU nds fo*’ law •“ « ' I fi Sewel1 /^ n p e l with Rev. R. L Schultz of Forest Orove and an discussed by Morse and Laughary t ^ v a d e theto obtototlow undei the ity of th e evidence supporting th e certainly could not be expectod to do*1n 1,1 c" ld Plo*’d ' wl11’?"L order. It stands ready to back u p l l l,tnam officiating. Interm ent will independent mid-western dealer. They also pointed out the value of “ tnelr ‘»»'Kations under the claim. Ju st when this work wlll be desert G eneral M arlin, whose ra n - a chance of Heir detense, it, is t m< a]] governmental authorities ln 1>C ln RoKr c itv cemetery with the Only Inquiry so far has been for testing records, either official breed contract they signed to reduce th eir completed and w hat tlie result will acreage for 1934 and 1935. be no one ln the county ls able to dldiu-y It. has espoused from the to, prepare for action. ,,™niv t,h<'lr respective duties. Tills noti *• ° ° p ln charge. red clover hay. according to W. F. testing or cow testing association, w heat These compliance certificates must start. Neither are the sm aller p a -1 ,, w 1pn .'‘ p * Know,” , n?5” „ o n l y includes local or city author- ------—----- ;--------- Cyrus, county agent, but interest to the sale of breeding stock. Most „ reach „ „ . Washington, D. C., and be know a t this time. As soon as there ls definite inform ation to be re­ pers of the stale, daily or weekly,1 t "'‘eaten Judges on tin. oenen, a o but (>ur counly Offjcprs, and P a tte rs o n M e m b e r o f has also been taken in oat and discrim inating buyers a t the pres- chpc'iced’ bv the w heat idm lnistra particularly friendly towanl t h e dl'V * ’P state officers, or any federal au-1 n r„ „ n vetch hfty Thp mid-western dealer ent time insist on production rec- t ^ rP before the ic > n d half of leased or something definite to be governor whose petty bickerings It.v agitators and when common- thorltlps thBt nlay dpslre our as. O r e g o n L e g io n G r o u p has contracts through the drouth ords. Uon t re **Iore the second of done regarding t h e s e contract» the 1933 paym ent and th e first those Individuals signing appllca- with S tate Treanurer Holman have ls,;,r money ls (lowing Into the P a- s(s(,;Ulrc r , aiso ko,,s one s t e p I P L. Patterson, prom inent local j adm inistration In several middle half of the 1934 paym ent ls made, j tions will be notified been made the subject of many lc coast. to pay hundreds of these farther. If any such authorities leglonnaire. was a member of the I states, Cyrus declared, L o c a l W o m a n In j u r e d Just how long this will be is a m at caustic editorial comments by most »»caking radicals to underm ine a ll a rp not Inclined or are Incapable state American leg io n committee i Movement of some of the surplus in A u t o m o b ile C r a s h ' ter of guess on the p a rt of any one of them forms of government, and create of performing th eir duties, plenty th at made an extensive report In hay ln th e countv ls expected to be Mrs. ‘» Mary Hoover or of Minsooroi Hillsboro l here. is certain th a t these com- m uch dam age to^’ th e 'w l X t ^ c n v tn r r la v fn r lo w a n d «m i n f h en afO in 2 in i i . , i , u „ ™, nuover o v ic . It Ju st w hat effect Meier’s entry disturbances ln all lines of labor, of assistance will be given to see P S o r tla S n d S n ® ä 3 ä « “ “ry • ä « 5 5 lb S is Ä 1-eruun * »“ « m at, m e s e c o in - 1 i ~ mU( th e past season 1 n W ashington Into the race m ight have on tlie It. is time to go on record ns being th a t those duties are performed ln county. In spite of the extent of outcome of the gubernatorial con­ either for our form of government, a creditable way. radicalism and violations The re- plus hay in the county 'differs nii'leL'C » u t h of'her'e ° V6r UnlUd StAteS ' the or to quietly do your duty as Amcr- _ , th e damage caused by the large "Home uniformed people and o th ­ test Is also the subject of much Consequently 1 Is n o t unreason- < nitmtoera of Hessian fly the past (beculaflon. There are those whoi*ciu’ citizens, by ossLstlng those ln ers who are opposed to the p rin ­ ..... . . - . > tiiilhnvHu able to assume th a t it may be some th is does not mean th a t we authority. ciples of the American government contend th a t the rank and file of t ^ l a r e e s T e v e ^ / T i 1" ° ne li° Ke' both ot r°ut* 5, llttie tim e before the money Is r e - . spring, shouW expect (lamaftp ew ry yeftl. "During the last m onth a com­ are connecting the nam e of tlie mendatlons for improvement. Tlie the voters, disappointed In t h e u X drivers of the ears which here t from this insect dete'nnlned Mre. ' ’^ r was taken celved present candidates, would welcome munistic schcxil a t Tigard has been Citizens' Emergency League with committee Included prom inent O re­ n ^ No definite word is yet available | -n ie ^ p of ijp ^ ia n fly now the chance to rally to his support. disbanded. This school had 28 stu ­ various revolutionary groups. Thts gon residents from all sections of S ? i . , d e te r m in e d but additional to the Sm ith hospital for treat- concerning the status of th e hog ¡n th e stubble and volunteer w heat dents, who were being trained to (Continued on p«»e 8, column 8) the state. (Continued on pnge R, eolnmn 1) shipm ents are anticipated. m ent reduction contract« for this coun-l (Continued on M « 10. column 2) ’Mutt” Dog Show Scheduled Democrats Organize Cali Entries Large J air Manager Hilhi Has Metal C ounty H erd s Working Course s looming ¡ear M ake Show ing tor H o u sin g Loan Plan Studied T ax Paym ent S o u g h t H ere V ia Jack D ies at T h e D alles u h Forest Closed in the C ounty J. J. H a n e l D eath Sudden & ent M eet S u n d ay annum and luav ** S , C itizens’ Em ergency League O rganization N e e d Stressed C o u n ty H a y S h ip p ed East .nit Status Production C ontrol Plans Explained by C ounty A g e n t