Pa j TH E Page E ig h t H IL L S B O R O ARG US. H IL L S B O R O . M inuta, Mr a n d Mi OREGON H a iliin . M is Svhuck Miss ITiugan and I 1 B an k s Folk Gingham ( own, Cornelius Boys on Ship I hat Fmigan were guests at a dinner party g ,,en lu Mi- Fit Wohlschle, ills , in R e u n io n 1934 Style Carried Officer; Roof Burns F. E Hoftuiaii finished haivcst- I mg his crop ot prune Mon,la. The ll, Mi - ..... . B ill, and Alice Delmonte re ­ 1 Hun was sold to ihe lllllsboiv ca n ­ CGRNE1 I t'S Word has been re ­ turned l’hursda, Hom a »eek s e n ­ on Saturday ceived here by friends and relatives campment al a cam p near Ml. nery. Ml and F lloiluian. All of I'env L illian and Robert Smith, Cl 111 S e ll, T hin silnV. Am C M l(,',‘d will p lead) on (he sub­ extend a Item i, wet, -me to alt It ject 11« t hil> Heniedy I Putnam , pastor We belle,e In (tic goixl new ■ ot the Kingdom , io.) and we c \ I'liu H v l.u llir r n ii C I i h i t I i tend m t invitation to you Io join S('|* v 1 c (* h will I n * t tHiilih ted In US ill the worship hours ol I l l s at 10 30 a in and III Ch’l church t h C hu reh m an at II 30 Sunday sulaHtl Ix*- Kltis al 0 1» Ila* M'linnii will lx* Ei.'t I I ,I'iit cordially I’he local barber shop, operated us h l. .«•! Hl,. th r\ h .a i U )0 hi r e s . ( (»m e in a n d lloltm an Miss l,'c,a Barlow Mcr- (By Mm. Fred Wolford) sacola that navy ship has been b\ Ole Olson «as cl ed a lew days Just a lew more weeks ol suiumci ui'ci Hoffman. Horae* Bob and (lie Word ol ( hnl and keep ll U' BANKS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rep­ named io carry tlie rem ains of the last week due Io tlie death ot endeavor io keep up Allen Wise lointxi Mr and Mrs le t everyone peto and three children of Ryder- Belgian ambassador back to his Mr I'lson s father atleiidanee of the school h, V idor Schmidt anil sons Wendell e regular ha wood. Wash »pent Saturday in n a m e eomitrv The ship sailed I iia l.iO n I 'la iiis l*i e s il i I n I.m ( l i u i c l i \c i, l,o ld s II.iv atteixtanee unless Glen Smith, who is employed al and Vernon ot Oswego A ll and out ot the city, and In that co. c col Banks at the home of Mr and August 15 Both are local boys and Huuda\ >( land. 10 I.» a t.i M orn Insure w ith Vancouver has been ill at his home M rs G e o ig c Gould and Mis Jam es cndea’ ci< Mrs Charles Shipley, parents of well known here or lo allend somewhere and inu w o rsh ip II .sermon by I»i A MeAtlllon and dauglitei Pa Mrs. Reppeto. Their visit called for Tuesday evening tile local fire « u h flu report back to the hx-al selux>l C a rric k I'll«* C !• will .m ain •••eel l u n l n l i n V a l l e y I n t u r a ii c e lau rel Sha, is conlmed to her IMrtlaud and Put Sundqulst ot St Morning worship at 11 I'licre is a sh a family reunion, which was held departm ent was calk'd to the home Helens on a picnic at H itter's park |x>sslbltt, voui ixustoi m a, lx- uh it the church suiiii.»\ nltcht i • 1« Saturday at the Charles Shipley o: M l .nid M rs W B Barnes home wilh Germ an measles C om pany I k»ri.s (lieifK I’ople W hat Huvi m! home here Those present were when the upper story caught lire, Mr and M rs Ernesl Webb and Sundu, In that case the wrx’kly com­ lo S tia r e ? " Miss llcr, I IVIord wen! to Eugene seiil of Mr and Mrs Erwin Shiplev and due to a defective flue. The blaze fainil, have m o,cd Iron, B eaver­ munion service Is to be oliserverl he two children and Mr and Mrs. w .is checked be tore a great deal of ton to their home west of here for August 9 to visit Miss G race Kile, and then members are tree to woi Betore returning she will be e n ­ ship with seme olhei eongregatton < J. I I M H . I t I N Hf Jaek Roberts and son ol Hillsboro, damage was done tlie rem ainder ot the summer tertained b\ Mjss Ha.’i'l Ftshw,xxl pc Mr and M rs Emmett Shipley and Mr and Mi's Clarence K raus of |> in Junior. | C a ll Jo h n L indgren, resident of Alixs Vermta liinler. who is in at Creswell and Mis Ethel Hunt Christum F lld cu v o t Si three children of T hatcher. Mr. and Beaverton «ere guests Wednesday training at the Grxxt S am aritan 1311 M a lli S treet Interim , hate and Young People (»renco for m ans y ear, died ul at Cull) Creek al Mrs George M cFarlane and daugh- at the Geneva Robinet home Union service 8 p ill Joint young S an l»»<,r.o C a l. July 2.*» P u n en ti m IMrltaixl. has been IIIIIslMiro. Oregon Mr and Mis C ollins G ra h a m ot V» ter of Forest Grove. Mr and Mrs Miss Frances Pugh spent last spending her vacation here as is were held In S an Piego peoples choir Sermon l>v lie, M of c a rl Shipley and daughters of week-end at Dallas with relatives. her sister Miss Ellen, who is a t­ A n iw a were guests Sunda, ot tiei t'h arles Reixl ol Mellaxhst chureh I »eteased Ls survived by Ihe widow c< Banks Mr and Mrs Jaek Reppeto Mr and Mrs Glen Bennett and tending business college m P ort­ Sister, Mis W F Wohtschtci:. 1 M otrin, it p m Uraetleal Workers and a d a u g h te r Miss Juanita Hartwell and M ar­ class family of McMinnville. Mr and land la s t week the, were accom­ in and ehildren and Mr. and Mrs. Thursday, 8 p m Bible sillily w C harles Shipley While in Banks Mi-s Harold Smith and family and panied by their lather J A lim - garet Drake Charles Drake Dale Remember to plan tor th e out-door, Phillips and Theixtore Eggtnutn oi basket-dinner anil service at F arm ­ « the Reppeto family also visited at Mr and Mrs Leonard Sm ith o f ler. on a trip to the beaches Witch Havel visited at the Ira G Vernonia «ere guests Sunday of n the home of Mrs K atherine Rep­ ington August. 2ti Till* Is to lx- a Airs William Mann and daugh­ MeCortniek home Sunday peto Mr a n d Mrs Rilev Bennett. Mi's mis ting ol representativi s ot Chris 1 Mrs Alice Parmlev of Fir Grove Leonard Sm ith and family w e r e ters Lucille and Priscilla, and Mrs tian churches ot tlie county We spent the week-end with Mr and guests at the Bennett home last Archie Dunealf are sixuduig the week at Neskowin Mr Alami spent Mrs Ray Parmlev and children week Ed Clark and Mrs Robertson and Mrs Elizabeth Morris of P ort­ Sunday there Cornelius M rtln x lls l Knlseopal Buck L athan of a CCC camp near fam ily left Saturday morning for land was a Sunday guest ot her Sunday school, 9:00 Divine wor­ th e beaches for a few days' vaca­ parents. Mr and Mrs W. R. Cooke, Eugene spent the week-end here tion Fred Bovee is running the Byron Mooberrv and Mike Sus- ship. io 00. Sermon bv Rev. Charles and family. garage during Mr. Clark s absence. Mr and Mrs. Louis Chartrey bauer recently completed the re­ Af. Reed Mr. and Mrs. A H Innas of and infant daughter of Toledo were pairing of the Barnes home, due C h ristian Science Society Corvallis spent Wednesday with guests at th te Ovid C hartrey home to their recent fire. Mr and Mrs J J. Hutchens. Farm ers Union gave a dance a t ' Services are held every Sunday I Tuesday at 11 a. in : Wednesday evening D G Oatfield o f Skamokawa. O n A u g u s t 14, 1 9 3 3 , T h e H ills b o r o B uniiings hall Wednesday eve- services Installation Planned at 8 o'clock; Sunday school Wash., has purchased the service Installation of Epworth League B r a n c h o f T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l R a n k at 11 u ni Pupils up to the age station which was built and oper­ officers is planned for next Sunday. Alr and Mrs. AV R Cooke spent 20 years are welcomed Sunday's o f P o r t la n d o p e n e d f o r business. ated by Ed Debolt. The family has August 19. at the M. E. Church. Monday ui Portland visiting Mrs. of topic. "Soul,'1 Cloved into the T urner house east The short service will be held dur- Cooke'£ parents. Air and Mrs. l . i of the railroad tracks Mr Re^Clt In a s in g le y e a r , th is h a n k has he the church pour, from 10 t9 11 J Corl. German AI. E. Chureh Bethany u»tik*!e r Gal! hav* ni0*eP ?o Vian Sidewalks ’ a.~ni c o m e an in t e g r a l a n d p e r m a n e n t p a r , On Germantown road. Sunday ne famous McMinn viue. \\ bite organdlê ovet blu*- Sidewalk committee met for a PlaiU Have been made for a new every Sunday. 10 a m.; G e r­ o f (h e W a s h in g to n c o u n ty c o m m u ­ Mrs, C h .-'- meeting Thursday evening a t the school ' -use at th te J Delmonte place. „ .e s Kessler and two and-w hlte checked gingham fea- m an service, 11 a. m . first a n d n it y , b r in g in g to it a l l Ih e s e rv ic e s Mrs. Laura Jackson was pleasant­ A. L. Brock home Plans were third Sundays; English service, 11 ^.CREAMS children. Billy and Evelyn Mrs H. tures this new cotton evening ly surprised last week when her made for construction of more a. m.. second and fourth Sundays o f th e O ld e s t N a t io n a l B a n k W e s , C, Williams and Mr and Mrs, frocg worn Ov Actress Helen sidewalks here this year. Members brother. Dan Carr, of Ohio, whom —E Julius Tragllo, pastor tt d2vUf S ^ ^ w T A 'v-aSuo.® m “£ M” “ ., CUD0' “« of P'ea,'ed o f T h e R o c k ie s . To m ake th* B a rb a ra she had not seen for 24 years, came of the committee are F rank Slides. Williams will also visit with friends organdie outline the w aistline for a visit He was accompanied by Lester Alooberry and Airs. A. L. Banks M. E. Chureh Gould homo complexion O n its f ir s t a n n iv e r s a r y , th e H i l l s ­ Brock. a t W illamina before returning and sleeves four rows are re­ his son Dan Jr. Sundav school ew ry Sunday, 9 45 Work and repair on local public a m.. Mrs H Jensen, superintend­ treatments even more co n ­ Mr and Mrs. Guy Edson and home. pea ted on the sk irt The belt b o ro B r a n c h o f T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l daughter Bonita of Eastern Oregon school as an SERA project is n ear­ ent. Preaching services-by Ellsworth venient and •co n o m k al Miss Sylvia Severance and Mrs. )9 of dark blue grosgrain. a tai- R a n k o f P o r t la n d has a fo u r - p o in t visited last week with M is M. Ed­ ing completion George McGraw drove to W estport |oret3 now ot wbicb appears also TUton. pastor, every Sunday eve­ than ever before. B a'bora Airs Joseph Cochran is spending ning. 8 o'clock Ladles' Aid meets son and Mrs. Edna Russell. g o a l: 1. T o in c re a s e its v a lu e to th is Saturday evening and spent the Gould's four Creams for W arren Barnes sent two homing a few days at Pacific City. week-end with Rev and Mrs. E W. •> first and third Wednesdays a t 2 c o m m u n ity . 2. T o b e c o m e in c r e a s ­ Mr and Airs. Charles L athan P m . the four Ages of Beauty" pigeons to Toledo Sunday, which W lutnell and son Harold. They re- , . tf in g ly b e t t e r a c q u a in te d w it h re s id e n ts turned home Monday morning ac- p^iL‘? f r,t yei l . irorn t1n^vS ' lmson lumber returned in 2 hours and 15 minutes. left Sunday for Dundee, where are now offered In handy compamed by Mrs. W ithnell. who Is n .iir h .m Both returned with t h e notes. they will be employed on a prune Baptist Chureh o f H ills b o r o a n d W a s h in g to n c o u n ty . tubes, as well as in jart. visitimr friends here this week Mr. and Mrs. Caddie Hutchens Some were sent to Eugene and re­ dryer. Tlie Sunday school picnic will be Mr K and Mrs W G Walker daushrers of Blaine spent the turned in a short tim e bcaruig 3. T o o c c u p y as im p o r t a n t a n ic h e Miss Helen Godfrey of Beaverton 50c each held next Wednesday afternoon a t Is a guest of Miss Blanche spent Saturday and Sunday with with Mr and Mrs. J J messages. as p o s sib le in W a s h in g t o n c o u n ty a f ­ either Rippling W aters or Balm H utchens relatives in Vernonia. fa irs . 4 . T o c o n tin u e th e t r a d it io n o f Mr and Mrs. R alph Wilcox and and Mrs. Ben Kaufbaum. and Mr Grove, definite place to be a n ­ Mrs. C. B. Hall and Mrs. P and Mrs. Tom Savage of Portland nounced Sunday a t church. A n s e rv ic e o u r h e a d o f f ic e h as m a in ­ Qualls attended a P ythian Sisters' children are vacationing at the held a picnic on McFee creek on early supper will be served at the bridge party a t the of Mrs. beaches. ' e home in ta in e d in P o r t la n d f o r 6 8 y e a rs . picnic. Games In tlie afternoon Mr. and Mrs Harold Banks and the Ray Moore farm Sunday. Lester Ireland in Hillsboro Friday Regular services at the church next son ot Troutdale spent the week­ Mr and Mrs. George Gould of Sunday afternoon. (B y Mr». Bird MeCormicki Portland were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Sandy spent - end . with Mr. and Mrs. R M CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN— Mrs. Mr and Mrs F. E Hoffman. Monday and Tuesday at the beach, Pentecostal Tabernacle Hazel Wolford and M ane Rleben E lnaeeth Jones. 92. was honor returning home by Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Alerl McDougal vis­ returned home Sunday evening from guest • • a reunion of her descend­ Sunday school. 10 a m ; m orn­ Bobby Stohler Celebrates ited her parents.. Air and Mrs. B ert Bobbv Stohler celebrated hjs Palls City, where thev had spent ants and other relatives and friends at Chehalem Center S a t­ ing worship a t 11; young people's ten th birthday W ednSda","“after- the week a t the Epworth League on her im thday anniversary August Ingraham, meeting. 6.45 p m ; evangelistic urday evening noon bv < giving a Dartv to 'which were accompanied Mr and Mrs Jam es B urns of service. 8 p. m. Wednesday. 8 p num ber rfm tV l S S we?e ’S d a * institute. Ceha They and Lmona Z tm n w rm « 8 Sue crossed th e Plains from OF PO R TLA N D Icwa With her parents. Mr and Alontana visited at the George m.. Bible study Thursday, 8 p m . M( X 0 f f T NA FIONA! AANK prayer meeting Saturday. 8 p. m . w e r e ^ e n j o ^ ' “* ” * •“ Mso T h e ^ o m ^ r U Mrs Mai Un Shuck, in 1853. They Ala, nard home last week. w f i r op FNf t o o u r f - evangelistic service settled at Middleton. Mrs. Jones Mrs Ray Ego spent Wednesday Mr and’ Mrs J M Kessler and Rev “ d Mrs Tilton put on a has h .e d un Chehalem Mountain and Thursday at the Joe Ego home two daughters, Elsie and Geraldine, program at the Sundav evening for about 45 years. Methodist EpiM-upal t hurrh at Mountain Home helping cook for and Mrs E. C. Wilson attended church services in Banks They were C hureh school. 9:45 Divine wor­ Nine sons and daughters a tten d ­ thtreshers. ship. 00 Sermon by pastor Sub­ Bible conference conducted by WU- « “^ e d around a camp fire a» they ing iu e reunion «ere Mrs. Jane Mc- tlie Miss Marie W alker of Oregon ject. 11 liam R. Newell of Chicago in Port- *ere each evening a t the institute K ,-n. :d .s Anna McCormick. Mrs. City arrived "C hrist In Me by F a ith " Phone 266 August 9 at the home and each described some activity E la G-ndtiff. Charles. Frank. Tom. of Mrs Cornelius O tt for an in ­ League services a t 7:00 Union ser­ land Friday night. "Arthur- Willis of Wapato. Wash.. of can?P there Two songs were Sant. Brad and W nbur Jones. One definite visit. vice at the C hristian church. Rev. «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a spent several days last week with ,va r?™,d 'L f da, glitcr and three sons are deceas­ Air and Mrs. Sam O tto and baby his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs was the omy light m the ed Olliers present were M r and were entertained at the Emil O tto A B McFarlane church except for a lighted cross Mrs J p Junes. Mr. and Mrs. a t Portland Sunday. M r ‘and Mrs. A. B. M cFarlane A ll of them were enthusiastic over Fielder Wood. Clarence Wood, .dr. home Mr and Mrs A D. Hill and and Mrs Chester Fruydendall and the institute ai d M l . ' . C E Jones. Mr. and Mrs. family. Air and Airs John Walker. daughter. Helen were visitors in MajJ' Sandy 'U'itod her brother, F I' L .to ra , Lainen Haynes Mike Bill Walker. Dan Chambers and o, Sundav Sandy, m Hillsboro last week and son Elery. Mis. Ar- Ted Sm ith of this community Mr. M r ! S d M™ Lewis Winters and Mr and Mrs. Maurice p o m p s o n McKern I’.ur Wohlgemuth and daughter Airs K urt Jacky of N ortht two children of Manzanita returned oi . ' i 171?1114 ’ P^tit Saturday night B ru a.a Jean Airs Dolores McCar­ and Plains and Air. and Mrs Frank O reg on M u tu a l F ire In su ra n ce C o rn p iin y home Sunday after a few weeks andjSunday with relatives in Banks thy anc sons Daniel and Jalenne. Hill and of Witch Hazel visit here with Mrs W inter s par- , FraIHc ,,Rl7JcX- accompanied b \ Clare Thomas Peter Ornduff. Mr. made up family o f w h ic h C harles L. W a lk e r is the H ills b o ro a picnic party a t the ents. Mr and Mrs. Clel! Carstens. J°h n Holland made a business trip and Airs Gler. Jones. R A! Mc­ Jake Tompkins place at G rand Arlie Carstens accompanied them to Mist and S r Helens S a tu r-a y a g e n t, show ed an increase fo r Ju ne , 193 1. o f Kern, Axis. Alice doom and Island Sunday. Mrs John W alkers home for a visit Mrs c llff Thompson and four Ja u g r.e r Patsy. Mr. and Mrs. Lor­ grandm other. Airs Tompkins, re ­ 53 p e r cent o v e r th a t o f Ju ne , 1933, in d ic a t­ A delegation ' from the Banks children moved to th eir farm near en Jou • and daughters. Eth»l, turned with her for a n In­ Legion Auxiliary No. 90 attended Hillside Sunday, where they will Irene „no Eva. Charles Graves. definite home in g a co n tin u o u s u p w a rd tre n d in th e w r itin g visit. the county jamboree a t Sherwood caPJP and pick prunes. Mr : .Mi A G Normanscn. Vivian Zeigler was a guest of an Thursday evening They were Mrs. Mrs. Dwight Seilers o. Hillsboro Air. . . d Airs. Granville Everest. aunt. ' f the c o m p a n y 's non-assessable policies. Floy Taggart, of Hill - C B Taylor Mrs F. E Davis. Mrs. a Sunday guest*of Mr ana Fred Haynes. Mr and Mrs. S. T. boro Miss from Sunday till Tuesday H L Jensen. Miss Lena Taylor and Mrs. \ \ T. Sellers. Jciv s Will Fmigan. Miss Mildred following the death of Vivian s Miss Patricia Jensen. ~ ~ ~ Sad- er. Air. and Airs W. K mother Airs George Zeigler, S a tu r­ Evere . ElJen ARCormick. Air. and day evening. The Wikapi-Nahon Camp F ire T U r j t p r i p f \ \ O f l l P t l S Id a council : X lu tiv iic r VV O i l 1C I I S Alia vusaell Junes and coildren. Prune picking in the F ir Orove home of their leader. Ethel Smith. Inez. 4n>. nd Kuasell Jr., Mr. district began Tuesday. There i- , 1 .lit August 2. Bernice Friday Ione aicd Mrs. W A. P an ish and daugh­ heavy crop here E very Fo rm of P ro tection— Fire, A utom obile, C'a^aalty. Batem an. Theresa Paetsch. Peggy ter I t s Thelma Air. and Mrs A L ia b ility , Fid elity. S urety and Life The A. D Hill's threshing outfit • By Mr». Lou W riBh t) Wilson and Betty McCann received W I _’i r and daughter Gladys. finished this year's run Tuesdav THATCHER—The Women's club Air. and Airs Emory Jones, Thor- Hill the rank of Woodgatherers. M ar­ Phone 1732 1164 T h ir d S tre e t says the grain turned out bet­ jorie Griffen became a new mem- gave Mrs. Crunican a shower at Arous ana Aferedith Jones. A lts th an was expected ber the home of her sister-in-law , Mrs Ann Ornduff. W alter and J. M. ter Afiss .Margaret Neill returned Mr and Mrs. Frank Grindle and Francis Herb. Thursday afternoon Jones Air and Airs William S. home Thursday evening fr m a two T hro ug ho ut the town a corps o f fire hydrants Mrs Paul Osman and son Jimmy She received several nice gifts, Jones. Arlista Jones. Mr. and Mrs. weeks' visit with an au n t in P o rt­ of Portland visited Monday with Mrs. H Ford and son Harold C hester Everest* and son Chester land. stands g u a rd p ro te ctin g the lives and p ro p ­ Mr and Mrs Eli Gnndle. of Portland and Mrs. Simmons of and Donald. Mrs. Delmer K-ser and Mrs Lee M acIntyre of Hillsboro Mr and Mrs. J. W H unt and son Eugene visited friends herr Sun- children Geraldine Afaulyn a n d spent e rty o f the com m unity. These sentinels are Alonday at the home of her of St Helens ar.d Mrs W. J West day Myron. Arlin Jones. Mrs Ruby Airs Lena Meyers. p a rt o f the service p ro v id e d by yo ur w a te r of Hillsboro were Sunday guests of Florence and Oline Niemeen. Ada Janssen and children C AI Mc­ m other. and Airs Lee Herman and M r and Mrs. H. L Jensen and Schafer. Jack Royer. Chuck Muck, Cormick. Airs Otto O rnduff and a Mr number of friends from Portland com pany. They furnish the fire d e p a rtm e n t family. Virgil Redetzke and W alter Haney son Robert. Mr Rufus O rnduff Sunday at the home of Glen Moss and Bud Esp went to of Portland spent Sunday with Mr and daughters. Airs Inez G reer and picnicked the w a te r w ith which to fig h t fire . her parents. Mr. and Airs. G ran ­ Wheeler Sunday, where they played and Mrs. Ted Hanev in celebration son. Gloria and Merribel Hoffman ville Everest. The gathering was ball on the Sunset league ail-star of F. A Bennett's birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Galloway, Mr bv 17. Mrs Herman and They a re the visible evidence o f p ro tectio n team against the Wheeler team Mr. and Mrs. John Loynes at- and Airs. M. H. Sm ith and Reva attended baby daughter are spending the Raiph. Glen and Roy Moss vis- tended the Dakota picnic a t Cham - Barlow. week here and g ive you a fe e lin g o f security which ited Saturday in Philom ath with poeg Sunday. Mrs L. L. Alurray and children. Lauren Haynes spent Sunday with their lather. George Moss. George Wilson Honored Rodney. Laura. Sherm an and Vir- Lloyd Brown a t Scholls w o u ld be lackin g if the comm unity w ere Mrs. Lucinda Mead visited Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Lou W right at- ginia. spent Sunday and Monday i Airs Jam es R achin of Portland day with friends in Banks and in tended the birthday party Thursday at Reedville as guests of Airs J. A.l was w ith o u t w a te r service. a house guest a t the L T. Fin- the evening went to Baid Mountain evening in honor of George Wilson York and Mr D W McInnis. igan home from T hursday till S un­ for a few days visit w ith the Fay a t W atts. Those present were Mr. Miss June Ilclcom. Buford Deford Airs. W F. WohLsehlegel e n ­ Mead and William Kelly tamilies. and Mrs Kock of Nebraska. Mr. and Dorman Blazer visited the day tertained with a dinner Sa’urday Mrs. Verle Prickett and little son and Mrs Om ar Barnes of G arden Aliases M ane and Julia Fuchs a t, in honor of Mrs. Rachin O ther Bobby returned Sunday to their Home. Mr. and Mrs Jim W right Portland Sunday. guests were Mrs Tom Eh^ck, home a t Neah Bay. Wash after and son of Dilley. Ethel Wilson oi Cap and Mrs J. C. Sm ith and W anda Flnigan and Stanley Shuck. spending a few weeks a t Banks and Portland a n d Delbert Hutchens Frank Painter ot Portland visited at Wishram. Wash. of Banks. Mr and Mrs. Lou W right the Atclnnis home Sunday evening Ida Hopkins of Monmouth spent of Thatcher. Mr. and Mrs Georgie Miss Alice McInnis accompanied the week-end at the Hopkins home Wilson and Mabie and Len and Mr. Painter on a trip to Longview her' Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. all oi Monday and visited her childhood t ill 11,4111» E. WII.EY, Manacre « Mrs George Moss entertained the ! Watts. home a t Ridgefield. LICENSED E.MBALMEKS Bridge club Friday evening. Mrs. Cecil Towers and Wilbur Wright Mrs D. AI McInnis was In Hills­ and Verle Prickett won first and Mrs spent Thursday evening a t the boro last week from Wednesday till i FUNERAL DIRECTORS C. B. Hall second. Fred Haney home a t Strassel. Friday as a guest of her b ro th er) Mr. and Mrs. Frances Ludiow and Mr. and Mrs. Royal Raymond and sister-in-law , Mr and Mrs. E. j Phone 953 : H ills b o ro sons of Kennewick. Wash visited and children of near Banks spent L. McCormick. several days last week with Mr. and Sunday with his parentts, Mr and Mr and Mrs. J. P. Jones, Mr. 1 Mrs B. B T risham Mrs. Jay Raymond. and Mrs. Wayne Jones and family, | Vernon G alavay of Portland is I Mrs Ralph Buckley and little Leland Schmeltzer and Tom Twigg Daily T rips to Portland visiting his uncle. John Friday. son. who have been a t the home of went to Amboy. Wash., Sunday to William Moore and Ferd H art- Mrs. H Umshied in Forest Grove, visit Mr. and Mrs Fred Blain. J. H ills b o r o A u t o F r e ig h t wick were business visitors a t Salem came home Thursday. P. Jones' brother-in-law and sister, | Bonded and Insured Carrier Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Montgom- Mr and Mrs. Charles Reese. Joined I BKAUTY HIIOPH PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Reed­ Mr and Mrs. Norman Powne and ery of Portland a r e spending a the party a t Portland. children of Forest Grove and Mr few days with her parents, Mr. and D M, and K enneth M cInnis and I ville, Hillsboro. Cornelius and and Mrs. Charles Powne and Clark Mrs. Ed Davis. John Haynes went to Reedville S a t­ A . O. P IT M A N , M . D. E V E ’S B E A U T Y S H O P Forest Grove Powne spent Sunday at Depoe Bay Mr. and Mrs. W arren Barnes and urday K enneth and Haynes helped I Don Moore went to Troutlak'e family of Cornelius spent Sunday D. W. M cInnis thresh and visited j G eneral Beauty Work PIITHICIAN end HIIRRRON Hillsboro Phone 542 Wash., Saturday and spent a few with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will I the Hagg model dairy barn. X-Hey end I 'h y .le T h -r .p y I'ermanenlA and all kind* o f days with Bob Doherty. ( Haney. East Side Term inal Portland Mr and Mrs. Clayton Whitmore beauty work. Com m erclel N ational Rank Bldg Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Croissant and Mr and Mrs. C. Keller of S taf- and Floyd Whitmore joined by Mr. Phone EAst 9131 Téléphona IBRlX son. Robert, of Portland and Mr ford spent Sunday afternoon with and Mrs. A rthur McCormick Mr I Telephone. and Mrs. C. W. Moore and sons of Mr and Mrs. O Pannier. R alreny lllllahoro Pharmacy OfBee 12X1 R e .ld .n r e 7818 Banks were Sunday dinner guests O. T. Murphy spent Monday and ■ of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wahl and Tuesday a t Independence. sons. Mr Croissant, a former Banks ------------------------- DR. I). E. W IL E Y , M . I). S a n ita ry B e a u ty Shop high school principal, will be super- M artin Redding, examiner of op- intendent of schools and principal orators and chauffeurs, will be in A ll Kind« o f llean ty Work Phyxlclan and Surgeon of the high school at Umatilla this Hillsboro Wednesday. August 22. at PERMANENTS year. the courthouse from 9 a. m. to 5 Wells lluildinf a a pec laity Carl and Emm ett Shipley are p m Telephone 1471 TELEPHONES W K II/fl APA RTM ENTS k- w. G. idi : CHURCHES J Now in Woman Honored at Chehalem Party PALM DRUG STORE UST A YEAR AGO THIS WEEK. . . . ★ HILLSBORO BRANCH * T he FIRST N A TIO N A L BANK INSURANCE GA IN IN G v CHAS, k WALKER Club Has Shower THE SENTINEL NON FATTENING B E E R is a true Pilsener rypo o* rich lager beer OREGON-WASHINGTON WATER SERVICE COMPANY Donelson 8C Sewell ---------------------------------- -—------- ------------ HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY IT lM T ir L Ç oslett S uper S ervice S tation That’s why beer-wise Westerners prefer V GOVCRnOR G A S O L IN E S R ic h f ie ld - G e n e r a l - S h e ll - U n io n - G ilm o r e Hi-Pressure Greasing Free Crankcase Service - Automotive Repairs F ir e s to n e D R IV E IN — T ir e s , Tubes and A safr. sane and Pconnmicsl a d m in istratio n of s ta ir affairs in th r Interests of rro notny and reduced ta xation. A pplication of the N ew GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. R A I d ’ l l DRESSER G a rb a g e C o lle c tio n Dentist AND CANS D. P. CORRIERI Telephone 144 E een ln se, Sunday by A ppointm ent Deal o|H-rating w ith President R om e- vclt. Increased Federal economic aid to Oregon through sym pathetic | eo-operatlon w ith th e natio nal #*» * \ . BEER N . INSURANCE W ashington County Aarnrloa INHCRANCK RRRVICR Hhule Hank Per Inform ation Telephone 2325 RUBBER STAMPS G E O R G E T. M c G R A T H CAll.OFNIA MfWIUa MSN So.Fxl.-X es I M Ä A 0 .I., Phone 2211 f Keeidenra I6R1 DENTISTS Commercial Building A c c e s s o rie s S P A R K PLU G S TESTED FREE O fflra 2(1X2 Mattel Hrhendel llu ild in f lllllahoro about Directory or It e BUY YOUR RUBBER STAM PS from H IL k S B O R O A R G U S Adeertlaere rail The A rin a — SI0I