THE H IL L S B O R O ARG US. H IL L S B O R O . Page Six 1 1^7*11 t i Ila n S ” , V i T r i n D O O l l a t* Z-» . C 1___ _ I O lin tV O tlO U _____ Curtí» Ti«.nii ■HOARD. Tigard grange will have a booth m th e W ashington county fair at Hillsboro, it was de- cak'd August 1 ® pastor of Tigard M ethodist church showed lantern slides an d gave a lecture on India. Rev Sm ith was missionary in India for a number of years and brought h u k a nuni- ber of interesting scenes on Indian life Oregon s h o ttest d a \s are tom - 1 ^ oVVhe Í S X u M S niders ux^ Clarence Snider of Longview. Wash j, ¡¡p^m August 7 ' .... ,uld Mrs Charles Van- » Mr. and Mrs. «Jeea en n iu o i DeimUon and »«ana Dennison of Portland visited a i „ ,„ e hut week, Ly,n um oke and family ot Salem were gueitó Sunday ot Mr an d Mi s W nght. Mrs. Brooks is a . x, Wright, - . uuarrv on the ^ T h ^ ^ rry‘^ d «hióli has not . operation for sometime, d u n n g the “ ft A small crew of sm ith declared. Mrs. H W. M iDon- aid was elected secretary to fill the vacancy caused by th e resignation of Mrs. O H. Butler. H ie grange council will meet at Tigard for the next meeting. The grange basement Will be donated to the use el the county hi establishing a rel’ef can - , { » » wlul a nery under SERA projects. ‘ pnmeroy and Mrs. Pomeroy W heat Yield Low , children were guests Sunday Farm ers are wondering where they ot Mrs Pomeroy s parents. Mr. and are going to get anv good wheat Mrs s. C. Sparks, of Portland seed lor next year as th e harvesting Roy Bterly has received th e eon- of the crop around th is section tract to furnish wood lor the has ru n from 5 to 15 bushels per school house for the coming year, acre W hat w heat there is, is not and delivered it last week full size and th e weight is light, Henry Cram of Portland, who O ats seemed to liave fared belter peen spending the past two and are running around 35 to 40 m onths with Mr and Mrs W arren bushels with the weight on the Wilson, returned home Thursday, average good. Miss Margaret Vandermost. who Tonkin Advances is employed ill Portland, spent Sun- Word has been received in T i - . day with her brother and wue. gard that George Tonkin, former Mr. and Mrs. Melvui Xandernmss. resident here lor a num ber of years, Albright brotherhood ot the E\ a ñ ­ ilas been given a new position witti gelieal churches will meet Tuesday th e biological survey with head- evening at th e home of Mr and quarters a t W inona, Minn. He will Mrs. Raleigh Whiuxiore oi Laurel. take over the regional director's work m region No. 4 which includes C ounty Farm U n io n Minnesota. Wisconsin. Illinois. Iowa and Missouri. Tonkin h a s been United S tates game protector of M eets Cedar M ill C alifornia tor a num ber of years BETHANY-CEDAR MILLS—The prior to his new job. He was one of the early school teachers m this Countv F anners Union held i t s meeting at the regular meeting ot district. tlie Cedar Mills local at Cedar Mrs. Frewing Treasurer Mrs. B. S. Frewuig ot Tigard was Mills G range hall Tuesday e v e ­ elected treasurer ot the W om ens ning of last week. John Pubols, Misisonarv society of th e E van­ county president, presided. T h e gelical church in Oregon a t the program consisted of two songs th irtieth annual convention which bv Mrs Alfred Hamel, two violm closed recently at Jennings Lodge solos by M artui Larsen, accom pan­ Mrs. Ezra M aurer, formerly here, ied by Dorotliy Roberts of P o rt­ was selected as to u rth vice-presi­ land. and a dialogue by Donald dent Rev. M aurer suffered a heart Meier and Dave Trachsel. The attack while supervising th e com ­ subject of holding a county fair a t missary a t the convention and ac­ Hillsboro this year was discussed cording to the last report is still and a committee to r tins purpose was appointed. It is planning a in a Portland hospital. Three Tigard boys. Jo h n Woods, Farm ers Day for the fair a t which Allan Bates and Dirick Nedry, have a basket lunch will be taken and completed the C. M. T. C. training Cedar Mills baseball team will play a t vancouver. They plan to a t ­ the finals with Blooming to deter­ tend the training course next sum ­ mine who will be the champion this year. Politics and other m atters mer. . , Local organizations are banding were discussed. Mrs. E. Sammons is visiting her together to get completion ot the son. J. Sam m ons of C arter, for a highway project through Tigard. Keguiar services are again be­ tew days to atten d his tw enty-fifth ing conducted a t the Evangelical wedding anniversary . Mr and Mrs Charles Boy visited church a fter t h e interruptions caused bv uie sum mer conterence Mr and Mrs Jam es Quilleash and ot Evangelical churches ot Oregon other friend» at St Helens Sunday of grangers Memoers ot Tlgardville ReOekah A group oi g r a n g e r s a attended c ce iu n x i the me lodge liad the pleasure of meet- Khiton G range picnic a t Eisner's ing with Mrs. G race Christensen, p a r t Sunday president ot the Keoekah Asseinoly Mr. and Mrs Calvin K attennai; of Oregon, a t her otticial visita- 0( Portland spent Friday evening non to Scholls. The local lodge is witli Mr and Mi's Bert Reeves, going out, alter the prize m the a t- Marion Scott of P ortland spent tendance contest being conducted the week with Sergeant and Mrs. by the Rebekahs, and members are w’allace. being urged to atten d lodge ses- Mr and Mrs. Phil Thorne spent sions. last week-end a t Seaside. A real game of kitten ball is ex- The Priscilla club began ltsm eet- pected to be pu t on Sunday when mgs again for th e w inter by meet- team s of Argonne post, American mg a t Mrs. Jo h n Meurer s home Legion of Snerwood and Tigard. Wednesday Hliis ot iw r i miss Dorothy Dorotny Boy and ana v C a all n o Lar a r- and West Hills of M uitnom ultnom on ah meet Miss __ _____ _ .r up t--- ----------- combat. There _ is considerable ___ sen ____ took __ a trip the Colunioia ,WA posts. noKta. o,v— hioAwav un- rivalry between ,K th e . two River highway o to . Tn.. Tne Dalles S Sun Rev. V anM arter of T igard con- day ducted services a t the McMinn- Mr. and Mrs. John Kassebaiftn vilie M ethodist church during the aad Fred Kassebaum of Portland aosence of tn etr pastor, who a t- visited relatives in t h i s district tended the Epworth League institute Thursday. V. DCIOO, who WAAVZ X at A ----------. number of young j. Weiss, is J employed V.. on v. a cVL a Falls auc City. v^Agj . a» ■ people of Uiis locality also attend dredge near Salem, was home for the week-end. ed tiw institute. Donald H aegar of Portland spent a few days last week with Mr and Ice C ream Social Mrs. A rthur Schulz. _ . , A card party and dance was held at Kill ton Friday at the c e d a r Mill G range hall S at- reh Into tlie dinin' room so'» MU«PHV --------- before the pnxttgal son to spend they wont have to come through sLsler " Ex SHUCKS ! Wit w e r e j u s t live or six hours ftxtn up somettng tlie kitchen OVER TO TOUR H ad do. Ml IVakt«' H ad do, HE fVIN’ th a t II be out ot sight In fifteen WELL, HOW D AT* Mr Jenkins l*nl me tai a lot ol m inutes utter they set down HOUSE TO SEE VEftV ÔI K ‘H LIKE If everybody ate ltke threshers trouble ’ Land, no 1 was Jusl teliin THE ÔAE.V H IM , S P IK E r HARRISON D. HUGGINS they'd tvit more Ui a year th an the Mis Tillson, hen- that 1 Just e n ­ ton tlie dairy industry folks say tile joyed «Mikin' tor a bunch ot hungry NI. D. folks and It don't botile»- me a bit average American eats. "There! Sil light there Will you FYF. FAR. NOAE AND THROAT "There. 1 guess th e potatoes are «tone! Why. yes. If you don't mind. »lave coffe«' Mr Teazle, or teu HPKfTALIMT Mrs Tillson Tlie m asher's right And the milk s on Ice so von i an have Huit, too. If you want Coffe«', there by the pantry door. ULAMUta FITTICH "Why they say every American Mr Jenkins? Sister get Mr Suitth- averages 3.411 gallons of Ice cream meyer a gloss of water." Kooin I a year, mure th an any otlier coun­ (u iningxlal National llank Annaa try l)r. Wiley Speaker l'tlonaa Itou ra But otlier countries e a t more Dr. D K. Wiley discussed the HaaUtanoa fu ti » .lu a. ni. lu H in. butter New Zealanders consume history of medicine at Hi«' Rotary ml ix t i .o mut I au p m lu a p. m 34 l pounds, C anadians and Aus­ club luncheon Thursday 'S ' tralians 29, and Finland. Germany and sweden 19 pounds a year. Subscribe for the Argus "Swiss people are clmeseiiiakers, so they «sit more cheese than a n y ­ body el»', eating 10 pounds a piece yearly, to (hie American's 4.5 / X GUESS HE1: pounds The Dutch are next with 14 pounds, and the English. G e r­ ' GOING TO BE A mans and French are about even CHIP OFF 4E OLO with ten pounds eaeli. V SURE! HE'S BLOCK------ DON'T "HereI Put 'em In this round OVER GOING TO &E JUST bowl. YOU TH IN K -SO, NOTHIN/; “Sceuis like American folks are LIKE YOU------- MAC Ï just beginnni' to realize tlie value ' WHEN YJE LEFT of d ru tk tii milk too, because they ve j HIM HE V/AS been increasin' tlie use of It ten per cent In Uie last ten years and MAKIN’ A LOTTA :v \ each one takes about 40 gallons a n o is e ----- year. G et tlie cream out of the Ice box, sister. "i'tiere! 1 guess th a t m eat's brown enough 1 11 get It shitxi, and the Lv tliresners cun get rtxuiy to take on tlieir ration ot meat, which It scents they ought to be wiltin' to do, stx'Ut tluit m eat eulin' in tlie United S tates has hureosed tuill a billion poiutds over 1932, every- I body ui tlie country eutln tour pounds more th an they list'd to. So mayb«. its true tluit Amerlean people dig thetr graves w ith th e i r ' been a resident here for a number teetli. but it it is, it’s good news for i of years He built the big brick the coffin makers. building in Tigard in which lie op­ "Most of us. though, don t want BY VENUS L BUNNELL erated a garage for some time. It to see cot fins headin' our way till is now tx-iiig occupied by Scab we're ready tor them, so travelers Cornelius Route 2. care Henry- Behrnian Farm M attress company m which he was "CxMxl it is only wcxxl ‘ pile, >7;,ua-. and don't let me hear on ««» tlie Colorado Springs-Pueblo interested He had been a memo« c.oou land, u <> n a . . . . s sister, u i o . I . - here member ___ I . a— . . IvaAI-al .a an a.< , Va-.. « * • V » i » V I IV ’ I , more wmnin ■ highway near Colorado Springs got of Ctuiritv lodge. I O O F for a an hour till them thxvshers u here, an more u h u iln . "W Sounds r . ■ -• ^ ^ r ^ U f u i T * ¿¡¡- ‘ *•------ urry Ku/Hac. and a ton of ot work worn to io do, uu. yet. H aiua*; w hat's n a ts tliat? hum .' s tsounus ltke nxe a a « e«n number of years up with tlitem potatoes! Yes, 1 said mv land of goodness, it Is. and U tt qulry revealed LhUit a trailer loaded lllE M potatoes. Don t sta rt cor- ali, t M attie 'Tillson! W«A1. 1 never surprised. Uiough r t e nosey -f fh M ¡J CO a-ctui my gram m ar when 1111 all j ain't surprised, though. ' The nosey C on cert P lan ned het up Irvin' to cook tor a thresh- om Ryug luid to com , over and see .1... “ V, tuid ■ crashed Into a bridge The I \.; ,L « « ' ui crew Now get busy on them for Herst'li what I was flxin' for splinters "l told the rest ot tlie story B eaverton rriLlilY potatoes! Four more 11 be about ttinn«.r Humph! Well. I 11 show her. ouglL You got time before she gets here Tuv . ' * o u t ‘"and "l>'u t «».... enouuli. You got time before site gets here — BEAVERTON—The "Cotton Bbis- enough. "Junior H eres the * ^ . * U o u t to run down to the cedar. e £ e r Arc you an all-ilay driver — one w ho xvi” tnvp i concert it the Congre- again a n a Uie meat needin a last and g it a Jar of ptaches and a U uu there's plenty oi makes his living traveling the roads? national J ^ I l T ^ i ui) ^ • ‘’b i ^ ' 5 .r ,M. *! i b lu e 'd u ti mid ‘’4 ^ ^ ^ M church r ^ R ^ Friday B ^ ’lc evening M u m l id kood^brow S b “ tiut' w X tt;U ‘unie^vrguu“ ' tw ? k im is 7 f i" u .a Delivered Then you’ll appreciate this smart coupe. Hillsboro s o A CRO SS TH E FEN CE SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL! IMPERIAL FEED & GRAIN CO. Millers of Quality Feeds South Second St. G e t b eh in d t/ic w h e e l o f this a ll-w e a th e r F ord V -8 co u p e . . . JUS t_ o n c e ! 700 First, because it gets you places «quicker. Second, because its easy riding qualities keep you fit. Third, because it's a u /v car to drive Fourth, because it has the conveniences men like. Fifth, because it's easy on (he pocketbook. Sixth_ but why g o on . . . take the car out on the road yourscll . . , as our guest. X ou'll find a hun«lred reasons aver for wanting it. Just call for a dciiiousrration . . . auy tune. Completely 2 Equipped - “ short busuiess trip. ' 7 ^ $ ? t h u ^ '. i d ^ tlx- Wble? « when she sees tliat And 1 11 open --------------------------------------------------- A large crowd attended the *sllakW ° U w h ere llp Ilu‘l can of chlcke'1 we R ,,'verton Rebekah lot! c last Tues- URi -vou u‘kc ll' sk s ttr, Koln to have for Sunday, and slice DR. R. J. NICOL t'vemng A playlet entitled An otl some bolled ham O ld-Fashioned School was present- » d l !kt e n i i , or ih e re ll "Here six* conies, look surprised DR. E. W. ALMQUIST ed by Mesdames Stevens. Poster. r ^ t l n S herTToS?' Well, my land. Mrs Tillson' Walker. CliamberlaiiL T.iy.ui. Dror- . ... ln m ere already is As Well now wliod ever exjx'ct to Veterinarians baugh Miller Lewis, sh ee Hulett didn ; '«'» 1 thought so The see vou today Well, ixiw aln t tliat Wheeler Rogers. Myer- and the • course' March right in neighborly ot you’’ I was Just tellln' Telephone 643 and 642 Misses hern Haim Dorotliy Lewi •• >liaker young the children I was hopin' you'd K atherine Dessuiger and Sue L-aas- • '^ ¡ ^ j then auit noooidy else come over sometime, but I dld'nt tio«i ,1 Vfr « n Tanrrem-e a t- hi tlx world but vou tlia t d think have no idea you d come today I Mr. and Mi- S B l a w n .a t ai “ x sii.g e r of salt trytn suppose you'll be all tuckered out YOUNG’S tended HilLsooro grange Baturday f ,-atch birds at v tim e like this after iiavin' the threshers yeoter- Funeral H o m e - T d I not "Thoughtful. Sym pathetic nJp£st Noble G rand club met at salt the gravy? Huneat my mem- £ £ ^ 1 ;^ " ' hke‘'l^ ia v e n r f e h Service" A ¿ I X S e °b?rdSa . ^ u P ^ \ ^ e m . U ¡ X ^ ' k A l ^ e ‘W Hillsboro Phone 972 W arrens of Forest Grove Spoke on ^ r . and put em on. Now Stir this * U)(>y couW Ret Red Cross work. Mrs. K atherine gravy, while I cut the pies, and ____ _ — — -------- Marcus of Boise. Idaho, was aLo don't slop it on tlie stove. enz a _______ truest of th e zsliiH club. Yfrx: Mrs. YfarniR Marcus L Is S -one . ___ two. -i___ three, four—seems like 8. / ear> o, ag,. . w a ple ought u> b«. Beaverton Grange m et Saturday b enough Land 1 wouldn't want wl(h interesting discussions at both w *o away and lalk abOut the morning and afternoon sessions. skimpy pieces of pie like they Mrs. A S Funston lecturer, pre- ab(jul Feverfews. They sented a program on agriculture. 0[d maJd s tea party can which brought out many useful beal a gang o{ threshers for gossip, suggestions j JUiX know M attie TtllsonU Mrs. Edith Tozier W eatherred ot George to m id out ail about Champoec entertained th e members e )iad how ,nuch of it. of th e X P eir , s «ho h e - , th a t naaev. nosey, I'm sur- sui - P. U. club and th their that families at her home Sunday . After she WOn t go with tlie crew a basket lunch Mrs XVeatherred {ind out flrst hand about the gave a short talk o n t h e h i t l o r y o t m eah. A nyw ay, if th e family lives the property owned by Dr. Newed. on ¡crap., for two weeks. I am t where the picnic was held. m . w let anybody in this coin- Mrs Doy Gray left for munity say they set a better table Richmond. Virginia «0 vhdt her threshers than M artha Spink> v ^ " ^ a n d a Maim Ug No, Junior. I didn't crimp t&e Miss M argaret Peterson Is spend edges of th e pies w ith p a s false ing a week with friends a t Ryder- teeth, and d o n t you dare say such w X l Wash. a thul# where ah>'body CiU1 hear Mrs X O H artness was gi-en a you. I used the curling Iron. shower at the home of Mrs. H Land, a in 't them potatoes get- WatLs She HXCDm received Seems like ~ Junior! they * ouuhl .MIC 441«.**.» tin' L**A done? . -- ----- mush wares Fridav riiu a . , About ki___ ____ , many 30 were in at- to be cooked to mufti) Junior We lovely gift: need more wood! Yes. I know you tendante ___ _______ _____ got some a while ago, but three w e s ^ a h z e in quality j-A, p rint- MW» <*w ood a m . enough e g 1 ng— a r 5 uis. ___ - A CONTEST FOR t H > M o T o n Co* AUTHORIZED jales aho service RURAL E L E C T R IC U S E k S Jimmy Doesn’t Qet Those Quarters NOW! Write a 10 Word Slogan te llin g th e a d v a n t a g e i o f e le c ­ tric w a te r s y s te m i o n th e farm Here are the rules of this slogan contest. Read them carefully: 1. Only rural elet trie users may compete, 2. Slogan* must lx? fen word* or lew. Those containing more than ten words vk ill lie disqualified. I. Submit as many slogans as you wish, but eat h one must be written on a separate entry blank as printed below. (More blanks are available at any store selling electric water systems). All slogans may be entered at any store selling elec trk water systems. 5. Your slogan must be entered not later than 6 p. m. Saturday, September 15. 'I he contest positively doses on that date. 6. FIRST PRIZE Any make of water system of winner’s choice sold by members of the Couneif, valued at not aiore than |55. .SECOND PRIZE $10 in cash. THIRD PRIZE— 15 in cash. Judges of the contest will be A. C. MrMicken, Sales Manager, Portland General Electric Co.; lames B. Ruman, Manager, Utilization Dept., Northwestern Electric Co.; Berkeley Snow, .Secretary, North­ west Electric l ight and Power Association. The winner will be announced within a few flays after the contest is over. k. J IM M Y d oesn’t g e t to sp en d those dim es and q u a rte rs his fond uncles give him. T hey are popped into one of o u r little hanks (th o u g h Jim m y d o esn ’t see th e p e rcen tag e in it) and dep o sited once a m onth in a savings acco u n t in his own nam e. Some day Jim m y W ILL see th e p e r­ c e n ta g e in it . . . w hen he fin d s t h a t 2 ,/2 , ; > com pounded sem i-annually, can m ultiply m oney p re tty fa st, and th a t instead of a few q u a rte rs, he has a fund big enough to put him th ro u g h college. LEARN THE ADVANTAGES OF OWNING AN AUTOMATIC WATER SYSTEM Good slogans are based on knowledge of a product and its merits. Visit a dealer’s showroom and ask him to give you full facts about electric water systems. It will help you write a winning slogan 1 Facts you should know a b o u t autom atic electric w a te r systems (In fo r m a tio n th a t w ill h e lp you w in ) • An nutomstic water system is one of the most desirable improve- nientl th at can be made on uny farm. It supplies an abundance of water ON TAP day and night. It eliminates t he drudgery of pumping and carrying water. It aids in the health of the entire family I m *< .»use It supplies clean, protected w.iter and an abundantt* of it for kiths, laundry, and cookiug. It provides plenty of water for your liveshx k ami that means niu< h, Iwith to the dairyman ami the hog raiser. An automatic water system is one of your Ix’st protections agakist fire! As to cost, modern systems are lnexf>cnsive and can Is* pun hated on easy terms. Thousands of tests prove that electricity to ojierate these systems costs 1 to 2 cents p r day. So, in addition to Isung one of the greatest conveniences available to farm homes today, it is also one of the most economical Improvements that can be made, con­ sidering the long years of enjoyment ami freedom from drudgery It will bring. Visit any store selling electric w.iter systems ami learn first-hand bow truly efficient and economical they are. THE FACTS WILL SURPRISE YOU. PEPCO PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ENTER YO U R S L O G A N A T A N Y STORE D IS P L A Y IN G THIS SEAL W ANTED W h e a t, O ats, F eed a n d B rew ing B arley, Red and A lsik e C lo v er S eed , C rim son Clover, H airy V etch, a n d C om m on V etch Seed. W ith our d ire c t sh ip p in g o u tle t w e ca n p ay you m ore. Piume 01 • U , Dr. E m ils Adla Tablets bring quick relief from stomach pains be­ tween meals due to acidity, indiges­ tion and heartburn. If not your money is refunded. The D elta Drug store.—Adv. seed cleaning eq u ip m en t and class jo b B ring y o u r V etch C leaning, and G rain C lean ­ y o u r clean ing b etter. HL'S SOME BAbV. h u l l o ! m is t e r GUARANTEED TREATMENT FOR TENDER STOMACH Cleaning i lllillig un clilktreii Bv M u n ch alone It don t do to go to too much gigglin' I'm gobi to s|guik von right loi Pluitognipher a a lugli p lrlu r» ' Now Minile ■ trouble tor threshers, they never pay h l'te betöre i vnry'txxly oh Just take F a th er , L ik e Soil —Harry F. Bonesteele was vlclnlty' havin* Grain-Seed W e hax'e u p -to -d a te can give you a firs t C lean in g , C lo v er S eed in g to us. W e can do la k e visiting her old friends and neigh MAC lX\ii- and Mrs. Robert ISJmetyy and daughters went to Molalla T nurs- day. » here they aere quests toi a jew days of Mr. and Mrs John Steelman Mr and Mrs. Norman Meyers ot Portland visited Frida \ a: the home o{ Mrs Meyers parents. Mr and Mrs J. R. Daniels. | Mr an d Mrs. Paul Stassens and T hu m d u y , A ugaut Id. 1934 OREGON „ V F D IC . _ -r ;* Commercial National Bank "The Largest Independent Bank ln W ashington County.” 1 submit the following advertising slogan to the Electric Water Systems Council, Portland Division Slogan..................................................................................... H illsboro, O regon Nami ....................................................................... Aihlreir