♦ ! ¿¿lîlsbori County I air Aug. 30-31, Sept. I With Which is Combined VOLUM E 41 L Independent IIILI-SBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1934 I. I N II II K C X UumpuiKii fo r Governor I ’vrkn Up; Relief I ’ liut.x in Make ALEM W ith lV trr Zliiimermun. tlip "progressive ” nominee, mak- A mu public the pernnjuiel i>| his i niiipulK» com m ittee uiul G eneral M artin entered upon an Intensive tour of t)»' state. tile uuberiurlorlul campaign In Oregon begun to take IU1 milled Interest thin week Prom tire Zim m erm an rum p came Ila* m lorm allnn tluit M orton'fum p kin« of Dayton, prom inent ui unit­ er. would liead up tile progressive committee o n political strategy A rthur O rton of Portland. who p re­ sided us elutiniiun at the conven­ tion which nom inated Zimmerman, will head up Hie financial com­ mittee and publicity fur the Zun- merman cam paign will be directed by A M. Church. Salem newspaper­ man. General M artin got out among the voters In person last week III a leisurely tour of tile cisist counties, visiting ut ull tile principal < litre en route, meeting hundreds of Ills admirers and confining his speech- making activities to brief Informal S the H ills b o ro rgus Grand Jury Reports 15 Indictments Aloha (irangers to Give Degrees Here Next Week Aloha Orange will put on the third and fourth degrees a t the Hillsboro O range meeting T h u rs­ day night August 23 O rangers here »Saturday debated | the question. “Resolved, th at It Is I w e lv e P e r s o n s F a c e C o u rt Impossible for a grange farm er to A s R e s u lt o f F in d in g s better his financial condition. W R Mulkey of North P lain t and J o f C o u n ty J u r o r s R Forsythe, taking the affirm ative —- - - — —. | for Hillsboro, won against the n eg a-' . live teum of J E lx*wton and Mrs I . I ll I I <» r 4* /1 n,,<’rKe Bauman of Finest Grove p m 1 t Illk > V z r t.lt i t U (• w C raft of Forest cst Grove H B L aw rence ot Raleigh and Mrs H P Strickler of Laurel Ridge w e r e L o ca l J u s t ic e C o u rt F i n e s Judges After the debate proper it was T h re e M e n T h is W e e k shown th a t tlu« “m ajority of the grangers were still old fashioned enough to believe th a t it not iw - Fifteen true bills of Indictment less to try. and keep on trying aguiiL'.t 12 jM 'isoiis w e r e reporUkl mg useless but absolutely neces- Monday afternoon by the county «ary." write» Mrs «trickier la u re l grand jury, one of the largeat mini- Ridge correspondent County Fair Aug. 30-31, Sept. 1 N O . 26 Cites Big Crowds Architect Opportunity for Relief Work City Park Work Lays Stress Expected at County Fair on Self-Aid State GOP Head T hat HlILsboro had an opportun­ ity to establish one of th te finest city entrances In the state was the o p in io n expressed by F A Cuthbert, associate professor of landscape a r ­ chitecture at the state university, to members of the city planning F r e e G a t e A t t r a c t s ; F* a rm . commission Thursday. C uthbert was F ir st U n it C o u n ty C a n n e r y I In Hillsboro Thursday anti Friday of U n io n P la n n in g fo r S ta r t e d o n M o n d a y at last week to confer on proposed improvements a t the city park. B ig D a y H e r e T ig a r d G r a n g e H a ll Preliminary plan of suggested Im­ provements a t the city park was presented b y C uthbert, Including •« ri • ri i « dimming pool, wading pond, a O U l l t r F O i e C t r e t l U S , small lake, double driveway to the J pavilion and landscape gardening. “ M u lt ” D o g S h o w S p o n s o r e d ‘¿ u n d ''e ^ X ? c e \ t o 'v a iij'o f A p p lic a t io n f o r P r o p o s e d Politicians Make Plans for Election D e m o c r a t ic C e n tr a l B o d y to M e e t H e r e F r id a y N ig h t to O u t lin e C a m p a ig n B. & P. Backs Event GOP Club Prepares Z im m e r m a n A d h e r e n t s P la n the park to the public, he believed W o o d y a rd s R ead y Soon N o m in a t in g C o n v e n tio n Plans for obtaining a caretaker at the park and for building a Plans for holding the W ashing caretaker's cottage as an SERA Several new SERA self-help pro- Prospects of a hard-fought pre- - — ................ ...... ..................... started or ton county fair here August 30, — 31. Project «ere discussed and recom- Jectg E. B Nedry of Tigard, recently election campaign in Washington and September 1 after a two-year m,'jidcd by the commission. started within a few days In W ash- elected state president of Oregon county this fall Is Indicated by the lay-off due to lack of funds, are Co*’t °* constructing tennis courts lngton county In spite of the fact activities of the various partisan Republican clubs. shaping rapidly according to C. D .. ,,r‘ U l' Gty-«wned Bagley lots was th a l the federal allotm ent of re- her of Indictm ents to be re tu rn e d political groups in th e county. R e­ Uherside. Beaverton. Sherwood Minton fair board vice-president at between 11500 and funds for the m onth was re- I I I several years O ne ot the publican.-, are laying campaign plans IlMlIrtinenU returned were k e p t abd * *?.*!* *.VZun?’ s. .w,7?’ fePr' s^n , 'd and m anager Considerable Interest J1’’0'1 P* t court In a report by duced. The first unit of the county through t h e recently organized Mi and Mrs A H. Richmond two Ls being shown throughout t h e r rancts Sturgess of Hillsboro. Tins j-ejjef cannery project was launched secret and no not-true bills were grangers county chapter. Oregon Republican from Vermont, were also county M anager Minton says, A e.-tiniate included preparation of a t Tigard Monday afternoon, a rejxirted The group will convene present clubs, democrats will start t h e Ire e g a te is expected to b r i n g ‘¡a r’l-surf a te courts a n d fencing fa rm survey was started Tuesday aguln September (1 ball rolling'' Friday night when larger crowds tlian ever before Cuthbert expressed the opinion th a t and qujlting projects a t Aloha and committeemen m eet here, Indictm ents reported wen- a s Representatives of the Farm ers' 1‘” Bagley lots should be kept for Tigard will probably be started while Zimmerman adherents are I Hows Peter Diiiihur of Eugene, Union met with the fair board here u ,lt5r I*irk ,and lb1a t the tennis Monday. Plans for several relief planning a nominating convention rap t, Rufus V Ervin, ultus K H chumber in the tin- cham ber of commerce rooms courts should o..uu.u be uc placed a m t some w on, woodyards woodyards in the county are prac- , , __ ____ 24 to „ ____ _ _ or __ August endorse nom inate . 1 u,‘ ld Auburn. Wash Issuing Tueedav night to make plans for "t ;'rr location. tically complete and ar. application C o n tr ib u t io n s U s e d C lo t h in g progressive candidates for county forged check and obtaining Farm ers Union day. August 31 Tile meeting closed with a dis- a m be subm itted within a short _ . . . c m » »» legislative offices. Louis rem ark s T ills week he is con- nio,““V under false preten m ilk maid contest, conducted for 11 ‘,,n methods of utilizing the tjme. S o u g h t by SE R A M a n a g er plans for the coming campaign turning hto luUMl-Mlmk mg t o u r II Holt ol Hillsboro, non-support; the first urn«- last year by th e cit>' P31-* for additional activities. Receipt of »4523.37. W ashington -------- will be outlined by the democratic A, ,a. H'r'"7 .L ^ v Farm ers' Union, will be held a t tliroutfli H outlw rn O regon, ret unk­ county's share of state liquor money -The SERA sewing project, four central committee here Fridav night, o | forger); Jam es H Jack p <)r,l« n d Y o u th A r r e s t e d o n 7.3 30 p m ing to lto rtla n d by way of K luniulh . t - . g - August 31. G W P otts v 1 Í? 1 for the first six months, has made oneration in w o rd in g to notices calling the possible the quilting and woodyard ^ lts 01 *Bich are in operation in meeting for 8 p m a t w ilkes hull*. Iletid a n d 'H ie Dalle*. 'Die i MchnlLs non-Kupixirt; B A Knight te f lir s o n l a t e p r e s id e n t of th e L O C i l i ^ C l l O O l S R e c k le s s D r iv in g C o u n t v general i* M’heduUxi to Invade the of Hlllabor». contributing to th e de­ projects, according to R. W Weil, Washington county, is surpassing Abstract office Democratic candi- union will be invited Attendance linquency of u minor, Fred Koeuke \Vll Lunette Valley next week -------- of from 600 to 1000 Farm ers' Union county chairm an Additional spe- all expectations in more th a n one dates for county offices have been of Cornelius, assault and battery; cial funds have been allotted tills way •• w j Mills manager of invited to attend. Search for Swen O scar Lund- members is expected. Cedar Mill ('oiutkleruble In te re st attach«* to I. J Miller of Portland and Joe week and Weil expressed the hope cm i . Republicans Meet and Blooming union ball team s will M’leetHMi of u ftiU’CMMor to Jay 11 Powell ol Aloha, drunken driving strom was bust seen Jan u ary 1 and tlia t the work program could be gton county SERA. 1 a T h at democratic leaders h a d Upton, veteran member of the Mute cluiiges, Frank Dorr o f Forest missing from his home ut the heuo- play for the championship m »-ii n continued a t nearly full quota, letter to the Argus. "Not only abandoned fundam ental ideals of Nrnute. who naigued this week in ( hove ru|><- and Arnold F Htelnke waters of M * * aiv t o ^ m - T H ^ l J b * i l w ^ s l i < ^ the e“em entan' achooU a n d 'tw o ‘a t direction o f three paid directors making garm ents lor the needy of election ¿f vice-chairmen m sev- day to select a candidate for Up- '• ’»''d 1500 a,xl «-nB-nced to serve t h w ^ L u n lt o r e m % i tr ^ « i u ^ ^ one year in tla- county Jail He was V. J •lr| ' ; ' , 4' H , b ' ? .?w Htlh; since Monday afternoon. Earl Ram - eral of th e 15 county districts. U»ti n Job und tiir deiiXH ruta of Uif ’ y ' ,K ' K 1 - Jx' ul“<1 ponsoreil a Jew « « ‘Es ago bv the New memb€rs of the grade school sey. chief canner, Charles Olson. c u . Senator Bynon outlined m ajor illAtrlcl art* ai*o expe« U*« th e "New Deal" was a prod- nom I nation by the republican» Ui k„ Cornelius received a isentenc« and Herman Wtdenkeller also ol Thursday. August 30. will b e Rex Jones, formerly a teacher a t cessful, other units may be estab- , hj worthwhile to d o a n d a t th e u c t o f t h e republican adm im stra- 11136 alien a Salem new spaperm an , ; days ir the county Jail. Frank Portlund. was taken to the Jotv-s ch ild ren s day with 4-H duba an d , th<, Junlor hlgh. will act as assist- Hshed. ’ ¿ne I fee? I am d o i n g Uon in t e n d e d th a t de­ quot*-d him as turning t It u in b ■ jx .rr of Forest Grove was arraign- hospital with a broken arm and putin', Farm ers taking an Im port- ant pnnclpui Bt tf,a l school, taking Equipment a t the cannery was som ething to helD others & tolLs of the bank holiday were down on the honor McNary, how tin- same day on a morals in- Halocated shoulder Saturdav site.- ant part O B Kraus, county , ,jle place of Mrs Joseptune Case, supplied by the county and in- , .w. u Planned and worked out during tlie ever, ts not closing any doors u p n ment and was given until F rl- tlieir ear went into a ditch south v liool .-nperm tendent. and L. E ..j»no died recently eludes a pressure cooker with a Some amazing things are be- Hoover adm inistration and t h a t live possibility and hurriedly ex- lav Ul plead Rufus V. Ervin plead of Hillsboro and turned over. A Francia, assistant county agent, are Neu teachers at Hilhi ti.ts fall capg.c..y of 4. number 2 4 cans. lng done Wlth LLsed clothing As an ovany features of the present agri­ plaiiMxi hat w h i l e h r w m > not t guiTty u indirunenU of *1 m u - third member of im p a rt.. Aas un> in charge. will be Miss Edwyna Broadbept of sealer, kettles and other equipment, example, just witness the rejuvena- cultural and banking policies were cundldute at the present moment, in« a forced check and of obtain- injured. Plan Twin-Triplet < on test Salem and E. Matthew Skene of The government supplies cans. “ °n of dad s shirt which he thought recommended by republicans in sin, r it wigs entirely U hj rarlv to mg money under fulse pretenses. T heft of a rifle and a shotgun Twin contest sponsored by th e Hoy. according to B. W. Barnes, sugai and other supplies Each fam - fht* "Six P rogram ' a t t h e begin thinking- about t h e presi­ vvlnle J,x- Powell of Portland en- from Ills home sometime during the Business .,nd Professional W omens superintendent Miss Broadbent will Uy is allowed 60 cans per person in ~11«' had been turned and the a s t st-s-on of congress prior to dential cam paign yet. lie was not veget- £uffs a bl' su w n n te ld e n t *» iVx®ev'‘li adm inistration ,coi... .s.lumnSi past tliree or four monlivs was re- Club -! HHlsbop, wil: be held at teach history and music, taking the the following percentages saying what lie m ight or might ported th is week to the sheriff bv 2 30 1, m S eptem ber 1 and the Place of Miss Edith Findley, who ables 70 per cent; fruit 20 per cent 11 to the project superintendent Analysts indicating th a t the "New ixrt do about the nomination should m u tt dog contest is booked for resigned. Skene will be assigned to and m eat or fish 10 per cent F am - a^ a^ to see w lm cmiid be Dead" was not in ^ " » n y w ith G H Blair of Hillsboro It be offered to lum by tlu- time tlie m athem atics departm ent. dies bring their produce to the can- d£ne .nth it. Next jay she was traditional ideals of th e democratic A range was stolen from the 3 30 I) m uhe same day 1036 rotbxl around Cl •!' ,1 S1r.1t!; of Clatsop county S tandard school year of n i n e nery on days assigned by the case P?11? or wl,h 1932 democratic home ol W alter Schallberger near • • • 7,‘ . X k ‘« n d " ^ v w X h i m onths duration is planned for workers and co-operate in prepar- * . s'naI1. cLUd. P«ationn was given by Bynon. As Beaverton last Thursday morning. will uidge livestock and Ray • W right M , , t l K i . .. f h t c 1 4 and f o a . r h . n r v ; . h a v n . . ITICZ t Kp fr tr tr is tilffft fo r Call Oregon will finance it* unem ­ __ the foodstuffs for canning. A was so enthused over it th at dad examples he cited the platform Thieves were reported to have e n ­ of Clackamas countv the farm « “ hl °?ls -v ear a"d teachers have mg C ployment relief thin winter through portion of each family's pack is re- is now afraid to take off his other promise to reduce government costs ' been given contracts for n i n e por tered tlie house through a back crops the »ale of certificate* of Indebted- by 25 per cent through abolishing months. Last year school was held tained as payment for use of the shirt. window Rotary club i,nw will / again ne.v. againat future profit* of Uie Three hundred countv 4-H club „ “.“ii? sponsor eight m onths and t h e equipm ent and will be used In di- "However, what is urgently need- many boards and bureaus and the J H Wilber of HlILsboro was .ir- ! show at th e fair and . . . . 7, , . .. a inuii. aog -now at 11« Ru,,irrt„v i a i r iu .u teaching staff e , » r f was given rn .,r - n u onth w .» u r»,-t obaf ed now is a great outpouring of corresponding increases in boards liquor control ronunioaion This was m rm ben. purent» and friends a t- rested .Saturday evening by etty tho four-m rect r relief. tlie event is scheduled lor Saturday eontracU • survey of farm s in the county more used clothing. People who and bureaus in th e past two years, agreed upon by tin- Ixxvrri of eon- tended the annual Washington conn - authorities on a drunk shargt afternoon. September 1. Prizes will (Continued on paxe 10, column I I _____ trol ut a meeting lust week Cer- ty <-H club plrnlr Sunday at containing 10 acres or less was can afford new clothes should buy Frank ____ Dorr of Forest Orove was tlflnvtes in blocks of not to exceed Itixitners Rest A short iirognitn of a r r e s t e d I 'u e s d iiv o n n m o r a l* in - be given to the boy and girl own­ started Tuesday by a crew of three them now and give their old ones ers in thq following classes: Black- »250 000 will lx- sold etui, m onth c a c h e s and music was conducted m ctinent men under tlw direction of O. F. to the sewing project superintend- , , . „ , ,, est dog. whitest dog. cleanest dog, for tin- next five m onths when the after the picnic lunch Anderson of Orenco. Statistics on ent for distribution among the Jam es H Jack of Scholls was dir t,est dog. largest dog. smallest legislature will again be in session subsistence farm ing are to be ob- sewing units for remodelu.g Clothes Mrs Frank Connell of Hillsboro, arrested Tuesday morning on rested Tuesday morning on a dog longest haired dog, shortest to take over tlw problem Maehln- president of the county leaders' as non-support indictm ent. tained. suitable for school children ore haired dog. best dressed dog. best ery for floating tlie issue of cer- sedation, acted as program t der this act certificates of indebted- Music for tlie program wa® pro- W ashington Melon and Tomato | » T « th e Zastro car. received a c u t court and turned over to Concilia- nesn may bo sold in an aggregate vtded by Miss LnVelle Jackson, who M arketing Agreement which has the day a t her home In N orth Plains, over the left eye and lost a tooth. tor H offm an Jam es H and M artha she had for 51 years. amount not to exceed tlw unu.M'd played several accordion solos, and power to set minimum prices on all so u * * « A ..«•* .- . , , , „ ... , where - —v — . resided .s— SALEM new p,.ve price ,u, for ,.u can- _ , In the other car. Mrs. J. H. W ist of portion of tlw »3 (XXi.lHH, apprnprla- members of the Reedvllle_calf club, melons and tomatoes sold in the nlng prunes was agre«i on by the ™ were conducted Wednesday after- ^ c“nrba. Cal sister of S tolten­ thxi authorized for unemployment who sang several songs Fred ,Jos- two states, Oregon S tate Prune Control board f , ^ aIa^ Plains berg. was cut on the w nst and Orenco August 10. and Clark F. presm qerian church with Rev. Car- relief The rertlflcatea are not a sy, 1» M McDougall. Cecil Ileyn- here Saturday evening, after a Johnston of Sherwood August 13. Judge Donald T. Templeton was leg; h er daughter. Dorothy Ann, general obligation of the state but dertckx and Leland F lint were hi hearing with canners of the state Pre-Sclnxil Clintr Scheduled rick officiating. Interm ent was in eiected president of the local chap- was cut on nose antl her m oth- are mxlei w ritten only by the liquor charge of the entertainm ent, the church cemetery. , 7 . er. Mrs W’ H. Stoltenberg of Hills- The new price agreed on f o r A pre-school clinic will be held Mrs. Cypher was born in Eng- ter of the W alton League a t the route 3 suffered an injured ommlaslon and can Iw repaid only Highlight of the day .. was the . . at the Durham school on 'Ihursdav fresh canning prunes size 12 to the I»ind July 6, 1852, nnd came to the organization meeting in the cham* arm and chest Both were bac- iron, the revenue» of that cotnmls- ba cbnll game between tlw leaders August 2:t. front 1(1 to 12. Dr Bis- pound and larger ls »20 a ton for c|u i,gt. liSsisted assisted bv by prunes prunes sm sm aller aller th than slon. Including profits front the the and and club club members, members the the latter latter win- win- M.,t w.j]| p,, ¡n (.|1Hlg,. an 12 t o t h e M r c W Z ilK o m c United States in 1870 She is sur- ber of commerce rooms Monday ly damaged. liquor Moren, receipts from tb the nlng by a score .«ore of of 33 33 to to 7 7 The The nf- nf- mis . s Margaret e nlng mjm Margaret IJIxon. Dixon, county county nurse nurse pound po„nd including including 15 15 to t*. the *,.<7 pound I t f r i v i r s . »V I l l L l I l l N vived by two sons. Henry andI Les- night O ther officers Reuben K ur- William Holt of Hillsboro suf- -,lc ol individual perm its mid II- trrnoon was sjwnt In swimming and and Mrs W T Metcalf president j n s o t o n For prunes smaller than’ Mrs Rufus Williams 69 re s id e n t ter Cypher, pronunent pr, North Plains nresirfent and Flovd nice fered bruises Saturday m orn- , c n « s covering the inan.Kacture „„atlng of the ParenG Teaeher association ((1 ^ ldPr^ o " ^ 7 n S «»f H U l s X f t ^ i j ^ s d ie ? w S - “* ■n; n; and three daugh- a tu - vice-president, and Floyd Woe. wfwn Ws motorcyc]e ycoluded with a n auto driven by N. R. Bag- and sale ot light wiiK.s anil Ixxt 1 . 1 M. if ».1 1 lng 17 >° the pound. $15 per ton nesday morning at the family home w S b M m rsE' r a Wormel of Asotin, secretary-treasurer. Dora Finch of P ort- A committee to arrange for a ley. also of Hillsboro, near the hlgh- Prun,,s 18 or more to thc p °und on six th street a ite r an uin,a r v wl’erc In 1876 she was m arried to William Davidson and Game machine, throwing Holt Into the tlve estim ates place possible profits Peach growers, while they gener- rectlons for making tilts spray may lowed. ■’8M1865Wa ^ U G v n ^ v r n e ^ h e c,eorge Cypher, who died in 1931. Supervisor F rank B. Wire of P ort- ditch Holt was taken to the Jones of the liquor commission a t a low a| | v |„ „ | „ nice crop through the be obtained nt the county Hgent i ? s u r v iv e d J “ ? . th5 L ‘“H »— » • ______________ ' » W H O treatm ent. In 1883 they moved to Portland, land were present survived by t h e widower; a and tw o years later came to a of $1 .ObO.lHW) a year. If this Is cor- county this year, experienced some office. . . . , a ,uRhter. Mrs Lorn Iris Fuller of homestead north of North Plains. rcct all of the cert if tea tew to be difficulty with control of peach > Issued during the next five m onths i,lig h t Going through the orchards While a considerable quantitv ol S i : n iu n itP 'sin c e .resided ln this com should lx* eallexl In for paym ent ut this time us soon as the crop Ls sodium chlorate, or its substitutes, well before the end of 1935. harvested and pruning out all were used a few years ago for .......... . ............ Twelfth annual reunion in Port- J li?L,L ,° i_ rorll‘ulcl' aIld lhrt,e >tran(I ‘ sh e was a member of thc T ual­ b lig h t,a tw igs and following lm- com batting perennial weed pests. )a n d Sunday of the old Second Ore- daughters atin Plains Presbyterian church. Hundreds of Oregonians with In- mediately with a bordeaux spray, this method of weed eradication Is gon regiment of Spanish war times Pallbearers were Loel Hollenbeck, William Dierdorff, Fred Beach. J. College News Service—The great tracts for 1934 production are Just v e s t ^ ^ V L i ^ w . . . 'follow with 1, the .most c i r e c t l v e ^ m . e ^ ^ e r e ^ S ’X f V V » ¿"7 ( . " ¡ ^ ^ . ' ^ ^ ^ r t a ^ c o ^ Ä l o n can ^ x i i c l / X h ^ snker- «a tl*r;V;¡»O There was much varia- i i ^ b ’ M ^ irnd’ M rs” ’/ ’ /" i l o u g h t i Millet. Robert Johnstone and E. drought, which has reduced grain j getting well started, while the Bunger. and hay crops to record low levels, wheat, cotton and tobacco contracts has started a country-wide discus­ already in effect run through the W ashington county nnd Oregon sion of the agricultural adjustm ent year 1935. Jersey C attle club will hold a Joint this source O t ' C I I S Y a r d H e r e pragram and affected m aterially Owing to depreciated security, ...... • rv> ................. meeting and picnic at the Putnam tops plants Jus Garibaldi. new Oonsnlldatcd Building and trouble I * th e agricultural refinancing pro- the farm refinancing program of farm at Farm ington Sunday O. M. ait wait in« Over 500 of the old veterans. Many lo a n association L etters luvve a l - . , „ Scholls Tile company Lx op 'n ln g a gram of the government, according the Farm Credit adm inistration Ls Plummer, m anager of the Pacific thn Imves r ia x v i« * fd lw ilin r n iv r l Fv*l zv»x rv t ready been forwardevl to the 8800 spray until J»™''' being slowed up In the drought members of Utesc areas, both as to mortgage loans Ing th a t they approve and production loans, says the col­ Izatlon plan nnd lege extension service, but drought- di'|Mx,lting their stricken farm ers are receiving some certificates and next to the Christensen M achine agriculture says th a t undoubtedly a l d spe<' laJ •‘" ’Prf?ency |.n'.tx‘MTc,mM,hund_If H 8. Rogers of Hillsboro was transfer company. Outside yard to change many of the agricultural ion ot tlu commission, o in r s ,, « ........— ... again n he -*—,_____. grower will be the the cultivations cultivation® are are delaverl delayed to to rive give ejected vice-chairm an — for the ninth C o u n ty R e s id e n t s F ile T he cattle purchase program Lx also only frnslblc solution inisi o t ic the i will be just west of Christensens. programs for 1935. ultles ot 'tlw’ . h r e . to / ^ ' the b . t l 2 K»™ In sale, promotion Iar„ w s there will not be any W purenase sneep salvage asset® A bordeaux spray carefully up- growth appears, then the effort of ln the drought areas. these organizations for the sh are­ Dlled so th a t all the buds and twigs the earlier cultivations Is entirely A n n o u n c e d b y D r. S m ith Geik Tuesday by live county resi- work abandonm ent of the principle of holders. government assistance to farm ers I are covered together with thc wasted. They m ust be kept below A pre-school clinic has been set dents preparatory to hearings on . , , Fora»t Fire Smoke Seen Here i m- A good quality bordeaux m ust lx- certain places where they might the regular surgeon's fee for ton- Tigard route 1. all Canadian clti- 26. A basket dinner will be held a t Already nearly 4,000.000 checks, forest fire near Apiary In Colum­ intttee consists of Henry I-. Cor- J , d Most growers prefer to make well lx1 used. Such places might be stllectomy. may have tonsils and zens; Alfred Olaf Strandberg of the church and then on unusually, am ounting to approximately »300,- bia county. The blaae burned over bett of Portland. Lynn 8 Me- . . , home b,lt, p. may be pur- generally classified where cultl- adenoids removed free of charge Banks, citizen of Sweden; and Karl Interesting program ln th e after- 000.000 have been issued as rental approximately 70 acre« of slashing Cready of Eugene and E P. M a-j . . wo||,jng but fresh and the vatlons such as mentioned are lm - during this week. Only charge will Koepf of Cornelius route 1, citizen noon. F u rth er notice next week, and benefit payment® to farmers. 1 n the Benson Logging company Iiafey-of Bend. All th ree¡are bank- j niatertals should go In to , passible - be -------------- ----------------- 1 of Germany. th e actual ------------ haxpltal ------------ expense. says M. S. Woodworth. I Payment® on the corn-hog con-1 holding» (Continued on page R, column 41 * by L o c a l R o ta r ia n s Relief Sewing Gives Results Officers Seek Missing Man I to Open Soon 4-H Clubbers Picnic Sunday v o q v Hoffman Gets Federal Post r» • Many Injured in Accidents North Plains Woman Dies Prune Board S e ts P rices 1 empleton lNamed d-. . \\ alton President Funeral Friday » r»1* Peach Blight Control Ivlethods Include Pruning or Spraying Veterans Second Oregon Hold Meet Agricultural Adjustment Plan to Continue Despite Drouth J«»« Meet Jersey Club Next Sunday Scholls Company