THE Page Six cumbranees held by mhiuix I credi­ tors, provided he pays the appraised F razier Bill value of such part or parcel or all. . _ in- case may be. to th e secured UonFinti'J tit as their interests may »rinted IV L I III 1I11V VI to I Vr creditors, appear, and the trustee of Hie un- secured creditors, as his Interests I liClP T 1 rarllier mav appear if a trustee is appoint- ed 01 he may put up a bond ap- Farmer r proved by Hie referee in bankruptcy _____ th a t lie « ill make payments, as U terest and at several requests the bin U reprinted for public Infer- m at ion I Public - No. 486—73d Congress' (6. 3580) AN ACT To amend an Act entitled An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout th e United S ta te s '. approved July 1. 1898. and Acts am endatory thereof and sup­ plem entary thereto Be it enacted by the Senate ,, ............. •** and House of Representatives o i j h e United S lates of America in Con­ gress assembled, T hat section 75 of Hie Act of July 1. 1898 entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system o f bankruptcy throughout t h e United Suites. as amended, is amended as follows. In section 75, entitled "Agricultural Compositions ars^l ? vf o»ee urn c ultde lAwVt 1 11 n and X Extensions." after nil1 subsection (r) add a new subsection ts>, to read as follows: “is) Any farm er fmluig to ob- tain the acceptance of a majoi ity in number and amount ot all .credi- tors whose claims are aifected by a composition or extal. or if lie freis aggrieyed by tlie com- jx>sition or extension, may amend adjudged a bankrupt. Such farm er niay. at the time of the first hearing, petition th e^ co u rt t h a t a llo t his property, w hether pledged. encumbered, or unencumoered. by liens or otherwise, be appraised, and th a t his exemptions as prescribed by the S tate .law. subject to any hens thereon be set aside a n a th a t he be allowed to retain possession of any part or parcel or all of the rem ainder of his property and pay for same under the term s and con- ditions set forth in this subsection I®?.- . . . . . v._ il i Upon such a request being made in the petition or answer, a t the time ol the first liearmg. ap- praisers sliaU be designated and appointed Such appraisers shaU appraise all property of th e debtor ? \ en U ‘r. o?d value a t u .e time of Such appraisa, The appraisals shall be made in all other respects, with right of oojec- a^ifrdan3i-Celi i ? h S;hi3ndpia lpXi^iripit1 accordance with this Act: Provided. T hat in case of real estate eitner party may file objections, excep- i* U the mv^ u^ . , / , ^ d t^ . J,*! m ,;t« 'h nviv pledge. hen. or encumbrances in accordance with law It shall be the duty of the secured creditors and ot the trustee of the unsecured creditors to discharge all liens of record in accordance with law. whenever the cDbtor has paid t h e appraised value of any part parcel, or all of his property as herem provided, •nfi' Having complied I'lth the provisions of subsection -3;. this det,lOr nlav apply for Ins discharge as provided m this Act. “i . i If any secured creditor of tlie debtor affected thereby. sliall tile UTitten objections to the m aimer paym ents and distribution ot debtor s properly as herein pro- Vlded (Or then the court, after hay- t,w d etx o rs exemp- , .-a. , tions as prescribed by th e S tate law, shall stay all proceedings for a period of live years, during which jj five years tile debtor sliall retain of all or ot h u prOperty. under the control of the eourt, provided lie pavs a reason- ahle ^ a l a u n u a u ^ jo r th at part of u le property of which he retains p^session: the first payment of such rental to be made w ithin six m dnths of the date Of t he order s[aj.lng proceedings, such rental to distributed among the secured and unsecured creditors, as their m terests may appear, under the provSslons of th u Act. At the end of ilve years. or prior thereto, the debtor may pay into court the ap- p;-a liej price ot the property of ^^icjj he retains possession Pro­ vlded T hat upon request oi llen holder on real estate the court ^hall cause a reappraisal of such refd estate and the debtor may then pav the reappraisal price. U accepta i>';e to the lien holder, into th e COurt. otherwise the original appraiaaj price s h all be paid into d there upon th e court by ajl order over iull possession and title of said property W the debtor and he may apply Ior his discharge as provided lor b th is Act: provided, however. TCat , ht, „revisions of th is Act sbad app;y only to debts existuig at the time this Act becomes ef- Iectjye "If the debtor falls to comply with the provisions of this sub- a c tio n the" court may order die trustee to sell the property as pro­ vided in this Act." Approved, Ju n e 28. 1934. H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday. August 9, 1984 forty years ago and the day was sla nt recalling old limes Mis Wall and Mrs Reynolds are slaters Mr and Mrs UaFollelle Brown + + + and son Bruce have returned to tiled lainie 111 Portland after spend­ DAIM I AND DISTINCTIVE. I 111 SI Did SSES OFFER QUALITY OUT OF ALL ing a week's vacation with Mrs Uiown's parents, Mr and M rs PROPORTION 10 TIME SPENT MAKING THEM Delbert FowUxs A "crawfish leed was Iwkl a t tlie Wall camp on the Willis place above Mountuindule Henry Jolui ,nn ol Poitland and M i. Wall caught 22 dozen Ui (wo hours George Hauser ot P urtland spent Sunday at tllie O. S. Reynolds home, Mrs Hauser and daughter Irene returned home with linn Bruce Halm, who has been a t ­ tending the Curtis W right School ol Aeronautics at Glendale, Cal . returned Siutday iui.1 will spend several weeks with relatives In this vicinity before going back io teach in tlie lugli school a t Westwisxl. C al. where lie lias tau g h t lor sev­ eral years. H>ur ol the K i-C i-lJa-Pi Camp Fire girls. Alma Halfely, Margaret Mutltllesen. Wilma M arr and Leoru Williams left Sunday morning lor Camp Nimianu, near Bull Run on t-lw Sandy river Thev plan to re turn Sulurduy. Mr and Mrs. Ed Sddegel and sons. Irwin, l.csU-1 and Hooert. a t ­ tended tlie annual Schlegel reunion at Cluuupoeg Sunday. Vile K l-Ct-Da-Pl Camp Fire girls lie id a business meeting ut the home ol tlu'ir guardian. Miss Ethel Sm ith, July 31 Tlie evergreen blackberry season Is a t Its best Bus week Soule ber­ ries m e being picked lor Uie Kay Mating ciumery a t Hillsboro. Orville Reynolds, who recently went lo Slim. C a t. finds the sudden cliange ui tem perature very hard to stand Mr and Mrs. K. C. G unther of Portland spent tile week-end Willi their daughter, Mrs. Loel Hollen­ beck. Miss M argaret MaUllcseu mul Al­ ma Raftely and the G a-iw t-a-liu Camp Fire girls went f o r a n overnight hike lo Meacham s Cross- ing July 31 and August I l'liosc going were Elite and Slurley Toate.,, Marjorie s a l Elaine Corey, Vclda R altely and Muriel Fowles Miss IXirothy A braham ol Toledo is spending the week a t the Ed NO 21-1 NO. 2 5 Ô NO 2-4-0 Schlegel home Mr and Mrs Wade Armentrout f lip Out and .Mall This O rder Blank for F alterns R A T H E R dashing, th at Model No. 214, don't you ' left Monday fur a week ut the FASHION BUREAU. th in k ? This two-piece ensemble, m ads of plain Tillamook beaches Irwin Kchlegei is tukuig care of the larui Willie they 103 Dark Ave., New York City. crepe with printed blouse and cuffs, will brighten are away your day enorm ously. Easy to model In linen or Miss Roberta Jean Hergert spent Enclosed find ......... ............. cents. Please send me the patterns listed below at IS ceuts per pat­ last week at the Plillip Hergert faille. It comes In the following sites: 14 to 20 home tern: and 32 to 44 Size IS requires 4 A4 yards of 39-lnch Mr and Mrs Lester Smith. P aitern num ber: Hollenbeck and Sidney Comiohy m aterial plus 2 yards contrast. went to tlie beach lor d am s one 214 Size day last week For the m ature figure. No. 258. In flowered silk, C. S Reynolds and Art Connolly 259 Size voile or chiffon. Is charm ing. This model comes returned Sunday evening from a In sizes 36 to 62. Size 46 needs 4 7a yards of 39- three weeks trip through Southern 240 Size Oregon. They also visited with Mr lnch fabric, or 6 *» yards with sleeves. and Mi . w illiam Reynold* ■> Name Redding, CnL A daytim e frock tbal features real cblc and com­ Mr and Mrs. Joe Baker and fam ­ Address fo rt Is No. 240. Made ot gay cotton print. It would ily. and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kroelch be Ideal. Some of the highlights ot this alluring City ..................................................................................... MAN’S HEART STOPPED. frock are: contrasting collar and cuffs of pique, Slate ................................................................................... STOMACH GAS CAUSE soft revert, a slim sk irt ending Io pleats. Write your name and address plainly, giving num ­ W L. Adams was bloated so with Gingham with pique contrast or tub silk are sug­ ber and size of patterns you want Enclose 15 cents in coin tor each number, and mail your order to gas that Ins In-art o l l e n 1111 .sed gested as being most suitable for this number De­ Hillsboro Argus Fashion Bureau, 103 Purk A ve. beats after eating Adlenku rid him of all gas. and now he eats a n y ­ signed lb sizes 32 to 42. size 39 cal « for 3 \ yards New York. N. Y. thing and leels H im - Tlu- IX-lla of 35-lacb fabric, plus '« yard cootrast. Drug store Adv. Frocks That Radiate d ia n a , Comfort + + + + from date of order approving the appraisal. "(2) A fter the value of th e debt­ or's property shall have been fixed by the appraisal as herem provided, the referee shall issue an order set­ ting aside to such debtor his ex­ emptions as prescribed by the State law. subject to existing mortgages or liens upon any such exemptions (By Mrs Jesse Meyers! to an am ount equal to the value. BUXTON—A house belonging to as fixed by th e appraisal, of the M“ Mrs Isaav Bledsoe on’ the value of such exempt property as Burr plafe Manning was d e­ ls covered by any- mortgage or liem strOyed by fire last week A small and shall 1 u rther order tlia t the an,ount oj household goods was possession, under the control of the ^ v e d Falx. Mrs J. T VanHorn, a m em ­ the court, of any port or parcel or Mrs Ethel was U1 at ,lrr ber, was guest of lionor for the all of the rem ainder of the debtor s home here last week, afternoon in observance of her property, shall rem ain in the debt- w h eat ¥|eW 75th birthday. She was presented or subject to a general lien, as se- T hreshing will be resumed this with a gift from tlie aid as well us cunty for the payment of th e vaiue weelE T he yield of grain is poor i By ('amp Eire (¡irla) 1 By Mr«. E. L. Cox) a num ber of other gifts. She cut thereof to the trustee of the cred­ in this section H arry LaZott lias MOUNTAINDALE W ashing t o n v-***-~* ******^ ■ *4**.; KINTON—Annual picnic ________ . _ ___ ______________ itors, i f a frnct^p i c aDDoinLcd such a lien to be subiect to and 1 le record oi bushels of wheat u>n grange will be held at Eisner s of-town guests included Mrs. Oladys Grange won first prize for tlie best t„ inferior to all Dnor liens Diedges. pei 4 WIei » , . „ .1 j Park Sunday Those attending are Snider and son of Ione. Mrs. Bell .tunt at the Pomona G range picnic M ^ u n b r ^ c e f^ s L e h w io r h f S - ^ dwar, l It O lan ° / RPorllaVd requested to bring basket lunch and of Montana. Mrs Budges of Mid- a t Balm Grove Sunday Tlx h e song S le d S S ^ r^ ^ rn S e fim a ll^ -’ WU' dHhes to serve m. Coffee »111 be dleton. Mrs S arah VanKleek ot "School Days was sung and acted Now you can afford n new pledges, or encumbrances shall re ­ set of tubes You'll lx* su r­ last week. by grange. Everyone is Hitcon. and a few Invited gurata. out by Mrs Fay Mill*. Mrs. R u ­ main in full force and effect, and 11am Tom reiaainx. Thornburg of Lyle. Wash., furnished Schaer and Leroy Mills. In prised how new tubes will Im­ the property covered by such prior vlslted his father T honi- invited to attend. Peter Zimmerman There were about twenty-five pres­ dolph the skit. Mrs Meek was teacher, prove your Rudio if y o u rs arc Uw eni- will speak. There will also be a ent. and pupils were Fritz MllL. Mrs general good time. Mr and Mrs. Victor Anicker and over a year old Regular re­ shall be subject to the paym ent of 29 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stassens and family of Fairvale visited relatives J Vandomelon and Mrs. Logan. placem ent of tubes Is good In­ the claims of the secured creditors c A Morgan who was awarded Mrs Maria Jackson received a prize son Ernest Stassens and Lester here Sunday. holding such prior liens, pledges or the wood {or d t t surance against other troubles, Mr and Mrs. A P. Herrick and for being the oldest member there, encumbrances up to the actual value ousv last week delivering the wood Snider motored to Long Beach. too. Wash.. Friday morning to spend a son Donald of Sellwood visited Mr. anti Mrs J VanDomelon for the of such property as fixed by the tbe school. CALL US NOW! largest family present. a p p ra isa l' provided for herein. All “ ’1 4 ^ C lara * Allen left last week Lew days *'tth M r- Snlder s brother and Mrs. E. L. Cox Saturday. Old Schoolmates Meet hens herem on livestock shall cover foJ. a visit wlth her husband. Aiex Clarence Snider, and wife, who re Mrs. B ertha Shaver and family Mrs C. S. Reynolds entertained all increase and all liens on real Allen who u employed with a side there. “ of Beaverton visited Mr. and Mrs with a dinner Thursday Those property shall cover all ren tal re- ra iirOad in C alifornia Mrs. Doro- Kinton grange will get into line Floyd Bierly Sunday. ceived or crops grown thereon by thy Randall of Orenco is staying with all the other granges in the Mr“ LÎUy M^Bi'i-riy and daughter, PJ',':*"1 we" M l * cs Eliza Shorey of the debtor, as security for the pay­ with h er sister. June Gavin, dur- country and observe September 29, Mrs Ethel McCormick, and family »?llsb,)r0- Mrs. D urs N rtaw and l l a l l l O V IC C Mrs. S J. Young, of and m ent of any sum th at may be due mg th eir m other's absence. of^ Portland, Portliuid.^aiul _ j>hun< as "Booster Night." This Is an a n ­ were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Mrs Mrs W J. Wall ot S anta B arbara. Sslfrldgr Bros. or past due under th e term s and Mrs. Prudie Fickas and daughter. nual affair among all granges. This Shoemaker of Reed ville, Cal. All except Mrs Nelson were _______________ provisions of the next paragrapl Frances, are home from California. year is occurs on Saturday evenmg. Mr and Mrs. E L Cox attend­ until th e full value of any such a b ere they visited relatives. Those who have peach orchards ed the flfieth wedding anniver­ schoolmates at the Harrison school particular property has been paid. around town have a ready sale for sary’ of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fisk Mrs. D C om utt and children vis “ 1 3) Upon request of th e debtor. ited relatives at Woodland. W a sh . all they raise Largest growers are on the picnic grounds at the home and with the consent of th e lien last week Roy Bierly. W. C. Hail. William of Mr. and Mrs Jesse Snider of holder or lien holders, the trustee, Mrs ^ 0 ^ , . stQm p c(xA at the Wenzel and Fred G rabhom . Scholls Sunday. made Elwood mill, was ill and unable to Social Planned to the debtor his exemptions, shall work a couple of days last week. Ladies' Aid society Is to hold an agree to sell to the debtor any part, O tto Stowell visited friends and ice cream social Friday evening. parcel, or all of the rem ainder of relatives here last week, August 17. ut the grove adjoining ( b y V iv ia n H u tlaun) the bankrupt estate at the apprais­ Mrs Mollie Tallman returned church The proceeds will be George Fisher ol Buxton and two ed value upon the following term s from a visit with her parents in the used in connection with the cu r­ men with and caterpillar and conditions, and upon such th e eastern p a rt of the state last rent expenses of the church Invi­ graded tlie grade, road to the cemetery other conditions as m the Judg­ week. tations have been extended other m ent of the trustee shall be fair Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and Lad,-s' Aids in communities near July 30. and equitable: Hunger Brothers and Moehnke family’ attended a reunion and pic- Kinton Everyone is invited to at- a. Paym ent of 1 per centum in- nic du-.ner a t Columbia park July "tend and help m th e good cause Brothers donated lumber for the NJOY the clear, rich pictures playshed at the school terest upon the appraised price 2g. Mr. and Mrs. George Snider Jr Mr. and Mrs. George Laemerman within one year from the date of jj r . and Mrs Lee Hodgdon of and son Harold of Ione were guests that Kodak Verichrome pro­ ,.•? ... „ , Portland visited Mrs. Hodgdon’s the past week of Mr. Snider’s p a r­ attended tthe Hunger family re ­ duces. It's the film that w ill give union along the Nehalem river Paym ent ,°f 2 a per centum mother. Mrs. Bessie Hiddlnk. ents, Mr and Mrs. George Snider. Sunday. of the appraised price within two Fred Sullvan returned recently you better vacation snapshots than Members of th e 4-H Cooking club years from th e date of said agree- from - — Mrs G. A. Gheen accom panied! California, where he - had - - been 3 enjoyed a picnic a t the "Riffles ' ment. ever. Let us supply you with the employed for several months. He is Thursday afternoon. The latter part Mr and Mrs. O tto Hunger of Or- to the beach last week c. Paym ent of an additional 2 no^ employed in Portland, the afternoon was spent a t the chardale four size that fits your camera. Then, per centum of the appraised price - Buxton won a ball - game with of days a t the different home of Mr and Mrs. Emery Van- spending beaches. within three years from the date T reham e Sunday. return the exposed film to us for weather of said agreement. Moehnke Brothers were logging William Walker and Dan Cham - Mrs. E tta Bridges of Middleton prompt developing and printing. ”d. Paym ent of an additional 5 Thursday a fter a sh u t down of ,0 appraised n price r ,r » bsrs of I-aurel were Saturday night arrived July 31 at the home of Mr. per centum of the orithin f„..r vo»™ ZreS, the nf and Sunday visitors of the form er’s and Mrs. Harold Aten, and spent several weeks. 1 the 1 brother-in-law , Jesse Meyers, of the rest of the week. sa ia agreem ent. _ ... . . . th is place. Members of the 4-H corn club en ­ __ Subscribe for the Argus. ’’e. Paym ent of an additional 5 Mrs. T hor Groenbeck w’as vls- joyed Thursday evening a t the per centum of the appraised price Sunday by her parents. Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bierly. within five years from tlie date o f . and Mrs. Hard^ebeck òf Dilley. Miss K athryn Pomeroy, who has said agreement. been spending the past three weeks "f. Paym ent of the rem aining u n ­ Fees Reported with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and paid balance of the appraised price collected during the month Mrs. Bert Sparks, a t the coast, re­ w ithin six years from the date of al Fees July by Edward C. Luce, county turned home Thursday evening, said agreement. Aid Entertained “Interest shall be paid on the clerk, totaled $629 90 and by Jam es auDrawedTionce In iT u n n lid b ia m e Z H DavLs, county recorder, $614.55, Ladle, Aid society was very pleas- appraised price and unpaid balances , ^ 0 , . ^ to reports filed with the antly entertained Thursday after- 01 the appraised price yearly as it ro .lntv UNDER THE NEW DEAL mood a t the home of Mrs Luella accrues a t the rate of 1 per centum u ■’ ■■ per annum and all taxes shall be paid by the debtor. “T he proceeds of such payments A re you giving yo u rself, your M erchants and D octors cn th e appraised price an d interest shall be paid to the lien holders as a square deal. their interests may appear, and to the trustee of the unsecured credi­ tors as th eir Interests may appear, S T O P A N D T H IN K . If a trustee is appointed. "(4) An agreem ent having been reached as provided in subsection 13), tlie debtor may consume or ( HECK up on yourself and see if you are returning the confidence dispose of any p art or parcel or all of said property whether covered that, has been bestowed upon you by the Business and Professional by the general lien to th e trustee, men in the last year or two. If a trustee is appointed, or subject to pledges or prior liens or en- You asked for a personal loan when you asked for their merchandise Bledsoe H ouse at Buxton Destroyed Washington Grange Wins on Best Stunt Kinton Grangers to Picnic Sunday Tube Prices REDUCED 5% a tle iu ted th e lim n Co op pienit < llll'O|MHllst ol h im *' at JahUMMi Reach M l miti Ml» Baker (Midi received a piì/.t» .Mr Baker won 50 pounds ol vt’lt’h ht‘(Tl Ui Uie fat m a n a iän - Al ul Mi». Baker a g a rd en cull Ivalot »1 fai lo r the last, one im uille talk on ' Why I llk. » to belong lo Ila* Co op M is A nna C hapm an, who I., v eiv lll. was given a show er by the grange n u m b e rs u t ihelr meet lug Sulurduv Mr a n d M l. Doiuild G ariigiL. ol B anks spent Sunday w ith Mi and Mrs G eorge M eacliam a n d son B mm Eugene Essiu'r am i *011 Eugene J r a rrh ix l Sunday lor a lew days vis­ it Willi his brothers. Jia* a n d Gala* Essni‘1*. Mr a n d Mi's Jia* Baker re tu rn e d I’uesilay fisun a H ip lo Ila- la in he Tlie MC-.1-S I.01. S iellä a n d An delta U ntcieker. f r o m B rainerd. M in n , a re vl.sillug H all aunt Mi J o h n Loftis, and a tte n d ed Wa Jilu g - ton G range Sal unlay M rs G E Jo h n so n of ll.uik • en lerlHim at Sunday with a d in n er for her uncle. Ed lkalson. a n d lair- enls. Mr a n d Mrs C W IX a fs o n M 1 liaison left lor C alifornia last Don t Let Se«j and Sun Spoil Your Hair Monday morning Ml alyl Mis C W IXalson, Mr E.l IXalson and Mrs G E Jolui- sim and daughter Ecru went ground the Ml llia a t U xip August 1 //in c u M i i i l e r t i PERM ANENT $Q.5(> “ Il H appened O ne N ight" m ( V en etian Four D ays Hitch-hiking to Heaven on tin* royal rigid ol Kotituncc' A p»a>r, little rich girl, with a million dot lius but She had lo lag lor love! Sparkling lamiedyl Evening sm prisea! Thrilling romance! Thai s the sio n of "It H ap|aned One Night." till* Clark Gable Claud ette Colbert co-starring comedy dram a showing Sunday Mondai Tiwsdav and Wednesday ill the Venetian theatre I’* perm anent wav- iii2 priicc ; giiarmi tees you n beautiful wove nil sip 111 ei ’ Millie’s Beauty Salon Ills O ne Aptitude Smith "I don't know what to d<> with tluii son of mliu* II*' • been id college two years a n d Is still ut tin* fixit of Ids class Joni's "Why don t von make a 121.5 3rd S t Plionr I27X Ground floor Gdd Fellow»' BUI« • G e n u in e Ford parts at low est prices • A p p r o v e d F o rd a c c e s s o rie s from seat covers to radio • S p e c ia lly - tr a in e d m e c h a n ic s • Low flat-rates for labor 37% Bring your car to SPECIALISTS to be serviced. Wc know Fords—from Model T's to the latest V-8. We know how to make adjustments with speed and precision. We quote you established prices only—determined by the Ford Factory — for every part and every job. Wc maintain the highest standard suggested by Ford. In our shop you can be assured that we use nothing but genuine Ford parts.