THE Page Four us ITilbbn W ith la Com bined the llill« b « *ro Independen! H i IUtb«»ro In depen «tont «»tab. lt» « l M r K IN N K Y A M »*K IN N K Y . 1‘ uhltaher» T hu radar«. Enter*«! «* M n ra d -v la M m a tte r in the p<>« t o f f ire a t HilUber»». Ore»«*« W h ic h H l l l a b o r c A rg u ì* « a t a h . P u b lis h e d w Citizens Organized V E R N E M c K inney E ditor * mrs k c. M c K inney The Citizens’ Emergency League, a new organization for the promotion of Americanism, pledged to safeguard the principles of justice, freedom ami demo­ cracy. is being form ed in Hillsboro, and elsewhere. C apable a n d o u ts ta n d in g leadership has been provided and this league, a non partisan, non-religious group of men who are aroused to the inroads of radicalism in this country, will stand ready to spring to the defense of the principles on which th is n a tio n w a s H I L I .S B O R l) ARGU S, Locals Rank Fourth Place Sunset Loop Hillsboro wound up th e s f iu n d h a ll at tile Sunset league schedule Suiulai I'v luuiiinerilig out a u to 2 victor!, o 'e r O u sio n to ra n k fo u rth ui the ioop stan d in g . Local collected hi h its ott N euep- schw iutder a n d B eeler while Je n se n , local h urler. lei G u sio n down w ith but mx sa le lu ts Aloha a n d C ornelius tin ish ed in a viriu al tie tor first place in the second h alt schedule w ith victories over W illam ette a n d O renco. re­ spective:.' C ornelius llgured in a 16 lim n -g tie gam e w ith W illam ette earlie r in th e season a n d th e gam e will be replaced If stall victorious. C ornelius will m eet Aloha m u title gam e W illam ette c a p tu re d th e first half of th e schedule. Scares H IL L S B O R O , OREGON ti ncture w turn stcpiwxt on bv horse l-’i'etl Olsen h.ip in g W .1 Wall I ' h pare county exhibit (or sla te tan Deputy D istrict Attorney E 11 IVingue am t S h e iilt J o h n C onnell go to lo n g m ountain above l)«'n- uy s lord oil di-er lim it F ifteen l e a n t Ago Argus, J u h 21. 191» Mayoi Wall report« architect estim ates »6000 os cost of pet m ain-in pay tltou t o r S hule park. at Business M,-n s meet mg M ating rc|K>rts o u tp u t ot c.ui- iii-i\ will be live tm u 's Uial oi 1 him Forest G rove su tle rs a »70 000 tile ioss. Hillsboro file ilip a rlm e u t . gives ant E dw in It K yle n a tiv e of C e d a r Tliurstluy, Augnai !l, Zi in me rni a n S p e a k e r at Meet Sunday i lh .. ............ .1,-1 Mi-> L en a M ey er- E tld ay Mi Zeigler reliiriii-d h o m e Monday Mr-. Zeb:lei |« - n l llils week here Mi O A Hidi-'on alid d a u g h le ts M mi’iierite am i Shelley ol P o rtlan d | miu th is week and p a il of last at th e E V llatison liom< Mi a n d Mrs G ene W ind mid d a ughter Dorothy ol l.'v. Angeles wen- guests ol Mi and Mi • Jerom e llur-iu Monday Way Hi' Jon, and Tom Twlgg i,- I ill lied Eilday tlom Hie harv est Helds in eiuslern Oregon 1‘wtgg is staying at the Jones hom e Pleasant View coinm m illy ' l u l l picnic al San S alvador lirurli was a tte n d ed by about 30 iielghlaus Ihi'lr lu m i O lle mile «sysi ol Hills I mho M i m id klrs C haih-s l'idi in u s u is i hei brotlici in law and ler Mi «ml M rs llow uid Iti, m a i H III s I m ' I o Sunilav Mi R h, g,’ i invale .d u g Irian a x v«'re Him I r.iiik Unger Dies Suddenly I luirsday . ' Ill 11 11 1 M MOUNTAIN P eter ,’..mei uuie|H-iideiit nomlnix- lor ;o ii'n io i. was th e s|>cukcr at a ETank U nger. 6u. well k n o w n picnic ai Bald Peak Sunday J E fa n n e r living .south ol Hlllslioro. B lazer sponsoi<>d the g ath e rin g dropped «lend m P o rtla n d T h u i’id.iv Mix. Rex a Barlow was eonipll "I h e a rt failure us la- was Iruvlng W A S H IN G T O N C O l’ N T Y OF O F F IC IA L NEW SPAPER iiie u i'il w ith a n Im prom ptu w iener h i. aiiloinolitte m a garage f o il t id e d . :o.isl Bunday evening in honor ot R ecitation of th e Rivalry was held Sub»*- ription Kate« S tr ic tly Caah in Advance Mi,-, i m a Mvvei ■ M l» MUdrwd Mill, d ro w n e d in T u a la tin S u n d ay h o birthday an n iv ersary Those a t- This group is truly a “second line of Saturday In th e D nnclsan At Bi-well St 50 IJ. S O u ts id e O re g o n <2.00 Per year Meyers. Kaymoml and Norma Mey Sawm ill business never so p ro s­ 1-inlii- were Miss Barlow. Miss ers .8* P o rvttrn C o u n t rie« 3 50 defense,” standing ready at all times to fti* month» ----------- ch.i|M-| mid servi««'« were held a t were guests ol Ixx> Siishauei perous G b i .i H otlm an, Mis.. Phyllis Wold back up the forces of law ami order. Only Mi s I ctitia tm brie d a u g h te r et ■> hit el L au ien a n d IXnuild H aynes on hoard lh«- S nshaiier tim tlirrs ’ 111«' Hl Mal I hew ’« c lm rili Bunday The H ills b o ro Arsui aaaumes no fin a n c ia l re s p o n a ib ility fo r Mi a n d M is .1 A Iinliru- becomes Vuii'i'iit XV "htsctilcgcl Alien a n d ol C ornelius pleusuie Isuil, Kelo, u fternoou w ith Rev F alh ei C -relam í «n and Sc h m e lta e r . E arp. ceives biggest condenser check tor w ith them B a tte rie » of lack of room. Mi mid Mrs G C. W hile a n d house guest her uiolhi-r. Mrs B E | Form ation of the local group and similar K n e w e r and Moore. June, a m o u n t being about »»OO. ÔC E rvin W hite oi Cherry G rove wen- Idm pkm s of Porllaiiil who arrived The president’s talk and vision of the ones in many other cities was prompted Local ball team d e fe a ts W ood­ guests Sunday at th e hom e ot her I Il I X s l I» EM BAI Ml Its future will endear him even more to the by the evidence of the stealthy hand of burn. L ineup: B atehelar. 3b: Long, s i.s te ; M r s Ira G M cl'oi inlck Mr E’rtduy Mr and Mrs Clay Ion W hitm ore I ml ss. Erwin, 2b; B urkhalter. lb; M il­ people of Oregon, who agree with him radicalism and communism seen during t Mrs O tto U rn d u ft lunl .o n a n d son-. Brin «- atkl Walla«-«- a n d i ter. r t: Scheldel. c: Dillon. It: Z im ­ am FI NE It t i. IIIK E t 'TOUS RiSs-rt Miss Reva Barlow, Miss Floyd Whitmore were gueata s u n , th at this great state is truly a wonder­ the strike in coast ports and other radical m erm an. rf. a n d G ray, p Gray G loria H olfm an Allen Wi c I. T day- of the l-’rank M eyers fam ily 1 'hmie 5)53 strikes out 14 : II illabnro land. He said in p a rt: "I conceive this disturbances. It L. T ucker takes over B adger E'liugan and D onulil a n d L auren who e n tc rta ln i'd with a picnic o n 1 northw est section of our land most im­ H a n ie s were o th e r guests ut Hie Lum ber com pany Selection of m em bers in the Citizens’ M cCorm tck hom e S unday. E rvin portant. Here we will still have opportu­ Emergency League is done with the ut- Verboort won th e first gam e of W liite witti a steel g u ita r aixt D o n ­ nity for a vastly increased population. most care to guard against the possibility th e T u a la tin Valley league c h a m p i­ ald H aynea w ith a S p a n ish g u ita r onship p lay-off series by tro u n cin g T here are many other sections, which are of radicals and communists getting into e n te rta in e d w ith m usic Mr atx 1 Mrs E C Wolilsi-hli'gel crow ded, places w here the land has run the group. The organization when com­ Amity 13 to 3 S u n d ay a t Am ity T ile second gam e of th e series will .uid fam ily a n d Mix. W anda Ein- Approved 4iid IrM ed Product Many Mi»ort com panies Use It T hey know th a t th e largi-st autom obile of ScluiiLs on a trip to Depot- bay Z im m erm an anti Sahnow co nnected 05 fixed charges »4795 58 c ap ital thinking of grow ing families. Out here m anufiu tuier.s m tlie country endorse a n d recom m end it Why not Sunday w here they a tte n d e d a Many of our cherished American insti­ one apiece for th e w inners a n d outlay »5522 48 debt service »264 - salm on Ixike vou have your t a r M arfak a n d enjoy tlw* am ooth, q u iet running is not just space, but space to be used. tutions are th reatened by the underhand­ for Wood one for th e lasers. V erboort 480 41 a n d em ergency funds »925 06 W anda P in lg an was a guest von are e n title d to HetiM inber. tf th e re are squeak* th e re u w< iu Here is land of opportunity to be peopled ed workings of communism. Word from b a tte r, found Wood A m ity hu rler. S tudy of th e funds spent for s a l­ -if Miss ta r ' ousin. Vclnm W ohlschlegel, by Americans who know w hither America all sections of the country indicates that for 17 h its while V erboort’s pitcher. aries of su p e rin te n d en ts. principals at Scholls from Sunday evening M arfak now and be aufe It coat* no m ore ttuui ttrdinury lubrication I00‘« Penn Oil, in settled cans, on oil change., (» lio n 1H m ’ Sahnow . held th e hom e te a m to and tea ch e rs by county sclnxils u n til Monday evening Miss W ohl- is bound." G ulden T e ia c o . gallon go,* seven safe blows. radicals have crept into the labor unions during th e p ast year indicates th a t sctilegel re tu rn e d hom e w ith h e r He expressed the hope th a t it would with the avowed purpose of fom enting Valur Oil. a blended oil gallon go<- Score: Mix. G loria H uffm an suffered a only ubout o n e -th trd of the to ta l R H E. am ount expended was allocated for badly .prm iied lett wrist wlu-n she be the p art of wisdom to build sea locks strikes IX u il forget to keep your car looking nice We w ash und V e rb o o rt .... 13 17 and unrest. W here a strike is called Vac th is purpose S alaries ot su p e rin ­ ■slipped a n d lell down u steep short at the dam so th at ocean-going vessels it is the radical elem ent th a t alw ays works A m it y 3 clean any car. 1100 to 1150 You c a n t do It yourself We call anil lull August 1 ten d e n ts am ounted to »7 719 22 of deliver Give us a ring I can pass up as fa r as The Dalles and th at Mr a n d M rs Tom S huck a n d .sou principals »18 691 45 a n d of teacliers S tanley accom panied M r a n d Mrs. barge transportation can he arranged in­ to prevent a settlem ent of the difficulties. »189 615 73. Fortunately the great Am erican F edera­ OBCar lla g g of Reedvllle oil a to the h eart of the w heat country. E xpenditures by union h i g h dairy tuen's picnic a l Jm itz ru beach Thirty Years Ago Towing 1703 L. H. ( a m p lx ll A r m from (>. K. I>epo< schools in the county to taled »270 - Sunday M rs S huck u iai S tanley The president also declared th at “the tion of Labor and its m any subdivisions Argus. Ju ly 28. 1904— Local c iti­ 255 30, according to th e report T h is are .staying at th e F uilgan farm rite O ne S ta tio n with C om plete Serrtre power we are developing here is going are not inclined to be communistic and its zens vote to add a n in th g rade to p . o . . : . a n d Vincent wohlachlegel to ta l does not Include d isb u rse ­ to be power which for all time is going heads have attacked communism. But a th e local schools m ents of T u alatin . B eaverton and e n te rta in e d a num ber of th e ir I l■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a radical elem ent has worked its way into Born, to Mr a n d Mrs. E C. Verboort high schools, w hich are friends Auguat i with a dancing , to be controlled by the governm ent." of H illsboro, Ju ly 23, a boy. district and not union h igh schools party a n d ta ffy pull. Oregon says. “ More Pow er to You,” the ranks of some union organizations, in Brown F re d B erger of B e th a n y here w ith D etail of union high school d is ­ M t» Doris B runson visited friends m any cases belonging only for voting p etitio Mr. President. n seeking a n o th e r m all ro u te nt P o rtlan d last week. bursem ents is as follows, general strength. out of Hillsboro. M: - l ! l n " i . i C . iily ,u , o m p a l l l e i l Ju d g e L. A. Rood a p p o in ts fol­ control *2930 20. supervision »4728 - tier brother, S am O rnduff, ot Ixnirel The Gresham Outlook has truthfully lowing d elegates to O regon Develop­ 28. teach in g »46,270 27. o p e ratio n of o n a visit S unday to Hie hom e of said th a t “ not until radicals and commun­ m en t league M ayor B P C o rn e ­ p la n ts *8871.28. m ain ten an ce and tdietr sister. M rs J a n e Joltnson. W hen you liAte au to Ig n i­ ists have been cleaned from the ranks of lius. H illsboro; F e rd G roner, Scholls; re p air »1300 85, auxiliary agencies ueor Corvallis. tion trouble, you «nmt Im ­ Everyone interested in a county fair organized labor will the w orking m a n W illiam Schulm erlch. F a rm in g to n ; »32.305 98. fixed charges (684 05. Mr mid M rs J A York a n d m ediate re p a ir a e r v t c e . H. T aylor Hill. M o u n taln d ale; T. c ap ital outlay »3001 62 a n d debt eluklreti. tails a n d G ordon, ot R eed- here is happy th a t sufficient income has safely own his jo b .” O Todd, F o re st G rove; T hom as service »171.167.77. vitle were guests a l till- D M M c­ T h a t s a lie n you'U a p p re ­ Connell. G lencoe; H u b e rt B ernards, been provided fo r its continuance this C ensus of children in the county In n is liome Sunday ciate o u r com plete knowl- N o rth F orest G rove. E J W ard. E rank P a in te r, wtio h u s been y e a r a fte r a lay-off of two years. There , of school age w as set a t 9285 In edge of ignition arctem * G asto n ; B en jam in Scholfleld. C o r­ helping w ith tlw h a rv est on th e are m any of us who feel th a t the fair is of nelius. a n d B K D enney. B eaver- th e report T h is to ta l Is m ade up M cInnis farm , re tu rn e d to Ins w ork for every type of c a r O ur I of 4862 boys a n d 4423 girls A to ta l in P o rtlan d last week I toil much value to the county in m any ways em ergency re p a ir w rv lre H illsboro school board. R B C ol­ of approxim ately 300 teacliers are Mr u n d M rs 8 L Price of P o rt­ and th a t every’ effort should be m ade to The federal governm ent should fully lins. R H. G re e r a n d S. B. H us- em ployed tn th e county, 228 In lan d were guests Sunduv a l a d in ­ la m ain tain ed to provide continue it as a reg u lar feature. Its in­ inform itself regarding communism and | ton. n am e follow ing teach ers B. e le m en tary schools and 72 In high n e r a t th e W F W otilschlegel hom e a tte n tio n to Die eo rrrrU n n W. B arnes, prin cip al; T B. K endall. schools T h e num ber of sehool occasion being Muss R eva Barlow s centive to the 4-H club boys and girls arm itself with powers necessary for the. A nna C halm ers. Lucy H um phreys. of ull ignition defect* b irth d a y a n n iv ersary buildings Is set a t 113 justifies it. if for nothing else. defense of our constitution and dem ocratic Ada B urris. Je n n ie B eam ish M aud M r and Mrs. H u rry Cook a n d Phone 501 o r call fam ily of W est L inn v lsit« l S u n ­ Announcem ent of a free gate is also form of governm ent. The activities of this W ilson. Rose W ilcox a n d M rs M F arm ers’ U nion to M eet P ltte n g e r S a la rie s ra n g e from day iii-r parent«, Mr. and gratifying. It will enable everyone pos- group clearly break the pledge m ade to M. W est U nion Sep tem b er 6 M rs J. E Blazer 185 to »40 F. L B row n of L aurel reports sible to attend. Crowds m ake for 8UC- this governm ent on the recognition of C ounty u n it o f t h e F a rm e rs’ M rs L. L M urray a n d ch ild ren th e sale of th e sto re owned by h im ­ Union will m eet with W est U nion a t'd MLs. Alice M cInnis sp e n t S u n ­ cess of any fair or celebration. soviet Russia. Citizenship throughout the self a n d bro th er. J H.. to J. Neun. local a t K. P. hall. N orth Plains, day in P o rtlan d w ith frleials 7n«l xn«l B aselin e Ms. O pen E venings I’hunr 591 Let’s all join in to m ake it a big time country should instruct its congressional H ow ard B aird H illsboro business S entem ber 6, It was announced P riv a te C h arles L rlbe of V an ­ in W ashington county, August 30. 31. and members to secure action for the protec­ m an. a n d Miss Nellie C lare S h affer, a t th e W est U nion m eeting T h u r s ­ couver B arrack s sp en t S a tu rd ay a n d in Ohio. day. A com m ittee was n am ed to S unday a t tlie hom e of his fa th e r Septem ber 1. tion of Am erican institutions and govern­ m arried Jo sep h M iller hom e a t B uck h a n d le social a rra n g e m e n ts Mrs. II 8 I « - lh | e ment. C andidates should express them ­ m o u n ta in b u m s Eva Meek will be s e c re ta ry -tre a s ­ Mr m id M rs H erni Z eigler a n d E ig h t-y e ar-o ld son of P e t e r u re r In place of Mrs. A rdls Y unker. five c hildren of < trass Valley a r ­ selves on these im portant questions. Jacobson, n e a r Lenox, suffered leg who has resigned. rived a t tin- Imine of hus slater. O regon’s best known baseball hero, M em b er— Oree- n S ta te E d i­ t o r ia l A a e .i'ia tt.m and N a ­ t io n a l E d ito ria l A « *o cla tio n A d o r ia t e E d ito r E iru t A u xiitcd Paper. L a rv - e«t A u d ite d W e e k ly C irc u la ­ tio n in O regon “ More Power to You” Donclson St’wcll Verboort Wins Opening Game Schools of County Show Large Gains In Other Days M AR FAK THE TEXACO STATION IGNITION TROUBLE? The County Fair Government Should Act LENTZ AUTO PARTS Ç oslett S uper S ervice Station W alter McCredie. died in P ortland recen t­ ly a fte r a long illness. The beloved P o rt­ land m anager’s death was ju st a d a y ahead of the scheduled baseball game in his honor. Just before he died M anager McCredie asked th a t the “game go on.” in order to help his wife. W alter McCredie had been a baseball hero to thousands of Oregon youths. In the death of Marie Dressier, fam ous screen star, the nation loses one of its grandest women, and one whose l i f e should be a lesson to all. Did she sit down and weep at failure? Absolutely not, she “ kept a stiff upper lip” and came through to success late in life. It isn’t the q uitter th at wins in this life. Four-H club work is one of the best activities to he undertaken by any com­ Hillsboro is a good place to t r a d e . munity and the incentive offered by the Local business men are good citizens, ta x ­ Carnation company to dairy club members payers and your friends. Dollars spent is a good service. here stay to build up the community. THE G R EA T A M ER IC A N HOME OH ma / come A n d see how x got spo q t TÖMNED TO S t MV \IALET— ------ ISN'T IT HOW HE. HELPS ME UNDRESS? FELLOW, MAKE IT SNAPPY t Planting of (lanada-to-Texas Purest Pelt Proposed to Save I \ S. Parmlands 4 N lmnieriii« tre e |,lau (in g prnj ect th a t will aid la arotunnnx fu tu re d ro u th s and duet atoruis, is being, studied carefully iu W ashington. About 1916. or so. if the plan goes through a l.h o- mile, unbroken belt of trees will stre tc h from C anada to the Texas Panhandle. T he belt will be 100 m iles wide, passing th ro u g h the D akotas, N ebraska, K ansas, and Oklahom a. It will not be solidly wooded. F irs t th ere 11 be a strip of trees 100 feet wide, then a broader strip of fa rm la n d ; a n o th e r strip of trees, m ore farm land, and so on. th ro u g h o u t the 100 m iles ot Its width. H ere a re some of the things th is »75.000,000 project Is expected to accom plish: Add vastly to the fertility ot fa rm lan d s betw een the Itoekies and the M ississippi. A ssure a d o q u ale ra in s for th e g reat mid- w estern farm states. Lessen the d an g er ot fu tu re drouths, and of d u st sto rm s sim ila r to those which th is year robbed m any farm ers of th e ir rich topsoil. And, incidentally, crea te Jobs for tho u san d s of men in drouth- strick en areas. • • • (~'CC w orkers may be enlisted to help fa rm e rs get the Im m ense task under way. Som ething like 200,000,000 fence posts will lie needed to keep cattle and sheep from foraging In the "sh elter belt." The actual work ol pi »-par­ ing the soil, p lanting the trees, and building the fences Is tn he done largely by nearby farm ers. Land needed Is to be purchased or leased hy Mio goTernmem A pproxim ately 180.000 acre.-, of cottonwood green ash. and o th er suitable trees will he planted e a ,n year d u rin g the 10 or 12 years need'-d to com plete the project. Six. maybe more, g re at n u rseries will be established Io grow the vast q u a n titie s of seeds and se< ti­ lings required It Is claim ed th a t In h a b itan ts of the planet M ars. If th ere are o arin g tried It on th e ir p ra iries G A S O L IN E S R ich field - G«*n«‘rnl - S h ell - Union - G ilm ore 11 ¡-Pressure (■ reusing Free Crankcase Servit <• - Automotive Repairs F irestone I ires, lu b e s and Acceaaoriea DRIVE IN — SPARK PLUGS TESTED EREE Coslett Super Service Station CO SI.K TT’S TRUCK SI KYICF First nntl Baseline Streets Phone 1263 COSLETT’S BAR B-Q Safety First Today More Than F.v ALL STEEL B O D IE S and H Y D R A U L IC BRAKES lire the determ ining factors in the pui i hast: of car or truck. CADY MOTOR CO. DODGE H illsboro, O regon PLY M O U TH LIVESTOCK GROWTH- Is prim arily d ep en d e n t on the Use