I Page Ten i 'l l E prrintendent Nosier and L. C Moo- ; berry spoke for the city school ! system, and Superintendent B. W Barnes and Principal B M Good­ man sent word of their approval 1 of the movement, for the union high school. The Reverends R 11 Wisecarver of All Saints' Episcopal Mission. Charles M. Reed of the --------- Methodist church. George Henle of iBy Mr>. F. I.. Brown) Trinity Lutheran church. R L. P ut- LAUREL Fire completely de- n.un of the Christian church, and stroyed two adjoining houses on Henry S Haller of Pilgrim House the Fred B roun place Saturday ajso ^poke briefly. mornmg The w u tento Of S tate President Mrs. Willuun Kletzer will tx- present tor the or- Brown» ^ h o ^ o r ^ d thusi Ot Tlioma» Sm ith and family were sw ilaauoii m teting in tile auditori- uiiclicaJiy all burned No one was um of the Junior high school at home a t the time the lire slatted, the invitation of Superintendent It was first discovered by Mt Cor- Nosier Mrs L. C. Mooberry of nelius and Rev. Sunpson David Hill school was nam ed tem - Mr and Mrs. Freu Schmidt and porary secretary. George Schnudt matoted to Cas- Houses Burn N ear Laurel on Saturday ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON "SHF. OUGHTA BE IN PICTURES" 4-1 I Sheep ('lubbers Old l ime Dance > “ , <7 7 • I \ A ’T- " a V ■ \ 'K f " , < VSÛftS turn m atch is pianim i foi Hepteiu ular Washington Yamlull tom nn- lui 13 tn I I i I I . I h i i i i and .1 J Wln- meni nter of file loeal team t. looking toi good players This Is the reg­ Mubscrtbr tor (lie Argil. Balil Mountain Sheep club |mii- w»rt\l an old tune dance in an aban donni mill in the Mead school d is­ trict. Saturday nicht Fifty |ieople Including d u b membera and their parents and friends, utlcndcd The dance was tree und refreshm ent* weit" sollt to the dancers At the dose ot the evening an m illion of «I W ash in gton County*» Largest D ept. St< the leftover fixxl was held Club Members r e a l ln l a profit of $4. which money will be mml to transport their livestock to th e | comity fait Roy Smith, leader of S p e c i a l P r ic e » in Every Dept. (he sheep dub. was m aster of cere­ monies VACATION SALES 7 y Ali Summer Merchandise Must Go! I- \ t.j V K B & r & i » .• » i S City Councilinen Pass G ranston while George Sciuiudt and Miss G ranston spent the c.a> \\ nOlCSitlc Ordinance at Bonneville" and heard President Roosevelt speak. Mr and Mrs. Roy Stretch .uui son Edwin of Merced, C ai. and M rs Clyde S tretch of Newberg were Tuesday evening guests at the B. . G home. Later Later in the G McNay McNay home. eve !e thèg w UH U\lcN av home, where a lev t __ were joined" bv Miss Fleda Ethel S tretch ’and Clyde“stre tc h of Newberg Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tiliotson and son of Forest Grove were S un- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. lx'c.i Davis and family- . „ . H IL L S B O R O Divorce Suit» Filed Williamson 1 cRov s Williamson B L A N K E T SA LE vs Julia Ann Williamson Aduins Mary M Adams vs. Belva A tains Wills l i win T Wills vs Gladys M Wills I rse«»'* approved the recom- m en tatio n relative to the placing <* “ 8°» of civic organizations at the 7 1 m .il. Lune ( I m k e r Tilt Hillsboro was defeated by New­ berg 1DH to 70 lust night in a check­ er tournam ent at Newberg A re- i' - f Kv ' Discussion was also held con- cem m g the submission of a project to the SERA for th e cutting o f weeds on parkings and city lots. I s I Lile ami Elberta MOVIES C O M IN G N E X T WI LK! All wool hlniiki'ts, part wool blankets, cotton I'I .i n I el s. Lvery I'oiirr i\a hi,' color ronihiiiat ion and nil sizes from tiny cribs to the largest double blanket made EVERY BLANKET IN OUR BIG STOCK WILL BE SPECIALLY MARKED FOR I HIS ANN’l Al. E \ ENT’. Pay a .small deposit if you wish we'll bold the blankets 'Id you cal! for 1 h e m . See Next Week’s Adv.— Wait! PEACHES ti At my farm , mile east of Laurel, • t m ile north Washington points. obstrucnons wai aIso con‘ Mr and Mrs Rav Baker of Port- •'Wered. of .Midway. land and Virgil Baker of Falls Request of W. G Ide for addi- >» *s City were Sundav evening callers tional fire protection o n G rant » V i ­ a t 'th e Lee B roun home. street between T hird and Fifth ,4 r ' Mr. and Mrs. B. G. McNay^ and streets was tabled by the council 1000 Pair — R e g u l a r $ 1 .0 0 a n d $1 .2 5 Patsy and Billy McNay were Port- pending solution of the controversy Rt. 2, H illsb oro land visitors Wednesday. They were between the citi and the Oregon- I’lire silk, nntitinnlly « d tcitiseli .serv­ afternoon callers at the Roy Hein- W ashington W ater Service comnani eek home, where Billy rem ained to relat, « a ice Jimi chiffon weights. Practicully visit Gordon Heineck and witness X T ii 11 colors and sizes. A utle of Im­ the arrival of President Roosevelt. " ere Mr and Mrs. McNay and Patsy 1 tha? 3,°° feet to port nnct> DON'T MISS IT! i m an All members of th e lodge are 5 s a w » » invited to attend and to bring pic­ n w -Y ^ Baker, a k e r who who has has been ,a. -»-»«wse electric motor. This _ ___ I ’ • nic lunches Coffee will be served Ervin been stav- stay- son — __ _____, ing a t the F. L. Brown and Lee Proposal to place new pavement deInerink water a t less cost and ' at the park. Sports events are p lan ­ Brown homes for sometime, received on east Main street between Eighth fum puig a greater volume At W ashington county — chapter. O »-.i re- ned for tlx- afternoon. word Wednesdav th a t his parents and Tenth streets as an SERA Dro- 1 1LS tlme Pnn’P k delivering in , home at Falls City had been com- ject was turned down bv the emm -‘PProximately 1500 gallons of water Republican cluba will meet b rl . cil C Councilman that eans th at on a d»-\ a_l w u m u tsT ik ' pletely destroyed by fire. cl[ ouncilinen held th a t th» X . ? a minute muiute wmeh which m means ® P ,ln_ ,h f local v cham Quite a number Irom this com­ - ject would be pruicipahy m aterial -**-hoilr day there Is being pumped ? V lsJY ..ai!Y?L“ for vic'e-cliirm the organization munity attended the d airym and u ^ d ens l"/ ¡ al* JX ^ aC í l e m p l o i e n t * T h e v * ? ^ ^ “ t h V ^ n n m g M x jm u ïe Mh or stitutlon diMrict en " e and B I« .at,»».» Beach S C.,vseJ>,- Q u U ñ < r >U picnic at Jantzen Included in the group w e re ________ ? th of July, this pum p ran on a Nedty of p rie n t, u Two more w arrants charging Mrs. John MuUoy. Miss Thelm a °‘ed rePauing the road for the 24-hour day everyday and was expected to report on the recent violation of the occupation tax or- Mulloy and Gilman W ight; Mr. Pr^ n t . business considered bv th e Jnlv shut do" T1 an hour or two at a ^tate ccmvention a t Eitgene which dinanci. O ther wrre served this week in and Mrs. Egger and F ritz Egger Hindi included included the th T giSting of tlme {OT adûus“» «B « th a t had to e8f“W • the clty drive to collect 1929 Ford C oupe Mr and Mrs. A. Rutschm an Sr. council and Ted Rutschman, and Mr. and permission to Dr. J O Robb to ** made ait<>r 1C had started o p e r - ? t h 'L e Î Ü » 1 Yt " X delinquent levies W arrants were 1929 Ford R oadster Mrs. Jake Schmidt. W alter Schmidt place hospital signs near the Jones atlng In dlscuss‘ng irrigation at w m th e « p o r t of the ¡,^ .,.4 on wilUam Alexander, used and Miss Cora HullL hospital report on n r o i X l L X n th f lunch 011 hls iarm Tuesday. ^>mmitU-e appointed by P L. P at- r„ deiUer and Mrs ( ! w |( , . U v „ 1929 Essex S edan Mrs. Amelia CampbeU visited her Baseline s t r w e ^ t ’o fT ^ n th street Thornburtih stated th at irrigation l' <^ 1‘L S h^ , m a" Î e ,‘"°unty confectionery store operator bv G daughter. Mrs Adams of Farm - increased the capacity of a given » ‘h divided into districts and o Freem an chief o fp o h e e 1930 Buick C oupe ington. Sunday and attended the ?Yr ,, n ‘-æaning up the city piece each ..._____ ... ; P‘txe of of ground ground «na and just amihi-a doubled vice-chairmen elected In eftch W arrants _ ...... will ._ be *x served next New fall shades ¡ire here and noire annual picnic and reunion spon- S I ? “ er ir0 “ the state high- 1U productlon n u t^ V c u V c ! ¿ " “ X O W*'” lt Ona11 Pera° ns ,U‘V'” « d*"1U1- 1927 C h evrolet C oupe sored bv th a t community. u rn t occupation taxes of two or Mr. and Mrs. S. E Stoller and P*? had been allocated for the __ _ ,, Ford Ton Truck Morgan of HUUboro 4 ^ ^ 1 1 more la n d in g , according to chiffons and service weights in the family attended a reunion of the »idening of Baseline street from I U 'l! r i l f i l l i v H u r t Morgan ot Hillsboro. p L p a tu .rson clty attorney The Schlegel family at Champoeg park F ifth street to th e railroad track s t* t foot size and leg length you re ­ Sunday. following week prrsons delinquent was read. CARS PAINTfrll quire. Come in today or phone Mr. and Mrs. L. A. W hittle. Mr. i one or more years w ill be served 25H1. ■ and Mrs. Richard W hittle a n d T , • ___. • (Continued fro m pa^e I) daughter, and Mr. and Mrs Whis- U T l g a t l O n V d lU C and a m other and fath er in P o rt­ Ga» - Oil - A ccessorie» PAIR nand and two children joined Port- See new fall and win­ land. were conducted Wednesday at ter Holeproof c o l o r McMinnville. Services for Freem an The W ashington county a n d ers Rest Sunday. were held Tuesday in Portland. He Oregon Jersey C attle clubs will hook. Tells you the cor- Miss Mary Helm has been ill «Continued from r » « 11 Car» B ought, Sold and and picnic during the past week. and will soon be dug There is was survived by a wife, five chil- ho*d a Joint meeting reet • ®Ping from O a k T creei" and ? y the Waah‘11«- f w ‘ arrest*d " '« h t on n Car» W a»hed and P olished Mrs Whitmore's mother Mrs. Edna a B ^ to r for power. This according basket luncli^waUbe s e ^ e if R rin t charK*' of drlv*»K while drunk after Haveman of Chehalem Mountain, delivers approximately 800 gallons w Connell, sheriff. 1 ,1 1 ,,/ ? l ,.. " „ „ j f 'u ? ' Br ng *lls w>xxi truck hart collided with i well Mr aad Mrs. George Tews and °f water a min u all the . , ~ -------- 7--------- I ' ice. filled boskeu and table f serv- , : '" t Shell < . truck near Witch Hazel son Jimmy visited Sunday with water th at he and hls help can \ L l I 1 F ile « » A n i l P l I N either of the drivers wag injured W. T Putnam Jr., president of in Paul Tews and family a t Yacolt, handle on the potato planting the collision. the county club, says ‘ Let us Wash. They also stopped a t Van- On — the i'hornburgh Thornburgh farm f a m 't there h e r. ___T _ t _ a „ . - - . couver Barracks and Swan Island is now approxim ately 112 acres be ljuor. Arnold F Steinke A g en cy for N ash and M?rt and Mrs. Carl Launer of fro m ^G M e^ e X i ’ water pumped o< Portland was takaa Into ctutody (Continued from patre 1 1 H udson and T errap lan e Wednesday by -tate police. Dayton spent from Wednesdav un- , I OnJh Ga2fsu creek and delivered have purchased chickens in the Ti tii Friday of last week a t the C. hi?h P011« ln the field gard area with NSF checks. 2nd and W ash. P hone 2641 l e g i o n Meet» Friday Whitmore home. They also visited approximately 1200 feet of W. S, Edgar of Beaverton route 1 Mrs. Olive Lee and family o f flume. In this planting entered a plea of guilty Satutrday Legionnaires will m eet at Vet- H illsboro Oregon Cherry Grove and brought Lorene there wa* about 25 acres of ladino to a charge of perm itting livestock _ erans liait Friday night. Auxiliary Lee back for a visit of several clover seeded in the spring of 1933 to run at large He received a post- A convention of the Zim merm an- »” »»>>< is will be guests at t h é grandparents, Mr and another 15 acres seeded a t the poned sentence. for-Governor forces will be held nieetlng. and Mrs. C. Whitmore. same time to alfalfa with a lot of Fine of $100 and sentence of 30 a f the Hillsboro G range hall at 8 Mrs. J. W atkins of Portland ar- red clover c-vciung roc an ex- nr i . a , 1 The 25 or days n c°unty jail was meted P m. Friday for the purpose of en- / ¿ 7 //» M / / / j e e i f s tended visit with h e ? son Amos £ ladl^ ° clover carried 300 head out to H C. Gleaser o f Forest dorsing or nom inating progressive 1 U U I t lO L tu A M f) W o o l ) Harit. j.s stone National park th a t they were cut sometime late in August or of the fine. A. W. Havens. Justice Invited and a large crowd is an- L O S T O n *<>utK aide of M ain street, be­ tween 3rd and 4th. new P a rk e r f F. picnic will be held Sunday a t hu«h»l. delivered C.»mr and iret them. Robinson, and Mrs. Charles Hood P‘aritibg consists of a new 1 , o , Suit to determine the ownership Rinnhn