/• r g u s I Read Advertising LutcHt S tore New * A lw a y s A p p e a rs in the A rg u s W ith W h ic h is C om bin ed the U ills lm r o In dependent VOLUM E II IIILkSHORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1934 Gain Shown by Schools S ta te C ap i'o l N ews L e tte r U V À. I.. Good Printing I. I N II II K e K of C ounty S p eak e rsh ip of House A ttra c ts Interest of L egislators Federal Amount of Relief F unds Reduced County Federal uilounent ot I uim I n relief in WiodiUiKton county *•<•!> reduced approxinuatx ly IH n t for the m o n th of A uguat, R educe W arrant D e b t by $ 6 4 ,0 0 0 , B o n d s Q A I.E M At lewd, two andpo^hlbly l th ree « iin >161,380 S5 un SERA office The proposed plans u fleet of truck« serving the high- companxl with >225,610.05 the pre- would be for the rec lamatioti of construction ( reus, was taken vlous year A total of >80.840 91 of slxjes and rebuilding of furniture Giuymon hospital in Forest tlw w arrants . l&xued during o the 10- by programs similar Lirove, where he died w within .r .a- .................... . to the V..» sewing -w - ithin a to wield the gavel m tiw houM* and 33 34 , m bool year are still o u tsta n d - project NO . 25 Burned Timber to Be Salvaged by Neiv Concern Two Killed a n d «■s*- ^ lorl tune I H Howes and M rs. J W Blodget Jr. is president, E. P u m p M e t h o d s S e e n B Tanner vice-president. A. R. Watzek secretary-treasurer, a n d Henry F Chaney and Charles E. McCulloch, directors. L R Crosby U s e o f W a te r D e c la r e d to has been nam ed manager with D o u b le Y ie ld C a p a c ity headquarters a t Glenwood Construction of the main line of llle r*Ar<>ad from Glenwood, the By Wm. F. C yru., County A g en t, Wrmlnus the S. P ■HerCenWge <= **K* will . « be k ep t ___ ___« U li g a ti n g approxi- in payment for use of the cannery acrcs oi clover, and will be turned over to the local 01 * as a t Robert relief office for use in direct re- W arrens nn r«.ai^ « lief work W arrens farm on Gales creek where ofa poUU' 5 5 /^ ’ red to as the U n d er 1 9 3 3 L evy L aw Tillamook counties will be Involved ln m Ule tne ODt.ratlon operation. Other , ornpanies with holdings ln lfj(. a Dla n - ninga oX rations^* * aI ning ^ c a t io n s . The A rgus Gives Q u a li t y Service at F a ir Prices tl i ‘ F ir m»»,,«» , »a FronHonfLai but action was p by .r .p u 'r postpone! until t h e September meeting. License fee under the new whole- sale vehicle ordinance was set a t ordinance was set a t c? * rw-- ______ penalty of »300 fine or 90 days iin^ parking l o K o^d ^ ^ X i - .a». of < ’’ rest G rove preside over Its deliberations. mg whereas »210,845 38 of warrants lablbshing of community »oodyards. ®*‘nl Marshall, both Forest Smdrtron o f ^ h i c l £ a^d , o f courae tltrre are many sll|a for tlw 1932-33 . m hool term were All th ree projects »ould help those un<\ 01' ul’a,1ts of the otlier car. devises on ga«soline trucks were between promises and performance Mill unpaid last year. The total 0,1 relief to help themselves and ' ,re unlnJured. regulated in the ordinance. In ad- in politics as two of tlic prospective bonded debt last year totaled »335.- *'°uld result In a reduction In the Im p act Snap« Foie speakers will discover and most 900 as cumpurcd with »310,900 this amounts spent for relief m aterials Howes, driving east from Forest dition all persons delivering foods anything might liappcn In tlic In- year Two county projects Were ap- Grove, started to make a left h and not in wrappers will be required to tervenlng five months F ir one < oat« Slashed proved this week by the state coni- turn across the highway to enter pass health exam inations e v e r y thing there L& tile m ailer of elec- Expenditure« during tire Dost n u tu ,‘ These were lor improvement the home grounds when the gravel three months. Irrigation Pays tlon All tlirce of tlic speakership year amounted to (801 207 89 a of lhc L,y‘1,‘ ^ h o o l and pa'nting truck, following dose behind, struck Regulations Set On this project the power for the side .side of of Howes Howes' to touring car, cantlldulcs m u st lirsl be elected large reduction from Hie total of l1“' T 11“1“11“ school the n rin o car Each vehicle carrying m erchan- careened diagonally the high- _ , across ________ _ , Foreclosure proceedings against pumping » a s originally supplied by to Uu- luiuse uiul all tlirce are op- »820 381 18 of the previous year Re- over city streets for resale way out of control and plowed into owners of property in W ashington 401 automobile engine but this year by other candidates, who are ir lp ts this year am o u n ted to »847.- / will be required to obtain a li­ the ditch on th e north side of th e county on which taxes are d e lin -1 Freudenthal discarded this and is .unblllous to serve In the legislature. 593 32 as against $842.727.73 f cense under the new act. These road The truck collided with a quent for the years 1930 and prior us*ng a tractor Instead and is find- While both Pagel and Hill are be- 1932-33 OI tin- »8(11,207 89 actually W id o w L a te J u d g e C r a n d a ll J * “ ™ J’L i ra7 i T ? ble telephone pole, snapped It off, and and who have not taken advantage lrbf his cost of pumping quite a believed to lutve belter th an an spent by school districts this year, _ Ordinance is similar to the one then burled into the bank 15 feet of the installm ent paym ent plan b11 •ess The Fir Grove dairy herd even break in their n u e for the only »580.752 41 was in cast». 17ie H a d L iv e d H e r e 5 7 Y e a r s now in effect at Oregon City, a beyond Witnesses declared th a t tlie *'il be started about August 20. ac- has been on this pasture since house, preda nous are tlutt Winslow bulaiicc »as met by th e issuing of _____ test case of which is expected to truck was traveling a t a high rate cording to G Russell Morgan, dis- sometime in M arch and during th a t may encounter some dlfilcultles ln warrants. (88 840 91 of which remain be submitted V, to the supreme ^ court ................................... .. ■ „ oi cash o n of speed, going approximately 210 tn e t attorney Such action is re- tune no hay has been fed. Freuden- Mrs Elizabeth Owen Crandall. 87. u, t? 1 his plan to le tu m tor another term, outstanding Ualance His democratic opponent, J K Cau- hand totaling »48 385 43 is listed in O p e n in g D a y G iv e n O v e r to !,e t Irom the time of the collision quired by the 1333 tax law which J11®1 states th a t the return of profit widow of the late County Judge Th,, was „ , Vhft tim«- " Held. Il is pointed out received « the annual report until n Stopped m the ditch. provided for paym ent oi back taxes fro“ the irrigated pasture will have Rudolph Crandall and a resident by th e citv c o S ^ T L I h ^ . f iS i C h ild r e n ’s A c t iv it y Left Side of the truck was tele- in 10 equal sem i-annual install- Paid for the entire cost of the ir- of Hillsboro for the past 57 years. Oregon Citv ordinance h eld most flu tu n n g complimentary vole 1 > u „ o, Ul(. s()lu.c(,s of Um, re . scoped back against the cab while menu- rigation p lant by Ute end of this died at the family home here ¿ ^ X t i t i u o r S T ^ e cou^S t l £ from tlu* republicans of Tillam ook eelpts of the various school dis­ the top » as crushed down by the Re .mt tax law provides th a t if i s ^ i v i d T i n t o T l X ^ r e s ± 1 ” ^ Clty ’ »“M * ^ l e to collect 11- county In th e prim ary electlou and tricts, both elementary and union Thursday. August 30. has been at U'leplione pole The load of ap- taxpaveis become "delinquent o n ^ ' erJ s d ivided lnto t|y e e pastures were conducted Monday a t 2 p. m. cense fees for the neriod during » hile thes<* did Cuufield n o particu­ high seliool, » as as folio»»: cash designated as children. i l d r e n 't da\ __, _ . __.____ „• i..... . ... uroxunatelv n u o of f „ gravel r a v e l . three n . L of . . .. m msUnmenU. ____ _ __ and r u „ irom m , I.„ f l i , « , s . & Sewell chapel .T’ t .. Ior \ s lne Ptr " l°d X during the 10 üie ^ , „ stock sWck graze in *" each each pasture pasture fo for the rv— Donelson X “ eighth a ......... n n u a . l W ashington Ptoximately three three i tons la r gixsl in tlic May co n test they on hand at first of year »22.348 55, th,. ,.,..ioi, .is*, issue delinquency cer- .*??? S .Reed officiating " ho W w ^ f m ig h t go a long » a y tow ard e le ct­ district taxes »250.489 27. county be given over to 4-H clubs, avalanched over the top of the tlficates and proceed to sell the •“ ^ rm e n t was at the Masonic cem- dem onstrations or other p u b lT c ’ ing him m Novem ber Nclinol fund »78.027 28. elementary ul .,., ording to ' “ b “*id spread over a radius of 25 property at sheriff sale. Taxpayers ,W arr,e n s,iann- t j * V“ *to« etery here. meetings on city streets w ithout a With the entire personnel of the < hool Hind »59.482 27. state seliool *nd F uture F arm er inton, m an a g er O U Kraus. f,'ct by tlu* impact. may protect themselves by taking P° U l^ l i n r0'"iin8 under 1,1Tlga' Mrs Crandall was bom June 21 perm it from the cltv recorder is house to be re-electrd every tu o fund »10.412 80, Sm lth-Hughcs ».300. C U F M Cyrus and L t Francis are ..A fte r the collision, which broke advantage of the installm ent pla£ “ * ? u ld n? e 1847. in Illinois. As ’ ? reCOrder 18 years campaigning for the speaker- county high school tuition and W a girl she moved prohibited under the second or- the left iro n t wheel and smashed and i payi paying the first payment, ac- witto her ¿he frontier of dlnance adopted" Tuesday evening, , d u p pre.s uLi many ilifflcullH since transpoi lation Hunt »87 410.14, tin making arrangem ents ender a n d headlight on Howes’ c-iuing c»ic ding to Morgan, of tin Morgan. If one install- • w wnh som{, B » e re MHhesota where she was later m ar- Applications _ for ---- such perm it require» a m a ss oi »1471.47 . F anners'U ‘ nion unii» '• ■"* to u r- it The«, »ere requires Uw tlw , canvass of boUi the tlw lion tlon elem entary .students students »1475.47. *r i t r , i v ’ « im s > BuJ M urt,.«?! i i e ,a n a n n i« gc ' These I ’P ------- — ________ _ it are to , re p u b lk a n a n d demorraUe candl- interest on deposits aiul sinking ? lu'e »,lunnlng f o r a btg day here '•“j **«*’<. m achine skidded ment Is paid, the property is sale ried to Rodolph Crandall at Spring be filed at least 24 hours in ad- d atrs and pledging ul support always funds »721 45. short Ktrm loans »33 - ,,’r “ L>y. August 31 T heir program »rotmd in the highway an d »topped for another six montlis. p tbe Huddle of May Island. December 8. 1865. The fam - vanee of the meeting and m ust c o n tin g e n t upon election in the 250. .sale of bonds »«#00. sale ■ or or r rent t ii t “ f a i l l e dinn, i short pro- dislance ln thp nud' Certificates of delinquency have __________ ' 00 ump ily moved to California and in bear the signatures of at least been completed by the sheriff on fall. TliU difficulty 1» increased 111 of supplies »1740 24. s |x , tal fuuc- grum. und a championship i am. d 'e •'* the road the spring of 1877 came to Hillsboro, three city residents, who will spon- between two Farm Union teams. ¡'unci al services for Walling, »ho property with unpaid taxes for the Uie praaeut instance » Ith so many turns »273 97. outstanding w arrants She is survived by four sons. Max 5Or or Like p a n in the meeting. by a wile. lo u r children years 1925 to 1930. inclusive, and of the veterans out of the picture »88.84091. and o lia r sources »8102 - Cedar Mill and Blooming »ill be “ survived C randall of Hillsboro. Robert S. Persons not citizens of the Unltedl (Continued on pa»;« lu , colum n 3> played H arry H ausen i>i Cedar Morgan has been instructed by the and u large crop of ne» und en - 97. C randall of Glendr e Cal.. Avery States, firm s or corporations n o t Mill Is In charge of arrangements. county court to proceed with fore­ Hi eb untried members > onung on B. Crandall of Pontiac. Mich., and licensed in Oregon, or groups th a t Disbursement« according to gen G range day lia-s been set foi S a t­ closure. Only a small number of Jesse O C randall of Hysham, have for their purpose th e over- cral claaatficatlona were as fullows those coming under the 1933 tax Henry Hanzen, state budget direc­ general uonlral $13.391.98 super urday. September 1. with C W. Mont.: 10 grandchildren a n d 12 throw of or agitation against th e C raft of Dilley in charge A picnic law tor. 1» to retire from the political vision »19.400.27. teaching »197. . „ have ___ taken advantage - » of the . Long arm of the law m o v e d great grandchildren. Mrs. C randall principles oi the government of the dinner and program will be en- arena at tlu- expiration of hi» pres­ 627.84 operation of plant (37.886- joyed r J ^ - e f lent program ' actordlng to SWiftly Monday to apprehend Rufus was a member of the local M etho- United States, state of Oregon or e n t term und return to hl» old (C.'litlnuel on pas« 4. column A , reports v. Ervin of Auburn. Wash within dist church, the Eastern S tar and city of Hillsboro are specifically Hillsboro Business and Profes­ love, new »paper »ork At least so -------- 1»,^ aa, J e,nu,oni T r , of P®rcels 24 hours after he had cashed an W om ens Relief corps, and had re- designated as excluded from per- sional Women's club »ill sponsor lu* «ays, although observers about Appeal from the award of the orwlosure according ro theP‘disd alle8cd worthless check a t the Ore- tam ed her membership despite the m ils Penalty of 90 days in jail or the annual twin contest in the S ta te In d u strial Accident com m is- , ricl a tto rn e v ^ h o s ta te d t h l . the pon hotel in Forest Grove Ervin facl th ta t she had been an invalid Une of »100 or both is prescribed tlie capital are still accepting Hen­ Shute jiark auditorium at 3 p m. sion was filed n the circuit court „um ber eiree'dedI th T ? of t i i 1 ^ is reP°rted ry's oft repeated statem ents to th a t have registered a t f°r the past six years. for violation of the ordinance, Saturday afternoon. effect with a sprinkling of salt. In­ Following fllimr of t h e the Grove hotel under the The late Judge Crandall planted Discussion of the proposed sam - Concerts and dancing will be en- here Saturday by Add Butterworth tax clining ratlw r to the view th a t he complaint alleges th a t he suf- foreclosure comDlaint the n areels nam e of ®- s McCue of Olympia, the redwood trees now growing a t tat*00 ordinance ended in a dead- Joyed lu tlie evenings, but no pro­ His mtglit be tem pted to rem ain in pub­ fered an Injury to Ids foot July 5. oi propertv invoked w illX S ^ e r e ' i “ ? ' h a 'T cashed *10 the court house, bringing the trees lock , 0V*T rl8hts oi existing gram s will be arranged * lic liic foi .uiothci linn ycius II - i r propert-' mvolved »Ul be adver- check Sunday night. He was a r- here from California private drain tUes. The act seeks Premium copy has gone to the working f o r Frank tused. tlie offer weie sufflcenlly tempting T hat tlie work of the Ideal Par- prUuers mid will be distributed as G reener in this county. Tlie com- rested near Forest Grove Monday ________________ the placing of sanitary ________________ Ai least Hanzen, admittedly one ent-T esclier organization is neither soon us possible night by countv authorities -r-i ta sewage in city storm sewers o r mission allowed him compensation r? -p . of the shrewdest politicians in tlie tlie extending of relief nor the _______________ _ am ounting to 20 per cent for tlie the e C a a s S t I e C r m n I 1 o O u U n T l s S t t Three motorists were arrested in 1 D ree D e p a r tm e n ts dltbhes SuGl conditions exist In. W county Sunday by «uu> state F ' ari° .•date, h a s p re p are d tlie stag e fur raising of money, but educational, ---- ---- of _ a i00t' Butterw orth now „ — « ashington » ___ u « _ » » , to uh o iu n a v ov _ US sect*°ns oi the city- I'l 1 » ,oss .« u u .,., »»aie a graceful exit when tlu* t i m e u m stre««ed by speaker a f t e r IMatlVC claims th that he Is is entitled entitled to to com- com- I IltCreaSC n c r e a s e N o t e d Police O u t t O F l H l t F i r e co.rdmg " P ° rts received by coun- 1 N ative U u a a u ilg g lltC n te r clatnis a t he P°Uce and held on charges of driv- coiik - n He does not propose to be speaker at a pre-organization meet- . & pensation e rc cent ent V 1 1 1 I ' v l C U ing while to x ^ te^ 7 The ^ men o cilmen. Action was postponed u n - pensation equivalent equivalent to to 90 90 p per while in intoxicated. men t fired so long a.s lu* can quit voiun- hig last evening ln tlie Hillsboro i J l C S 111 P o r t H l l i l oi the «m ount for the loss of a foot T h at Hillsboro, Cornelius and Forest September. a t more eastern tourists are gave their names nam es as Percy H H. For- tartly. But in his retin*m«*nt. should public library Decision was made ‘ 1VI Alfred D. Boardman of Tigard visiting Oregon this year th a n last tune of Tigard route 1. C harles F Grove fire departm ents were called Recommendations of the c i t y tliat come to |xiss next January, to organize the Hillsboro P T. A Private funeral services for Mrs plead not guilty in the local Justice is evidenced by the non-resident Anderson of Portland, and Joe to G rw nv*Ue Wednesday to fight Planning commission for the prep- Ihe bixlgct director will doubtless Tuesday evening. S e p te m b e r 18 Alma Raddltz, 38. who died S atur- of the peace court Friday to a perm its issued during July at the Powell of Aloha. a grain and stubble fire, which ap- »ration of SERA projects for th e have plenty of good company. In Mrs J. M Person served as meet- day 111 Portland, were conducted charge of driving while Intoxicated. >°cal chamber of commerce Nine J. W H eard of B e a v e r to n m ute Parently started from a spark from .»»! f « l,.. h n i.n d . I . .. ’T ’Y rv th n . 1C _____a _ _______ i n h z v i,l P T lt. n f f ir tk iv o ,. -X lll from tlie ship of . state to a I. happy Descriptions of V work done Ix b v y two brothers. A rthur and John bound over to the grand 1 jury Thurs- Tlie other 15 registrants were o _ l-| (Continued un pure lii. column 5> about three ______ acres of grain and . W went oif t h « h highway near T Dilley landing in private life Mrs Suck- neighboring 1*. T A groups were Gottlieb of Hillsboro: and one sis- day on a charge of driving while most evenly divided between Cali some sacked grain were burned, and Tuesday night. ett Is secretary to the governor und given by Mrs M V. Jackson of ler. Mrs. Emma Ferlnnd of Port- drunk following u prelim inary hear- f°m ia a and Washington. W p ll« S n o a L o e i t th a t most oi the fire was c o n - , L- A Hooton. 45. suffered a dis­ occupied the same position under ^JConiinu«i ..n i>««e ni.o.lum n l i land. ‘— ■ county court. — • ” Registrations —■-* ing ■- In * the Tlu* charge also made a d e - . »-*>» r it I fined to stubble fields. located right shoulder, a scalp cut. Governor Patterson. William Elu arose from an accident on tlic tided Increase during July. Dur- n t i Several hundred neighbors a n d a cut nos<' and general abrasions. zig, state purchasing agent, has lei Canyon HUI road recently. ing the first half of the year 55 KOtclFy LlinC llO n farm hands rallied to the assistance W aIter Q uires. 32, had a badly It be known thut lie has something F rank Lattmizl, Portland poultry m otorists' registered here, while oi their friends. cut lip and suffered from shock. dealer received a postponed sen- nearly half th a t number registered ntutti«« 1 ° n Pul>hc ------------------------- W. J. King. 45, received a sprained better In view, altliough he h as ho tence last week »lien he withdrew during the single m onth of July. PUJ?U^ i >^ ner: " j __a_« doubt but Uuit lu* could rem ain on left and M B. M --------- artin ’ — 32 ’ Branch Telegraph Office w shoulder, Ui I , p --------- a plea of not guilty to a charge of ------------------------- snip, declared club C harles E. Wells at I lie stale payroll If lie wanted to. the Rotary luncheon T hurs- The Western Union Telegraph All^were takim to the G u v m o ifh S '' I'hi'ii there la C harlie Thomas, pub- ,, w obtaining goods under false pre- H ills b o r o G r a n g e M e e ts Grove. Y i,,. s|,llke„ in any respect. The faet tenses mid pleaded guilty Leniency I^¡7» Vu Tl. r- i r* day. He cited the lack of efficiency company has opened a branch of- pital a t Forest Grove lie utllltlec commissioner, mid A. ,1 J » ,„ i Cyru,. . unty A ,.n ti ¿ i s 8 - ,S ' s x ; s - s a , a s ,« r , « s i s n s •¡s H. Averill, Insurant’** conun issloncr, *"•**• mid Charles II. Carey, corporation Ington s i i f ! “ : . " “ 1 ,h * ............ ................... - *‘ “» w » « * ° s r « - « » » • » « « » » « - .« « . session with Gale Grange of Forest service. production figures were published 111 Grove A debate on the subject. The speaker said th a t “we should Will no doubt look good to the some lew month ago The the newspapers, and th at the elalnu. C itiz e n « Orcrnni'z,, lieutenants of the sueeesslul can- ■ h“a d" p to. « e re finally approved by the al- * - l U Z e n S L J r g a n i Z t "Resolved: T hat it Is useless for see to It th a t with all our progress G rangers to benefit their financial » e do not slip backward." dldale for governor mid some ot “ «:*HMf(»«U»r.v quota set. for lotnient committee of three farm ers • c C r whom at least will retire to priv ate 's ,uU' If th<' M“ " ' of of tlll8 county, bears no »eight 111 S l i p p O t l O f L a w condition." will be held during the Invention mid development of the afternoon. Hillsboro will take the telephone was described bv Wells. life after tlu* tu rn ol the year al- 1 hl,red under the present con- Reducing litter production “ eh o h,M thinu» «« an riileSiia """« 'd b.v i« ™ ''' «PPlKmits unable to comply a« they made ' ’.e i* lnK taken In the selec- under the federal com-hog Mrs. Isabel W arrens, who is i n s u o r v i s ^ 5 of* t b n traCts but onIy two years of acrp- pollce official should know Lhe warraPted their claims In most ln- their original reduction based upon 10 lnsurp Ratrlottc program is one tiling, but charge of the project She report- nroc-rnm tntt . poI 1(tro adjustm ent m ust be made, one ed th a t the women sewhig h,P tjt, s,atlonp(i a t Orp*°« »tote of which is now post. police school will continue for a d an ces and that their stand for a the claim as subm itted and witli S ^ U, *’ n ,7 PS? me” arp Rr° us- reducing production without n.oi.11. with ¿«e-fourth of the state hlgher s' atP nuota was Justified. la reduced quota they would find in fhte S u v and be decreasing the number of Hillsboro union high school had Rv th „ u . Though 24 of th e 48 states h ad mouths to be fed on surplus staff attending each week Various conferences have been held themselves confronted with the P “" “ T J “ ’«> « 11 bt completed 104 garm ents up to th a t d 0L ! he i 1™.1 J “ | received some first paym ent on corn Is quite another. » ♦ . with representatives sent here from problem of getting rid of, w ithout th a.-fsnsp nr tt* ^ ° i Kpring to time, which Is a fine record for the AUK t . a c°unties had finished com -hog contracts by August 1, Off trial business called an u n - ! <>th<'r states to look Into the situ- marketing, pigs th a t had been f a r - ' PrUlciP,es “j 1 Economists and agricultural short time they have been sewing ,v ,a's.UrinK, expppt u,natlHa and Oregon is still among those where usually largi“ b e r ^ 'f ‘»tai* 1 a o l, | f r v m „ _ r boro turned the trick last to organizations and the general ,ye ooecked the work on the re- T he first assistan t in th » r^rr, u , „P . k,°Untyr, pened to the e In the city tluit sam e inK 1,1 charge this question of in those instances where su c h , public for used garm ents to be re- ! quired number of fa™*’ ln ®“ h h o g ^ L S week, sh e farrowed a small quotas, visited W ashington county claims arc supported by high doss > P > cm c N e a r D ille y day. pig with one body an d two for one afternoon mid looked over a evidence Including receipts of pur-1 Poultrym en of W ashington coun- i^ T a te ^ . ~ complete heads th a t appeared Thc state's general fund h ad a I f,'w contracts. The people ln charge chases. Some claims would be c u t l ^ and th eir friends, wilt picnic destined to solve tlie problem. cash balance of »1,277.444 41 on °f t hb> Rroup displayed a very ap- even more and some eliminated, j Sunday a t tlie W. M K ent farm ---------- —------------ - Submission of the compliance and it is hoped by those ln charge However, the little pig died July 31, mi Improvement of approx- Parpnt hick of understanding of The Washington county com m ittee,1 cast of Dilley. Everyone attending P . L. P a t t e r s o n N a m e d (form s to W ashington »rill clear the th a t speedy and satisfactory solu- before the feasibility of such »Imately (70,000 since June 30. S tate I 1, column 6) + I Hillsboro , received. | few peek». Sale Planned 2 Ï.T C Special Days Set for Fair Mrs. Crandall Buried Monday uaba Man Arrested Check Charge Appeal Filed injury Award P .T .A . Group Here Planned Auto Accident va ¿ Controversy Corn-Hog Quotas in State Explained by Cyrus Wheat Measuring to End Soon; Solution of Corn-Hog Pending Pig Co-operates Corn-Hog Plans